SOMERSET HERALD. omcract, 3?., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1845. I". B. JML.VErt of PlWJa.lelphia at his Jieal Estate and Coal Office. U our authorized Agent Ur obtaining Aderlhcmcnts and Sub tcriptionfor the 'HERALD" and is clothed uilh full power to rertipt for any monies paid to him on ihrse I-jecU. His ngency indudes the following cities, viz; Philadelphia, New York, Dallimore and Boston, and his offices in ihcee several places arc located as follows; Philadelphia No, 59 1'ine Street. NaeYvrk No. 16 Aassau " JJah'inioreS, E. Corner of Ba!t-St Cal st JiosonNo 15 State sL MEETING. A meeting of the friends of Agriculture is to be held at the Court House in Som erset, on the 1st of January, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Grain! Grain! Persons who intend to pay their sub scriptions, due for the Herald or Republi can with grain, are requested to deliver it by the 3d day of January; after that date none will be taken. Rreart-stiifls In England. At the last dales the British Cabinet had not agreed to open the ports for the admission of foreign breadstuff's. Nor was there a probability that they would be opened. Sir Robert Peel, it was un derstood, would have Parliament conven ed early in January, and would then pro pose the appropriation of three millions sterling to public works, mostly railroads, for the purpose of giving employment to the poor, hoping thereby to be able to re lieve them more effectually than could be done by the opening of the ports. In how far such a measure will be practica ble it is not for as to say; but we see by extracts from English journals that the Premier has been denounced in various quarters for the course he is pursuing, and in some instances a change of Ministers is very confidently predicted. The next arrival from England is therefore looked for with much interest. Speech of Mr. Stewart. We are indebted to the National Intelli gencer for a copy of the speech of Mr. Stewart, which we publish on the first and second pages of to-day's paper. The facts and arguments presented in this speech are such, we think, as cannot' be refuted- and whatever fate may await the present Tariff, Mr. Stewart deserves, and will receive, the thanks, not only of his immeditate constituents, but of the friends of Domestic Industry throughout the U nion, for his efforts to save it. " Snow at Quebec. The Quebec Gazette of the 5th says, that the thermometer at that place was at ten degrees below zero, the snow lay in heans more than fifteen feet hieh, and was then falling so thick that it was im possible to see a distance of a few yards. The St. Lawrence was piled up with float ing ice. Committees of the Senate. The following are the members of the two principal committees. " Foreign Affairs. Messrs. Allen, Ath crton, Cass, Sevier, and Archer. Finance. Messrs. Calhoun, Benton, Evans, Lewis, and Jennes. Delegate from Oregon. The St. Louts New Era etates, that Mr. Elijah White, appointed by the self constituted authorises of Oregon, intends to ask Congress to allow him a seat in that body as the Representative of that Terri tory. John Quincy Adams. John Quincy Adams is now at Wash ington, attending to his duties as a mem ber of Congress, but his health is said to be very feeble, indeed, and that he docs not expect ever to return to New England. Death of Com. Elliot. Com. Jesse D. Elliott died in Philadel phia on the 10th inst., and was buried with military honors, on the Saturday following, in the burying ground of the Naval Asylum. Hon. John TV. Davis. This gentleman, the present Speaker of Congress, was born in Lancaster county, Pa., studied Medicine at Carlisle, and emigrated to Indiana in 1823. A Hero Gone. , Mr. Elijah Blackman, the last of the defenders of Wyoming at the massacre of the 3d of July, 1778, died a few weeks since, at his residence in Luzerne county. The Weather. The weather during the last two weeks has been rather unusually cold. On Sat urday morning last the thermometer stood at eight degrees below zero. Small Pox. T. a n ,-;i ' ,vk fc uiC r- , in Baltimore, and that several cafes have recurred in Cumberland. POSTSCRIPT. Latest from Washington. In the House of Representatives, on Tuesday last, the Resolution of Mr. Douglass, to admit Texas into the Union, were taken up as the first thing in order. The previous question was moved and sustained, 108 yeas to 90 nays. The Resolutions were then ordered to be en grossed, and the main question put by a vote of 141 to 66. The Resolutions were then put upon their final passage, and adopted by a vote of 141 to 56. RAILROAD 3IEET1XG. At a meeting of the citizens of Somer set county held at the Borough of Somer set, on Manday the 22d day of Decem ber inst. On motion Samuel W. Pear son Esq., was called to the chair and Jno. O. Kimmel and Isaac Hugus Esqs. ap pointed Secretaries. Resolved, That the following persons be appointed delegates to represent Som erset county in a convention to be held at Harrisburg, on the 12th of January next, in favor of a continuous Rail Road from Philadelphia to Pittsburg, and for the extension of the B. & O. Rail Road from Cumberland to Pittsburgh. Hon. J. S Black, Simon Gebhart, Jno. O. Kimmel, Samuel W. Pearson. J. R. Edie, John Hanna, Henry L. Hoi Brook, Jonas Keim, F. M. Kimmell, S. Harned, Peter Myers, Gillian C. Lint, Jost. J. Stutzman, John Neff, Isaac Hu gus, A. J. Ogle. Ross Eorward, Henry Walter. Samuel Kimmel. Samuel Phil- son, A. II. Philson, Samuel Gaither, M. A. Sanner, Jos. Cummins, Geo. Chor penning Jr. Geo. Klingaman Jr. Dr. M. Berkey, J. F. Cox, Daniel Lepley, J. R. Brenham, Samuel Gaumer, Geo. W. Walker, Samuel Miller of Summit, Elias K. Beichley, Abm, Beam, Geo. Mowry, Jonathan Row, Gen. John Hite, Col. Henry Little Geo. Loy, Roger Marshall, Jona. Statler, John "Witt, D. Wreyand. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Somerset Herald and all other papers friendly to granting the right of way to the B. 6c O. Railroad Company. SAMUEL W. PEARSON President. John O. Kimmel, Isaac Hug us. Secretaries. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Thusday, December 11, 1845. Mr. J. Q, Adams presented a remon strance we could not hear from whence it came against the admission of Texas into the Union as g slaveholding State; andmoved that the remonstrance, togeth er with like remonstrances presented by him yesterday and laid on the table, be referred to a Select Committee, to be composed of a member from each State. Mr. Boyd moved that the remonstrance lie on the table. This motion prevailed. Mr. Adams here remarked that, from the course pursued by the House on the remonstrances he had presented against the admission of Texas into the Union as a slaveholding State, he presumed it was intended not to give the remonctrants a hearing; and that the admission of Texas was to bo consummated as early as pos sible, without regard to the wishes of those who were opposed to that measure. He should submit to the decision of the House as regards these remonstrances, and should content himself hereafter with presenting such as were now in his pos session, or should hereafter be sent to him. and leave it to the House to dispose of them in such way as it might deem proper. The Speaker here stated that, after the decision of the House expressed on the presentation of several of these re monstrances, he should, as regarded all others that might be presented, direct the Clerk to make the entry on the Journal that they were ordered to lie on the table unless the House should otherwise or der. Mr. Adams then went on to present a large number of remonstrances against the admission of Texas, from various parts of the country. Like remonstrances were also present ed by Messrs. Rockwell, of Massachu setts, Hudson, i hompson, of Massachu setts, Ashman, D. P. King, Severance, Abbott, Grinnell, Winthrop, Arnold Hub bard, Conn., Truman, Smith, Dixon, Rockwell, Conn.; Collamer, Marsh, Dil lingham, Rathbun, Gordon, Wilmot, Hungerford, Culver, Homes, New York, Preston, King, Benton, Hampton, Levin, Strohm, J. R. Ingersoll, Root, Giddings, Tilden, Caleb B. Smith, Dunlap, and Williams, Maine. In presenting some of these remonstran ces Nr. J. Rockwell wished to be allow ed to make a remark on the general ject, personal to himself in regard to his situation as a member of one of the Com mittcss of this House the Committee on Territories. The resolution reported yesterday by the Cnairman of the Committee on Territories, (Mr. Douglas) was reported as eoming generally from that committee, not noticing the minori ty, and he believed it so appeared on the Journal. I wish to state (said Mr. R.) that I was in the minority of that com mittee; that I did not agree to that report, but objected to and voted against it, and also against the proposition to make it the special order of the day for Tuesday next; and I intended to have proposed an mouon, iuu n ue iv- ferred to the Committee of the Whole on the slate 0f Union, for the purpose of ginng greater opportunity for amend- ment and discussion. The course of proceeding yesterday prevented my of fering that amendment; and, although I have no idea of any unfairness on the part of the Chair, I am happy to take this op portunity of making this statement,wmch would have been made yesterday had it not been prevented under the decision of the Chair. Mr. R., in conclusion, moved that these remonstrances be made the special order of the day for Tuesday next, to come up with the resolution referred to, which had been set apart for that day. Other memorials, petitions, &c. of a general or individual character, were pre sented From Massachusetts. -By Mr. D. P. King. From Connecticut By Mrssrs. Rock well, and T. 'Smith. From Vermont. By Messrs. Foot & Dillingham. From New York.- By Messrs. Rath bun, White, Campbell, Seaman, "Wood ruff, Strong, grove, W ood, Preston King, Jenkins, Benton, and Hampton. From Pennsylvania. Bv Messrs Foster, Broadhead, Pollock, Bufllngton, Strohm, J. R. Ingersoll, and Thomp son. From Delaware. By Mr. Houston. From Maryland. By Messrs. Chap man, Giles, and Ligon. From Virginia. By Messrs. Hop kins, Johnson, Bayly, Brown, Leake, and Pendleton. From North Caralina. By Mr. Gra ham. From South Carolina. By Messrs. Sims, Holmes, and Woodward. From Georgia. By Messrs. Haralson and Lumpkin. From Kentuckey. By Messrs. Trum bo, Grider, Tibbatts, and Yound. From Tennessee. By Mr. Cullom. From Ohio. By Messrs. Alexander, Foot, Giddings, Tilden, Delano, St. John and Cunningham. From Indianna. By Messrs. Caleb B. Smith, Kennedy, Cathcart4 Wrick, and Henley. From Mississippi. By Mr. Thom son. From Illinois. By Messrs. Simth, Hoge, Baker, and Douglas. From Alabama. By Messrs. Chap man and Yancey. From Missouri. Bv Messrs. Relfe 0 and Bowlin. From Michigan. Mr. Hunt. From Florida. By Mr. Cabell. From New Hampshire. By Messrs. Dunlap, Scammon, and Williams. Mr. Sims presented resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of bouth Carolina, remonstating against the tariff act of 1842, and praying its reduction to the revenue standard; also, remonstrating against the warehousing system. Read and referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. Mr. Rockwell presented resolutions of the Legislature of Connecticut in relation to the State of Rhode Island, and moved that they lie on the table and be printed Agreed to. Mr. R. also presented resolutions of the Legislature of Connecticut in favor of a more extended publication of the de cisions of the Supreme Court of the U nitcd States. Laid on the table and or dered to be printed. Mr. R. also presented resolutions of the Legislature of Connecticut against the an nexation of Texas to the United States, and moved that they be laid on the table and printed. Opposition being made to prniting the resolutions, they werelaid over, udner the rule, for debate. SLAVERY IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Mr. Culver presented memorials from Washington county, New York, numer ously signed by members of all political parties, praying the abolition of slavery and the slavery and the slavetrade in the District of Columbia. Mr. C. moved that the memorials be referred to a select committee. A motion was made by Mr. Boyd that the momorials lie on the table. The reading of one of the memorials was called for by Mr. Culver, and it was decided by vote, 71 to 49, that it should be read. It was read accordingly. And the question was taken by yeas and nays that the memorials do lie on the table, and decided as follows: YEAS Messrs. Stephen Adams, At kinson, Barringcr, Bayly, Bedinger, Biggs Jas. Black, J. A. Black, Boyd, Broad head, Wm. G. Brown, Burt, John H. Campbell, Augustus A. Chapman, Reu ben Chapman, Chipman, Clarke, Cocke, Crozier, Cullom, Cunningham, Daniel, Garrett Davis. Dockery, Douglass,, Ed sail, Erdman, Faran, Foster Gentry, Giles, Good)-ear, Graham, Grider, Har alson, Harmanson, Heme', HiJliard, Hoge, Hopkins, John W. Houston, G. S, Houston, Hungerford, Hunter, Charles J. Ingersoll, J. H. Johnson, J. Johnson, Andrew Johnson, George W. Jone Seaborn Jones, Kennedy, T. B. King, Lawrence. Leake, Levin, Ligon, Lump kin. Maclay. McClean, McCrate, Mc sub-Henry, John P. Martin, Marclay Mar- tin, Miller, Morse, Moulton, iNorris, Owen'Parish, Payne, Pendleton, Perrill, Perry, Petti t, Price, Ralhburn, Reid, Relfe, Ritter, Roberts, Sawyer Scam mond, Seddon, A. D. Sims, L. II. Simns, Simpson, Robt. Smith, Satnton, Stevens, Thibodeaux. Thomasson, James Thomp son, Jacob Thompson, Thurman, . Tib batts, Toombs, Treaway, Trumbe, Went worth, WTick, W'ilmot; Woodruff, Wood ward, Woodwarth, Yancy, Yancey, Yell, Young, Yost 108. NAYS Messrs. Abbott, John Quincy Adams, Anderson, Arnold, Ashman, Ben ton, Blanchard, Brinkerhoff, Buflington, William W. Campbell, Collamer, Cran-, slon, uulver, JJelano, Dixon, JUunlap, Ellsworth, Ewing, Foot, Giddings, Grin-: nell, Grover, Hamlin, Hampton, Harper, ' t t- T" IT 1. CJ T" Herrick, E. B. Holmes, Hough, S. Dy Hubbard, Washington Hunt, J. B. Hunt, J. R. Ingersoll, Jenkins, Daniel P. King, P. King, Lewis, McClelland, McGaughey Mcllvame, Marsh, Ramsey, Julius Rock well, John A. Rockwell, Root, Saw telle, Schneck, Seaman, Severance, Truman Smith, Albert Smith, C. B. Smith, Stark weather, Strohm, Benj. Thompson, Tid den, Vance, Wheaton, AVhite, Winthrop 59. And so the memorials were laid on the table. Mr. Cranston presented several resolu tions of the Legislature of Rhode Island. The first asrainst the annexation of Tex as; the second in answer to certain reso lutions of the Legislature of the State of New Hamshire; the third in favor ot more extended publication and distribu tion of the decisions of the bupremc Court. NOTICES OF BILLS. Sundry notices of motions for leave to introduce bills were permitted to be given whilst the calls for petitions were pend ing. Such as we were enabled to obtain are as follows: By Mr. Smith of Illinois: A bM making appropriations ior tne national, itoau in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri. A bill granting to the State of Illinois the right of way through the public lands to aid m the construction of certain rail roads, and for other purposes. A bill for the relief of William McCau ley. A bill for the relief of Isaac Baker. A bill establishing a port of entry at zj j the city of Alton, inthe State of Illinois. A bill to repeal or to modify the joint rosolution of the 3d of March last, "di recting the Secretary of the Treasury to retain moneys of certain States indebted to the United States." as to exclude from the operation of said resolution the three per cent, fund, set apart for the encour agement of learning by, the "acts" of ad mission of certain new States into the U nion. By ,Mr. Wentworth: A bill to grant to the State of Illinois an additional quantity of land, sufficient to make the amount re ceived by her equal to that received by Ohio. Also, a bill to cede the public lands to the States in which they lie, upon certain conditions. By Mr. Gentry; A bill to amend the act for the relief of George Mayfield. By Mr. Slanton: A bill to establish a port of entry at Memphis, in Tennessee. By Mr. Ficklin: A bill for an appro priation for the National road, in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. A bill to grantland to the States of In diana and Illinois, for the improvement of the Wabash river. A bill to grant land to actual settlers under certain limitations, By Mr. Jacob Thompson: A bill to legalize the sales of certain lands at the Chocchuma and Columbus land offices, in Mississippi. And the House adjourned till to-morrow 12 o'clock. LUTHERAN Conference Meeting. THE CLERGY AND CONGRE GATIONS, COMPOSING THE COKFERENCE district of Somerset cousry, in con nection with the Allegheny Evan gelical Lutheran Synod or Penn'a, Are hereby noticed, that the first mee ting of their Conference will be held in the Lutheran Church at Centreville, com mencing on Thursday the 8. of January next, at candlelight. Ench pastoral dis trict is expected to send one delegate to accompany the Pastor. AH the brethren are urgently invited to attend, as business of importance requires their attention. M. F. PFAHLER. Pastor Loci. der5 45 P. Rizfr. S.'P. CAUTION. IIEREAS on the 28th day of Au gust 1 1$30, the subscriber gave a note of hand to William Funk, calling for twenty-five dollars and sixteen cents; and some time afterwards another, calling for twelve dollars, which said notes are paid; and I therefore caution all persons ngainst taking an assignment of either of them, as I -shall not pay them again. I)cc.3 DAVID HOOVER. One Cent Reward. A N away from the undersigned, on Thursday morning last, an inden ted servant girl, named between 14 and 16 years of age. Ah persons are hereby cautioned against har boring or trusting heron my account. The above reward will be paid to any person returning hnr to met but no char ges. N W BRUCE. Somerset, Dec23 '45 Stray Cow. A M E to the premises of the subscn J ber in Conemaugh township, about the middle of Uctober last, a Ked Cow, with a white spot on the belly, supposed to be about 6 years old, ho ear marks. The owner is desired to come forward, prove property, nay char ges, and take her away, or she will be disposed of as the law directs Hrc2S JOHN CROYLE. Stray Coze. CAME trespassing on the premises of the subscriber, residing in Green ville township, Somerset county, on the 1st ilav nf December. 185. -JZ a ilea ana wnue snnffkMl row. auoucs 9 years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay char- 1 ges, and take her away, or she will be disposed of as the law directs. , 1 m 11 rr dcc?3 ADAM KEEFJER. V T R irrt ..1 Stray Cow. 4Ti i AME tresspassing on the premises L of the subscriber residing in Green ville township, Somerset countv, Penn sylvania, some time in November, 1845, a Jilack Cow with a hoard fastened on her hnrn, has some white about the belly and side, the left ear cut off, and a C. or G. on the left horn, supposed to be 8 or 9 years pIJ. The owner is requested to come forward, nrove nrftoertv. nav tharres. and take her away, or she will be disponed of as the law diiects. dec23 WILLIAM BARE. Somerset County, ss. mV 4 an a(Jjl,rned Orphans $J5yi A- Courl helli 81 Somerpel S&SliS "m "ndjfor saiJ county, on the Sib day of December, A. D. 1845,." Before the Honorable Judjres thereof. On motion of F. M. Kimmel, E.q., the court confirm the inquisition on the real estate of Eliz.iheth Poorbaugh, de ceased, ami j-rant a rule on the heirs and legal representatives of said deceased, to appear at an adjourned Orphans Court, U be held at Somerset on Monday the 2d day of March next, and accept or re- fue to take the real estate af s.i'ul Lliza beth Poorbaugli, dee'd, at the appraised price. Extract from the records of said court cerliueti this tun nay o uecemoer, A. D. 1S45. WM H TICKING. dec23M5 . Clerk. Somerset County, ss. "ifr 4 f an adjourned Orphans jj$$$jt 1 Co"' held at Somerset in and for said county on the 6th d;y of December, A. 1). 1845, Before the Honorable Jeremiah S. Black, Esq, and his associ ate Judges of the same court. On mutton of F M Kimmel, Esq, the court confirm the inquisition on the real estate of Henry Geisey, dec d. and grant a rule on the heirs and legal representa tives of said deceased, to appear at an adjourned Orphans court to be held at Somerspl on Manday the 2d day of March next, and accept or refuse to take the real estate ef said Henry Geisey, de ceased, at the appraised valuation. Extract from the records of said court. certified this Sih day of December, A. D. 1845. WM II PICKING, dec23'45 Clerk. Somerset County, ss. gr T an adjourned Orphans iMSp courl ne!l 31 Somerset SIiT n and lor said county on the tW 1845. Before the Honorable Jeremiah S Black, and his associate jud ges of the same court. On motion of Daniel Wevand, Eq. the court confirm the inquisition on the real estate of John Carman, dee'd, and grant a rule on the heirs and legn! repre sentatives of said deceased, to appear at an adjourned Orphans rourt, to be held at Somerset on the 2d day of March next, and accept or refuve to take the real es tate of said John Carman, dee'd, at the appraised price. Extract from the records of said court, certified this 8th day of December. 1845. WM II PICKING. dc26 '45 Clerk. Somerset County, ss. gs-s-fg i T an adjourned Orphans t t t court held at Somerset in v, s -u ,ur suiu county, on wie 11 . g-gday of November, 1845. Be- bre the Honorable Judges thereof. IN the matter of the real estate of Phi ip King, decd, viz 187 acres of land, iluate in Turkey foot township, valued and appraised at and for the sum of fifty nine cents per acre. Inquisition continu ed 3d December 1828. And now to wit, November 19, 1845, the court on motion grant a rule on the heirs an legal representatives f said de ceased, to appear at an adjoured Orphans court to be held at Somerset on Monday the 2d day of March, 1S4G, and shew cause if any they have, why the real es tate of Philip King, dee'd, should not be sold. Personal notice to all the heirs in this county, and notice by publication 11 the Somerset Herald for 3 weeks, to ah sent heirs, and one paper containing the notice, sent to the nearest post office at whic h thev respective!' reside. Extract from the records of said court. certified November 19lh, 1845. JOHN O KIMMEL, tle9.R '45-31 Clerk. Somerset County, ss. 5--r-r5 Pl T an adjourned Orphans court held at Somerset in s and for said county on the 8th J&-2gday of December, A, D, 1945. Before the Honorable Judges thereof. D IN the matter of the real estate of John Sutton, decd. viz: 156 acres of land, situate in Somerset township, sold by John Sutton in his lifetime to Samuel Metzler, per article of agreement dated 25t.h day of January, 1827. And now to wit, December 8th, 1345, on petition of Willum King and John Cobaugh, executors of the last will and testament of John Sutton, deceased, the court grant a rule on the heirs and legal representatives of said deceased, to ap pear at an adjourned Orphans court to be held at Somerset on Monday the 2d day of March, 18 16, and shew cause, if any they have, why a specific perfor mance of said contract should not be de creed, and the executors aforesaid allowed to execute a title to the purchaser agree ably to the terms and conditions of said agreement. Extract from the records of said court, certified December ith. 1845. WM H PICKING. der23 45 Clerk. SUMACHS' For Sale at this Officv. nooks Books !! 0 Tes .'.' COBBS Senef; Smith's Geography, Gram rear and Arithmetic, Smih'i Cherch Harmony; Bibles; Slates; Sta tionary, &c, fur sal cheap by dec 1 8 J J fc II F SCH ELL. Administrators' Notice. LETTERS of Administration hatnx been granted to the undcre igned. upon the estate of John Urirk. late .f Somerset county, dee'd; he hereby pin s notice to all persons having claims again! said estate to present them without delar legally authenii-ated, and those wh'a know the niselves indebted to rnakt im medial payment ISAAC HUGUS, dec9 '43 Ot Adm'r. caution; WHEREAS 1 gave to Jacob Pile of Milford township. Somerset ro., three notes of lund, dated on the 15th of September, 1845, one calling f.r ten dollars, and the other two for fire dulbm earh, one due 5 months months aftrr date, and the others 5 and 9 months af ter date. Not having received value fr the same, I hereby caution all persons a" gainst taking an assignment of either or all of said notes, as 1 shall not pay thciu unless compelled by law. dec lfi '4 5 JONATHAN PILE. Somerset County, ss. tf ttj-r 4 an anJonrnd Orphans J Court held at Somerset. 8,h djV of December, A. D. m 1845. Before the Honorable Judges thereof. IN the matter of the real snd personal estate of George Seese, deceased. And now to wit, December Sih, 1815, Wil liam H Ptstlethwaite, Samuel W Pear son and Daniel Weyand, Esqs, appoint ed Auditors to ascertain and settle the ad vancements, and make the distribution of the estate to and among the persons enti tled to the same. Extract from the records of said court, certified December Sih, 1845. WM II PICKING, decl6 Clerk. NOTICK. THE undersigned Auditors will meet at the office of Samuel W Pearson, on Wednesday the 21st day of January next, for the purposes in the foregoir.g commission mentioned, at Which pUc.e and time all persons interested may at tend if they think proper. WM H POSTLETII WAITE, SAMUEL W PEARSON, DANIEL WEYAND, decl7 '45 Auditor. Somerset County, ss. A T an Orphans Court held al Somerscl 'n and or tVjjfcjrsaid county, on the 8th dy of December, A. D. 1845. Be fore the Honorable Judges thereof. IN the matter of the account of Red ding B. Conover, administrator de boni non cum Testamento annexo of the es t?te of Joshua Cooper, Esq, deceared. And now to wit, December 8th, 1815, Ross Forward, Samuel W. Pearson anl Isaac Hugus, Eqs, appointed Auditor to distribute the funds in the hands of s.iid Administrator, to and among those enti tled to receive it. Extract from the records of said court, certified this 8th December, 1845. WM II PICKING, dec!6 Clerk. TKE undersigned Auditors will meet at the offire of Samuel W Pearson, on Thursday the 22d day of January next, for the purposes in the foregoing com mission mentioned, at which place and time all persons interested may attend if they think proper. ROSS FORWARD, S W PEARSON, ISAAC HUGUS. dc!643 Auditors. Somerset Coutiiy, ss. T an adjonrned Orphan Court held at Somerset, C in anu ior saiu county, on mo a . 1. .1 t t 1 ion -"' udt ui iv cccmucr, oj. Before the Honorable Judges thereof. IN the matter of the real and personal estate of Frederick Younkin deceased. And now iro wit, December 8th, 1845, Ross Forward, Samuel W Pearson and Isanc Hugus, appointed Auditors to as certain advancements and distribute the real and personal estate, amonj the heirs and legal representatives of said dee'd. Extract from the records of said court certified this 8th dy of December, :8 1 J WM II PICKING. decI5 Clerk. N O Tl C E . THE undersigned Auditors will meet at the house of Isaac Ankcny on Friday the 23 1 day of January next, for the purposes in the foregoing commission mentioned, at which place and time all persons interested miy attend if they think proper. ROSS FORWARD. SAMUEL W PEARSON, ISAAC HUGUS, dec 1 6 45 Auditors. Brown Muslins, &c. Cotton Yarn; Cotton Laps, Wadding, and the best Candla Wirk, for sale at the decl6 THREE RIG DOORS, Fresh. Groceries. J BAGS Ptiiie R! O CO FFE E; J 2bbls MOLASSES; Loif Sug f; Teas; Mackeral, &e; receiv ed and for sale by dcc!6 J J & IJ F SCUEI.L, A 1