Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, May 07, 1800, Image 3

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ifomgit intelligence*
[Receivedat New-York by tbe slip
Fanny, from Glasgow.]
PARIS, March 7.
A conference on the fubjeii of peace is to
be opened by Mr. Davie, Elfworth, and
Murray, the minified plenipotentiary i f the
United States of America, and a coHiinif
fion appointed for that purpose by the firft
consul. This connniffion consists of three
members: Joseph Buonapaite, Flieureu, and
Roederes. Citizen Mourojues is Secretary.
We are informed by letters from Munich,
that a body of 12,000 Bavarian troops are
to set out on the 4th Germinal (Maicii 25)
to join the army of the Archduke.
It is said, that the firft consul wiil set out
very soon to take command of the army of
the Rhine. It is added, that he has given
orders to his guard, to hold tl emit Ives in
readiness to depait towards £§'■ end of this
The Liguiian Gazette •f the 26th Plu
".'ipfe (Februaiy ij) announces that the irt
furieelioti of the inhabitants of Fontanahuo
na afluVnes » leiious
ready been several very f-vere engaaeinents.
between the infurgei.ts, and the French
troops. Ihe latter not being in fufficient
force, a new holy of jcea men, has set out
to join them, in crdc rthat th: fl .mescf the
inftirreftion may be extuiguilljed every
where at the fame time.
People Itio Ip-ak heie ol the formation of
a camp in the environs of Par';. The com
mand (fit will be 'entr udeil to gen. Lafnes,
and the young confrripis will be e.xerctfed in
it under the eyes of the fiilt consul.
VIENNA, February ic).
By Franckfort, an Englilh courier has
arrived with the newi that the Turks have
taken by aflault El Arilch, a frontier tov. - n
ot Egypt, which the French had fortified—
It is reported that the commandant of the
1 urkifh army has concluded a convention
with the French commandant, by which
the French are to have liberty to return to
Every thimT announces that the campaign
will be speedily opened. The Austrian ar
my, part of which occupies at prcfent the
Bcrgftrafs amonnts to more than 100,000
men, and is continually augmenting by re
inforcements which arrive from all quarters.
That of the French oh the left bank of the
Rhine incriafes also- daily. It is now cei,
tain that the archduke will retain the chief
cemmand, and that general Kray will act
only unaer his orders. Ihe Austrian army
will be divided into two ; that cf the upper
and that of the lower Rhine.
People in general now begin to believe that
Russia will not abandon the coalition. The
departure of Suwarrpw's army is now pro
ceeding from Bohemia by forced inarcHes,
which is never the cafe with an army that
is merely returning ; the report of Suwar
irow is to command the Anglo-Ruffian army
and the praises which V! r . Pitt continues to
beltow on the Ruffians, all make it be pre
sumed, that these troops wdl re-appear vn
the theatre of war, and that they are defin
ed to frrve on the grand expedition for which
the mofl formidable preparations are making
in England.
BASLE, March ia.
The Paris papers to the 9th ir.fl. ieh
arrived yefbrday, afford a great number of
fubjefts for fpeciilstion and curiosity ; but
contain few important fadts. The campaign
was on the I 6th ult. not yet opened in Italy,
and the Austrian bead - quarter were even at
that tune at 1 nrin. No hofiility had been
committed, except in the Kivierade La
vaunte, where part of the'inhabitan'ts of the
state ot Genoa had (hewn, and maintained
themselves in insurrection again ft the Ligu-
Tian government—General Kienau, v.ho
has received Jonfiuerable reinforcements, has
furni[lied them with arms and officers, and
these insurgents are likely to prove very ufe
ful to him in the attack upon Genoa. Nor
had at-y a<ft of hostility been committed on
the Rhine the 3d. of this month. Moreau
was at that date at Stratfbtjrg, where, to
aniufe the officers of his army, the milked
Ball at Paris was imitated.
Letters from Danauefchitigeii, of the 22d
of Feb. put an end to our regret ixfpecting
the removal of the Archduke Charles. It is
now alTnted that he will retain the com
mand of the army, and that general Kj.ay
to futceed him, only in the event
®f the health of that Prince becoming woife.
It is probable that the latter general will
take the place of general Sztarray in the
of the right wing of the army.
One may, however, eventually
have an influence on the future defoliation
of the Archduke. The Emperor Francis,
his brother., was ill, and according to the
ls(t accounts, was in so dangerous a state,
that his life was despaired of. It is unne
ceifary to observe, that in the present situa
tion of affairs much is attached to the result
of his disorder.
There are still variations in tbe reports
relative to the Ruffians. The lass Gen»an
Gazettes state, that tney n:ive received ord -rs
to halt in Moravia and Aultrian Seldia.
Other accounts arc certain, that 30,000 clio
fen men commanded by that able general
Prince Pangratiou, were to embark in the
ports of Russia, and to be in eur country
about tlx beginning of May. bo me ac
counts fend the army of Conde, to Venice,
there to receive fnefh orders ; others state
th«t it is to be disbanded. All that we can
extrad from the. Paris papers on the fubjeft
requires as it is to be seen, to be explained
by more certain communications, and we
can only recommend it to our readers to wait
with patience their arrival. This reeorn-
mendaticii is ftiil ewe with rr
fptft t>® all the vain prefumptiom which the
politicians ot France are forming; refpe&ing
a war between RnfTia and Pniflla, the inter
vention of the army of the latter power in
favour of France, and an approaching lup
ture between Spain and Portugal. The
French Journals denounce the factions of
the impatient and the complaining: they
might with much more propriety denounce
that of the politicians, who are every day
kindling the flames of d Icuhl from One cor
ner of Europe tb the other.
LONDON, March 8.
Yeflerday morning arrived at Falmouth,
the Princes Royal packet, Capt. Kerr, 22
days fiorn New-York.
! March 10.
Advices have been received from India of
a later date than the official to the
, company, cot-tuning the important news of
the iurrender of the Portuguese fcttlenient
! of Goa, on thecoail of Malabar, to his Ma
| jflty s h rces, under the command of Geiie
i nil Clarke, lhe information conies from
; ''" General hinifelf, in a letter dated from
Gja to a relation in London : and there is
I 110 doubt ol its authenticity. The transfer
j of this fqttlement has been rciasic with the
J con Cent of the Court a| Portugal and we
( understand, it is future to I)* the feat of lhe
Bombay government. The proximity of
Goa to the ne.viy acquired territories of the
Eafl-India Company on the coafl Malabar
| ren ders the p-;!'"lHoii of this place highly
» valuable, both in refpedt to convenience and
general lecprity.
j . It is reported that the Court of Spain has
! appiied to. the P.ritifli government for per
uirfli'in to bring Iroiri South America twen
: ty-five millions sterling, and proposed to
| give twenty-live psr cent for a fafe conduct,
I which woyld amount to 6.250,000.
| y/e have great frtisfaction in informiu,-
I oiir rcadeis, that ovr account received from
\ different parts of the country, announce a
j, the price cf wheat as almolt
uiiiverfal; in some markets net less than 12J.
per quarter.
Ihe rumour of a supply of too,ooo quar
ters of grain being about to be imported in
to this cou.ll.try, is again afloat. The im
portirs are hud to he Messrs. Vandyck and '
Gevers ot London ; and the French are to
take 111 return cotton goods, See.
T. lie Cummiffioners of the Transport Ser- !
vice have given up all the transports both in
America and the Mediterranean ; they are
to be paid a month's allowance extra, and
to be permitted to bring home cargoes cf
March 11.
In their determination to render if pos
sible, the charadter of Buonaparte popular
in this country, the oppolition writers have
undertaken a talk which, in fpfte of their
usual obstinacy upon these points, we think
! they wiil fiad it very difficult to perferm—
they have represented the report that a small
quantity of Wheat is about to be fhijped
:rom f ranee for this country, as a proof of
the liberality and generosity of th; Chief
Consul. Do they realiy think that th«y
can make such dupes cf the people of Eng
lane, as to impose upon them so foeliih an
opiniou ?
We can underftard the rhotives of these 1
writers in exaggerating (in ccmjundtion with
M. Saladin) th'- refourcei of France, and
in depreciating those of this cou try ; we
can conceive them atone moment represent- !
ing Buonaparte as a mod tyrannical usurp
er, and at another a nioft virtuous acd en- j
lightened chief ccnful ; such changes and
(hifting we are accutlomed to from them j
we can also suppose them laying the gr. uud 1
for trying shortly to persuade the country 1
that he has proved himfelf capable ef the
iela tions ol peace and amity —and for main- :
taining that a negociation for peace ought l
to be entered upon without d. lay—but to I
represent him as a -enemus enemy. after all j
that we know of his conduit in Italy and j
in Egypt, is really too bold and desperate |
an attempt for the sturdiest aJventurer of <
the Jacobin School.
It wight perhaps be as well for these gen- 1
tlemen who are disposed so much to extol j
Buonaparte upon this occaficn, to ascertain j
that this corn had aftually arrived in our
ports, before they reasoned so mnch upon
the dilintercfted mstives wf the chief couful
in fending it. But even if it should ever ar
rive, will not the condatt of the chief con
sul be a little suspicious ? Will it not spprar
a little over gen-ruts ? We know, in ooint
ot fa&, that Spain, the ally of France, has
interceded to France in vain, for a supply
of corn ; we mull then fupp fe one of those
two tilings—either that we hav«- something
to give in return for grain, which France
wants more, and which is the real induce
ment to this exportation, and then there is
an end to the generosity of the chief con
sul ; or that Baonapatie will do a kindness I
to an enemy which he refufes to a friend ;
and if so, the War is the cause of our ob
taining a supply—not the meafta of prevent
ing it.
March 15.
The governor «f Guadaloupe has lately
been arretted, on a charge of treafnnable
corrcfpondence with the Bntifh Admiral
Lcrd Seymour, the objedt of which was
to delivsr up the Island to the English
A German Gazette fays, that one of the
motives which have induced Paul the firft
to recall his army are infurredtionable
movements in that part of Poland which
has belonged to Rufiia, since tl.e partition.
Recruiting for the na.y iscarr ed on with
new aftivity throughout the whole of the
Batavian republic, and ordeis have been
sent to the port ot FJelvoetfluy*, to fit out
with all expedition fix fhlps of war lying
there, which will be employed toprotedt the
coafh during the campaign.
A great number of scaling ladders, def
tincd for Malta, are now makng in bicily.
• j According by letters from Palertro, a great
' j number of Neapolitan officers, wilfiincr to
; j t*ftifjr their repentance for having been
■ 1 some time in the f rvice of the Parthena
-1 I pean republic, have, offered to feiveaa vo
■ i lunteeri at the ficge of Malta, which offer
has been accepted.
Monday orders were iflued at the fcavy
' office, for all the Ruffian and Dutch ships
of war, and several transports to proceed, I
immediately to Riga, for the reception of
Ruffian troops, intended to form ajunSion
with the Britilh force deflincd for an ex
pedition,, which is supposed in the bed in
j formed circles, to be intended to. effeft va
• rious landings upon the Sheldt, and Maefe
1 rivers.
The high comt of admiralty are abut
, to condemn the Dutch ships of war taken
1 in the Mars Diep, off Hclder Point, as
' ! legal prizes, and to order their produce to
J; be lhared among the Er.glifh caprors.
c 1 are gone down to Litchfield in
' j order to take the depofitious of the Dutch
rear Admiral Storey, and other officers,
who-are thereon their parole, refpe&ing
' the furreiider of his squadron to the Britilh
; flag.
March 15.
Pruffian'troops are approaching Nurem
. berg in Franconia, and have already eflab
lilhcd thecifelves in the neighbourhood of
that city.
Gen. Angereau's power as commander in
, clsief of the Batavian troops has been limit
l* ed, by feveial articles. He is to be er.tirciy
confined to military operations, and is not
to iVterpofe in the different promotions
. He is to be fubjsft to the ordetsof the Ex
ecutive Direftory and the Batavian miailtcr
, of war, and is rettritVd from the power of
. changing either the flation of the troops,
or fending them out of the country.
The widow of the celebrated Mirabea*
died on the 3d inlt. at Paris.
The Gazettes of the NorUi of Europe
afTert, that the embarkation of the Ruffian
troops at Riga and Revel, is fixed for the
beginning of April. They add that the
corps deflintd for this expedition will be
more numerous than wascxpcSed.
The Archduke Charles has just sent or
ders to the commanders of the battalions of
the militia in Franconia, Suabia, Hither
Aultria, and the Voralberg to hold them
selves in readiness to maech on the irft fig-
Hal. Several of these corps will take the
place of tht Austrian troops ir) the interior,
while the latter march to the Rhine.
The communication between the Austri
an army of Italy, at.'d that of the Arch
duke, is ft ill maintained by th- corps of j
Gen. Davidowich, which occupies Chiaven- |
na and Bcllinzona, and extends towards the j
country of the &rifons.
It is pofitivcly aliened in the Paris pa
pers, that the principal part of the Ruf
fians, wiio are prifor.ers in Fiance have re
fufed to return to their own country, and
have entered into the service of the Rcpub- j
lie,'by enlitting in the Pulifh legion and J
other corps.
The Austrian General Mack has been •
exchanged with his flag for generals Perig- j
: ron and Grouchy. He has not, however,
! been able to leave Paris, on account of his
1 health being considerably d«ranged, in con
ference of poifou said to have been given
t» him at Naples by a Neapolitan officer,
who "'as his aid de camp, and who
disappeared after robbing him of 10,000
livrej. |
j The King of Naples has. it is said, re
nounced in favour of Paul the Firil, the
right of Sovereignty which he claims over
Malta. i
1 General Moreau, after fevcrnl conferen
ces with an agent from the. kitiij of Pruliia, 1
; is -gone to Menrs-with him.
I Ihe French paper, called (he JourtrnFxJe j
■ Sr'r, aflerts '.h?t the Court of Vienna ha!;:
] abi. hitcly refufed the subsidy offered by the 1
According to letters from Genoa, the |
greater part ol ths Englilfj fleet is now be
fore *-v:ios, ,(1 order to til ckadfc it. 'i'lic
I Eiigliflj consul at Palermo has declared of
j that alt veffe's which (hall attempt to
j enter the port, of Genoa, whether friends or
not, will, be taken, and treated as enemies
of the alikd powers.
A Journal on frontiers of the Rhine
announce s the iudden death of the king- of
D-n nark. It was known that this prince
had :or loine years been in a dej-anged state,
and that Lis foil lud taken the reins cf. go
vernment on himfelf. His death will pro
duce nd chai g; in the political relations of
The fame Gazette talks of the illness of
the Emperor of Germany, so much as te lead
to apprehrnfions of his life. If he were to
die, the regency would of right belong to
the Archduke Ferdinand, the Grand Ditke
ot Tufcoiiy. The known ch*ra<£fer of this
prince, and the inconvenience of minority
would facilitate the conclusion of peace.
The emperor of Rufiia has appointed the
count D'Artois an I the Duke D'Augwleme
Honorary Grand Croffis of the 6rdcr of
Malta. The Dukes of Harcourt, Coigny,
D'Aumont, De Guicfu, and the Coir, t
D'Avrai, have also been raised to the j»nk
of commanders.
Accounts from the Hague, of the in ft.
slate that the First Chamber of the'ifla- '
tiv- Body has pasTed n decree, author:!ii;g j
the Directory to take poffrlTion, in, the name i
of the republic, of all the property Lrlo,ig. :
iag to the religious communities and coroo- i
rations situated within the Bavarian trmto- !
ry, as well as cf the property belonging to '
the prices of Ravensfoln, Meger, Box- J
rwtr, and Anhalt, which was ceded by
France to the Bat vian Republic.
The Emperor of Russia hesfent m.ignifi.
cent preli-nts to the Court of Naples. The
richest o£ these presents was destined tV.r tl.s '
Action fc:: received a box fit with
diamonds, awd volurd at.four tluufand ft
Citizens Lajollais and Badouville, who
were confined two y-ara.and a half as accom
plices in the conspiracy f&id to have bee;; for
med by Pichcgru, are to be employed in the
The Conservative Senate hjtve chofcr.
Lanjuinais a member of their Body The
candidates were Pa'rtal, presented by the
Tribunate ; Lanjuinais, by the Legiilative
Body and General d'Arcon, of the Artil
lery, by the Chiel Consul.
United Sejtks, >
Pennsylvania District, 3
NOTICE is hereby given, that a special Dif
tri<st Court cfthe United States will be hold
cn at the City-Hall, in the city ol Philadelphia,
in and for the Pcnr.fylvania Diftri&, on Friday
the twefery-th ird day of May instant, at ten of the
clock iu tke forcnorn o' the fame day, for the trial
of an filed by Willi .m Ravrle,Efq
attorney of the United States in and for the l*a;d
Diftridt, again#
19 Bbiij. Herrings,
155 do. lyTackL/cl,
36 Jo. Falcnon,
17 do. Oil,
I do. Gurry,
20 Hhds. dried Cocfifls, containing 150 quin
tal.— and
i ©O Quintal* dried ( odfi2), loose and not con
tained in any hog' Quad, band or
other package ;
B'*ingarticles liable ro th» payment of duties to
the Ucxtcd States, inaported ir6m parts be yon ]
; lea, and entered at the CMfcce ot the Colle&or of
the Diftriwl oi Philadelphia, wiihox being in
voiced according to he aSual eoft thereof at the
place of exportation, with design to evade the
datiea thereupon.
May 7. w&st2 34
This day is published,
By SAMUEL H- SMITH, No. 118, Cuts-
Relative to the Murder of Logan's Family.
By Thomas Jefferfon.
M *y 7* mwf jjt
The Pursuits of Literature.
This day is Published,
At DicAins's Book-store. opposite Christ.
Church, Philadelphia,
Emperor if China,
. To George the Third, King cf Great
Britain, &c. &c.
with Notts.
On the Banks of the Thames.
A Pecm,
1 Vol. 8 vo. Hoards —Price 75 Cents.
May 3.
Fifty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from Gen. ttidgc'y ot Balti
more, on the loth iu/t a lifhi coloured
nfgro -an, »ho tails himfelf WILLIAM
V.c. DONALD ; lie is sbiut 14 years of age,
about 5 fen 8 jficltr s high, n at in his dress, and
has a go.lll full ot hair. Had on, whew he
went away, 2 good beaver hat, a th«.rt light
g eew eh th coat, edged with \ellow, and yel
lew pilt '.ut'ons —alight hi.lFcaflimer, double
breaited aillcoat, a psir <.f dark olive cat-ui
ed ihu'kftU panra! 0:10 —a u h.te linen iliiri,
white rjbhtd cotton ft c>.j%>, and a good pair
of Ihotrs with ft'ings Ht to. k v.ith hi .1 a
dirk blue cojt, 4 pair of olive cafiinrur panta
loon*, Mid a light corduioy p*i,- of breeches ;
aifoagoMor pinch!ecli aa'ch, with a llecl
chain. Ht is fond of ipiiitous liquors, is inso
lent, h»» a ftupM look, ami chews robacca'.—
Hcw:i brtjl in Chirlts comity, Maryland, and
pure haled of col. John Thomas by gen. Kidge
ley. Whoiver apprehends stud negro, and ie
cures him in ar'y jail 'o that the owner may
git hinft.aglin, shall r.ceive the above reward,
with charges if brought heme, or de
livered toijoliiii U. Bond, Philadelphia,
may : dtf
Just Published,
By William Cobeett, of New-York,
At Diciins'a Book Ptore, oppolite Christ Church
Addressed to the author of the Furfuits of Li
ter?.? u re,
By the Rev. Richard Polewhelb,
To witch h added,
A Sketch of the Private and Public Chara<sler of
Pet I:ft Pindar.
*1 hi whole comprizfr'J in a r eat pocket volume,
iupcrfwe paper el#gar>t print.
[Vt ic? 6 Cent,:. ]
raay 5 c!,;t
Ey Public Sale on the 20th. cf the sh:tb
f; LL the Rral Ertateof the late John Born„
1 A in Caroline (.Maryland) confift
ir.g of two Lots, with the jpourtei a n-ef tlifre
ur/r. belonyint:, in. fc y. laye of Greerlb. •
roufh, —and I,anils rtr i;,/tuus iherr'o, said to
contain three »>■(? iour hundred acres,
h? tl ? fame more or left —ar wh'th tirne and
place lh« refpeflive CreO.irors ar» req'iefte4 '«
a'fnd. The ntfu (■■ be made known on th r
day t,f Lie, by j
apr'd 28. f lawsvr j
WtllMll - * IfllWhaTM ' --T ■ii.—T ,-frtrTjjl
• %ljz <s&szttu.
Juflum ct tenacem prouofiti viruia,
Vtvti civiucn ardur pr**.: jiihcnriiim.
Won vultus inOanti-,
Mente yuatit fojida.
IN your paper of the sth of rbi*
month, I have read a p*iagraph, which fays,
that " the rei'uit of the election in New
ork sfcertains the eleiUon of Mr.
to the Prefidervcy."
I do wr,ft firmly believe this t-> be an er
roneous prediilio;.. I trull this country is
not yet lo abandoned of God. Hitherto, it
is true, the liif'oryot the world demonftrater:,
that tie beneficent intentions of the wife
and virtuous, to render mankind nappy, by
mi!J, equitable and equal laws, have been
defeated by the flagitious efforts 6f artful,
unprincipled and ambitions demagogue!.
Ot that description nc country was eve' 1
cursed with a fartion more adtive and left
restrained by principles than this. That
their flattery, deceit and falfehood have made
a dangerous imprtflion cannot be doubted,
hut it is certMin, u>at fucceli will, at the
next ejection, crown the efforts ot the friends
of order, morality and religion, if they ar e
fcitbfj to their c.-.'jfe a"d to thcmfclves }
and of this there can be no doubt.
Extract of a letter from Ca[>t. Little, of the
Boston frigati, to the Secretary of the
Na'cy, dated
" At Sea, 19th Mtrch.
I "On the ift Match, being between
Gonaives and the Point of St. Mark, with
a merchant brig in tow, bound to Port-au-
Prince, I saw nine barges in iking towards
me from the Island of Gonaives, having
about 20 oars each, and each carrying from
30 tJ 40 men : their objedt was the Boston,
On discovering them 1 ordered my guns to
be inflantly housed, to decoy them if poffi
blf, which anfwjred the intended effect in
some measure. On approsehi«g within (hot
they found their mistake and turned t« run
away from me, The guns were immediately
run out and a fire commenced, which laftcd
two hours, during which time I destroyed
three of the barges with the crews : the reft
were so fortunate as to reach the Island, but
in a most fluttered condition."
A duel wat fougtit at FayettviUe, (N. C.)
on the 20th April, between Colonel T.
Davig and Doftor Jordan —th. j took two
fires, the firft without execution, but the
second they both received a wound nearly
in the fame in the grcia. We are
f happy to hear they are on the recovery.
(3astttz sparine %\lt
Port of Philadelphia.
Capt Callendcr, of the i rig Amelia, in
forms, that he failed from the Isle of
France the 25th Februiry, and let there
the ship Lewis, Dcale, of Baltimore, who
was captuttd in the Bay of Bengal, the 2d
February, by 2 French privateer, which
engaged the Criterion, of Philadelphia, but
not with the fame success. It is" the opi
nion of Capt. C. that the Leivil will be
condemned. Left also at tfc« Isle of
France, the ship liiiffel, capt. \V®od, of
Newport, taken some since and clear
ed, her money (44 000 dollars) restored,
and Die was preparing to fail for Newport.
Ship Margaret; Coward, of and for Balti
more, to (ail in a few days
(el was obliged to put into the Isle #f
Fiance in diftrcfa. Spoke 110 vessels on
the paflage; Saw ose brig below, name
Neiu-Tork, May 6.
Arrived ytfterday brig Dygett, capt. Law
reilce, with rum to W. Fitch to" co. and the
captain—failed from Montlerat the 12th and
St. Thomas the 19th in co. with 72 fail,
under convoy of the U. S. brig Pinckney.
The Pinckney had in co. 4 French Priva
teers, which (lie had lately captured. Par
ted from the fleet the 18th. in lat. 18 lor,?.
64, 30.
The Mack, from Cbarlefton, lias arrived
at Clyde.
The Perftveiance, from Baltimore, to
London, was taken from the Freiieh priva
teer Mars by the Britilh fliip Neireide, arid
had arrived at, Ply inoutb.
The French letter of Mark Li Mcdefte,
with a valuable cargo, from the Isle of France
to Boiirceaux, has been font into Plymsuth
by the BritiJh (hip La Nymp! e.
The Mercury, Elford from Charleflon
has, a+vived at FiJmotith—flie was detained
foor.juHirs by the French privateer Mars,
frrp" The First Troop of
valvy nil! meet at Hardy's
(, on Monday, the 12th
in the rvrning, fcr the
errs, «;.• reeablv to the
May 6. jM
l*r The
Cavalry are
Heyc, i»
10th ibft. at
corrplrt ely