The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, January 13, 1846, Image 3
SOMERSET HERALD. somerset, TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1840. V. P. PALMER :? of Philadelphia at hi v,1 i: tu nnA Cud OtZtt. N oar authorized i,,.t f,r r,,!:,;!,;,, AJvrrilKmenlt and Sub- ; p , 1 ti I v illi fu:i i"r l rrrr-t for any moi:r5 piu j . Hnln tW o'r.K Hi as-ncv include i 1r.! f.-j'l'iw :ri CMC. Vr.r' V. .'t'.mnre S:;d Bif?'in , Wild !i l'rcvL-t.ii .'-"' are locatrd as fjil jMK i; y . 7, ',,, 'h Yo, 9 Pine .b;n rt. I- Aa. 15 Ja-au P'uo.-r S. C C n?rr cf Ci'.i-v'i C-l at ;,.,;; -Vj It Mv.e t. We are obliz'.m-3, to Hot:. Ax- i rr.r.w Si cwatit, onr Repri-ntaiivs iu ' Cenjrevs, for public document. . Also lo lion. Simox Camluox, of the U. S. Senate for simlbr favor?. Also to Jo:;:; R. Er:r.,Ii. our Repre sentative in the State Lc-f Mature, for a copv of the Governor Tilc?-; And 13 SAMtrr.L IIiix, I'c. our Reprc- wrntire in uhe State Se::2te, for a shni- J lar 1'avcr. " , A v I, pr r; . . I :r apoiajy for tr.o lacc cf or.z;nl 1 rn-.'.ir-r in tliis week's pperi the ahei:ce j cf th? oJltnr he hn.i:iT jrrne to llarris I jtz 17 sUi-nd the Ilni'.road Convention. . fiiive Hie Tails'! On r.r.t nse of lo-dr.v"? tnp?r tlic reader will ti'.;d a copy o: a c;.vu:ar Iror.i or.r Rf-prccnt'livc, Mr. Sthv.'.mit, a.-kin tgwns!;ip, Somerset county. Pa. c ot-in-for iuformation from .er?ci;? cp.ti u i:i ! in 3C3 sere, more or lees, stout 10 almost cverv pursuit, in re.-rd ti the es . le.r, ibout 2 acres in meadow. ",. , , . " , -,-r- r 'iiij" hr.J of Sio:on (obhr:, Juhn tn wln-t a pro ee.,vc :.u f- p;,,, (;0 afiJ 0.hcr5. on whie!l is feels their bastness. Lvtry H.uivioaai ierrC5e.i a ca!i; hUse. and cabin barn, who can da it oucht to famish t!i? desired inforiita'k'n in regard to i?e particular bu :nes i:: which he n:ay be er.jr.gO'd. Mr. Stcwart is;!? hi bc?t ciTort to save the present TnriiT, raid it is to be hiped and exprrled that the people of Pennsylvania in gcntral, and ;ho?c of this , rr:, , ,v:m Cop.jressi.-nJ lLm.t ui pa.U..u. wul sveorvd uese eorts, and thnt. without distinction of party, they win assist, ns j far as thry can, in earing a measure in which thev ire all tlcenlv interested. I'dinsyliaiila Xcglslat arc In the Senate Daniel L. Sherwood, o Bradford was elected Speaker. Findiey Patterson, of Armstrong, wrs elected Speaker of ihe Ileus 2. Tha Message of Gov. SnrxK was de livered at 12 M.. on Wednesday. Governor's Message. The Mr?ss!re of Gov. Siscnk hu come ! to hand, but too late for this weeks paprr. "We shall, however, lay it before our rea t!ers next week. Tinirr ncs3WTios. The following preamble and resolution were into the State Senate by Mr. Sanderso.v. Wiirn-rAs, ihe Tariff of 1S42 is a jus: and sr.iutary rational measure, which yields an ample revenue t" ucfrav the ne- cessary expenses of the General Goem- j jr.ent, while 1: at the same time e:r'ara C's rriciiltura! pursuits, by creating a lirrn a id staple lloiiie Marke. revive p"'ii-mf.-cial cnterprize. by extending internal tred, and affording articles for export elves euiiMOvmeul to our own citizens. i:.::d of mainuininj the sultjecis of for e;2n governments 'fids to increase the waes of h.hor, by creritinj a demand for it jirc.Txcs public ri orals, by substitu ting iniastry for idleness and protects Au;erieun labor against foreign policy and legislation. Therefore. Resolved. That the people J t f iV.uisylvania regard a continued ad- j img house and stabie, with the apperte l.rrou'.v to tii? TwriT of IS 12 s it i-. j nances as he property of the said Ben ad a mutual cm ?n 1 supp-rt of ( jsujia Ienharl, al ihe suit of Peter Lery. its friends. ?.ga:;ii all attempts to attack it in doiail or otherwise. P ihe onlv true d of safetv for the interests of all. and :';-it or.r Senators and Itr-preentativcs I ly, deceased, in the bauds and posses in Conrress ?.rc accordingly requested tn sion of Emily Ojle, acting Executrix of r:-pc"C a.1 atte.n. tj to alter or modify the ; TwirirT Act of Sis: of Auiwst, IS 12. Jolin cjiiincy AInni. A Gl-isgow, (Scodand.) paper, contains the f-Vdowini noMe tribute to this veteran steles. n;m : -Wherever and whenever frsud h'j- framed a mine 10 subvert the of the Constitution, or power has meditated a Mow against the people, or rr'i:tst a citizen, or against an oxile, or against a slave against 3nyt';ir!r i:i the tianc of free srviety, or against anything in the shape of a man, John Qrixcv Anirs, of Mrisschusetts, has been seen watching the design with egle ere, and in the moment of ihe attempted perpetra tion cf the crime, the conspirators fell th? intended victim rose freo and safe and the deliverer, unrew arded and un-j tStnked. sets himself aain or his endless watch over ihe cau.-e of freeuuia and liu rianity." la. Tel, Tlir Clicrcliccs. It is stated that nearly five hundred "refugees" from the Cherokee nation are receiving rations near Evansvillc, Arkan sas, under a contract, by virtue of author itv from Gen. Arbuckie. Companies D. and G of the I r.tted Sta'cs Dragoons, ar- ol Absolorn iiare, tvjiliarn Alricks and rived at Fort Gibson from Washit. but o.hrs, contsinip.g 03 acres, and al thev Mere immediately ordered to Evans-, lowance, cn which is a log barn, and v die and nmcccf'd "thence. Col. -Mr- S about 10 acres of clear land, beinr nart Kirsick. the Cherokee agent, has called upon Gen. Arbuckie for a rompanv of dr?CCT5 to I f stationed rt Bcatis Frsi-l ric. The presence of the troops at E vansviile has restrained any further out break, if any were in contemplation. Btckn. Reporter. MARRIED. On the 23th ulu bv William Reel Esq, J Mr. Andrew J. Jxhui, to Miss Ellexor I I'EXRon. luh cfQuemabonin? tp, ! - o Mr LEXAMDER HUNTER, to MlS SaRAII Dv m j iJ On the 24 th ult. Gcoroe, infant son j of Mr. John B-hiia, of Somerset tp. aged 2 v. 2 in. and 3 davs. Somerset Lvciuun, V'!!.!. met in the Lyceum room on rriday E-cninj next. Quctlion fur discttiion. It rcutieiim tousuient. with il christian Ref btioti, Derhv.uier. II P Hite. Esa ist. J I) Colborn. Those interested will plea?e attend. J I) COLBORN. Se. ie 3 fv "i IgSC UftY YIRTUF. of ?un!ry writs of 1 Ji Vavlilidm Exponas, i?5u.'d out of j l(ie Court nf (Tonjinon Plens of Sotnerget ro-trtv, anil l me cire-U-d. there will be expired to sale at tlie FuhSic Squsre in the Ilorough of So!j'.erfet, on Friday ihe Gih day ir Fe!.rtia y at 1 o'clock P. M., fn'!n.rit:g Real Etate, viz: A'! tLe riht. title, interest and hin nf !I Pjrli Nicholson, of, in. and toarer-! - " nf iam, fiiuate in Milford vri Ji the sp: er'enanees sa th propert of the said Hush Nicholson, al lha suit of J;co') I!eibau-h for the ue of J 11 ! Miller and Co. i f,SO All ihp nrht. lii'e. interest and claim. nf Jacob Pritz and Daniel Enos. of, in. and to a certain trad of lind, filuate in ?.li!ford township. Somer.-et co.. Pa.. caataininr 40J mire or ,CIS. bB5llj of acfe8 c!earf ailtJ -i,miUiirec 9Cre, u n,cadnw, adjoining i;..-J- 0f Iietjimin Knrpper, Ji'seph i' and other?, on which are erect ed a imiup and og barn, wilh the ap pcrienratcfs the property of the said Jacob Pritz &Dnie! Enos, at the f uit Ja cob G Miller's assignee and J II Miller. ALSO . All the riht, title, "uueresl and claim, ef Samuel I.antiis, of. in, and to a certain lot of ground, situate on the sonih ide of main street, in the east addition of Berlin, called Vetersbur, Somerset county, adj'iiniuj a lot of Petsr Gu?s on tlie west, a l"t of Landis n the j eat, on which are erected a two s'.orv log dwelling, with the appertenancea as the property of ihe said Samuel Lan dts, al the sail cf Jacob Kimmel. ALSO All the right, title, interest and claim, of James Liwsnn, of, in, and to fur lots of ground, situate in ihe Brough of Sornevsct, Somerset county. Pi., contai ning one acre, more or less, adjoining main street on the south, lands of Isaac Ankeny 011 ihe west. Union street on the north, on which are erected a tw siory frame dwelling house and stable, wilh the appertenances as Hie property f ihe said James Lawson, al the etiil of William, now for ihe use of George Ruts. ALSO All the right, title, iiiteresl and claim, of Berj .'.miii Lenhart, of, in. ami lo a ceruin lot of ground, situate in the town of Davids iile, Somerset county. Pa., containing one fourth acre, adjoining main elrecton the east and a lot of Peter lev en ihe south, .d lards of Isaac KaurTman on the west and north, on whieh arc erected a iwo storv log dwel- ALSO AH the right, title, interest and claim of Charles Ule, lata of Somerset coun- ihe last W ill and '1 esiament of Charles Ogle, deceased, sad Testamentary Guar dian of the heirs of said il:cea scd. No. I. A cerlaia tract of land situate in GreeniiUe towasliip, Semcrel coun ty, containing 03 seres and allowanre, a -joining lands of John Bouser, tracts No. 2 and 3, John Win &r. being ihe saice tract of land which the Cemmon wenhh of Pennsylvania by patent dated l6th April 13-9 granted ta Jacob Coun tryman and being the same Ludwick Bare and wife to said C. Ogle per deed dated C9ih March IS'JS see deed recorded in Record Beok of Deeds for Somerset county, vol. 17 pages S9 90 and 91 n which property is a saw miil and fhe 1 or six acres cleared land. No. 2. Also one piece, cr p?rcel of I-nd, atijoiamg ike above tract, rontatn- ing cr:e a re more or less being die same which Ludwick Bare and wife, conveyed to said Charles Ogle, per deed dated e9 March 1838, recorded in Record Book vol 17 psges 89 90 and 91. on which is erected a cabin heuse and oth er improvements. No. 3. Also one other tract of land. "situate in Greenville tp,. adjoiaing lands 01 me tract 01 una warranted in Ihe i.ame or Adam Brittle, and being the j siae 1 "bich ; Luiwick Bsre and wife conreyed to said C. Ogle, per deed dated 29". March 18S3," see Deed recorded Record in Book vol 17 pages 91 92 and 93. No. 8. Three certain lots of ground, situate in Somerset Borough, immediate ly East of the Presbyterian .Church; South of Patriot S;reet, and numoered on the general plan of aid Town as lots No. 121, 122, and 123. No. 9. Also, all the right, title, in terest, and claim, of deceased in, and to 500 acres of land more or less, situate about one and a half miles South East of oomerse. uorougn, on wmcu i vieeic. a gatr n,jj snj other improvements known as the property of Ogle, Ross and Badev. 1 : o. II. A cerutn iraci oi tauu, euu I ate i Son'.hampton townthip, Somerset 1 countv, adjoinirg lands f Dar.if 1 Ltp ! ley, John Witt, 3. D. .Witt, Vaieir.ine j I,ep!ey and otKers, containing 169 arrrs a t j:citiic uw mv"nii it i ........ r.ri. rrrrlnl a InT dwellill? l.OUSe and I05 barn andalotii75 acres elear, whh a'uuu'iance of lrcn Ore, Coal and lime stone being the same trart of land. w hi h was conveyed by John Hardin, -lo sat'i Ch-rlrs Oleand J. F. Cox, per deed ddifd 17 Onober 1840, see deed record ed in ol 17 pag?s 518 and 55 9. - No. 12. A certain trail cf land situate gmerset adjoining Unds uf Isaac Hattiin j3Ctb Witt's heirs, John Win, Gideon fcx and ilheis, ronuininT9 arre aivd 5G perchr? and allowanre, on which are erected a g;iod hg house, gnod h'g bam and other improvement aud abouli 70 acres of clear !an. ho, ihe delrndanls intsreff, righi, ! lii'e. and elaim in the following described j of laud tiz: I No, M. 4QQ aercs N 0MMllU Its tui. name ol Tench Cox, in Somerset tp. of Martin Cridcr, in Conemangli tp, No 18, 400 scrts warranted in the dame ef Samuel Richard in Shade tp, No 19, 400 acres warranted iuthe name of John 2rp!i in Somerset ip. No 20. 43U acres warr-nico m me nam? f Adam Creamer. inTurkeyfoot tp, No 21, 401 i aires warranted in the name of -ames kelson in Jenrer ip. i No 0, C 1 51 seres warranted in the name f Pcier Newifg-rin Scuthamp- ton ip, No CS, 100 acres warranted in the nan pf Cornelius Marten us in Milford tp. No 3 2 S?2i acres warranted in tbe name of Simon Perry in Shade tp. No 33, 433 acres warranted in the name f George Thomson in Shade tp, No S4, 3SG acres warranted in ihe name of John Poor in Shade tp. No 55, 220 acres warranted in the name of Thomas Moore in Shade ip. No 3G, 467 acrts warranted in ihe name ef Ftederick Hu'jUv Conemaugh tp, No 37, 3 0 acres warranted in the name of J sices Dallon in Conemaugh tp. No 40, 439 acres -warratited in the name of Itreal Williams in ShaJe tp. No 43, 399 acres warranted in the name of Sarah Bedford in Somerset tp, N 4 4, iCS acres warranted in the name of Benjamin Lockery in Somerset tp. No, 47, 33-2 acres warranted in ihe name of Isaac Pries in Milford tp. No 4S, 395 seres warranted in the name of Benjamin Rush in Milford tp. No 49. 404 aires warranted in ihe name of Michael King in TurKevfoi tp. No 50, 4l0i acres warranted in the name of Jane Chary in Addison tp. No 51, 417 acres warranted in the name of Mary Chary in Addison tp. No 54, 400 acres warranted in the name of Jolm Chary in fcllklick tp. No, 04, 454 acres warranted in the name of Mary Si-ipson in Greenville tp, No G5, 33S.J acres warranted , in the name of Samuel Dunlep in Green ville tp. No 07, 358j acres warranted in the name of JohnThomas in Greenville tp. No 59, 4lGi acres warremed iu the name ef Thomas Care in Southamp ton tp, No 70, 1?S ?cre warranted in the name of James Hoffman in Southampton tp. N 71, 401 4 acres warranted in the name of Isaac Jones Sottlhamplen tp. No 72, S9S; acres warranted in the pame of William King in Santbamp- ton tp. No 73, 401 5 arres warranted in ihe name of John Kingin Southampton tp. No 71, 4 29 acres warranted in the name of Wm. Lawrice in Southampton tp. No 75, 41G acres warr:strd in the name of Thomas Lose in Southamp ton tp. No 17. 212 acres warranted in the name of John MeKi.n in Southampton tp. No 80, 432 acres warranted in ihe name oi Flizabelh Piatt in Southampton !, No 83, 03 acres warranted in the name of Jocob Rhoads in Southampton tp. No 84, 493j teres warranted in ihe name of John Smith in Sonibamp- ton tp, No 85. 52S; acres warranted in the nsme of John Shaver in Southampton tp, No 87, 400 acres warranied in the name! of Thomas Stokely in Southampton tp. ! No 88, 43S acres warranted in the same' c I John Statler in Southampton ip, No 92, 404 acres warranted in the name; of Edward Allen in Allegheny tp. No 94, 438 acres warranted in the name of Thomas Brown in Allegheny tp. " No 95. 300 seres warranted in ihe name of Matthew Black in Allegheny tp. No 97, 4C0": acres warranted in the name of Sarah Fiacemore in Alleghe ny P. No 98, 446x I acres, warranted in the name of Lewis G, Noaille in Alleghe ny tp, No 100, 4201 acres, warranted in ihe name of James Shaw in Allegheny tp. No 101, 440 aeres, warranted in ihe name of II ugh Barkley in Alleghery tp, ro iuz, dcj arrsa, warrantee in me .name of Jamas Clark' in Allegheny tp. No 103; 401 acres warranted in tho name of Isreal Isrtal in Allegheny tp, pZ-i No .104, 430 acres, warranted in the name of Joseph Moore, ia Alleghe ny p. . No 105, 400 acres warranted iu the name ef Thomas Henderson in Cone macgh tp, N 1 06, 401 acres, warranted "in ihe name of Lewis Walker in Shade tp, N 108. 400 acres, warranted in the ' nans of James Black Southampton tp, No 112, 420 acres, warranted in the name cf Racheal Teropesi in South ampton tp. No J 15, 4671 acres warranted in the name of John L, Carey in Abiuhamp ln ip. No H7, S92 acres, wsrramed in the name of Michael Oswalt and James Rhwads in uthampton tp. No 118. 40G acrs, warranted in the name of John Philips in i'oinhamp lon tp. No 121. 400 acres, wairanted in ihe name of James Wells in ib'oaihamp ton tp. No 125. 402 acres, warranted in the name rf Catharine Waymau in -5outh-amp'on tj. No 123. S99i acres, warranied in the name of Alexander Adams in oouih-j amptmi tf , - - .. . On the two list above mentioned tractsthere is an abundance of &onc Coal-and Limestone and ittexhsnstabie niinps of Irmt Ore, one cf the richetl quality has been opened at different poinis fr a considerable distance and t'iscover- f seeu feet. V-id iwo tracts tic from 2 to; 3 miles from Mutini Stage Iron works. The foregoing tracts are well timbered manv of them with ' fine pine and have r."d water powpr U;cren as the prop erty of the said Chnrles Ogle, drceascd. in the;i of Fndy Ogle, acting Executrix of ihe b-si Will and Testa ment, of said Charles OIe, dressed, aud Testamentary Guardian of the heirs of said deceased, al ihe suit of ihe Pres ident, Directors and Company of ihe Bank of Pennsylvania, N, B, Ten per cent of ihe purchase money vi!I be required to he puid on each purchase as soon a? the property is knocked down, or it will be considre no sale, JACOB PII1LIPPI, Sheriff. Sheriffs OiTice. Somerset, J:.nn;.rv 13, IS4G. Sheriff's Sale. Y virtue of a writ of 77 Fa issued out of ihe Court of Common Pleas of Somerset count', and to me directed, there w ill be exposed to sale by way cf public outcry, at the house of Joseph Fleming, in Jenner township. Somerset county, on Thursday the 5th day nf February next, at 1 o'clock, 1. M.Mlie following Real E&tate, viz: All the right, title, interest and claim, of George Fleck, deceased, of. , and to a certain TRACT OF LAND, situate in Jenner township, Somerset county, cofitaioing two hundred acres, more or less, about iwentv acres clear, adjoining land jof Barnrt Picking. Jacob lleiplet and Charles Ogle's heirs and ethers, on which are erected a cabin house and sta ble, with the apperte nances as the pro per y of the said George Fleck, deceased, at the suit of William Trimble, fr ihe use of Cdiaund Kiernan and John A. Bell, partners trading tinder the Srm of Kiernan and Bell. JACOB PIIILIPPI, Sh'fT. Sheriffs Office, Somerset ) January 13, IS 4 G. Trustees' Sale of N rursnauceof an order of ihe Or phans Court of Somerset countv. there will be exposed to sals by war of publia vendue or outcry on the premises. ; on the 8th day of February A. D. 184B. the following Real Estate late the estate of Conrad Deal deceased, viz: . One tract ot" land, situate in Greenville tp. in ihe county of Somerset, containing about two hundred acres more or less, adjoining lands of Nicholas Beall; John Meese, Jacob Yea ger, and ethers, with about Seventy acres of clear land on which is ererted one Log House, also some fruit trees. Ti axs: one tli ire! to remain a lien on the premises, the interest thereof to he paid 10 the widow semi annually du ring her life time, and al her death to bo equally distributed among the heirs and legal representatives of said deceased, and ihe remainder one third in hand and the balance in three equal anneal instil ments wlihcat interest. Purchase mon ey to be secured by judgment bonds. Attendance will be jive by Daniel LVp'y, trustee for the sale of the real es tate of Conrad Beall deeejsed. By order of ihe Court, W. 11. PICKING Jan. 13 UC, Clerk. Administrator s Sale . OF Meal SstatSa IN pursuance of an order of the Or i phans Court of Somerset county, there will be exposed to sale by way of public outcry on the 9iU day of Feb ruary, on the premises, the following tract of land viz:- - '. GO acres of land situate in Paint township. -Somerset county, adjoining lands of Peter Miller, John Walker and others, with cabin houseand .log stable thereon erected, with about seven acres clear, late the es tatt of Alexander Walker, deceased. Sale lo commence at two o'cleck on said day; where due attendance will be siven by Samuel Rordebush jr. admin istrator. Terms Cash. " By ihe Court. ' W. H. PICKING. Jan. 13 MG. r Clerk- f. J. MCKX1CUT. UARSOX 3IcKNIGKT, (succetsors ta II. Coulter & Co.) WTHOLESASE Grocers. Commis YT sion 2nd Forwardicg Merchants, Dealers in Produce and Pituburf Manu factures, Sixth street, between Wood and Liberty, ritubargh. Pa. jsnlS "WANTED. tN apprentice to the Halting biuiness, wanted. One from 1G to 17 vears ni oi n.cusinous racn. who kh 1 1 . 1 come weii reLomuienced, will be taken immediately. janl3 IOIIN C. KURTZ 1)1?. 31 ' A X E'5 CTI.E 11 HATED Tor the ctrtof llpn:'ti or lAvr Camj.lun!, ly.-j't-ji&a ci'rf .S'VA: llyjd'Arhe. pSHlS rrii'cJr i3ir. been far .cTcrsl cars xis cinpicvc'.l by tne proprietor in it;a pran.vv. on wry I u;t rn 1-3 in Mwmngaliii l'rctjn. Harrison ti1 Uarv.'tHf is count ict. in Virjini.i, bc hi.!cs Ters! k'-c j1 r cs, -iJ Laicir been sttcn i!ctl with the Birt iijt;v,v tfT.'ttS he bai bet n frvrj liiw fim JkitH t edoj-.t Ofli acnarsc as wotilit gitre it a more ru-r.siv cirru'atioi:. ii!ii . view tt Icb-MMi the auiuint ef heman tnllerinj. -Arvarcof ilie fart nmj useless novtrurs? hjve Loiu j-.Iioil open iLc j'ublie, lie lieaiia'.t-J fr everaJ rears uvti! luoroiigLlj couvikit that the bvv modiiinc, if projcrly uci, wuld i.ct fuiito rfllvt cures in a great u;;oit in-tjin e. mid evf n t al!erjl i!slss eases which are quite incu-11.1.-. Syrnj-tGiH r,f d'teuS'il IJvcr. Tain in t'ie richt sidr. vtn!er ihe e.?ire f th ribs. iiicrrarJ i pressure: sometime the piin is in t!i left h'c; the piiticut is rarely aS!e to lie on the left siJe; jim'i ik'i tbj'iO;i i tl unJer liie ho;i!v't.--biJ'Te. 1! frepu-ii'fy ritfr.ds t. tf;C trp of tlie sltwu! der, auJ i onuTi:.:-.' iiitst.-.krrj fjr a rhcH;cal.iii in the riht crm. TLp ?t unat u is -Het teJ i'.!i hhjof pj tile uml kiel.i!ev; the bowels, in ca tsU are citive. !. m;u e wltriing wi'h l.n. tbe henJ : troubled wii' jr'it, accvnipai.ieiS a dull, heavy sn.-a:i-.!i in t c Ljrk jnrt. Theie i geurrallv a ro:isid.r.-.blo lo. of nm;iry, otxuin anied with a painful sri:s.tion of !.avi;ij left LaJue fconjrriiiu wl.'i h i;n'it to have I reu dme. A slight dry coi'i'i i so!n.'Ji:te? an k'tn lln,. The fal":ont con.j luiri- 4.f wuiiiv.j.s end tlebihty; he is easily starllixl, bii ff. t .ire cold or liernin. .'Mid be itf;nai;i-s cf a prickly SPf.-a'Ioti of llo M.jn; Li ijiirit are low; am alshoc-jli h is at;-5l3eJ that exutis wou!J te beiieflriai to him. ytt he can warerly saumon fbrtitule eu."u"!i to trv it. In fact, he di-lruts eerv rc r.iedv. Several of the a'ove syrnptous jur.d ta diseue. but casfs Iutb ore jrre.l where f - of them eiUted. yet 'examination of the body nfirr dt aih hjbovn the livor to have been ejUe;iie Iv deranged. CKRTH'ICATES. Thi U to cr?i l"y . th.'.t bavin; been bs-m iatej with Dr. M'Laitc i:i the practice cf mri.'i ir-e fr iiearlv two uu t a half yvir, I have lit I n my pportunili- of vv'r.i:es-iii; the g iiid e;Tv ! cf hi Liver I'il's. iid I btlieve iby tiive cured relieved a much Lrsr prot'orujn of ihe dij-es of the liver, thjii I liive knnwu c'JrtJ and re lieved br anv other course of tieatiuria. Dec. 71SC . UMYEi; JIORtjA.V, il.U. fj(nKT!TS Nna are petiuine wiihaut a!n:-i!e cf lhe proprietrir' t.i2nature. 1'rejared for the proprietor bv - JONATHAN KIUD &. Cj. Vholca!e and KrUil Druzist, riwoer of 4 tli an Wood :, Pittsburc, Tx, They sre a'o 11 by ta fallow Jnj a-, J' It. Sriyi'iT, 'oii;, Knbie and Voiia,bt. t'eiitrevi'Ie, M. A. Kos. IVUt.I 'urgli, A. Wyatt, Sinkhi'vlJ. CJ. i;ooJ. .Wt;;pr'urgh. N. D. order tlul there mar ? n r.;;.-;:c. be particular oid aak fr ' Dr. M"!.;ic" Liver nil..' Iratent Vermifuge. Dn. M Link's Axi rictv AVon.i Sri."irie frv.i.j.i'y txpil '."wws U vu fAmittl in nvitlsr? fTO subr.t3n;ia!e the above fjf I many hundred jL of testiiuoiii's could ts addnced, out cf which the following are selected, from individ ual 'of lisnuiu? 3d veracity. luderd. it is ctti fi ler.lly aiTiruied lLt each new t ft U.e w-e.- cf tiii reaietly vrill buaon sdJ.inil trr. Jeucy ti widen and rorifirin it fjme. and tlijt if it were universally hnown und diift:e 1 over thi United State, it wculii n,H sve Ic.j than inany huidrcJi., if aot lh;u;-aii.!s cf lives auwurslly. CERTIFICATES. I Ja certify lbt n vint of Dr. M'Lanc's Ar!)rri caa Worm iSpcciilc expelled ;ve! and two whole worms and j i-e-i that would Lav? made sixty r.;ore, f-om a S-oy of J.!;n Lewelling. which, if laid in s traight ii:;?. ould havprno! probably measured t!ie enoPiPMi leni'.h of one LuiHittil yards. JOsIAH JAt:'S().,oviiBrf Wa i r Forge, and other works, ib'.cgali county, Vs. Thi is rertify that I ptm-ha.-sed frorn Hc'a:rs 6c Kidd a inl of Dr. M "Lane's Aii.'ri- an Worm S'jKciC--, and give two !o-es to a boy of mif-a alxmt three years years of acje. He pa.-;d fi I'y half a pint of warm. The c jjniily was m Jjrg.? I was re. illy a'irioeJ. nijj cail.-d in scvtia! cf my Keibbm to tb. tn. II j j this st-ry Wn rf liictl to Die. I ran'd nit hv c rediUiS it, wi'lnnit being ail eye-witru ? to ihe same. .My cLild'e heaJtU unproved ninth nfter. SAM'L MORniSON." !u Lanl TsiFur, VoJ tt, Pitti,burS!i. Some two mecth aj I piirrhavd a ial of Tlr. WI.ihis A mericati Worm S-' jjechlc I save a Ioy of mine mo-t f vial; he j-asfd forty very l.inre worrn. From that time hi uealih rery much. I had tried twoother Vermifuge to ?io purf-ise. I Lc!ii': Dr. ilLi the !ft article before the 'public D. CALHOUN. Mini in township, Allegheny coucty. HEAR MEDICAL TESTIMONY. From a rejpilar Physician. Dr G S Srsidi. Sun Ch, Oliio. Mr. J. Kid 1 Drar eir I have aed in my praj-tice Dr. M'Lune's American Worm Sjrc's;lc. ami hare f:en witnesied iu efScacy in expdlinj worms from the system. A patient of ruine. a short time atpj, eaTe a vial of the Wonn SpcciSc to a child; in a short time cpwards of sixty-ure worms were expelled. Prepared far ths Prornl"'' r JONATHAN KIDD & Co. Vho!eale and Retail Drcrgi'it'. corner of 4 lb and WooJ sti. Pittsbargh. . Also itx sale br the following a jenu JOHN L. iNYDEi:, 5Hmert, Hij and .Morrison, Lavaavi!!e, Knable and Vocjht. Centreuie, M. A. Koss, Peers?.ur;h. " A. Wvatt.PmilhSeW. G.Co-ils. Wellersbargh. -N. D. Be part s wlir to a-i for Dr. M Lane s American Wor3ipeci"K"f r Ptut Vcrniifjge. ' ju13,i5 jonx CAKSOX. Somerset County, as. iss-A f Tan adjoarred Orphans S L.S. S jJC jay. cf Uecfuiber, A. 'ryD. 1845. Before the Honora ble Judges thereof. IN the matter of the real estate ef John Shaffer. deee-.?ed, viz: 550 acres of land situate in Allegheny lowi.ship, sold by siil Shaffer in h:s life time, lo Jacob Knspper, and the interest of said Kr.p per transferred to Diitiel Firhtner. And now to nit, December S, 1845,' on petition of Solomon Bare, administra tor t f said :df ceased, and Danttl Ficht-i-r. flnd?e of Jacob Knerpcr, the court front a rule on the heirs and legil re pre- j.entatites of said John ShafTer, deceased. iaiiesi j v . - nMesr at an adjourned Orphans' ,-ni.rt o he held ai Somerset, on t!;e 2nd 10 .!iv of ilarch next, aad shew cause if iancihrr have, whv a perific" nrrfar- J niauce or said contract should not be de- creed, and the administrator aforesaid. , aliased to execute a tide to the said Da ' liiel Tichtner. , t Etrnci from the' record, certified thi 5d daV of leceinber. A H !St5. " WILLIAM II. PICKING, jmt3'4G Clerk. NOTICE. k Lli persons indebted to the snbsrri f bei, arc requesed 13 make pay ment to J O C:-ron in whose hand the hoots of the firm arc. Il will be to the j interest of ALL concerned noi to neglect .this noii-e. THE BOOKS MUST BE SETI'LKI). A hint to the wise is sufheirnt." BliCCE it CAHirON. Stvysiown, jnG '4o I Kvccutors' Notice. 7T ETTERS Testtnicniarr oi the es- SlA tate of Isaac Stoner, late ef Bro ihersTa'ly township, dee'd., luring beea planted to the subscribers in said twn ship, all persons indebted lo said estate are requested lo attend at the iate refi tiesce of the deceased, on Wednesday the I5ih id February next, prepared to seyle; ar.d ihose having clainti, t pre sent them at ihe saute time sud place. i properly aathentieated. JOCOP, STONEB. I G1HUNCEY F Sl'ONER, j jmG'Iufi" Executor. Count ss. N the matter of the vnlun- t o s IL ,ar)' fcssinmenl ol Jacob 5 Ub 5 Flickinger l Charles lief- dev. No. 153, April term. 1843. And now to wit, 4di November, 1315. Account !of assignee fileJ. S'ii Do, IS45, ac- count confirmed, and S-iruuel Wr Pear, Iq, appointed Auditor to distribute j th? money among the creditors. ! Extract fiom the record cettiSed I5ih, i Bee, 1S43. A J OGLE, Prot'y. Ii D iP J: V IB THE nndersisced Auditor will alien J at his office in Somerset, on Toes lav 27. January, 1848. to perform the duties of ' the nhnre appointment, of which all con cerned will take notice. . SAMNEL W PEARSON. i-mn'-JG Auditor. I Somerset County, ss. ! o T an adjonrned Orphans SfwA IVl Court held at Somerset. ' in. and f-jr said county, on tts 'A 8th day of December, 1815. j Before the Honorable Judges thercef. ! 'IN the mntier of the real and persons! j estate of Frederick Younkin deceased. And now ta Mrii, Decera!er 8ih, I8t5. Ro$ Forward. Samuel W Pearson snd Isa-ac Nuzis, appointed Auditors to is- certain advancements and distnlit;te the ;real and personal estfe, amon the Leirs and letal represcoltites of said dee'd. Citrnct from the records of aid court certified Sth d-iv of Decemher. !St5 WM II PICK INC. decl6 Cleik. N O C B Till"! n:idpr!trtvri! if!lilnrc rvrlll t 1st ihe bo'ise of Isaac Ankeny cn Friday : the 531 day ef January eeit, for tUs , purposes in the forfgoinj commisaioi j mentioned, at hich place and time all persons interested may atteci if they j think proper BOSS FORWARD. SAMFEL W PEARSON", i ISAAC HUG US, dec I G '45 Audi!or. Sumerset Count ss. jgz&Z, A i a Orphans Court beld -Vit'iD i. at Somerset in and for 1 -i 'u couniy on tae otn uay ot ''ffir December. A. I). 1845. Be fore the Honorable Judges thereof. IN ihe matter cf the account cf Red ding B- Conover, administrator de bonis r.on cum Tcstircenia annexo of the cs-li-ie of Jo?hca Cooper, Esq, deceased. And now to wit, Sth, IS45. Ross Forward, Samuel W. Pearson and Isa'C IIu;us, Erq?, appointed Auditors to distribute the funds in the hand? of .oid Administrator, to and among tl:oe enti tled to receive it. Extract from the records of S3id court, certified this 8;h December. 1545. WM II PICKINC. dselS : . Clerk. ,TKE undersigned Auditors wi!! meet at the me of Samuel W Pearson, on Thi.4'?day the 22d day of January reit, for the purposes in the foregcicf coni- Smisii men'ioncd, at which place nJ time all persons interested may attend if ihey ibiuk proper. KOSS FORWARD. S W PEARSON. : ISAAC II LCI'S, .i?cl6'43 ::'Aud::ori.