PROPOSALS BY WILLIAM COBBETT, As importiog tbe following periodical pub- licatins 1. The BritislvlCritick; 2. The Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine; 3. The Gentleman's Magazine; 4. Le Merc ure Britanique, or The British Mercury. THE Briti/h Criliet i« 1 regular Review of ill the works puMifttfJ in Great Britun ; it it conduced with great impartiality iad abi lity, and of the numerout pablieatinm of the Jtind wliirh do now appear, and which have appeared » Great BriUnt; it ii uiiivcrfally allowed to be the best. [Price 50 Cents*] The j4nti-Jacebin and Magazine is as its tide feen-a to indicate, rather more c ' ' THnUiof excellent quality, Sujjar J Block Tin of the bed kind jtihof by the ship Pennfyfoania f from Bataxia, JAVA COFFK So SUGAU April 17. Just Arrived, AND FOR lALI ST THE SVISCIISIRS, THE CARGO Of the Ship Can*ok, Richard Dale, Commander, from Canton, Consisting of Boliea ■] Souchong J Hyson Skin J> Young Hyfou J and Hyson. ? NANKEENS, Yellow 3 TEAS. Sugar of ill quality. Cl.ina Ware. Cassia. Fans. An assortment of Silks. WILUNGS is FRANCIS, No. 21, Ann Street. April 14. JUST KEGEIVKU, from the BOSTON A QUAXTirr OF WINDOW GLASS, Of different sizes, FOR SALE BY ISA AG HARVEY, Jvn. N. B. rtnyfiieor fixes that may-be wanted cut larger than 18 by ta.can be had from (aid manuta&o ry, on being ordered» and a'ten».*on given to forward 00 any ordcri that may be left for that purpose— Appl/at No. 9, South Water-street, ai above. juJy 8 dtf NOTICE. April 11 NOTICE. ALL Persons having clalmt against Richard S. Footman, surviving partner of the houfc of Footman & Co. also those having claims againit the estate of Richard S. Fostman y dc ceafed, are desired to exhibit their accounts, well authenticated ; and all those indebted to the said firm are requested to mike immediate M'CLELLEN, Adminillrator io the eflate of K. 8. Focitmsn, Frankferd, Jlfril 9. dsot ALEXANDER J. ttUXER, No. 106 South Front street, opfmite the HAS JUST RSCBIVED, Per the ship Harmony, captain Kolluck, from J, Garrahs Superior, Garrahs Berboom, Do. Catwa, GnVVunah*, r.d a few <. -r.-cj. Per the stip yean, captain M'Pherson, frim Canton, White Nankeens, Yellow Da. Lnteflrings and Shenfliaws, Sewing Silks, April 22 The Cargo cf the ship Molly, captain Swain CONSISTING OF SUGAR ih whole and half cannilceri, Ceribon Coffee, Black Pepper, Sapan Dye Wood, Ehony, and Thirty two hales of Cotton Yarn. ALSO) THE SAID i . snip BURTHEN feur thoufind three «HMm«hundred barrels of Flour, rnouaf if nine puundcrs, with lh.tand final! arm* compleat and is newly coppered to the beod. with patent copper. Apply to NICKLIN W GRIFFITH. Maroljlj. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, yHE Proprietors of Funded Stock credited oj, the Books of the Vreafury, who do Out prefer receiving their quarterly dividends, at the city of Walfciiigcon, arc requeued to cause vheir credit* to be transferred to the bqoks of fo*ne one of the Commiffioncr* of Loan#. I he Attornies of foreign creditors who are not able to comply with the foregoing recommenda tion, and who are desirous of receiving their di videndft at the Bank of the United States, as here tofore pra.2ile*i, are rrqueOud to give notice to the Rtgifter of the - reafury, of the naqies of the fore gn creditor*, and the funis of (lock for which they ,tre at torn h's, that rueafureq may befcafpnabiy taken for complying with their withe? April 23 TRFASURY DEPARTMENT, PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby give*, in pur l'uanct of the ait of Congrefi, patted on the firil day of March, ontr th. uland eight hu drtd, iqtitujed " An ad} in addition to an a&» intituled, an iSt, rcgufating the. .giants of land appropriated for military fertices, r the Society of tlie United Brethren foi propa gating tke U>pel among the Heathen," as fol lows i ift. All the frafliOml parts of th« quarter townfliips adjoining to the Indian boundary lin of the tradi of lar.d referred t j in fiii adt, excep the frafli nal.quarter town&ips ber four in towufl)ip number ieverf of rjr-ge number twenty : Alio, all the fradional parlt of the quarter townlhipi adjoining to the river Scioto, except the quarter townfliips number one aid four, in townfliip number cite of range number nineteen ; the quarter townfhipj num ber t. -J • • o -1 *5; a - S* ? 1 1 3 6 2 i To' r 2 8 a 62 3 4 84 7 3 8 > 10 1 8 2 11 6 t 223 83 81 3 4 7, 4 213 8 4 j 1 6 1 t 5 1 3 5 3 7 2 22 318 1 2 1 7 3 7 1 23 7 4 72 431624 84 51 3 4 4 4 3 7 3 6 - 1 10 3 9 3 72 5 3 3 9 >3 74 7 1 7 4 17 7 4 I 9 I 3 I I 9 I 4 I | | 3d All the landt in each of the above G!ty quait r township?, and in the fraifliona! parts ef quarter tewnfhipt befoie riefcrihed, hare been divided upo* the refpe£li»e pl«ts thereof, as returned by the Surveyor General, into as many lots of orc hundred arres each, as the quantity such quarter tonnfhip or fraftipn it ftited to contain will admit, in the manner pointed out 2nd required by tUe above recited IA, A&ing aflignee (ittoM 4th. The plats divided as aforefaid into lots of one hundred acre*. :re deposited in thi of fice of theßsgifter of the Treasury wheie the locations 4re to be made'; and upon lurrender isjf the warranrs wliKh (lull be located, patents -will be iiTu;d in th« .manner and upo» tlic conditions pielcribct! by law. Given undtr my band ct Pbilciel < pl-.c. t : --i day and year akeye- April it. INDIA GOODS. Custom House,'us, MiuiMWi fine plain Mullmullj and tf.xii'ts, Alio, Hyson, YotJng Hyson and Hyl'on Skin Teas of an excellent quality. For Sale, Jrom Batavia y April 22, 1 Sec OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of tbe Treasury. daw April 21, 1800, n-rMorc'd- OLIVER WOJLCOTT, Secretary of :be Treesufy. diyr— Wanted Lo Charter, A VESSEL, blftkci of ISo X 9 too tMH, to loid for He»b«rg. JACOB SPtßir tf CO, iVbo bane for tale a variety of ■German Linens—Also Tapes, Oil Cloth*, Decanters, Turobltrs, Window Giafj, 8 by tO, Caffce Mills, Sec. April »j rf4t MAP OF NEW-JERSEY. TpHP. cwmraiflUnera appointed for the furpofe * of rircu'j'.iiip fubfcrip tio:i psp«r«, to the pra p*fe J plr.;. of prncur'Bg an accurate .Map of Hcw- JirUy. irujn.:;iiat«;y after their appointment trauf i-.i.tei! printed tcj.iciu! the plan u, vai mv-upcrfooa in the ievcral tontlei of ihi« (late, am in the at New York and Philedc Iphia, and fine* that timt,through the medium o( th. puHxpriqti have reqacfted the gentlemen cr.tnaUed with '>ffr paperi, to return tie i tilnbc; . f fubferiocra by them rtfpcdivcly proiared, to J.mri Suiter, i/o, at Trenton, on or before the (th dnj of Fctruary latl. The number of furfcripjions received, amounting to tw» thouimd, the cemm.ffionera did not conceive themfelVei authorized to 6a a 4*y for the meeting of the conipapy; neverthllefc be." ing «f cpiniot. fnm r«fpeflable information, that the a&ual fuUVriptiom are nearly, if not ftlly ' adequate to the complete *reanization of the com pany, if tl.ey could be afcertaitiM hy regular ri turns, and beii g convinced that a traflj; g degree of exertion, on tne partot the persona hiding the fu feriptior. Ilflt. wauii! enal-L- them ta carry the intention of th< fubfcriberi into effefi, they have by the unanimous advice and content of the fub fcriberi, whom they have been able to conjult fixed on the 14th day of May nut, bring the ad day of the fitting of the fuprenie conrt, for a meet ing of the fubferihert at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the State Houf« in Trentim. for the purpofc of tie&ing; Eve Trufteei and a Treafurer,if the num." b.r of fu'jfcrif tion« should be fuificient. or in a»y event to determine on the meafurei neceiffary toft cure th* attainment of an objeil lo ufcful to the (late. From the unirerfal approbation exhibited by their at t;ie rncement oftnit ii he exp.asd that the sub. fcriptions returnee! would luvi e-fored Itj imme diate ex-cmion, and the commifli neis artpurfus ded -if proper mention, is paid to the procuring c f fuMcripjiom, to their return at the timo fifed for the meet ing," »rd tfce attendance ui the fuhferibors, either in prrfoo or by proxy, that no farther delay wjll t»ke place in cummeneitg the operations of the company, in time for thoir exe cution during the. course of the enfiiing furnmcr. WIIXIAW PEARSON,") M.l Mtßl. E\* INQ, C Commri. THOMAS M POTTER.3 TueNTaw. Marchaa, 1800. N. B. paper" are kit with the sol. lowiig (among orhrr) gentlemen, in their icfpcc tive counties, to whom thole petf;#? desirous of promoting the objeift of the company are rsqucfted toajply* V.'m. CatjipfijJil, Esq. Mtrtir Gerfhom TJunn, Esq. Middltux Artis Sragrave, Esq. Sa!e*\. Silas Dicketfon, Elij. ,SW Geofgi- Butgill, tfq. Cumberland t V.'m M\E( wen, F.fq. Setterfit. William Lloyd, Afciuwtf, Jofcjh Hai-k;nfor.,Efq Hotter dm. Piter Ward, Esq. Bergen. Chiriej Clark,E-lq. Euex.. The above gentlemen, with all othrrs.hctldinp fubfeription papers, are particularly requeftod forward the original fubfeription papers, to Jamei Salter, Kfq. Trealurer or or before the 14th day of May next. March »6, TO BE. SOLD FOl" CASH, OK KXCHANGK.I), Fir property in tie City, or within thirty mile f of it, A Plantation or t«<<* 0 r Land ;» Mifflin County snd State of Hranfylva nia, within £x miles of the river Juniata, con taining aboet 300 teres. There are about fcfty acres cleared, part o l uhich is a rirh bottom, watered by a ronftant fircam that is {(rang »«Qugh to work an oil or a grid mill. A,ny person inrlinir.g to d»al for it, may obtain fur ther information by applying at the odic of this ga7e;te. N. B. If fold, crtd t wiH be given for part of the money. OiSober 17, 1799, Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from, the fubfcribcr, on the marning of Saturday the 19th instant, a mu latto Servant Man, „W»lka, lutccmmonly called John, he is about years old, 5 sett 8 inches V igh: slender ai\d knocked kneed; he is a dark mubito, has thick bulhy hair, which he comiinJPljr wears fUiud and turned up fhoit be hind j his face is thin, but appears more so from havipg large wbilkers; hi had on when he went away, & rcuncj hat about half worn, white muslin cravat, a brown second hand coat with fafhiona* blc metal button*, a black silk waistcoat, with a, white one underneath, * r arita!«on* of a greyish cloth with at the ancle?, striped cotton (lockings and (hoes jle may have change*! these clothes, but it is not likely, as he han left all hit others bshind him. lam teid a fcrvant of General Ridgey's, v. ith whom h* was intimate ran-away on Bugday rao.-aing ;it is not improbable tut tkey are together. Wilks is from Chciler-town on the eastern (h«ie of this state, where he lived with a mr. Jeremiah Niqhul< whofold him to me, I have good r.'ufon to he t us gone to Philadelphia. The abevj reward nil! be givsn to any per who may lodije him in jail at that or any other place, and give mc or mr Jofcph S Lewis of Phi* ladc'.phia notice of the fame. He is an excellent hoiife servant, and if in Phi* will probably offer himfalf to hire in that capacity, W. GILMER. Baltimore, April zi—(»j) Twenty Dollars Reward. RA.N-.VWA Y, from Spring Forgf, in York County,a negro nan, named ISAAC, other• wife CUDJO, about ai year. «Id, the property of Robert Coleman; Esq. He is about 5 feet. 8 ' inches high, ha* ablemifh in his eyes, more white ' in them than common, by trade a Fcrge man; had on and took with him a drab coloured broad docb coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons nriuced fancy cord, a lwa-nfdown striped under ?cket;> a rorum hat;