The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, January 13, 1846, Image 2

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    TTWT-J L J
lcl of north latitude. If the Senate should
support these resolutions, it is clear that
the question can only he settled thereafter
by force of ann; and f hould this be the
case, and a war I commenced between
this country hhJ Ureal Britain, no peace
can ever take pU-e between the two coun
tries but by our iLVi.uion zt the camion s
Mr. President, tlie vote upon thrs re
olu lions will draw a broad line, which
cann-'t be misunderstood, between those
who are in favor of settling tlie question
by an appeal to arms, and those in favor
of a mora pacific course. I myself am
in favor of a pacific couisc of an ad
justment, if possible, by negotiation; and
Tinder these views and impressions, Mr. j
President, I have prepared a series of res-
olutior.s antagonisiical lo those of the
Senator - from Indiana, and asserting tlie
opposite principles, which I propose to
move by way of amendment to theeso
Julious ot the Senator, and ask also that
thev be printed. I think it is a proper
occasion lor avowing the sentiments which J
I entertain upon this subject. Ism for;
pence, if peace can be honorably preser-1
ved. I am in favor of adjusting the difli- j
t-ulty, if it can be adjusted, by negotiation;
if it cannot be adjusted by negotiation, ij
am in fivor of thr.t course to be pursued!
by this Government which thall throw
the onus of a war from our ownshoul-j
At-r n mm Great liritairL. I approve of
the course taken by this Government in
offering the 40ih .parallel, under all the
circumsinnres of the case, as the bounda
rv. I believe that the desire of the Ex
ecutive is, like my own, for peace for
an honorable peace; but if aa honorable
peace cannot bo preserved, if we are to
jiave war, I will stand by my country in
every emergency. 1 shall never be found
rntagonist to her, though overruled by
those who take an opposite view from
rovown. But should a war lake place,
it "is not going to be en ordinary war; and
while I will give every support to my
country, 1 will hold inose responsible
v:ho rashly precipitate the country into a
war. Sir, on a deliberate view of the
question, I hope that whenever it comes
fairly before the Senate for discussion, we
shall diFcuss it in the calmest manner, and
when its true grounds are clearly seen
and understood, we fhall come to the
conclusion to atert a war if possible; but
if not, that we shall be united as one man
in support of the country.
.Mr. CVs resolutions were then read as
Resolved, That the President of the
United .Slates has power, by and with
the advico and consent of the Senate, to
make treaties, provided two-thirds of tlie
Senate present concur'
Resolved, That the power of making
treaties embraces that of setding and fix- i
ing boundaries between the territories and
possessions of the United States and
those of other Powers, in cases of con
flicting claims between them in reference
-to U5 same.
claims mav be, in their opinion, to "die
country included within the parallels of
42 and 51 40 north latitude, and ex
tending from the Roeky Mountains to
the Pacific Ocean, known as the Territo
ry of Oregon,' there now exists, and
have long existed, conflicting claims to
tlie possession of the same between them
and Great Britain, the adjustment of
which have been frequently the subject
of negotiation between the respective
Resoi.vep, TiiETiEroiiE, That the Pre
sident of tlie United States has rightfully
the power, under theJConslilulion. by and
with the advice and consent of the Sen
ale, provided that two-thirds of the mem
bers present concur, to adjust by treaty
the claims of the two countries to the
raid territory, by fixing a boundary be
tween their respective possessions.
Resolved, Tirr-t the President of the
United States, in renewing the offer, in
the spirit of peace and compromise, to
csublish the 4i)ik degree of north latitude
as a lint! between the possessions of the
two countries to tlie said territory, did
not "abandon the honor, the character,
and the best interests of the American
people," or exceed ihe power vested in
bim by the Constitution to make treaties.
The subject was further discussed by
IWessrs, Hannegan, Clayton, Haywood,
Alien, Archer, and Calhoun.
The resolutions and tlie proposed a
mendments were finally, on motion ol
.Mr. Hannegan, laid on fhs table, with aj
view to their being taken up for consider
ation by the Senate on some particular
day, to be assigned for that purpose, when
the coranaitte shall have reported upon
Mr. Allen's resolutions for giving notice
to Great Britain of the termination of the
joint occupancy of Oregon; so that the
whole subjeet may be before the Senate.
The question being put upon the pro
position to lay upon the table for the pre
sent with this view
Mr. Benton said he would vote for the
motion without the qualification.
The motion being earried, the Senate
Extensive Forgeries. The Lancas
ter papers give an account of tlie arrest
ly officers Brintncll and Trcnchard, of
Lancaster, of an individual named Levi
Zell, charged with sundry forgeries
nmounting to nearly $28,000. He was
originally arrested in Lancaster county,
and admitted to bad in yiuuu, anu aucr
lis release be was discovered to have
forced another note for S7.0P0, and pur
sued to New York, where he was arrest
ed. He had followed droving for a
number of years, and tood high with ihc
community in his business relations. -The
prisoner was committed to prison in
default of $10,000 bail.
A white oak log, 61 feet long, and four
fert diameter at the butt, vras brought to
Krhestcr a few daysrsince, and sold for
A HrsBAXD Killed by his Wife.
At a fair held last week at Lancaster,
Ohio, a man, named Maxfield, behaved
so outrageously, that it was resented by a
young fellow, named Jenkins, who dealt
Mavfiphrs bead with a weapon
called a "colt," that is, a heavy leaded
bail enclosed in one end of a strip of
cloth. The blow injured the,. man bo
much that, when he get home, he was
incapable of relating what had happened,
but manifested evident symptoms of in
sanity, which his wife attributed to a
freak of foolery; when she snnalched up
ih tnTVT and dealt him a severe blow
on the already wounded head, remarking
luat "sne wouiu cure mm oi nis looiery
by beatin sense into his head.' The
unfortunate stroke of tlie tongs finished
the work: the poor fellow died in the
course of a day ar two. . Young Jenkins
and the wile oi the deceased nave ueen
The Exp. The end the end al
ways have the end in view. If you take
a cigar, drink a glass of spirits, violate the
creed of virtue, speak an untruth, or lift
a copper from ?vour master's drawer,
think of the consequences the end of
vour course. Will it be pleasant to re
ilcct upon at ajghC Will it add to your
respectability and reputation? If the
young men would always have the end
in view, the number of transgressors
w ould be small indeed.
Education. Education is a compan
ion which no misfortune can depress, no
clime destroy; no enemy alienate; no
despotism enslave. At home a friend;
abroad an introduction; in solitude a solace
in societv an ornament: it chastens vice;
it guides virtue; it gives at once ornament
to genius.
OLE BULL, a foreign fiddler, who
cams tn the United Stale last spring, has
it is said, held 200 concerts in various ci
ties, realizing nearly i5S0,000 took pas
sage for Europe a few days since. Great
country this. 80.000 would furnish
manv destitute with clothing and a Bible
but our elite preferred giving it to a
Fiddler. Ohio depository.
Sew fojmterlelts.
Mechanics Bank, Newark, N. J.
I O's altered from 2's. Yinctte, female
holding a child in her arms, Reapers,
fcc. in the distance. Unlike the true 10's.
Pedham Dunk, Pedham, Mass. 5's
Jetter A. Vignette, a female figure with
a scroll in her hand trains of cara in
the back ground.
Delaware County. The good peo
ple of this county arc beginning to get up
an excitement about the removal of their
seat of justice. A recent convention de
cided, on the 5th ballot, that the county
property in Providence township was
the proper place for it, This is . some
miles inland from "Old Chester," and
v hrt num. I hush is there loca
ted. Pentia.
A regular mail now leaves New Or
leans for Galveston about every live days.
It is necessary that the postage on all let
ters and papers should be pre-paid, not
only to New Orleans, but from that city
to Galveston.
WHAT NEXT! The Emperor of
Russia has sent in a claim for the Oregon
Territory, and has just given notice to all
American vessels not to frequent any of
the creeks, bays, and harbors north of the
latitude of 51 decrees 10 minutes.
Great fike in Columrus Georgia.
A destructive fire broke out in Columbus,
Geo., on the 21st ult, at midnight, which
consumed nearly a whole square, occupy
ing nn area of about GOO feet by 300.
The loss of buildings is supposed to be
from $109,000 to S 15 0,000.
The Portland Argu.s states that a poor
old woman froze to bath on the Hill,
in that city on Thanksgiving niirht! A
shocking finale to Thanksgiving day.
Caution. It ought to be generally
known thai white swellings are frequent
ly induced by pressing bureau and other
drawers into their proper position with
the knee.
Tiie Revenue of IaUon.
The net revenue, fnr the four quarters,
1844, was $5,934,0-15 11; for the foui
quarters, 1815, $5,230,759 19; being a
decrease for 1845 of $704,184 95.
&Ui Off &4?2&ft
FUT down for trial at February term, (9th
Jdaj.) 1816.
Weyand's use t Bird and Wilkim,
Ogle and Ross Beyer
Clarke and Co. v Kellar,
Mountain etal v Deitz
Nefl t Ankeny
Kantner ? Custer"
Kennedy t Jenner school di
Reese a wif Philippi
John v Lambert
Countryman v Beam
Philippi'a use Bird ct al
Knontz's admr Flick
MiMer&Lippeneou v Cantner & Shaffer
Klint Schweiker
Burket aad wife t Miller
Uartzell't use t Workman's ex'ta
Garretsoa v Countryman et a
Watson Rush
Same Same
Walker's adm'r v Miller
Chorpenuinff v Putman
Miller Bittingtr
Aekerman et ux t Sutler
Same Same el ux
Co Troth r Cor
Gross v Gross
rrot'ys Office, Somerset, janrj s'
corarriXG iiorsE
For lSiG.
D -
......... i
z $ d t? 8?
t -i n
.V W . - - .
? Tir!ii?irv - 1 2 "3j
K 4 5 0 7 9 10
H 11 12 13 14 15 16' 17;'
C 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 U
V) . 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 Q
KFebruarr - 1 2 3 4 5 0 iVA
8 9 10 11 12 13 145
15 10 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 2 27 28
1 2 3 4 5 0 7
S 9 10 11 12 13 14
!i March
15 10 17 18 19 20 21 K
22 23 24 25 20 27 28 .6
29 30 31 U
- - 12 3 4
5 0 7,8 9 10 UK
12 13 14 15 10 17 18M
April -
May -
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
20 27 28 29 30
- - - 12
3 4 5 0 7 8 9r
10 II 12 13 14 15 ICQ
17,18 19 20 21 22 231
24 25 20 27 28 29 30jj
31 M
1 2 3 4 5 OK
7 8 9 10 11 12 13A
14 15 10 17 18 19 20 &
21 22 23 2 4 25 20 270
n 28 29 30 X
T.,l. 1 O 1 .lM
5 0 7 8 9 10 llH
12 13 14 15 1G 17 180
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
2G 27 28 29 30 31 - i$
- .... iH
2 3 4 5 G 7 8A
0 10 11 12 13 14 15y
10 17 18 19 20 21 22$
n .
H August
23 21 25 20 57 28 29 H
n 30 31
Q September, - - 1 2 3 4 5
yj 0 7 8 9 10 11 12$
H 13 11 15 10 17 18 19$
20 21 22 23 24 25 20M
Z7 3 '(
- - - - 1 2 3C
4 5 0 7 8 9 10
, 11 12 13 14 15 10 17
H 18 19 20 21 22 23 24H
J -25 20 27 28 29 30 31(
Q November, 1 2 3 4 5 0-7(5
y( 8 9 10 11 13 13 14 V
?, 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 H
'J . .. s.i
44 4 k 40 XU Zi znr
29 30 H
December, - - l 2 3 4 50
0 7 8 9 10 11 12V
13 14 15 10 17 1R 10H
20 21 22 23 24 25 20
.Idministralors' Notice.
LETTERS of Administration having
been granted to the undersigned,
upon the estate of John Uriek, late of
Somerset county, decM; he hereby gives
notice to all persons having claims against
said estate to present them without delay
legally authenticated, and those who
know themselves indebted to mak? im
mediate payment. ISAAC HUGUS,
decfl '45-61 Adm'r.
rfw ' iri"f.M JkT& 1 ft iiKTST
For FcLruary Term, 1846.
Summit. Perry Walker, Gillian C.
Lint. C M Hi. ks, Henry Hay.
S'nycreek Samuel Spangler.
Queruahoning John Snyder, (of A)
John Barnhart.
Southampton Jonathan Long, Peter
Buyer, Richard Geiger. Philip Dom.
Elklick. Chistiau Gneggy, John
Keim. -
Berlin Michael Zom.
Snmeisel tp. Jon, Rhoads, Christian
Ankeny, David Willicmson.
Greenville Samuel Grifiith. .
Jenner John O Griflith.
Turkey foot Lew's E Sanner, Jacob
N Hartztll.
Allegheny Joshua Palmer. '
Stoystown Jonathan Statler.
Milford David Weimer (of A.)
Traverse Jurors.
Jenner James Elwee, Henry L Pick
ing, Jacob lleiple, Jos. Fleming, Joseph
Someraet township Joseph Critrh
de)4, John ShnfTer, Conrad Shultz, Peter
Auman, C Barkley.
Southampton George Cook, (of F.)
Christian Kennel, Win, May, Charles
Turkeyfoot John C Philippi, Solo
mon Baldwin, Emanuel Kohn.
Addison Hirrra Mitchell. Moses Jen
nings, Geo G Case, S Elder, Wru Har
din, Thos Endsley. i
Brothersvalley John Croner, Jacob
Koontz, Samuel Farney.
Summit Elias K Beighly.
Greenville. Mosea Yod'er, Charles
Stonycreek, Joseph Gindlesperger,
David Findley.
Paint Isaac Holapple.
Elklick David Beighley.
Somerset Beaough Samuel Huston,
Solomon Zufall, Martin Shaffer.
Milford Hamilton Barnes, Jno. Wal
ter, Abraham Walker.
Quemahening. Henry Lohr, Jacob
Berlin Jacob Kimmel, Solomon
Shade Prderick Coleman, Jon Wag
ner, . - . . ,
Conemaugh John Allffine, Joseph
Kaufman, ' '"" " - ' " - -
CAUTION. .......
MHEREAS 1 jave to Jacob Pile of
Milford township, Somerset eo.,
three notes of hand, dated on the 15th
of September, ,1845, one calling for ten
dollars, and the other two for five dollars
each, one due 3 months months after
date, and the tthers 5 and 9 months af
terdate. - Not having received Talue for
the same, I hereby caution all persons a
'gainst" taking an assignment of either or
all of said notes, as I shall not pay them
unless compelled by law.
Somerset County, ss. 5
T an adjoarned Orphans
court held at Somerset
m anu fr ta'1 county on the
iSn 1845. Before the Honorable
Jeremiah S Black, and his associate jud
ges of. the same court.
On motion nf Daniel .Weyand, Esq.
the court confirm the inquisition on the
real estate of John Garman, dec d, and
grant a rule on the heirs and legal repre
sentatives of said deceased, to appear at
an adjourned Orphans court, to be held
at Somerset on the 2d day of March next,
and accept or refuse to lake the real es
tale of said John Garman, dee'd, at the
appraised price.
Extract from the records of said court.
certified this 8th day of December, 1845.
dfc2f '45 . ' Clerk.
Somerset County, ss. '
kMj A 'r an adjourned Orphans
A Court held at Somerset
uliwS n andjfor said county, on the
trT Slh day of December. A. 13.
"V 1845.. " Before the Hvnorable
Judges thereof..
On motion of F. M. Kimmel, Esq
the court confirm the inquisition on the
real estate of Elizabeth Poorbaugh, dc
ceased, and grant a rule on the heirs and
legal representatives of said deceased, to
appear al an adjourned Orphans Court,
ta be held at Somerset on Monday the
2d day of March next, and accept or re
fuse to take the real estate af said Eliza:
beth Poorbaugh, dee'd, at the appraised
price. '
Extract from the records of said court
certified this 8th day of December, A.
D. 1815. WM 11 PICKING,
lec23'45- . Clerk.
Somerset County, ss.
ilM?s 4 T an adjourned Orphans'
3m2 u Court held at Somerset
511$ in and for said county on ihe
8th day of December. A. 1).
. 1845, Before the Honorable
Jeremiah S. Black, Esq, and his associ
ate Judges of the same court.
On motion of F M Kimmel, Esq, the
court confirm the inquisition on the real
estate of Henry Geisey. dee'd. and grant
a rule on the heirs and legal representa
tives of said deceased, to appear at an
adjourned Orphans' court te be held at
V!nmmmm. itlarulSV . lll .- " - V - f
March next, and acceptor refuse lo take
the real estate of said Henry Geisey, de
ceased, at the appraised valuation.
Extract frm the records of said court,
certified this 8ih day f December, A. D.
dec23'45 - Clerk.
Somerset County, ss.
s-s-sfjg fa T an adjourned Orphans
S j g . court held at Somerset in
' s aftd for said county on the 8ih
v--riday of December, A,D, 1845.
Before the Honorable Judges thereof.
IN the matter of the real estate of
John Sutton, dee'd, viz: 150 acres of
land, situate in Somerset township, sold
by John Sutton in his lifetime to Samuel
Metzlcr, per article of agreement dated
25th day of January, 1827.
And now to wit, December 8ih, 1845,
on petition of William King and John
Cobauh, executors of the last will and
testament of John Sutton, deceased, the
court grant a rule on the heirs and legal
representatives of said deceased, to ap
pear at an adjourned Orphans' court to
be held at Somerset on Monday the 2d
day of March, 1840, and shew cause, if
any they have, why a specific perfor
mance of said contract should not e ue-
creed.and the executors aforesaid allowed
to execute a title to the purchaser agree
ably to the terms and conditions of said
Extract from the records of said court,
certified December 8th, 1845.
dec23 '45 Clerk.
Soincrset County, ss.
iitutj A T an adjourned Orphans'
J. Oourt held at Somerset,
SlC'in and for said county, on the
"5 8th dav of December, A. D.
1845. " Before the Honorable
Judges thereof. -
IN the matter of the real and persona
estate of Geerge Seese, deceased. And
now' to wit, December 8th, 1845, Wil
liam H Pffslltthwaite, Samuel W Pear
son and Daniel Weyand, Esqs, appoint
ed Auditors to ascertain and settle the ad
vancements, and make the distribution of
the estate to and among the persons enti
tled to the same.
Extract from, the records of said court,
certified December 8th,' 1845.
deelO "' Clerk.
V O T I C K.
THE undersigned Auditors will mse
at the of?ce of Samuel W Pearson, , on
Wednesday the 21st day ; of January
next, for the purposes in the foregoing
commission mentioned, al which place
and time all persons interested may at
tend if they think proper.
deelG '45 ' Auditors.
Constables' Stay 15oni
:g W til 0ce
One Cent Reward.
AN away from the undersigned, on
Thursday morning last, an inden
ted servant girl, named
between 14 and 15 years of age. All
persons" are hereby cautioned against har
boring or trusting her on my account.
The above reward will be paid to any
person returning hnr to me, but no char
Somerset, T)ec3l 4 5
JjIST:OF I-ETTjE rs - -
EEMAINING in the Post Office at
Somerset, Pa., on the 1st Janr.arv
Benford Elias Ankeny Joseph
Faidley Alexander LMough Jacob
Blackheart July Ann Brinard Mary Mrs
Beiz Henry Cox Joshua F 5
Denner J G . Earbeart Anthouy
Conninghani John Cinter John
Davis Daniel E Cover John
Dennison Hugh ' Flick Danhl 2
Flick Isaac , Fleck Jacob
Friedline Peter Emard Christian
Fulton James Halderbom Martin
Graser John 2 Heiple Henry jr 2
Good Joseph Hoffard Samuel
Gasho Christian Hawk Godfrey
.Hughes Isaac Jack eon Eliz. Mrs
Lutz John Kuns Sanuiei
Krissinger Charles Enable David Capt
Lohr Mr Lorinmer Robert
Needw James 2 Msttsun John
Neiderliyser Rud. Morrow James
Moser Laurenz Miller L & J II
Michael Lewis - M'CartyJohu ,
Myers Jacob sr Martceny John
Parson Robert Robison J J 2
Robion H : Say lor Joseph 2
Stahl Harriet Miss Shirbine Peter
Shoemaker Joseph Steele John II
Shafer Henry Thompson A 2
Shaffer. Mary E J Shafer Margaret
Sipe Jacob . Elizabeth Leech
Stall Elias Siatler Ann Mrs
Will Elias Witt Cornelius 3
Will Wm Weighlev Lewis
Zimmerman Conrad2 Yarnall George
Post Office, Somerset janl 4G
legislative Intelligencer.
The "Lntki.moencer" will be pnl-
lished during tlie ensuing session of the
Legislature, once a week, on the follow
ing terms:
A Single copy $1 00
Three'copies, 2 00
Five copies, 3 00
Ten copies, 5 00
Payable in all cases in advance!
The price of subscription for Ihe year
is Two Dollats, but $1,50 will bo taken
ifpaid in adcunce; or ten sopies" for 810,
in advance.
The paper will contain full and correct
reports of Legislative proceedings; the
proceedings of Congress on all subjects of
general interest; and the general news of
the day, Jbreign and domestic. A por
un "of our columns wtil otr at" dcrio.i
to literary and iniscellrneous items; and
the Farmer wili be weekly supplied with
a review of the city markets, and other ajr
ricultural matter.
Containing: a Choice Selet-tioti of Psalm and
Hymn Tuaes, Suited to the various Metres
now in ue. among; the different Reli
gion Denominations in the Uni
ted Statos: tte.signcd for the
u o of Public and Fam
ily worship.
Corrected, Inlnrpred. ami xuucli
f70URTEENTII Stereotype et
JJ Wholesale price THREE
LARS PER DOZ. For sale
sale and Retail by
Booksellers, Printers & Binders,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
J. & S. have on hand a large and ex
tensive assortment of SCHOOL AND
they will sell low for cash, or exchange
for rags at cash prices. janG'4G 3t
7HEREAS the honorable Jeremi
' ah S. Black. President, and G.
Chorpnnning and John M'Cartv, Esqs-i
associate Judges ot the court of common
pleas, in and for the county of Somerset,
and assistant Justices of the courts of oyer
and terminer and general jail delivery and
quarter sessions of the peace, in and for
said county of Somerset, have issued
their precept to me directed, requiring
me among other things to make public
proclamation throughout my bailiwick,
that a court of oyer and terminer and
general jail delivery: also, a court of gen
eral quarter sessions of the peace and
jail delivery, will commence at the bor
ough of Somerset, in and for the county
of Somerset, in the commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, on the 2d Monday of
February next, (9th' day) in pursuance
of which precept
Public Xotice is hereby giv
en, to the justices of the peace, the coro
ner, and constables of said county of
Somerset, that they be then and there, in
their own proper persons, with their
rolls, records examinations, and inquisi
tions, and other remembrances, to do
those things which to their offices apper
tain in that behalf lo be done and also all
those who prosecute against the priso
ners that are, or then shall be, in the jail
of ihe,-aid county of Somerset, are to be
then and there to prqe-eCute against them
as shall be justt
G'.Ten under my hand, at Somerset, this
6lh day of January, in the year of
our Lord 1846. ' :
WHEREAS, the .nbsrrihrr rrne
time smce, gave a note of hai!(J
io a certain Landal Morton, of S,er.
set, (ihe d'teor which ai1l tte amourt
for which it calls is not now recollected )
and not having received ,aUl, for j''
same, he is determined not to jt llt
less compelled thereto by law, an''h "
therefore cautions all persons aai6
king an assignment of said note.
N. B. Said note is the only rno
which the said Morion bold.- against iho
subscriber. CPARLES STONER:
Berlin, janG MG -
.Stray Bui!.
41 AME trespassing upon the premises
J of the subscriber :n Milford town
ship, some time since, a pale red bull
with some white spots on his body, be
tween one and two years oi no ear
The owner is requested to come for
ward, prove property, pay charges and
take him away, or he will be disposed of
as the law directs.
Flour, per barrel, .
"Wheat, per bushel,
Rye, M
f 173 a 5 23
1 00 a I 10
55 a 0 to
G3 a 0 70
55 a 0 40
40 a 0 50
51 a 0 37"
57 a 0 50
I 00 a I 25
15 i 0 18
S a 0 4
3 a 0 5
1 25 a 1 50
10 a 0 12
7 0 8
Oats, .
" dried "
Peaches dried "
Butter, per pound,
Chickens, per dozen,
Stone Coal, per bushel.
Pittsburgh Blarkct.
! Flour, f 4 40 a 4 50
Wheat . 0 75 a 0 SO
Rye 45 a 50
Corn 49 a 00
Oats 53 a 37
Barley. 00 a CO
Bacon, hams, per lb 8 a 00
Pork 00 a 00
Lard, 7 a 00
Tallow, rendered 6 a 00
" rough ' 4 a 00
Butter, in kegs, CO a 00
" roll.. 8 a 00
Cheese Western Reserve 5 a ?
Goshen, 00 a 00
Apples green, per barrel, 1 00 a 1 50
dried per bushel, 1 10 a 1 20
Peaches, X CO a 5 25
Potatoes, Mercer 00 a 00
Neshannocks CO a 03
Seeds, Clover 4 CO a 0 CO
Timothy I 37 a 1 50
Flaxseed 00 a 1 05
Wool 22 a S3
i . . i m jjl -m. J.ia.u niMmjm
Pittsburgh, Ta.
Pittsburgh, Banks, par
Philadelphia Banks, par
Girard Bank 'par
United States BanTc, 30
Bank of Germantown par
Monongahela Bank Brownsville i
Bank of Gettysburg 1
Bank of Chester County par
Bank of Chambersburg i
Bank of Delaware, par
Bank of Susquehanna County
uaiiK ol Montgomery County par
Bank of Northumberland par
Bank of Lewistown I
Bank of Middleton, 1
Carlisle Bank 1
Columbia Bank and Bridge Co. pa
Doyiestown Bank par
Erie Bank i
Franklin Bank, Washington , 1
Farmers' Bank Reading par
Farmers Bank Bucks County par
Farmer's Drover's Bank Waynesb'gpar
Farmers' Bank Lancaster par
Lancaster Co. Bank .
Lancaster Bank . '
Harrisburg Bank 1
llonesdale Bank
Lebanon Bank
Miners' Bank Potts ville
Wyoming Bank
Northampton bank M
York Bank
State Scrip, Exchange bank Pitts., I
Mcr. and Manf's B par
Issued by solvent Banks 1
Mount Pleasant 1
Stcubenville, (F. fe M.)
St. Clairviile
New Lisbon
Cincinnati banks,
Columbus i
Circleville . i
Putnam -
Woostcr ' S
Geauga .
Nor walk
Cleveland Bank
Franklin Bank of Columbus,
Sciota a
Lancaster . . 10
Hamilton IS
Granville 45
Commercial Bank of Lake Erl, 1 i
Farmers Bank of Canton 20
Urbana, 40
; Indiana. j
State Bank and branches, 1
Stale Scrip, 3 3