The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, December 02, 1845, Image 5

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    Pttxp and Plai. A Southern Lo
cofo editor makes the following frank an
nouncement. "We shall not support any man for
office short of $10, besides his annuncia
tion fc?. That's what the lawyers charge
for attending to an assault and battery
rase, which is a light and lovely occupa
tion compared with that of editorially at
tending to a candidate's case, to say noth
ing of th? awful wear and tear of con
science in this peculiar branch of our business,"
Sifc'o unnii poro.
Though life's a dark and iliorny pa:h,
Its goal the silent lonib,
II yet some spots of sunshine hath,
That smiles amid the gloom;
The friend who weal and woe partakes,
Unchanged whaleer his lot,
Who kindly soothes the heart that aches,
Is sure a sunny spoL
The wife who half our burden bears,
And utters net a moan; ready hand wipes off our tears,
Unheeded all Iter own;
"Who treasures every kindly word,
Each harsher one forgot.
And carols brightly as a bird
She's too, a sunny spot.
The child who lifts at morn and eve,
In prayer its tiny voice;
Who grieves whene'er its parent grieves,
And j iys when they rejoice,
In whose bright eyes young genius glows,
Whose heart without a blot, ,
Is freh and pure as summer's rose,
That child's a sunny spot.
There's yet upon life's weary road
One spot of brighter glow !
"Where sorrow half forgets its load
And tears no longer flaw;
Friendship tmy wither, love decline.
Our child his honor blot;
But still umlimiii'd that epoi will shine
Religion lights that spot.
Here is one of the inimitable doff sto
rics of the Nashua Telegraph ;
A Smart Doer.
There is enough of the dog mixed up
in the following story to entitle it to the
name of a dog story." A nian down
Kast had been exceedingly annoyed by
wolves, which destroyed his sheep. In
the course of time a dog-fancier offered to
sell him a dog. A very notable dog he
was uu. . j i!c caiiiiuuu in ms menus
was a very long one; there was not a dog
virtue in the whole catalogue for which
he was not distinguished; but if there was
any one thing in which he particularly
excelled it was his prowess as a wolf-hunter.
This was touching our friend on the
right spot; the bargain was closed, and he
only awaited ah opportunity to test his
merits. At length there cerae a light
snow, just the kind a of snow for wolf
hunting, and he took his dog and gun,
and sallied out. He soon crossed the
track of a varmint; the dog took the scent,
and bounded off in pursuit. On followed
our friend, up hill and down dale, ''through
brush and through brier," for two mortal
hours, when he came across a Yankee of
the live species chopping wood, and the
following satisfactory dialogue look place:
"Did you see a wolf and a dog pass by
ere '.
"Well, I reckon I did."
"How long ago V
Well, I guess about half an hour."
"How was it with 'em ?"
"Well, just about nip and tuck; but the
dog had the advantage, for he was a lee-
A Jfotk'f Farm.
The fallowing- is from the report of the
. Cumberland county Agricultural Socie
ty's Committee on Farms:
"It is wi;h feelings of great pleasure
that we cordially unite in the expression
of the opinion that the farm of Mr. Uo
(j?rt Dryson, and the conJition f it its
cultivation, and the principles of it af
ford a most gratifying example of the
rich product which is made by energy,
. industry and skill: The farm consists
of two hundred and fifty-seven seres of
land, most of which is cleared, leaving
only trees enough for shade. As you
approach the farm you arc at once struck
uith the cleanliness of field and fence
row, which indicates that nothing grows
there bat what is planted. A large stone
Mansion exhibits the comforts of a pro
fitable farm, and a no less capacious Barn
shows that there must be a place for grain,
for there is much here to be stored away.
A particular description of this barn may
be useful to the Society; it is in size nine-ty-eifht
feel six inches, by fifty-four feet,
rhich includes a seven feet over shot,
and thirty-four feet high to the square.
It is built in the side of a bank, and has
two 6ets of barn floors, one above, the
'tther -the first baring an elevation of
sbout eight feet, and the second is used
as a thrashing floor, from tvhicli the gn ia
it is thrashed p;ssea dewn - into the
first floor where it is cleansed; the sta;
bles are below the whole. There is an
advantage gained by this arrangement in
this, that you can get out any quanti
ty of grain wiihoofbeing hindered by the
accumulation of it upon the floor; and
there can be no better illustration of this
i,i.nniiff iVion kv the fact that Mr. Rrv-
I ut ainugv iiia'i J ---- -
' son's whole . crop was thrashed, cleaned,
: and ready for market on the 25th of July
uf this 3 ear. With the peculiar capaci
ty and arrangement of his barn, this was
effected without any waste of straw, or
throwing more into the barn yard than
would be readily converted into manure;
it was alt stowed away in his rapacious
barn ready to be used during the succee
ding winter, as occasion will require;
the quantity of wheat was nineteen hun
dred and ninety-five bushels, which grew
upon eighty acres of land equal to
twenty-live bushels to the acre; five acres
of barley was also thrashed, end pro
duced two hundred and fifty bushels; for
ty tons of hay were made, well cured
and 6towed away; the produce of ten
acres of oats, which your committee sup
posed would yield 270 bushels, were al
so here; the corn was yet upon the
ground, and it was the subject of particu
lar examination, and the conclusion to
which we came with regard to it was that
il would yield about fifty-five bushels to
the acre; notwithstandidg this season
has not been as favorable as usual we
have not seen in any year so large a crop
of corn which was as good as this; thirty
bushels of clover seed were also made.
This is a limestone farm, and the manure
used upon it is principally lijie. The
stock which we found here, were eighty
head of steers, twenty milch cows and
young cattle, one hundred hogs, fifteen
sheep, six horses and three yoke of oxen.
The pighty head of steers ware in a
course of preparation for the market, and
had been fed since the corn had passed
the wasting ear 6tate, by cutting it off and
feeding it to them in die bulk the cattle
and hogs thus fed together, exhibited this
system as a profitable one; scarcely two
acres had yet been consumed, and the
rattle were almost ready for the market.
One would suppose that a farm like this
would occupy all the attention of its ow
ner, but not so with Mr. Oryson on his
farm three Kilns wsre constantly employ
ed burning lime, producing about 2000
bushels a week, hauled from the Kilns as
fast as it was burned to enrich thel ands of
the.surrounding country. Mr Bryson em
ploys upon his farm about thirty hands,
who are engaged in the tilling of the
farm, and the burning and hauling of
lime; the labor of these men is directed
by Mr. Bryson in person, and with a
system and economy of time which
seems to be peculiar. At sunrise every
man knows from the mouth of his em
ployer what is his business (or the day."
CUR IX G II A 31 s.
We copy from "The Cultivator" the
following article, which is particularly
interesting at this season.
The recipe must be worthy of trial, as
we see by the remarks preceding it, that
il is a republication at the request of se
veral Farmers who have tried and known
it to be good.
For every one hundred pounds of
meal, take five pints of good molasses,
(or five pounds of brown sugar,) five
ounces saltpetre , and eight pounds rock
salt add three gallons of water, and
boil the ingredients over a gentle fire,
skimming off the froth or scum as it rises
Continue the boiling till the salt &c., is
dissolved. Have the hams nicely cut
and trimmed, packed in casks with the
shank end down, as (he pickle will thus
strike in better. When the pickle pre
pared as above is sufficiently cool, your
it over the hams. They may lie in pick
le, from two to six weeks, according to
the size of the pieces, or the state of the
weather more time being required in
cold than in warm wsather. Beef or
mutton hams, or tongues intended for
smoking and drying, may he cured ac
cording to this mode, and will be found
There ere other modes of pickling
hams whirh are much esteemed in va
rious countries. In that excellent and
agreeable work entitled Fannin? for La
dies," we find the following directions
for preparing the celebrated "Hambro
Pickle," which is said to be equally ap
plicable to beef, pork, tongues &c
"To each gallon of water, put one pound
and a half of common salt, a quarter of a
pound of course brown sugar, and one
ounce of saltpetre; boiled, and to be
carefully scummed. After standing in a
proper vessel until quite cold, the meat
may be immersed, and will be fit for use
in ten days, and improve for months; bul
it roust be carefully kept pressed down
by means of a corer, and a clean heavy
stone. The pickle must be watched, and
when any scum begins to rise, the meat
must be taken out and the liquor reboil
ed, and scummed and cooled it before;
euhe same time half a pound more salt
must be added; but no raw salt must be
applied at any time. The meat is to be
returned wfien the pickle is quite cold,
say after ten or twelve hours." Tongues
will require a month at least, and are im
proved by the addition of an ounee of
bay salt to the above. One clove of gar
lic, half an ounce of allspice, and as
much whole pepper, boiled with the in
gredients, improves it much.
This paper is pi.blished every Tuesday, at ?2
per annum, payable half-yearly in advance.
If not paid within the year, $2,50 will invaria
bly be charged.
No subscription taken for less than six months
nor can a subscriber discontinue unless at
the option of the editor, until arrearagesare
paid off.
Anvr.msF.MF.T will be inserted .at $ per
square, for the first three insertions, and 25
cent!" for every subsequent insertion: longer
ones in proportion. inserted in the Herald and
Republican, three times, at $2 per square and
60 cents for every other insertion.
'. i ...
For Sale at this Oflice.
Blank Deeds..
LOT of Ulank Deeds of a superior quail
ty,jut printed and now for sale
Constables' Stay Bonds
For &ile at this OfPce
IN the Court of Common
Pleas of Somerset Coun
ty, of 3tay Term, 1845,
IS"o. 163.
IJfc the matter of the application of the
Presbyterian Church of Jennerville,
Somerset county, Pennsylvania, for a
Charter of Incorporation.
And now to wit, 6th Septem-
'ivtC ber 1845, the petition of the
of Jen
countv. Pennsylvania was presented
to the Court, and it appearing that the ob
jects, articles and conditions set forth in
the petition are lawful and not injurious
to the community, the Court direct the
instrument to be filed, and notice to be
inserted in one newspaper printed in So
merset county, for three weeks that the
application has been made.
By the Court,
nny.l 1 '45 Proth'y.
George L. Gordon,
HAVING purchased from Mr Daniel
Pile, his interest in the establish
ment heretofore carried on undeMhe firm
of Gordon & Pile, respectftrlly informs
his friends and the public generally, that
he continues to carry on the
Chair-Making Business
in all its branches, at the old stand, oppo
site Mr Kurtz's Drug store in the bor
ough of Somerset, where he will at all
times keep on hand or make to order,
- " " - t5 I
all of which he will sell very cheap for
cash, or exchange for approved country
produce at market prices;
His work will be done in a neat and
fashionable style and substantial manner;
and he invites the public to give him a
call before purchasing elsewhere.
NBA good journeyman to the above
business, who can paint and finish, is
wanted immediately, and to whom con
stant employment and liberal wnges will
be given.
V B'H E subscribers, agents and attor
1 neys for A G Cole, offer for sale
on advantageous terms, lbe following de
scribed real estate, to wit That well
late the property of Jacob Probaseo and
John Baker, Esq, on the National Road,
in Henry Clay township, Fayette coun
ty. Pa, and one mile west of the village
of Somerfield in Somerset county, to
gether with the appurtenances thereunto
belonging. . This property consists of
about one hundred and fifty-three acres
of land, a greater portion of which is
cleared and under cultivation and in mea
dow. The buildings consist of a large
and convenient
partly stone and partly frame, commodi
ous stabling and other out buildings.
The location of this properly being
one mile from the town of Somerfield,
abounding in wood and Slone coat; ha
ving a Saw Mill and Grist Mill adjacent
thereto and plenty of water remaining
through the land, renders it an important
and valuable situation for any kind of bu
siness. The premises have been for a
long: time occupied as a Tavern Stand.
The stand is 'admirably adapted for the
accommodation of all kinds of Droves.
Persons desirous of purchasing the
property, are requested to call on Josh
ua B. Howcl and E. P. Oliphant, of U
niontown, Pa., who will give every in
formation desired, concerning said pro
perty. TIOWEh fc OLIPHANT,
Attorneys of A G Cole, of Bait.
. july22 45 if -' "..
saf Presbyterian Church
'Wf'fSo nerville, Somerset
Bedford, Pa.
IToie, J, S, Black, 1)r, J, McCrery,
Hon, A, Thompson, Dr, N, W,
Office at Ankeny's Hotel.
war mn HEX1G0
has not yet commenced, and we are still sel
ling goods at the above stand at very
reduced prices.
VTT'E have received 'this day from
y T Philadelphia, Baltimore and
Pittsburff, a variety of
consisting in part of
CLOTHS of various qualities and colors.
JEANS do do do
LADIES GOODS such as Romelia
stripe. Polka Cashmere. Cashmere De
Cosse, Afghan Satin, plain, figured and
changeable Alpachas, Mouslin de Laines,
&c, &c, &c.
In selling boots and shoes,
We promise to beat the Jews.
ALSO, on hand a choice lot of Gro
ceries, Hardware and Queensware; all ol
which we shall endeavor to sell on such
terms, as to induce a generous public to
give us a liberal support.
Don't forget the place, remember the
Three Big Doors.
sePi30 . J J & 11 F SOU ELL.
Hurra!! Hurra!!! Hurra!!!!
Don't be alarmed No new Firm.
The same old Coon:
RESPECTFULLY informs his old
customers and the public in gener
al, that he still carries on the
business in all its various branches, one
door east of John L Snyder's store and
immediately opposite the "Three Big
Doors,' where he is prepared to do all
manner of work in his line of business,
in the neatest and most durable manner,
on short notice and as cheap as an' tailor
in the county; His work shall not be
surpassed by any eastern, western or
elsewhere; All his woik shall fit neatly
or the cloth be returned.
oct28 3m
THE subscriberrespecifully informs
his friends and the public in gen
cral, that he carries on the
Stone Cutting Business
in all its various branches, at his shop
on main street, 2 doors east of George
Piles tavern, and nearly opposite the
drugstore of John L. Snyder.
made at the shoJtest notice, and on the
most reasonable terms, and in a manner
that will render them superior to an,
other manufactured hi ti's section ofthi
Grind stones of an excellent quality,
always kept onhand.
Country - produce taken in exchange
for work, at Market Prices.
Somerset, Pa., )
March 5, )845ly.S
Saddling and
RESPECTFUL LVT informs his
friends and the public in general,
that he continues to carry on the
Saddling and Harness-Making
at his shop on Main Cross street, nrth
of Parker Sz Ankeny's store, where he
will constantly keep on hand, or make to
all of which he will dispose of at very
low prices, for cash or approved country
Having supplied himself with excel
lent materials, and being determined to
do his work in a neat and substantial
manner, he flatters himself to be able to
give general satisfaction to all who may
favor him with their custom.
" Somerset, novl I M5
CAME to the premises of the subscr
ber in Tuekeyfoot township, Som
erset county, on the 4th dav of October
last, a DA Kit RED HE1FFER. with a
crop off the left ear and a piece out of
the right ear on top, supposed to be o
years old last spring.
The owner is requested to come for
ward prove property, pay charges, and
take her away, or she will be disposed
of as the law directs.
nov25'45 WM R RUSH.
THE subscriber informs his friends
and the public generally, that, he
continues to carry on the
SaUotins 33ttmnr0,
at his old stand, nearly opposite Mr.
Ankeny's Hotel in the borough of Som
erset, where he is prepared to execute
work at short notice.
He has made arrangements to re
ceive the New York and Philadelphia
regularly, and is. therefore, prepared to
do all work in his line of business, at
as cheap a rate as it can be done at any
other establishment of the kind in the
county, and in the neatest and most fash
ionable style.
He will warrant his work to be
made in a neat and durable marner, and
if it does no Jit, he will replace the
cloth, so that persoKS entrusting work to
his care need not be afraid of loosing
His work for" neatness shall not be
excelled by any establishment west of
the Alleghenies.
The most popular remedies of the present Ia
are those which cleanse an J purify the blood
and which are known to be innocent in their
qualities. Such remedies as Antimony, Mercu
ry, Zinc, and the having recourse to bleeding in
diseases, are now, it is hoped going out of fashi
on, and Vegetable remedies will le Roon the po
pular medicine. Then Brand'cllis Vegetable
Universal Pills will be used and appreciated.
When the Blood i in an unsound condi.'-'on,
it is as ready for infection, as land ploughed a id
harrowed to receive the ailoted grain. Thos
who are wise will therefore commence the purifi
cation of their blood without delay, and those
who are already attacked with sickness should
do the same.
Ladies .should use BraiidrcuYa Pills frequents
ly. They will ensure them from severe sickness
of the stomach, and generally speaking entirely
prevent it. The Brandreth Pills are harmless.
They increase the powers of life, they do not de
press them. Females will find them to secure that
state of health which every mother wishes to en
joy. In costiveness, so often prevalent at an in
teresting period, the Brandreth pills are a safe
and effectual remedy.
On the first attack of fever, or any disease, im
mediately take a large dose of Brandreth's Veg
etable Universal Pills, and continue to keep up
a powerful effect upon the bowels until the fever
or pain has entirely ceased. Six or eight will in
most cases be sufficient as a first dose, and one
dose of this kind it is not improbable, may pre
vent months of 6icknass, perhaps death.
Dr. Benjamin Brandreth's Vegetable Univer
sal Pills, are indeed a universally approved med
icine, which by its peculiar action, cleanses the
blood of all impurities, removes every pain and
weakness, and finally restores the constitution I
perfect health and vigor.
The above justly celebrated pills can be pro
cured of the following persons w ho are tise regu
lar authorized agents for Somerset county, Pa.
J. I.. Snyder, Somerset.
Kiernan & Bell, ienner Road.
Henry Little, Stoystown.
J. D. Poddy & co, Petersburg,
J. S. Uagans, Smithfield,
P. & VV. Meyers, Meyers' Mill.
Pamphlets ran be procured of the agents grata.
Drs. Speer and Kuhn.
P"5niIE object of this establishment is
Jj to supply a want greatly felt by re
spectable travellers on our western high
ways by residents, without family, ta
ken sick and by patients from the sur
rounding towns and country who resort
to this place for relief Irom surgical and
other diseases. Such have often suffered
from the want of the various comforts
and attentions so necessary and agreeable
to the sick, and from careless and un
faithful nurses; and been subjected to
heavy and unreasonable charges.
Invalids will here be provided with
constant, faithful and comfortable atten
dance, snd at a rale much below the usu
al charges.
While the care of both physicians will
be extended to every variety of disease,
it is intended by Dr. Speer, to give spe
cial attention to -
To these branches of his profession
he has given a large share of his alten
ion for the last twenty-five years, and
he will continue to devote to them the
experience acquired by a constant prac
tice during that time.
The Hotel for Invalids is not an exper-!
iment. Its establishment is suggested
not only as necessary to supply an evi-'
dent want in this city, in the entire ab
sence of any special provision for the j
sick, but is warranted also by the success
of similar institutions at Cincinnati and
New Orleans the former under the care i
of Drs. Taliaferro, Marshall and Strader
the latter under that of Dr. Stone.
The building selected for the purpose
is situated at the ccrner of Federal and
Robinson streets, in Allegheny city, ad
joining the city of Pittsburgh. It is
commodious and roomy, and furnished
with all accommodations necessary for
the sick.
Applications for admission to be made
to the subscribers, at their office on Penn
street, Pittsburgh, or at the establishment.
C7Nu contagious diseases will be ad
mitted. J. R. SPEER, M. D.
J. S. KUHN, M. V.
February 25, 1845. . '
titions, just muted ami
for sale
JVants 2,000 bushels of
I WJ' I 1
I WISH to pnrrhase two thousand
bushels of merchantable flaxseed,
delivered at my
between this and the 1 5th of November
next, for which 1 agree to p:iy 80 cents
in cash, or 87 J cents in manufactured
goods at my woolen manufactory, at the
wholesale prices. S K1MMEL.
aii2l2 '45-101
Ye7P Tin -Ware
THE subscriber, thankful for former
support, informs his old customers
and the public generally, that he has re
commenced the manufacture of
Tin and Siieet-Ikox Wart,
at the shop formerly occupied by Mr Mi
chaels, as a.Cleckmaker shop, east of Mr
ankeny's Hotel, in the Borough of Som
erset, where he is now making every
description of Tin and Sheet-Iron fJ'are,
which he will sell cheap for cash or ex
change for approved country produce.
His work will be done in a neat and sub
stantial manner, and be hopes to receive
a liberal share of public patronage.
Bon't stand up while chairs
and sofas arc sochcap.
M A X U-
"ISTOULD respectfully inform bis
TT old customers and lbe publie in
general, that he has purchased from
Mr. Jocob Myers, chair maker and
wheel wrighlhis entire stock of materials
and has commenced the chair making
business with that of cabinet making, at
his shop on main street in the Borough
of Somerset, one door east of the resi
dence of Simon Gebhart Esq., where
he will constantly keep on hand and
will make to order, common fancy and
Muhugony Chairs, bed steads, wheel.
Tables, Stands, Settees, So
fas, 50., fy'c., 6jc,
He will sell common chairs at 5 per
sett, and mher articles in proportion.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
axtended to him, he would invite the
public to call and exemine his work,
which he will warrant to be made of the
best materials and finished in the neatest
and most durable manner.
Approved country produce will be
taken in exchange for work, at the high
est market prices.
Colds, CohsJjs, Spllilnpr of Blood,
A2Iii!ia, laln In the Side,
ISrcast and Clicsf, Wlioopiti?
C'ouh, Croup, and all Dis
eases of the Liver and
We bcholJ many who unfortunately arc the
object of disease, borne down by its pain and dis
tress, without a medecine tr strengthen and
soothe the enfeebled frnmc,or relieve the poisoned
mind; Kind Providence has caused" Nature to pro
duce a HEALING BALM for all living crea
tures, particularly the afflicted. Heathen, whose
labors hive been so successful to discover the
Medical Agent for the removal and cure of a dis
oase which seems for ages o have defied the pow
ers of the her.!inpj art, should be ngarJcd in the
light of a public bene fictor.
The proprietor of Dr Duncan EXPECTO
RANT REMEDY claims this, substantiated by
thousands who are living monuments restored
fromlhe bed of sickness to the enjoyment of their
dearest fricnda.and again rendered an ornament o
Those who snfll-r with the premonitory symp
toms of CONSUMPTION, should not reject
themselves from lime to lime, until the disease
becomes seated, and rendered beyond the control
of medicine, tut immediately procure Dr. Dun
can's Expectorant Remedy, a medicine hat
certain to remove all the fir.-t evil seeds of Con ;
sumption, when used in due season.
Just received 4 dor of the above medicine anj
for sale by Parker & A nLenj, the only author
zed agent tot Somerset county.
Dec. 3i, 1914.