Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 30, 1800, Image 2
»y >-' * inr r«.* iromga 3nteliicjence, LONDON, February 25. The Dublin mails of the 13th, 19th, and 20th, inllant. have arrived since oar last. By Ihe last of thele we learn fe ri#us affrays have taken place in different parts of the country, in consequence of the extraordiuary degree of irritatian which the discussion of the fuhjeft of the union has caused in the public mind. At Drogheda, * town about five and twenty miles norih of the metropolis, a British corps is dated to have been attacked and heaten by J regiment of Ir !h militia ; at Clonoiell, in the south, an affair of a similar nature is said t« have happened ; and the county of Down is also understood to be in a very perturbed state. We trust, howevei, that these accounts will prove to have materially exaggerated the facts, and H at the q'leftion will ultimately be decided by the lair convi&ion of cool discussion, and not by the outrageous force of hostile arms. Nothn.g particular had oc curred in the House of Commons since Twefday morning. The next debate on the articles of the union was fixed for Fri day. March 3. Wt are a (lured that the return of Mr. Gore to America is entirely on his private Concerns, and has no relation whatever to the lubjeA of the erobafTy. We rejoice to hear it. March 8 On Thursday advices were received at the admiralty office, from fir Alan Gardner, off Breil. I hefe Rate that the combmid French and pauifli fleeu, to the amount of 43 fall of the line, betides frigates; were appa e; v tiy ready for, and indicated a diQiofition to pu:. to sea. Sir Alan had only fail of the line with hira at the tim but reinforce ments froinTorbay ncuft soon have reached him ; and Lord Bridport himfelf who was expected to (ail on Thursday, has probably by this time joined the squadron of obfer vajion. PARIS, 2 Vcntofe, Feb. 21 By letters from Alencon, written by ge neral Gardanne, mention thst the Chouant jn the departments of La Marche and L' Orne are laying down their arms and firrca at discretion, as also all the preteijdtd chiefs of legion, amnng whom are Ruay?, Rhoan ChabA, Lebrun, &c. See. When the Miniftcr of Justice introduced to Buonaparte the judges of the different courts, Stc. Target, the President of the Tiibunal of CalTatiou, a'.dreffed the Chief' Consul as follows :— *• Justice is th« natural ally o! Power : by it Power is rendered fa tred —by Power, Justice is invincible ;by their utiioo the public prosperity is secured. Your glory an J the constitution are the pled ges. of both thtfe benefits." Buouaparte ' replied—" Jtiftice has too long been usurp- ' ed by (aftions ; it belongs to ill ; it ou~ht to be distributed to all according to inva- I •liable principles." j The fix white horfea which drew Bunna psrte's carriage on the day of the instal lation of the consuls were those prcfented to him by the Emperor of Germany on the conclusion cf the peace of Campo Formio. The sword he wore on that occasion was ]ik.ew;fe a ptelent from the Emperor on the fame occaiion. February 25 A French officer of artillery wrote to Buonaparte from Hamburgh in nearly the following terms:— " We hare been heretofore comrades and friends j the difference in our principles in duced us to an oppoiite conduft in the re volution : yours has led to great p«wer j mint- li3Bcaufed me to be plundered of my effects, of my estate, and to be proscribed from my country. I do not repeiit of what I have done, and (hall persist in my princi pies to the end of my life. But I have left in France a father and mother whom I tender ly love. For their confclation aad my own, I set a great value on embaacing them be fore death (hall feperate us forever, I there fore fequeft of yoa a paflport, as limited as you (hall think proper, in order to make them my la(i adieu. If you fhonld pleafa to grant it me, I declare that during my fo journment I (ball do nothing to di&urb the txifting order of things-" 111 aniwer, the author of this -letter re ceived an unlimited paflport, aad money to defray the expences «f his journey. February 28. General Lefebvre It Gtnerd Buonaparte, jCift Consul »f the Republic. Head quarters, at Paris, Feb 25 .Citizen Consul, I halten to communicate to you some in teresting dif atches, which I have received from General Gardanne, commander of the 14th military division. It appears from these dispatches that he has discovered, in the,neighbourhood of the commune ofCha nu, feveial hiding placet, whither the chiefs of the Cliouans were in the habit of retiring during peace, and when they were pursued by justice. They had deposited there part of the arms and equipments furnifhed by the Englilh. This discovery was made in co»- ftquence of the confeflion of two Chouans who were at his mercy, and whom he threat- ] encd to (hoot. They pointed out to him a locksmith, nathed, Aubine, of the commune j of Chaou, whom they kn. w to be perfedtly acquainted with secret places. In the firft they found arms, effe&s, and papers in great quantity. In the second, urhich was the Asylum of Frotte, they furpriied his secre tary, and a person named Legrenaile. The former was tilled as he flood upon his de- j fe»ce; tii'e fecund promised to mike some ' ufeful iA in cafe hit life was spared. It was in confluence of his information, t hat five other places of concealment have been difcovercd, cuntainiog Fiileul, sailed Dufour 5 Major General Champy, aide major, and Augifta, aid du camp of Cau marqtie. The lattar remained on the field of battle. They found, besides, in a fub teirancoiis magazine, about 200 suits sf Englilh uniform, a gr«at many flippers, boots, about Jomulkets, a quantity of bay onets, fabrcs, cartridges and various ctheY articles. Legrenade laid, that the father of Frotte, was cxpefted from England iti fix days. The fecrrtarv Who was killed was to hike gone to meet liimt, This expediti- S on was conduced by citizen Lafitte, capt. J adjoint to adjutant general Bribs, who has displayed on this occasion zeal and i ju :gment. By another difpa'ch, the fame general informt me, that a person of the name of Lavidtoire, who commanded a company of twenty five men, in the vicinity of the fame commune of Chanu, has been taken in aims, aid (hot on the spot ; that after the death of the Ir chief, his men submitted to the laws of the republic; and thac this ex pedition hap, completely purified the fwr rounding coi»m«afi, which were the resort of the Chouars This last success i» to be attributed to citizen Bertrand. captain of the moveable column of Corncille. the con duit of which Gardaane hai highly praifsd. Health and refpeft. (Signed) LEFEBVRE. DRESDEN, February 11 Tile Ruffian treops are in full march on their r turn home. A new Courier bat brought an order for them to bait only ev ery sixth day, instead of every third. STRASBURGH, Feb. 12 All the German Gazettes, which lately propagated drubts refpetfing the retreat of the Ruffian army, fpiakr.owof their re trogade unareh at rofs Moraria and Gallicia. Paul had at firft ordered that his troops ihonld march at the rate of thirty miles a day, but the bad state of the roads prevent ed ils execution, and in a conference held at Cracow the ift of Feb. it was agreed that they should not make laager marches then when en their way to Italy. They are divided into eight columns of which four fill P as » by weihrn Gallicia, and croft Cra covia ; the other fo'ur will pass by Lem berg. The firft c«luma that was to pass by Cracrma was expefted there Feb. 7. Th« reports of Peace ftiii maw tain in Germany ; but while they hope ie re-ef tabliTh ptace between France aud Auft'ria, the German papers are making a war on another point. They pretend that Paul has recalled his troops with fa muc& preci pitation only for the purpoft of colledting them on the frontiers of Pniffi .n Silesia, and thm fortius;, by menares, the Prussian gov ernment to declare itfelf agaii.ft France. Such a menace will not intimidate " ''l» LANDING, From on board the brig J&A, Abraham Dolby, maftcr, from Cape i rancois, AMD TCK SALE BY THE SOB3«KIBER, Green Coffee, in hogsheads, AN» A quantity of Logwood. JOSEPH SHOEMAKER, Junr, No, 83, South Front Street. diw April 19. THOMAS KETLAND'g COUNTING-ffQUSE AND STO RE, Are removed, to Fourth Street, No. iy, four doors south of Walnut Stint, wlitrc he has for fair, lately imported, 7 Trunks of Muiinets, Dimitiei, aid Ging ham-, assorted suitable for the Well India market. Coatings and Swanfdows Brandy in Pipes, f.urth proof. Filberts in Bags. Corks in Bale*. An afTortmenc of German Tickltfcburgi, Ofnaburgs, &c. in Cases. 36 Hogsheads Richmond Tobacco. Claret ia Cases, of firft qualify. Bath Store Grates, far Chambers. Cannon of sizes. 4, 6, and Carronades, xßlbs. mounted. Ship Muskets, Blundcrboffej, Fowling Pie- ces. Pistols, Gun Lrtcks, &c. in Cases. Swords, Hangers, Cutlasses, fcc. in Cases, A Cafe of fa(bionable Feather Hats. An aflortment of Ruflian Cordage. Raffia Duck. 14® Tons clean Hemp. Two large Anchors. Six Crates Pomatum Pots. THOMAS KETLAND. April 29 Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office IS removed from No 13 South Fourth ftrret, to Ne. 18 South Third Greet. An Office fcr those stages is also kept at Mr Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market flreet. General Pod Office, April 28. FOR GREENOCK, THB *hip mjm A HANNAH, Of Vbiladelphia, David Bkowsj, Matter, WILL, fatl in about ten days, (he i? between 3 and 4 years old, newly repaired, fail, fafl, and is rxpefled to return tsrly in the Fall.— For freight of paflige apply to the captain on board at Latimer's vihiif, or to WILLIAM YOUNG, -V<3. j2, South Second Street. jJtf, aprii ij. Philadelphia Academy. SAMUEL MAG AW, D. D. fte<3er of Sc. Paul'i Otiurck, and fttrmarly Vice-' frovoft of ch< Ouiverfity of Penniylvaoii, AMb James abercrombie, a. m. One of ibe Assistant Minifttrs of Christ church ant* St. Peter'*, HAVE OPENED, At No. 24, Spruce Street, AN ACADEMY, i. A N Englifti ScbooJ, in wJhich will be JTX taught Reading, Writing, English Grammar, Elocution,and Na tural Hiiiory. id. A Mathematical ScJiopl, in which will be taught Writing, Ar.thmetic, Mer canti£ Accounts, Geography, and the use of the Globes, Geometry, or the elements of Euclid, Trigonometry, both Plane and Sphe rical, Mensuration, Gauging, Surveying, Navigation, in all its parts, Dialling, Conic feftioni, Fortification, Gunnery, Aftrono rny, Algebra and Fluxions, with their ap plication to the different parts of Mathema tics. This department will be conducted by Ma. PETER DELAMAR, formerly Professor of Mathematics in the Royal Military and Marine Academy, Dub lin—and latterly m thk Frigate Uni ts* ,Statiss. 3d. A Clascal School, in which will be taught the Latin Greek Languages, in conjunction with Chronology, Civil His» lory, Rhetoric, and Institutes of Moral Science. Philad; April 30. NEW THEATRE. MeJJ'rs. Morris and Wood's Oa Wtdntfdajr Evening, April 30, 1800, Will b« pj"tfftQt~d, A much avlroircd ComeJy, calei THE STRANGER, raf'jlvtcd fnm the Gi rman of JCitztbm] The Stranger, Mr. Cooper. Mrs. Haller, Mr*. Merry. After th* Comedy, (by desire) an Interlude of long, dance, and fpectetle, taken from IrlK NAVAL PILLAR, THE APOTHEOSIS or Tk3 IATI General in Chief of the Armies of tie United States, To which v. ill be added, (for the second time here) from the German of K^tsemi*, THE WILD GOOSE CHASE. Box. one Dollar, Pit, three quarters #f a dollar, av.d. Gallery half a dollar. DICKINS' PROPOSALS For importing tbe jolloviing periodical Publications, The Britilh Critic, The Anti-Jacobih Review and Magazine, The Gentleman's Magazine, The New Yearly Register. Le Mercure Britanniqae, or The British Mercury. The preceding pubiica'iens will be received re gularly at Philadelphia by the way of New-York, al>«iu two mouths alter ihe/r f üblicarfo.i ia Low don. Sni fcriptiocj will b« r«c«ived for all or either of tl.eai from any parr of the Continent, at i>i«- klns's Bonk Srere.No. 55, North Second Streit, oppofit. Centi Chur.h, a t' r >' 39 ,j ; ; The of Mav »: 7 o'clock in the evening, will be fold by Public Auflii.ii, at the Met cham's Coffee Honfe,, the so IoA-ing VALUAELE PROPERTY : A Tiree Story Brick House, WITH extenfiv* back bnildinps, fitoatc in Front below Pice street. The houl'e con tains two large rooms on each and is 33 feet g inches in front, and si IVet 6 inches deep. he piazza is 19 I cet 6 inches in length, and 1 < feet 6 inches in width, in which is carried up an elegant Itair cafe. The back buildings are 45 feet in depth and a.3 feet and g inches in width, and ccntain on the firft fl ior, a parlour, kitch en, pantry and flair cife. The fucoad and third flories are divided into convenient chambers; the lot i» i3i feet 6 inches deep, and has the privilege of ac. urt into Lombard Street. The houfeis nrt plaiftered, kutthecarpenter'swurk if nearly finifhtrd - Perlons wishing to view the premises previous to ihe day of sale, will please to apply to No. i6t, South Front ft rest, for the keys. A Lot of Ground, Nineteen feet 11 inches front, and 37 feet in depth, upon the court leading into Lombard street } the purchaser cf rhe house will bt enti tled to this lot. eodzw. Conditions as follows, viz One 4th io 60 days—one 4 b in C norths one 4th in 1 a do—one 4th in 15 do, approved fee uric y and intercft on the three last oayment3. JOHN CONNELLY, Auctioneer. April 28. Cj" NOTICE, agreeably to charier, is hereby given to the members of " the Cor poration for the relief of poor and diltrefled Prcfbyterian Ministers, and of the poor and diflreffed widow# and children of P:e£byte rian minifteri," that a meeting of said cor poration will be holden >■ the Second Prcf byterian Church in ihe City of Philadelphia, on the 'tiitb <ay of May next, at 4 o'clock, P. M. f«r the dispatch of all business that (hall then be brought before the board. Setretctry of lit Corporation. April 18.' CONSISTING OP iawtf. Benefit. ON F RID AT, ASHBEL green, JawtiSM. WAR DEPARTMENT, Notice is hereby given, ""PHAT separate propo'als will be received A at the office of the Secretary of the De partment of War, until the expiration of the 25th of July nexteufuing, for the fuppiy of atl rations, which may be required for the use of the United States, from flic ift day of October, 1800, to the 30th day of September, 1801, both days inclusive, at the places and with:n the two diftri&4 hereinafter firft mentioned; and alio that fepjrate prdpofils will be received at the said office until the expiration of the 75 th day of July next ensuing, for the fuppiy of all rations which may be required is afore:aid, from the ift day of January in the year 1801, ttf the 31ft day of Deceinber in the lam ■■ year, both days inclusive, at the place and within the fev cral Hates hereinafter mentioned, viz. First* Proposals to fuppiy a4l rations, that may be required, at Ofurego ; at N agara j,at jPi(t(but 4 g ; at Prefqu'ile; at Mithilimackinac; ' at Foct Franklia ; at Kaeuf; at Cincinnati ;at , Picque Town, and Loramies ftorea; at Fort Wayne 1. at Fort Defiance; at any place below Fort Defiance, on the Miami river to Lake Erie ; at Fort Kr.ox, and Ouatorion on the ri ver Wabafli; at Mafl'ac ; at anyplace or places : on the Hver Mifliflippi, abov® the mouth of the river Ohio, and upon the illonois river. Second. Propc-fals to fuppiy all rations that I may oe required, at any place or p'aues, on the J eatt fideofthe Mifiiffippi river,below the mouth of the river Ohio to the southern boundary of the state of Kentucky and within thefaid state ; at Knoxville ; at all potts aijd places within the state of TennciTce j at South Weft Point: at Ttllicoßlock Ho use j at or other fort or post on the rivers Mobille or Tombigby, and any place or places withirythe Cherokee bounda ries ; below the fouHicrn boundary of she state of Tenneflee and within the boundary of the Un it ed.^ftes. Tbiru Proposals to fuppiy a-11 rations that may be required, at Point Petre ; at Coleraine, at Savannah, and at any other place or places where troop* zrc or may be flattened, marched or recruited within the slate of Georgia, 4 at all f<.ru or fxations on the Oconnee and Alatama ha, and at al) other places in the Creek nation, within the limits of the United States, where troops are or may be ftarioned. Fourth Proposals to supply all rations that may fee required at Fort Johnftod, at Fori Pinck toey, at Charleston, or at any other place of placet where troops are or may be Rationed, marched or recruited in the state of South-Ca- rolina. Fifths Proposals to supply all rationi that may be required at the Fort at Wilmington, Cape Fear; at Beacon island, Ocracock ; at Charlotte ; at Fayetteville 5 at Saljfbury, or at at»y other place or places where troops are or may be ttationed, marched or recruited in the state of North-Carolina. Sixth* Proposals to fappljr all rations that may be required at Norfolk, at Portsmouth, at Kcmpfville, at Charlotteville, at Winchester, at Staunton, at Richmond, at Alexandria, at Letfburg, at Frederickfburg, at Carterfville, at Harper's feriy, or at any other place or places where troops are or may be ftatifcned, mar«hed or recruited, in the state offirginia Seventh* Prcpofab to supply all rations tha l maybe required at Fort M'Henry, at Balti more, at Annapolis, at Frederick town, at Leonard town, at Hagerstown, at Bladeufburg, at George town, at Ea ft own, at the Head of Elk, and at any other place or places, where troops are or may be ftationecl, marehrd or re cruited within the limits »f the state of Mary land. F.igbtb. Prcpofals to supply all rations that may be required at Fort Mifflin, at Philadel phia at Darby, at Laocafter, at Wilkefbarre, at Reading, at Bristol, at York town, at Carhfle, at Lewiftown (M ffl;n county) at Bedford, at (*, eetilbnrg, at W«(hing:ot>, at Eaftowii, at Wilmington, at Christiana, at Devir, or at any other place or places where troeps are or may be Rationed, marched or recruited within the limits of the Rates o; Pennsylvania and De laware, except the pofls within the llate of Penn sylvania, enumerated in the firit proptifals a lorelaid. Ninth. Proj>r-fa!s to supply all rations thmt may be required at Hai kenfas, at Elizabrth towr<, at New-Biuufwitk, at Burlington, at H oodbnry,, at Trenton, and at auy other place cr places where troops are or may be Rationed, marched »r recruited witkin the limits of the Rate of Jersey. Ttaih. Prop.ifals to supply all rations that jaiy be required at New York, at We A Point, at Flufliirig, at Haerlrm, at Weft Chester, at PoughkepGe, at Kondcrhoak, at Stillwater, at Newberj;, at Albany, at Conajoharie, at Cher ry Valley, and at any other place or places where troops are or may be ftatloned, inarched or recruited within the limits of the state of New Yoik, except the pofls within the said date enumerated in the firft propofali aforefatd. Eleventh. Proposals to supply all rations that may be required at Hartforsl, at Hebron, at New I.rodon, M Brooklyn, Wyudham, at Litchfield, at Guilford, at New-Havcu, at Fairfield, at Daubury, at Middletown, and at any other place or places where troops are or may be ftati»ned, marched or recruited v. u'uir. the limits of the slate of Connecticut. Twelfth. Propi.fals to supply all rit'onsthat may he required at Fort Wolcott, at Brmton's P< int, at Newport, at Provident e, at any dace or places where troops are or mty be !la eioned, marched or recruited'within the limits of the slate of Rhode-Ifiand Thirteenth. Proposals to supply all ratiers that may be required at Portland in the Dif trifl of Maine, Gloucefler, Cape Aun, Salem, Marblrhtad, Bolton, atUxbridge, and at any other place or place* where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the li mits of the slate of Mafiacbufct «. Feurictntb. Proposal? to supply all rations that may be required at Pcrtfmcuth, at 'Exeter, at Windsor, at Bennington, at Rutland, cr ac any fort, plate or places, where troops are or n.ay be ftat.ion®d, marched or recruited wichin the State* of New Hampshire and Vermont The rations to be fupplicd. is to confiit of the following articles, viz. eighteen ounces of bread or flour, or when ncithei can be obtained, of one quart of rice, or one and a half pound of fifted or boulted Indian meal, onr pound and a quarter of frefc or one pound of faited beef, or thr«e quarters of a pou.*id ol salted pork, and when frelh meat i» issued, fait, at tl>c rate of two quarts for every hundred rations; soap at the rate of four pounds, and candles at the rare of a pound and a half fflir every hundred rations I: is expeSed thfe proposal* will also extend to tke /up ply of rum. Wfcifky, or other ardent fpi ritsit the r*r* os-hals a gill per ration, and vine £ar at the rate of two qnarts for every hundrcc ' rations. The prop dale will fpccify the price ot, ths fevcral component parts of the ratio*, ai w»Il as chofc of fufcftitutes or alternative for pares thereof. March ta, ißco The rations are to be furnifeci in such quanti ties a» that there (hall at all tinges, during the term of the proposed contra*!* be fulficiegt for the con. furaptien of the troeps at Michilimackiaac, De. trort, Niagara and Ofwcgo, for fix meaths in ad vance, and at each of the other pods on the wes tern waters, f>r at least three month* is advance of good andwhelefome provisions, if the fame (hail be required. It is also to bo permitted to all and every of the commandants of fortified places, or or posts, to call for at feafous when the fame can be tfanfported, or at any time in the cafe of urgen cy, such supplies cf like provisions in advanc*, as in thedifcrerion of the commandaat shall be deem ed proper. It is to be under ood that the con tractor is to be at the expcuce and rifle of ifluing.the fupplics to the troops,and at all l< ffe», sustained, by the depredations of an enen-.y, or by the means of the troops of the United States, fiiall be paid for at the pri<»e cf thf arciele captured or deflroyed, on the depositions of two or rtiorc persons of creditable characters and the certificate of a commiflioned officer, ascertaining the circumliarccs of the loft, and the amount of the article*, i'*r which compen fat ion (ball be claimed. The privilege it to be. understood to be reserved to the United States of requiring, thac non« of the fupplias which may be furnifticd under *ny of the proposed contra&s (hall be illueJ, until the fuo piies which have or may be furrifhed under con trails now in force have been consumed. and that a fnpply in advance may be always required at any of the fixed posts on the Sea-bard or Indian fron tiers, uot exceeding three months. March 24. NIW ADVERTISEMENT. Tf Mercianls, Store-keepers and Trades- GINTItMIN, i IFEEL peculiar jsleafure in fliting, tTiac yog 4 hive l'o generously and generally come for- 1 ward aii-J fubferibed for my work, that fnot withflanding ill proviibel heretofore made by me) the coins and monies oI account of (heprin cipal maritime trading places in Ritffij, Skufden, D.-nmark, Norway, Pnlffia, Poland, Germany, Holland, Flanders, Spain, Portugal, Italy infev oral of the windward mi Upward Weft India IJlands, a»d msny ports i» the Rajl Indies—the whole to be reduced to dollars ar,d certs; and the bed mode of computing ihe exchange with those placei explained i aifo, a large sheet table of calculations at compound intcrett at 6 per cent, the tables ul'c< in banks fer the determin aticia of the value of gold : the inttreft of each month from to twelve months, on every dollar { without exception) from one to tw» thousand ; and a table of all the pofl towns in the United Statu ; besides much other general ufeful information, ftail poGtitely be added to the work, entitled Tables of Discount or Intcrefl, On every dollar ( isithmtt enception) From one to.two thousand; thence an every ten, fifty, and five hundred, to five thousand, front one day t* fiity-four (lays incfufive, at fii per cent, with t«tcs for J, 7 aud i per cent, &c. Sec. &c. The work is dedicated, by pcrmiflion, to the Prtfident and Dire&ors of the Hauk of North America, and received in the firit twelve day« the patronage of John .Ibams, Piefident of the United States; of Thomas JtFFtitsoN, Vice President of the Unitid States and Prefi. dent of the Senate ; of tw< -thirds of the Sena tors and Members of the Koufe of Representa tives of the United States; and of the Presidents and Dire£or« of the different Banks unani mously, &c.—a lift ot the whole is printed and attaoied to the prcpofals. It is evident that tlx work will be 110 trumpe ry catchpcnny-thing ; f«r I do aflure ihe pub lic, that the price of it is reduced very near one half according to the nfoal raie at which books fell ; and it is my full determination to render it, in point of sußjtcr jWiTTkn, a valuable acquisition. WitL refpefl to the accuracy of *the Tafcles, too much cani'ot be f«id, and f pledge myfelf that a PR£MIDjUof n»t lefsihan one hun* dr tD uoll/Irs shall be offered to the firft per son who shall inform me of a single errtr tf one cent, according to the principle atfed upon. To do away ail donbtf w;itk refpecS to tlie ex pence# of the ssieriaking, I in must stlemnly declare that they wni amount to vcrv near Fouit thou s\n 1 B4L L*R s, and perhaps more, in dene»t of any'Yemuscratiou for my own trouble in the arduous business, and the great ejtpenee afready incurred ;'or specimens, id vertifements, hand-hilla, *c. ice. I do therefore truflwith confidence, that genj tlernen wiil continue to come forward with that public spirit and ffenerofity which charac terize the nation, and fuppart the work hv fuh fcribieg to it wthout helitation : othfrwil'e it cannot be published, in A I must fit down t* re • fledt upon a Ca«siDE*aßiE l#s«. m And aim, with profound rc*lpccsl, Gentlemen, \«#r obedient humble servant, Poftfcrift.—Gentlemen are refpeafullyirvi ted to fee Specimens of the Table., &c. exhibit ed at tl.» Ci:y-taver.i, Hardy's Hotel, Francis's Hotel, lbe Queer, I)ud*eody'« tavern, the Frai.klm Head asi) at the George ; and please be leferrcdto tha othei advern&ments which appear every day in feme ose of the newfpaperi. Subfcribcrs arc to ply nothing until Ibt book i.< iHhcred rigoruufly coiiturm-blo to ail flipu lations. Copy right secured according te act of Con. grtss. ' march 27 ROEBUCK. feci. C 5" For freight or pafTage, ap. -~&rx^mtm*** l ) ply to Pc&ft Street. dtf April 29, THE Craditars of tbe subscriber, of every dcfcription, ar6 carneftly to attend at the Coffee House south Second street, on Friday evening next, the 2A of May, at fix o'clock, to take into coifideration proposals he will then mak« them- BENJAMIN GRAYSON ORR. April 19 JAMES M* HENRY, Secretary of War, ■ lawtavjuly men in general, 'Wc. ROlf'LETT's JOHN ROWLETT, Acomftzut, Bank Ntrtb Jmcrii*. FOR HAMBURG, NOTICE. iWtf.