y wits PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JONATHAN ROW, SOMERSET, SOMERSET COUNTY, PA. New Series.) punfcrtb ijtnro SIgo. Where, where arc all Oie birds lliat sang " A lntmlred years ago ! The flowers vhat all in beauty sprang The lips that smiled, The eyes that wild In flashes shone Soft eyes upon Where, oh where, arc lips and eyes. The maiden's smiles, the lover's sighs, That lived so long ago ! Who peopled all the city street, A hundred years ago ? "Who filled the church with faces meek, A hundred years ago! The sneering tale Of sister frail, The plot that work'd A brother's hurt, Where, oh where; are plots and sneers, The poor man's hope, the rich man's fears, That lived so long ago ? Where are the graves where dead men slept A hundred years ago ? Who were they the living wept A hundred years ago ? Ily other men That knew not them. Their lands are tilled : Their graves are filled : Yet nature then was just as gay; And bright the sun shone as to-day, A hundred years ago ? THE Stfltvuttiou nnBSacUf na Of Scio. BY REV. J. C. S. ABBOTT. Scio was one of the largest, richest and most beautiful islands of the Grecian Ar chipelngo. It contained, at the commence ment of the Greek Revolution, 120,000 inhabitants. Extensive commerce had brought to the island the treasures of the Kast nnd V.t, mid her opulent families, refined in manners by European travel, and with minds highly cultivated, afforded the most intelligent and fascinating socicty of the East. " Schools flourished upon the island, and richly endowed colleges M ere crowded with Grecian youth. The traveller, lured by the moonlight of that gorgeous clime to an evening stroll through the streets of Scio, heard from the dwel lings of the wealthy Greeks the tone of the piano and guitar, touched by fingers t-killed in the polite accomplishments. Many of these families were living in the enjoyment of highly cultivated minds and polished manners, rendered doubly attractive by all the establishments of wealth. The Grecian revolt extended to this is land, and Sultan Mahamoud resolved up on signal vengeance.. He proclaimed to all the desperadoes of the Bosphorus that the inhabitants of Scio, male and female, with all their possessions, were to be en tirely surrendered to the adventurers, who would embark in the expedition for its destruction. Every ruffian of Constanti nople crowded to the Turkish fleet. The ferocious and semi-savage boatmen of the IJosphorus, the scowling, Christian-hating wretches, who m poverty and crime, thronged the lanes and the alleys of the Mo.slcm city; rushed eagerly to the squad ron. Every scoundrel and renegade up on the frontiers of Europe and Asia, who could come with knife or club, was recei ved with a welcome. In this way a re inforcement of about ten thousand assas sins, the very refuse of creation, were collected, and other thousands followed on in schooners, aud sloops, and fishing boats, swelling the number to about fifteen thousand men, to join in the sack and the carnage. The fleet dropped down the IJ.isphorus amid acclamations of Constan tinople, Pcra, and Scutari, and the rever berations of the parting rolled along the chores of Europe and of Asia. It was a lovely afternoon in the month of April, 1822, "when this fleet was seen on the bosom of the .Egcan, approaching Sio. It anchored in the bay, and imme diately vomited forth upon those ill-fated Fhores the murderous hordes collected for tlu:ir destruction. Who can imagine the horrors of the night which eusucd I This brutal mob, phrenzied with licen tiousness and rage, were let loose with unrestrained liberty to glut their ven geance. The city was fired in every di rection. Indiscriminate massacre ensued. : Men, women and children were shot down without mercy. Every house was entered; every apartment was ransacked. The scymetar and pistol of the Turk were every where busy. The frantic cries of the perishing rose above the roar of exploding artillery and musketry, and the clamor of the onset. Mothers and daughters in their despair rushed into the Haines of their burning dwelling And thus, for mx dreadful days and nights, did y termination continue, till thecitv and the island of Scio were Several thousand of the youth of both sexes were saved to be sold as slaves. The young men taken from the literary ; seclusion and intellectual refinement oi the ; college of Scio, were sold to the degraded j servitude of hopeless bondage. The young ladies taken from the Darlors of their opu-! lent parent, from ths accomplishments of highly cultivated life, and who had visi ted in the refined circles of London and Paris, who had been brought up as deli cately, says an English writer, i4as luxuri ously and almost as intellectually as those of the same classes among ourselves, be came the property of the most ferocious and licentious outcasts of the human race." It is said that forty-one thousand were carried into slavery. For weeks and months they were sold through all the marts of the Ottoman empire, like slaves in the South, or cattle in the shambles. As the fleet returned to Constantinople from its murderous excursion, the whole city was on the alert to witne?s the trium phant entrance. As the leading ship rounded the point of land, which brought it into view of the whole city, many cap tured Greeks were seen standing on deck with ropes around their necks, and sud denly they w ere strung up to the bow sprit and every yard arm struggling in the agonies of death. And thus, as ship af ter ship turned the point the struggling forms of dying men swung in the breeze. These were the horrid ornaments and tro phies of barbarian triumph. In view of them the very shores of the Bosphorus seemed to be shaken by the explosion of artillery, and by the exulting shouts of the millions of inhabitants who thronged the streets of Constantinople, Pera and Scutari. - These outrages however terminated the sway of the Turk over the Grce'c; they aroused through all Europe an universal cry of horror and detestation. The sym pathy of the people was so intense, that the governments of England and France could no lomrer refuse to interfere. Their fleets allied with that of Russia. The Turkish navy was annihilated at Navari no, and Greece was free. TIic Mines of the Union. Iron, it is said, is found in every State in the Union. A correspondent of the New York Gazette, in giving a sketch of the metalic resources of the United States, savs that the most valuable iron mine is oire in Salisbury, Conn., which yields 3000 tons annually. The mines in Du chess and Columbia counties, N. Y., pro duce annually 20,000 tons of ore; Essex county 1500 tons; Clinton 3000; frank lin 600: St. Lawrence 2000; amounting: in value to more than 8500,000. The value of iron produced in the U. States in 1835 was $5,000,000, m 1837 $7, 700,000. In Ohio 1200 square miles are nuderlaid with i on. A region explored in 1838 would furnish iron, 61 miles lonjr, and 6 miles wide; a square mile would yield 3,000,000 tons of pig iron, so that tins district would contain l ,uu, 000,000 tons. By taking from this re gion 40,000 annually, (a larger quantity than Emrland produced previous to 1820) it would last 2700 years! as long a dis tance, certainly, as a man looks ahead. The States of" Kentucky, Tennessee, In diana, Illinois, Maryland, and Virginia, possess inexhaustible quantities of iron ore. In Tennessee 100,000 tons are an nually manufactured. Notwithstanding our great resources, more than one half of our euttlerv. hardware, railroad iron, 5:e., i still imported from Great Britain. It is supposed by Geologists that the weekly supply of gold from our own mines wn bp pmial to the d'Miand. and that our mines will yet be more profitable than the mines of Brazil or Columbia. The most extensive lead mines in the world are in Missouri, where the lead region is 70 miles long by 50 wide. These mines in 182G produced 7,500,000 tons, and the whole produce of the United States was 8,332,105 tons. It has been estimated that the quantity of iron required in Eng land for railroads, &c, for the current year, will be about 1,260,000 tons, which it is supposed will be equal to all that the country will produce. The quantity of lead manufactured in the United States in 1828 was 12,311,730 lbs; in 1829, 14, 541,310; 1830, 8,332,105, 1832,4,281, 876. The copper trade, until within a year or two, has not been of much impor tance as thcrcsult of the eflorts made, were not sucifs to justify our great ope rations. But now it appears to be attrac ting a good deal of attention. Whether the demand for copper stock is a fair in dex to the value of the copper regions re mains to be seen. An Immense Horse. Carter, the Lion King, "has purchased the largest horse in England. He has named him 'General Washington. " He is twenty hands high, and looks as large as an elephant. He is a black gelding, beautifully dappled his mane is nearly four feet long; his tail sweeps the ground; he is perfectly formed, and is regarded as one oi tne n nest specimens of the horse ever seen in i Great Britain. He is only six years old; a, he will be exhibited shortly in London, TUBSDAIT, DECEMBER 2, 1845, An Inscription. The following is an mcription on tombstone in Massachusetts. It is beau- tilul: "I came in the morning it was spring; And I smiled; I walked out at noon it was summer; And I was glad; ! I sat me down at even it was autumn; j And I was sad; I laid me down at night it was winter; And I slept. From the JSTew Orleans Picayunt. AX We were the witnesses of a ludicrous incident which occurred in this city a few days since, for relating winch we crave the indulgence of the gentleman uirecuy concerned deeming it too good a joke to be lost. While sitting at our desk and laboring assiduously with pen, scissors and paste, to make out a readable paper for our pa trons, we were suddenly "frightened from our propriety" by the hasty entrance oi gentleman, exclaiming -ror uw a sake help me to see what's the matter! I've got some dreaami tning scorpiuu ui taraniuia m me cg ui t "" On irk nuick help ine !" We instantly rose lrom our chair, nan - .,! frhfpnpd ourselves. Our Inend had broken in so suddenly and unexpectedly upon us, and was so wonderfully agitated, . - ail 1 1 that we knew not whether he was inuecu in his senses or not. We looked at him with a sort of suspicion mixed with dread, and hardly knew whether to speak with, or seize and confine him lor a madman The latter we came near attempting. There he stood quivering and pale, with one hand tightly grasped upon a part of his pantaloons just in the hollow ot the knee. "What's the matter !" at last asked we. "The matter !" he exclaimed, "oh help me ! I've got something here, which just ran up my leg ! Some infernal scorpion or lizzard, I expect ! Oh, I can't let go; I must hold it. Ah, there !" he shrieked, "I felt it move just then ! Oh, these pants without straps ! I'll never wear another pair open, at the bottom as long as I live. Ah I feel it again!" "Feel what ?" we inquired, standing at the same time at a respectable distance from the gentleman; for we had just been reading our Corpus Christi correspon dent's letter about snakes, tarantulas, and lizards, and began to imagine some dead ly insect or reptile in the leg of our friends "unmentionables," as they are sometimes called. "I don't know what it is," answered the gentleman; "help me to see what it is. I was just passing that old pile of rubbish there in front of your office, and felt it dart up my leg as quick as lightning, and it stopped just here, where I have my hand," and he clenched his fist still more tightly. If it had been the neck of an anaconda we believe he would have squeezed it to a jelly. By this time two or three of the news bovs had come in; the clerks and packing- boys hearing the outer', stopped work ing and editors and all hands stood around the sufTerer with looks of mingled sym pathy and alarm. "Bring a chair, Fitz," said wc, "and let the gentleman be seated." "Oh, I can't sit !" said the gentleman; "I can't bend my knee ! if I do it will bite or sting me; no, I can't sit!" "Certainly you can sit," said we; "keep your leg straight out, and we'll see what you've got." Well, let me give it one more hard squeeze; in crusn u io m-aiu, caiu and again he put the force of an iron vice upon the thing. If it bad had any life by this time, this last effort must have killed it. He then cautiously seated himself holding out his leg stitf and straight as a pokcr. A sharp knife was procured; the pants were cut open carefully, making a hole large enough to admit a hand; but he discovered nothing. We were all look ing on in almost breathless silence to see the monstrous thing whatever it might be; each ready to scamper out of harms way should it be alive; when suddenly the gen tleman became more agitated than ever. "Bv heavens!" he exclaimed, "its inside my drawers. Its alive I feel it! Quick! p-ive me the knife again !" Another m- cision was made, in went ine genue man's gloved hand once more, and, lo, out o . -i -1- came ins wife s stocking : How the stocking ever got there we are unable to say; but there it certainly was; and such a laugh as followed, we W-n't beard for many a day. Our friend, we know, has told the joke himself and must pardon us for doing so. i ho this ;a ii nhrmt a sTontiNG. we assure our readers it is no "yarn." Railroad Accident. At N. Orleans, on the 5th instant a - Frenchman, whose name is unknown, lost his life by attempt ing to pass from onecar to another while the train was in motion. Falling to the ground, the wheels of the train passed a rross both his legs below the knees, lace- mlnrr ibem in a most shocking manner. He also received 3 severe and fatal wound upon the right temple, -m Iron War Steamers. FROM THE PITTSBURO MORNING PUSJ. NO- VEMBER 13. A few weeks since, in directing pub ., i lic attention to the advertisement ot tne . Postmaster General inviting proposals for t . r York and j iy nmtoinn in I mail service between New (Jnlvpston. Texas, we took occasion to urge upon thejboat-builders of this city fc others the importance of securing the con " J 7 tract & building the required vessels. 1 lie vessels,it will be borne in mind, are to be of the most substantial kind, & so constructed constructed that they can be used by the Government, when necessary, as war vessels. Of course it would be best to build them of iron, and would give anoth er opportunity for a display of Pittsburg skill in the construction of iron steamer. We remarked at the time that the iron vessels already built by our enterprising and ingenious mechanics had done much for Pittsburg, in proof of which wc take great pleasure in directing the attention of our readers to the remarks of the edi tor of the "Military and Xaval Chroni cle" a paper printed in New York city, aud devoted exclusively to military and naval affairs, The editor, it would seem has recently been in our city, and whilst here visited the iron war steamer now constructing under the direction of Capt, Hunter. The compliment paid to the capacity of our friend Captain Hunter is well merited; he is highly esteemed in this community as a gentleman of extend ed scientific acquirements and greatly de voted to his profession. But let the edi to. speak for himself; Iron War Steamers, Wc have on several occasions called the attention of our numerous military readers to the im portance of this class of vessels for the protection of our prominent harbors, not only on the Atlantic coast, but also on the shores of our great inland seas. .Wc had the gratification of visiting not long since, while sojourning at Pitts burg, in the State of Pennsylvania, the iron war steamer now being constructed under the direction of Captain William W. Hunter, of the United States Navy. It is contemplated that this vessel will be ready for sea in the early part of the spring of 1816; and it is hoped that the Navy Department will direct her com mander to visit all the principal cities on the Atlantic coast, in order that the peo ple here may witness the capabilities, to some extent, of that great section of coun try lying west of the Alleghany Mount ains. It would indeed be a novelty to behold in the waters of New York large war steamer of eleven hundred tons burden, barque rigged, built on the head waters of the Ohio, more than two thousand miles from the ocean. Her model is of surpassing beauty, and we hazard the opinion that there are few if any vessels now in our navy mai win outsail her, even while under canvass without the aid of her steam power. "When completely equipped for ser vice, armament all on board, her draught of water will be thirteen feet, enabling her to cross the bar at the mouth of the Mississippi at all times. On her spar- deck are to be four sixty-fo r pounders, mounted on carraiges, fitted in open box es, which revolve on pivots, enabling them to bear upon any quarter of the compass in an incredibly short space of time. The guns are Paixhan, and will weigh 19,000 pounds each. The gun deck is pierced for a side battery of thirty-two pounders. Her machinery and motive power are below the water line, and consequently completely protected from the fire of the enemy. She is to be provided with Captain Hunter's sub merged propellers, including the recent valuable improvements added thereto by the talented inventor. We are not of the number who believe that steam can be applied to men of war as to entirely su persede the use of sails, fiom the fact of the impossibility of carrying sufficient fuel for long voyages; but we do not per ceive why sails and steam may not har monize with Hunter propellers, the buckets being so constructed that they shut into the sides of the vessel so soon as the engine is stopped, retarding not in the least Ihe headway of the vessel while under canvass. ' "Captain Hunter is a gentlemen of ex tended information; arrived at that period of life when the powers of the mind are in full vigor: an ornament to the profes. sion he has adopted; and if his life should. be spared for a few years to come, he will render essential services to his coun try, bv converting the iron mountains of the AVest into floating batterries for the defence of that banner of freedom which is dear to us, a birthright priceless when compared to the blood shed in days gone by, that we, our children, and our chil dren's children might repose in safety under its ample folds." A Patriarch Gone! Mr. Andrew Snyder died at Intercouse, in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, on the 1st instant, in the hundred and thirtieth year of his age. He was a soldier of the Revo lution, and a highly respectable citizen; and was perhaps the oldest man in Penn sylvania. . . Froni the Xalchez Free-Trader. The Origin or the Prairies. In lately passing through the prairie country we were at some pains in search- inn- fnr crpnlmrirnl facts b which tO 3C- -. , . ! couni ior me lorinaiiuii ui uitac t ains and their destitution of timber. he result has satisfied us that they were once covered with water, either as the bottoms of lakes, running streams, or in the same manner of the everglades of Flor ida. The upper stratum is loose sand or dark loam, such as forms the bottom of lakes and rivers or contiguous marshes; the next is sand, clay, and pebbles of , large size, bearing evidence of having ' been rolled about by the action ot the wa ter, and deposited in their present posi- ; tion by the same agency. Large num bers of fossil shells, of fresh water forma tion, are found in every direction and stratum. Besides these, large erratic blocks of granite; sometimes many feet in circumference and many tons in weight and other transported fragments, are to be met with scattered over all the prairies; . and, on the southern shore, of the lakes, j wherever the superfic al sand and gravel have been removed from the rocky strata straight parallel furrows appear ploughed j in their smooth surface, running in a : general southern direction, and always preserving their parallelism. j The only rational mode of accounting for the appearance of these transported fragments, as no formations of a similar nature exist south of the great lakes, ap- i pears to us to be through the agency of j water and ice. During the submergence ', of these vast held?, when the lakes must have disembougued themselves through the Gulf of Mexico, these huge boulders were caught up by the ice, firmly imbed ed in it, and driven off. by the northern blasts or streams into a more southern cli mate, and when the ice melted in spring, they were deposited where they now arc found. This is to us the only means of accounting for their appearance, as well as parallel furrows in the rocks on the southern shores of the lakes. By what agency this state of affairs was changed, whether by the upheaving of the prairies from the action of internal fires, or their gradual filling up by the annual deposi tion of the loose detritus washed down by the streanr or deposited from the melt ing ice, it is useless to speculate. But as the whole of the alluvial lands of the val ley of the Mississippi are of comparative ly recent formation, it is not impropable that the waters of the great lakes washed the bases of the hills on both sides of the Mississippi, and that the whole interven ing space, now so fertile and fruitful, was then a dark rolling stream of liquified. mud. To us it appears tbat the whole west is the richest field for the geologist in the world, and none more so than those portions of the conntry lying be tween the lakes and the Ohio. DETROIT. Detroit is one of the oldest cities in the Union having been founded by Antoine de la Motto Cadillac, under commission of Louis ATV, of France, in 1701 one hundred and forty-four years ago. It was first visited by the Roman Catholic Mis sionaries in 1620, and the French lan guage is still commonly spoken there. In most respects art lias done less lor the city than nature, and this remark is es pecially true, if the whole field of vision be included, as viewed from some favor able ai;d elevated point. As v-ou ap proach the city from Lake Eric, a scene of calm and quiet beauty comes over the mind, as you view the old French settle ments on Ihe Western margin of the broad and noble stream, and the fertile and cultivated islands which repose in the clear waters on the East. Here are pasture-grounds covered with grazing flocks and herds, and meadows, and fields of standing grain, and farm-houses, tnd splendid mansions. Detroit itself is situ ated on the south-west bank of the river, on a plain which extends along the stream and the lakes, and for many miles back into the country. This belt of land is elevated about 30 feet above the surface of the water. The surrounding country though not aflbrding the most generous soil, with proper cultivation, will abun dantty repay the toil of the husbandman. It is especially adapted to grazing. Most of the farms in the neighborhood are in the hands of the French, and their decend ants, Accident on the Western Rail road. The freight train of cars from Springfield for Albany ran over an ox in West Springfield on Friday morning, which threw the engine and fourteen of the cars ofT the track, some of which were badly broken. A Culinary Hope Blighted. A sto ry has b2en going the rounds of the pa pers that tame ducks can be made equal in flavor to canvassbacks, by feeding them on celery occasionally, but, unfortunately for the success of the experiment, the ducks wont cat the celery ! The number of hacks in New York is said to be 208; cabs 250, and omnibusscs 239. Vol. 4.-No. 3. Useful Statistics. The following if from a very useful ' book just published in Louden, called the "Statistical Companion to the Pocket Book, by C. R. Weld, Esq. rortLATlON OF THE GLOBE. Area Sq. Population. Miles. Europe, Asia, Africa, 236,000,000 3,G81,8H 130,000,000 18,000,000 90,000,000 12,000,000 17,000,000 11,050,000 1,500.000 3,000,000 20,000,000 10,000,000 America, Australasia, Oceanica, Total, 821,500,000 60,731,811 CLASSIFICATION OF MANKIND ACCORDINli TO THEIR RELIGIONS. Christianity in all its bran- che. Judaism, Islam, Brahmanism, Khuddism, Other Keligiun, Total, 260.000,000 5,000,000 96,000,000 80,000,000 230,000,000 153,000,000 821;O0O,00O CLASIFICATION OF MANKIND ACCORDING TO THEIR LANGUAGES. The researches made by Balbi for th construction of his villus Klhnortiph' rquc, have led him to set down the num ber of known languages as 2000 at least; but the imperfect state of ethnography, he states, has allowed him to class only bGO lari'iiages, and about 5000 dialects; of which number, 1 13 languages belong lo Asia, 53 to Euronn, 115 to Africa, 117 to Oceanica, and 422 to America. VEGETABLE SPECIES. According to Humboldt there are 38, 500 Vegetable Species, viz; G500 in A ria, 7000 in Europe, 3000 in Africa, 5000 in Oceanica, and 17,000 in Amer ica. POPULATION OF CITIES ACCORDING TO THE LATEST RETURNS. Alexandria, 60,000. Amstcrdam,207, 000. Antwerp, 75,000. Athens, 26, 237. Berlin, 200,707. Berne, 20,500. Bombay, 230,000. Brussels, 107,000. Calcutta. 230,000. Christiania, 25,000. Constantinople, 5000,000. Copenhagen, 122,000 Dublin, 375,000. Edin burgh, 160,000. Florence, 99,100. Genoe, 115,500. Hamburgh, 123,000. Jerusalem. 10,000. London, 1,870,727. Leipsic, 17,500. Lisbon, 580,000. Mad rid, 230,000. Morrocco, 80,000- Mex ico, 138,000. Munich, 108,537. Na ples, 350,000. New York, 310,000. New Orleans, 40,272. Paris, 909,126. Petersburg, 469,720, Pekin, 2,000,000. Pclermo, 140,000. Rome, 148,903. Stockholm. 83,883. Stuttgart, 39,5000. Turin, 101,000. Vienna, 333,000, A neiv Railroad Completed. The completion and opening of ths Old Colony Hatroad, from Boston to the ancient town of Plymouth, in Mass achusetts, was eelebratcd on Saturday last, The route passes through the town of Dochcstcr, on its seacoast border, cros ses the Neponset river near its mouth i passes through the villages of Quincv and Braintree, and thence proceeds through or near the villages of South Weymouth, Centre and South Abingtcn, a portion of Hanson, a corner of Halifax, and the vil lage of Kingston, to its termination in Plymouth, a distance of thirty-seven miles. A large company of stockholders and invited guests left South Boston at ten o clock and reached Plymcu.h m about two hours and a half. They were cordially received by the citizens of that hospitable town and escorted to the Pilgrim Hall, where a collation was in readiness. The lion. Nat. Morton Davis presided, and. ! after the repast had been dispatched, a j mJmbcr of toasts were given, interspersed ! witbi bripf and annronriat? addresses by j the President of the day, the Hon. John Quinsey Adams, the Hon. Daniel Web ster, and other guests. Every thing went off well, and the party returned to Boston in the evening, much gratified with their excursion. It is about a twelyen o sth since the a bove work was commenced, and it has been campletcd at a cost less than the capit .l of the company, which i3 a mil lion of dollars. This constitutes the sev enth of the main lines of railroad which now radiate from the city of Boston as a common centre, measuring in all, with their branches, more than eight hundred miles in extent, and some of them des tined to be soon much further extended. 1cif York The census jost completed in New York city, thaws the occupations of the Number of Inns and Taverns 13G9 1851 U8r 1011 2C Si 77 Wholesale Stores Rftail do Groceries Farmers and Agriculturalists Merchants " Manufacturers IG57 41M3 101 4 27'J 863 Mechanics Attorneys . Clergymen Phraicbns and Surgeons Compensation paid to Clrrgy pjea $-'63,913 heap of ruins. - . J . ' ana mvn stui w vwtu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers