Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 30, 1800, Image 1
UlitifCtJ J&tStfS, * m Philadelphia Daily Advertise?-. i tfuSISPR 2369.] gCT* The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unhss%some person in tbis city will become answerable sot the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance, ***" No Subscription will be receivedfor a shorter term than six months. December t j 799. PRATT Ssf KINTZING, No. 95, North Wafcer-Artet, WAVE ON H4«»D THE FOLLOWING GOODS, ENTITLED to drawback, which they oflir for f:J/ at moderate prictjN fo~ cafli, or she ufuai en 4it; ir on a crcii t <rf 12 or 18 month# upon M tyages tm Real P in or near the City of Philadelphia, or other faiisfaclory security 50 box?* nndhaJes l'itk- 13 J»ft4 oIJ Port Wine. i. zs bojw« TotmtJWrt af -60 .]») do. Hemp- lotted. en linen*. aoo fcoxea Hamburgh jo do. do Oini. Glalb & by bn-<. ' 10, See. 50 u»>. Paft'rfconifS! 1 ch» il aliorud Looking 25 J •. T3isl field Lining. GLflV.s. U do Cua* ana CiUf *ever->! U'.rje elegant do. a la VTorlaix. 1500 Dcxnijota# Brow Roil* SAfcdgft Karl y. Do.Hessians. A Jew t' us &oil I>rlin ?oU(b lulls. ftioaft liamois. E'nipty So hhi'.e. Hogi Bristle«. 'iil Cloths i hhds. Dutch Cilue ihces a 20 cafic« Nails liom 3d; to zod. 16 caflcs Ironmongery. S caflc6 Hoes. German Steel. 6 hhdri. C«>flec mills* Blocking Twine, Tapes, Stone Fickling Poti, &c &c. Seal ami u;>per leather. *QuilUan<\ W'stc: A r -.ckagrt Gold artd Sti ver Watches. A few chcfliToys. State* iind Pencils. 7® hiids. Havanna Mo la flea February 15 IMPORTED In the Harmony, Captain Kollock, from Calcutta, AND FOR SAT E By JOHN MILLER, Jun. (No. 80,. Dock Street J Ptpprr, } tint t, Jfld >of the firft quilitj'. MyfoH Tel, j ALSO, 350 Bales well ch'ofen low priced Piece Goods. gs* Apply to John Miller, Jun. or Alexan der J. Miller. April 9. NICXLIN and OKiWITH HAVE PVR SAL£ chefts of Ginghams, on hoard 4 ditu> of colored | the ship 4 bales of Si. Fernando 'Serges, in 4 ditto of Camblets, ( the river le ditto of colored and white ( from Caflimeres, J Liverpool 14 trunks of pfintH Callicors, Tie above are in small djfptiedpackages calculated either for the tf r rjl India or home trade, 30 tons Lead, in pipr, 8 tons of dry White Lead in hhds. 17 casks of line dry Yellow Paint, 6 ditto gjf Mineral BUok, I ditto of ditto White, 10 ditto of Colcothar, 3 ditto of Purple Brown, 10 cases Engliftj China Ware in setts, 36 calks of N ails afiortetj, 300 barrels pickled Salmon, 80 half ditto ditto, 80 barrels Herrings, 2© ditrc Shad, ' 1© cfitto Mackarel, 7 of Purl er in boltlrt, Sfe puncheons Rum, 1-90 pipes of Brandy, 4th proof, c 15 p pes old Madeira Wine, 27 quarter chests Young Hyion Te*, 13 boxes of Imperial ditto, English Gunpowder, HF Forged Copper Nails and Bolts, Sail Canvaft, Empty WiMe Bottles, Cork in (heets, Green Coffee in hhds. February 13 GLASS MANUFACTORY, THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Wprhs, HAVING procured a fufficient number of toe most approved European Glass Manu fudlurers, and having on hand a large flock of the belt Materials, on which their workmen are row employed, have the pleasure of a flu ring the public, that window glass of a fnpei ior qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 24 inches, carefully packed iu boxes containing 100 feet ea b, may be had at the ihorteft notice Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may a'fo be had, such as for pidlu'res, coach glafies, clock sace 6, &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket flafkt, pickling jars, apothecary's f*op furniture, or other hollow ware—the whole at least 25 per cent, lower than articles of the fame quality brought from any of th« sea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will be made on sale of larg.*-quantities. Orders from merchants and others will be punflually attended to on ap plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store of Meflb PRATHER and SMILIE, in Maiket-3trect, .Pittsburgh. March 4> bankrupt office. A FIFTH DIVI»ENB of the Estate of MATS j THAS SLOUGH, bankrupt, will be paid to the Creditors wh» have proved their dclits un der the Commiflion, at asr time when, called for, it No. 109, Arch street. JOHN JENNINGS, Clerk. iptil 10. i»w J W To Merchants. MERCHANTS Accoont» elegantly opened, Hooks neatly and corre&ly posted, wfth various other kinds of writing, by a person thoroughly acquainted with aefcaunts. Gentlemen extensively concerned, may find it to ieftcrcfl to put business jn thi line into his hands, as the fulled confidence may be reposed in him and ample'fatisfa<SHon given. Address a line to B. A. And leive it.with the printer hereof. Philadelphia, March 19. THE ANNUAL ELECTION, Fsr Dir. dors and a Treasurer^ Of the Library Company of Philadelphia WILL be heicJattheLiferary, in Fifth street, on Monfay,- the sth of May next, at three o'cloek in the afternoon, when the Trea lurer will attend to receive the annual payments. As there are fevei al" (hares oa which finfes are due, the owners of them, or their Keprefecta tives, are hereby notified, tharthey will be lor, feited. ?gret-?.b y to the the laws of the compa ny, anlsft'the arrears are paid off on the laid 5 th day of May, or within ten days after. By drdcr of the Eirccii /v, BEN. R. MORGAN, Secretary. April ra. w&fa.tE. Centributoi» to the PefinCv.lraoia H< f- X pitai are dcfired to take not it *, that the Ele<sHon will beheld at the laid Ho!p ; tal on the sth day of Ihe sth month, 1800, (being tlee l'e cond day of the we<-k )yc® be ojvencd at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, for the choice of twelve Ma nagers aod a Treafyrcr for the ecfuing yetr. By c rder of a Board of Managers, SAMUEL COATES, Sec'ry. 23W —djt. 4 mo. Bth tßoo A Summer Retreat. A convergent and Genterl Houfif, firua'ad in Trenton, to be let or f «ld PofTdfion will he given thd rft of June next. Enquire of the Printer. fuu&f March »5 The Tear 1800 is arrived I UNION TAVERN, In George-Town, upon the Potomak, it FOR SALE, Upon the preroifes, 011 the fir ft Monday in May THIS Tavern was huiit by the subscription of a number of gentlemen as a neotflfary and ufeful improvement to the town—lt coii itfooo dollars in the year 1799 when materials and workmanship were much cheaper than at this time. The terms of subscription were that it fhootdbe fold to the highest bidder on the day above mentioned jtawtf It is a handsome, substantial brick bullduig, of three stories, fronting sixty fetjt «n the- moi. public street in the town, and runniri£ back sixty three feet upon a wide and ccnvcnien street—The toufe is admirably calcuhted sot a tavern. It couUiris upon the si. li flcor four rocjinis, one of them 3c by to another 23 by 20, tjffiries a large bar and drefl"- iiig room, upon toe Second floor is an elegant affcrinbly room, 60 by 30 sett, and three conve nient lodging rooms. Upon the third floor are ten-excellent lodging room*; —thegarrat admit* of adivifion of ten more. There is alio a good kitcheh and commodious cellar*. fuftcicng for such a hoafe. PaiTagf* and r.rofs pafuj.'ps lnle> fe'Si the house ia such a manner as to make each room private. here are ftlblrii.fufllcfesit for the aceomm . dation of filty'harfes, with eonveifieiii Ihtlsf*. r carriaj»«s—attached to the building are three lots of 6© reet by 120 each, which front < n three streets, and in the back yard and not 20 yard* fr'Mn the kitfcben is a copious and never fail tug fpriftg of most excellent running wjtv-. The nature of imprcvtrfrvTit'S and their con venienre to the ' fry of W ifftington mull render this property a 'tirtfl desirable acqbifiticn to any person who nlay with to carry on a tavern upon an eXtensive scale. Tfie immediate removal of the government of the United States must re* eeive to it full and complete ctfftom. The tcrMs of sale are, one third in eafJi*- twe third in 120 days and the other third ia 140 daySi to b« fecurisd hv approved notes ne gotiable at tie Bank ©T Columbia or at either of th« Banks in Halttmore, to be giv en on the day of sale and a perfe<ft title made clear, of alt incumbrances, on the last payment being roaHe. irtwifj THOMAS BE ALL, of Geo. >, r „ DANIEL REINTZEL \ *«»««•. February a*. [March 8j iawtiMa y TO BE LET, And.possession given on the 19if> 9/ May, That larL'e and commodious At the corner of Vine Third streets, No -87, (now occupied by Mrs. Capron. Apply at No- 348, liieet march 31 WHEREAS, AN attachment was lately iflued out of the in ferior c-ourt of common pleas of the county of Essex, in the (late of New Jersey, directed to the Iheriff of the laid county, again ft the right?, credits, monies and ciFv&s, -roods and chattels, lands and tenements oi jthn Clevcs Sygma at the Juitof William Wells, in a plea of trefpals on the cafe to his dariiagc thrte thouiand dollars ; And xi icraas, the said On;tiff did, at the term ol june last part, return to the said court that he Lad ~Mach£d the defendant by a certain bond given by JVlatthi&s Dermaa and Samuel Meeker to the said defendant, to the amount of near two thouiafad dollars,and alfoby sixty land warrants ; tuthtf. * Now there/trey unieft. the said fohn Cleves Symmes (hallappear,give special bail, and receivt a declaration at the suit of the plaintiff, judgment wili be entered against him, and his property herein attached, will l>c fold ajj/eeabiy to the flaiute in fach cafe mede aad prov'ded. Aaron Ogclen, Clerk y &c. Eli*abetU-town,July 8, 1799 (»i) raw:am PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 30, 1800 jtawtf ELECTION. eakip. next HOUSE, lavßtf AUTHENTIC LIFE OF SUWOROW. , JUS 7 PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALE, AT THIS OFFICE, A SKETCH OF THE 2Ufe an* Character PRINCE ALEXANDER ZUH'OROW XTM- X'IKSKr, Field-Ma. flial General in the it tvice ot His Impcri* al Majcfty, the Bmperor oi aU the Ruflias, WITH The History of his Campaigas Translated from the German of F) ederlck Antbtng. To v.'hich is added, A concise and comprehensive History of His Italian Campaign. By William Cobbett. ttitb an elegant Print-Portrdit of thai te- nowned Warrior, [i'lice 2 i-a Dollar?.J Portrait of Marshal Susuorow Gcnllgaien dciirous of pofleffing a capita! like neli. executed in the firft style, of tUii iliuftrious Oforijliati Chieftain, may be furnifhed with parti cular proof at tht# office, price ouc Dollar. Fcbruayr 12. NOTICE. A CERTIFICATE of one Share »f the Bark of the Uxiked States, No. 19110, ia thenamo of I.ewi? Pour Qiiirtyuy aBJ' a Certificate of two Share* «f the said Bart, No 49119, in the name of George James.Cbilniondely, Earl of Cholmon dcly, xvetc forwarded from New-York by the CheOei field Briti/h P,ack«t for Falmouth, wkich was captured by the Prench, and the Certificates 101 l or ccftroyed, auu for which application it made at said Bank for the renewal thereof, of which ail p«i lons concerned are Retired to take notiee. CLEMENT BIDDLE. d3m, February »i CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS OF OBLIGATIONS «r"CERTIFICATES Cgn e<i by the f«bfcribefcy for undivided Share* q Lots ofi hifc purc'nafc within the city pi Washing ton, vrho have not yet applied tor and receive their fteedfc, are hetcby fottfied, that their fevers Tix'iM will be (iwijr completed to the order of thol who in conformity witji tii<c term* of' the f<}iji Ccr tificates, do make the Payments in fall theretoi either to Tbomos MfEuen C» or to the **ub fcriber at Pfeiladetyhih, on or at any time befor tUe 31ft day of May w«xt. December 17 THE UNDERSIGNED, i TTIS Swedish Coipful General, and an j ifl thorized to tranfwS: the Conlular Stffincfs, ! for his Majcfty the Jfriug in the United J States of America, r eliding at Hereby gives public Notice, That in obedience to receot irjiLiuSlous received from hi* govcr.';nieot, it h the duty of aii Matters ef Swedish and veltelw, boVorw their failing from any port in the laid States, to call upon him or the VicvrCcalul ia order to he granted such Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency of tlie flats of the Neutral Oommrrce anA thefe -vcr.l Depress of the Belligerent £owct-, rtncsf imlifperfably necefifary, and, that any Matter of vcffe-ls htfonging to the rdpeAnvc nations, or na vigating wvder the protection of their-flags, 10 emitting to tike such certificates, will perfonaHjr ftinid refpoififcle for the eonftquehces. RICHARD .SOD.F-RSTROM Philadelphia, iStb DecetnVer, 1799. BOONEffON IRON WORKS. 1 to in: SOLD, Oil LF-'ASICI) FOR O.VK YEAH THAT Valuable Estate^ KNOWN bjf: the name of the Bconeton Iron "Works, iitnaU' in the county of Morris ia the flat? of confining of a Forge with four a Rolling ai>d-Slit:ing Mill, a Grift mill" With two Run of ftfcnes, and Saw mill, all in order and i:©w in use, .together v/ith en exc-Ui-i-t, large, \nd convijijent .house, "witla ont-houfrs of evtry kind ; among which arc aa Ice hotifc, and stone milk houfc, v.i'th a remark ibis fine fpriog in it, a large Garden, and an exenlUrn t coll.c&iGn of Fruit, a iargc OrcKard, and 2500 acres ci wood, baV.urc and arable land, and a. great number «»f ilorea and workmen's hoefes Immediate poflcflion will be given of hottfes and stores fufßcient lor providing (lock the pttifant winter, and pofleflron of the whole in the lpring. For terms •Micjuin.-of liavid B Ogden at New dtk, mr Peter "Mackic in New-York, nrr. David Ford ii* Morris Town, or mrfih. Jacob and4<ich ard Fael'ch on t&epreoufcs. Januarv il Thirty Dollars Reward. DESERTED F'« OM the Marine Barracks.on the; night of the 14th infl—JOHN OSBOU.N, born in the 1 town ot Bedford, Weft Cheiier county and tlate of New York, aged 22 years, 9 mouths, 5 feet 8 and a quarter inches high, grey cy-s (iQUgqucd) light hair, ruddy complexion, pock marked, hy trade a 'Shoemaker. Entitled by Mefcter.aut Key in Stephen's Town, near Albany the 25th iff June last Had oh and took with him a short ;cund blae cloth teat with a red cape, a Mu* cloth coatee, a fevir white waiftcoa«s, a iqng grey mixed c}o*h coat and breeches, a pair cf boots, a chocolate cfcloured<great coat trirrnled with black hair piaffe, - furr hat half two iiW r watches, one a middle Ore, the other He may impole himteU on (time family or ?s waiter, as fte has a&fd in rh»t capacit" Whoever apprehends laid totffertftei him in jail, feuds Mm to Headquarters, ordeiivers Yiirn t*n any of the Marine o(Seers, or an/ officer oi the army of the United Stativ ihall receive the above reword and all "rcMbnablc charges. J. S. LEWIS, Adjulant MarineCorpq, January i6< BY A. DICKINS t? J. ORMROD, JOH PUBLISHING , Th( Pursuits of Literature, To which will be Annexed, A VINDICATION OF THE WORK, Of all tb' Greek, Latin, Itilhn, and Freircli The Work will be print- It lhall bs elegantly cd from the lalV Len- etuted and be deliver* don edition, an-J will 4plb fa&fcr»(?erea* thfe form a large o&avo moderate pvice of t-wo vaiumc of about 500 dollars anilfifty cents, in pages.including an in boaids i'o others it dex which this edition , will be raised. will alone pollcfs. A". B,—lt is now in the Press, and wits be finished with all pdssiblc speed. * Subfcriptiors will be receivd by A Die kin*, No. 25, XortH Second Street, opposite Christ Church, and J. Ormrud, No. 41, Cfrefaut-Jireet, and by the principal Bookfdlers tkroughlJut the Unitecj States. march 27, AND 13 NOW FOR SAL*, By B. DAVIE-S, at No. 68, High Street, POR THE OF WESTERN TERRITORY, &c. Made with the Legislature of Georgia ; coti dered with to tl»e subsequent at tempts Of the State, to impair iu obligations. April »5, THIS OAT 18 PUBLISHED, n . Br ROBERT CAMPBELL, or No. 30, Chefnut Street, HpaE Children of the Abbey, a Talc in 4 r< j A vol*, by Regiru Maria Roche, price two dollars. °^ e Ildegerte, Queen «f Norway, from the Ger cr" man of Aoguftus Vm Kotzebue, author of the Stranger, &c', one dotlar- X Qr ' e Giujz* BarnufeJl, by S. Surr, i dollar. TheCor,riant Lave or Witl'iam and Jeanette from the G« man of You Kotzebue, 87 «ad i-s cents. Samuel Blcdget. Loves a Story founded oil compiled from t lie Journal of a dec rated friend, 87 and i 2 cents. Algerine Captive, or the Life and Adven tures ot DoCYnr Updike Underbill, fix ybars a prifoncr amorg the Algerines, % vols. 1 dollar, 75 cents. The Democrat, or Intrigues and Adventures o£ Jean Le Noir, 1 dollar. The K yal Captives, a fragment of secret hiftdfy* copied from an old manuscript, by Ycarfley. a vols. 1 doiiar and .65 cents. T?*; G:e>>e Houi'e, 5c cer.t9. feMrey, by Charlotte Smith-, 75 cents. Arthur Mervyn; 1 dollar. Lfuila* or the Gott&£€ on the Moor, bx and 1-2 cijnts. Chariotr# Temple, by Mrs. Kowfon, 75 cents. Caroline of Litehfie'd, ( dollar. Htiiry Villars, 75 cents. And a great variety other NEW NOVELS too numerous to infrt in a Newspaper. R, CAMPBELL ha? always for sale a numerous and general afiunmehi df isooks in every department of Ikerature a«d an>ufcuieht. Alio, a complete i'upply of Stationary of every kiad. Couotrv frHore keepers, public and private Libraries supplied on the veiy'loweft ttr«:s. April 1.5 JuJ} Pulti/hcd, and to le Sa d, (Price Z5 Certs) By ZACHARIAH FOULSQN, Jiror JYe 106, Cbcfiiut Street, The Report of the Committee ■Proceedings of Cwdry, .oT the other States, ANSWER TO THEIR RESOLUTIONS. The fatd Poufon has now in the press, and fpctdily will be publifhed t Argued and cfotermiptd in the High Court of Admiralty; Commenting: with the Judgments of the Right Sir William Scott, Michaelmas term 17^8 By Christopher Robinson, L, L. JO. Advocate. Vol. I.— Part Jl 11 AprH tq FIIOM the Unijefl Frigate I'hi'.adel phia, DAVID PEVINE, by trade a Shoe m;ker, born in Ireland, 23 years of ape, j'feet 6 inches high,ligM complexion and hair. WATSON LUDLOW, by trade a Slvoe m«iker, born in New-Jerfry» 33 years of age, 5 ten 10 Inches high, nark hair and complexion* Whoever will take up laid Deserters and deli ver them on board the sard frigate, fh.ill receive trit dollars reward for each, and reafonabie charges. March i» PROPOSALS A S4TIKIOAL POEM IN FOUR DIALOGUES, WlTii AND TR A NSL ATIONS paffagei,, quoted in the Prefaces, Vindication an*!. Not*s. 3 Y THE AUTHOR. PROPOSALS. LATELY PUBLISHED, a fc-W Copies qf the CONTRACT [Price 50 Cents."] New Novels. AN ANALYSIS OF THE Vl-UGINIA ASSEMBLY, CK THE BY AI.KXA ND "• R ADDISON REPORTS OF CASES, DJ&ERTED, ALSO, NEW LINE OB STAGES 7o New Turk, By the ftortett most pica f ant'.road—pafling through Ffdnkfo r d, Buftlet^n, Newtown, Pennington, MtHftane, 80-ifcdbrcroJc, Union Camp, Scotch Piains, Bpnß<-fi;H and New ark. THE SWIFTSURE starts from the Green Tree, Nu- 50 North 1 foi'.rth Street, as 8 o'clock cvny morning, and arrives at I\c\> Vi.rk early the evening. Krwn N>\» York k (Una <) o'clock -vciy day (ScT-ui*-s turepted ) and same* at Piiiia delpliia, e«wly ihe «r?xt cventep. Fare tor pafleßgcrs 5 dollars, v. ay p:ill*ngers !' 6 cents per mile. of •-Jf/sgp. One and ftJty weight of bag.p-igc to p,*y ihe fame as a pffrnger. All ba;»g.i}*r to he ar the r;jJt of if.e e'.vnff, unlef9 iniured and receipted for by the clerks of the different ofiitcs. Hate of infuiance one per rent. *§* to JOHN M'CALLA, No. 5* N'-rih Fourth Strfrt. *ud to WILLIAM No. 48 Courrljnd Siic?r, N. E. comer of OrccnwivU Street* New York, January 3 3awtf. WHERE AS Math-tv Jrvr'ti did on the Bth day of July 179 7 make at: cflignmsr.tof his cftafe ana tffe&s, to us the (übfcribcrs, for the b?» nefit of filch of his creditors, as (ho-uld on or before the aoth ofSeptem: er,-1797 execute to him a full and finaJ diftharge—Ne w those of his ere iit#ry who are entitled to a dividend under laid afiign ifi* raent, art rcquefted to furnifh their accounts to Sasnnel Meeker, with interett calculated up to.thc Bch day of July. 179 7, as a dividend tviil abfolutc* ly 'ne ft'ruck on the firlt day of Apifil next, and thpfc who negleii t© comply with this notice will there after be excluded from thg benefit of the fame. eod4t, Philip Ni^klin Samuel Meeker Natb'l Lewis, by bis Ads. J> Pearson Hunt John M\ Taylor Philadelphia, Mareh 14 WHEREA3 Pragers and Company, of Phila* delphia, merchants, did on the fourth of the prefenr month, allien ever their effc«£ts real pferfonal and mixed, f the fubferibers, fbr the be nefit o 1 th<?ir creditors, allowing three months sos their creditors residing iu the United State* of America, and nine months for "creditors beyond fen to prove their claims—Now therefore, thofo who have any demand against eftate, are re queued to lurnifh the fame immediately, and all persons who arc indebted to said estate are «d to uurfee immediate payment, to PfctAGERS & Co. Nu. 6, Lombard ftrect, wh» are appointed Agent to the .i fligneea—ln failure whereof, legal measures will b« instituted for the recovery of such debts as are not diichr-rged without delay. Geqrgc Latimer^ Andrew Bayard, { A rn John Waddington Ass, 4 ,t,ec »- William IValn, J apriJ I %, FOR SALE, A VALUABLE THAC.I' Ot LAND, [ T YI>TO on the Potonuc River, county of Nor ) X-j timnrfoerlard, state of Virginia; containing I Abpur | 400 acres—its fituatism i- ".pi a) to any olhcr | in thc.N<>n.hern Neck, remerkibie i'cr eV4ry kind j of Viiiu fc\vl, oysters, fifh ard ctab, and none bct -Baltimore, Alexandria aad A'oxfoik, ano not foore thai*, one day* /'ail from either* Tiv;-re are throe improved plantations with dwtHing houfct, the one known by the name oi r.xetvr L.odg?, former ly the refidente if col. joh.n ju .'iceant t .vo fiery brick honfe, v. ith Jour room# on a floor, and a pillage fixtteti feet wide. 2 3 W2W The other two are commodious and convenient ly fitted, with good and Instable out ho.uses, at one of -which John Murphy, Esq. (now of Wellmore 'and county) lived several years; on this farm is a good grill mill, with water fuflicient to turn any number of flor.c-s ; alfe convenient store hi u ses and graoaries (in a public toad, Well fituaced for a country store. On each of those piace* there are line and peach orchards. The greater .proportion of sice land is of the £rft quality, aud near the half of the whole heavily timbered. The terms may be applying'ta Wm. P, Tebb# Baltimore, Foulhee O. IVbfc*, esq. of Richmond county, Virginia, or to Thomas Murgatrojd and Sons, Philadelphia. Feb. 5—14 A COUNTRY SEAT. FOR SALE, ' AT handsome Country -feat, belonging to A the eCate of 1 dam Zantzinge'r, deceafedj; fituatcd oaftchaylkill, near' Gray 6 F-;rry, contain ing about 21 acres ot'lavd. on whicn is. eredled, a large, commodious brick houfo,, three rooms on a floor, with a largo piazza. A good barn, coach 'haufe, &c anci a pump of excellent water. The are ireaffy nev, and in good condition. There is alh) oh the premises a rotcd Rock, called K; aibo*s, whifih is one cf the tseft landings and fiihir.g, yiaccs on the river. The garden is large an 2 very productive, as is the remainder of the ta'ni which lays hrgh, and commands a'heauLiiul view of both rivers, the city and the ntighbeur shoncL aaw^w Pafleflton can be had immediately. A further defcriptio;i is t!cemed unocc'Hary, as it is cxgevled the premiss will be viewed previous to * Tale, and the srice terms of payment, &c« ■will*be inkde by HENUY ZANTZINGKR, Adminiftra.or to faidefUte, No. >6 S, Market Street. N. II Jncafethe ab<>ve property is notdifpo- Xed r*f t private tale, it will then be,fold at the ■M«TchT.hf*f Vcff e House, on Saturday the 36tk 'icrfL. xk 7'o'cilsckin"thtever?sftg. j'awtf. aprilj \Voluhn. XVII. codtf NOTICE. te& NOTICE, tu th.fat.ini. 3 taw mw&