ette minted States, -■> Philadelphia Daily Advertiser; Nirytnyß 2375.] fCT* Tbe j.rice of tbi v Uazette is Eight Uollhrs per annum to Subsetibers residing intbecity of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additionalfor enclosing and di recting ; and unless-.some purser, in this city will become answerable fjr the subscription, 'it must be paid Six Munths in Advance. *»* No Subscription Will be: ree.'tved fir a shorter term than six motithi. December I 1799. ~PXoposal^ FOR carhyiKc. Tie Mails of the United Starrs, On the following Koa.U, Will be received a 1 tie Gt Mr at Post. Office, Philadelphia, until tie ictb day of July nfxt. 1. Port fen cut I; by iij-nptonfslls, j- New'uinyport, Ipfwi.h, Heveriev, Saiem and Lynn m B.ii?oil, tnree times a week. From April 15 to October 15. Leave Portf.-nouth every Tuefdiy, Thursday a :d Saturday at 4 A. M and arrive at Boston fime uay« hy (, P. M. Returning, love ''often every M. nday, Wednesday and Friday ai 4 A M and arrive at Portl'mouth the fame days by 6 P. M. From October T j to' April 15. Leave- Portsmouth every Tuesday, Thursday rnd Saturday at 1 P. M. and airive at Bolton on the following days, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 6P. M. Returning, -leave Bos ton every Monday, A'ednefday and Friday at 6 a. m and arrive at Portfmouih the next days, Tue/ilay, Thursday and Saturday at to A. M. 2- From Bafton by Worcelttr, Brookßeld, Springfield, Suffield, Hartford, Wethersfield, t Middletown, nurhsm, Wallinuford, Ne*-I-Ia T ven, Miiford, Straiford, Fairfield, Norwalk, Stamford, New Rechelle, Haft Chester and ' Hserkm tc Nirf-Yark, three times a week. From April r-, to October 15. Leave Boston every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at n a m. arrive at Worcefler by Ap M. Lfave Worceiterevery Tuefday,Thurf day. and Saturday at 3 a m. Arrive at Brook field by 10 a m. at Springfield hy 2 p m. at Suf fteid by p m. and at Hartford at 9p m. the fame days. L«ave HartlVid every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 3 A m. arriveat New Haven ny uOon ; leave New-Haven at Ip M. and arrive at Stamford by 9 P m. fime days. Leave Stamfor d every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3 a m. and arrive at New-York fame days by 11 o'clock, noon. Returning, leave New-York every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 A m. arrive at Stamford in the evening ; leave Stamford eve-y Tuesday, Tlmtfdayand Safurday by }A M; arriveat New-Havrn by noon ; leave New-Haven at 1 P m. and arrive at Hartford by 9 p m ; Uare i-J.-llU.j \Lf Jji.cj.. t p, 1 1.. j-—. by 3 A M ; arriveat Springfield by 10 A M, and at Worc'efler by 9 p m* 4 ; le?ve WarcefUr every Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday by 3 A m, and arrive at Boston fame days by 1 r M. From October .15 to April 15. Leave Boston every Tuesday, Thursday and Satu-day by 8 A M j arrive at Worcsfter by 8 pm; leave Worcester on Wednefdiy. Friday and Monday at 4 a m ; arrived at Suiieid fame days by 8p m. Leave Suffield Thursday, Sa turday and Tuefday'at 4 am. ana airive at New Haven by 8p m. Leave New-Haven ev ery Friday, Monday and Wednesday at 4 A m, and arrive at New York the next daya Saturday, Tuesday and TkuYfday by 11 A m. Returning, leave New-York every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 A M: arriveat New-Havrn or. Tuesday, Thursday and Sa turday by 8 P m. Leave New-Haven every Monday, Wednesday and Friday by 4 a m. ar rive at Suffield by 8 P M. Leave Suffield Tues day, Thursday and Saturday by 4 a. m and arrive at Worcester by 8 PM. Leave Wor cester every Monday, Wednefday'and Friday at 4 A M. aad arrive at Boston the fame days tiy 4 P M. | 3. From New-York by Newark, Elizabeth town, Rahwny, Woodbridge, New-BrunlVick, Princeton, Trenton. Brift il and Frankford to Philadelphia, everyday, Sunday excepted. Leave New-York every day, Sunday except ed, at 1 PM. and arrive in Philadelphiathe next day at 7 A M 18 hours. Returning, leave Phi ladelphia exerv day, sunday excepted at 1 P. M. and arrive at New-York the next day by 7 AM. From November 1 to May 1, the hour of arrival at Philadelphia and at New- York (hall be extended to 8 A. M. 4. From Baltimure by Bladenlburg to Wa -1 fiiington every day, Sunday excepted. Abril 1 to November 1. Leave Baltimore everyday at 11 A M. and arrive at Washington by 6 P M. Returning, leave Wafhingion ev«ry day at 3 AM. and ar -1 rive at Baltimore by 11 A M. November 1 to April j. I>«ave Baltimore every day M 4 am, and arrive at Wafbitgton by 2P m. Returning, leave Wash ington every day at 10 a m. and arrive at Balti more by 7 p m. 5. From Washington city by Ceorge town, Alexandria, Colchefier, Dumfries, Aquica, Faimcuth, Frederiekfburg: Bowling Green and Hanover court howfe to Richmond, c. h. every day, Sundays excepted. From April 1 to November d. Leave Washington every day at 8 A M. itid arrive at Frederickfburg by 7 P V.. Leave Frederickib■;rvr every day at 3 A M arid arrive at RicVnond by 6 P M. Returning, leave Richmond every day by j A M. and arrive at Frederickfburg by 6 PM. Leave FrcJcrickf burg every day by 3 A M. aad arrive at WAlh mgtoti by 4 P M November 1 tc Apr i' t. Leave Washington evtry day at 4 P M. and arrive at Alexandria by 7 P M. and arrive at Fiederickiburg the next days by 7 P.M. Leave Frederickfburg every day it 4 A M. and arrive at Richmond the next days by 10 AM. Re turning, leave Richmond evtry day at 1 P M. and arrive at Frederickfhurg the next days by 7 PM. Leave Fredrricklbuig every day at 4 /V M, and arrive at Waftinjtom ths next days by 8 A. M. riT-f "~"T | 111 111 II ll—Hill ! 6- Prom Rir!im 1 rul! o Petersburg every day, Sunday! excepted. I.eive Kichrn >r d evtry , day at 4 AM. and »rrivr at Peterlbu'-g by h u'clock, A M.- Returning leave Pcterf'jurt; ev ery day at 2P M. and arrive it Richmond the fame my» by ■/ P M. > 7 i'lom Richmond by New Kent court house, Vyilliair.Jburjf, Yjh k-in'wn and Hampion to . Noifolk, 3 times i week. April i to November I. ' I.erve Richmond every ' r uefday, TKurfday • ■v.d S.'.;-.!iday rt j M. Arrive at New-York bv t P M, and arrive at 'Norfolk the next days, Wed»ijruUy«, Friday, and Sundays by i P M. Returning. 'rave Norfolk every Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, at pA'H; arrive at York ' tht overling. Leave York every WesSiict'day, I ri lay avd ivichmoad the fame days by 6 P M. November 1 tt April 1. Leave Richmond every Monday, Wednesday »rd Fri Say at 1 P VI ; arrive at Norfolk in two days on \*'cdnt!'dav, Friday aad Monday by 10 A f.l. "'turmng, leave Norfolk every Mon day, Wewnefday and Friday at 2 P M- andar n-'i; at Richmond in. two days on Wednesday, Friday av.d Monday by 10 A 8 From Peter,turg bv Cabbin Point Surry court hi.'ufc, S.nirhKeld, Suff»lk-and Portf-. mourn to ihrce times a week. Leave PeteifbWg every Afonday, Wedf.ef dav Friday at 12 o'clock, noon, arrive at Suffihc the next da*s by 1 P M; leave Suffolk at 1 P AT, and arrive at Norfolk by 8 P M. Returning, leave Norfolk every A/onda.y, We<l nel'day and Friday at 4A M; arrive at Suffolk lime Cays by to \ .ij, Leave Suffolk at Ji A M, and arrive.l Peterfhurg every Tuesday, Thursday ana Saturday by noon. 9. Petersburg by Ilarrifville, Goldfanville and Warreiitcsi to Ljuifburg three times a week. Leave Pe;»rfburg every Monday, Wedsef day and Friday at 2 P M. and arrive ft Lou if- I burg in two days on Weciuefday, Friday and Sunday at to A M. Returning, leave Louif burg every Ai -ndsy, W«lntfday and Friday at 2 1' M, and arrive at Peterlburg in two days nn Wednesday, Friday and Jl/onday at 10 A. M. 10. I'rom L' uifburg by Raleigh, Averyfbo ro' and Fayetteville to Mc Falls," three tin es a I week. Leave Louifburg evtry S jnday, Wednesday and Friday at » P AT, arrive at Mc, Falls on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday by 9 A AI. Returning, leave .M'Falla on .Monday, Wed nesday and Fr day at 3 PM, and arrive at Louifburg on Wednesday, Friday and Monday at 10 A M. 11. From Zf'Fallaby Chereau court house to Camden three times a week. Leave A/'Falls every Sunday, Tuesday and Friday at 1 P AI, and arrive at Camden on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 10 A M. Returning, leave Cam den every Tuesday, Thursday and SaiuHay at a P At, and arrive at jtf'Fall, on Thursday, Sa ijirdj.v>od .! <•■ al.. . 1 xs ... 12. trom Camden tiy btatefburg and Jamef villc toCharleftoti, thre« time* a week. When the river is so high as to make long Ferries, the maii shall be carried from Camden on thefobth fide of Santee river Leave Camden ever,y Sunday, Tuesday and Tlmrfdsy at 2 P M, ai.d arrive at Charleston on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday at 10 A M. Returning, leave Charleston every Sunday, V«efday and Thurlday at j P AT, and irrive at Camden tiie next Tuesday, Thursday and Sa turday at 10 A AL 13. From Ci-ndeflhy Columbia, Edgefield court house, arid Campbell town to nwgufta,' three time? a week. Leave Candeneverv, Sunday, Tuesday and 7hyrfday at 1 P !'i, an-i airive at tergurti on Tuesday, Thuifday and ®iturdjy at 10 A TIL Returning, leave AURufta every Sunday, Tuesday, and ThurTday at 3 P *4, and arrive at Camden on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 10 A M. 14 From CVarlefton by Jachforifborough and Coofawhatehy f u Savannah twice ?. week. Leave Chariefton every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 f m arrive at JaeUfonfborough onWednefday and Friday itim. arrive at Coofawhatehy on Thursday arid Saturday liy 5* M and arrive at Savannah on Friday and !i«ndayby 8 am. Krturn ing, Leave Savannah every Sa'urday and Tuesday hy 4 a M. arriveatOoofawhatchy hy S p M.and ar rive at Chariefton on l'uefday and Thursday by 10 A M. 15. From Augufla by Leuifville to Savannah once a week. Leave Augufla every Saturday at 3 p M.iarrive Louisville 011 Sunday hy 6 P M. leave Louifvillc oh Monday at 8 a m and ari ive at Savannah on Tuesday at J. p. m. leave Savannah on Wednesday at'S a.m. and arrive at Louisville on Thursday by j p.m. leave Louisville on Friday at 6 a. m. and arrive at Atigufta on Saturday at 10 a m 16. Fr«m Augusta by Waynefbjrough to Sa vannah once a week Leave Auguda every TueQay at 2 p h arrive at Waynefborosgh on U edneflay by 8 a m and arrive at Saarannah on FrHay hy 3 p m. Return ing, leave Savannah every Saturday at 9 a m.arrive at WayLfbqrough on Monday by 3 p m. and ar rive at Augusta on Tuesday by 9 a m 17. From Wa) nefborodgh to Louisville. Leave Waynefborough every Wednesday at~ 9 AM. and arrive at Lcnnlv lie by 3 pm. Heturning, leave LourfvUlr e«ry Thursday at 5 am. and ar rive at Wsynefborough by 1 p ». 13. From Savannah hy Rieeborough, Darien and "tunfwick to Stary's once-a week Leave SavaMlrahevery Wednesday at 9 a m. ar rive ac Rice'iorough on Thus-l'day by 10 a m. and arrive as Starys 0:1 Saturday by 9* m. Return ing, \e~-i - St. Marys every Saturday at 3 t u. ar rive at RiceboruUKh the next Monday by 3 p m. and arrrVe at Savannah the next Tuesday by j p. NOTf S. AI. The itiai! oh the route Ko. 9, jo, II and ij is to be c.irrird in 5 wherl earn aye or hy a led hoi Sr. A penalty at thcr ate of" H cents a mile %ill be incurred hj't,he cor,traitor for each time and niile that lie {bail carry the fanitj without nulri-ig use of cither a carriage or led hcrfe. No altera tion vvkil be maile in the times fixed fjr the arrival and dei-artim* of t're ithtil; in these routs. Note s. The Piiftiiianer-GenefsJ may al ter the times ofarrivd and depsrturf at any time during the CMitinuanc? of the contrasts, j he previeafly ftipulaticg ..u adeq i-ite com- 1; 1 L AD E L Pll I A,, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAT 7 , ,800 : proration for anv extra expel t tnat may be (Jccriiion. i thereby. Note 3. Fifteen minutes fir. ,-be allowed for opening and closing tiie maiiatall offices where- 110 ptithfjilar time is fpe Note 4. For every fifteen m l-.ter delay (unavoidaLile accidents excepted , in arriving after tiie times prefcribcd in a contvati, the contra&or (itall foiiilt trie 1- 3 : an£ | it the delay continue until 11 • H ti.-ie erf any drpending mail, * r.-Oy rhe ciatfs ctet tmej tor such depending n aillofe a trip, an additional forfeitur- of five dollars fhill be ] Nete's. Newspapers ss well sslrttettare to be sent in the mails : - id if any pert'on, making proposals, desires to carry newspa pers, other than thoft nveyed in the mail, for Ins own emolument. l.c 1 iuft state in his proposals for w(iat ... n he wit] carry it with that emolument, and for what sum without that emolument. Note 6. Should any pe;foli, making pro posals, desire an a'-eration of the times of arrival aad departi., . hove fpecified, he mud (fate in his proposals me alterations delirtd, awd the difference they will make in the teqns of his c-strail, This iiote does not apply to the routs No. g 10, n and 12. No alteration will be made itj tiiofe timfs. Note-j. Persons making pfopolals are de- GreiJ to state their prices by.. (Ie- year Thote who contract will receive ti ir pay quarter ly, in tiie month of Jaiiu-, y, April, Tulv and Oaober. Note 8. The contrails for tiie rout? ntinibeied 1 to 13, are to be n operation on the ill day of Oiftober ne> ;ndare to son tinue in force until tiie 1 f ! Otflc l Contracts fer the routs r nbei 14, u t t 17 and 18, are alto to be in operr.ticn o-i the 1 ft day of Odober next, and are to continue ir?force until the Ift of April 1802. JOS: HAEEHSHAM, Postmru-r-Genertl. General Post Office, ) Philadelphia, March 20, I ?. eotjy. NICKLIN and W ib'FITH, j HATE Fag SALS small chests of Ginghams, -> on bi^rd 4 ditto of colored Muflinett, j the flip 4 bales of St. Fernando Serges, .Neftolin 4 ditto of Camblets, r the ri'rer 10 ditto of colored and white I fron C.iffirneres, J Livcrpol 14 trunks of printed Callicoes, Tie above an tM mall ajftrted iolnuUiel ] either for tie W r ejl India Or home trade. 50 fen* Le«»v? 1 jw.niers.. ] r 7 cafits "t line dry Yellow Paint,'' 6 ditto of Mineral Itlaujr, I ditto of ditto White, 10 ditto of Colcorhar, 3 ditto of Purple Brown, 1 1 o cases English China Ware in fetti, 36 cafksof Nails ifTorted, 300 barrels pickled Salmon, 8 j half ditto ditto, 80 barrels Herrings, 20 ditt-vShad, 10 ditto Mackarel, 7 casks of Purler in bottles, io purichecins Rum, t"o pipes of Brandy, 4th proof, 15 pipes old Madeira Wine, 27 quarter chests Young Hyson Tea, 13 boxes of Imperial ditto, Eng'■ ifh Gunpowder, HF F wired Copper Naiie an 1 Kilts, Sail Canvjfs, Empty Wine Butties, Crrk in (beets, Green Coffee in hhd?. February 13. tniyHfJ Just Published, And to be Sold by Robert Campbell., No. 30, Chesnvt Street and Wm. Wood house, No. 6, South Front Street, £ Price 31 Cents, j AN EULOGY ON GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON, Pj onr-unced at Bofion, on Wednesday, l'ebru ary 19, 1800, before the American Acade my of Arts a d Scieuces, by their ap pointmeHt, and publiflied at their reqnrft. Br JOHN DAVIS, Member of the Academy, and of the MafTachu ietts Hifliirical Society, ALSO. [Price iߣ Cent?.] AN EULOGY ON THE ILLUSTRIOUS GEORGE IVASHINSTON ; Pronounced at Milton, aid Feb. 1800 Bv CHARLES PINCKNEY SUMNER. h,a y I dijt NOTICE. WHF.RF.AS MatJiTw Irwin did on the B'h flay of July 1797 make an affignmsntof his eflate anu effedts, to us the fubferibers, for the be nefit of such of hii creditors, as ftiould on or before the »oth ol September, 1797, execute ro him a full and final discharge—Now those of his creditor; who are entitled to a divi-'end under i'aid align ment are requested t'i furnifh their accounts re Namuel Meeker, with interefl calculated up to the Bth day 01 july, 1797, as a dividend will ahfolutc ly be struck on the firll day of April netr, and these who neglect t» comply with this notice will there after be excluded f rom the benefit ol the fame. Philip Nicklin ~] Samuel Meeker j Nath'l Lewis, hy his Ads. AffigneCs. Pearson Hunt John M. Taylor J Phiradelphia, March 14 m& MARSHAL'S SALE. , U»UTI» STA-tf S "> r J* Dijlrifl j Notice is Hereby Given, • 'HA7 ,n pursuance of a writ to me directed i from the honourable Richard Peters, lifqnirc, Judge of the Diftrifl Court of the United States in nd for th» PcnKfylvania Diftrirll, will be ezpofed to fak. at the Ouftam Jlonle in rhff City of Philadel phia, ca i hiii r .iay rhe fifteenth iTuy of It ..) next at I a o'c;«ek. at r.eoo, viz. 1 Large cbeft of Sugar, i Keg of Sugar, 5 Bags Coffee. 1 do. do. 1 do. do. 1 Bag and 1 . Barrel of j oraD S CS * 1 Bag Pimento. 2 Barrels Coffee, and 1 Bag do. 1 Small Box, cantaining tie appara tus of a Barber or Hair Drefler. 30 B irreU Snuff and Sugar. 19 Boxes Sugars. 1 Bo* Sweet-meats. The fame having f.een libelled againfl, prcfecu ted and cond-mned io the fail court as forfeited JOHN HALL, Marshal. Mil-dial's Office, anril 19. lawtf. A PROPOSAL By WillijtM T. Bihchijf Abkjm :m Small of the City of Philadelphia, FO-R r-«BLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, that invaluable wark DR. RUSSELL' 1 History of Vodcrn Europe; iroHfc T; ; !NING nn History of the Decline and Fall of the Ro man Empire of Modern Kingdoms, generally A particular History of the French Monarchy Spain from the Dumiij ion of the Vifigr«thi Italy—with the Kife and Progress of the Tem poral Power of the Popes Britain—from its reiinqui/hm;»t by the Ra mans Ireland The German Empire—from Charleir.agn; The Empire of Sonftantiiisple—to its over throw Empire of the Arabs Rife and Progress of the Turks, and Fill of the Greek Empire History of Portugal—View of the Progress of Navigation—Conquest in the East and Weft Indies—lJffcovery of America, See. History of Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Russia, Poland jnd Prufila North Aiperica—as connected with European n tninpi ciiunn t mur nology. CONDITIONS. I. Th» whole shall b* co.hprized in five large c&avo volumes, printed in the best manner, on a fuperline paper. 11. It is intended to deliver one v-'lume sver-y two months, at the pr ce o-f Two Dollars per volume ih board«, payable on delivery. 11l A? it may be inconvenient to deliver them to distant fubferibers in finvrla volumes, those who w.ifh 'it, may let them remain with the ; pu'olifhers until the whole are fiftiflied ; in which afe t ! «e price of one volume will be required«n fubferihing —the remainder on the delivery of :he whole. It will be put to press immediately, and pr in tcd 011 a i eautifal new type cast for the pitrpole. j f'he encourages of this undertaking may reft aiVured, that nothing now forefcen (hail delay its regular proeeedure —so that in one year at fart hell, ihe citizens of the United .States S.all be presented with an Anjerican Edition .f Dr. Rufiell's History of Modem Europe, equal to the Euglifh copy, ai d at a L >wrr Price. * m * Subftriptions rtcei-ved by Wm. T: Birch No. 17 Sovtb Second Jlreet, and A. Small, No 145 SpruceJlr -et. April 50 ewrra ~ GLJISS'MAN'JFACTORY." HTHE PROPRIETORS Cf the Pittsburgh Glass V/arks, AVING procured a fufficient number of tie nrloft approved Euro, cap Giais Manu fuflury'rs, and haVißg 011 hand a large fto-.k of the beA Materials, on which their workmen are now have the pleasure of afTuring the nfiblic, that window glass of a fupciior qua lity >nd of any fije, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 24 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing too feet ea b, may be had at the fhortcft notice. Gi»f> of larjrer fiieu for other purposes, may alrfi be had, fifch as for pifluies, coach glaflVs, clock faces, See. Bowies of all kinds and of any q iantity may also he had, iogether with porker fidfks.picklingjais, apothecary's Oop furniture, or other hollow ware —the whole at lealt per cent, lr wer than articles of the fame quality hrctigltt from any of the sea port? 01 the United Stafs A liberal allowance will be made on sale of large quantities. Orderyfrom merchants ?nd others will be punctually attended to on ap plication to JAMES O'HAKA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store of MefiV, PRATHER and SMILIE, in Maiket-Street, Pittsburgh, March 4, tuthtf. j HF. Governor ef the State hav.Bg thought fit X to dcpiive the fuhferiter ■>' his . jiu.fuiiliuu. of Regif'er of Wilis arid grantinf ! etter< of Ad minifrration for f.he city and county of Phifa el phia (which he.hatj held for eightfeil years rift) and to give the lam? to his Excellency's !or Jus. E. V'Kcr.n, Efq he informs his sri rids the purilic, that he lias opened an office at No. 145, North Water flrcet. as Attorney at 1 .aw, where the flri&eft attention shall be paid to the bufmcls of such of iix friemis and fellow eitlz ni as may think proper to apply to hirn : he lurther informs therr., thar a number of probates of wills with co pies annexed -, also certified copies of vvrls and of iottlcd accounts, yet rtiuuin in the offite ol the fulifc-iter, which tiie persons concerned are're q»efted to call for. C-EG. CAMPBELL. Philapelp'iit, aad April. aawtf bnataa ! DICK INS' PROPOSALS For importing the f-.Honing periodical r • ftv blic-oti »n& % * d , T' ie Britifli Critic, 1 he Anti-Jacobin Review an<f Magazine, The Gentleman's t The New Yearly Register. Le Mercure Britannique, or lh» Britifli Mercury. The preceding pubh'cDioiis will be received r»- igwlar Jy at Philadelphia bjr the way of New-York, about t»o Month, after their puWicatioa in Lon don. Sutfcriptions will b« received for all or rither of thwn from any fJr t of the Continent, at bic "s»' Dook - No 25, North Second Street, oppofit. thrift Church, Philadelphia. I a P rii *9 dtf ! PROPOSALS """ By A. FOR PUBLISHING "The Pursuits oj Literature, A SATIRICAL POtfM IST FOUR DIALOGUES, WITU N Off 9. To which vjiil be Annexed, A VINDICATION OF THE WORK, AND TRANSLATIONS Of all th_- Greek, Latin, Italiaa, and French passages, quoted in the Prefaces, Vindicitioa ani Soldi. it TH£ Aurif qR. PROPOSALS. The v/crk-will be print It feall be elegantly ex. Ed from the lati Len* etuted and be deliver* don edition, and will edto fubferibers at the form a large odlava moderate price of ttv» volume of ahout 500 dMars andfifty tents, in pages,including an in boatds. To" other sit dex which this edition will be 1 ailed, will alone poflifi.. A—lt is now in the Press, and will be finished with all possible speed. Subscriptions will be received by A. Sic. kins, No. 25, North Second Street, opposite Christ Church, and J. Ormrud, No. 41, Chefnut-Arest, and by the principal Bookfellsrt throughout the United States. march *7, 3 awtf. Forty Dollars Rsward. RAN AWAY from the Subscriber, livin*»* in Saffi&lras Neck, C«cil County, State of Ma- i 4 thiipa. a-;r gro failing by water in the Chesapeake Bay about twelve months, and is smart and adtive—He ha> been formerly used to farming and taking care "of horses. His doathing he took with him is un known— It is exptdted he has (lwped his course for Philadelphia or Chester Tows, and th« above reward will be paid for fecuringAim in any g®al in the United States, an<; reafoaable chaiges paid if brought home, by JOHN FERGUSON. M; E All mailers ofveffels and ail other person ajre forwarn'ed of harboring the said r.t^ro. Siffafras Meek, march 18. iaw6w THE UNDERSIGNED, HIS Swcdift Majedy's Consul General, and au thorized to tranfadl the Consular BuGnefs, for his Majeft'y the King of Denmaak iu the United Status of . n-.erica, residing at Philadelphia, Hereby ghes public Notice, That in obedience to recent inftxuitiong received from hi? government, it it the duty of all Matters ef Swedish and DaniHt veiTels, te-for.* their failing from any port in the said States, to call upor him or tfi.i Vice Coßful/ in to le granted such Certificates for theic Cargoes, which the exigency of the {late of the Neutral Commerce ani the fe ver 1 Decrees of the Belligerent Powtrf, render indifpcrfably necessary, and, that any Mailer of vefteis belonging to the refpp&ive nations, or na vljratli-jg- uwdcT the prote&ion of their flags, in omitting to take such certificates, will personally ftaiiU re:pos{ible for the consequences. RICHARD SODERSTROM. Philadelphia, lßth December, 1799. Notice is hereby given, THAT application will be made to the Prslident and Direflors of the Bank of the United States for the renewal of the following Certificates of Shares in the fa; 3 Bank, which were loft on board the (hip John, of Baltimore, Hugh Dav.y, matter, bound to Leaden, viz •- B. No. 29884") 19885 j Each for oEe stare, in the name 19826 of Tho's Holy, tfhcffi«ld (G. B) 19*8; j dated sft January, ißjo ; 39888 J Of which application, all perfor.s concerned, will [ leatd to take notice. SAMUEL STERETT. Baltimore, jth april, 1800 iaw3m Valuable Property for Sale, lu ChefVitr, near Sixth ftVeet, diraflly optiofuc C&ncr*sj Hall. A • OTofgr-".'r>d, ?ht)ut ji feet front ia Chef l .* r»jt (Vrset and 73 feet in depth, whereon is a good irme ho'jfc, now in the tenure of Samuel .leiwfi ; utj"6' to a ground nnt of ios. per annum. The, advista'jrcous f:tuati'oH of this property re quires no co-,iiitnts, -f«r it mil it beknewn, thtre are few ii tins city to equal it, at; Unecceptionabl* title willhemadetc the purchafcr. Apply to JAMES GIRVAN, N:j *9B, Chefi ut-41. next door to the prtmifei. march y tu.rh.fa-tf "B'ANKRUFf QFFICE: 1 A FiFTH DIVIDESB < f th- EPats of MAT TH-.S SI.OUGM, bankruj't, will he paid to the Creditor; who have pr >ve<i their debts un der the CcmrcilT.'.n, at any time when called for, at-Kb icy, Ara tt.rcet. JOHN J ENNINGS, /pril f Vol L'VP. X\'l]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers