The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, January 06, 1846, Image 4

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Tfi p?ar pub&Ued erv TteJay, at ft
arnijra, p aj able aft"-y early indvane.
If not pai i vitkin tfc vaar, f 5,59 wiJJ iavaria
.'t ba cfcargei.
aWriPt;o lat- rex !!" fs wontfm
oor en a iabacrirr oiscnntinue nntw at
fta.f.tlea rfth dUr1 BnlilarrcwigMtM
AfT-KrTtfiwTt wHl 1.8 tnwrled at $1 per
gor, fjr iba first three ioeruoo, r! 25
nt for every sabiaat insertion: longer
nciia prapartien.
X.iuaaTiiaBTi iniertciin tha HeraW and
npWicas, Ibrea times, at $2 pec ar anfl
10 cant for every other ir.sartion.
v & f i if
I From tha Piiila. 8sU Caurier.
Tnonyhrt, cigfycstcd by the Sea
son. Yhore are the sun-bright golden hours T
Full swiftly they hare flown;
The leafy drapery of the howcrs,
The song of birds, the fragrant flowers,
All, all alas ! are gone.
The music of the woodland rills,
Late echoing on the air,
Is hushed in gloom; the verdant hills,
Where summer1 s genial dew distils,
- With frost are white and bare.
The towering trees which lately spread
Protecting shadows wide;
Deserted lift the hoary head,
Their glorious summer robes all fled
Andone their regal pride.
IVan nature wears a saddened fact,
O'er treasure lost she mourns;
"But comelh Spring's "bright form apace,
Radiant with health and blooming grace,
When each priied gift returns.
ogglt Utfr jf iWWa
Boston Custom HocskDevelopments.
The following lines were found among
ome waste paper at the Boston Custom
House. A history so touching, the Jour
nal thinks, must have been the work of
a cffice-holdcr whose removal was "re
quired by the public good."
On a log sat a frog,
"Weeping for his daughter,
Tears heshsd, till his eyes were red,
Then jumped Into the water aud drown
ed himsclL
Sam Slick on C hying. Sam BlicTv
says that "to talk about a person having
the power to weep on ail occasions, Is the
height of moon-shine. I'd like to see a
man undertake to cry, with a pretty girl
besidehim pocket full of cash bo corns
on his toes and a plenty of ice cream in
Lis reach, If h? can do it at such a time,
lie had bettefmake a "business of it, and
go about crying for people at sixpence a
Be content as long as your mouth is
full (not of tobacco) and your body warm;
remember ths poor kiss (he pretty girls
don't rob your neighbor's hen roost
never pick an editor's pocket, nor have
an idea he is rich kick dull care to the
leuce black your own boots, and pay
for your newspapers.
Typography plays strange tricks with
manuscript sometimes. This is the la
test instance. The line
Hell has no fury like a woman scorned,
tfas made to iead
Hell has no fury like a woman corned;"
in which there is truth if not poetry.
A"ME trespassing on the premises of
the subscriber, residing in Green
ville township, Somerset county, on the
Istdsy of December, J 845,
a ilea ana White
spotted cow, ahoute
9 years old. The owner is requested to
co me forward, prove property, pay char
ges, tnd taLe her away, or s!e will be
iiiposed of as the law directs.
Stray Cotp-
CAME tresspassing on the premises
of the subscriber residing in Green
ville -township, Somerset county. Penn
ylvania. some timu in November, 1845,
a Black Cow with a
V b
board fastened on
ier horns, has some white
about the belly and idft,rthe left -car cut
ofT, and a letter C. or G. on the left-horn,
supposed to be 8 or 9 years old The
owner is requested -to come forward.
prove pronerty, pay charges, anJ take
her away, or she will be disposed of 86
the law directs.
Stray Bull
i wm .
friAMfci to the premises ol tue subscn
ber in Mi'ford townshin, Somerset
county, sometime tiu September last, a
lirindle Bull, about one year
eld last spring, with white -face, white
fcelly and legs, no artificial marks percep-
sjoie, tne owner is tlesired o come for-
ward, pro property, pay charges, and
lake inm way, or -he wiU be disposed of
as the law directs.
Slank Deeds.
LOTf Clank Deeds T .a auprir quail
flw s tjr,ju print rl aI now Tor aala
JlT TW5 Off ice
t Brown Muslins,
"2 ZlOiTl YDS Brown Muslins;
IvJUvJ Cotton Yarn; Coiton
Laps, Wadding, and the best Candle
Wick, for sale at the
Books ! Books!! 0 Yes III
f"10BBS Series; Smith's Geography,
j Grammar and Arithmetic, Smith's
Ctmrnh Harmony; Bible; Slate; Sta
tionary, co, for sal cheap by
derll JJ&HF SCfTELL,
Stray Vow.
CAME to the premises of the subscri
ber in Conemaugh township, about
the middle of October last,
a Red Cow, ttith a
white spot on the
belly, supposed to be shout 6 years old,
no ear marks. The owner is desired to
come forward, prove property, pay char
ges, and take her away, or she will be
disposed of as the law directs
Orphans1 Court Sale
fX pursnance of nn order of the Or
phans' Court of Somerset county,
there will be expos-d to sale by way of
public vendue or outcry on the premises,
n Monday the 26th day of January
next, the follnwiug real esfate, Lite the
properly of Andrew Bird, deceased, vix:
One tract of Land situate
in Addison township, adjoining lands of
Jhn P. H. Walker, John A Mitchell.
Robert Robison smd others, containing
270 acres more or less, on whirh are e-
reeled two dwelling houses, barn and
other buildings.
One other tract adjoining lands o
John A. Mitchell, Robert Robiion Thorn
as Gliasen James Wilkins and others
260 acres more or less,
on which are erected a dwelling house
barn and other buildings.
Terms one third to remain i lien on
the premises, the interest thereof to be
paid to the widow annually, during her
lifetime, and at her death to be equally
divided among the heirs and legal repre
sentees of said deceased. One third of
the balance in hand and the remainder
in three equal annual payments without
interest, to bo secured oil the properly by
judgment bonds.
Attendanee will be given by John
Hanna, administrator of the estate of said
deceased. by the Court.-
W. 11. Picking.
Decl6 M5-4t. , Clerk.
Orphans' Court Sale of
Real Estate.
IN pnrsuance of an order of the Or
phan's Court of Somerset county,
there will be exposed to sale by way of
public vendue or outcry on the premises,
on Saturday the 7th day of February
next, the following real estate, late the
property of Jacob Grove, deceased viz:
One tract of Lraid,
eitnale in Shade township, containing
forty acrps. more or less, with a cabin
house and barn therenn erected, bounded
by lands of Samuel Kiinmel, David Zim
merman, and others.
One other tract or parcel
of land, containing seven acres, more or
less, adjoining the above described
Terms one third in hand, and the
balance in two equal annual payments.
Attendance will be given by Jonathan
Sutler. Administator of the estate of said
deceased. Bv the Court,
Par. 1ft 1945. Clerk.
Heal Estate
HfHE subscribers, agents and attor
neys for A G Cole, ofier for sale
on advantageous terms, the fallowing de
scribed real estate, to wif That well
late the property of Jacob Probasco and
John Baker, Esq, on the National Road,
in Henry Clay township, Fayette coun
ty. Pa, and one mile west of the village
ol Somerficld in Somerset county, to
gether with the appurtenances thereunto
belonging. This property consists of
about one hundred and fifty-three acres
of land, a greater portion of which is
cleared and under cultivation and in mea
dow. The buildings consist of a large
and convenient
partly stone and partly frame, comraodi
ous stabling and other out-buildings.
The location of his property beine
j one mile from the town of SomerfTeld,,
abounding in wood and Stone coal; ha:
inga Saw Mill and Crist Mill adjacent
inereo au- pieniy oi waier remaining
throueh the land, renders it an important
and valuable situation for any kind of bu
siness. The premises have been for a
long vae occupied as a Tavern' Stand.
.1 r .
The staud is admirably adapted for the
J accommodation of all kinds of Droves.
Persons desirous f purchasing the
property, 8re requested o call on Josh
ua B. HoweJ and E. P.Oliphant, of U
niontown, Pa, who will give every in-
l formation desired, concerning aid pro
perty. llOW EL & uLIPHANT,
Attorneys of A G Cole, of Bait.
;uly23 '45-if
HAVING returned to the practice of
the law, lenders his professional
services to his old clients and the publie
Oiice in North end oi onyaer s row,
latly occupied by A. J. Ogle, Esq.
In the Court of Common
Fleas of Somerset County,
of September Term, 1845,
Xo. 128.
XN the matter of the application of "the
Evangelical Lutheran Church of
Samuels,' in Somerset township, Somer
set county, Pennsylvania, for a charter of
Ami now to wit, ein Decem
ber, 1845. The petition of
t the members of "the Evan-
Samuels" in Somerset town-
ahip, Somerset county, Pennsylvania,
was presented to the Couit praying for a
Charter of Incorporation, aud the court
having perused and examined the peti
tion, and the articles and conditions there
in set fonh and contained, appearing to
be lawful and not injurious to the com
munity, orrer the instrument to be filed,
and publication to be made in one news
paper printed in Somerset county, for 3
weeks that the application has been
made. By the court.
declO'45 A. J. OGLE, Prot'y
Tn the Court of Common
Vleas of Somerset County,
of September Term, 1845,
Ao. 129.
IN the matter of the application of "the
Evangelical Lutheran Church" of
Somerset, Somerset county, Pennsylvai
nia, for a Charter of Incorporation.
AN D now to wit, 8in Decern
SM. ber, 1845. The petition of
f-i'aifcsl memer f lQe fresaid
V&sv Church, was presented to
''7mV tie court praying for a Char
ter of Incorporation; and the court hav
ing perused and examined the petition,
and the articles and conditions therein set
forth and contained, appearing to be law
ful and not injurious to the community,
order the instrument to be filed and pub
lication to be made in one newspaper
printed in Somerset county, for three
weeks, that the application has been
made. By the court,
slcclS A. J. OGLE. Prot'y.
In the Corrt of Common
Pleas of Somerset County,
of September Term, 1845,
Xo. 130.
IN the matter of the application of
"Chris ts Evangelical Lutheran
Church" in Somerset township, Somer
set county, Peansy4Wania for a Charter of
i xj r . -r I
nil now 10 wii, uecenmer
8th, 1845. the petition of
the members of the aforesaid
church was presented to the
Court praying for a Charter
of Incorporation; and the Court having
perused and examined the petition, and
the articles and conditions therein set
forth and contained, appearing to be law
ful and not injurious to the community,
order the instrument to be filed and pub
lication to be made in one newspaper
printed in Somerset county, for three
weeks that the application has been made.
By the court,
decI8'45 A. J OGLE, Prot'y,
Pennsylvania Telegraph.
The session of the Legislature which
s just at hand, we have reason to believe
will be one that will excite much interest
amongst the people of the Common-
wejlth, and mduce a desire to obtain ac
curate reports of its proceedings through
a paper published at the seat of Government,-
We have onrazed iritellipent and com-
petent Reporters for the Senate and
Hosse ot representatives, and shall pub
lish in the Telegraph full and impartial
reports of the same up to the latest hours
of publication, and send to subscribers at
the rates specified below.
We shall also be enabled to give the
latest Congressional Intel'igenee, with
the Political news at Washington, hav
ing engaged intelligent and experienced
correspondents at Washiugto City, far
that purpose.
The Telegraph will be published Semi-weekly,
at 2 for the session, or $ $
for the whole year.
SIX copies of the pamper will be seut
to one office for Si 0 during the session,
or for $15 the year, to be paid in ad
The Telegraph will be sent to subscri
bers once a week at $2 per annum and
will contain Literary, as welt as General,
ar - a
legislative and Congressional news.
For the purpose of placing the procee
dings of the legislature within the reach
of every one, we have made arrange
ments to issue the I elegraph once a
week at the low price of ONE DOL
LAR for the session, in all cases to be
in advance. The weekly session Tele
graph will be made up of the Legislative,
Congressional and General News thet
appear in the-semi-weekly paper, and
win ue issued from the pressevery Mon
day morning, . ,
feT7"Persons procuring five subscribers
- m cz
and lorwarding 5, shall receive a copy
lor tneir trouble, THKU FENN
Uarrwbnrg, Nov, 26, 1843,
x r LTcr
Bedford, Fa.
Hon, J, S. Black, 1)r, J, McCrery,
Hon, A, Thompson, Dr, N, W,
Office at Ankeny's Hotel.
war urni mwm
has not yet commenced, and we are still seU
luij goods at the above stand at very
reduced pricea.
WrE have received 'this day' from
Philadelphia, Baltimore and
Pittsburg, a variety of
fflffiJT QDQID3
consisting in part of
CLOTHS of various qualities and colors!
JEANS do do do
LADIES GOODS such as Romelia
stripe. Polka Cashmere, Cashmere De
Cosse, Afghan Satin, plain, figured and
changeable Alpachas, Mouslin de Laines,
&c, &c, &c.
In selling' boots and shoes,
We promise to beat the Jews.
ALSO on hand a choice lot of Gro
ceries, Hardware and Queensware; all of
which we shall endeavor to sell on such
terms, as to ini'ucc a generous public to
give us a libera, support.
Don't forget the place, remember the
I hree Big Doors.
sept30 I J it H F SCHELL.
Hurra!! Hurra!!! Hurra!!!!
Don't bt alarmed No new Firm.
The same old Coon:
RESPECTFULLY informs his old
customers and the public in gener
al, that he still carries on the
business in all its various branches, one
door east of John L Snyder's store and
immediately opposite the "J hree Big
Doors," where he is prepared to do all
manner of work in his line of business,
in the neatest and most durable manner.
on short notice and as cheap as any tailor
in the county; His work shall not be
surpassed by any eastern, western or
elsewhere; All his woik shall fit neatly
or the cloth be relumed.
oct28 3m
THE snbscriberrcspectfully informs
his friends and the public in gen
eral, that he carries on the
Stone Cutting Business
in all its various branches, at his shop
on main street, 2 doors east of George
Piles tavern, and nearly opposite the
drugstore of John L. Snyder.
made at the 6hoJtest notice, and on the
most reasonable terms, and in a manner
that will render them superior la un
other manvjaclured las section of
Grind stones of an excellent quality,
always kept on hand.
' mm a
Country produce taken in exchange
for work, at Market Prices.
Somerset, Pa., ?
March 5, 1845 ly.
Saddling and
I, ESPECTFULLY informs his
. friends and the public in general,
that he continues to carry on the
Saddling and Harness-Making
at his sho? on Main Cross street, north
of Parker & Ankeny's store, where he
will constantly keep on hand, or make to
order, MENS1 AND tf OMENS
NES S, COLLARS, c frc,
all of which he will dispose of at rery
low prices, for cash or approved country
Having supplied himself with excel
lent materials, and being determined to
do his work in a neat and substantial
manner, he flatters himself to be able to
give general satisfaction 10 all wire en ay
fafor him with their eustoai.
Somerset, nor 11 '43
THE stockholders of the Bedford
and Stoystewn Turnpike Road
Company, residing in Somerset county,
are hereby informed, that a dividend of
one per cent will be paid to them by Mr.
Samuel Kimmel near Stoystown
WHEREAS on the 26th day of Au
gust 1830, the subscriber gare a
note of hand to William Funk, calling
for twenty-five dollars and sixteen cents;
and some time afterwards another, calling
for twelve dollars, which said notes are
ipaid; and I therefore caution all persons
against taking an assignment of either of
them, as I shall not pay them a?ain.
r """"""
THE subscriber informs his friends
and the public generally, that, he
continues to carry on the
Saflorf its 2Siwintm,
at his old stand, nearly opposite Mr.
Ankeny's Hotel in the borough of Som
erset, where he is. prepared to execute
work at short notice.
He has made arrangements to re
ceive the New York and Philadelphia
regularly, and is. therefore, prepared to
do all work in his line of business, at
as cheap a rate as it can be done at any
other establishment of the kind in the
county, and in the neatest and most fash
ionable style.
He will warrant his work to be
made in a neat and durable marner, and
if it does no fit, he will replace the
cloth, so that persors entrusting work to
his care need not bo afraid of loosing
His work for neatness shall not be
excelled by any establishment west of
the Atleghenies.
George L. Gordon.
HAVING purchased from Mr Daniel
Pile, his interest in the establish
ment heretofore carried on underjhe firm
of Gordon fc Pile, respectfully informs
his friends and the public generally, that
he continues to carry on the
Chair-Making Business,
in all its branches, at the old stand, oppo
site Mr Kurtz's Drug store in the bor
ough of Somerset, where he will at all
limes keep on hand or make to order,
and Boston rocking chsirs;
all of which he will sell very cheap for
cash, or exchange for approved country
produce at macket prices;
His work will be done in a neat -and
fashionable style and substantial manner;
and he invites the public to give him a
call before purchasing elsewhere.
NBA good journeyman to the above
business, who can paint and finish, is
wanted immediately, and to whom con
stant employment and libera! wages will
be given.
Drs. Specr and Huhn.
THE object of ibis establishment is
to supply a want greatly felt by re
spectable travellers on our western high
ways by residents, without family, ta
ken sick and by patients from the sur
rounding towns and country who resort
to this place for relief Irom surgical aud
other diseases. Such have often suffered
from the want of the various comforts
and attentions so necessary and agreeable
to the sick, and from careless and un
faithful nurses; and been subjected to
heavy and unreasonable charges.
Invalids will here be provided with
constant; faithful and comfortable atten
dance, end at a rate much below the usu
al charges.
While the care of both physicians will
be extended to every variety of disease,
it is intended by Dr. Speer, to give spe
cial attention to
To these branches of his profession
he has given a large share of his atten
ion for the last twenty-five years, and
he will continue to devote to them the
experience acquired by a constant prac
tice during that time.
The Hotel for Invalids is not an exper
iment Its establishment is suggested
not only as necessary to supply an evi
dent want in this city, in the entire ab
sence of any special provision for the
sick, but is. warranted also by the success
of similar institutions at Cincinnati and
New Orleans the former under the care
of Drs. Taliaferro, Marshall and Strader
the latter under that of Dr. Stone.
The building selected for the purpose
is situated at the ccrner of Federal and
Robinson streets, in Allegheny city, ad
joining the city of Pittsburgh. It is
commodious and roomy, anJ furnished
with all accommodations necessary for
me sick.
Applications for admission to be made
to the subscribers, at their office on Penn
street, Pittsburgh, or at the establishment.
Q"No contagious diseases will be ad
miued. J. R. SPEER, M. D.
J. S. KUHN, M. D.
February 25, 1845.
titions, just printed and
for sale
Wants 2,000 busiich 0f
I WISH to purchase two thousand
bushels of merchantable rbxseed,
delivered at my
22 itf233
between this and the 15th of November
next, for which 1 agree to pay 80 cents
in cash, or S7l cents in manufactured
goods at my woolen manufactory, at the
wholesale prices. S KIMMjCL.
auffl2 '45-10t
Xcw Tin -If are
THE subscriber, thankful for former
support, informs his old customers
and the public generally, that he has re
commenced the manufacture ef
Tin and Siicct-Irox Wade,
at the shop formerly occupied by Mr Mi
chaels, as a.Cleckmaker shop, east of Mr
ankeny's Hotel, irf the Borough cf Som
erset, where he is now making every
descriptiun of Tin and Sheet-Iron Vuu
which he will sell cheap for cash or ex
change for approved couutry produce.--His
work will be done in a neat and sub
stantial manner, and he hopes to receive
a liberal share of public patronage.
Don't stand up tchile chairs
and sofas are so cheap.
respectfully inform his
f T oM customers and the public in
general, that he has purchased from
Mr. Jocob Myers, chair maker and
wheel wright his entire 6tock of material
and has commenced the chair making
business with that of cabinet making, at
his shop on main street in the Borough
of Somerset, one door east of the resi
dence of Simon Gebhart Esq., where
he will constantly keep on hand and
will make to order, common fancy and
Alahagony Chairs, bed steads, wheels.
Tables, Stands, Settees, So
fas, 6)C., jc., 6)C.,
He will sell common chairs at 63 per
sett, and other articles in proportion.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
axtended to him, he would invite the
public to call and exemine his work,
which he will warrant to be made of the
best materials and finished in the neatest
and most durable manner.
Approved country produee will be
taken in exchange for work, at the high
est market prices.
Cold, Coiili, Spitting cf Ulood,
IJronclsiti4,Di!ScuUyof Rrentiv
lnjr, Astlima, Tain in the Side,
Breast and Chest, IVhooptng
C0117I2, Croup, anil all Wis- f
eases of the Liver and
We bchotil many who unfortunately are tha
o1ject of disease, borne down ly its pain and 3i
tress, without a mcdeeine to strengthen and
soothe the enfeebled fiame.or relieve the poisoned
mind; Kind Providence has eauscd Nature to pro
duce a HEALING BALM for all living crea
tures, particularly the afflicted. Heathen, whose
labors have been po successful to discover the
Medical Agent for the removal and cure of a I3
oasc which seoms for ajjea to have defied the pow
ers of the healing art. should be regarded in the
light of a public benefactor.
The proprietor of Dr Duncan's EXPECTO
RANT REMEDY claims this, substantiat-d br
thousand who are living monumects restored
from the bed of sickness to the enjoyment of ihetr
dearest fdcud,and again rcudered aa ornament o
Those who suffer with the premonitory symp
toms of CONSUMPTION, should not neglect
themselves from time to time, until the diseaw
becomes seated, and rendered beyond the control
of medicine, but immediately procure Dr. Dun
can's Expect0""1. Remedy, a medicme hat
certain to remove all the first evil saeds of Con;
sumption, when used in due season.
Just received 4 doz. of the above medkine and
for sale by Parker & A nkeny, the -only suthar
iod agant for Somewt county.
Doc, 21, 1U.