A ic TTOWlXGlhe abrogate value and assessments made in each township and bor o,!i in the CouTty of Somerset for the vcar 1S46, upon property made taxable by rr.nntv and State purposes: as required by an Act of Assembly of this Com- m o n wca 1 1 h, passed tne 'Ztui Names of DISTRICTS. Icvits. Addison, Allegheny, Berlin borough, Brothersvalley, Conemaugh, Elklick, Greenville, Jrnner, Gilford, Paint. Quemahoninj, SI48.2C6 C2.S54 9,165 203,207 12I.SI4 132.80 5I,59( 183,437 233.000 58,051 100,883 09,456 333,601 8I,l6f! 167,410 C4.5G4 28,519 129,G Somerset borough, botnerset tp. Southampton, Stonycreek, Shade, Sioystown bor, Summit, Turkey foot. rkevioox, in,-'" j g2.339.34pl Th e n ml e r.s i gn e dJoni in i s s 147,279 COrrCCL SlnH-Hieill Ul lliv; "jj initio wi usISshiliu iiiiii iiiiuuiiuii ji iiivv suiui in y J jeets made taxable by the laws of this Commonwealth for county and State pur poses which statement has been revised, corrected and equalized according to the correct statement oi the aggregate nine oi assessment and meaning and intention of the L t& I I I M Given under our hands this 30th dav of January 1846. Attest EREDERICK WEIMEB, II. L. STEWART, Clerk. JOHN R. KING, PETER KERREY, TEEMS OF THE HERALD, Thib paper is published every Tuesday, at 2 fer an nam, payable kalf-ycarly in advance. If not paid within the year, 2,50 will invaria bly be charged. . N subscription taken for less than six months nor caii a subscriber discontinue unless at the option of the editor, until arrcaragesare faid oft AovEmr.Mr.Ti will be inserted at $1 per cquare, for the first three insertions, and 25 real for every subsequent insertion: longer ones in proportion. AoTERTisKxcnTs inserted in the IleraKl and Eepublican, three times, at f 2 per square and SO cents for overy other insertion. Fresh Groceries. pL BAGS Prime HIO COFFEE; ,zJ 2 bbls MOLASSES; Loaf Sugar; Teas; Mackeral, &c; receiv ed and for sale by decl6 J J & II F SCHELL. cq ura auaSjnpui jaSuoj oh sb aonou siqi oj sjucpuaija jiiiuounJ e isaiibai pinuA 8i 'ajcjd stqi 8ab3 oi Suipuaiu ixau Xjcriiaj jo .(ep ic aqt ojopq JO UO 91UP8 3t) 9;U3S pue 0UJO3 0) 'junoj -as jooq jo aiou .(q J3c,uosqus aiji v pa -lqaput saapsiuaqi Aoti!j oijav guos kT Jsd ne oj ujaiS Xq3ati si 30IJ.O JL 9 A 12 mT$ iiIbS t- c i ( c 2 - Ji J Trustees' Sale of IN rurstiancc of an order of the Or phans" Court of Somerset county, there will be exposed to sale by way of public vendue or outcry on the premises, on the 8ih day of February A. D. 18 lf. the following IJeal Estate late the estate of Conrad Deal deceased, viz: One tract of land, situate in Greenville tp. in the county ff Somerset, containing about two hundred arres more or less, adjoining lands of Nicholas IJeall; Juhn Mee?e, Jacob Yea ger, and oihers, with about Seventy acres of clear land on which is erected one Log House, also som fruit trees. Teems: one third to remain i lien on the premises, the interest thereof to be paid to the widow semi annually du ring her life time, and at her death to be equally distributed among the h-irs and legal representatives of said deceased, and the remainder one third in hand and the balance in three equal annual instal ments without inierest. Purchase mon ty to be secured by judgment bonds. Attendance will be give by Daniel lp1y, trustee for the s de of the real es tate of Conrad Beall do-eased. By rder of tht Court. W. II. PICKING Jan.13 '16 Clerk. y S - iif t: -: - H 2; i: t f l c - c tl X s H -5 .sS 5 g 2 5 XV tr " w V - 1. " " C5 hl .o x o s f A OT IB M IS uny i umy iot Assessed Mortgages mon county rates and property assess ey, at inie terest stocks, carriages furniture offices, watches, &c, made taxable by law for state purposes. ed for countv 0 purpose. 8444,79 188,8G 117,18 C09,G2 303,94 398,42 163,77 550,31 099,27 116,85 802,04 208,30 1000,80 243,48 502,23 193,68 85,55 360,00 $444,79 188,86 117,48 G09.G2 363,94 298,42 163,77 550,31 699,27 116,85 302,64 208,30 1000,80 243,48 502,23 193,68 85,55 380,00 441,83 441,83 7017,94 7017,94 1 36601,25 202,95 7466,57 i on e r s o fS 1 1 1 e r s e t county, do certify that the above is a law. W ANTED. IN (I w apprentice to the Ilat'.intj business. anted. One from 10 lo 17 vears of age, of industrious liabils, who can come well recommended, will be taken immediately. jan!3 JOHN C. KURTZ. BJotice. Estate of William Barrick deceased. fETTERS of administration on the A estate of William Barrick. late of Allegheny township, deceased, having been granted to the subscriber residing in said township, ull persons indebted te said estate are requested lo attend at the late residence of said deceased, on Wednesday the 4ih day of March next, prepared to settle; and those having claims, to present them at the same lime and place prcperlv autnticatcd. JACOI3HOON j'an27 '45 Gt. Adm'r. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned as legatees, creditors or otherwise, that the following accounts have been filed and passed register in the Register's office, lor the county of Som erset, and that the same will be present ed to the Orphans court for confirmation and allowance on Monday, the 2nd day of Jlarch next, at an adjourned Or phans' Court, viz: Account of Jacob I. Yonnkin and Mic hael Sanner administrators of Juhn J. Younkiu deceased. Accnnt of Ja-ob NofT and Emanuel Smith, Executors of the last Will and Testament of George Michael Say lor deceased. Account of llfnry Mariz and Richard Martz Executors of Jacob Martz. who was one of ihe administrators of Joseph Leidick late of Somerset county dee'd. Account of John Nanna and Henrv Glodfelty Executors of the last Will and Testament of Casper Glodfelty dee'd. The Supplement and final account of John Ilnnna Executor of the last Will and Testament of Peter Bowlin dee'd. Account of John Chorpenning admin istrator tjf David Ilcminger dee'd. Account of John Ilanna administrator of Andrew Bird deceased. Account of Jacob Younff administra tor of Jacob Young of Isaac, late of Wayne county Ohio, the Paid adminis trator also being ihe Guardian of Jacob Young of Isaac. Acceunt of David Knight and Abra ham Crossan administrators of Henry Crossan, deceased. Account of Nicholas Flamm and Jacob Mosholder administrators of Valcniine Fl amin, deceased. Account nf John Mitchel. G orMary Jane Augustine now Mary Jane Welch. Account of Gcorga Chorpenning gtianli in of Sarih Fli. k now intermaried with Nehemh Miller one of the children and heirs of Frederick Flick, dee'd. Account of George Chorpenning guardian of John Baptist Carman, one of the children and heirs of John Gar man deceased. Account of Samuel Huslonand Cham bers Huston administrators of Peter Huston deceased. Account of Samuel Kimmel guardian f George Graham, Alary E. Mundock late Mary E. Graham and Ellen, James, Eliza, John and Julia, children and heirs of John Graham late of the borough of Stystown deceased. W. II. PICKING. Jan-7'4S. Register. o value ut $2230,00 1300,00 2325,00 930,00 2900,00 1580,00 3250,25 1055,00 9551,00 1700,00 1200,00 1355,00 800,00 7385,00 $13,37 7,40 10,50 4,27 8,70 4,74 10,35 5,GG 87,88 0,15 3,60 4,27 5,25 26,25 $458,10 188,80 124,88 620,18 613,89 407,12 1G3,77 555,05 709,62 116,85 308,30 296,24 1006,95 247,08 506,50 193,68 90,80 412,31 1500,00 4,50 446,33 valuation ot tne several on- Commr's. Hooks! Boohs!! O Yes!!! C10BBS Series; Smith's Geography, ) Gramnr.ar and Arithmetic, Smith's Church lt:immnt Rihlps: Slatpr Kin. tionary, &c, lor sal cheap by ! decll J J & II F SCHELL, Adm in is I ra i o rs' Vo ice. THE undersigned, residing in Mil ford township, having obtained letters of administratian on the estate of jAndrew Enos, laie of said lownship, de ceased, requests ail persons indtbied to said estate, to attend alihe late resitler.ee of the deceased, on Saturday the Mth day of Narch next, prepared to setile their ac counts, and those having claims against said estate, lo present them at the same time and place properly authenticated for settlement. HENRY SECHLER, Feb, S. 184G-6t. STONE CUTTING B USIjYE S S. THE subscriberrc5peeJful!y informs his friends and the public in gen eral, that he carries on the Stone Cutting Business in all its various branches, at his shop on main street, 2 doors east of George Piles tavern, and nearly opposite the drugstore of John L. Snyder. TOMB STONES, made at the shoJtest notice, and on the most reasonable terms, and in a man: r that will render them superior loan, oilier manufactured in this section of L'u country.. J Grind stones of m excellent quality, jalways kept on hand. Country produce taken in exchange jfor work, at Market Prices. Somerset; Pa., March 5, 1815 Hurra!! Hurra!!! Hurra!!!! Don't be alarmed Vo new Firm. The same old Coon: ZACIUliMIl SIDEUT, ESPECTFULLY informs his old customers and the public m eener- ill o al, that he still carries on the TAILOHI1TG silicas in .in us vciiiuus orancues, one loor east of John L Snyder's store nnd immediately opposite the "Three Big Doors," where he is prepared to do all manner of work in his line of business, in the neatest and most durable manner. l"n short notice and as cheap as anj' tailor m tne county; II ts work shall not be surpassed by any eastern, western nr elsewhere; All his woik shall fit neatlv or the cloth be returned, oci28-3in SAM'L W. PEARSON, HAVING returned to the practice.pl the law, tenders his professional services to his old clients and the public generally. Ulhce in iortn erti oi onjurr a ium lately occupied by A. J. Ogle, Esq. !ecl6'45-3m LOOK OUT FOR B R E'AR R S. THE subscriber intending to close up his business, in this place, (having disposed of his btock) hereby notifies alt persons having dealings with him, to call and setile their accounts, as soon as possible as all debts must be pnid before ihe first day of March, 184b, alter which time, those that do not attend to it, may expect lo pay costs. W. E. MILLER. Somerset, jan 20 '40 Somerset County, ss. ixuxf T an adjourned Orphans yS court held al Somerset 8lh day of December, A, D, mt" 1845. Before the Honorable Jeremiah S Black, and his associate jud ges of the same court. On motion of Daniel Weyand, Esq. the court confirm the inquisition on lhe real estate of John Garman, dee'd, and grant a rule on the heirs and legal repre sentatives of said deceased, to appear at m . Ill un adjourned Orphans court, to he held at Somerset on lhe 2d day of March next, and accept or refuse to take the real es tate of said John Garman, dee'd, at the appraised price. Extract from the records of said court, vertified this 8ih day of December. 1845. XV to' H PICKING. c!r26 '45 Clerk. Somerset County, ss. .m A T an adjourned Orphans' HlSfH in andjfor said county, on the 'aiW'vj- o.i. .1 r t i D. mi 1815,. Before the IInorab!e Judges thereof. On motion of F. M. Kimmel, Esq., the court confirm the inquisition on the real estate of Elizabeth Poorbaugh, de ceased, and grant a rule on the heirs and legal representatives of said deceased, to appear at an adjourned Orphans' Court, tf be held at Somerset on Monday the 2d day of March next, and accept or re fuse to take the real estate af said Eliza: belli Poorbaugh, dee'd, al the appraised price. Extract from the records of said court certified this 8th day of December, A. D. 1845. WM H PICKING, dec23'-15 Clerk. Somerset County, ss. r k T an a('journe,J Orphans' court held ai Somerset on ? u ' I the 8ih day of December, A. I). 1845. Before the Honora ble Judges thereof. IN the matter of the real estate of John Shaffer, deceased, viz: 550 acres of land situate in Allegheny township, sold by said Shaffer in h:s life time, to Jacob Kneppcr, and the interest of said Knep pcr transferred lo Daniel Fichtner. And now lo wit, December 8, 1815, on petition of Solomon Bare, administra tor of said deceased, and Daniel Ficht ner, vendee of Jacob Knepper, the courl grant a rule on the heirs and legal repre sentitives of said John Shaffer, deceased, to appear al an adjourned Orphans rourt to 1e held at Somerset, on the 2nd day of March next, and shew cause if any they have, why a specific perfor mance of said contract should not be de creed, and the administrator aforesaid, allowed to execute a title lo ihe said Da niel Fichtner. Extract from the record, certified ibis Sih day of December, A D 1815. WILLIAM H. PICKING, janl3'4G Clerk. Somerset County, ss. A an adjourned Orphans' S j s S iSiE court held al Somerset in J ' ' s and for said county on the 8th day or December, A.D, 1845. before ihe Honorable Judges thereof. IN the matter of the real estate of John Sutton, dee'd, viz: 15G acres of .'and, situate in Somerset township, sold by John Sutton in his lifetime to Samuel Melzler, per article of agreement dated 25ih day of January, IS27. And now to wit, December 8th, 18-15, on petition of William King and John Cobaugh, executors of the last will and testament of John Sutton, deceased, the court grant a rule on the heirs and legal representatives of said deceased, lo ap pear at an adjourned Orphans' court to be held at Somerset on Monday the 2d day of March, 1846, and shew cause, if any they have, why a specific perfor mance of said contract should not be de creed, and ihe executors aforesaid allowed to execute a title to the purchaser agree ably to ihe terms and conditions of said agreemen t. Extract from the records of said court, certified December 8ih, 1845. WM 11 PICKING, der23'45 Clerk. Stary Sheep. CtS ME to'the premises of lhe subscri ber residing in Somerset township. about the first of December last, 13 head of sheep, marked wilh Red Chalk on the back, and having different ear marks; the owner is requestod to come forward, prove preperty and pay charges take them away r they will be disposed of as the law directs. JOHNSUDER. Feb 3 '46. Brown Muslins, &c. "I YDS Brown Muslin?; JLvvV-' Cotton Yarn; Cotton Laps, Wadding, and the best Candle Wick, for sale at the declG THREE RIG POORS, Heal Estate FOR SALE. rTHE subscribers, agents and attor JL neys for A (3 Cole, offer for sale on advantageous terms, lhe following de scribed real estate, to wif That well known TAVKRIV .STAND late the property of Jacob Probasro and John Baker, Esq, on the National Houd, in Henry Clay township. Fayette coun ty, Pa, and one mile west of the village of Somerficld in Somerset county, lo gether with lhe appurtenances thereunto belonging. This property consists of about one hundred and tifty-three acres of land, a greater portion of which is cleared and under cultivation and in mea dow. The buildings consist of a large and convenient B W ELLIS G HOUSE, partly stone and partly frame, comraodi ous stabling and other out-buildings. The location of this property being one mile from the town of Somerficld, abounding in wood and Stone coal; ha ving a Saw Mill and Grist Mill adjacent thereto and plenty of water remaining through the land, renders it an important and valuable situation for any kind of bu siness. The premises have been for a long time occupied as a Tavern Stand. The stand is admirably adapted for the accommodation of all kinds of Droves. Persons desirous of purchasing the property, are requested to call on Josh ua B. Howel and E. P. Oliphant, of U niontown, Pa., who will give every in formation desired, concerning said pro perty. HOWEL &. OLIPHANT, Attorneys of A G Cule, of Bait. july22'45-tf HOTEL for iff V A LIDS AT PITTSBURGH. Drs, Speer and Kuhn. THE object of ibis establishment is to supply a want grea:ly felt by re spectable iravellers on our western .high ways by residents, without family, ta ken sick and by patients from the sur rounding towns and country who resort to this place for relief Irom surgical and other diseases. Such have often suffered from the want of the various comforts and atteniions so necessary and agreeable to the sick, and from careless and un faithful nurses; and been subjected to heavy and unreasonable charges. Invalids will here be provided with constant, faithful and comfortable atten dance, snd at a rate much below the usu al charges. While the care of both physicians will be extended to every variety of disease, it is intended by Dr. Speer, to give spe cial attention to ALL SURGICAL DISEASES, PARTICt'LAKl.Y TO DISEASES OF THE EYE. To these branches nf his profession he has given a birge share of his atten ion for the last twenty-five years, and he will continue to devote to them the experience acquired by a constant prac tice during that time. The Hotel for Invalids h not an exper iment. Its establishment is suggested not only as necessary to supply an evi dent want in this city, in the entire ab sence of any special provision for the sick, but is warranted also by the success of similar institutions at Cincinnati and New Orleans the former under the care of Drs. Taliaferro, Marshall anil Strader the latter under that of Dr. Stone. The building selected for the purpose is situated at the corner of Federal and Robinson streets, in Allegheny cily, ad joining the city of Pittsburgh. It is commodious and roomy, anJ furnished with all accommodations necessary for the sick. Applications for admission to be made to the subscribers, al their office on Penn street, Pittsburgh, or at the establishment. EC7No contagious diseases will be ad milted. J. R. SPEER, M. D. J. S. KUHN, M. D. February 25, 1845. George L. Gordon . inTAVING purchased from Mr Daniel JTiL Fi'e, his interest in the establish ment heretofore carried on ur.derjhe firm of Gordon & Pile, respectfully informs his friends and lhe public generally, that he continues to carry on the Chair-Making Business, in all its branches, at the old stand, oppo site Mr Kurtz's Drug store in the bor ough of Somerset, where he will at al limes keep on band or make lo order 1 RP'I'TL'PV!. f'OM MW FANCY AND G H E C I A N CHAIRS, Slid Boston roi-Liiiff rhairc; all of which lie will sell very cheap for cash, or exchange for approved country produce at market prices; His work will be done in a neat and fashionable style and substantial manner: and he invites the public to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. N B A good journeyman to lhe above business, who can paint and finish, is wanted immediately, and lo whom con stant employment and liberal wage will be given. cl2l Mi Somerset Connli, s 4fti A'c" Aii It lKl 'IC n Jeremiah S. Black, Esq. and lu ttnrahlfl ate Judges of the same court. assoei- r . ..r v t t. : i ii mi liiidiu,! ui j- ;u itillllilL'l, ltfy court confirm the inquisition on tl.e re , estate of Henry Geisey, dee'd. and grant a rule on the heirs and legal representa tives of snid deceased, lo appear at an adjourned Orphans' court to be held hi Somerset on Monday the 5d day .f March next, and acrcpt or refuse in' take the real estate of said Henry Geisey, de ceased, at lhe appraised n!ualinn. Extract from lhe records of said crnirt certified this 8th day ol December ) 1815. WM II PICKING! ' ' "c?3 '45 t'le.fc. Dii. in; axes CELEBRATED Fur the cure nf Ilpatitex vr Liver Complaint Dyspepsia und Hick Head-Ache. THIS remedy having' been for several years employed by the proprietor i;i hi prarti.e, on a very targe scale in Monongalia. I'reMon' Harrison and Randolph counties, in Virginia. sides several other places, and having been atten ded wilh the most happy effects, he has been from time to time solicited to adopt such a course ra would give it a more extensive circulation, with a view to lessen the amount of human suffering. Aware of the fact that many useless nostrum have been palmed upon the public, lie heMint. J for several venrs until thoroughly convinced th;:t the above medicine, if properly used, would not fail lo effect cures in a great many instances, and even to alleviate those cases which are quite incu rable. Symptoms of a diseused Lirer. Tum in tlio right side, under the edge of the ribs, increased on pressure; sometimes the pain is in lhe left side; the patient is rarely a!!e to lie on the Irft side; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, it frequency extends to the top of the shoul der, and U sometimes mistaken for a rheumatism in the right arm. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite antt sickness; the bowels, in gei ral,are costive, sometimes altering with lax. the head :s troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation in the back part There U generally a considerable loss of memory, accom panied with a painful sensation of havin? lift undone something which ought to have been done. A slight dry cough is sometimes an attcn dan!. The patient complains of weariness end debility; he is easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and be complains of a prickly sensation of the scin; his spirits are low; and although he is satisfied that exercise would be bcncficfal to him. yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every re medy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them existed, yet examination of the body after death has shown lhe liver to have been extensive ly deranged. CERTIFICATES. Tbis if lo certify, that having bt'pn associated with Dr. M'Laue in the practice of medicine for nearly two and a half years, I have had many opportunities of witnessing the good effects of bis Liver Pills, and I believe they have cured and relieved a much larger proportion of the disease of the liver, than I have known cured and re lieved bv any other course of treatment. Dec. 7, 1836. OLIVER MORGAN', M.D. Qj Obsetive Xonc are genuine without fac-simile of the proprietor's signature. Prepared for the proprietor bv JONATHAN iv'IDD & Co, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, corner of 4th and Wood sts, Pittsburg. Pa, They are alio sold by the following ogents. John L. Snyder, Somerset, Hay & Morrison, Lavansville, Knable and Vought, Ccntrcville, M. A. Ross, Pctersburgh, A. Wy.itt, Smilhfield, G. Uook, Welfersburgh. N. B. In order that there may be no mistnka, be particular and ask for ''Dr. M 'Lane's Liver Pilis jan!3'46 Patent Vermifuge. Dn. McLath's Amkhicax Worm Specifio Promptly expels Worms to an almost in credible number! TO substantiate the altovc fact many hundred of testimonials could be adduced, out of which the following are selected, from individ uals of standing anil veracity. Indeed, it is con fidently affirmed that each new trial of lhe wnv era of this remedy will have an additional ten dency to widen and confirm its fame, and that if it were universally known and diffused over lh United States, it would not save less than many hundreds, if not thousands of lives annually. CERTIFICATES. I do certify that a vial of Dr. M'Lane' Amerl can Worm Specific expelled live hundred and two whole worms and pieces that would have mado sixty more, from a boy of Jahn Lewelling. which, if laid in a straight line, would have most probably measured the enormous length of one hundrcr yards. JOSIAH JACKSO.X.owncrof Wale. Forge, and other works, Monongalia county ,VtD This is to certify that I purchased from Holmes & Kidd a vial of Dr. M'Lane's American Worm Specific, and gave two doses lo a boy of mind about three years years of age. He passed fully half a pint of worms. The quantity was so largo I was really alarmed, and called in several of my neighbors to see them. Had this st.iry locn re lated to me, I could not have credited it, without being an rye-witness lo the same. My child" heilth improved much ;iffer. SAM'L MORRISON, Merchant Tailor, Wood st, Pittsburgh. Some two months ago I purchased a vial of Dr MI janes A mcrican Worm Spot jHc. I cave a boy of mine most of a vial; he passed fortv very large worms. From that time his health inipro ved very much. I had tried two other Vermifuges to no purpose. I believe Dr, M'Lane's the best article before the public. D. CALHOUN. Mifflin township, Allegheny county. HEAR MEDICAL TESTIMONY". From a regular Physician, Dr GS Smith, Sun fish, Ohio. Mr. J. Kid.! Dear Sir I hive used in rry pactice Dr. M'Lnne's American Worm SjK-cinV. rndhave often witnessed it efficacy in expelling worms from the system. A patient of mine, a short time ng ,, guve a ii;d of the Worm R'cii3c to a child; in a short thue upwards of sixty-liva worms were expelled. Prepared for the Proprietor by JONATHAN KIDD & Co. Vholesale and Retail Druggists, corner of 4lh and Wood sts, Pittsburgh. Also for fata bv lhe following agents JOHN L. SNYDER, SomcMcf. Hay and Morrison, Lavansville. K nable onJ Vought. Centrville, M A. Ross, Pctersburgh, A. Wyatt. Smilhfield, G. Cook, Wcllersburgh. N. B. Be particular lo ask. for Dr. M'Ln' American WortnSpeific, or Patent Vennifos.