.rjj fUj If stall AHD PAEME5,S - jUSTO MECHANICS' RSGKES2H&. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JONATHAN ROW, SOMERSET, SOMERSET COUNTY, PA. &civ Series. TUESDAY, DECEEEBSB. 16, 1845, Vol. 4.No. 5. - - i Sriol) Jliacljluc poctrp. Jem Dodge married o!J Judy Rouse Och he vs a charming joung bride, With turf be then built a brick house, And the front door was on the lack side. The roof it w as tiled without straw, The cellar was on the first floor, And the chimney, in order to draw. Was built just outside of the door. A begjar was Teddy Malone, ITi 6tster was his only brother ; He had nothing at all of bis own, Except what belonged to his mother. One nijbt, Teddy says to the Squire, I'm so cold, give me something to eat ; I'm so dry, let me set by the fire, And so hungry, I must warm my feet 'Och ! honey, one day says Pat Tigf , Tor he was a scandalous glutton, 'To-morrow I'll kill my fat pig, For I'm sure he'll make ilegant mutton." So then he goes into the hovel, And be bangs the pig up by the heel, Cut his throat so nate with a shove, Saying, this is the way to dress veal ! One day Paddy Mulligan swore He had scalt his mouth to a blister, While at dinner the morning before And what was it wid ! asked his sister. Says Paddy, just thry for to guess! Och, I can't : then I'll tell ye, my swate, O 'Twas nothing at all more or less, Than a raw roasted fiozen potato. JIM BLACK Of 23rnnjraao. Jim Black was one of those persons usually designated "hard customers," and in his case the term aptly applied. A careless devil that could whip his weight in wild cat?, and care no more for a tustle wiih a bear than a fisticufl with one of his neighbors, for Jim was "cock of the walk" oik. the head waters of Bcargrass. Although he had the good will of most of his .neighbors, yet none of the folks in "them diggins" felt inclined to nearer re lationship with him. Of this fact lie teemed pretty well satisfied, for he never attempted any flirtation with any of the fair ones of Bcargrass. It happened when Jim had reached his 28th year, a new family arrived, in which were "two of the tallest gals you ever did see," as Jim described them. One of them, Nancy, took his eye "tarnation strong," and he concluded to "sit right up to her." Jim had heard that it alw ays took two to make a bargain; but the possibility of a third person coming into contact never for a moment entered his mind. Things pro pressed smoothly, we may say rapidly, for a short lime, when Nancy's father took it into his head he ought to have some thing to say in the matter. This bother ed Jim amazingly, and came near a bro ken bone or two for the old gentleman; but finally, Jim was ordered from the pre mises; with the request that he would for rvcr after keep as far as possible from thai plantation. This was a sad go for Jim; but, in the earnestness of a stout heart, he determined never to give it up so, and he set his wits to work to. out-general the old man. The gal was on his side, and why should'nt she ! "The track of the real genuine lover always was crooked," as the Poet did'nt express it but as Jim did. Jim laid his plans and wai ted for an opportunity to carry them into effect. It was not long before he obtain ed a sight of the fair one, who readily en tered into his plot; and as the family were to vacate the cabin on the following Sun clay and be gone the whole day, it was proposed that Jim should spend the day with Nancy, that they might mature their plan for putting the blind upon the oid folks. Sundav came and according to agree ment the f unily left home to visit a neigh bor and Jim left home to visit Nancy. The day passed off as days will under like circumstances, until near sun-down. It occurred to Nancy that there could be no impropriety in just stepping to the door to see if the old folks were coming. "Oil, crackee, Jim, here they come; hide yourself or the old man will hide me. Here, jump Into this barrel, quick!" "'Tarnation Psaid Jim, as he soused him self into the barrel. "By golly, Nance, there'' s soap in this 'ere barrel, and it smarts like creation." "Well it does, lioss, but you must do it, they are right liere, so keep still." Nancy had hardly time to cover over the barrel before the old folks entered the door. All were soon seated about the Toom and commenced talking about the way they had passed the day, and when it came to Nancy's turn to fcpeak she taid "Well, I'd a done very well, I spose, if it had'nt been for that ugly near that was trying to take the pigs oflV' "What pigs ?" asked the old man. "Why the pigs out t'other side of the cornfield." No sooner were the words out of her mouth than the old folks, and young ones too, except Nancy and Jim, were off to fft after the pigs. 1 "I cay, Nance, it's a might)- hot place here," said Jim; "can't a feller come out now V he asked. "Well I guess they can, Jim; but you must clear out quick, for they will be back right away." Jim cleared the barrel at one bound, and said, "If that ain't the hottest place about this house, then I give in. But I say, Nance, that yarn of yourn about the pigs is full out as slick as that soft soap, but it don't hurt half so bad. So good bye; I'm for the Bcargrass -darn the stuff, how it burns ! Good bye, Nance, I'm off gosh I'm raw all over !" " His doings at the creek we must give in his own words: "Well, in I went for, may be I warn't mad. The water felt mighty cool and comfortable, I tell you. I scrubbed and washed until I got the infernal truck off me, when I began to feel a little better.- But if Bcargrass did'nt run soap suds for a week after that, then I would'nt tell you so. New Albany Gazette. The Rescue. The schooner Commodore, Capt. Dor rett. which sailed from Buffalo, last Fri day evening loaded with pork and flour, went down as far as Erie, was driven as far back as the Islands, and returned to make the pier yesterday evening. She drew so much water, and the sea was so violent, that she struck the bar oppo site the mouth of the river, lost her head way, became unmanageable, and drifted upon the east side of the east pier, not far from the light house. She struck violent ly upon the rocks, and the winds and waves thrashed her about most unmerci fully. Her flyingjib-boom was carried a way, and she soon began to sink. The men on board were overwhelmed with the spray and waves that poured in over the starboard quarter, and drenched them from head to foot. Their condition was getting to be serious. The vessel reeled about and staggered like a drunken man; the distance from the pier was not 30 feet, yet no human being could have swam through such a surf, besides, sailors arc notoriously bad swim mers. Great sympathy was excited; more than a thousand people gathered on the pier to aid the unfortunate wrecked, although the spray broke over the pier every minute. A communication was finally made to the vessel by casting a line; the peak halyards were detached from the foresail-gaff, and the lower end sent ashore. The men were then hauled ashore through the air, one at a time, be ing fastened to the lines, in a style not uncommon in similar danger of a ship wreck. The contrivance was successfull three men came off first then Captain Dor rett, and lastly the mate, though not with out getting a dip into the tremendous waves, which seemed to leap up into the air to seize the prey that was about to escape. As the last man, the male, swung out of the surf, and stood upon the pier, the multi ude of citizens that had stood in silent suspense, watching the transit of the poor sailors burst into one spontaneous and tremendous cheer, which rose high above the roar of the fierce gale and the crashing of the waves. The poor fellows were wet from head to foot, and almost frozen with forty eight hours exposure to the violence and in clemency of the weather. The Commo dore soon after sunk on the spot, her deck being still above the water. She belongs to Wheeler Bartram, and is nine or ten years old. Cleveland Plaindeal er, 10th. From the Xafianal Jnteliegencer. The "Army of Observation." The following paragraph from the New York Express of Tuesday morning gives us the first intimation that the mili tary forces of the United States at Corpus Christi have been ordered to move west ward of that position; a movement so lit tle required under present circumstances that, we should think, as it must have been directed before the recent pacific advices from Mexico, it will of course have been countermanded in time to pre vent its being carried into execution: "We understand that the troops now at Corpus Christi,, under the command of General Taylor, have been ordered to march over the prairie country to- wards the Rio Grande, for Brassos, St. 4 Jago, ond other places. While at Cor- pus Christi they have been obliged to hire three schooners as store-ships for thcir'provisions and have actually carried old houses Jrom Live Oak Point, a dis- tanccof ninety miles, to be used as a covering for their stores and ammunition. What they will have to cover and pro- tect these things with when they leave 4 the coast, without the schooners, proba- bly Mr. Marcy can tell. Their course 4 is through a prairie country, where there 4 is no timber to make planks, and no saw-mills if there were any timber.- They will have streams to pass for which ' they have no means provided Their provisions, as in the Florida war, will be destroyed by the cliin ate and the rains Their firearms will be entirely ruined by the exposure to the saline 4 atmosphere for want of cover s. In short another pyftem of profligate cxpendi- ture, similar to that of Florida, may be expected. A thousand dollars a day has already been paid for the use of a steamboat, and we have no doubt shall soon hear, by the vouchers on file, of a hundred dollars a cord being paid for wood, and other things in proportion, as in the case alluded to." The Choctaw State. Some time ago (says the Pennsha ;r" we inilicted an article which I went the rounds of the newspapers in re lation to a new State, to be composed of j Indians. It has called forth the annexed capital article from the Racine (Wiscon sin) Advocate: We have already mentioned that Pitch lynx, a Choctaw Chief, has been elected by that nation as their rapresentativc at Washington, not in Congress, as some papers have thoughtlessly stated. All accounts concur in awarding to him the character of an intelligent ' and worthy citizen, possessing more than ordiujiry intellect, with a commanding influence ! among his people. It would be a mag 1 nanimous act on the part of Congress to ' admit the Choctaw nation, containing ' some eighty thousand inhabitans, into our Union, with the privileges of an inde pendent State, and to introduce Mr. Pitchlyn on the floor of Congress as a representative of that noble aboriginal race of men whom we have supplanted. In Wisconsin a community of aborigi nal inhabitants, the "Brothertowns," have been denationalized as "Indians" by act of Congress, and fully invested with all the franchises, privileges, and immunities of the most favored citizens, eligible to the Gubernatorial oflice, as well as to to the Executive chair of the Union, being "native" born citizens of the United States. And the Brother towns have vindicated their title to citi zenship (theirs being the first case on record of such privileges having been ex tended to Indians) by demeaning them selves as a peaceful, moral, and intelligent community. The Cho claws are, we presume, the most advanced of all our aboriginal tribes in the arts of civilized life. Their coun try, west of Arkansas, exhibits the most gratifying proofs of their ameliorating progress. Cultivated fields, good farms, good dwellings, churches, schools, com mon, classical, and scientific all these evidences of advanced civilization strike the eye on every hand. Vat. Int. Rcnge, the Reformer. His recent entrance into Worms, that ancient town, so celebrated for scenes of sublime interest daring the Reformation under Luther is described in the foreign Journals a3 resembling some guat pub lic, political or triumphal entry. He came, they say, followed by thou sands on thousands, who greeted him with continual shouts of joy. Two of the most notable citizens (one an Israel ite) voluntarily ofl'ered their residence for a place of worship, where the Re formed Catholic divine service should be performed. The inhabitants, Catholics and Protestants, undertook to arrange the place and succeeded in soon changing it into a well-adorned temple, with galler ies and other accomodations. The num ber of persons wishing to attend was so large, however, that it was found necessa ry to resort to another expedient, and a tent was erected in the open air, in which more than 15,000 listened to the words of the great Reformer, which though sim ple, and without any oratorical ornament were very impressive, and produced a great effect. Since the time of Luther such a multitude of people never assem bled here, and thousands of persons will from hence spread the seed of the new Church far and wide. It is a most inter esting sirht to see the reformer of the 19th century addressing the people with overwhelming power, in the very market place where Luther did so three hundred years before! ' AtDarmsdat, also, great crowds assem bled to welcome him, whom he address ed from the balcony of the hotel, a few minutes after his arrival, thanking them in the most tender expressions, for the sympathy they evinced for the cause of reform. The Coal Trade. The Miners Journal' (Potts villc, Pa.) of Saturday says: 44 We feel happy in being able to an nounce to our readers this week that the shipments, of coal from the Schuylkill re gion this year now exceed oxe million tons! and, should the present mild weath er continue a little longer, we believe the quntity for the whole year will reach 1,100,000 tens. Untrammelled individ ual enterprise is the great secret which has caused this region to outstrip so &r all its competitors, some of which com menced before us. The shipments this week are, by railroad 22,704, 01, by ca nal 8,839 05; total for the week 31, 543 06, showing an increase over last week of about 1,000 tons by railroad, and about 3000 by canal, which is caused by the unusual slate of the weather. The demand for coal continues very brisk, and prices firm, with an upward tendeney in the different markets. We still adhere ! to the opinion that, with the quantity the ' railroad can supply during the winter months, added to that in the market, there will be a sufficiency for all purposes." Discover of a ISIlne of Dia monds. The French consul at Pahia has ad dressed a report to the Minister of For eiom Aflairs at home announcing the dis covery, at the distance of 80 leagues from that capital, of an abundant mine of dia monds a source of incalculable vvealth to the province. It lies in a desert place, uninhabited, and scarcely accessible, and was discovered by a mere accident. The head of a rich English company has al ready exported, it is said, nearly '200, 000 worth of its produce; and, as the working of the mine is left to any one who will work it, there is a race at pre sent for its treasures. Eight or nine thou sand emigrants, from nil mrts cf Brazil, have slren.iy pitched their tents on the savage and unwholesome spot, and to the inhabitants of a crowded European state, the very thought of a jewel mine to be ransackad at pleasure diamonds to be had for the fetching is a temptation like ly, we should think, to attract adventurers, even if the Upas tree stood in the way. Important Discovery. The St. Louis Missourian says that wild hemp has been found in the State of Missouri. A farmer from St. Louis co., being in a hemp ware-house, accidentally saw some Manilla hemp, made inquiry what it was, and, upon being informed, said he had produced something exactly like it from a weed on his farm, and that he would send in a sample, which he did; and it proves to be a variety of the Ma nilla hemp; resembling almost the New Zealand hemp; but it is said to belong to the same genus as the New-Zealand, Si sal, and St. Domingo hemp, from which all our heavy cordage is made. If this can be found in any quantity, it is a valua ble discovery. From Blackwood. Each Light has its Shade. With every joy we haste to meet, In hopefulness or pride, There comes, with step as sure and fleet, A shadow by its side; And ever thus that spectre chill With each fair bliss has speed, And when the gladden' d pulse should thrill, The stricken heart lies dead. The Poet's brow the wreath entwines What weight falls on the breast ? Upon that sword where glory shines, The stain of life blood rest, So, where the rosiest sunbeam glows, There lies eternal snow ! And Fame its brightest halo throws, Where death lies cold below. Letter from John Quincy Adams. The inportent services which Ilistori cal societies are calculated to render is strikingly suggested by the following let ter to the Secretary of the Maryland As sociation, which we copy from the Balti more American. One can scarcely read it without being in some degree impres sed with the importance of collecting and preserving the minutest details of history, and this is the specific province of Histo rical Societies. Pitts. Gazette. Qcixcy, 29th Oct. 1815. To Br.vntz Mayer, Esq., Baltimore : Dear Sir: I have to return you my warmest thanks for vour letter of the 24th ult. and for the "Journal of Charles Car roll, of Carrollton, during his visit to Ca nada in 177G as one of the Commission ers from Congress." This document, and the introductory Memoir published with it, will furnish a precious contribu tion to the future Historian of our Revo lution and War of Independence, as the name of Carroll will shine among the brightest of the founders of our Federa tive Republican Empire. It is pleasing to perceive the growing interest taken by the rising generation in the collection and preservation of the his torical details of the Revolutionary Con flict of our Fathers. The institution of Historical Societies in so many Slates of our Union promises to our posterity a pledge contradictory of the misanthro pic declaration of Sir Robert Walpole, that all history is and must be false. It is, indeed, conformable to all experience that the history of periods, and of events pregnant with consequences affecting the condition of the human race, can be but imperfecdy known to the actors and co temporaries of them. There is a French work entitled History of Gcart Events from Litttle Causes, and there are per haps very few of the great events in the history of Mankind to which little causes have not largely contributed. I think it is a remark of Voltairs that posterity is Always eager for details: and among the incidents of that convulsion of the fa mily of civilized man, which began with the Writs of Assistants and the Stamp- Act, and, ended in the foundation ot the proudest Empire that the world has ever known, the relations of the Colonies oi England swelling into Sovereign States with the conquered Colony of France in effectually sought to be United with them the struggle of Freedom and Indepen dence, there arc causes of ietail- so widely different from those which opera ted on the Mass, that they will require the keenest perception and the profoun dest meditation of the future philisophieal Historian to assign to them their proper station and weight as elements in the com position of the complicated and wondrous tale. The Journal of Mr. Carroll will be among the most precious materials for the Narrative of that great movement in human affairs and the Historical Society of Maryland has rendered no inconsider able service to the future r.ges of our country by bringing it forth and publish ing it to the world. I am with great respect, dear sir, your very humble and obedient servant. John Qvincy Adams. 291h Congress I t Session. Tuesday, December 2, 1845. IN SENATE, Mr. Woodbridge, of Michigan, Mr. Jarnagin, cf Tennessee, and Mr. Pearce, of Maryland, appeared in their scats to day. The resolution submitted vesterdav fr - the appointment of a committee to unite with the committee on the part of the House of Roprescntatives to wait on the President tf the Unite J States.and inform that him Congress were ready to receive any communication from him, was adopt ed; and Mr. Speight and Mr. Upham were appointed the committee. The resolution offered vesterdav bv Mr. Sevier to classify the new Senators from the State of Florida was adopted. Whereupon, the papers, with, the res pective numbers specified in the resolu tion, were by the Secretary put into the ballot box, when Mr. Levy drew No. 3, and is accordingly of the class of Sena tors whose terms of service will expire the 3d day of March, 1851; and Mr. Westcott drew No. 2, and is of the class of Senators whose terms of service will expire the 3d day of March, 1849. Agreeablv to notice given on vesterdav Mr. Crittendea introduced the following bills, which were read and ordered a sec ond reading: A bill for the purchase by the United States of the stock of the Louisville and Portland Canal Company; and a bill for improvement of the navigation of the riv ers Ohio, Mississippi, and Arkansas. Mr. Brcese submitted the following resolution, which lies over one day; liesolccti. That so much of the 31th rule as requires the appointment of the several standing committees by ballot at the present session be suspended and that the appointment be made by the Preident of the Senate. Mr. Speight, from the committee ap appointed to wait on the President of the United States, reported that the duty had been performed, and that the President would nnkea communication to Congress forthwith. A message in writing was then receiv ed from the Pjesident by the hands of his Private Secretary, the reading of which was commenced and continued for some length of time by the Secretary of the Senate; when, on motion of Mr. Sevier, the further reading was dispensed with. On motion of Mr. Speight, it was or dered that three thousand five hundred copies of the Message," and fifteen hun dred copies of the Message and accom panying documents, in addition to the usual number, be printed for the use of the Senate. Mr. Speight submitted the following, which was ordered to lie over one day: llfnoceii. That the President of the U nited Statds cause to be laid before the Senate, at as early a da- as practicable, the report of the Board of Commissioner.? appointed in pursuance of the act of Con gress of the 23d August, 1812. entitled "An act to provide for the satisfaction of claims arising under the 14th article of the treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creole, con cluded in September, 1830," embracing the testimony on which the claims arising under said treaty have been allowed, to gether with the amount already issued. Mr. Allen submitted the follawingy which lies over one day under the rules, Ilcsofveif. That in addition to the co pies of the President's Message and ac companying cocumcnts hitherto ordered to be printed for use of the Senate, there be printed for' the use of the Senate twenty-five thousand copies of the Message, together with so much of the accompa nying documents as relates to the nego tiations between the United States and Great Britain on the subject of jhe O regon Territory. The Senate then adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTARIVES. In report of the proceedings of yestcr- terday, it is stated that the following mo tion made bv Mr. Holmes, of South Car olina, was rejected: "That the rules of the House of Repre sentatives, as they existed at the close of the last session of Congress, be for the present adopted as the rules of thi House; and that a cor.imi'iee be appoint ed to revise the rules, and report to this House such alterations and amendments as may be deemed advisable." This was an error; Mr. Holme's mo lion was agreed to, and Mr. Holmes, of South Carolina, Mr. Hamlin, Mr. Bow lin, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Reid, Mr. J. Q. Adams, Mr. Reuben Chapman, and Mr. Caleb B. Smith, were appointed a com mittee to revise the rules in pursuance of the motion. Mr, McDowell, Mr. Hopkins, and Mr. Win.ihrop composed the Joint Commit tee on the part of the House, appointed yesterday to wait on the President of the United States and notify him that the two Houses of Congress had met, organ ized, and were rv'ady to receive any com munications he might have to make. A message was received from the Sen ate, notifying the House that Mr. Speight and Mr. Upham had been appointed of the same committee on the part of the Senate. ELECTION OF A CLERK. Mr. Cobb moved the following resolu tion : Resolved, That Benjamin B. French be and is hereby appointed Clerk of this House for the 29th Congress. The resolution was read and agreed to unanimously. . And so Benjamin B. Brench. Esq., is appointed Clerk to the House of Repre sentatives for the 29th Congress. OREGON. Mr. C. J. Ingersoll expressed hi wish to present a memorial which he held in his hand, and stated to be from citiz.?ns of the United States residing in Oregon. The Chair said it could be done only by general consent. Mr. Houston, of Alabama, objected to taking up any business out of order. The resolution ofl'ered yesterday by his friend from Georgia, (Mr. Cobb.) respecting the choice of scats in the Hall was still pen ding, and as unfinished business was first in order. Mr. Ingersoll stated that having receiv ed unpleasant news from home, touching a domestic aillietion, he should be obliged to leave the city this afternoon, and was very desirous of presenting this petition before 'he kit the House. If gentle men persisted in objecting to this small indulgence, he must move that the ru!e3 be suspended; and after a little more con versation he made that motion. The motion prevailed; and the rules be ing suspended Mr. Ingersoll presented the memorial. It is signed by , President. (it was impossible to decipher the hiero glyphics,) Joseph Gervey and Francis Rcvay, Vice Presidents, and by Charles E. Pickett, J. M. Holderness, Secreta ries. The memorial prays Congress to estab lish a distinct Territorial Goverment, to embrace Oregon and its adjacent sea coasts. That the lands of the Wallamette v?l ley and other necessary portions may be surveyed, and surveyors and land oiTiceu appointed and located at convenient points. That donations of lands may bo 'nadc according to the faith pledged by the pas sage of a law through the United States Senate at the 2d session of the 27iii Co-i-grjss, entitled "A bill to authorize the a doption of measures for the occupation and settlement of the Territory of Oro- ! gon, for extending certain provisions cf the laws of the Lmtcd States over the same, and for other purposes." That navy yards and marine depots may be established upon the river Col jih- I biaand upon Flight's Sound, and a naval 1 force adequate to their protection be kef. permanently m the adjacent seas. That a public mail be established, tor.r rive and depart monthly, between Oregr . city and Independence, in Missouri, ai " also such other local mail routes as a. ? essential to the convenience and com merce of the Wallamettc country and ot er settlements. For the establishment of such corr.rr.z: cial regulations as may enable them"' trade in their own Territory at least w. : non-resident foreigners. For adequate means of protection fr-- -numerous Indian tribes which sur:c;t:vl them, for the purchase of territor: which they are willing to sell, an 1 for gents with'authority to regulate intent between whites and Indians and belv; Indian tribes. That all the overland roulps mny !- thoroughly surveyed, and protection lz given to emigrants. That the star-spangled banner may ' -planted and unfurled over the tcrri;- -y, and kept standing and floating over it t manner worthy the dignity and power : f the nation. - ; The Clerk having read a porin o t ; memorial- Mr. McDowell move4 that the fart: :r reading be dispensed with, . . Several voices, "Read on,' "rca.I b."