The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, December 30, 1845, Image 3

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T. 11. VAT.MER Z7. of Thilalelphia at his
Jlcal Estate and Coal Oftc, u our authorized
Agent fr obtaining AJivrtimncr.ts and Sub
erripf ton for die '-HER ALU' ati.l is clothed
vivli full power lo receipt for any monies paid
tahimon these oljecLs. His ajeney includes
the f)!!o'.vinj chics, i: Philadelphia, New
York, IJ!iii''ore nid Doston, and h's offices in
these sfvew! place are located as follows:-
Jh;!n:h!phiuNo, 59 Tine Street.
r:wYarL 4Y0. Iti Aassau "
jjLmorcS, E. Corner of Ca!t-& Cal st
IhXi'tXo 1G Sic st.
A meeting of tlic friends
of Agriculture is to he held
sit thev Court House in Som
erset, on the 1st of January,
at 2 o'clock, P. AL
Gkain! -Grain!
Persons who intend to pay their sub
fctiptio:)., due for the Herald or Republi
can witli grain, are requested to deliver it
bv the 3d dny of January; after that dale
none will be taken.
3Ir. Stewsirt's teller.
On the opposite page wc publish a let
ter from our Representative, Mr. Stewart,
to President Polk's Secretary of the
Treasury, Mr. Walker. Mr. Stewart in
lus speech on the floor of Congress some
weeks since, took occasion to expose the
false positions which the President in his
Message and the Secretary in his Report
to Congress had assumed in regard to the
operations of the present TarilT. For
this, it appears, Mr. Stewart is availed
thnnva the columns of the Government
pnper, in an article which he supposes to
have been written by the Secretary him
telf, rnd in which his statements are de
nounced as "egregious misrepresenta
tions," wherefore he joins issue with the
Secretary on questions of fact, and calls
upon that dignitary to sustain his positions
by proof, offering at the same time to sub
stantiate all his own statements by official
documents. Mr. Stewart has taken a
stand on this question from which he can
not be driven, cither by the sophistry of
the President and his Secretary or the de
nunciations of the Government paper
end Mr. Polk and Mr. Walker owe it to
their own characters as well as to the na
tion, to bring forward their facts, if any
they have, or, in case they have none,
then to come cut manfully and honorably
and acknowledge that they had assumed
false positions and promulgated erroneous
The Administration on I he Tariff
All parties, we presume, arc now sat
isfied, if they were not before, that the
present administration of the General
Government is eminently hostile to the
protective policy, and that it will use eve
ry effort in its power to reduce the Tarilf
of 1812. Nothing but a majority in
Congress can now save it, for both the
President and the Secretary of the Trea
sury have so far committed themselves
upon the question as to leave no doubt in
regard to their object. Whether such a
majority does exist in cither house is ex
tremely doubtful, tho' we still entertain a
hope that a portion of the Democratic
members from ihe grain-growing and ma
nufacturing states may unite with the
Whigs in their efforts to save a measure,
under the operations of. which the nation
is Jiow pros peri tig and will continue to
prosper, if it be suffered to remain "as
it is."
The Weather the Road!).
The weather, tho' not so intensely cold
a it wag a week ago, is still cold enough
to prevent tho snow from melting. Wc
have never seen the roads in better con
dition for sleighing and sledding than they
have been for the last three weeks, and
the probability is that they will continue
50, at Ieait for some days to come, and
perhaps for weeks. It will require seve
ral days of sun-shine or rain to remove
the snow and ice with which the roads
are covered.
Flour and Grain.
Bicknell's Reporter cf the 23d instant
quotas pales of Flour, good brands super
fine at $6, and others at $5 94. Wheat pripes varying from SI 23 to
$1 29 peTTmshel.
At Cincinnati Flour is selling at from
i 80 to $4 83.
In Florr sold on the 20di at
f5 G2, and Wheat at $1 09 a $1 18.
Rational Defences.
The Resolutions on National defences,
introduced into the Senate by Gen. Cass,
(and published in our last) led to an ani
mated and protracted discussion, in which
a number of Senators participated, but
were finally passed without a dissenting
The Legislature meets on Tucs-
v nvxt.
Latest from Washington.
The Rev. Wm. A. Milburne has been
elected Chaplain of the House of Repre
sentatives, and the Rev. Septimus Tus
ton, Chaplain of the Senate.
' The joint resolutions for the ad
mission of Texas, which had previous
ly passed the House, were taken up in
Senate on the 22d, and adopted, yeas
31, nays 13.
On the 23d the Senate confirmed the
appointment of the Hon. Lewis McLane,
as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister
Plenipotentiary to Great Britain.
The President has nominated George
W. Woodward, of this State, to be a
Judge of the Supreme Court of the Uni
ted States.
Roth Houses of Congress adjourned
over from Tuesday evening to Saturday.
Caleb J. McNulty, who had been put
upon trial for embezzlement, was acquit
ted by the jury cn Tuesday last.
Pa. Intelligencer.
We refer our readers to the notice of
the editor of this excellent Whig journal,
and shall take pleasure in forwarding the
names of any who may be desirous of
obtaining it.
The Xlivers at Pittsburgh.
The American of Tuesday afternoon
says: "The rivers are all open at this
place, but closed above and below, with
3 feet
(water, wc suppose,) in the chan-
The census of Illinois shows that the
population of the State has increased
300,000 during the last five years, and
that it now amounts to 700,000.
At a meeting of the officers and sol
diers composing the 2d Brigade, 12th Di
vision. P. M. assembled at the house of
J. G. Brown, in the borough of Johns-
town, on the 20 th inst., in pursuance of a
call (responding to one cminating from
Ilarrisburg,) for the purpose of appoint
ing delegates to the Military Convention
to be held at Ilarrisburg, 'on the 20th of
January. Gen. JOHN W. GEARY
was called to the chair, and Major S. M.
Fox, appointed Secretary. When on mo
tion the following persons were chosen
to represent the 2d Brigade, 12 th Division,
P. M. in said convention.
Col. John R. Edie, Col, M. D. Mage
llan, Maj. P. C. McDowell, Gen. J. Ilite,
Major R. Forward, and Col. D. Watson.
On motion, Resolved, That the dele
gates have power to fill vacancies.
The following resolutions were then
passed by acclamation.
Resolved, That our title to the whole
of Oregon is clear and indisputable, and
in its adjustment we will submit to no
compromise, except at the cannons mouth.
Resolved, That the citizen soldiery of
the 2d Brigade, 12th Division, P. M., arc
always in readiness to march in defence
of their country's rights, and that we hold
ourselves as minute men until the final
adjustment of the Oregon question.
Resolved, That "European govern
ments may learn how vain diplomatic arts
and intrigues must ever prove upon this
continent, against that system ol sell go
vernment, which seems natural to our soil,
and which will ever resist foreign interfe
rence." On motion, the proceedings were sign
ed by the officers and ordered to be pub
lished in the papers of the Brigade, and
the Home Journal at Ilarrisburg.
JOHN W. GEARY, President.
S. M. Fox, Secretary.
On the 2 1th of Dec. inst., bv Elder
W. II. Postlethwaitc, Mr. John J
Schell, of Somerset Pa. to Miss Rose,
daughter of Col. Isaac Ankcny, of the
same place.
On the 11th inst., near Petersburg,
by Rev. John Boling, Mr. Archibald
Bird, to Mis Elizabeth Hilemax, of
Md. .
In Petersburg, on Thursday the 18th
inst., by Rev. John Coil, Mr. Robert
Keynalds, to Miss Sarah Hodgekins,
of Mount Pleasant.
On the 23d jnst., by John A. Baker,
Esq. Mr. Elijah Lyons, to Miss Susan
xau Oiiler. all of Milford tp.
In Jenner tp. on the 13th inst. Ellen
or Cecilia, ajed 1 vcar 10 months and
8 days. On the 23d inst. John Alex
ander, ayed 3 years and 10 months
children of Barnet and Catharine Picking.
On the 20th inst. Jacob aged 2 yrs. f on
of Henry and Elizabeth Picking and on
the 21th inst. in Stoystown Amelia and Ann Picking,
aged 4 years 2 months and 22 days
Thus within a fortnight five from the
same family connection have fallen in
early life like olive plants, have been
removed from parental affection, trans
planted in the Eden of Paradise, to blos
som only there they were amiable and
tender the hope and joy of Parents.
Somerset Lyceum,'''
WILL meet in the Lyceum room on
Friday Evening next.
Question for discussion.
Ought the next Legislature of Penn
sylvania to pass a law compelling every
township and borough in the Stale to ac
cept the common school law?
Declaimer, S. Gailher.
Essayist, J. J. Stutzman. ,
These interested Hill please attend.
From the N. Y. Herald of Saturday.
Arrival of the Steamship A
cadia at Koston.
Agitation in the Corn Laws Af
fairs in Ireland American
Feeling in France
The steam ship Acadia arrived at Bos
ton at one o'clock yesterday morning, and
we received our despatches by Adams &
Co., over the Long Island Railroad, at
half past 8 o'clock last evening.
The advices from Iaverpool arc to the
4th, London to the 3d, and Paris to the
1st inst. inclusive. .
The intelligence, in every : point of
view, is important.
Among the passengers are Mr. Gail
lardet and wife, II. WykofT, and John L.
O Sullivan, of N e w x ork.
The temporary war panic in England,
on the Oregon question the effect it pro-j
rl i 1 m I r tho nnirtiAn nt IMP'
Dress relative to a war the scarcity of!
food in Great Britain the commercial
crisis the railway panic the frequent
cabinet councils and, finally, the peace
ful aspect which the opinion in England
assumed, in the early part of this month
are all important.
There had been a considerable com
parative decline in cotton a fall in flour
and a depression in the money mark
et. The iron market was still active and
buoyant, though prices had somewhat re
ceded. ' The American provision market par
takes, to some extent, of the reaction
which has been recently witnessed.
The general state of trade in Manches
ter was much depressed.
The corn markets of Northern Europe
are in a state of great activity. The
grain marts of the Danube are said to be
much excited, and prices range from 29s
to 31s Gd per quarter.
The railway panic has not subsided.
On the conlrarj-, it was in full force.
The extent of the injury which the po
tato crop has sustained, forms, as usual,
an unfailing subject of inquiry and an
xiety. The accounts are, upon the
whole, of a sad and melancholy charac
ter. -
There was not much news stirring in
Germany; the religious excitement con
tinues, and in Switzerland, there will a
gaiii be fighting this winter. Food was
scarce and high, and all this leads to
make the people emigrate to the United
Accounts have been received from New
Zealand of another defeat of. the British
bv the natives.
The Russian Government has issued
another ukase against the Jews forbid
ding them to sell w ine or spirits in the
A vessel sailed from Havre, on Satur
day, with several Missionaries to .the
The King of Sardinia has just promo
ted, to the rank of Colonel, the infant Don
Juan, second son of Don Carlos.
The amount of booty taken in Scinde,
is stated to belittle less than half a mil-1
lion sterling.
The Great Western has left the Mer-
sev for Bristol. She winters there.
The Lord Chancellor, who has been so
seriously indisposed that his life was de
spaired of, is gradually recovering.
The Board of Health, at Genoa, has
abolished the quarantine on vessels from
A number of individuals have been ar
rested at Posen, on suspicion of being en
earred in conspiracy in favor of Polish
The ffovernment of the Duchv of Saxe-
Coburg has just published a decree, .de
clarin? that in future the sittings of the
States will be public.
A letter from Naples states that the
King has given permission to have
railway constructed from Capua to the
Roman frontier, near Caprano.
During recent violent tempests off the
coast ol JNorwav, eleven pilots lost their
lives in attempting- to board vessels in
want of their aid.
On Monday week. Dr. Samuel Wil
berforce, the new Bishop of Oxford, was
elected with the usual formalities, by the
Dean and Canons of Christ Church.
Stray Bull.
fAME to the premises of the subscri
ber in Milford township, Somerset
county, sometime in September last, a
Brindle Bull, ahout one year
old last sprinff, with white fare, white
belly and legs, no artificial marks pcrcep
tible, the owner is desired to come for
ward, prove property, pay charges, and
take him away, or he will be disposed of
'as the law directs.
dec30'45 JOHN BOUCHER.
Legislative Intelligencer.
mi , i
ine "INTELLIGENCER wm be pnb-
lished during the ensuing session of the
Legislature, once a iceek, on the follow-
A Single copy $1
Three copies, 2
Five copies, 3
Ten copies, 5
Payable in all cases in advance.'
The price of subscription for the year
iS Two Dollats, but $1,50 will be taken
if paid in advance; or ten sopies for 810,
in advance.
' The paper will contain full and correct
reports of Legislative proceedings; the
proceedings of Congress on all subjects of
general interest; and the general news of
the day, foreign and ' domestic. A por
tion of our columns will be also devoted
to literary and miscellrncous items; and
the Farmer wili be weekly supplied with
a review of the city markets, and other ag
ricultural matter. ; ' ' '.'' "
Conference Meeting.'
GATIONS, composing the conference
district of Somerset counry, in con
gelical Lutheran Synod of Penn'a,
Are hereby noticed, that the first mee
ting' f their Conference will be field in
the. Lutheran Church at CentreviIIe, com
mencing on Thursday the 8. of January
next, at candlelight. Ench ; pastoral dis
trict is expected to. send one delegate to
accompany the Pastor. ,AIl the bretiiren
arc urgently invited to attend, as business
of importance requires their attention.
M..F. PFAHLER. Pastor Loci.
der5 '45 -P. Rizfr. S. P.
Administrators' Notice.
W ETTERS of Administration bavins
q A- been granted to the nndersigned.
nnnn . thf estate nf Jnhii IJriek. late o
Somerset county, dee'd: he herebv eires
nolice to aj persons bavin claims against
. . . ? .. I I
s-iid estate to present them without delay
lesrallv authenticated, and those who
know themselves indebted to mak im
mediate payment ISAAC HUGUS,
dec945-6t Adm'r
TnrniEREASon the 2Gth day of An
V V Kasl 1830, the subscriber jave a
note of hand to William Funk, calling
fur twenty-five dollars and sixteen cents;
and some time afterwards another, calling
for twelve dollars, which said notes are
paid; and I therefore caution all persons
against taking an assignment of either of
them, as I shall not pay them again.
One Cent llcivard.
3 ANT away from the undersigned, on
Thursday morning last, an inden-
teu servant girl, named
beiwpen 14 and 16 years of age. All
persons are hereby cautioned against har
boring or trusting heron my account.
ihe above reward will be paid to any
person returning hnr t hip, but no char
ges. N W BRUCE.
Somerset, Dec23 '45
Stray Coic.
&A A. ME to the premises of the subscri-
J ber in Conemaugh township, about
the middle of October last,
a Red Cow, with a
23 white spot on the
belly, supposed to be about 6 years old,
mi ear marks. The owner is desired to
come forward, prove property, pay char
rcs. and take her away, or she will be
disposed of as the law directs-
Stray Cotv.
AME trespassing on the premises of
J the subscriber, residing in Green
ville tnwnsliin. Somerset county, on the
-- -- I- -
1.1 J... ..( IU-nomltlir lft-I")
TJ,wl o.wl Whiff m-UVJi
spotted cow,
ahout &
9 years old. The owner is requested to
come forward, prove property, pay char
ges, and take her away, or she will be
disposed of as the law directs.
Stray Cow.
1AME tresspassing on the premises
QJ of the subscriber residing in Green
viile township, Somerset county, Penn
sylvania, some time in November, 1815,
(fiSwmfiffiii Black Cow w ith a
t fif hoaru lasteneu on
sher horn?, has some white
about the belly and side, the left car cut
off, and a letter C. or G. on the left horn,
supposed to be 8 or 9 year3 old. The
owner is requested to come forward,
prove property, pay charges, and take
her away, or she will be disposed of as
the law directs.
Somerset County, 8S.
wtf L T an adjourned Orphans'
S hi andjfor saij county, on the
Si Sth day of December, A. D.
Jv 1815,. Before the Honorable
Judges thereof.
On motion of F. M. Kirnmcl, Esq.,
the court confirm the inquisition on the
reab estate uf Elizabeth Poorbnugh, de
ceased, and grant a rule on the heirs and
legal representatives of said deceased, to
appear at an adjourned Orphans' Court,
t be held at Somerset on Monday the
2d day of March next, and accept or re
fuse to take the real estate sf said Eliza
beth Poorbaugh, dee'd, at the appraised
Extract from the records of said court
certified this 8th day of December, A.
D. 1845. WM H PICKING,
dec23'45 Clerk.
Somerset County, ss.
A T a" adjourned Orphans
21l Court held at Somerset
Si&Sl&Sfti: 'n and tor satd county on the
S? 8l" day of December, A. D.
1845, Before the Honorable
Jeremiah S. Black, Esq, and his associ
ate Judges of the same court.
On motion of F M Kimmel, Esq, the
court confirm the inquisition on the real
estate of Henry Geisey, dee'd, and grant
a rule on the heirs and legal representa
tives of said deceased, to appear at an
adjourned Orphans court to be held at
Somerset on Monday the 2d day of
March next, and accept or refuse to take
the real estate of said Henry Geisey, de
ceased,' at the appraised valuation.
Extract from the records of said court.
certified this 8th day f December. A. D.
dec23'45 Clerk.
Fresh Groceries. .
.cj 2 bbis MOLASSES;
Loaf Sugar; Teas; Mackeral, &c; receiv
ed and for sale by
dec!6 J J fc II F SCHELL,
EALED Proposals will be. received
by the Commissioners of Somerset
county, (ill the 1st of January next, for
the delivery of wood and coal for the
Court House and Jail for the ensuinir
vear. F. W ELMER,
dee 1 6 '45 Commissioners.
"OTHEREAS I gave to Jacob Pile of
Y Y Milford township, Somerset m.,
three notes of hand, dattfd on the 15th
of September, 1845, one calling" for ten
dollars, and the other two for five doibrs
each, one due 3 months months after
date, and the others 5 and 9 months af
ter date. Not. having received value for
the same. 1 hereby caution all persons a
gainst taking an assignment of either or
all of said notes, as I shall not pay them
unless compelled by law.
Somerset County, ss.
T an adjourned Orphans'
court he'd at Somerset
SlfeVS in and
for said county on the
Ss8!i&? 8th day of December, A, D.
1845, Before the Honorable
Jeremiah S Hlack, and his associate jud
ges of the same court. ,j
On motion of Daniel Weyand, Esq.
the cnurt confirm the inquisition on llie
real estate of John Garman, dee'd, and
grant a rule on the he irs and legal repre
sentatives of said deceased, to appear at
an adjourned Orphans' court, to be held
at Somerset on the 2d day of March next,
and accept or refuse to take the real es
tate of said John Garman, dee'd, at the
appraised price.
Extract from the records of said court,
rertified this 8th day of December. 1S45.
dec26 '45 Clerk.
Somerset County, ss.
T an adjoHrned Orphans'
t r .
court lie (J at bomTstt in
qiui ior soiu couiuy, on me m .
rit-if.' rf Vrivnuiiinr 1 & A 'X a
i r . .i . - .
55jri U a V
fore the Honorable Judges thereof.
IN the matter of the real estate Gf Phi
ip King, tlcc'd, viz 187 acres of land.
situate in Turkeyfoot township, valued
and appraised at and for the sum of fifty
nine cents per acre. Inquisition confirm
ed 3d December 1828.
And now to wit, November 19, 1845,
the court on motion grant a rule on the
heirs an legal representatives of said de
ceased, to appear at an adjoured Orphans'
court to be held at Somerset on Monday
the 2d day of March, 1 84 G, and shew
cause if any they hare, why the real es
tate of Philip King, dee'd, should not be
sold. Personal notice to all the heirs in
this county, and notice by publication in
the Somerset Herald for 3 weeks, to ab
sent heirs, and one paper containing the
notice, rent u the nearest post otfice at
which they respectively reside.
Extract from the records of said court.
certified November 19th, 18-15.
IIPH2S '45-3t Clerk.
bomersel County, ss.
P T an adjourned Orphans
S njitJui court held at Somerset in
L.S. s
S anu ior saiu county on me can
Jay of December, A.Jf), IS 15.
Before the Honorable Judges thereof.
IN the matter of the real estate of
John Sutton, dee'd, viz: 15G acres of
and, situate in Somerset township, sold
by John button in Ii is lilciime to barnuel
Metzlcr, per article of agreement dated
25th dar of January, 1827.
And now to wit, December 8.h, 1845,
on petition ot vviiium King anu John
Cobaugh. executnrs of the hst will and
testament of John Sutton, deceased, the
court grant
a rule on the heirs and lcra!
of said deceased, to ap
pear at an adjourned Orphans' court to
e held at Somerset on Monday the 2d
day of March, 184G, and shew cause, if
any they have, why a specific perfor
mance of said contract should not be tie-
creed, and the executors aforesaid allowed
to execute a title to the purchaser agree
ably to the terms anJ conditions of said
Extract from the records of said court,
certified December Sth. 1845.
der23 45 CUrfc.
Somerset County, ss.
4 'J an adjourned Orphans
HTf.' in am' tor said county, on the
1845. "Before the Honorable
Judges thereof.
IN the matter of the real and persona
estate of George Seese, deceased. And
now to wit, December Sth. 1815. Wil
liam II Pustltfthwaile, Samuel W Pear
son and Daniel Weyand, Esq?, appoint
ed Auditors to ascertain ind settle the ad
vancements, and make the distribution of
the estate to and among the persons enti
tled to the same.
Extract from the records of said court,
certtfiad December 8th, 1845.
dec 16 Clerk.
NO T 1 CD,
THE undersigned Auditors will meet
st the office of Samuel W Pearson, on
Wednesday the 21st day of January
next, for the purposes in the foregoing J
commission mentioned, at which place
?nd time all persons interested may at
tend if they think proper.
dec!6 45 Auditors.
To the heirs and legal repre
sentatives of Valentine
Hoon, deceased.
TAKE notice tint an Iuqueft will be
held at the hte dwelling fmiuo of
said deceased, ip the township of Alle
gheny in the county of Somerset, oix
Friday the 30ih day cf January. I84S.
fr the purpose of making partition t,f
the real estate or s;id deceased, to ami
among his children and legal representa
tives, if the same can be dotie without
prejudice to or spoiling of the uhul
otherwise to value and appraise the same
according to law. At which time and
place you ae required to attend if you
think proper.
declG'45 Sheriff.
Somerset Convty, ss.'
i', A T an adjourned Orphans'
:XC'c- CourlljeM at Somerset.
vV 'n ant r S3'(i coun,y n 'i-o
8th day of December, IS 45.
Uefore the Honorable Judges thereof.
IN the matter of the real and personal
estate of Frederick Younkin deceased.
And now -to wit, December 8th, 1815,
Ross Forward, Samuel W Pearson an j
Isanc Hugus, appointed Auditors toss
certain advancements and distribute tha
real ami personal estate, amour the heirs
and legal representatives of sail! dre'd.
Exiract from the records of laid court
certified this Sth diy of December. !SU
declG - Clerk. -
N O Tl C 13
THE undersigned Auditors will meet
at the ho ise of Isaac Ankeny on Fruhv
the 53J day of January next, for th3
purposes in tho foregoing commission
mentioned, at which place and time all
persons interested may attend if the
think proper.
decl6'45 Auditor.
Somerset County, ss.
fTfTv' at Somerset in and for
iyr said county, on the 8th day of
Ss December, A. D. 1843. Be
fore the Honorable Judges thereof.
IN the matter of the account u( Red
ding B. Conover, administrator de bonis
non cum Testamento annexo of the cs
t?te of Joshua Cooper, Esq, deceased.
And now to wit, December Sth, 1845,
Ross Forward. Samuel W. Pearson ami
Isaac Ilugus, Eqs, appointed Auditor
to distribute the funds in the hand of s.iid
Administrator, to and among those enti
tled to receive it.
Extract from the records of said court,
certified this 8lh December. 1845.
declG Clerk.
TKE undersigned Auditors will most
at tho offirc of Samuel W Pearson, on
Thursday the 22d day of lanuary next,
for the purposes in the foregoing com
mission mentioned, at which place aiul
time all persons interested may attend if
they think proper.
dec 16 '4 3 . Auditors.'
Administrator's Sale
o F
Heal Slsiaie.
JN pursuance of an order of the Or
phans Court of Somerset county
there will be exposed at public vendue
or outcry, at the house of Gen J Hif.
in the borough of Stoystown, in siid
county, on Saturday the ?lTth January
next, (184G.) the following ra! estate,
late the property of John Sutler, dee'd,
a certain tract of hnd, situate on both
sides of the Bedford and Stoystown
tutnpike road, part in Shade and part iu
Stonycreek township's, containing
238 Acres and allowance,
conveyed to intestate, by James Frazier.
bv deed dated on the eleventh d.iv of
March, 1840, composed of psrt of two
tracts of land; one thereof surveyed on a
w.-irrant in the name of Jacob Zigler, and
ihe other in the name of John Statler,
adjoining lands of said intestate, on the
north, south, east and west, with about
fifty-five acres cleared, one
two story lo house,
one lo2 1
r v
tlier buildings there
on erected, and one
ALSO another certain one and a half
story house and stable, together with a
lot and a half of ground, situate in the
borough of Stoystown, Somerset county,
on the south side of Main street, adjoin
ing John Snyder on the west, and an al
ley on tha east numbered three on tho
general plan of said town.
ALSO, a certain other lot situate irt
said borough of Stoystown, on the south
side cf the Greensburg and Stoystown
turnpike road, adjoining lands of Georgs
Hartzell, Esq, and others, with the ap
purtenances. Terms one third of purchase rr.pney
in hand and the remainder in three rqnal
annual payments without interest, to bo
secured by Judgment bonds.
Attendance will be given by Isaae An
keny, administrator of dee'd.
By the court,
decl645 Cirrky
LOT of Blank Decda T i;
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