SOMERSET HERALD. Somerset, 3,3a., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 181C. I. R. P.lLVER F.. of Piiilidclphia at his lUal folate. CV.7 Ofa'. i- our authorized Atrtnl ftr r.::i;niiij Adrrrt!ftmnti cr.d Su!,- cr.,onr..r i in'- ' 'Vt' , vki'h (Vl ihv:t t rnvij-t f'r r.av monies nni.I i tohim on k His Bn,c, im-lcJ, the f.ti!oinz z: Niwi York. M.i 'Tiovw nnJ liwi'n . at;il his otiircs in tlirw rfvcritl flacrs arc loratej as follows: J l,:trt!jLia Ao, .C'J l ine .Vtrrrt. Yw k Ao. 16 Assail " i'tJtlmore A'. C Cjriu r uf dli-A. Cal st jjkiton Vo 11 Sta'.o t. ' Stale DcW.-' The interest on the Slate Debt due the U in-!., was promptly paid by the State ( Treasurer, but we see doubts expressed ( bv several journals in regard to the ability of the Treasury to meet the interest that! will become due on the 1st of August. The committees of Ways and Means in both Houses cf the Legislature have had the subject of Finance under con sideration, and in the Senate Mr. Iligler has reported a bill, allowing the holders of real estate to pay their amount of the State debt, and thus clear their properties j from State taxation, and levvinira tax of. 5 end 10 per cent on all estates above a certain r.mount. The first of these pro visions, being optional, we find no objec tion to; but the latter is unjust and op pressive. Our own opinion is that the public worts ougm u, i o,d and the present ; relate lax reuueed so as to cover only the'.Luterost upon the balance of the State Debt. Then, by creating a sinking fund from Pennsylvania's share of the pro ceeds of the public lands and a tax upon money broker. &c, the remainder of the State Debt mizht lie paid off without im posing any further burdens upon the peo ple. Anollier Resolution In Mexico. General Pa redes has accomplished an other revolution. The citizens of St. Juan dc Ulloa were the first to declare for him, and those of Vera Cruz imme diately followed their example. On the SCth of December, Gen. Paredcs at the head of his armv reached the citv of Mexico, without having encountered any opposition. The iate President Ilerrera, it is supposed, will be banished. Mr. Slideli. was refused recognition l.y the new authorities, rndon demanding liis passports was told that he was un known to them; no passports were ne, end he was at libcrtv to iro where he pleased. The B.oai:auro. At the date of our latest accounts from Harrisburg the 1 111 granting the ri;:ht of wav to the Ualtimore and Ohio Railroad Company was still undisposed of in the Senate. The Tariff Resolutions from the Sen ate were under discussion in the House. Oar Representative, Col. Edie, we learn from the Harrisburg papers, made an able speech in favor of their passage. Fatal Railroad Accident On Thursday before last, Copt. W. II. White, the conductor of the train of cars between Ualtimore and Cumberland, was crushed to deadi at the Doe Gulicv Tun vc. having been caught between the en fine and tender in consequence of the bscyajr- car lein: thrown off the track. cost; tires. The two Houses of Congress arc pro ceeding with great deliberation in refer ence to the Oregon question, which, from the space it occupies, would seem to be the ureal business of the session which certainly overshadows all olher business though, our readers must have perceiv ed. cery interest of the country would have been benefitted had the Executive Lot directed the attention of Congress so almost exclusively to it. and indeed had he. and his predecessor, in regard to this question, "let very well alone," as 'Pre sident "Jackson did, as President Adams had done before him, and as President Van lit hex did after him. The only r fleet of agitating the question has been, we believe, to excite apprehensions in the minds of the peace-loving part of cur people constituting, we trust and believe, a lap-e mrioritv cf the whole end thus to repress commercial enterprise and no re or le? embarrass all descriptions of busmen, with the result, already,, ol a ;. loss to the country a detraction from tac common stock of wealth and prosperity which we have seen estimated, and we rt:ive nut overrated, at uity millions ol dollars The Horsx of Representatives yes lerday received four new propositions j and heard one speech on the subject, and,! finJinir itself without a quorum after be-! v.'.Z Iirde more than two hours in session,! soent the ret of the day's sitting in try ing to a Ijourn, accomplishing that task :U a litde after three o'clock; haing, in the course of the sitting, refussd(f by a decisive majority, to agree to a preposi tion to close the "debate on Monday next. In the Senate, the Navy Increase Bill, supported and opposed ss having some leering upon the same cu'jvet, was not even tnken up vc-t rdaV. Of the fat-T of the prepositions relative to the Or cr. question d 'penJing ih either House of Congress, variant and discordarttopinions are, we observe, ex pressed in the newspapers published out of this city, both editorially and by their Washington correspondents. It "is not possible certainly to predict what will be the specific action of Congress upon it. But, whatever may be the final action of the House of Representatives in the case, we now feel entire confidence that the Senate will give its sanction to no mea- . , 5 sure.? r to Oregon which would stanJ in the way of a peaceful and hor orable adjustment of the difference ex isting between the Governments of this country and Great Britain on this sub ject. Nat. Int. facial Commissioners' Iteport. The annual report of the Canal Com- ' missioners giving a statement of the con- i dition of the Public Works of Pennsvlra- ana .their management during the past year, will be found entire in to-days paper. The receipts and expenditures to year are stated by the Commis- sioncrs to have been as follows Receipts $1,196,979 43 Expenditures 550,191 13 Net revenue $646,785 31 Bv reference to the Canal Commis sioners' report of las.t year, we find that i the expenditures and receipts during the year ending the 30th of November 1811, were as fohows: Receipts $1,107,603 12 532,CkO 43 $635,572 O7 Expenditures . Net revenue Thus it will be seen that, notwithstand ing the boasted increase of the revenue of our Public works, tbere has been an in- rrease of r 3ct, ls jurin? ,he last vear, of only $29,376 01, and an increase ol net revenue of but S 1.1,2 12 33 The receipts and expenditures of the Main Line during the last year, appear to be as follows: Receipts 928,003 93 Expcnditvres 463,387 71 Net revenue 8474,681 19 According to the report of the Canal Commissioners of last year, the receipts and expenditures of the Main Line, du ring the year ending the 30th of Novem ber 1844, were as follows: Receipts $874,218 90 Expediiures 471,364 33 502,654 63 We have thus the startling fact pre sented to our view of a deficiency of the receipts of the Main Line, during the last year, compared with the receipts of the previous year, ol $46,150 C6, and of -a decrease in the net revenue of $33, 173 41. It is due to say, that the revenue of the Delaware Division has considerably in creased during the past year. Lst year, that is the year ending the 30th Novem ber 1844, the net revenue on this branch of our improvements, amounted to the sum of 50,407 15. According to the report of the Cannl Commissioners, the net revenue, during the year 1845, a mounted to 8105,591 56; being an in crease compared with the previous year of$19,184 41. The same has been the case also with the Susquehanna and North and West branches. The net revenue of the im provements during the vear 1844, amount ed to $44,316 08. Tor the year 1S45 the net revenue from these divisions a mountedto $76,512 55, being an increase over the year 184 1 of $32,190 47. This improvement in the revenue derived from these divisions bears ample testimony to the beneficial operation of the Tariff of 1842 upon the great Coal and Iron opera tions of these districts. The original cost of the Main Line of the public works M as $14,301 320, the interest on which sum for the, at 5 per ) cent, is $718,000 00. The net revenue on this line for the past year, as stated in the report, was $474,681 19. Now de duct this revenue from the interest on the cost of the work, and it will be seen that there is a urlflmft, (f revenue ihorl of the interest of $253,384 81 ! which is abstracted directly from the pockets of the people in the shape of taxes! And this to keen up a set ol hungry office holders on the public works to plunder the treas ury and control the elections. If any ar gument were necessary at this day to rhow the policy of selling these works, this surely should be a sufficient cue. To the office-holders, we presume, it is not sufficient, but the people, we think, will scon let them know that it is to them. Take the w hole cost of all the finished lines, apply the srune test, and the same resulut is produced. The revenue falls short cf the interest nearly Four Hundred Thousand Dullarsl And so it is every vesr and thus the people arc taxed every year to support the office-holders on the public works. How long will they continue thus passively to bear the burthens imposed upon them by the so caIIed Democratic partv ? Pa. Intel. akc nsasers diirinsr last yrar. A late number of the Buffalo, New York, Commercial Advertiser contains its annual record of the marine disasters and losses which have occurred on Lake Erie and the other Upper Lakes, during the year 1813. From this statement we learn that during the period of navigation sixty lives were lost, thirty-six vessels were driven ashore, twenty-four others were wholly wrecked, and that the aggregate loss of property was $190,000. Werc the same field of investigation traced back for a limited period (the Advertiser savs) we could produce a list of five hundred lives lost, and property to the amount of a million of dollars thus sacrificed pro l ting conclusively the necessity of provi- ding more harbors and lighthouses for the protection of the Lake commerce. MARRIED. In this borough, on Wednesday mor ning, the 28th ult, by Elder W. II. Tost lethwaite, Mr. Nathaniel Hurst, of Westmoreland county, to Miss Mary E. Ogle, daughter of the late Hon. Charles Ogle, of Somerset. On the 1st inst., by Rev. D. B. Ernst, Mr. Benjamin Kline, to Miss Mary M. daughter of A. Beam, Esq., all of Sora: erset township. : " " On the 2nd inst., near Davidsville,by Rev. S. B. Lawson, Mr. Joseph Misir ler, to Miss Henrietta, daughter of Jo seph Huffman. ' '. ' On the 1 st inst., by Wm. P. Divcly, Esq., Mr. Jon' Wilt, 'of Stonycreck township, to Miss Eve Brant, of Alle gheny township. ' On Thursday the 5th inst. by the Rev. Wm. Conrad, Mr. Philip Hay, of Bro, to Miss Ann Ollxger, of Summit tp. On Sunday the 8th inst,bv the Kev. J. Wincooff, Mr. John Booze, to Miss Ma ryanx Raich, of Brothersvalley tp. SELEGTSGH00L. THE undersized would hereby gie ntire iliat be intends opening a felcct school, on Motu'lav the 9tli dav of March next, in the new school house of ibis bnroitcfi. Instruction will be given more or less extensively in Orthography, Re:idin, Penmanship, Ariiluuetic, Eng lish Grammar, Geography. Algebra and Land surveying, at the following rates, during a session of thirteen weeks: Orthography. Reading tnd Penman ship $2 CO Ari'bmetic, English Grammar and , Geography, 2 50 Algebra and Land surveying' will be taught tm reasonable terms. . Those studying the hUh (tranche will of cause bate the privilege of attending to the others without uthlitinnal charges. Eery effort ill be made by the in structor to promote the advancement of those w ho regularly attpnd the school. Communications addressed to the un dersigned will be promptly ::nsered. A. S. RUN NELLS. Somerset, febJ043 Instructor. Valuable Farm AT SITUATE in Sh:ule township, Som erset county, adjoining lands of Da vid Roai-rs, Jesse BerkebiTe, John Bow el and oihers, containing about 350 ACRES of land, about nna hundred and fifty of which are cleared, the remainder is co vered with the best of timber; theie 'is a good proportion of meadow and there msy be one hundred acres inad into the best of mad'tw. the will j11 produce clwver and timothy, and every specie of grain; the land nearly all bes to the sun. and it is decidedly the best trari in that part of the ruuniy. It lies about a fi!c and a half from the kld furnace, and about three miles frnm the new one, it contains an abundance of IRON ORE, and there is every indication of coal on many puts of the surface. The im provements are indifferent, consisting of an old lo barn and house, and a new I z sttb'c; there are on the premises many fine never failing sprirgs of the purest water; there is not perhaps in the county a farm combining more advantages as a grazing, dairy and grain farm, it has on it a stnnll OUCiI A R D, and is under tolerably good frncc. Per sons wishirg to purchase a good proper ty are requested to call on Robert Mason living an the premises, who will show them every part thereof, or to en quire concerning it of Mr Postlcthwaite in Somerset, or of the subscriber living in the borough of Stoystown. JOSEPH MASON. Febroary 10. IS-tG. Orphans' Court Sale of Heal Estate,, N pursuance of an order of the Or phan's Court of Somerset rountv. there will be exposed to sale by way of public vendue or outcry on the premises, on Saturday the Hth day of March next, the following real estate, late the property of Andrew Bird deceased viz: One tract of Land, situate in Addison township, adjoining UtWs of John P. H. Walker John A, Mitchell. Robert Robison and others, containing 270 acres more or less,- on whice ara erected two dwelling houses, barn and other buildings. ALSO 1; J. One other tract adjoin ing lands of ,hn A Mitchell, Robert Robison. Thomas Gltssen, .antes Wil kins and others containing SCO'acies more or less, on which are erected a dwelling house barn and other buildings. Term: one third to remain a lien cn the premises, the interest thereof to be paid to the widow annually, during her life time, and at her death to be e qually divided among the heirs and legal representatives of said decaaied. ' One third of ike balance in hand and the remoinder in three equal , annual pay ments without interest to be secured on the property by judgment bonds. Attendance will be given by John Ilanna. Administator of the estate of said deceased. By the Court, W. II. PICKING, Feb 3. 1810. -Cleik; AND EXPENDITURES IN the Treasury of the County of Som erset Pa., from the 10th day of Jan uary, A. D. 1845 to the 9th day of January A. D. 184G, both day ! - inclusive. Jinilrerv Steivart, Esq., Trea- surer of said County, in ? Mcconnt icith the Com- :?ho mtissioners of said ; ( County. V j) Eli to n. To AMOUNT HECEIVED OF CotLECTORS, 7 V AS FOLLOWS, Viz: - t For the year 1841, From Daniel Eash, collector of Uonemaugh township $29 77 - For the year 1842, From Peter Bradford collec- lor : .vniioru tp 170 1 1 From -John A Snydercollec- tor of Somerset borough 21 50 From Jonathan Boyer collec tor of Southampton tp SS 55 From Jacob Craver collector of Addison township 53 27 From John Hiark collector of Allegheny township 5 14 From Jacob Flickinjer rol- lertor f Berlin borough 20 50 From Abner Griffith collec- lor.of Jenner tp 190 55 For the year 1S43, From John (i Friend collec tor of Addison tp G3 19 From CJeorje Kiir.g collector of Jenner rp 78 -25 From.Thom:is Mason collec tor, of Milton! township 127 31 FronV John Wagner collec tor of Sli.u!e tp Frm Joseph Giridicsperjer cid'crtar of Stonycreek township From William P. Srhell col lector of Somerset bor From Henry . Heiple col lector gf Somcriet tp For the year 184 1, From I)jid Landts collec ; tor of Bei lin bor From Samuel II Brook col lector of Addison tp From George Mowrv collrc tar of Allegheny tp Frm Peter Zimmerman col lector of Brothersvalley township 178 3S From Michael Stttfft colfec 'tbr of Conemaugh town- -iship 111 -42 Frtvn Joel Miller collector sofeElkiirk township 157 25 From Solomon Hutzell col- jlector of Green i!Ie town (ships C3 53 Fruhi-John Walter collector :of Jenner township 184 26 From Joint Chrpenning col lector of Milfurdp 263 20 From Jonas Weaver collec tor of Paint township 27 78 From Samuel Swank collec tor of Queniaboning tp 87 13 From. Adam Yot'er collector of Summit township 09 39 From George Fy collector 'of-Sioystown borough 33 00 From Daniel Oiumcr collec tor of Southampton town ship 127 03 Fro.u. Christopher Stonfftr collector of Stonycreek tp 196 S5 From Jacob Berkepile col-. lector f.f Shade township 41 00 Frm, Thomas llanna collec tor of Turkey foot township- " 162 87 From; John H Benford col lector of Somerset bor 46 64 From. Joseph Chorpenning 5 collector cf Somerset tp 441 03 Fo: the year IS 15, From Darhi Weisel collec- tar. of Allegheny tp 86 9 From John G Walker col lector of Brofhersvalley township 487 50 From John L Hook collector of Berlin borough 58 03 From Joseph Y oiler collec tor of Conemaugh town ship 213 75 From Samuel Lichty collec tor of Elklick ip 383 00 From Benjamin Lowry col lector ol Greenville town ship 106 CI From Abraham Simpson col lector of Jenner tp 527 00 From John G Hay collector of Milford township S20 37 From Moses Miller collector o'j?aint township 33 31 Fro'm Simon Shaffer collec tor of Quemahoning town- ship, From Daniel Sorber jr. col lector of Shade township From Joseph Long collector pfStnnyrreek township From Valentine Lepley col ' e"ter.of Soethamptori tp FrpnifSamuel Barklcy col jectur of Summit town ship Fom Roprs Marshall col ' jectnr of Sloystown bor FromTohn NelT collector of Somerset borough From Samuel Coleman col lector of Somerset town ship From Aaron Schrack collec tor of Turkeyfoot town ship For -Depreciated money sold For fines and jury fes from v Sheriff Philippi 143 62 69 67 210 30 33 35 372 47 57 75 163 67 540 87 62 80 13 85 550 00 $7727 03 CREDITS. Br payments and disbursements by or der of the County Commissioners, as follows. Viz: Pay and mileage of Grand Jurors eiOl 94i Pay and mileage of Traverse jurors 1452 SI 1014 362 Amount paid for Slate Prose cutions Road Views $143 00 Bridge Views 4 00 167 400 Bridge building Fox 6calps Will! cat scalps Wolf do $182 78 12 I2i 56 5 231 S67 commissioners services WooJ and coal for Court House, Jail and Ofncis Coroners Inquests 6T CI Amount paid Asssors of the several Districts, viz Addion township $53 25 Allegheny do 2 00 Brothersvalley tp 1G 12 Berlin borough 1 1 50 Conemaugh township 1? I Zi Elklick do 13 62 i G reent ille Jenner do do d do 5 1 50 5 02 i 0 00 16 C2i 19 62 0 62 24 37 12 12 C 12 SO Hi 12 00 8 12 23 I 2 1 ! Milford Paint Qiiemahoning do Shade i!a Stonyrreek do Summit do Southampton (h Somerset do do borough Sloystown bor Turkryfiot tp S74 62 Election Expenses in the sev eral Districts, tiz: ) Addison township "0 35 27 82 Allegheny d. 47 77 Brothersvalley tp 71 05 Hcrlin borough 18 f-5 18j 37 Conemaugh tp. 33 S3 Elklick township 4S f5 12 04 Greenfille tp. 30 20 Jenner township 31 04 91 17 Milford !, 40 17 Paint do 43 17 Qiiemahoning tp. 51 00 32 22 sh 'de do 54 0 Stonycreek do 31 70 126 38 Summit do 20 S5 Southampton do 62 4 8 54 00 Somerset di 28 92 do borough 25 20 SiovstoH-n do 76 26 Turkey foot township 31 SO General Election ex penses 15 20 i 4 I To amount paid Constables and Tipstaves attending Court 70 00 Cntab!rs making quarterly returns to Court III 52 Court Cryer 70 25 rtCr 4m W t I Shrriff for summoning ju rors !?82 00 Attorney General 16 00 19? 00 1S6 61 2 JS 21 Fof Public rcpiirs . ('Icrks pav to commissioners Statioo.iry $13 26 For Schooling poor (Jbi'd ren 13 7! Recording 5 00 Diagrams 9J 00 111 97 Public printing $243 50 ! Ironing Prisoners 13 90 Money refunded IN 35 Roardir Clothing and ing for prisoners confined in co. Jail SCO 62 Mer. handise 42 21 For Auditors and Clerks pay 57 00 Proihonotarys fees 4 01 711 40 83 21 For Laying Road Penitentiary fees out State 160 69 73 85 231 54 210 06 93 01 50 79 212 50 91 17 For Clerks of quarter Ses sions On supervisors orders Due on last settlement Treasurer's commission on 67727 (at 2i per cent Hal?ni-e remaining in the Treasury $7727 6-1 We the undersigned Auditors of .Som erset county, do certify, that we have examined the f.tregoin? accounts between the Treasurer and Commissioners of said county and find the above statement of them to be correct and true, and that here appears to be a balance of 291 17 remaining in the Treasurv. In witness u hereof wc have hereunto set our hands at Somerset the 10th day January A. D. 1816. JOHN MONG. . C. M. HICKS. I. KAUFMAN". Attest . Auditors. K. II. Marshall. Amount of outstanding debts due the county by collectors and others sub ject to exonerations and com missions. For the year 1812, From John A. Snyder col lector of Some rsetborough From John Hite collector of Stoystown bor. From Jacob Flickinger col lector of Berlin boros' For the year I 43, From Daniel Martz collec tor of Allegheny tp. From George Kring collect or of 'enaer tpf $30 66 33 92 19 50 79 C3 43 OOJ From Joseph Johnson col lector of Stoyslown bor. From William F-Si hell col lector ol Somerset bor. From Henry J lleiple col lector of Somerset town ship For the year 1844, From Samuel D llrook col lector of Addison towx ship From George Mowry col lector of AUfgheny town ship From Michael StufTt col lector of Conemaugh tp. From John Chorpenning col lector of Milford town ship From Samuel Swank col lector of Qucmhoning tp. From George Foy collect of Stovtown bor, 251 50 CO 50 16 831 44 71 From Daniel Gaurner col lector of Southamton tp. From Jacob lierkepilc col lector of Shade tp. From Thomas llanna col lector Turkeyfoot tawn ship. From John II Benford col lector of Someret bor, From Joseph Chorpennig collector of Somerset tp. For tho year 1843, From Wiiliam Ilarthn col leger of Addison town ship From Daniel Weiel col lector of Allegheny town ship From John G Walker col lector of Brothersvalley township From John L Hook collector of Berlin bor 123 49 153 From Joseph loder col lector ol Conemaugh tp From Benjamin Lowry col lector of Greenrile town ship From Abraham Simptcn col 69 93 212 60 450 85 163 ICi 153 OS 274 71 235 23 37 50 55 44 471 2G 331 93 25 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 lector of Jenner town ship From John Hay collector of Milford tp From Simon .SI i a ffer collect or of Qumahoning town ship From Daniel Sorber jr col lector of Shade tp From Joseph Long collect or of Stonycreek tp From V illumine Lepley col lector of Southampton tp. From Rogers Mashalt col lector of Stoystown bor, From John Neff collecor of Somerset bor. From Samuel Coleman col lector of Somerset town ship From Aaron Schrack col lector of Turky foot town ship From Joshua F Cox for fine Com mou wealth vs Uoei lis ter. John L Snyder late Treasu rer William Morrison fine, for refusing to serve as col lector Jontihon Rboads fine, for re fusion to serve a collec-tor. We the undersigned auditors of Som erset county, do certify, that we have eximined the foregoing balances and rind them as above "stated, lu witness whereof we have hereunto set onr band this 17th dav of January A, D. 1S45. joiix no SO. C. M. HICKS. I. KAUFMAN. Attest Auditors. I?. II. Marshall. Somerset County S. S. oi'z, IN compliance with AV act of Assembly in such ease made and provided. WE the 'v undersigned Commissioners of Somerset county. d publish the fore going statement of the receipts and ex penditures of said county, lor the year 1845, which we hereby certify tab cor rcrt. Witness our hands and seals this 10th d.v of January A. D. 1846. F. WE1MEU (L. S.) J. Ti. KING, (L. S.) P.BEUKEY, (L. S.) Attest, Comr's. R. L. Stewart, Clerk to Commissioners. Hotice. Estate of .Uogcrs Marshall deceased. JT E ITERS of Administration on tho J cstite of Rogers Marshall, late of Stoystown borough, deceased, having !een srraRted to the undersigned residing m said borough, all persons indebted to said estate are reques ed to aUcml at the late residence of said deceased on Wed nesday the 18thday of March next, pre pared'to settle; and those hating claims, to present them at the same time and o'ace, properly authenticated. PHOEBE MARSHALL. feb3'46 6t Administratrix. JOHX CARSON. 5. J MCKSIGHT. CAKSON' McKXIGUT, (successors to H. Coulter & Co.) WIIOLESASE Grows. Commis sion and Forwards z Merchants. Dealers in Produce and I'rinir Manu factures, Sixth Mrret. between Wof.d -..nJ Liberty, riitdwigb, Pa. j-nW 11 23 0 Sli no i5) 233 20 18 23 39 22 354 5 d 47 75 51 37 0 21 79 25 212 72 35 31 545 93 00 00 103 12 19 93 S7i