9 AiTD PAEMESS5 MECHANICS PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JONATHAN ROW, SOMERSET, SOMERSET COUNTY, PA. New Series. TUESDATT, FEBRUARY 10, 1846, Vol. 4. No. 13. yiu JOHN CARSON. S. J MCKNIGHT. CAKSOX 5 McKMGIIT, (successors to H. Coulter & Co.) "B7 II OLESASE Grocers. Comrois Y y sion and ForwarJirg Merchant?, Dealers in Produce and Piilburr Manu factures, Sixth street, between Wood and Liberty. Pittsburgh, Pa. janlS iR. G. fKIGICOIl; RESIDENT J) EXT is r, Bedford, Pa. REFERENCES. Hon, J, S. Black, Dr, J, McCreky, Hon. A, TrioMrsoN, Dr, N, W, "-h Office at Ankcny's Hotel. mfi'45-tf Saddling and HARRESS-MA&MG. E S P E C T F U L LY informs his friends and tlic public in general, that he continues to carry on the . Saddling and llarness-jla- . king business, t et his fliop on Main Cross street, nnnh j f Parker &. Ankeny's store, where he ; will constantly keep on hnnd. cr mr.ke to : crder, .V.Vy JIM) GUYvo' SADDLES, DlilDLES, 1L111 NESS, COL..1 Its, 4Cm all cf whih he will dispose of at very lo'.v prices, for cash or approved country uroduce. Having supplied himself with excel- lent materials, -mJ being c'etemuneii to do his work in a neat and substantial manner, he flatters himself to be able to give general satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. Somerset, novl 1 '45 TIlllEE BIG BOOKS. W8 WITH - MEXICO Las not yet coin:nenccJ, anJ we are s.il sel ling soda at the alove &;.mJ at very rcJutcJ prices. "7 hzvc received 'this day' from Y T Philadelphia, Baltimore and Pittsburg, a variet of consisting in part of CLOTHS of various qualities 2nd color CASS1 MERES !i da do SATTINETTS do do tin JEAiNS d do do LADIES GOODS such ns Romelia stripe. Polka Cashmere, Casliniere De Cosse, Afghan Satin, plain, figured and changeable Alpaclus, Mousliu de Laines, &.C, tr, fcc. In stl'ing loots ami shoes, Wc promise tolcat the Jews. mil. SO on ha ml a rlioice lot of Gro ceries, Hardware and Qucensware; all ol which we shall endeavor to sell on such terms, as to ini'iu-c a generous pub!u to give tis a libera! support. Don't 'forget the place, remember the Three Big Doors. sep.30 1 J & H F SCH ELL. PRAY RESEATED! Don't stand up while chairs and sofas arc so cheap. GHM& MAXU- GAEIMET FACTORY. "VITOULD respectfully inform his Y Y o'dcusionie'rs and the public in general, that he has purchased from Mr. Jocub Myers, chair maker and wheel wright his entire stock cf materials and has commenced the chair making business with that of cabinet making, ;.t his hop on main street in the Borough f Somerset, one door eat ol tne resi lience of Simon Gebhart Esq., where lie will constantly keep on hmd and ill make to order, common fancy and Muhuzoini Chairs, bed steads, wheels BtJRBA.TrS, Tables, Stands, Settees, So fas, e., 50., jc., lie will fell common chairs at $5 per eil, ami other articles in proportion. Thankful for the patronaje heretofore axtended to him, he would invite the public to call and exemine his work, which he will warrant to be made of the Viesl materials and finished io the ueatest itnd mnsl durable manner. Approved country produce will be tikrn in exchange for work, at the high est maiket prices. apS'45. IltMlXITY. BY MONTGOMERY. The bird that sings on highest wing Builds on the ground her lowly nest, And she that doth most sweetly sing, Sings in the shade when all things rest; In lark and nightingale we see What honor hath humility. The saint that wears heaven's brightest In deepest adoration bends, crown, The weight of glory bends him down The most when high his soul ascends; Nearest the throne itself must be The footstool of humility. The Mother and her Family. BY MISS SEDGWICK. Philosophy is rarely found. The most perfect sample I ever met,, was an old woman who was apparently the poorest and most forlorn of the human species, eo true is the maxim which all profess to believe, and none act upon invariably, viz: that happiness does not depend on out ward circumstances. The wise wouian to whom I have alluded, walks to Boston, a distance of twenty or thirty miles, to sell a bag of brown thread and stockings, and then patiently walks back with her gain. Her dress, though tidy, is a gro tesque collection of "oh reds and patches" coarse in the extreme. "Why don't you come down in a wa gon?" said I, when I observed she was wearied with her long journey. -We hav'nt got any horse," there plied; "the neighbors are very kind to inc, but they can't spare their'n, and it would cost as much as mv thread would come to." "You have a husband; don't he do a ny thing for you?" "He is a good man he does all he can, but lie's a cripple and an invalid. He reels my yarn and mends the chil dren's shoes. He's us kind a husband as a woman need to have." "But his being a cripple is a heavy misfortune to you," said I. "Why. ma'am, I don't look upon it in that light," replied the thread woman, "I think that I've great reason to be thank ful that he never took to any bad habits." "How many children have you?" "Six sons and five daughters, ma'am." "Six sons and five daughters! What a family for a poor woman to support!" "It's a family ma'am, but there ain't one of 'cm I'd be willing to lose. They all are as healthy children as need be, all willing to work, and all clever to me. Even the littlest boy, when he gets a cent now and then fordoing an errand, will be sure to bring it to me." "Do your daughters spin your thread?" "No, ma'am, as soon as they are big enough thev go out to service, as I don't 5? m tm want to keep them always delving for me; they are always willing to give me what they can; but it's fair that they should do a little for themselves. I do all my spin ning after the folks are abad." "Don't you think you would be better off, if you" had no one but yourself to provide for?" "Why, no ma'am, I don't. If I had'nt been married, I should have had to work as hard as I could, and now I can't do more than that. My children are a great comfort to me, and I look forward to the lime when they'll do as much for me 33 I have done for them." Here was true philosophy. I learned a lesson from that poor woman which I shall not soon forget. From the Pittsburgh Gazette. During the last week an accurate ac count was kept, at the old Allegheny Bridge, of the number of foot passengers crossing each day, for the week. The average, wc learn, is two thousand five hundred each way; making the crossings of foot passengers amount to five thou sand per diem. When it is considered that we have four Bridges across the Al legheny, including the Aqueduct, which is extensively used by foot passengers, some idea may be formed of the magni tude and importance of our sister city, and the extensive communication between the two cities. Allowing the other brid ges and the Aqueduct only half the num ber each of the old Allegheny, and we have the astonishing number of twelve THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED Crossing of foot passengers each day. Although we are yet comparatively young, it is in our recollection when the only communication between the two banks of the river was by a Ferry. In facL the first time we ever crossed the stream was in a flat or scow, propelled with poles. Very many of our citizens, who are now active business men, in the prime of life, number among the remi niscences of their boyish days, the rather dano-prous expedition of crossing the Al- 5 1 - o legheny in canoes to gather hazel-nuts, and other productions of nature, while a sharp look out had to be kept for the prowling red man of the vast forests be tween this city and the Iake. On the same spot where these boyish exploits were performed, now stands the beautiful I city of Allegheny, with her twenty cliur ' ches, her Mayor and Town Councils, her Theological Seminaries, her numerous ! school houses, her palace like manufac tories, her beautiful private residences, and her teeming thousands of inhabitants; and where some dozen individuals cross- j ed by means of a flat boat or canoe, up- j wards of twelve thousand now cross in a day, by means of her magnificent bridges and the Suspension Aqueuuci, 10 sa no thing of the constant streams of wagons, carriagesand men on horseback. Such have been some of the astonishing won ders wrought in but the space of a few vears. Who can calculate what the next half century may bring forth; or even the next twenty years. Farming Scenes at the West. About 8 years ago, a Dutchman, whose only English was a good matured 'yes,' to every possible question, got employment here as a stable man. His wages $6 and board, that was 36 dollars in six months, for not one cent did he spend. He wash ed his own shirt and stockings, mended and patched his own breeches, paid for his tobacco by odd jobs, and laid by his wajres: The next six months, being now able to talk good English, he obtained 8 dollars a month, and at the end of six months more, had 48 dollars making in all, for the year 8 1 dollars. The second year, by varying his employment, sawing wood in the winter, working for the cor poration in the summer, and making gar dens in the spring, he laid by a hundred dollars, and the third year, 155 dollars making in 3 vears 399 dollars. With this he bought 80 acres of land. It was as wild as when the deer fled over it, and the Indians pursued him. How should he get a living while clearing it. Thus he did it: he hires a man to clear and fence ten acres. He himself remains in town to earn the money to pay for the clearing. Pehold him already risen a de cree he is an employer! In two years' lime he has twenty acres well cleared, a log house and stable, and money enough to buy stock and tools. He now rises another step in the world, for he gets married, and with bis amply built broad faced good natured wife, he gives up the town, and is now a regular farmer. In Germany he owned nothing, and never could; his wages were nominal, his diet chietly vegctabb, and his prospect was that he would be obliged to labor as a menial for life, barely earning a subsis tence, and not leaving enough to bury him. In five years he has become the owner in fee simple of a good farm with comforta ble fixtures, a prospect of rural wealth, an independent life, and by the blessing of Heaven and his wife, of an endless posterity. Two words tell the story industry and economy. These two words will make any man rich in the West. Indiana Farmer. Common Schools in Pennsyl vania. We have not the report of Mr. Miller' Superintcndant of Common Schools-in this State, but find the following interes ting abstract of it in the United States Gazette: It appears that in 184 1, the number of school districts were 1172, of which number 939 were accepting districts. In 1845, the whole number was 1189, and the number of accepting districts had in creased to 1012 exhibiting an increase in the total number of 17, and of accepting districts, 50. During the present school year, 18 10, the non-accepting districts nave been diminished, and the caiue of common school education is gradually but surely gaining ground. The appro priation for 1846 is $200,000, which will give to each district the proportion of forty-nine cents to each taxable inhabitant. An alteration is recommended in that portion of the act of 1835, which regu lates the levying of a tax by the School Directors in districts the desirable pro vision being that the amount to be levied should be fixed by law, with certain dis cretionary powers to the Directors. The average time the schools were kept open during the year, is much less than that of former years. The reason is, the reduction of the State appropriation, and the consequent reduction of the tax le vied by the School Directors. The expediency of conferring upon School Directors a discretionary power as to the admission of children between four and six years of age, is suggested as matter for consideration; the reason be ing that well informed people have thought that the progress of education has been retarded by the crowding of the schools with very young children. The principal practical defect in the working of the system, he considers to be "the employment, in many instances, of those who have not sufficiently quali fied themselve for the responsible situa tion they assume in becoming teachers." This he attributes, "in part, to the inade quacy of the compensation frequently of fered, and partly to the too indulgent and informal examination of the competency of those who apply for certificates as in structors." As a good and feasible means of im proving the condition of our schools, and elevating the grade of teachers, he sug gests the appointment of County Super intendents, whose dutv it should be to meet the School Directors in their several districts, preside at, and aid in public ex aminations of Teachers, give counsel, and sirn certificates of Teachers who have been examined. These officers, he ; thinks, might and could do, a great amount of good. The decline of the "Common School Journal" is noticed and lamented, and the report closes with a eulogistic refer ence to the Schools of the County of Philadelphia, where the operation of the system has been carried out most effec tively, and where the result has been most satisfactory. The document is plainly but sensibly written and is valuable, because its sug gestions look to an enlargement of the usefulness of the School System. 2911i Congress I t Si-smcii. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tlesday Janeary 27, 1846. ACCEPTANCE OF VOLUNTEERS. Bv Mr. Haralson, from the Commit- mt tee on Foreign Affairs: A bill to author ize the President of the United States, under certain contingencies therein named to accept the services of volunteers. The bill authorizes the President to resist any attempt which may be made by any foreign nation to exclusive juris diction over any part of the territory of the United States, or any territory in dis pute between the United States and any foreign Government, as well as to main tain the rights of the United States to, and to repel invasion upon, the said ter ritory; and for that purpose to employ the military and naval forces and such portions of the militia as "he may deem necessary. In the event of actual invasion of the territory of the United States, or if, in the opinion of the President, there be immi nent danger of invasion, or of hostilities with a foreign Power, the President is authorized to call for and accept of any number of volunteers, not exceeding thousands that may offer their services to serve six or twelve months. The volunteers so offering their ser vices shall be accepted in companies, bat talions, squadrons, and regiments. Their officers to be appointed in the manner prescribed by law in the States and Ter ritories to which they may belong. General officers and general officers of volunteers to be appointed by the President and Senate. In the event of either of the contingen cies mentioned in the bill, the Prsident is authorized forthwith to complete all the public armed vessels, and to purchase or charter, arm and equip, such merchant vessels and steamboats as mav be fit or m1 easily converted into armed vessels, and in such number as he may deem necessa ry for the protection of the lake coast, and the general defence of the country. The bill to continue in force two years, and no longer. By Mr. Baker, from the Committee on military Affairs: A bill for the relief of John Stockton, late a lieutenant in the army. Committed. CLASSIFICATION OF THE MILITIA. By Mr. Black, of South Carlolina, from the Committee on the Militia: A bill to provide more eflectually for the national defence, bv organizing and clas sifving the militia of the United States, and providing for 'calling them into the service of the United States, and lor oth er purposes. Read and committed. By Mr. Thomas Butler King, from the Committee on Naval Affairs: A biil for the relief of Captain JohnEricsson. Com mitted. Also a joint resolution directiag the Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of the Treasury to appoint five scientific persons to examine the invention of James Montgomery, called the "Safety Guard, to prevent the explosion and burning of steam-boilers, and to save fuel in their use;" and if it should be reported that it is expedient to use the said invention in the naval and revenue service, to pay said Montgomery such sum as it shall be adjudged to be worth to the Government. Read and committed. By Mr. Hage, from the Committee of Claims: A report against the petition of John Otis. Laid on the table. By Mr. Schrack, from the Committee en Naval affairs: A bill for the relief of the hoirs of Robert Fulton. Commit ted. By Mr. Stanton, from the Committee an Naval Affairs: A bill for the relief of Francis Martin. NAVAL WIDOWS. A bill renewing widows naval pensions for an additional period of five years. Both bills were twice read and com mitted. By Mr. Stanton, from the same com mittee, to which was referred the petition of James. F. Miller; A bill to repeal the fourth section of the act making appro priations for the civil and diplomatic ex penses of Government for the year end ing 30tb June, 1810. Read and Committed. COLONY OF LIBERIA. By Mr. Charles J. Ingersoll, from the Committee on Foreign Affairs, on the memorial of certain citizens of theborough of Easton, in the State of Pennsylvania, complaining of thr conduct of the com mander of British man-of-war toward the colony cf Liberia, on the coast of Africa and asking Congress to recognise the said colony and Government of Li beria as a soverign and independent Gov ernment. The committee ask to be dis charged from the consideration of the subject 1. Because the application for relief or protection doe3 not come from the colony of Liberia, but certain citizens of this country. 2. Because it does not appear that the colony of Liberia is in that state of na tional power and capacity, such as here tofore have beein deemed sufficient to authorize our Gavcrnment in acknowl edging any foreign country as independ ent. 3. Because the correspondence on the subject between the American and Brit isn Government proves that the colony of Liberia is now an object of the good will of the Government of the United States, mors available fer their protection than its acknowledgment of independ ence. Tee report was ordered to lie on the lable and be printed. PUBLIC WORKS IN IOWA. On motion of Mr. Dodge, it was Resolved, That the Secretary of War be directed to transmit o this House the report of Captain Joshua Barney, the of ficer having charge of the public works in the Territory of Iowa. OREGON. Before the call of committees for re ports had been completed The House, on motion of Mr. Hop kins, resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Uninn, (Mr. Tibbatts in the chair,) and resumed the consideratian of the joint resolution reported by Mr. C. J- Ingersoll, from the Committee on Foreign Affairs, for giving to Great Britain the twelve months' no tice of the termination of the convention of the 6ih August, 1827, concerning the joint occupation of the Oregon country. Mr. Douglass, of Illinois, (chairman of the Committee on Territories,) who was entitled to the floor, having the preceding evening moved for the rising of the com mitteef addressed the committee during his alloted hour in support of the expe diency of giving notice of the termination of the Oregon convention, and argued to show that it would be no just cause of war, but would, at the expiration of twelve months, put us in exclusive possession (according to the treaty of Ghent) of the vallev of the Columbia. He also took the ground that Great Britain possessed no rights on the Northwest Coast at all, and ought not to be suffered to hold an inch of territory on the shore cf the Pa cific. He was followed by Mr. Bayly, of Virginia, who briefly ran over the heads of a more extended speech he meant to prepare for the press, in opposition to giving the notice proposed at this time. Mr. W. W. Campbell, from the 3ixth district of New York, next took the floor in support of the notice, (discussing, in a digression, the position and injuries of the Native American party ) The floor was then obtained by Mr. Owen, of Indiana, on whose motion the committee rose. Mr. Owen, of course, will have the floor as soon as the com mittee shall sit again. Mr. Hunt, onleave, introduced the fol lowing resolution: Rccolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to report to this House a" detailed statement showing the amount of public money lost by the Treasury since the 1st day of January, 183 4, by reason ot the failure or delin quency of deposite banks, and also, the amount lost during the same period by reason of the defalcation or delinqency of collectors, receivers, and all other officers charged with the collection, custody, and disbursment of the public funds; and what steps have been taken for the re covery of the same. The resolution was read, and, pending the question to agree to it, the House ad journed until to.morrow at 12 o'clock. PETITIONS. The following petitions were presented and referred under the rule: By Mr. Harper: The petition of George A. James and 132 other citizens of Zanesville, Ohio, praying for the erec tion of a bridge over the river Ohio, at Wheeling, Va. Also a like petition from Henry Orn drof and 8G other citizens of the Mine place, for the same purpose. Also, a like petition from James Gran ger tnd 87 other citizens of Muskingum county, Ohio, for the same prpse. Also, a similar petition from C . 1 or.er and 43 other citizens of said county, for the same purpose. lf , Also, the petition of J. G. Metcalf and 132 other citizens of Guernsey county, Ohio, for the same purpose. By Mr. McClelland; The petition of masters and owners of vessels on th Lakes for lamp-lights on West Sister Island, in Lake Erie. Also, the petition of R. A. Forsyth and oter citizens of Dctroit,for the improve ment of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers. By Mr. Dubbin: The petition of Wil liam Crocker, of Wayne county, N. C. praying Congress to avoid the evils cf war by having national disputes settle! by arbitration, or by a code adopted by a Congress of Nations. Ry Mr. R. Smith, of Illinois: Tho memorial of sundry citizens of Warren county, Ohio, praying Congress to mako the public lands free (in limited quantities ) to actual settlers. Br. Mr. McConnell: Two memorial from Georgia and Alabama, signed bv up wards of 300 citizens, praying Congress to establish a mail route once a weelc from the terminus of the great Eastern and Western Railroad, at Atalanto; also the terminus of the Georgia and Monroa Railroad, in De KalU county, Georgia, via Villarica, in Carrol county, Georgia; thence to Talapoosa post office, (Robin son'? ;) thence to Shady Grove, Benton county, Alabama; thence to Jacksonville; Alabama. By Mr. Schenck: The petition of Daniel Jordan and 38 other citizens of Ohio, praying for an appropriation for tha continuance of the Cumberland road. By Mr. Hillhrd: The petition of John R. Chapman, of Alabama, praying ihit Congress would grant him the balance of the appropriation voted by the last Con gress for the improvement of the Choc taw hatchie river. By Mr. Hungerford; Two petitions from inhabitants of Jefferson county, New York, for fortifications at Sackett's Har bor. By Mr. John A. Rockwell, of Con necticut; The petition of Thomas W. Williams and and 23 other citizens of New London, Connecticut, praying for the adoption of peaceable measures for the settlement of the Oregon question. Also, the petition of Wolcot M. Mors?. By Mr. Bell: The petition of John Turn er, of Wayne county Kentucky, praying; a pension for injuries received while in the service of the United States during the late war with Great Britain. Also, the petition of Mrs. Cathrina Gale, widow cf the late Col, Anthony Gale, praying a pension. By Mr. Martin, of Wisconsin: Tho petitions of citizens of Milwaukie for appropriations on certain roads in the Territory of Wisconsin. Also, the petition of citizens of Brown county for apropriations on the Green Bay and Chicago road, in Wisconsin. Also, the petition af citizens of Brown county for a road from Fort Howard to Fort Wilkins. Also, the petition of Col. George Boyd late Indian agent, to have certjiu allow ances mads him in a settlement of his ac counts. Also, the memorial of citizens of Win nebago county for improvement of tha Fox and Wisconsin rivers. By Mr. Chapman, of Maryland: Ths memorisl of Dr. Edward Earle, of Phila delphia, asking that his process for pre serving canvass and cordage may be a dopted for the service of the navy of tha United States. By Mr. Lewis: The petition of citi izens of New York for the completion of the Cattaraugus habor and for the erec tion of a light-house. By. Mr. Tibbatts: The petition of tha heirs of John Mountjoy, praying for tha allowance of the commutation of five years' full pay, with the interest, for th3 services of the said Mountjoy during th Revolutionary war. By Mr. Lumpkin: The petition of sun dry citizens of Georgia, praying ths es tablishment of a mail route from th-5 Stone Mountain Depot, on the Georgia Railroad, in De Kalb county, via Law renceville, in Gwinnett county, Gains ville, in Hall county, to Clarksviile, ia Habersham county. By Mr. Holmes, of South Carolina: The petition of M. II. Dcbow, executor of Dr. Thomas Cooper, to be refunded money paid under the act of 1798, called the alien and sedition act. By Mr. Sawyer; Five remonstrances from citizens of Ohio against the im provement of the Maumee river. Also, one petition for said improve ment. r , Bv Mr. Darragh: The memonr.I of L. Board of Trade of the city of Pittsburg, which presented important consiuera tions and information relating to the im provement of the navigation of the Orua river, and directing the attention of Con gress' to the improvement, by means of locks and dams, and asking for a sufficient appropriation. Also, the petition and papers of George Cochran, asking for a settlement of his clams agaicst the United States, by rea son of tha non-feUhner.t of a contract with the Commissary Department in; 1831 On motion of Mr. R. Smith, the bill reported at the last Congress to incorpor ate the Washington Mutual Fire insu rance Company, w referred to t a Committee for the District of Ceixr.bia. n r i ! 1