. . mm asaysssf-i ' TFfiMS OF TUB HERALD, Tim 'patter published rrery Taclsj, t f 3 pre annum, pajabla balf-yearlv in advanc. If n.U paid within tho year, f 2,50 will iavaria li!v l cbareed. K Imcriniion taken for Ims than six nonths ior ran a lcril.r discontinue enltts at o,tioB f the editor, until arrearagesare j. aid otL JUr jm"W will fee inserted at $1 per tjiure. for the Erst three insertions, anil 25 ceii fr every subsequent insertion: longer oncsia prprtion. Aur utii titnTi inserted in the Herald and JTfixiaUcan, tarae tiaies, at ft per aquara and r0 rexiis far every other insertion. Somerset County, ss. ryy r T an adjourned Orphans' S Ju& cuurt held at SomTset on s s llie 8th dy of December, A. VZr'''ijk ! ,845 before the Honor U Judges thereof. 1 N the matter of the ml estate ef Jhn !i-3"er, deceased, ir: 550 acres of land ttnate in Allegheny township, soki by fttd Shaffer in h:s life time, to Jacob Kurjtper, and the interest f said Knep lrr transferred to Daniel Fichlner. And no iv to wit, December 8, n ietttiou of Solomon Dare, administra tor of said 'deceased, and Daniel Ficht t;T, vendee of Jacob Kuepper, the court I! mil a rule on th-e heirs and legal repre em?ives of aaid John Shaffer, deceased, in appear at an adjourned Orphans oiirt to he held at Somerset, on the 2nd of March next, and shew cause if any they have, why a specific perfor mance of said contract should not be de rrfed, and the administrator afaresaiJ. allowed to execute a title to the aaid Da niel Fichlner. Extract from the record, certified this till day of December, A D 185. WILLIAM II. PICKING, jania'46 Clerk. Somerset County, ss. Mrs--?' a i an aoiourneu urruians S court held at Somerset in 4. I Q L s ' s and for aiJ county on ih-e 8ih yday of December, A.1D, 1845. airfare the Honorable Judges thereof. IN the matter of ihe real estate of John StiUon, dee'd, viz: 150 acres of !-nJ, filtrate in Somerset towns hp, sold lV Jo-bo Sultan in hie lifeiime to Samuel 31 ruler, per article of agreement dated 25ih day of January, IS27. And now to wit, December 8th, 1845, on petitinn of William King and John C'obsult, executors of llie last will and lettament of JoliivSutton, deceased, the oiirt grant a rule on the heirs and legal representatives of said Jcceased, to ap pear at an adjourned Orphans' court to le held at Somerset on Monday the 2d jy of March, 1840, and idiew cause, if any they have, why a specific perfor mance of said contract should not bo de creed, and the executors aforesaid allowed l execute a title to the purchaser agree ably to the terms and conditions of said agreement. Extract from the records of said court, certified Decemher 8th, 1845. " IV M II PICKING, JecSSMS Clerk. Orphans' Court Side of "T N pnrsuance of an order of the Or jl Jhan6 Court of Somerset county. there will be exposed to sale by way of ;ujUc vendue or outcry on the premises, n Saturday the 7ih day of February next, the following real estate, late the fuoperiv of Jacob Grove, deceased viz: One tract of Land, titnate ia Shade township, containing lrty acres, more or less, with a cabin Louse and barn thereon erecied, bounded ly lands of Samuel Iviianiel, David Zim merman, and others. ALSO One other tract or parcel of Iad, containing seven acres, more or tees, adjoining the above described tr.i:t. Terms one third in hand, and the balance in two equal annual payments. Attendance M ill be given by Jonathan Siatler. Adiniaistator of the estate of said deceased. By the Court, Y. II. PICKING, Dee. Ifi 1845. Cleik. LIST OF LETTERS. 1 REMAINING in the Post Office at , Somerset, Pa., on the 1st January Penford Elhs Ankeny Joseph Faidley Alexander dough Jacob Illackheart July Ann Uiinard Mary Mrs lez Henry Cox Joshua F 5 Uenncr J G Earheart Anthony Conninhani Jolin Cintet John Davis Daniel E Cover John Dennisoa Hugh Fiick Daniel 2 Flick Isaac Fleck Jaccb Friedline Peter Emard Christian Fnkon James Ilalderbom Martin Craser John 2 Hriple Henry jr 2 (iood Joseph HofTard Samuel Cas-ho Christian Hawk Godfrey Hughes Isaac Jackson Eliz. Mrs I.mz John Kuns Samuel Krissiuger Charles KnaWe David Capt fohr Mr Lormmer Robett IVeediJamesS Mattson John Keiderhyser Rud. Morrow James Moser Laurcnz Miller I k J II Miritael Lewis AFCartyJohn Blyers Jacob sr Martecny Jolin Parson Hubert Robison J J 2 Hobison U Saylur Joseph 2 Stahl Harriet Miss Shirbine Peter Shoemaker Joseph Steele John H Shafer Henry Thompson A 2 Shaffer Mary E J Shafer Marg.ret Sipe Jacob Elizabeth Leech Stall Elias 1 Sutler Ann Mrs Will Elias Win Cornelius 3 Will Wm Weighley Lewis Zimmerman Conrad'! YarnaU Georg! WM. P. ANKENY, P. AJf Post Office, Somerset) an I 45 NOTICE. ALL persons insltbttd 9 tht subscri bers, tr rqtesed to make pay ment to J O Carson ia wkost hsldi th beaks ( the fir are. It will be to the interest of ALL coicstm i not to nsjhiet th? notice. THE BOOKS MUST BE SETTLED. "A hint t the wise is sufficient." BRUCE it CARSON. Stvystewn, jaaG '46 Somerset County, 88. vji,, A T an adjourned Orphans A. cort hld t Samerset tst in and for said county on the 6th day of December, A. D. m? 1845f Derorethe Honorable Jeremiah S. Black, Esq, and his associ ate Judges of the same court. On motion of F M Kimmel, Esq, the court confirm the inquisition on the real estate of Henry Geisey, dee'd. and grant a rule on ihe heirs and legal representa tives of said deceased, to appear at an adjourned Orphans court to be held at Somerset on Monday the 2d day of ... . m 1 March next, and accept or relusc to take the real estate of said Henry Geisey, de ceased, at the appraised valuation. Extract from the records of said court, certified this 8:h day f December. A. D. 1845. WM II PICKING, dec23 '45 Clerk. Somerset County, ss. L11'r A 1 a aojourneu vrp:ians rev. court held at Somerset HifclH in and for said county on the 8th day of December, A, D, 18-15, Dcfore the Hononble Jeremiah S I'lack, and his associate jud ges of the same couit. On motion of Daniel Weyand, Esq. the court confirm the inquisition on the real estate of John Garman, dee'd, and grant a rule on the heirs and legal repre sentatives of said deceased, to appear at an adjourned Orphans eotut, to be held at Somerset on the 2d day of March next, and accept or refuse to take the real es tate of said John Garman, dee'd, at the appraised price. Extract from the records of said pourt, certified this 8th day of December, 1845. WM H PICKING. dec26 '45 Clerk. Somerset County, ss. .m. A T an adjourned Orphans IPfe Courl helt! al so,,lcrset ii v 'in an3or S3li county, on the 'v 8t!i day of December, A. D. 1845,. " Before the Honorable Judges thereof. On moti(n of F. M. Kimmel, Esq., the court confirm the inquisition on the real est ite of Elizabeth Pooibaugh, de censed, and grant a rule on the heirs and legal representatives of said deceased, to appear at an adjourned Orphans' Court, to be held at Somerset on Monday the 2d day of March next, and accept or re fuse to take the real estate af said Eliza: belli Poorbaugh, dee'd, al the appraised price. Extract from the records of said courl certified this 8th day of December, A. D. 1845. WM 11 PICKING, dec23'45 Clerk. CHRISTIAN HARP, Containing a Choice Selection of Psalm and Hymn Tuaes. Suited to the various .Metre now in use amon the different Ueli gious Denominations in the Uni ted States: designed for the Use of E'ublic and Fam ily worship. BY SAMUEL WAKEFIELD, ESQ. Corrected, Enlarged, and much IMPROVES), BY LAZARUS B. M'LAIN. 'fTIOURTEENTH Stereotype edition. J; Wholesale price THREE DOL LARS PER DOZ. For sale Whole sale and Ri-tail by JOHNS TON & STOCKTON. Booksellers, Printers & Binders, Pittsburgh, Pa. J. & S. have on hand a large and ex tensive assortment of SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, which they will sell low for cash, or exchange for rags al cash prices. janG'46 3t PROCLA 31 AT I OxT" TTST HERE AS the honorable Jeremi y f ah S. Black, President, and G. Chorpenning and John M'Cartv. Esas . associate Judges of the court of common pleas, in and for the county of Somerset, and assistant Justices of the courts of oyer and terminer and general jail delivery and quarter sessions of the peace, in and for said county of Somerset, have issued vneir precept to me directed, requiring me among other things to make public proclamation throughout my bailiwick, thai a court of oyer and terminer and general jail delivery: also, a court of gen end quarter sessions of the peace and jail delivery, will commence at the bor ough of Somerset, in and for ihe county of Somerset, in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the 2d Monday of February next, (9th day) in pursuance of whii-h precept Public Notice is hereby giv en, to the justices of the peace, the coro ner, and constables of said county of Somerset, that they be then and there, in their own proper persons, with their rolls, records examinations, and inquisi tions, and other remembrances, to do th ose things which to their offices apper tain in thai behalf to be done and also all those who prosecute against the priso ners that are, or then shall be, in the jail of the said county of Somerset, are to be then and there to proseeute against them as shall be just. Given under my hand, at Somerset, this 6th day of January, in the year of our Ionl 184b. JACOB PHILIPPI, Sheriff. SAM'L W. PEARSON, HAVING returned to the practice of the law, tenders his professional services to his old clients and the publie generally. Office in North end of Snyder's row, lately occupied by A. J. Ogle, Esq. deel6'45-3m In the Court of Common Fleas of Somerset County, of September Term, 1845, Xo. 128. WN the matter of the application of "t'le H, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Samuels,' in Somerset township, Somer set county, Pennsylvania, for a charter of incorporation. AND now to wit, 8ih Decern ber' lS45' Th3 retiiion of mewhers of "the Evan 2ssaV epical Lutheran Church of fcj' CI HI If CI 3 111 WlMil(.l'l w II ship, Somerset county, Pennsylvania was presented to the Court praying fir a Charier of Incorporation, and the court having perused and examined the pelt lion, and the articles and conditions there in set forth and contained, appearing to be lawful and not injurious to the com munity, orter the instrument to be filed and publication to be made in one news paper printed in Somerset county, for 3 weeks that the application has been made. By the court, dccl045 A. J. OGLE, Prot'y In the Court of Common Fleas of Somerset County, of September Term, 1845, JVo. 129. WN the matter of the application of "the q Evangelical Lutheran Church" of Somerset, Somerset county, Pennsylva nia, for a Charter of Incorporation. AND now to wit, 8ih Decem- -YtOV her, 1845. The petition of 4 ihe members of ihe aforesaid Vy Church, was presented to iie court praying for a Char ter of Incorporaiion; and the court hav ing perused and examined the petition, and the articles and conditions therein set forth and contained, appearing to be law ful and not injurious to the community, order the instrument to be filed and pub lication lo be made in one newspaper printed in Somerset county, for three weeks, that the application has been made. By the court, 4ecl6'45 A. J. OGLE, Prot'y. In the Corrt of Common Fleas of Somerset County, of September Term, 1845, Xo. 130. IN the matter of the application of ('hrists Evangelical Lutheran Church" in Somerset township, Somer set county, Pennsylvania for a Charier of Incorporation AND now to wit, December il&jwfyr te members of the aforesaid church was presented to the no' Cnnrt nraviiitr fnr a f!hartpr f Incorporation; and the Court having perused and examined the petition, and the articles and conditions therein set forth and contained, appearing lo be law ful and not injurious to the community, order the instrument to be filed and pub lication to be made in one newspaper printed in Somerset county, for three weeks that the application has been made By the court, dec 18 '45 A. J. OGLE, Prot'y, To the heirs and legal repre sentatives of Valentine Ifoon, deceased. rTTAKE notice tint an Inquest will be JL held al the late dwelling house of said deceased, in the township of Alle gheny in the county of Somerset, on Friday the 30ih day of January, 1846, fr the purpose of making partition of the real estate of said deceased, to and among his children and legal representa tives, if the same can he done without prejudice to or spoiling of the whole otherwise to value and appraise the same according to law. At which time and place you are required lo altcud if you think proper. JACOB PHILIPPI. decl6'45 Sheriff. George L. Gordon HAVING purchased from Mr Daniel Pile, his interest in the establish ment heretofore carried on under.the firm of Gordon te Pile, respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he continues to carry on the Chair-Making EBusiness, in all its branches, al ihe old stand, oppo site Mr Kurtz's Drug store in the bor ough of Somerset, where he will at nl times keep on hand or make to order SP'l"n,'Pc. nmitnv FANCY AND G n E CI A N CHAIRS, and Roslnn rncLin Kir, all of which he will sell very cheap for cash, or exchange for approved country produce at market prices; His work will be done in a neat and fashionable style and substantial manner; and he invites the public lo give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. 'NBA good journeyman to the above business, who can paint and finish, is wanted immediately, ant! to whom con stant employment end liberal wages will be given. clSl r i rrra it on. c. n. iisciiou, FiESIDEXT D EXT IS T, Bedford, Fa. REFERENCES. Hon, J, S. Black, Dr, J, McCrery, Hon. A, Thompson, Dr. N, W, Office at Ankeny's Hotel. m6'45-tf THUEEBIGDOOHS. WAR IViTII Mim has not yet commenced, and we are still sel ling goods at the above stand at vcrj reduced prices. ave rece,ved this day from ' UL' at..aii t" a I'lnlaclclpliia, liailimore and Pittsburg, a variety of consisting in part of CLOTHS of various qualities and colors CASSIMERES do do do SATTINETTS do do do JEANS do do do LADIES GOODS such as Romelia stripe. Polka Cashmere. Cashmere De Cosse, Afghan Satin, plain, figured and changeable Alpachas, Mousliti de Laines, &c, &c, etc. In selling boots and shoes, We promise to beat ibe Jews. ALSO, on hand a choice lot of Gro ceries, Hardware and Queensware; ail ot which we shall eudcavor to sell on such terms, as to induce a generous public to give us a liberal support. Don't forget the place, remember ihe Three Big Doors. sept30 J J & H F SCII ELL. Hurra !! Hurra !!! Hurra !!!! Don't bt alarmed No new Firm. The same old Coon: ZACIIAUL1I1 SIBEliT, TJ ESPECTFULLY informs his old customers and the public in gener al, thai he still carries on the TAILOB.I1TO- business in all its various branches, one door east of John L Snyder's store and immediately opposite the "Three Big Doors," where he is prepared to do all manner of work in his line of business, in the neatest and most durable manner, on short notice and as cheap as an)' tailor in the county; His work shall not be surpassed by any eastern, western or elsewhere; All his woik shall fit ueatly or the cloth be returned. ct29 3m STONE CUTTING B USINE S S. THE subscriberrespeciftilly informs his friend and the public in gen eral, that he carries on the Stone Cutting Business in all its various branches, at his shop on main street, 2 doors east of George Piles tavern, and nearly opposite ihe drugstore of John L. Snyder. TOMB STONES, made at the shnJtest notice, and on the most reasonable terms, and in a manrsr that will render them superior to , other manufactured hi this section ofiht country. Grind stones of an excellent quality, always kepi on hand. Country produce taken in exchange for work, at Market Prices. BENJAMIN WOOL LET. Somerset, Pa., March 5, 1845 ly.J Saddling and HABNESS-WUMO. SAMUEL P SNYDER, E S P E C T F U L L Y informs his friends and the public in general, that he continues to carry on the Saddling and Harness-Making business, at his 6hop on Main Cross street, north of Parker & Ankeny's store, where he will constantly keep on hand, or make to order, MENS AND If OMENS' SADDLES, BRIDLES, HAR NESS, COLLARS, Sc, 4c all of which he will dispose of at very low prices, for cash or approved country produce. Having supplied himself with excel lent materials, and being determined to do his work in a neat and substantial manner, he flatters himself to be able to give general satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom,, R Brown Muslins, &c. -fl frC YDS, Brown Muslins; JLvJUU' Cotton Yarn; Cotton Laps, Wadding, and the besi Candle Wick, for sale at the declS THREE BIG DOORS. JOHN CARSON. 5. J MCKNIGHT. carson Mcknight, (successors to II. Coulter t Co.) "fcjTHOLESASE Grocers, Commis Y Y sion and Forwardirg Merchants, Dealers in Produce and Pittsburg Manu factures, Sixth street, between Wood and Liberty. Pittsburgh. Pa. janlS 1)R. M ' L A N E'S CELEBIIATED For the cure of II f patties or IArer Complaint, Dyspepsia and Sick Head-Ache. pWHlS remedy having been for several years Ja employed by the proprietor in his practice, on a very Iarjj;e scale in Monongalia, Preston, Harrison and Uandolph counties, in Virginia, be sides several other places, and having been atten ded with the most happy elfctts, he has been from time to time solicited to adopt such a course n would gire it a more extensive circulation, with a view to. lessen the amount of Iiunun suffering. Aware of the fact that many useless nostrums have been palmed upon the public, he hesitated for several years until thoroughly convinced that the above medicine, if properly used, would not fail to eilacl cures in a great many instances, and even to al!eiate those cases which are quila incu rable. Symptoms of a diseased Liver. Pain in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increased on pressure; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able lo lie on the left side; sometimes th pain is felt under the shoulder blade, it frequency extends to the top of the shoul der, and is sometimes mistaken for a rheumatism in the rijrht arm. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness; the bowels, in gen ral, are costive, sometimes altering with lax, the head s troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation in the back part. There is generally a considerable loss of memory, accom panied with a painful sensation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. A slight dry cough is sometimes an atten dant. The patient complains of weariness end debility; he is easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he complains of a prickly sensation of the sdn; his spirits are low; and although he is satisfied that exercise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts avery re medy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of thein existed, yet examination of the body after death has shown tha liver to have been extensive ly deranged. CERTIFICATES. This is to certify, that having been associated with Dr. M'Lane in the practice of medicine for nearly two and a half years, I have had nnny opportunities of witnessing the good clli'ds of his Liver Pills, and I believe they have cured and relieved a much largsr proportion of the diseases of the liver, than I have known cured and re lieved by any other course of treatment. Dec. 7, 1836. OLIVER MORGAN, M.D. OTOBsanrE None aregenuina without a fac-simile of the propriety's signature. Prepared for the proprietor bv JONATHAN KIDD t Co, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, corner of 4lh and Wood sts, Pittsburg, Pa, They arc also sold by the following agents. John L. Snyder, Somerset, Hay & Morrison, LavansviHe, K nable and Vought, Centreville, M. A. Ross, Petersliurgh, A. Wyatt, Smithficld, G. Uook, Wcllersburgh. N. B. In ordur that there mar be no mistake. be particular and ask for "Dr. M'Lane'a Liver Pills." f anlS 461 Patent Vermifuge. Da. McLixf.'a Ameiucax Won.x SpKcinc Promptly expels vrms to an almost in credible number TO substantiate the above fact many hundreds of testimonials could be adduced, out of which the following are selected, from individ uals of standing and veracity. Indeed, it is con fidently affirmed that each new trial of the now. ers of this remedy will havoan additional ten dency to widen and confirm its fame, and that if it were universally known and difFused over tho United States, it would not save less than many hundreds, if not thousands of lives annually. CERTIFICATES. I do certify that a vial of Dr. M'Lane's Ameri can Worm Specific expelled five hundred and two whole worms and pieces that would have made sixty more, from a boy of Jjhn Lcwelling, which, if laid in a straight line, would have most probably measured the enormous length of one huudrru yards. JOSIAH JACKSON.ownorof Water Forge, and other works, Monongalia couuty.Va. This ii to certify that I purchased from Holmes & Kidd a vial of Dr. M'Lane's American Worm Specific, and gave two doses to a boy of mine about three years years of age. He passed fully half a pint of worms. The quantity was so large I was really alarmed, and called in several of my neighbors to see tln'm. Had this story been re lated to me, I could nut have credited it, without being an eye-witness to the same. My child's health improved much after. SAM'L MORRISON, Merchant Tailor, Wood st, Pittsburgh. Some two months ago I purchased a vial of Dr. M'Lanes A mcrican W orm Spe ific. I gave a boy of mine most of a vial; he passed forty very large worms. From that time his health impro ved very much. I had tried two other Vermifuges to no purpose. I believe Dr, M'Lane's the best article before the public. D. CALHOUN. MifHin township, Allegheny county. HEAR MEDICAL TESTIMONY. -From a regular Physician, Dr G S Smith, Sun fish, Ohio. Mr. J. Kidd Dear Sir I have ud in my practice Dr. M'Lane's American Worm Spcculc. and have often witnessed its efficacy in expelling worms from the system. A patient of mine, a short time ag i, gave a vial of the Worm Sjn-cific to a child; in a short time upwards jof sixty-five worms were expelled. Prepared far the Proprietor by JONATHAN KIDD fc Co. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, corner of 4lh and Wood sts, Pittsburgh. Also for sale by the following agents JOHN L. SNYDB'K, Somerset, Hay and Morrison, Lavansville, K nable and Vought, Centreville, M' A. Ross, Petersburgh, . A. Wyatt, Smithfield. G. Cook, Wellersburgh. N. B. De particular to ask for Dr. M'Lane's American Worm Specific, or Patent YermifWe. jan!3,46 6 Blank Deeds, LOT f Blank Deeds of a superier qualt Suit ty, just printed and now for snhs AT THIS OFFICE. Heal Estate JL neys for A C. Cole, offer fr sale on advantageous terms, the Ml0vv-lnff j scribed real estate, to wit- 'nVH n " known TA VKIiiV late the property of Jacob Probasco and John Haker, Esq, on the National Iioud, in Henry Clay township, Fayette coun ty. Pa, and one mile west of the village of Somertlchl in Somerset county, to gether with the appurtenances thereunto belonging. This property consists of about one hundred and fifty-three acres of land, a greater portion of which is cleared and under cultivation and in mea dow. The buildings consist of a hrge and convenient BWELLIXG HOUSE, partly stone and partly frame, commodr ous stabling and other out-buildinf?. The location of this property being one mile from the town of Somerfield, abounding in wood and Stone coal; ha ving a Saw Mill and Grisl Mill adjacent thereto and plenty of ivater remaining through the land, renders it an important and valuable situation for any ki.ul of bu siness. The premises have been for a longtime occupied as a Tavern SlunJ. The stand is admirably adapted for the accommodation of all Kind3 of Droves. Persons desirous of purchasing the property, are requested to call on Josh ua IL Ilowel and E. P. Oliphant, of IJ niontown, Pa., who will give every in forma'.ion desired, concerning said pro perty. IIOWEL & OLIPHANT. Attorneys of A G Cole, of iJalt. julr22 '-15-tf PHiF UESEATEDI Don't stand up rchile chairs and sofas arc so cheap. GHAIR& M A N U- CABINET FACTORY. W2. 3. CCPPP.OTZ, "S7LH'D respectfully inform his V Y o'd customers and the public in general, that he has purchased from Mr. Jocob Myers, chair maker and wheel wright his entire stock of materials and has commenced ihe chair making business with thai of cabinet making, at his shop on main street in the Borough of Somerset, one door east of the resi dence of Simon Gebhart Esq., where he will constantly keep on hand and will make lo order, common funcjf and Muhazony Chairs, bed steads, icieeh. Tables, Stands, Settees, So fas, fye., c, tS)C., He will sell common chairs al S5 per sett, and other articles in proportion. Thankful for the patronage heretofore axteuded to him, he would invite the public lo call and exemine his work, which he will warrant lobe made of tha best materials and finished in the neatest and most durable manner. Approved country produce will be taken in exchange for work, al the high est market prices. ap8'45. HOTEL. V ALIBS AT PITTSBURGH. Drs. Speer and Kuhn. THE object of this establishment is lo supply a want greatly felt by re spectable travellers on our western .highways- by residents, without familyta ken sick and by patients from the sur rounding towns and country who resort to this place for relief Irom surgical and otl lerdiseases. Such have often suffered from the want of the various comforts and attentions so necessary and agreeablo to the sick, and from careless and un faithful nurses; and been subjected to heavy and unreasonable charges. Invalids will here be provided with constant, faithful and comfortable atten dance, snd at a rate much below the usu al charges. While the care of both physicians will be extended to every variety of disease, it is intended by Dr. Sneer, to give spe cial attention to ALL SURGICAL DISEASES, PARTICULARLY TO DISEASES OF THE EYE. To these branches of his profession he has given a large share of his atten ion for the last twenty-five years, and he will continue to devote lo them the experience acquired by a constant prac tice during that time. The Hotel for Invalid is not an exper iment. .Its establishment is suggested not only as necessary to supply an evi dent want in this city, in the entire ab sence of any special provision for tho sick, but is warranted also by the success of similar institutions al Cincinnati and New Orleans the former under thecaro of Drs. Taliaferro, Marshall and Strader the latter under that of Dr. Stone. The building selected for the purpose is situated at ihe ccrnpr of Federal ami Kobinson streets, in Allegheny city, ad joining the city or Pittsburgh. It is commodious and roomy, an.! furnished with all accommodations necessary for the sick. Applications for admission lo be mada to the subscribers, at their office on Peni street, Pittsburgh, or at the establishment. JC?Nu contagious diseases will be ad wilted, J. It SPEER. M. I). J. S. . KUIIN.M, U. February 18 13