of t " t &WmDaily Advertiser. iVuMrll 3365.] BLJ~ Tlx priet of this Gatette is Eight Dollars per c.nnum to Subscribers residing tn tbt city of Philadelphia. All others pcy one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; end unlesstfowie person in this city vill become annmrcble fur the subscription, 'it must be paid Six Months in Advance. *,* A'o Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. , Drc-mbrr I 1799, PRATT V KINTZLNG, Np. 95, North YVacet-ftrtet, on hand the following GOODS, ENTITL 1 >t< <lraw'fc.rk, which rney oflirrot fcfc .v moderate ptK««. so- «r theufual credit ; or oa rt cr-dit of fa c? iS "loutht upoo Worr^ag« on Heal I'rop rry, in or near the City <»f PhiUklf.hu, or other (Vcurity fc bo*e» aw-1 !>ale» Tick- 13 pipes old Pott Wi: -. Uolwgh:. *5 ifi» tumbler* as« 60 do. do. Hemp* ■ loncd. en 100 boxes Hamburgh sr do. do Oils Window Glass 8 by I 10, &c. 50 .J • Va.'crWorncs. 1 clu.lt afiarttd Looking %$ d. . Siciiu ld Linen®. GLffcs. sI do C»ca» and Crea« S«ven! lar,r« elegiat do. • la Morlaix. 1500 Demijohns. BrowaJlr.it*. 50 keg» Fcarl Barley. Do.KtfEaAft. Polifr. Rolfs. Bed Ticks. Biamois. Arabia*. Tmytj B^gi. Oil Cioeha. Shoes and Slipper*. foal and upper Leather. A lockage Ooid tnd SU vtr Watches. A few chnlsToys. Slates and Pencils. >0 hhda Havacna Mo lades February 15 IMPORTED In the Harmony, Captain KdllacK from Calcutta, AND FOR SALE By JOHN MILLER, Jun. (No* Bo* Dock Street J Pepper, f Sugar, »nd >of the firft quality. Hyson Te», j ALSO, well chufeo low priced Piece Goods. g? Apply Jo John Miller, Jun. or Alexan der J. Miller. April 9. NIGKLLN. an 11 UHiFFITH rrAi'E ran SJLE finall chefta of (jirtphama, onboard of colored Muflineu, | tht (hip *.hajea of St, Fernando Scrgts, I f eltoi'.in < ditto of Cambleu. f tbc rivtr »o ditto of colored and white I trim Cafiimcrcf, J Liverpool 14 trunks of prints! Callicoes, Tin mbotn »rt in tßtell ajf»rtedptukaget toiculmled tUbgr fir the IVtH Jtdij or burnt trach. 30 ton* Lead, in pigs, Bton*of dry White Lrad ic hhds. 1 If calk* of frne dry Yeilow i"aint, 6 ditto of.Mincral I ditto of din® Whiie> 10, ditto of Colcothw, 3.ditto of PurpJtiSrown, 18 cafe» EngUfb Chioa Ware in-fetta, 36 ca&tef Nails gfiarted, 300 barrclapickled Salmon, 80 half ijttc ditto, So barr«h Herrings, »o ditto Pbtd, la Jitto Markarcl, ] calk* of Porirr in, bottle#, 40 puncheons Rum, J»pe» »f Brandy, 4th proof,' M l'ipe» old Madeira Wine, 37 quieter ch eft* Young Hjrfan Tea, .tf face* of ImptriaFditto, * KBgHibiGucpowdw, HF' SergrdCepper Naik aaii B»Jtv Sail Can-raft, Etnpty W.ine Bottln, Cork in OteuM, Uteea Coffee in hbdt. February 13. GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a fufficient number of the mod approved European Glass V'ann. fuflurers. aod having on hand a large stock of the best Materials, on which their workmen are flow employed, have the pleasure of alluring *he public, that window glass of a fupeiior qua lity and of any lute, frrim 7 by 9, to 18 by 14 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing too feet tab, may bebadat the (horteft notice ■Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may »lfo be had, such as for piilures, coach glades, clock faoet, 4c. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket flafltt,picklingjar«, apothecary't (hop furniture, or other hollow ware—the wliole at leajl per cent, lower than articles of the fame quality broug'iH from any of th« f«a ports of the United States. /\ liberal allowance will be made on ftlc of large quantities. Orders from merchants »I>d others will be punctually attended to on jp plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store of Meflrs PRATHER and SMILIE, in Hlaiket-Street, Pittlburgh, March «, tuthtf. BANKR.UFf OFHCE. A FIFTH DIVIDEND of the Estate of MATJ THAS SLOUGH, bankrupt, will be paid to the Creditors who hare proved their dehta un der the Commission, at any time when called for, at No. 109, Arch street. JOHN JENNINGS, Cfrrk. April 49. I aw aw J ' FOR BOSTON, v.) fail iu .1 few ~\yt —For or paifige, .ij ply io th# cipcaia on r it haoii\ Of Dvck Cue is y, IV the Rate of Delaware,'being th!» daj dif I'oived, all perfonj haring demands jjainft law) partnership will apply to the fobllriber, and f"' h as are indebted to laid coceem will please to make payment t" MERCHANTS Acxojotaelegantly opened, Rooks v.eatly and correctly poltetl, with various other kind* of writing, br a person thoroughly acquainted with accoont*. Ccmfcmen extcnfivdy concerned, may find it to their tMt rrft rr> pt»t business iiv this li.ie into hi* hinds, as the follett confidence may he repefed m I.itn and ample fititfa&ion given. A Tew tens Roll firira ftoie. 10 kens YdJow Ochre. A tew bbls Rofm. 40 101 is Kuflu Hemp. So hhda. Hogs Brittle*, a hhds. Dutch Glue ao caflts Kails aflorted from 3d. to aod. 16 caflcs Ironmongery. 8 calks Hoes. German Steel. 6 hhd*. Coffee mills. Blocking Twine, Tapes, Stone PieUiog Pots, &.c &c. printer hereof. Philadelphia, March 19 Creditor* of If<xacPainter *Tt desired X to reader in their accounts to the fub fcri'ner, on or before the firft of May next, as a dividend will then be made; and all tho& indebted to said firm are desired to make im mediate payment or they will be dealt with as the law dire&f. r«tu&f THAT applicatioa will be made to the Pr.fitfent atid I>ii»£ct" of the P.lub of th« United Stnerfor the renewal of th« following Certificates of Shares in the said Bank, which were loft on board the (hip John, of Baltimore, Hugh Davey, iwaflet, bound, to London, viz : Of whir h aj»plicitiori, aH concerned, will f lcafe to take notice. JtiWtf Now occupied by Mr. Benjamin Buiby, as l Boarii Y,;iri ICr" Enquire at N0..2.18 AjcKftrce-t. March-1 j. itawtf. A convenient and Genteel House, fitua'ed in -iJ Trenton, to he let or fold PoffrfHoo will be* the id of June next Enquire oi the Printer. March 15. Valuable Pmp&rtyfor Safe, !o Chcfaur, near Su>h street, diteflly oppofifc Ct»«si»! Hiii. /V. LOTbfgrouixJ,about »i feet front in Chif- J7x nut ftrect and 73 fsrt iotdtptfc, whereon is a (iooj frame hotife, now in the tenure' of Samuel BeKge fubjefi to a ground rent of ta. per anemm. The, ailv»iit»pem:s fituatton «f this property re quires no comments, f»rit muflbeknown, th're are few in thh.eity to eqiratit, an unetceptionabla title wiH be.ai»d« to the purthafer. Apply to No. uextJoor to the premie, march j TJeited States, 7 ,t Pennsyli-anis District. J ' ' mtolij. BY virtua of a w. it of venditiona sxyonas-to me directed, iffutj out of the Circnit Court of the United States for the diflriift of Pennsylvania, will be exj-ofed to puWie fair, o rr Tuefjay the Cith day of May next, at seven o'clock in the eveiing, at the Merchant's Coffee House in Second ftrcet, in the city of Philadelphia, all the righr, eftateand intereil of Robert Morris, Esq. in and to the following described proptrty, viz. Three mrflujges, plantations and trail* of land, lituate in the county of Chefler, one containing one huu dred and forty acret s more or lef», Ctuatein the townihip of Baft Ncttii.gham, bounded by lands ofHugh Grey, Abel Etoagfun und widow Mills; one other containing one hundred and sixty acre*, more or less, fituat-- in the townihip a/ordaid ; bounded by lands of Wiilikni Maekey; RoltcrtA lexander and JameiPeeny, ami tlie other contain ing one hundred and twenty-seven acres, raore or less, fituste in the townihip of Lower Oxford, bounded by land of James Henry and Samuel WHitefides, with the appurtenances Seized and taken in execution, and to be fold as. the property of Robci t Morris, Esq. April il RUN away from the Subfcrther on the evening of the aoth inft. a bound Servant GIRL, namei Elizabeth Howcbcl, had on and took with h«r three different changes of garment and money, proud, bold and impudent, a noted ly r ; any per ion apprehend icg her Iball be entitled to the above reward—no coSb or charges will be paid. N: B, She had % years and fame months to serve DAXtZL FITZPAT/HCX. Gaflun TownflsiptCbr-ftor Couatj, jitiy 19 PHILADELPHIA TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 29, thk s««oj»ra GODFREY, Hitry Atkinson, r: '~t r, SAMUEI. kliOADs, I, I 1 cnii droec. April JI THE Ot PETER FOSTER £s" Co. PETER FOSTER. Duck Creek, Apr!) 1. iiwrm. To Merchants. Address a line to B. A. and Scars it with the N OTIC E. JACOB CLARK, Assignee ZtazvtiM April if. Notice is fjgreby given, B> No. 29885 1 Each for <me ihare, in thc rrame !> of ThnV Hr'}', f-hffTrvlcl (G'. 13) 19*87 | dated lit January, ißcoi/ IJBBBJ SAMUEL STERETT. Baltimore, 51b TO SB L£T, THE LOT, At tbe nvr'.b-easc come - of Arch, and Ninth streets, A Summer Retreat. JAMES GIKVAN, MARSHAL'S SALES. JOHN HALL, Marshal. rasj Three Cents Reward. august 6 AUTHENTIC LIFE OF SUWOROW yVST PUBI.ISHXD, an> FOX SALE, AT THIS or/ICKg A SKETCH Off THE 3life anli Cjjararter PMIS'CE ALBXANDR* WiTOROIP JtTM- eo^t Dfixskr, FieJd'Maiflik) General hi the fcrvir»of His Imperi <1 Majefly, the E toper or of iH the Rulfiai, The History of his Campaigns. Translated from, tie German tf Frederick Antbmg. To which upddftl, A concise and cmlrrtbttfiipe History of His Italian Campaign. By William Cubbeit. If i:i an elegant Prinl-Ptrtraii ttf that te- nenvned Warrior. [Briec » 1-3 DolUri.) Portrait of Marshal Suwjrotu. Gentlemen defirout of pofFeflirrg a capital Hke neß. executed in rhc firft style, at this illpftriou* Chriftiau Chieftain, may be luroifced with parti cular proof impßeffions, at this office. t»ricc one Dollar. 3tawt{ Pcbruasj 11. A CERTIFICATE of en« Share of the Bank of the United States, No. *stio, in the nam* ot Lewis Peter Qiiintyn, aad t Certificate of two Share! of the said Bank, No. 29119, in the name of George James Chulmondely, Em 1 of ChoJmon dcly, were forwarded from Nejif-York by the Chefterfield Bririfh Packet for Falmouth, which wa» captured by the French, and the Certificates loft or destroyed, and for which application is made at laid Bank for the renewal thereof, of which all persons concerned are desired to take notice. CLEMENT BIDDLE. <ijm. February at. CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS OF OBLIGATIONS or CERTIFICATES sign ed by the fwblcribar, 'or undivided Shares or Lou on hi* purchase within the city of Washing. ton. who have not yc applied for and received their Deed«, a-« hereby rotjfiei, that their several Tit!«« will be July completed to the order of those who in conformity with the termi of the fald Cer- do make th« Payments in fall therefor, either CO- Tluxat » 15" Co. or to the Sub fcribtr lit Philad«lphia. nft or at any-<fa»e betoic (ha lil day of May nrtt. December i y THE UNDERSIGNED, HIS Swedflh Majesty's Cocful General, and au thorized to trani«& the Consular Bufmefs, for his Majesty the King of Denmaak iu the United State# of America, fefiding at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, That? in obedience to recent in&ru&ions received from his government, it »• the duly of nil Matters Swedifti and Datiifh veffcif, b«s f or* their failing frdm any port in the laid States, to Call upor him or the Vice Conl'ul, in order to be granted fuel* Certificates for their Cargoes, Which the exigency of the fltte of the Neutral Commerce and the fe ver 1 Decrees of the* Belligerent Powcri, render iodtfpeffably nereilary, and, that any Matter oi veffda belonging to the rcfpeilive nations, or na vigating under the prOteilion of their flags, itt emitting to take such certifiers, wiil perfoualiy f:«cnd refposfible for the confequmces. eo 6*r. RICHARD- SO DF.R STROM Phi>adelphia, ISx,b DecernVcr, I7?£. BOONETON IRON WORKS. TO BE SOLD, OR LKASf.D FOR OKt. YttAß—-TITAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN "by the name ofthe Booneton Iron Work*, fitnate in 1 the colli.ty of Morris ia the flat *of New.JVrfey, confiding of a Forge with four fires, a Roiling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill with two Run of lUoes, and Saw mill, all in good order and new in use, together with an excellent, large, and convenient house, with ouc-houlW of every kind ; among u hich are an Ice houfc, and (lone milk house, with a remarkable fine spring.in it, a large Garden, and an exolhrnt collc&ion of Fruit, a large Orchard, and 2500 acres of wood, pa?ure and arable land, and a great number of stores and workmen's house* Immediafe'p will be given of houses and stores fuflici*n: for providing Hock the present winter, aC# 1 polTeißoa of the whole in the ipring. For terms «nquirc-of David B. Ogden at New ark, mr Peter Mackie in New-YorS, oir. Dayid Ford in Mottis Town, or meCri. Jacob and Rich ard Facich on tiepreaiifes. Jauuar" ri Thirty Dollars RewardL DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks on the night of the 14th infl—JOHN OSBQRN, biirn io the town oi Btdford, Welt Chester county and state of New.York, agc4 ai years 9 monthr, 5 feet 8 and a quarter inches high, grey ey«s (lohgqued) light hair, ruddy complexion, pock marked, by trait a Shoeraaker. BnHtted by Lieutenant Key no Ida in Stephen's Town, near Albany the 15th of Jeneiaft.' Had on and took with him a foort roiftd bine cloth coat with a red cape, a blue cloth fcoatec, a few white walftroas, a long grey mi ted cloth coat and breeches, a pair of boots, a chwcolate coloured great coat trimmed with black hair plotfi, s. furr hat half worn, and two lilver watches, one a middle 'fixe, the other small. He may impofc hwnfelt on feme family ©rgentlesiari ar* waiter; as he has a3ed in that capacity Whoever apprehends said Deserter, andfecures him in jail, fend* him to Headquarters,'of delivmhim Co any of the Marine officer*, or an j officertif'thfc army of the United States (hall receive the above reword and all charges. JHWtf Jinuary 16. NOTICE. Samuel Bioiigtt, J. S. LEWIS* AJtfuten t Murine Co rps. PROPOSALS BY A. DICKINS ti J. OIWROD, . >o* fUBtISIIIVG The Pursuits of Literature, A SATIUICAL mM IN FOUR DIALOGUES, WITH NOTK. 7V vibfeb nilt be AttneYeS, , A VINDICATION OF THE WORK, AND translations Of all the Greek, Latin, Italiau. and French pafligcs, quoted in the Prefaces, Vindication and Nute». BY THE AUIHOIi >&ALS. PROPi The Work will be print ed from the last Len don edition, and will form a large odlavo volume of übout 500 pages,including an in dex which thi. edition will alone poflefg. It shall be ekgirttly ft ecutedaod 'cdil.vcr edto I'u»/feriSc:-<at the tfioderure |>r*cc of/u* dollar* an 4 jiftf «#U, in boaid». To others it will be ruifcd. A*. B.—lt is now i be finished with all pi in the Press * and will )ossible speed. *•* Pu!>rcriptlotis *vill be received by A t>lc kint, No. North Second Street, opposite Christ Church, and J. Ormrod, No. 41, Cheftnt-ftrert, and by the princ?pal Bockfellers th*o*fchdiit the United States. march 17, LAIKLT PUBLISHED, AN» IS NOW r»R BAIK, By B.DAVIE3, at No. 68, High Strict, A FEW COPIES OF THF CONTRACT rOR THE PURCHASE Of WESTERN TERRITORY, &c. Made with the Legiflaturc otGeorgii ; confi' dered with reference to the fublequent at tempts of the State, to impiir ita obligations. [Price 50 Cents.] April 15, New Novels. THIS DAT II POa'LIMCD, Br ROBERT CAMPBELL, No. JO, Chcfnut StreM, THE Children of the Abbey, a Tile in 4 vols, by Regini Maria Roche, price two dollars. lldegertf, Q_ccn «f Norway, from the Ger manot'Auguflm V<n Kol»eb»t, author of the Stranger, &c. one dollar. Oeorge {Urnufell, by S. Surr, i dollar. " ThtConflant Lover, w William awt Jcancttc from the German of Too Kotzebue» 87 and 1-t 1 cehts Loves Pilgrimage, a Story founded 011 fadls, compiled from the Journal of a dereaftd friend, %f and f 2 cents. Algerine Captive, or th« Life and Adven ture* ot DoiWr Updike Undoihill, fix years a fwiloiier among the Algerines, » vols, j dbllar, 17 j cer.'t». The Democrat, of Intrigues ahd Adventures of Jean fcs Noir, I dollar. The K* y«l Captive*, a fragment of secret hiilory, copied from an old i.li: uftript, by Yearflev. a vols, i dollar and 6i cents. Tha GltfbeHoufe, 50 Cir;ts. D'.-ircy, By Ctilfld:tc Smith, 75 cents. Arthur Mervyo, 1 d tl'ar. L-uils, or the Cottage on the Irfoor, 61 and i-a cents. Cha'rlott* TfTnple, b'y Mrs. Rbwfori, 75 cents. Cafoiifie 'if Litchfield, 1 do'llar. Hfijty ViliStrs, 75 cimH. A r,i i great variety > ! other NEW NOVELS :oo numerous to inf.rt in a IsVwfpi; er. R. CAMPBtiLL has always for sale •r numerous ami gvner.>!jffortni.nt of Books ia every department of literature asd Jim.femeiit Also, a complete supply cf Stationary ofevery klKd. Country Store keeper}, public incl private Libraries ftlpplicd vu the »try iowtft' t> rn.s. April ij J-ufi PuU'tfhtd, and to be s»:d, (Price ij-Cents) By ZACHARIAH FOULSON, Junr f\ T e 106, Cbefiiut Street, AN ANALYSIS The Report of the Connfiittee or the VIRGINIA ASSEMBLY, ON THB Proceedings of furdry-of the other States, ANSWER TO THEIR RESOLUTIONS. BY ALKXANp'hR ADDISON. The J,aid Pou'fon has now in the j>re/s, and fptcdiiy will be pullifhcd, Reports of cases, Argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty ; Commencing with the Judgments of the Right Hon. Sir William Scott, Michaelmas term 1798 By Christopher Robinson, l* l. d. Advocate. Vol. I.—Part b . April 19. DESERTED, FHOM the United Statea Frigate Philadel phia, DAVID DEVINE, by trade a Shoe maker, born in Ireland, 13 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, light complexion and hair. AtSO, WATSON I-UDLOW, by trade a Shoe maker, barn in New-Jerfcy, 33 year» of age, S feet io inche* high, dark hair and complexion' Whoever will take up laid Ueferters and deli ver them on boaj-d the Cud frigate, lhall receive t?ii dollars reward for e»ch, and reafonaWe charges. March la. new Line of stages To Ne°jj York, By the fcorteft and m<>ft pl«f»«t roH—Juffic; through Prtnkfo r d, B'.'6'cion, Keutown, Penningtoh, MiUftone, Poundbroak, tTuioa Camp, Scotch Plain*', Sj.riutjicld and New ark. THE SWIFTSURE fliili t'ruin Ibc Green Tree, N»- $<J North fourth Street, it S o'alock every morning, aoi Arrives at New Vork.eatly the reju evening. From NeW York it ttarta at o'clock every d") (Snnilayi excepted ) and arrii'et at Phil!- arlphii, early the m-xt evening. Fate sos patatiijjers j rfeltarf, way piflchge/a 6 orntj J>er rr.lr. Eaoh paCltyei' allowed r^lb of baggage. One hundred and fit'f weight ef bagßfge to pay the since it a pafTrnger. AH be at the r:lk ol (he twmr, untds irliurtcf and ie*ript«d for by the tlerka of the different uEGcet. line of ir.foiance cue per r^nt. *s* Apply to JOHN M'CALL V, No. jo N.>rth Fourtli Strett, Philadelphia, and to WILLIAM VANDERVOOKT, No. 48 Courriih'j Streat, N.E. corner of Greenwich Street, Ntw York. 3»wtf. January 3 WHEREAS NTathcw Irw : n did on the Bth day of July 1t797 make an alignment of his estate ana cffe&s, to us the fubferibrrs, (or the be nefit of such of his creditors, as should or or before the -toth of September, 1797,' execute to him a full and final discharge—New thcfc of his creditors who are entitled to a dividend under laid assign ment. arc rcquefted to furnifh their accounts to Samuel Meeker, with intcrefl calculated up to the Bth day of July, 1797. as a < ividiend will ahfolutc ly be struck on the firtt day ot next, and those who negled to comply with this uocice will thure after be excluded from the benefit of the fame. «od4f. Philip Nichiin ~"J Samuel Meeker j Natb'l Lewis by bis Ads. ,{ > Aflignees* Pearson Hunt I John M. Taylor J Philadelphia, March 14 J ~ J WHEREAS Pragners and Company, of Phila delphia, merchant*, did on the fourth -of the pr'efent month, afli.n •Ver their fffe&s real personal and mixed, *o the fubferibert, for rhe be nefit of thsir creditors allowing three months for their creditors r. siding in the United States of America,'and nine moir ars beyond fua to prove their claims—Now therefore, those who have any demaod against said cftate, are re quested to furnifli the fame immediately, apd all per/ops who atV. indebted to faideftatc are requeu ed to mate immediate payment, to P&AOERS *c Co. No. 6, Lombard street, wh<* are appointed Agent to the Aflignees—ln failure whereof, legal measures will be instituted for the recovery of such debts as are not difeliarged without delay. Gcarrrr Latimer, AnJrtiu Bayard, i . John WadL g ,*n William Wain, J apri! ii A VALUABLE TRACT Cfr LAND, LYIKG on the Potomac Rivor, county cj/ N»r thuipl*.rland, fiate of Virginia; containing anout 14C0 acre*—.its frqatipn t* equal to any other iu the Northern NVch, lor every kind of wild fowl, oyflers, fifh end cra!>, and none bet ter lor health. It isihout tie Time diftahcc ifroflx Baltimore, Alexandria atad Norfolk, ana not more than one days fail from either. Yhpre are three improved plantations with dwelling houfeg, the or.c Known by the name of Exeter I.odge, former ly the residence of col. John Gordon, is an elegant two iiory brick hoafe, with four room* on a floor, and a pu'fi'ge fifteen feet wide. a isv^w. The other two arc commodious and convenient ly fitted, vviih good and fuiiablc out houses, at one of whith J oh;] Murphy, Esq. (now of Wtihnore. iahd county) lived fcveral years; on this farm there is a good grill mill, with water fu.Tii.ieDt to turn any number of itonei j alfe*cor.veni«nt iturehnu* set and granariea on a public m-d, well situated for a country (lore. On each of those places there are fine apj>le and peach orchards. The greater proportion of the land is of the firft quality, ai d near the half sf the whek heavily tiaibcred. The terms may be ki:ownby applying to Wm. P. Tilrbt Baltimore, Foulhee G. I' I'bSefq. of Richoyond cirtii.ty, Virginia, or t* Thomas Murgatfojd and Sons, Philadelphia. Feb. 5—14 A COUNTRY SEAT. FOR SALE, J ~HAT Country. {feat, belonging to JL the estate of Adam Zantzinger, 'deceafrdf; fituctcd od Schuylkill, near Gray's F-i*y, cbn&ftiu.- ing about «I acres olland, on whicnis credLed, % large, commodious brick houfV, three roomaun a floor, with a large piazza. A good barn, coach house, &c and a pump of excellent water, ihe building* arc nearly new, and in good cepdition. There i- also or the prer>ifc, a Rock, called ttarfibo's whi«b is one 01 the feeft landings and fifhing places on the river Tfce .garJcn is and very produfiive, as U the remainder of the which lay? high; and.commands a beautiful view of both rivers, the cicy and tho caighbcur hood. I iuSSllrf mKi'ft * Pbffeffio'n can be had immediately, A furth. r description is deemed unceccfary, m it is Cjtpc-ftcd tlve premises will be viewed previous to a sale, *nd the .price terms of payment, &c, will be made known fc" HENRY ZANTZINGER, Adm'iniftra or to faiH estate, Ho. 165, Market Street. N. IS.—ln cafe the above property is notdifpo fed of at private falc, it will then be fold at the Merchant** C<-fr e House, on Saturday the>6th inft at 7 o'clock in the evening, £ a«*ss aAW3-«r .Jtjv/tf. [Yumw, 'XV U eodtf NOTICE m&th.tf NOTICE. tu tK f.it 11:: FOR SALE, 3(aw J -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers