PROPOSALS, fOE CARRYING the Mails of tbi United States, On the following foft Roads, Will it received at tie Gtneral Pott Office, Philadelphia, until the \otbdojefJulj next. j.TTROM Portftnoutb, by HamptonfalU, r Newbury pott, Ipswich, Brverie«, Sllem an 4 Lynn to Boston, three timet a week. From April IJ to Ottober IC. Leave Portfrnoutlievery Ttjefdty, Thursday and Saturday a: 4 A. M and arrive tt Boston the fame dayt by AP. M. Returning, leave Bcftan every Monday, Wednesday and Friday 11 4 A. M. and arrive at Portlmauih the fame dayt by i P. M. From October 1 j to April |c. Leave Pnrtfraotjth every Tuesday, Thnrfday and Saturday at 1 P. M. and arrive at Boston •n the following dayt, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at {P- M. Returning, leave Bos ton every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 t. tt. and arrive at P4>rtfmouth the next dayt, Toefday, Thursday and Satvrday at 10 a. w 1 From Befton by Woreefter, Braokfield, Sprinc field, Nuffield, Hartford, Wethertfield, MiddUtown, l)iirhuA, Wallingford, New-Ha ven, Milford, Stratford, fairfirld, Nonralk, Stamford, New Rpchelle, East Crofter and Haerlem to New-Jork, three timet a week. from April tj to October tj. - Leave Boston every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 1 *. irrive at Woreefter by tp*. Leavp Woreefter every Tuesday, Thurf diy and Saturday at 3 a m. Arrive at Brook field by to * M. at Springfield by » p M. at Suf fiefd by 5 p n and at Hartford at 9 p m. the fame dayt. I.aave Ha-'tfard every Mendty, Wednesday and Fridiy at 3 A m. arriveat New Haven *y soon ; leave New-Haven it IP M. aad arrive at Stamford bv 9P' M fame dayt. Leave Stamfoid every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday it J * M. and arrive at New York lame dayt by II o'clock, noon. Returning, leave New-York every Monday, Wednefdiy and Friday at 11 * M. arrive at Stamford in the evening ; leave Stamford eve-y Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday by jiMi arrive at New-Haven by noon ; leave New-Haven at t T M aad irrive at Hartford by 9 PM; leave Hartford on Wednesday, Friday and Monday by 3 a m ; arrive at Springfield by 10 a m, and at Woreefter by 9 p u ; le»ve Woreefter every Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday by 3 A m, aad arrive at Boston fame dayt by 1 P M,' From October ij to April Ij. Leave Boston every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday by 8 a tt 1 arrive at Worcester by 8 M; leave VVorcefiero« Wednesday, Friday and Monday at 4 a M ; arrived at Suffield fame da)a by 8r M. Leave Suffield Thursday, Sa» turday and Tuesday ai 4 A M. and arrive at New-Haven by* rm. Leave New Havenev try Friday, Monday and Wednesday at 4 a M, and arrive at New-York the next daya Saturday, Tuefdly a*d Thursday by 11 A M. Returning, leave Nero-York every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 A M: arrive at Krw-Haven on Tuesday, Thursday and Si- Kirday by 8 r u. Leave New-Haven every Monday, Wednesday and Friday by 4 4 M. ar rive at Suffield by 8 p m. Leave Suffield Tues day, Thursday and Saturday by 4 a. M and arrive at Worcester by 8 PM. Leave Wor caiter every Monday, Wedrefday and Friday at 4 A M. and arrive at Boft n the fane daya by 4 V M. 3. Fro en New-York by Newark, "Elizabeth, town, Rahway, Wnodb.idge, New-Brunfwick, Princeton, Trenton, Bristol and Frankfort to Philadelphia, every day, Sunday exceptfi. Leave New-York every day, Sunday except* rdt at 1 PM. and arrive in Philadelphia the next day at 7 AM 18 hour*. Returning, leave Phi ladelphia ewv day, sunday excepted at 1 P. M. and arrive at Ne.w-York the next day by f AM. From November 1 to May 1, the hour of arrival at Philadelphia and at New- York Aifilbe extended to. t A M. 4. From Baltimore by to Wa ftington every day, Sunday excepted. April t {0 November 1. Leave Baltimore Everyday at tt A M. and arrive at Walhington by 6 P M. Returning, leave Walhington every day at 3 AM. and ar rive at Baltimore by 11 A >l. Jtmemitr 1 to April 1. Leave Baltimore rvery day at 4. a 11. aid arrive at Wiihixgton by »m. JtMf, leave Wafli ington every day at 10 AM. and arrive at Balti moie by 7 » a. j. frnra Washington city by George town, Al«xandria, CoJchefier. Dumfries, Aquica, Falmcnth, Frsderiekiburg, Bowling Green and Hanover court house to Richmond, c. h every day, Sufidaya excepted. From April 1 to Ncvemier I. Leave Waihingtnn e»Uj' day at 8 A M. and anive at Fredrrickfburg hy 7 PM. Leave FredrncKiburg every day at 3 A M and arrive at Kichncnd by 6 P M. Returning, leave Kickoiond every day by j A M. and arrivr at Predericklburg hy 6 P M. Leave Frederickf borg every day by 3 A M. and arrive at Walh ington by 4 PM. November 1 ta April 1. Leave Wafhmpton every day it 4 P M. ind arrive at Alexandria by 7 P M. and arrive at Fiederickfburg the next dayt by 7 PM- Leave Frederitkfburj" every day at 4 A M. and arrive «i Richmond the next daya by to AM. Re turning, leave Richmond every day at * P M and arrive it Frederickfhurg the next daya by }PM, Leave Frederickfcuig every day at 4 A M, and arrive at Washington the next daya by* A.M. 6- From Richmond to Peteriburg every day, Sundaya excepted. Leave Richmond every day at 4 A M. and arrive at Petcrlburg by ta o'clock, AM. Returning leave Peteriburg ev ery day at aP M. and arrive at Richmond the 7. From Richmond V.y New Kent court house, Willianilburg, York-tewn and Hampton to Norfolk, 3 times a week. April 1 to iTdetmber 1. Leave Richmond every Tuefdij, Thursday and 3aturday it jA M. Arrive at New-York by 6 P M, and arrive at Norfolk the next days, Wedr.efdayt, Friday, and Sundays by i P M. jR/tuning, leave Norfolk every Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, at lo A M ; arrive at York n the evening. Leave Y#rk every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday by 3 A M, and arrive at Kicbmoad the fame dayt by 6 P M. - Nntvibtr r >• Apr it i. X«*cßicttmeiiJ nny Mondar t -Wedneriufe, S- ithteld, Suffolk and Pot if moutb to Norf-lk throe timet a week. Leave Petersburg every Afooday, Wednes day and Friday at 11 o'clock, noon, arrive at Srffelk the next dayt by 1 P Mi leive Suffolk at a P As, andarrite it Norfolk by 8 P As. Ketvraing, leave Norfolk every AJonday, Wed nesday and F[)di> ai l A As; arrive at Suffolk fame dayt by 10 A As. 'Leave Suffolk at II A As, -»hd arrive at Peter/burg every Tuefdiy, Thursday and Saturday by noon. 9. Ptterfburg by Harrifville, Geldfonville and Warrenton to Leuiiburg three timet a-week.' luvt T Leave Louilhurg every Sunday, Wednesday iH Friday at i t As, arrive at Mc. Falla oo Tuesday, Sunday by 9 A M. Returning, leave Af'FalUon Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 3 P As, and arrive at Louilburg on Wednefdiy, Friday and Monday at 10 A M. If. From Jlf Falla by Chereau court bouse to Camden three time' a week. Leave Jf'Falls every Sunday, Tuelday and Friday at 1 P As, and arrive at Camden on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 10 A M. Returning, leave Cam dfn every Tuelday, ThurUayand Saturday at 1 P M t and arrive at AfFall> «o Thursday, Sa turday and JMonday at (9 A As. la. Frofn Camden by Statefburg and Jiinei'- ville to Charlefloh, three timet a week. When the r '** r •• f° high as to make leng Ferriea, the mail stall be carried from Camden on the (bath fide of Santee river. Leave Camden everj Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at a P M, and arrive at Charleston on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday at t® A M. Returning, leave Charle&on Jery Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 3 P M, and arrive at Camden the next Tuesday, Thursday and Sa turday at to ft Jit. 13. Froth Camden Sy Columbia, Edgefield, court botlfe, and Campbell town to Adgufta, three tim« a week. Leave Candenevery, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 1 P M, an l airive tt Augusta an Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10 A M. Returning, leave AueuSj every Sunday, Tnefday, aid' Thursday at 3 PM, and arrive at Camden on Tuefiday, Thursday, and Saturday at lo A M. >4 From Charleston by Jackfon(borough and Coofawhatehy to Savannah twice a week. Leave Charleflon every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 r u arrive at Jackfor.fborough onWednefday and Triday at t t H arrive at Cooi'awhatchy on Thursday and Saturday by 5 a m and arrive at Savannah en Friday and Sunday by 8 » M. Rrfurn mf, I.cave Savannah every Saturday and Tuesday by 4 a m. arrive atOoola what chy by 8 » m afti ar rive at Charleftoa on Tuesday and Tharfday by 10 A M- • 15. From Augusta by Louisville to Savannah 1 once a week. Leave AopiSa every Saturday at j i«. arrire Lcuifville on Sunday by 6 r M leave Louisville on Monizy at Sam and »riive. at Savannah on Tuel'dayat $. p. a. lea v.- Savannah on Welncftay atB. From Savannah by .anbury, Riceborough, Darien and Vtunfwick to Starjr's ooce a week. Leave Savaanah evsry Wednefuayat 9 A m- ar rive at Riceborough on Tharfday by l* a m. and arrive at Staryi on Saturday by 9a m. Rtlurx leave St. Maryi every Saturday at 3 » u. ar rive at Riceborough the next Monday by 3 r m and arrive at Savannah the next Tuetday byj rat] NOTIS. Note 1. The mail on the route No. 9, 10, 11 and 11 is to be carried in a whesl carri age or hy a led horse. A penalty at ther ate of 12 cents a mile will be incurred by the contraflor for each time and mile tliirt he {hall carry the fame without making use of either a carriage or led horse. No altera tion will be made in the times fixed for the arrival and departure of the mails in theft routs. ■ Nott a. Tbe Postmaster-General may al ter the times of arrival and departure at any time during the continuance of ths coiitradls, fie previoiifly flipulating an adequate cem penfation for any extra expeuce tnat may be occafiored thereby. Note 3. Fifteen minutes (hall be allowed for opening and doling the mail atal! offices where no particular time is fpecified. Note 4. Far every fifteen minuter delay (unavoidable accidents excepted) in arriving after the times prescribed in any contrail, the contra&or Hull forfeit one dollar ; and if the delay continue until the departure of any depending mail, whereby the mails des tined for such depending mail lose a trip, an additional forfeiture of five dollars shall be incurred. Aate j. NewfpaperSas well as letters are to be sent in the mails : and if any person, making proposals, defirei to carry liewfpa peri, other than those conveyed in the mail, for his own emolument, lie mud (late in his proposals for What film he will ca[ry it with that emolument, and for what sum without that emolument. Note 6. Sheultl ally person, making pro posals, desire an alteration of the times of arrival and departure above Specified, lie mull state in his propofels, the alterations desired, and the difference they will make in the terms of his c«ntra&. Thi« note does not apfly to the routs No. 9, ta, 11 and 12. No alteration will be > n those times. Xtu ii PjrfiwW art'dc fired to fkatr their pnaetby tltr yea*—'rhot who contract wtU i*ct**4 (Mr pay quarter. lf»io the month of January, April, July and Otlober. ' Nute S. The contrads for the routs numbered 1 to lj, are take in operation on the Ift day of Oftoher next, and are to con tinue in force until the ift of Oftober 1804. Contract f er the routa nuaiber 14. it, (7 and 18, are alto to be in operation on the tfi day of Oflober aijt Jo continue in force until the ift of.Ajfril ißoa< JOS: HiUSKSHAM, . Postmaster JScnercl. General Post Ofke, ) Philadelphia, March, 20,1800. J, eotjy. Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office. IS moored from tvo. 13 Bouth Fourth Greet, to , No. It South Tfclrd,Sract. An Office far thrf: 0«(«i ii also kept at Mr. Hardy'i 100, No-jinn«rket ilrcet. General Pod Office, April if v j FOR GREENOCK, TKe ship MsL HANNAH, ° f rhibde| P h! «' Davi» Brown, Master, WILL fail in about ten days, fl>ei> bctweca j and 4 years old, nawly "rtpaiied, Tills faR, and is expefled to return early in the Fall.— For freight or paQage apply to the captain on board at Latimer's wharf, or to •. s WILLIAM YOUNG, No. <2, South Secend Street. dtf. April aj Rtfs pjun/BMSHtp or ISAAC tf£DWAKD PENINGTON, St/OAK RZtKHR3, Expired ilie 1A inftaat. The BufinHfj 11 now conduced by Edward Pennington who is authorized to fettle all ac count! relative to the (aid partner (kip. . ISAAC PENINCTON, - EDWARD PENINGTON. Jpril 17 CN FRIDAT, The feco ii of May a! 7 o'claek in the evening. will he laid by Public Audi ion, at the Me.'' chant's Coffee House, the following VALUABLE PROPERTY : A T L r:c Story Brick House, WITH extensive back buildings, fitsate in Frcs! below Pir.e street. The honfe con tsins two larfe room# on each floor, ard U 3a feet t inches in front, and 5 a leet 6 iiiches ditj I he piazza it 19 feet 6 iaeheain length, and iv feet t inches in width, in v»huh i> cariied up an slarmt stair cafe The baclf building* are 4j feet in depjt,f» ind tj.feet andS iachit in wilth, iri)d crntarn.oii the firftflocr, a parlour, kitch en; pantry ftair cafe, Tti? fjcond and third ftorier are divided into convenient chambeit; the lot i» 13 j feet 6 iaches ilecp, and has the ptivjiege of a court into Lombard Street The tyoufe it pit yiaiftered", carpenter'• W'tk it neirly finilhtd Perfoni wifliing to view the premises previous to tke day affile, will pleal'e to apply to No. • »(8, South Front street, for the keys. A Lot of Ground, Ninfteet) feet li inefse's front, and 3; feet in depth, «})on the cauit leading into Lotn!>ard street; \hc purchaser cf the houf'e will be enti ced to this lot. Cm dition» at foUoo's, viz, Oce 41k in Co &»-U—one 41b in 6 tnomha — ore e 4th in i; do, approved fecirity ini ifiterett on the three ialt payments. JOHN CONNELLY, Auctioneer. jpr.l >2. A 0000 THttt ITOM BRICK HOUSE & LOT, FOIt SALE IN THE CITY OF BL'RUNOTON, SITUATE on Hi?h Street, the Bth dior be low James St r rlui-'s on the fame fide <)f tile wry. The" frfnt has been occupied for several yeart a« a Shoe store, and there ate commodious hack buildings,{which wi'h in advantage of fc'.uation, renders it a very eli gible fiand for bufinel's, aa a retreat for a per- Ibn wilhing to remove from Philadelphia.— The lot is in a high ftite of cultivation at a garden, ard it ftorod with a variety cfchoice fruit trees ALSO, A VALUABLE TAN-YARD, With building thereon, wkich are large and nearly new, fiiuatr on the cafl fide Qf Wood Street, and it adjoining to the above described preraifes. On the we(l6tie of the fame flreet a lot well situated to b'ii d upon. Containing upwardi of one acre, about 300 feet in depth and 150 feet front. It may oe fold, either altogether or in feparateloti of from ao to 30 feet, so at to suit the purthafer. _ LIKEWISE, About 39 Acres of Land, Two and an half miles from Turlington on tb« road to Dunk's Ferry, having a profpe& of tk« De'a\rare, and tundfoiiiely firuare tor a Country Retre-t, or lettable for railing truck for the PhiUdeipfeU market, to be fold toge ther, or divided to suit the purchifcr The fnregoing property will be fold on rafv term« wilh'refpeft topaymentj. Por further particulars enquire of Joshua R. Smith, No. jii, North Fifth Street, John Smith, Jun, K». 99, Arch fircet, or of Smith and Allinfon, BurHrgton. 4th me 1? Torty Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from the Subscriber, living in Saffafrst Neck, Cecil County, State of Ma ryland, on Friday the 14th iufl. a negro man nam ed PETLR, about twenty-five year 9 of age, r«lr?r akie black, and left handed. He hat been used to failing by water in the Chesapeake Bay fibout twelve months, and it smart and t&ive—Heh*> been formerly used to farming and taking care of horfet. Hit cloathing he took with him is un known.— It it cxpc&c4 he has lhjjc.d hit cnutie for Philadelphia or CheOer To«'», anith«:\hovc reward will he paid f*r in any in the United States, an rcafonakle chat get paid if brought homo, by JOHN' FERGUSON. N. B. All maflert of vcffels and all other perfotss are forwarned of harboring the said negro. Saflafras Neck, mirch 18, %f)t (Sasette, PHILADELPHIA, TVEtDAT EVENING, APRIL 39- In Claypoolc't paper of Tburfday ncrejled Poucchne it advertised at a (how This is rather an unlucky name for theintereft of the proprietor of the animal. The name of though ooce " more tuneable than laik to fhepherd'a eat,'' now jart the auditory ncrVe of mariy a Pbiladelphiari. There it a crejled Porcupine at New York, with crelt full lofty, and quiljs acute ; go not near him, ye men of Jive thovfand, flmn him, vi&onary republicans, " flee fat away," thou, true American, tbe original cre/ltd Porcupine will not brook your approach. Sfttimtn tf tie SwiSmt U American ctmpcfi tr«*. The following it from " New Vork Ad vertiser," and ii the true and only style of writing, popular and encouraged in Ameri- If a scholar of the European model) could forget hii claflkal lore, throw away hit taste, quench hit imagination, falfifjr hi; judgment, and become a " motley fool, a mifcrable varlet," and write Geographies, Biographiet, Eile/giet, See. in the manner of the following, there ii no doubt, but he would bade in the broadrft funfliine of fuc ceft, and be hailed a beautiful, patriotic, true-American writer. If he should fit down, and, in this ftfle, cocnpofe a panegy ric upon a certain country, proving it to be, " ai far ai words and tcrmi can go," the most frit, fovertign and enlightened of any upou the globe, it would at once exalt and enrich the patriot author. He might be a Governor of a State or a Major General in the Militia. " Jjlu/king honours" would thicken about him i -opulence would give him Eagles by the handful ; even the gripe of our Pedlar avarice would relax, and the Franklins of the time would tear « The h?.rS T it ranged ..-th vtZ.U." ployed It, from evey imputation of fertility j.• Tlrungtd." A »er\ rVrcible word, a.-.d to Roman or .£nj/j/4 combinations of style ;! ft r; k;: gly e-.-mplit'yuit;' that to a manner so fulfome, so stupid. £o truly exaggeration and fu(ti.:n,» f>> r which we ire American as could not fail of delighticg | the liu.r)iinfio< I i.-i foreign critics. The "in Ihr.ns" But it is ungenerous t« keep 1 fa£l is, th- »>•. w I „ rb or was not thronged, impatie«t curiosity so long waiting in the ! n ,r choakrd <>vei flowing with vefleis. anti chamber. Without more delay, we j \V: :-i the Amm. .m» f:>v- a better educa iotrcduce said curiosity to the famous tion, and Itudy Greek at.d Hainan and Kiur- Netu Tori Deferiptiw of tht Launch of Th* ltlh authors, inlh.d ol rewfpapers, Frigate Prefidcnt. an " ttie Sancho I'n ma proverbs cf old Frank* Yesterday morning, at to o'clock pre- "".they v.h 1.. n toexpreA them,. Ives rifely, the Dacgbter of the Forest and the w,th «">pf>=«yand truth, and rrg lD ,on Heir of the Ocean, embraced, to peerlcfs 0F rhei* a.v< is ro* .. Majesty, her deftmed clement- The order, "' he tiHghCm-irig hilts, hnufetops, and beauty, grandeur and godlike fublirniiy «.f v?n . : 1 *'• Lon,> ifianti, were croud the scene, the pen of man e-nnot depi&. ed. wuh firfUto'-s, whose atci-m itions echo- The beholders alone can known the mingled T^c K' >r V °f America ' Another exam fenfations of Peafure, cl' Joy and of Nation- P' c braggart and I . .*> much al Glory that the fcereexc ted. The har- m request arn ; n ; > ti • • !r.-s in bor on both fides for some distance «as Arnerica. Tliis-ne>v, md loo.ilh thronged with vessel?, «hose decks were co- nl ™ e "i compourt" '' i> 'height in vered with admiring beholders. Theneigh- ''Wigwam, was " rotted a tuHWadd&a ag(l bouring bills, boufetops, and even tiie fljores o,^' r '; 1 , " , r or ' cc, c# of Long Iflard were crowded with fpe&aturs J l ° e ®into good com. whose acclamations echoed the Glory ofi vtr s ' a '"' ncw ' n adult America- Several Artillery and Vclun- i e "» ; ks '• ' " "'Shell vigour through terr Companies according to the arrange- ni ® n y ' C '" U ' T "' <,llr 'H)partUl, or many Tr.en'a of Gen. Hughes, paraded near the ™! ore '' v /o a clalUal ear no. (We, and after {he entered the water closed ,hI "S " n »c " K ' re than ft, eh jar the scene with a feu-de joie. O. the whole « 0 "'. 1 0 f< T J ud «' mfn '' , ' ld correa ,a[ie we think it the mo st noble ever exhi- ! noth . , , n ß f ,n J . be 'f* rf: , ve than fueh bited on this fide the Atlaatic. Her cor- I P uer ' le «"»*«* to ftruftion, timber and workmanship, refleft j acfcrl 1 ,,1 °" th " "mvagart, bloated much honor upon her builders, and great "7 ,e , ls too prevalent VV hatrver or merit is due to the judgment of Mr Checfe- • unequalled, « wonde,-ful/ « va st. man, u. dcr whose diredion (he moved with !y anc ! P">di K :ous." If the mod perfeft ease and harmony, and V™ 1 " d,e ' thf " ,n T" with a Ncble Bow, bade the Land a ".-non explode the twr.V reverberates ADIEU deatening lound ; it two or three qre commentary BT «,». 'ogether. it is an immense multi. "At ten o'clock precisely, the Daughter f'' P ""'v £ *' „ ,t ' S^' kon j of the Forest and the Heir of th. Ocean em- Y, K'' r ?a i j n r j • .c i r j r covers toe vjoole earth. Now this uombalt braced.—Considering the very lofty and so. ... r nr .n*i r .t* * . , ' , , will aniwer very well lor a tsxvn meettnjr nerom rtilc ot this nautical poet laureat, he i. , \ ' r 6 .• . . • . , t j j anxious to gull the miserable popu~ certainly begioi in a dry, hard and matter- ). j*. -7- . .* n A , , . r C a » • • M -i lace, g.iping to oe inltruciea whetlier their ot-ta«-manner. It is quite an anionomical I • J*!., r . r , 1 «t- /l »i • • i . r • t . natural oafencls and malignity shall oe r n?- or rather almanack exordium. It is by no , t. . • c » i j j e i• /i_ 1 ployed to quench genius, or to fire a cityvto means inflated, and pompous, and fooltih. \ . . i-u n. f.L r mJ t 1 ' ns open a ffather bag, rr unliMd a tar likc the relt of the poem. The author does . »..•_ - „ i j ir j a • i , r . . barr: l. Hut-it is too low, and sUTurd, aot strike a grand key note at the fcegin- gnd vlCi( , us r , tntt . r int . „ rr „ tencc ef mng; •' ten « clock precisely," a l.*r, Witimate comprGtion. It is to be hoped U ° i' U C ? UD ' a Ult ' ih:it from f'jch spec imens of frvle, tlie cobble "*y f - th : o! 'f h OUr " rl - ® b 7 of Americ tn a«thor. w.ll :.,t be judged, by prosaic phrase, we Co-r- now ,o nonce th- trans , tb „ tk . c ,, tlc ,fo. For „, c J. unseasonable hour of between band tWs toumry , wbo t0 ? , nilTs> th. Daughter ot tlie iforeft ar.d the 7/«r add , nd •„ tl( f!e. j„d,-i. . r.t, a„d to >f the Ocean, and ,be w)el>cacf«f our j lidKmcrit) 1H ln tße vanoUs , rtto r FUn! poet in thus pubhclv exp h- g their amour. and 6 ; con-pof ; t:on. The ind.viduaU, We mull confef, that ten ..clock in the wbo ewnp?£ . lhll co Jrc nut ~e d to rioirimgisa very early fcafon for enjoy meat the Eaftenl er the Southfl[l Stat „. They In the works of the learned and plana >terne, mention is made of Saturday night * A wretclud, patehwork, Gallic acd cor. is a fort of Carnival of Love and Matri rupt stile has long prevailed in our country, nony ; and, at we are credibly informe i, Is ii t;tt Ungh/h But it it very current in rte t is 'he fad in many families that Hvmen, c ' ' »•' lUr ed'tors, geounphers snrt :upid, and Verus sometimes- prophai eiy and P r '«"« pol.tiua n .- Ever, word and phrase C Jo in thi« new vocabulary I-detefled and branded vantonly revel -oge her on a Sunday, But „ once by the B ritilhU«r., whenever they ten 9 clock precisely « Ay r, tc-n in the roticr a Ci-Inrntian of this class. Horning. 1 bit is too much. 1 Fie* Mr. They call it, indention, an AmMear'iJtn. It Vf i» original. It has no affinity t<» the manner of Your clofcly loving pair, Add if en % Szuift, or Bolingbrake. It is a fort e£ Forest daughter, Ouan t heir, revolutionary dialelt, and was begotten and -■ i » i -i* t • i -t- taw6w With throb and fooforas bare, Commence their joy» too early, Should fondeft bridegroom of our land So foom provoke the ds!!iar?ce bland. Ere many an hour glass lhed its sand, I trow he'd look most surly. Solomon who was an exp ricncced lover, remarks thitf there is a time to embrace, and a time to reirsin from embracing, Thiel rule is strangely confounded by those illuf-J trious and most amorous lovers the " Heir of' the Fore ft and tW-r oi tbe ocean."; aaw 6w But flop* Titisiia tikislifa" Gi.e rre an ounce of Civet, good Apothecary, ti< sweeter. my imagiratioi-." The frolicfonx powers'of ridicule have laughed (jing en»ugn at the morning amours of tar and timber?, and fait water. " CUudite jam rivol, paeri, fx prata bikerunt." " Peerlcfs Majrflv." It would not be fair to suppose that our poet was in the ha hit of (ludying English authors ; hut, aa MtLTOv was a republican, l'aradife L«!k might have been'coufulted. The " moon, riling in cloudy majelty" foggefted u peer, less rnairOv;" Peerless is*s*innft nnlnrtti ratc word to he a companion to majesty. A more improper and nnapprOprimc epithet | cnuld not be cliofrn frotn the mighty irafi of the Englt'li language, majeflv" is a fine nanfenfical, boinluilical rumbling phraie, and thetefore is \rry pink of tafle. for an A meVicftii and is fore to lie popular arf.onj a uvjon'fp of our lo»iiig cotwtrynVen, ai*l isH'c them to f.ilute the author Hi a clever man and a wonderful genus. " The godlike fuWimity of the scene, the pen of man rannot rljpi&.'' Here is a won derful flight. MontgolSer and Rlanclard, with all their balloons, crept upon the ground in companion #f the aiidaci us, lusty, em pyreal excorfion of surpoet from one of the docks of New York. It i* uncertain whe« th;r this paragraph bard-' is a Fagan or a Jew, but lie applies a religions phrase to sn ordinary occurence Verymuchlike a Heathert. It should frrm, from the concluding member of thii extraordinary sentence \hat the pen of a ceMtial being could alone dcfcribe this hirenly fight. What bbfphemy and ron fenfe are here ; but this i'r the frlhionable rant »f the day, and many a wondering American, with moony tyes, Hare* to. rapt«red by whole pages of such kind of Eulogy. *' l'he beholders alone can know the ming led fenfatiom of pleasure, of joy and of na tional glory, that t'«e scene excit<-d." Thit is rather a fclfilh and iliibeial remark. It is drvihfh h ird that absent friends could not feel thefc " mingled fmfations." Howdeep. ly it is to be regretted that the " pleasure," and 'joy," and -'fictional glory," rtfult ag from a launch, Wre cottSned entirely to the Jack Tari, and " admiring brholders" at Sfew Yor)t. born in the mtnth Fintqfe. It i> the fafhioaa b!e jargon of wittoi editor*, and clicked jaco bin s. f Oliver*! Doclc. A low -quarter of Boflotif sam ut both for the ltcnch u! its fiih, and irt politict Men are commonly tarred and feath ered in thi» agreeable place. Liberty poies are always exalted here, French flags have often waved over thi» suburb ef St. Antoine. Here ivbcle oxen are roafled and de rourtd, and if a Grnrt flionld again appeir, mora poor oxen would be facrificcd by the vouries of St Oli ver. But, " peerlefi