The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, December 02, 1845, Image 3

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Somerset, Pa
ru!liheJ every Tuo-Jay at 52 per annum.
paiM ha!f-yrarly in advance. If iml paiJ
witliin the Tr:ir 52.50 will invari.iMj bo churetl.
Ac Ligonirr Dee Press.
Fort liioniti'.
Next week we will publish a Talc of
Firt L'gmier. which we rind iu ihe Som
erset Herald, which no doubt will be m
terefing lo every reader, litre wegire
a letter from Col Coquet, which i main
ly interesting lo us mi a-4-.Mint of its an
tjquity. A gentleman of this place has
it in Iii possession, six! kindly handed it
J us fur publication. It is as follows,
Tout Pitt Sept. 15tli 17G3.
Sir: i received me nun inst.. your
Letters of the 8ih, and i).h. wi'.li ilie. re
turns of Ligoiiicr; 'J'lie King's com
puny observes that you have given credit
iei some barrels of flour, and a straved
or. wirh will, of course, increase the
loss of your stores. However, consid
ering all the circumstances, it will be
found very moderate.
The Garrison mul supply themselves
M'iih firewood in ihe best manner ihcy
e'en, as the general don't m.ikj any ah
iowanee. for that article. Vou mijiht
have ilie trees cat now and hauled in
vhrn you htve horses, yt 1 find it a
bjvit(! not M cut it small in the woods.
Can the iiiha'ulanls of Lignnier ima
gine thai the King1 will pay fr their
Houses destroyed far the defence of the
Fori! At that rate he must nay likewise
for two or three hundred pulled down at
this post; wrieU would be absurd, as
those people had only the us-e and not
jhe property of then:; having never been
ptrmiticd to sell or rt nllhem bu'. obliged
lo deliver ihe.n to the King whenever
they left them, as to their fumiiure, it is
tiictr own fwiilt if they have lost it, they
tnilil hate brought ii iti or near the
What Cattle have been used for the
p.-trrison, will of course he p-iid for, but
what fias been killed or tken by the an
cniv, I sec nothing It A to t.hfni but to
petition the jeneral, t tnke their case
into consideration. 1 a:n very sorry lor
1it tr mibfortinie. an I would asisi ihcm
if 1 in my' power bui it i really
nut. Tiio orders fot bidding :u d impor
Catioti of ; !s, are given by Sir Jeffrey
Amhcr;'.: Howcior, upon sem.'iu me a
li.l of h A may be kbsoiutcly wanted,
I shall endemor to tram a pirmit. One
Subtler would be fuili- icnt fjrthat post.
W'c d i very ucll here tincc e have
Iio;ie t all.
I am fO;ry to a quaint you that Litnt.
'arre, and ltts are iucludrJ in ihi re
iluctiau, ihoug'i all the ensigns remain.
ili.til ui'.li great pleasure take the first
opportunity to recommend you to the
general, for some place, if t.. IT i es
tablished in the gJiriions of the conli
ncijt. 1 am sir
your obt- hun-ible sprvant.
Coolne! Roqucl wrote i n the opposne
page of ihc same letter as follows:
Fort Pitt, Sept. 30, 1?G3.
I received your letter of the 25th.
xvith the returns for September.
Major Campbell will change your gar
rison, and however disagreeable those
things are, you must be persuaded that
we do what we can, and not what we
would choose. If the Ship Carpenters
row here are not sent to the Lakes, you
nay defer them a couple of days lo fit
I.ijrracVs for 50 iiif.i, for I dont think
xv t shall have more to spare, blankets
are certainly very necessary and I will
ecnt them.
Fuel for winter is (here the line was
illegible) article. A I cannot help you
nt present iu thst, you must keep two
horses joing, and F1 send you some
Indian Corn. I wish Major Campbell
could give some assistance to cut trees,
at least but I know how difficult it is upnn
a march to Jo these things. Ywu will
not forget to send the rice and aics, you
received frora Bedford lor this Fost,
Willi the seeds.
1 am dear sir
yaur most ob't servant
Lieut. Blank.
From the Montrcul Ihruld of Saturday.
There is a rumor in town to day of
another fire in that usfortunale city. It
is said that the flames were seen by the
lusssngers on board the steamer Quebec,
which left for this city, after they reached
l'oi.nlo aux Tremble, a distance of twen-y-one
miles from Quebec. We hope
there may be some mistake, br.i we
liave seen a gonileman who was on
()oarJ, and he appears to entertain no
iloubt that another serious conflagration
lias taken place.
The Commercial Advertiser says. "II
Che flarues were seen at lVmt iiix Trem
ble ue fear the fir was in the upper
town, where the buildings arc general I r
more valuable lha.'i they arc outside the
Quebec Correspondence of the Montre
al Ilaold.
Tucksday Arrnnxoo, Nov, 13th,
Loss orTnc Snip Elkopkan', I am
sorry i have to inform you that ac
counts have been received iiere this morn
ing, from the Saguenav. which have no
tlubl of the melancholy loss of the ship
l'uropeau, Captain M'Kide, which sail
ci hence on the morning of the 1st inst,
Lr Glasgow, with a valuable cargo of
wheat, flour, ashes, &e. It is siaed
thai s-he was cast -shore on the 'Mille
liche$ Point, during the hite le from
l.e Eit, iiid wiil be a total wuck; her
wails hiJ been cut la prevent Lcr failing
over. Three of the crew were drowned.
The passengers, Mr. Auld arid 'Mrs.
Auld,"and a voting ladv (daughter of an
officer of the 14th Hegiment) of Montre
al, were all saved, and arc, now at one of
the ports iu good health. They, will
probably come up by land.
The Kurope-ui is one ef the finest ves
sels built t the Clyde last winter, and
was only her second voyage from your
fti Tire in I hillicothe.
From an cxlraaf the "Ancient Me
tropolis, " published in Ciiillicoihe, Ohio,
we have the following painful intelli
Cim.LicoTHE. Nov. 19.
A fire broke out in oiirriiv, lal ni:ht,
between II and 12 o';l ck, in the build
ing on the corner of I'aint and Main
streets, occupied by Douglas- & f.aii
sin?. Druggist; the Scinto (JazettC Print
ing office, am! Miller's ('onfectionsry.
This building was entirely dertroyed,
with 7 or 8 frame ones adjoin ing, as fol
lows: The dry gaod stores of Sultz
bacher) nnd Hern, John Ewing's saddler
simp, ihe Advertiser Printing OfTice,
(iibbs and Kobbison's tailor shop.
ShuschilPs boot and shoe shop, Steele's
tailor shop, and Alex. Ening's saddler
C. C. Allen, the proprietor of the
Gazette, lost everything in his office
The press f the Advertiser office and
most of linotype were saved. The other
establishment succeeded in rescuing-a
portion of their goods from the flames,
though in a damaged condition.
We have not heard any estimate of the
entire Joss.
Eruption of Mount Ifocla.
The Ajobcfiituisposi, Danish journal
ir'ivea the following, account of the new
eraption of Mount Hecla:
"llcclc, after reposing 80 vears, threat
en?:, acconling' to j)rivate li tters;, to rav- j
ajie Iceland. In theiuglitol the 1st ol
Si-ptciuhcr a frightful subteraucan groan
ing tilled the inhabitants around it with
terror. This continued till midday on
the 'd, when the Mountain burst in Iwo
places with a terrible crash, and vomited
masses of fire. In former times these cx
plosion8 came from the siunmit, where
lleda has no regular formed carter; but
thiri time torrents of lava (lowed down
two gorges on the flanks of the mountain.
Letters IVoiii Keikjavik. of the 13th, state
up Jo that d iv no great daiinge had been
done iu the Syssels of Kangvrvalla ami
Arnds, fcituated cloe to the uiountain,
inaMitueh n the ojeiung whence the
ignited masses issue are fortunately on the
North and North-west side, and consc
Cjucntlv, took, that direction in which there
is nothing but barren heaths. Besides,
ihe wind having continually blow it from
the South and South-west ha.s driven the
a-dtes and dust towards the opposite o3nt.
Front the clotfJs uf Muoke and vaj)or, the
lop of the volcano could not lx sep.-i.
fheeponthe h a;h- w re driven clown
the plains, !r.:t not till several of tliem
were burnt. The waters of the neigh!or
ing rivers, near the eruption, became so
hot that the fish were killed, and was im
possible for one to ford them on horse
back. Although the lava and ashes took
a Northern direction, the eruption was
not known on that side of the island till
after the 11th, and even as late as the loth
ihe people at the Syssels of Mule, in hc
North-east, were ignorant of it. In the
Western parts, the noise accompanying
the eruption was distinctly heard, like
rolling ol distant thunder,
heard at Keikjavik."
Nothing w as
SelklrSvVs Set tlrniont.
This colony is located about TOO miles
above St. Peters. It consists of about
0!00 inhabitants, mostly connected with
the Hudson Bay Company. We have
heard, that of late years, the population
of the colony was rather on the decrease.
A number of our most respectable citi
zens emigrated frcin Europe, and readi
ed this place by the above route, though
we never heard them recommend it as a
very agreeable way. The colonists are
mostly adventurers, of which we presume
the subject of the follow ing lo be rather a
rare specimen. One year ago last June,
he passed this place, accompanied by his
wife and others, on their way to the a
bove settlement. They left St. Peters,
twelve in companv, but having lost their
vvav the endured almost every kind of
privation, and were one hundred and
twenty days in reaching their place of
destination. Four of their horses froze
to death, starvation stared them in the
hVe, and after subsisting on frogs, and
cutting their way for forty miles through
a forest, they arrived w here their w ants
were supplied. Our traveller then took
a tramp over to the Missauri river, and on
his return, fell in with the Missouri
drovers, end was with them at the time
of their attack by the Sissiton Sioux ln
dir.ivs, He is now on his way to Scot
land to see about some property which lie
has lately inherited. Whether he will
choose to return to the Ked- Kivcr settle
ment by way of the (.'ape of Good Hope,
Madagascar, and Oregon, or to come, up
the Mississippi by way of Cape Horn,
we are not advised, hnt it is reasonable
tosppuose that a man who likes to travel
so well will ! U'st satisfied with the lon
gest way. Galena .ldver. Oct 2L
By the barque Meteor, at New York,
the editors of the New A'ork Sun have
received files of the Kio Journal lo 1st.
nh. inclusive, nnd a letter from Kio dated
; 25th ulu, confirming our previous advi
I ces of the seizure of all the principal
ports at or near the entrance to the La
Plata, Buenos Ayrcs alone excepted,
i which the combined fleets of France .end
England were preparing to attack, or to
j f-eize the largo Island ci' Martin Garcia in
tL harbor. . ..
Impkovements at Niagara Falls.
Professor Gourand has disposed of his
Niagara Falls property to Gen. Charles
M. Kced, of Erie, (Pa.) who intends to
carry out the project originated bv Mr.
Jlathbun, and build a public house at the
rails second to none in the W est.
From Bicknell' Kcpoctcr.
Thirteen Ways Later from Eu
roje. We arc indebted to a friend for a copy
of the New York Herald Extra, contai
ing London advices to the Dd inst., and
Liverpool to the 4th inclusive.
The news, as it will be seen, is impor
tant. The short crops in England and all ov
er Europe, a revulsion in railway specu
lations, and a fall in stocks and public sc
curieties, have combined to produce in
some degree, a financial and commercial
panic. '
The iron continues brisk, and masters
and men arc well employed. Iu the
price of pig iron a slight decline has ta
ken place; it is now quoted at X'4 15s, in
The steamship Marmora, from New
York and Liverpool, for Constantinople,
put into Cove 2d of November, with
coals on fire, and would discharge them.
Nearly all descriptions of produce have
received a check, but there is nothing so
gloomy ahead, that a speedy and healthy
reaction may not take place.
The Corn market continues to rise, and
the averages to decrease a little; but the
"jump" in the scale by no means indi
cates the actual price which good Wheat
realizes. The quantity of inditl'ercnt or
bad grain which is thrown upon the
market keeps np the averages if such a
misnoni'T can be applied to a scheme
which very unfairly represents the actu
al price of the article. The opening; of
the ports is a question so important in
itseif, not only as it affects the corn trtale,
but w hat is of far greater consequence, as
it affects the general interest of the coun
try, that it absorbs every other topic at
the present number.
A morning paper stated a day or two
back, that a treasury order had been trans
mitted to, and received at, the Dublin
Custom House, admitting grain free of
duty. This statement turns out to be
incorrect; but it was generally believed
a proof of the public mind being prepared
lor such a step on the part of the 'Gov
ernment. An evening paper has pul-li.-dicd
a statement to theelTect that Wheat
and other descriptions of Corn, are to be
adulated immediately, at a low figure.
Wheat at sixpense per bushel, and the
other kinds still lower; but this statement
although put forth imposingly, is also
considered premature.
A Cabinet Council wa3 held on Friday,
at the house of Sir Koberet Peel, as the
Premier could not leave his home, owing
to an attack of gout in the foot. At this
meeting the question of die opening of
the ports Was no doubt disc ussed in all its
bearings, and expectation was on the qui
live to know the result. Another Cabi
net Council was held at Sir Robert Peel's
house the following day, and the result
of this, as of the preceding meeting, still
remains a mystery. People have been
anxiously looking to the London Ga
zette, expecting to see an official intima
tion of the Government policy, but they
looked in vain. The Cabinet is said to
be divided on ihe point at issue, but no
one presumes to think that the ports
will not be opened. Lis the only thing
about which people talk '-Out of the
fullness of the heart the mouth speak
eth." The decision of the government must
speedily be known, because if corn is to
come in duly free, every" day adds to the
difficulty, as the lime of the year is rap
idly approaching when not only the Bal
tic, but the St. Lawrence, will be closed
by the ice. . As regards the former, how
ever, owing to the scarcity which pre
vails amongst our continental neighbors,
and the high price which grain commands
there, much cannot be expected. The
great hope is in the United States and
Canada. The proof of the scarcity ex
ists in the fact, that most of the continent
al powers have already opened their ports
for the self same object, and it is justly
said, --Why should England be less con
siderate for its citizens, than are the con
tinental rulers for theirs!"
The real fact in all probability is, that
Peel is unwilling to act until he is armed
with the strongest possible reasons for
doing so; and in order to cavil out the
qustion, he is said to he waiting for the
report of the scientific commissioners
whom he has sent to Ireland to investi
gate the pota;oe disease. Some say that
Parliament will be immediately summon
ed to consider what ought to be done in
the present emergency. A IVivy Conn- j
eil must be called ere the ports can be
1 1 ! I
openeti, ami as no announcemeai oi sucn
a meeting has yet been made, some days,'
it is prouaoie,may eiapse neiore tne poli
cy of the Cabinent will be made public. .
The state of things in these kingdoms
at the present time, w ith the certainty of
"bread stutTs" coming iu free, or at the
low est nominal duty, must have a con
siderable effect on the price of those com
modities in the United States and Cana
dian markets. As a proof of the diversi
ty' of opinion w hich prevails in the Cabi
net on the subject of rescinding the Corn
laws, even for a temporary purpose, we
may mention that another tneetirig was
held at the house of Sir Robert Peel,
yesterday afternoon. , ,
. LAND. -
Hitherto,-tlte cycle of seasons has bc-
1 friended. ir Robert Feci, Flour go,o4
harvests in succession, have filled the ex
chequer -filled ' the stomachs " of the
lieges -made the nation prosperous the
people contented. Alas! tlie spene is
changed- the evil day has come upon
him, and has found him unprepared to
face it. Famine gaunt, horrible, de
stroying - famine seems impending.
Fears liave seized the public -mind. In
Ireland matters look appaling in Eng
land gloom yy The granaries of the con
tinent are exhausted. The corn fields of
the -Vis tula, the Danube, and the Elbe,
are barely sufficient for the local wants of
the inhabitants. Thp nation is in coin
motion; and the cry of "Open the ports
and let in corn duty free!" is heard, on
all sides, reverberated from every "part of
the empire. The "pressure from w ith
out" has made itself heard in Downing
street, and faith in the sliding scale
Peel's sliding scale is gone lor ever. A
third of the potatoe crop in Ireland is de
stroyed, The Government has sent scientficpro
fessors to the scene of the mischief, and
the awful truth is out that this large por
tion of ihe People's food the esculent
that Cobbett abhorred is unfit for use. -What
is to be done in this terrible, this
unlooked-for emergency? "Open "the
ports," is the exclamation, and there
stands the shivering Premier Kke a reed in
the. wind paralysed between ahcetion tor
his sliding scale, anil the horrors of pub
lic famine! .There he is, balancing the
pros mid cons. But necessity is superior
to consistency, superior even to law.
The ports must be opened. O'Connell,
who assmcs to he the tribune of the Irish
people, goes beyond this. He demands
a grant of public money to the extent of a
million and a half, to be expended in the
purchase of food he calls for a tax of
fifty per cent, on the absentees, and a tax
of ten percent, on the residents he asks
for the prohibition of corn and provisions
leaving the island and the prevention of
distilleries consuming grain. Large dc
ain. Large
mands these will they be conceded? A
day or two solve the question; and in the
meantime speculation will find a wide
margin for the exercise of its agency
SION. The railway mania has received its
quietus. Something like a panic hxs
overtaken the speculators in iron high
ways. Now that the rc-action has come
it brings in its train ruin and devastation
and bankruptcy to thousands. But the
end is not yet. A more gigantic system
of swindling has rarely been seen iu these
latter days, and the number of respecta
ble persons who have lent their names to
support bubble companies, make us
blush for the cupidity of common hu
manity. The Times has been foremost
in this work of "fluttering the Volcians."
It matters little what motives may h ive
prompted the potentates of Printing-houses
Suuare to sound a tocsin; whether
jealousy of their contemporaries, or vex
ed that they did not participate
the spoil, or a determination to destroy
the game of those who did all this is
beside the question. "We try the act,
the motive Heaven can judge." The
only regret is, that it was not done soon
er. .But certain it is, that The Times,
true to its character of seizing the right
moment for acting upon fears, or control
ling the public mind, kicked the beam
at the critical instant, and to some extent
produced the revulsion which is now
witnessed. But without desiring to un
dervalue the power and the influence of
the journal in question, it would be weak
to attribute the prostration in the share
market solely ro its thunder.
The Bank of England, the critical state
in which the food of the country has
been placed by the harvest, and the stale
of the potato crop, above all, and beyond
all, the ridiculous experiments which the
projectors of the numberless moonshine
companies made upon the common sense
of mankind those causes, irrespective of
the diurnal monitor, have forced the de
clension to it3 present point. The wreck
of fortune and of character which this
temporary insanity has produced, will be
felt long after the causes that produced it
have passed away. As a proof of the
extent to which . this huge system of
swindling has been- carried, it may be
mentioned that even ladies were not ex
empt from its influence. The female
friends and relatives of those who pulled
the wires of certain imposing puppet
schemes, were in the daily habit of hunt
ing the purlieus and officers of the share
brokers in the Metropolis, to watch the
market, in order to turn their letters of
of allotments to the best account! One
of the railway papers mentions a certain
ba'ch of female speculators who con
trived to realize, by this kind of chicanery
during the height of the mania, the
astounding sum of 500.000.
The appropriation of the property is
others by fraud or misrepresentation, of
pronounced felony by .ihe law of the
land; whereas, for a system, based for
the most part on falsehood and deceit
there appcajs to be no legal restraint
certainly no legal remedy. Now that peo
ple have time to reflect and lo analyze,
they find. that out of thirty-three sets of
provincicl committees, the name of one
party appears 23 times; the names of
two others, 19 times;of three, 17 times;
of fourteen, 14 times; of thirty-three, 8
times; of twenty-nine, 9 times; and of
twenty-two, 10 times! ' Can further
proof be needed of the systematic attack
upon the . pockets of the lieges, which
this cunning and clever scoundrelisni
has worked. But when the cloud, which
now hangs like a pall over cvery
speeies of railway speculation, has been
cleared away when the market has
been thoroughly sifted of the -bears"
and the "stag" of legitimate enterprise,
the result will be better for the conn try
and for capitalists. Thunder storms
clear the atmosphere, and the convulsions
in the physical,' produce' consequences
hardly less bcneficisl than, these in the
commercial world. A better class of
men men of stability and substance,
step in and take the place of the rotu t
reeds which are now being kicked wita
scorn out of the way.
The coining session of Parliament .is
dreaded by many weak and delicate mout
hers, and their fears can scarcely be said
to be groundless, for the heated atmos
phere of the wretchedly inefficient and
contracted committee roomr, crowded to
suff ocation with the. members of the com
mittee, With witnesses, with barristers,
engineers and others, during the greater
part of the day, is enough to paralyse
sensitive nerves, to say nothing of the
midnight legislation, of which the morn
ing's labor is only the precursor. Upon
the whole,-whether we view the crash
wich is now dealing prccuniary destruc
tion over the land, or whether we regard
the drain upon the national resources,
which the carrying out of so many new
projects will entail upon the future
whether w e glance at the fearful derange
ment of the monetary system that must
follow in the train of these adventures, as
surely as the flash precedes the rolling
of the thunder or whether we limit our
vision to the case of individual victims, anil
to the wretchedness which it has brought
and will yet bring, to many smiling
hearths and happy homes the subject in
every phase in which it can be viewed,
requires the prompt application of practi
cal, comprehensive, and sagacious states
manship; and it ought, nay, it mnst, re
ceive it instanler, at the hands of the
"powers that be."
Turnpike Election.
THE Stockholders in the Somerset
and Bedford Turnpike road com
pany will take notice that an election
will be held at the house of James Phil
son, in Allegheny township, on the 1st
Monday (5ih day) of January next, to
elect one President, six Managers, and
one Treasurer, to conduct ihe affairs of
said company the ensuing year.
nov!8 President.
IC7 Bedford Inquirer publish S times
and charge Company.
Estate of Abraham Wcabcr
JET TERS testamentary on the es
Jl tate of Abraham Weaber, late of
Conemaugh township, deceased, having
been granted t the subscribers, residing
in said towhship, all persons indebted to
said estate are hereby requested to at
tend at the late residence of the deceased
on Saturday the Gth Jof December next,
prepared to settle; and those having
claims, to present them at the same time
and place, properly authenticated.
Oci28 '45-6t Executors,
Notice is hereby given to all persons
concerned as legatees, creditors or
otherwise, that the following accounts
have been filed and passed register in the
Register's office, for the county of Som
erset, and that the same will be present
ed to the Orphans' court for confirmation
and allowance on Monday, the 8h day
of December next, at au adjourned Or
phans' Courl, viz:
Account of Jacob Blough, Administra
tor of John Good, deceased.
Account of Henry F Younkin and Fre
derick Younkin, Administrators of Fre
derick Younkin, deceased.
Account of A J Colborn and George
Pringey, administrators of Abraham Col
born, dee'd
Account of Jacob Cook, Jr, adminis
trator of Conrad Beal, dee'd.
Supplemental account of Redding B
Conover, one of the administrators of
Solomon Sutter, dee'd.
Account of Redding ft Conover, ad
ministrator de bonis non cum Testamen
to annexo of Joshua Cooper, dee'd.
Account of Joel Miller, administrator
de bonis non cum Testaniento annexo of
Georg Seese, dee'd.
Account of Samuel Miller and Andrew
Schrack, Executors of the last Will and
Testament of Christian Schrack. dee'd.
Account of Isacc Kauffman and Dan
iel Yoder, Executors of the last Will
and Testament of Jacob Kauflman, de
ceased. Second Supplemental account of Peter
Rhoads, one of the Exeeutors of the last
Will and Testament of Caepcr Keller,
Account cf Henry Walter, Jacob Wal
ter and Gillian Walter, Executors of the
last Will and Testament of John Walter,
Account of George Flit kinger. Execu
tor of the last Will and Testament of Ja-
I cob Burkhart, dee'd.
Account of John Neff, Executor of
the lasi Will aud Testament of Michael
Harbaugh, dee'd.
Account of Thomas Hanna, Executor
of the last Will aud Testament of Isaac
Johnson, dec'u.
Account of John Sturtz, acting ad
istrator of Christian Sturtz, dee'd.
Account of Daniel Lepley, administra
tor of Christian Shockey. deceased
who in his lifetime was administrator of
Joseph Cline, deceased as also the ac
count of said Lepley, administrator d
bonis non of said Joseph Cline, dee'd.
Account of Joseph Lehman adminis
trator of Jacob Levii-gston deceased.
Account of Emanuel Smith Surviving
Executor of the lasi will and testampnt
of Henry Shaffer deceased.
JOHN O. KIMMEL, Register.
Somerset, Nov'- 1845.
Constables' fetay Bonds
For 3ule , at this. Olr.ce
esa ' !
Journeymen Conhvainers !
duiiely.nnd a real .-cun-iiu- liU(Hmu!,
will find constant employment; ami ri)0lj
wages will be civen. ALSO, one w,,
can box the craft from a Siogey Boot 0
Ladies' Gaiter, will al?o receive employ
ment, at good wages. Enquire at the
novlt'45 . Snvdcrs' Row.
pAMK to ihe premises of the snbscri
ber in Addison township, Somerset
county, ii Hod Steer
with some white on
bis back and bfllv. and aC
eli; ii: his biiskct, supposed to be about a
year and a half old. The owner is re
quested lo come forward, prove property,
pay charges, ane take him away or he
will be disposed of as the law dirdcts.
Cumberland Tilarliet.
Hour, per barrel,
Wheat, per bushel,
$5 50 a 6 CO
1 00 a 1 10
a 0 50
50 a C 5J
28 a 0 00
31 a 0 37
51 3 0 r
57 a 0 50
1 CO a I 5
15 a 0 18
3 a 0 1
3 a 0 5
1 25 a 1 50
10 a 0 12
7 0
" dried
Peaches dried
Butter, per pound,
Chickens, per dozen.
Stone Coal, per bushel.
Pittsburgh Market.
Bacon, hams, per lb
Tallow, rendered
" rough
Butter, in kegs,
44 roll.
Cheese Western Reserve
44 Goshen,
Apples green, per barrel,
44 dried per bushel,
Potatoes, Mercer
4 Neshannocks
Seeds, Clover
,, Timothy
44 Flaxseed
4 -10 a 1 50
0 75 a 0 SO
45 a 50
40 a 00
33 a 37
00 a OO
8 a CO
CO a 00
7 a 00
6 a CO
4 a 00
00 a 00
8 a 00
5 a 7
00 a 00
1 00 a 1 50
1 10 a 1 20
2 00 a 2 25
00 a CO
00 a 00
4 CO a 0 00
I 37 a I 50
00 a 1 0G
22 a 33
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Pittsburgh, Banks,
Philadelphia Banks,
Girard Bank
United States Bans,
Bank of Germantown
Monongahcla Bank Brownsville
Bank of Gettysburg
Bank of Chester Connty
Bank of Chambersburg
Bank of Delaware,
Bank of Susquehanna County
Bank of Montgomery County
Bank of Northumberland
Bank of Lew is town
Bank of Middleton,
Carlisle Bank
Columbia Bank and Bridge Co.
Doy lestown Bank
Erie Bank
Franklin Bank, Washington
Farmers' Bank Reading
Farmers Bank Bucks County
Farmcr's&Drovcr's Bank Waynesb'gp
farmers Hank Lancaster
Lancaster Co. Bank
Lancaster Bank
llarrisburg Bank
Ilonesdale Bank
Lebanon Bank
Miners' Bank Pottsville
Wyoming Bank
Northampton bank
York Bank
Slate Scrip, Exchange bank Pitts.,
Mer. and Manf's B
Issued by solvent Banks
Mount Pleasant
Steubenville, (F. L M.)
St. Clairville
New Lisbon
Cincinnati banks,
Putnam -
Clereland Bank
Franklin Ban of Columbus,
C hillicothe
Commercial Bank of Lake Erie,
Farmers Bank of Canton
State Bank and branches,
Slate Scrip, $5's
Illinois t
State Bank 40 J ShwnstoTrn
2 .
1 1