Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, May 01, 1800, Image 3

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    •ighteenth it ft June, age thousand fever
hundred and ninety eight. « >
Ser. a. And be it further enacted ty the
mutbor tj aforesaid, That any Foreigner or
Foreigners, Alien or Alien*, ».h« has or,
have already made any bona fide contra ft or
<?on trails, or «rei*W My patent or patents
or other deed of conveyance, for or on ac
count of the punchafe «f any lands, tene
nents, or hereditaments, within this Com
monwealth, may and OiaU take and hoU the
fame, in fee simple, or for any leffet estate,
according to the nature of his, her, or their
several refpeftive contracts, patents, or deed?
of conveyance, as fully, to all intents ayd
purposes, as any natiiraf-born Citizen or
Citizens might <>r could da ; any la w, usage,
or cuftoT to tic contrary thereof in any
■wife uotwithftundini!r.
Speaker of the House of Representatives,
Speaker of the Senate.
Approved April the eleventh. lyqq.
Governor cf tbe-( : tmmon-nrai'tb of Pennsjl
sy!vattia. ■
" Thin errttin P mi.otorHfxs of Jhe Epi:u
reans and Stoicii inceunteredKm."
Attacked by juch enemie/!, St. Pan!, I
wity thee. Compared with the [nphiflical
jargon gf their tongues, th< buffeting of
,S»ian weie the foil ftrok's of a feather.
Encountered by PhiUfophtrs ? What a pe
vilt»us meeting ! To at Iconium,
to die in prison at PjiMppi, or smart
at,-si' hsr whipping po!i«, were more
tolerable, than to hear on* moment the
»bftra<s impertinence, the vfionary theo
ne« of a cold, and ci (ti reaioner. His
head is the Web of a fpidtr, his heart is the
ice of Spitsbergen, ,h:3 plans are the pro
jefls of i,.«pu. a «id hirfargument turb-d,
as-t fypt.condriaek's dream. If I should
be alked, which wa« the ifioft ur.lucky 2!?-
iti Panl's pilgrimage, I must reply,
hi? interview v.ith the philofophtck babblers
of Athens. None of hi« perils, and I think
he enumerates eight varieties, compare with
the peril of pragmaticalpbHofiphy. 11l fated
'apostle, tl.t Epicureans and the Stoicks,
encountering you, were worse company,
than the barbarians of Melita,<on whose 1 ude
coast you were stranded Your night and
day in the deep, your weariuefs and watch
lngs, your frequent faft, and suspension in
the bb(ktt of Damascus, even if it were like
Falftaff's butk basket.were "lightaffli&ioßS,
but for a moment," to the growl of the
Stoiek and the lullaby of the Epicurian.
Paul was not singular in this encounter.
Perfooages a s 'he faint, have been
encountered by certain philosophers, in the
present age. Yes they have met Common
Sense, Morality and Relignn. Thatk God,
they have not routed thtm.
Hold hold, hasty Lay Preacher; one
phiiofopher hat publifiied wh*< h; calls
" Common Sense." Yes, I remember 'the
book well, and aiked that fofecr tuitroft ksw
At Rappetied, even in 1775, to appear in
such difordcred attire. —'Twaa in a fit; of
lunacy, when (he had escaped from her
Philofophisk encounters are, in effeft,
eften as bloody, as the battle* of Buona
parte. One Helvetius, with fevcral afToci
ates, many year* fine*, opposed the fettled
Opinion* of the French nacion. The brain
pans, they afFerted, of all men were of 11-
mihr capacity's but fame were full, and
others empty of education. Here was a
jr»r« discovery. Hence all the grades of
rttelligen;e. No fach thing as a difference
la the mental organization. Next, man had
no foul. After vegetating a time, he must
#ie,'without even a chance for immortality ;
without even the nine struggles of a cat.
};i:;vo, bellov ed the libertines. 1 bis is a
tlfvir.t acfcn'ne, this is philofopby. Hawk
eyed fhil'jjtphy did not (i»>p iieie. She look
ed into the Bible, and saw mouldy leaves.
She looked up to the skies, a >d saw nothing
She looked down to the earth a'id beheld
fiifhwr mer, butchers, brtvrers ; and now
v/<rj the glorious time f r rr auJlin I'hilolo
phy to fee double. They n ere larger than
tlit life. They were magnified 10 a " Moun
tain" they were Citizens Dire&ors, they
were Executioners, Jacobins .Fiend*, Rea
der «f the writings of the E-cyclopcdifts,
believed thou my reprefe nation tobt just ?
I know thou bclievelh lam perfaaded thou
wilt think with me that all the evils, all
the atrocities cf the French revolution
originated in a falfe, impious andjeaptious
EngUrrd-has been infefted with philofo
phtrt as well as France. You may fin I a
minority of pkilojophers on many a Parlia
mentary Journal, In the shape df a e 'ergy*
man you may find them forpelimes, but not
long, fqr are proce to migrate. If
such a pafftngtr debarked on our ffvores you
■lay know him easily. He is a busy and
meddling priest. The noisy " F'raife God
Barebones" of the time. AddreSerof de-<
r»_ >nd lap per of flat* pillars.
Qualified to write vcrbwfc inferiptions for
the charnel houfeiof France, to be her Ma
teria i/l in chief, and to reduce foul* to a
calx, like any substance in kia chymiftry
You may gaze, curious American, at his
attrited jar, and even behold the generous
Cock agonized by his ele&ricily, but when
ke interferes with your government, scowl
sovereign contempt on the interloper.
Extract of a letter frtm a mercantile bouse cf
the first respectability in Ltndtrt, u their
earrespondents here, dated March 7, lßeo.
The following resolution palled both
Houses of Parliament yesterday :
Mesohed, That whenever the average
price of wheat and fine wheat flour, ascertain
ed and publiftied in the London Gazette, un
der the uthority of any aft or i.i\s ot P r
I, t •
' liamenti ftiall he lefVtJi'nti '96s per quarter of
wheat or of fueh wheaten fluirr ftfpeftively,
there (hall be given on every quarter of wheat
t and o-n every'barrel of fine wheaten flour,
OfOthe imputed into Great Britain
from>«iy port of Europe, South of Cap '
Finillerre, or from any port in the Mediter
ranean, or in Afrrca, or from any of his-
Majesty's colonies ni America, or the U.
States, before the ift day of O&ober 1800,
bounty equal to the di(Fereilce between such
average prtcis in th<T Lttidon GSzettf, and
ninety (hilling* per quarter of wheat, or
barrel of ftour refpeflively."
" That whenever the current p-ire of rf e
imjiOrted into this kingdom, to fee arcerta-ia
ed by the price in the London market, ftail
}b* less than one pound fifteen . Ihiiliflsjs per
huiidred weight,.tftfre flwlj on «rery
hundred wight of rice imported info Otaat
Britain before the ift day of O&o&er igoo,
a bounty eqtwl to the difference betweer.
ftich average price, and one j»oufid fifteen
The lecter wbir'i inch>f<4 the above, ftites
the sveirapriS prices of wheat throughout Eng
land and- Waits, to b' 106 (hillings per quar.
teiy and rite in London at 46 (hillings.
Wsbmesdav, April 30,
The bill from tiie Seriate fu'pplemetitary
to the adl ts fufpetul p irt of an aft intitule<3
All a<3 to augment the army ol the United
States, and tpr other piijpofrs, was reaJ a
firfl aivl second time, and committed to »
committee of the whole House.
j Mi;. Harper, frer* the Committee of'
Ways a.nd Means, made a further report on
the fubje-ct of the Revenue ; which was com
' mitted for Monday.
The House agaift resolved itfelf into a
Committee of the whole on the- report of the j
'Seleft Committee to wirß>i« was referred tfie
bill from the Senate prefwihing the m»de of
deciding disputed Heft ion? of Prefideot and
Vice-President of the United States—and
Mr. Gallatin's motion f» flrike out that
part of the bill which direfts the mafuier in
which exceptions taken to vote?, shall be
decided—and inferring, as a new principle,
the following wards " and the question on
the Excepti ft ih.tU immediately and without
debate he. taken by ayes and noes, and deci
ded by a majority of Members of both
Houses then present"—being under confede
ration, a long bebate ensued, and the que
stion was finally negatived, ayes 44, noes 46.
The bill was - then pone through with, the
Cemmitree rose and 1 the report wjis ordered t®
be taken into canfideration to-morrow.
A mefTape was received from the Senate,
by Mr. Otis their Strretary, informing the
Ho<jfe that the Senate have puffed a bill to
amfiid an art intituled an n& to eftublifti tjie
judicial Courts o£. the TJnittd States, to
which they re qu
Ho u fe—
tfre b+il fIJB
(•tilt bill
States tn fer
vice, without amendment.—Adjourned.
NEW-YORK, April 59.
C pt. Raily, of the (loop Speculator, from
Norfolk, informs, that on 'I hurfrlay lad a
Duel was fought at Norfolk between a Mr.
Dubois and a, Mr. Cufhing, nephew tif
Judge C'-iUiing, of New Hampshire, both
Midlhipmen on board the United States fri
gate W? are sorry to add, that
Mr. Cufhing was flnt in the neck, and died
011 tilt- spot. Mr. Dubois went on board
the next d*y ; but GajW. Sever, it was re
ported gave him up to civil authority.
dsasette £oanm fltft.
Fort of Philadelphia.
Brii; John, Richardfoti, . St, Sebaflians 9
Abignil, Hughes, ' Richmond ;lfc
' Mentor, Eikrmin, Lifci'ri
Sloop Patience, Montgomery, N. York 4-
' Dolphin, Gardner, N. York j
Ship Swift, Rich-.rd Surrinam
Srig Charlcftort, Packet, Kingflon, [Jam.]
Jane, Couk, Cape Francois
Sloop Podlion, HatCherd, Bermuda
Ship Louis, FKale, Baltimore, is taken
by the Ircncfi in the Bay of Bengal.
Ship Athnt'.c, Waters, of this port, has
arrived at Cah'.Htta.
An inward beur.d brig below—name un
kr. i\i r
Sl'ip Diam, Piles, failed from Liverpool
the 7t'a March—Left there,
Ship Am<tr'.ca SIV.cU, for New York, to fail
in 8 day.
Richard Caton, Gemmell Baltimore, do
Bianra, Bolton, .Savannah, da
Moles Gill, Crocker, Boston, 6 days
Friend (hip, Fatterfon, Kcnncbtc'k, do
Rofar.nai), Potter, Salem, 14
Jofiah Collins, Gottril, N.York, 4
Maryland, Goiiyngham, Baltimore. 8
Prudsnce, Mitchell', Philadelphia, 14
Suffolk, Whiffle, :NewYoik, 20
Sally, Hclbrook, Baltimore. 20-
Gen* Walhington, Davi?, Phflad. 10
Charlotte, Fiti-h, New-London, 6
Sally, Oiffin, New-York, 20
Charleftan, Church, New York, -6
Lydia, MiUs, Wa&ington, N.' C.—
Puii.ADsi.pai«, Mat I
S:* per Cent
Three per Cent
Deferred 6 per Cent
8 per C»nt Stock
BANK United States ( *~6
—— PcnDfylvania, 21
North iimfrica, 5P
lnfuraate comp. N. A.tharei 4 per cent, below
' .i Peonfylvania, (hares, 17 per cent. ad*.
East-India Company of N. A. 4 per cent idvuice
iMi WafTWtt, )] d»il». per i«e acr»«.
i |eifar'rnane# given out
at ths Old'Theatre,"ScJiLH street, wader the
: title of " The Tliefyian Pano|-aHa," the
'public arc cautioned' Hot to be fed there
by the name n( Tcefpian, ai 'ti»'tfldeiit
the intention of-t!jiin
afformiTw, the titt*, only to raiflead the
curio* s, andtbtrefyr giih a crowded house,
•and caitf-qufntty trjpmitd The
friend* of tlie wH' affined that
the td' ixrlety was not
-moluinent. hoped that the
j public will not ertiinifcnafiee importors.
By order of the P<Mmti
J. HAMILTON, Secretary
April jo,
Just Published,
And to be S >!d by Robert Campbell, No
-30, Ciesn'.t Street, and Wm. IVood
bouse, Nt. 6, South Front Street,
f Price 3 1 Cent#,]
i 1 pnnuncfd ft B»ftott, on Wednesday, Febru
ary 19. »Boe, before Mi« American Acade
my of Ari« ai.ij £ciepce«, l>y their XjS*
pc-intmeft, and published at their
Member of the Academy, and of the Mafitchu
feits HiUcrical Society,
[Price tSJ (3»ir% 3
Pronoimctti »t ilUtottj t«d Ffb, 1800
i- Ms« • '■ '' ' » -Jit It
350,000 wt. of cho'jflg*green Coffee,
150,000 "vrt. of Mulctvado Sugar,
50 tons of Fuflic.
In the brigs Maty & _4»iiaMe Adelle.
M»y t
A largc.and very.gtßtril iflortmCßt as Satin,
Chincfe and L#ve RihboSa, just iraporied is
tl.e (hip Diana, capt. Pile, and for Talc by
No. North Third Street.
may I
For Sale,
tut. Vast sailing
he arrived 'from bar-
Ttken* no «?> laying at Bell'* wharf.—
Apply to
No. So. Front Street.
> diw
may i
for sals;
AT the Men!,ant's Coffee Honfe on the jth
• day of the fifth month, at 7 o'clock in the
(-'(iiing, will l»e fold 2ud\ion, that
;md -Healthy Canntrv Sear, the late rrfidence «f
John G. V/.fDe Frah in, v!ecafed ; with about
40 acre# of land, fituaie on the olu York road,
about Tlx mile! from this city; oh the prf miles
i? a handfomt-aed well finished Drilling Huufe,
wish a kitchen and other improvement', well
adapted lor the acconirnodai-n of a genteel fa
mily ; with two ither Well bvi l l Stone Houses
liiitable for a Farmer anfd Girdener ; (one
®f them three ftorirt high) an excellent
"one barn with-a; ct'tlar thder it aedftaVcs li
j'-inirtg, fufneient for iz cr coach
heuie almost new, over wWc?«- is a grannery ;
two small apple orchards, a large gardrn hand
fonjely laid tiutar.dweli ftceriwit h fruits, ve
gefablcs, £-. c. . At a convenient diftanit fiom
the dwelling is an excelleat spring of water,
with a llone hcufu over it, and a punip of good
water near the kitchen d»or. : Poflefiion may
be had immediately aftef the file. The condi
tion will h* made kno vn at the time cf sale.
JOWN CONNELLY, Auctioneer,
mi ' i
A Stray Colli
BROKE out'T the Stable of the Subfcriher
yelierday a b»y Filly, * yeiri old
past, about 14 wcUtnade and (hews
a good deal «f blood. Has a ftitiai! star in her
forehead, black Icga, mail and tail Whm-vrr
wil| dfliver her |o me (hall fee geiieroufly i«-
Corner of Market and Sixth Strrt:
m»v I
Fifty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY fretn Gcfi, Hidgely Of Balti
more, on the soth inft a colored
negro r»an, -aho calls hiinfeif -VILLI AM
Mc. DONALD j Ileisabui aajf awof age,
about 5 ftet 8 inchc* high, m his drel'e, and
has a good suit of hiir. iJ»d on, when he
wen[ away, a goud beaver l.a;, a i.ri light
f tth cloth coat, edged with , cllo*<, an 1 yel
low gilt buttons —alight luitt'calGrncr, doable
brealted waistcoat, a pair of dark olive coif ur
ed thickfett pantal. ons —a white linen shirt,
white ribhed cotton lloclrjiigs, and a. good pair
of lhoe9 with strings He toilt with him a
dark blue coat, a pair of olive caflimtr panta
loons, ami a liffht corduroy pair of breeches ;
alfii a gold or pinch Seek watch, wi'h a fleel
chain. He is ford of fpiritous liquors, is inso
lent, has a ttupid look, and chews tobacco.—
He was bred in Charles county, Maryland, and
purchased of col. John Thomai by gen. Ridge
ley. Whoever apprehends laid negro,'and (e
---cures him in any jail so that the owner may
gst him again, (hall receive the above reward,
with realonable charges if broughtiom*, or de
livered to Jo&ui B. Bond, Philadelphia.
may I
Rc.ilor of St. Pjul'j Church, and form«:Ty Vice-
Provost of th« Univerfiiy of PenniylTania,
A Nil ...
One of the AfSftant Mijiifl«riolChrill church ant 1
'• /\ N English School, in which will b c
jt\. taught Readii'.jj, Writing. Englifti
Grammar, Cjmpofuion', Elocution, sr.d Na
tural History.
h A Mwtteium'ical SVfwxil, in which
'Will be taught Writing, Ar thinrtic, Mer
cantile Accounts, Geography, a»J the life of
the Globes, Geometry, or the cieWents of
Euclid, Trigonometry, b<jth Pij,ie ajuJ Sphe
rical, Mensuration, Gagging, Sprveyiitg.
Navigation, in all its urns, Cosic
fcilions, Fortification, Ouiwery, JVlttaaa*
ray. Algebra and Fluxions, with their ap
plication to the different parts of Mathema
tics. 7/' is apartment •will be conducted by
formerly Piafesmr of Mathematics ir. the
Royil Milittrf ant Marine Academy,*Dvb
lirt—and latterly in tae Fricate Um
te» States. ,
3d. A Chffical S&hool,- in wb'ch will be
taught the Latin and Greek in-,
conjunflion with Chronology, Civil His
tory, Khetoiic, and lallituiss of Moral
Phihd. April 30.
An Original American fVork.
2* puilisbjfer the Autbttr. si. perwdual Worh x
" • &n?r'TLto
Essays, Mora), Economical, Political and
" May not I drive amid the motley throng.
All pale, an# pensive, as 1 muse a l ong,
To frame a work, which leads to cheap renown
In my lay habit,—not the sacred gown ?
—Once, in my morn of lift, a wizard said
Yea ne'er shall rife byb«asfict, or trade;
But find, remote from coufequence er fame,
A local something and a shadowy name;
Through crowds shall mark your solitary way,
Ardea,t thoujh thcifghtlal, and though serious,
Bow to no ptfulecs for golden views,
Your portion, memory, and bed gift, year
Thsfe e flays will l>« co»pr:fert in two volumes
rAyal octavo. Ihc work wzli be printed on wire
wovcr paper, and with a large, elegant aad dil
tincfc type.
The price will be Fear Dollar?; one half of
which mull be paid at the time of iubfcription.
Thcfe volumes will contain masy unpsbliflicd
numberi in addition to those, which, at various
periods have appeared in the Farmer 1 ! Mufeutrij
and tk e Gaicctcs »f the United states.
A lift cf tLe will be tecordcd in the
front of the firft. volume, as a proper tribute of
refpt&, on the part of the Publiftcr and Author to
those, *ho jvwrcrizethe efforts of young men, so
licitous to disseminate ccrrcil principles in Morals
tnd Literature*
The Work will he put to the Prcfs, as soon a*
the fubferiptions wiii juftify the expence of print
ir.g ol the book with peculiar elegance and care.
£ubfciiptiont will be received in this city, by
John W*rd Fcnno, the Publifticr ; and by Tliorkas
Dots&f, James Humphrey t add As bury Bhkins. ]n
JsJew-Yurk hy William Cohbett. In Uofton hy ygmcs
White. 'si Salem by John Dutney. In Providence
by Jc/jv Carter. In Hartford W Hudson lS J Cotd
ivin. In Baltimore < y George Hill. In Richmond
by Augustine Davis In (. h2ri*lion, S. C.. hy hVm.
jP. Young % In Tfsr.tflrc Cri-ft. In New
Brunfwickhy 'Tallman. In Newark by Js
cob Halsey ; and
In I onion - by Cadell Dalies in the .Strand,
and meflYs. £. C j\'ivingtcn ; and by Sell and
Bradf.t'e, Edinburgh
aprii 30.
For importing tbc fallowing periodical
The Britlfti Critic,
The Anti-Jacobin Review and
The Gentleman's Magazine,
The New Yearly Register.
Le Mercure Britannique, or The
The preceding pnblics'ion will'be received rs
gialarjy at Philadelphia by the way of New-York,
about two months after their publication in Lob
(!ou. ,
SuVfcrrptiont will bt received for all or either
of then* from any par; of th« Joutinent, at Die
kins'# Book Store, No. «5, North Secsad Street,
oppuGc- Cbrill Ch*rch, Philadelphia..
apri) 19
Baltimore and New York Mail
Stage Office
IS removed trom No 13 South Fourth fbreet, to
Wo. 18 Scuch Third ftrfiet.
Office for those is also kept at Mr
Hardy's Inn, No. 9$ M.irket street.
General Post Office, April 48
Of Philadelphia,
David Brown, Malter,
WILL ft'l in about ten days, Ibe i, hetwren
3 and 4 rears Old, newly repaired, fails fall,
and is expeftcd to return early in the FtU.—
For freight or paflage apply to the captain on
board it Latimer's whtrf, or to
April ij
Philadelphia Academy.
St. Jeter'»,
HAi'E OPSHt.9,
At No. 14, Spruce Street,
consisting or
Pursuits *f Literature.
British Mercury 1
iVy. ji, Soutb Setond St-ert.
From-tin b».it<l the brig Jath, Airmen* iw*,-;
mailer, from C»pe Irir.cni-,
AKD FP» 5.4 Lt BY THE o »IKV» IBF K,
Green Coffee, in liop-ftieaiV
v O ..
•• AKS ,
A quantity of Logwood.
">■ S3, .'ln:th Front Street".
April 39,
To f»i( with til cnnvenieut p tid.'
€? * or fre i?!iio r pa&age, »o
ply to JtV;a fitrecr.
April 19.
| £3" THE CrnSicara of the fubfcHber, of tttr»
j drtcrijrtico, ar« earorltijr to attpntl u
|> the Ccffee Hoiife loutb-Secnnd Ofret, on £ri4*jr
evening nut. the »i-of Mis, k fix o'clock, to
take ioto co.fidtr»ticm propo&ti* he will then raaka
tttra- : . . ■ •
Ayi it tif
Tb« of M«y at j o'clock in tbe,
wiii tirfslr! >iv Public AuiSirn. Jt the Mtr-
chic'; C' ffte Ho-jfe, the follo« in?
A'T: rec Sisy Brick Nou:e,
.f . 1
VJf T'l TH e*t<;;:f;ve hick htijldirifrj, CjßUt 13
VV Ki>.t i'j"Cft.' Thr fyitjit con
tains two large r us of eaciifliKj, adj» ;a
feet 8 inches iafrcjt,saliva f*et 6 i.-;chv»deep.
'1 he j i r-ii It 19 feet 6 inches in l;ngth, and I j
fret, ijiichm in width,.in wfcicli it tarried up a!)
ti'-gstit ::3:r t;ie 'I he bs-itc buildings are 45 depth arid 13 feet.and 8 inches in wii.t»,
and o main on the ftiitiloor, a parlour, kitt
en, pantry and fair cafe. The fseOnd and third
Jlor'ct ire cl.Yyicd iaU; CviSSSfiijtpt (.hitnhcis ;
the lot It Iji Met 6 "j'cep, fif# has the
privilege of a court into Lombard Street. Tfce
houfeis rj. t feutthecarpenters work
it nearlv fir.ifhcd
Ferfoftt wilh'ug to view the pretnife; previous
to the day of lale, will please to apply to No.
16S, South Front street, fer the keys.
A Let of Ground,
Nineteen feet it inches front, and - j feet in
depth, upon the court !e.ii,t» Lombard
street i the purchaser of ihe buufc Wiil bi ecu's?
tied to this lot.
Conditions is foil >v .1, ?r2
One 4th in 6* days—one 4'ft in 5 rr,e v>*fii—
one 4th in n do—t!ne 4th in 15 e<,, app.-ivei
security and interef) o:rthe three
JOHN CONNELLY, Juttior.tcr.
April aB.
THE Governor »f the State having thticy'' t St
to deprive the fubferiberfof his c»q»miffion,
of Regiller «f Wilis and grantjr» Letterj o,£ Ad
ministration far the citj- ir.i county of Philadel
phia, (which he had held far eighteen years M(t)
and to giv« the feme to hi* "ExceKci.cjr's fob" if.
B. M'Kcaß. lifq h» informs bi* irt
public, that he hat opened a» aißae at -.'o, 13,
North Water street, as Attorney at, ai-ftcre
the ftriiteft attention (hall be paid to the bu!:rtef»
of such of his friends and fellow citizen* , may
think proper to apply to him ; .he further jnferms
them, that a number of probates of wills .with co
pies annexed; also certified copies ol wills «'.: d of
fettled accounts, yrt remain in the office of th<t
lubfcriber, which the persons concerned are re,
qlefted to call lor.
Philapelphii, liiS^April,
rr* All pcrTons indebted to the estate
of PHILIP SUPER} late of the Northern
Liberties, deceai'cd, are dfGred to inake im
mediate payment; and thole having demands
on the lame, to bring in thsif accounts duly
uttefled, at No. Key's Alley.
Apiil 30
The iheriifetrs of this focicty are tr:i!y forrj to
End that they should, by any meant whatever,hurt
the feelings of the Tbefpian Society, by a(itin:ii>g, it
feetrtS, their title. But tbiswenmtt beg leave to
obferre to there, is a grand trtiftake, as it was a
thought of Mfs Rowfon'sown (who is now a mem
ber oi this fuqiety) for her beuefit at Mr. Rirtet'i
Circus, in May 1798 ] —and what they mean by
cautioning the public agaisft a gang Of hr.jnf.trt,
they are perhaps therafclves unable to answer; as
it can very easily be proVed, that Mr. Dufangand
Mi 1 Rowfon, a« well as the reft if the comr.auy,
have always condudled theilifelvei with the i'tridl
eft propriety, both in Mr. Ricket's compapy-and
orhefs whichr they have played in ; and why the
Thtfpisn Society Ihould wish to be 1o illiberal as
to injure and prevent in any degree, honest ihduf
try from gaining a livelihood; is only te be aefwer
ed by illiberal
May i
Old friestre, Soi.ih Street.
On Tnurfday erenmg, May I, will bt presented,
sligmedy, (in one ail) callcl
Or, The Devil upon T*bo Sticti.
Ry Mr. Darang.
Olown to the Wire, Mr. La KcaVre.
The much adrntred tealls-*, culled
Rofina, or Harvest Home.
Tola i'i ccfion. Wits Sing? Dance :, EfiV.
To which will be added, a gt'Jn.i Pantomime En
tertainment, with music, fcchery, •asthlicrv,
tricks, leaps and decorations, prepared
for the piece, called +
Or,' The TimpU of Hymen
Door 9 will be open at half pa 9 fx. and the
curtain to tife ptecifely at half pad fc'.vtP. o'clock.
Box, three quarters of a dollar—«Pi{ halt' a dollar
—Gallery one quarter of a dollar.
to lie Jia3 of mr. North, next door
to the theatre.
Places in the Boin may be ha:] of mr. Fowfon,
at the S<»* Lobby, Tronl to one o'clock, crery
day, ami frof. two to five #n the playxtjay
N. B. No i'ccar to be (mrAti in the hcsf.\ nor
no person nlmirtßil behind the Ueics ea air/ at
ruuuf. I
N O T I C i".
'Thespian Pun. r.ima.
Jno Durangj
Juo. B. Ro*y«n.
- ~4t -