Unites Jfc&tfcS,/- Philadelphia Daily Adve^&T. W* f T r ' r i\ T t M&Fk 23^6.] tCT* Tie price of this Gazette is Eioht Dollars per annum to Subset Hers residing in the city 6f Philadelphia. All otters pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing ant,l di recting ; and unlessMOjnjt person in ibis city writ become 'ansnic/vble for the subscription, it must bepad Six Months in Advance. *,* No Subscription ivill be received for a .shorter term thiin six months. December * j799. This Day Published, By J. Ordckod, No. 41, Ghefiiut Street, (Price 2? Ccnt;»> THE Death of Genera/ Wafhihgtin. A I'OZ.M In imiration of rlic manner »f ©fCan, I.iv Rev. J /UN S. !.,inn, A..M. Minifccr of the I'irfc Pre&yttrun C'onrreeatich ©f Philadelphia. £ 'jF Mr»CKau Irofc's Oration will be publiihed on Monday morning-. Mux h 15. d. BY WILL-lAM COBBETT, For iniportiog tin; foilowfng periodical pub- licdti ris 1. The British Critick; z. The Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine; 3. The Gentleman's Magazine ; 4. Le Meroure Britanique, or The British Mercury. r "r""HE Rriti/h Critick is a regular Review of JL ail the works publilhed m Great Britain ; it is conduced with great impartiality and abi lity, and of the numerous publications of the kind which do now appsar, and have appeared in Great brkaigj k is uuiverfolly allowed to be the heft. [Price CO Cents,] The Anti-jacshiit Review and Magazine is as its title teems to indicate, rather more con fined, as ta the nature of its fubjedls, but it certainly is not less calculated for extensive uti lity. This work i* divided into four depart ments: i Original Critteifm—2 A Review of • the other Reviews-3 Occasional EfTaya, in prose and verse—and 4th, A Monthly Summary of HV'ory and Politics Every fix months it has a fopplement, conra which, the friends of truth have too long afled, it carries on a continual and vigorous UiKijfrve warfare againfl antrchy, immorality, aiid irreligion, and thus feftabliihes by its uni form condixS, us right to the title it has af fcjmcd. £ Price 50 Cents. J 7he Qey > llemari s Magazine y a work (tamped with tiie approbation of three Tcore years r con fids chiefly* 6f communications from amiqua ties and cult'rvaiors, and of original efiay.s, in verse and prof* Written by the mo'fl learned and ' ingenious n»er. the kingdom, and embracing by turns, alfnbft every fwbjtfl iht'erefting to man. Tie mifccllar.cous part of the woik is followed by a ielctftion of authentick foreign and dometticfc intelligence, including bificial re port*, ftate-paj.ers, and as. aL-ftrasSi of the pro ceedings in parliament ; next comes a very co pious obituary, being not merely a lilt'of deaths, but a valuable ferics of %»o£fapfty ; to which is a Meteorological Diary and Table', a Bill of Mortality for L-ndon and its environs, a table of the average prices of corn, and of the flocks, f- r every day.in the month: So that this work mufl ever be an entertaining and ufeful companion, not only to those who are of the learned profeffions, commonly so called, but te thp merchant, the faimer, and, in short, tdtveryntan, whatever may be the fubjedl of his study, or the objedi of his purluit [Price 4* Cents."] Le Mercure Britanntqne> or, Briti/h Mercu ry ; by Mocficur Mallet Du Pan.—This work, of which one number is published every fer:- night, in French and in Engl.flt, commenced in August 1798, and is continued with entreating spirit aud celebrity. It is bcth hijloricctland cri tical; it contains a fiimrnaryj and :s the repo firory, of all rke important events, efiablifhed fafb and public inftrumejus, which relate to rfce present sera ; it investigates points of fa&, of politics, and rights; it extends its view over all the nations r>f Europe, examines the condudl and discloses, the motives of their ref j>esive courts ; it. is in short a brief and compre hensive history of the times, equally remarkable for the elegance of its ttyle, the profundity of its remarks, and the soundness of its principles. [Price 50 Cents,] Thefc four works comprise every thing ufeful in the periodical way. Gentlemen may fuh icribe for all, or for either, of them. The fir ft order 19 intended to be lent off on the ift of May next; the successive numbers will be re ceived at New York in two months upon an average after, their publication in Londapi so thatthofe which are fubferibed for on or before the ill of May, will be received in September ; after which they will with very little irregnla. rity, come to hand once a month, the importer having made such arrangements as cannot fail of securing punctuality on tfee part «f his cor respondents. & Subscriptions will We received from any part of America, by J. W. Ffnno, Philadel phia. No advance is required. The prices are fcnf four cents a number higher than 11 London. April 3. g«g*~AsuhMi" i— Wli NOTICE. ACERTIFI 2.aTS ot em Share sf the Bank of th : Urti'td Sta <«, Hn ',9110, in theiume ot l.ew.; Pert* am! a Certificate of two Shares .afth* ftid Bank, No IJH9, l ame of Georgtsja*ies Ch.irtrondely, Eatl.o! Ch'.lrao-i ---dely, were farwvdcd from by tbf ChjftcrfieM' Bricifh P»ct«t for Fal-.routh, Uieh wasoj.cun'i'i by the French, and the C:reitcaie« loft or (icProye.i, and for wi.ich application h made [aid t-ack forth-srwcwal ;lic . of, of »hid, ail pert'ous cor.ccrofd are dtfired to take -or,tie;. CLEMEN!' BII3DLE, February 11 CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS ' OF 03UGA {"ION'S or CtfRT ! ed by tbc-iia ; »fcri!.*et. "t undividixi Shares or Lots •-crtyagK:- oil Red Property, in or near the C :;y of Philadelphia, or other fattsfVflorY IVfcurity 13 pipes old Port Wire. 15 hoxe? Tumblers al forted. 200 Soxes Hamburgh Window Ghk 5 by 10 , &c j-1 chest a.(Jorf d I Glafles. ! ?eyera! larvjc cjega 1- do. I 1500 D-mijchaa. j 5c Ugs Pfarl Karl y. lew tons Roll Er tn» HoKO. YelUw Ochre, few hhls Rosin, .■JO tons P '.ifHi ' >rap. 80 l hds. Hogs Brinks, 2 hhds. Dutch Glue. ,40 caflcs Kails afiwrfed frrm 3d. ro 2c'jf ; EAS. Grten and Souchong Apply to the ffbfcriber, or at Meffra, Willing* sod Francis'i, Pennllreet. April 15, AND FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIB EtiS, THE CARGO of rur. smr piuladllphia, ThcndorJ Bliss, tihmmauder, from Bsngil Sugars (it tfce firfl quality, And ioo qr. chefls Of fup»rior quality Hyson Teas. ' Wiliifigs & Francis 9 and „& jQbn Gii£cri t , Match 17 IMPORTED In tbe Harmony, Captain Kollack, from Prpper, Sugar, and >of the fit ft quality. Hyson Tea, J 450 Baits well chotep low priced Piece Goocjs Apply to John Miller, j :n. or AJexau rjer J. Mirer. Aprii 9, AU fliEN'l IC LIFE OF SUWOROW JVS7 PUBLISHED, AND fOR SALE, AT THIS OFFICE, A SKETCH OF THE %ift an& PRINCE ALEXANDER' SUIVOSOIV KTM- NIKSKI, Field-Ma,fhalGeneral inthe ferviceof His Imperi' al Majefly, thi Kpipcror of aU the Kuflias, The History of his Campaigns Translated from the German of Frederick A concise and comprehensive History of. With an elegant Print-Portrait of that re- Gentlemen desirous of pcUielupg a capital like ness executed in the firft t v yl v -, of this iliuflrious Chrjftian Chieftain, may "be hUuilbcd with parti cular preof at this office, price out; Dollar, Fe> ruatv I 1. LAN CAS TEH S TAGES. Proprietors of the Philadalphia aud Lan- X caffor line ©/Stages DISPATCH, return their grateful thawkf-to their frirud»>n4 the public in general ? syr ths patt favors they have received, and inform them that in addition to the rfeguljsr Lin*', tji*y are prcviced wirh Carriages,folxrr and can ful drivers, to go through between the City and prtcrEch is two daj«. Tbofff who prefer thjs mode of t: jvslSing can be accommodated fct StJigr OfF.cc, fipn ot United "States £agls, IVfarkit street, Fh ih^ljhu. Ni ny, un lei's the arrears are paid off on ?Ke sth diy cf Mar, or within ten days after. lly order (if the JSirtctors, BEN. R. MORGAN, Secretary. jprilia. w&fi.tE. TVT FJICHANTf) Aoco»in(s elegantly opened, Books neatly ar d corre&ly polled, with various other kinds of writing, by a perfan thoroughly acquainted with accounts. Gentlemen extenfivcly concerned, may find It ro 'heir intc-rtft to put bufnicfs in (hi* line into h.s hands, as the fulled confidence may be repof d in him and ample givtfVi. Addreis a line to B. A. and leave it with the primer hereof. fatu&f Philadelphia, March 19. W. Yovns, J. {y J. CoUKSHAHK, AN D I homas Dosson's Bookstores, Sacred to the memory of GEORGE WASHINGTON, Late President of the United States, and Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States. d2W. Adapted to the lid February lßco. By Richard Also p. mnrch 16. valuable real estate. out 2 S acrcs of Land, LAYlttb on the east fide of the Falls On the Jtaft it is bcusided by property belong to Mr. Tench Francis, f«n—on,the fi&th. by a road *4" two peVc-hc's, and-on tht' north by a lane, which separates it fropr. Mr. M'Call. It i» prop©- fe<2 to divide this land into 3 equal part* in order to fait the purchafers-. AlsO) 31 acres, fituatrd . n the weft of Gcr/i»ant©wn roid, Matter*'* elUtr, being part of the prcumv of the larc t-amuel Mifflin. for terms'appty to Samuel Mifflin, corn.r oi Market Slid nth llrcets. January 44, Valuable Property for Sale, hi Chefout, near Sjxth.Jlreet, (tircflly oppoGtc C©ncr*ss Hall. A LOT of ground, about »i feet front in Chef n cut street and 73 f«et in depth, wberccn is a eoqd frame house, row in the tenure of Samuel Benge fubji 61 %o a ground rent, of »o«. per annum. The, a'iv*ntaj?L'ous fituatioE of this jjkopcrty'ro <]i:?rc< no conlments, f.rit must be known, thfre sre-few in this city tc equal it, sr, uneeceptionablc title will be made to the pnrchafer. A;-ply to ."awtf No. lyl.Cbefniitil, next door to the premifns m wchj tu.thfatf Tlin UNDERSIGNED^ HIS Sw dilh Pvlaj-Oy's Consul Genera), and au thorized to It&HGk the Oonfular liuHntfs, for his Majcfty tht King of Denhiaak iii the United States of .America, refidirg at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, That in obedience to recent received from his government," it i. the duty of all Matters sf Swedish and Danifti vefieis, their tailing from aby port,in the .'aid States, to call upor him, or the Vice Cowtiil. in orrftr to be grained such Certificates Tor their Cargoes, which the exigency of the Hate of the Neutral Commerce ancl the fe ▼er iI Decrees cf the Powers, render mdif'perfebly and, that any Master of Vcffcls belonging to the rrfp nations, or na vlffatihg r the protection of their flags, in omitting to fuel; certific tes, will perfo»ally lra».d roJpo>{i;>le.ffcr the conicqucßces. 14ICH.VKU SOOER STROM Philadelphia, i&h MARSHAL'S SALES. U tiled States t ? Pennsylvania District. ) BY virtue of a writ of v;nd : tiona «Xf on»/tQ me dire&ed, iffucd out of the Circuit Court; of the United States for the diflriil of Pennsylvania, r. ill he exposed to public fair, on Tu'tflay the lixfh day. of May nsxt. at ttven o'clock' in the eve xi g at the Merchant VCoJfee House in Seco- d street, in the ci y of Philadelphia, all the righ-, clfcttc and intereA of Rebtit Morris, Iviq. in and to the following defenbed property, via. Three xnrffu.iges, pJjnt..tktii an*4 tra&3 of land, fitua e i» the comuy of CfccOcr, one containing one hun dreri and forty acres, inor; or lef», firuate in ihe township ct East Nottingham, bounded by land# ofHu?h Grcy k Abel Hodgfrn and widow Mills; one other coEtairtifcg one hundred and hxty acres more or less, fitriate-in the township aforefaid ; bounded by lands of Willi :m Mackrjr, Robert A. lexander and Jatacl Pecrcy, and theothtr couta n jn«y one hundred and twenty-f vCn acrW. rsore or lefa, situate in the township of Lower Oxford, hounded by land of James Henry and Samuel Whiiefidas, wkh the appurtenances Slj'—s; Seized and taken in execution, and to be fold as the property ot Rpbett Morris, fcfq. »pril it SAMUEL RHOADb. No. I, Pcnn flreet. To Merchants. 70S [ COME TO HAM), And for file at A POEM, ICR. SALE, JAMES Gift VAN, JOHN HALL, Marshal. r«;tf if. £i- jfj , NEW LINE OF STAGES '/»y the fame us i psflenser. All baggage to be ar the , ilk of the o»nir, unless inlurrtl and receipted for by the clerks of the different offices. Rate of lnfarai.ee "re per cent. Apply to JOHN M'CALL '., No. North Fwurth Street, Philadelphia, >,,1 , 0 WILLIAM VANOEP.VOpkT, No. 4 » Courtland Street, N. E. corner of Greenwich New York. January 3. ICKLIN and IiKiJ^'FITH HAVK ran SAL;: small chcfb of GintfhsraV, on hoard 4 4itto ol colored ihe-ftip 4 biles °f St. Fernando Serges, (•Nc!tor„in 4 ditto of Camlets, r~ th .. J;' 10 ditto,of colofed sad « l <-e I fv.-im ' CslEmere,, J L iverpo.i 3tawtf 14 trutiks of Cailiccc?, •TU in cjhrud pccitga nhutcH! titi er for the Wtji India it home trade. 3 3 ton 3 Lead, ih pigs, 8 tonjot dry White Lead In fihdi. I? caiks of fipic dry Yehjw Paint, 6 ditto of Mineral Blank, I ditto of ditto White, io ditto of Colcothar, 3 ditto of Purple Brown, io cafe? English China Ware in fetti* ;6 calks of N.iils assorted, 300 barrels pickled Salmon, So half ditto ditto, So barrels Herrings, Jo ditto Shad, ditto Mackarel, ; calks of Porter in bo'tk-i, ae pu*chemis Rum, 190 pipes »f Brandy, 4th proof, ic pip«g M tfjfrira ,\V 17 quarter chests Young Hyson Tea 13 boxes of Iwpirul ,Uf.o, English Gunpowder; IKF Forged Copper Kails and Eoltj, Empty Wine Battles, Cork in {beets, Green Coffee in hbds February 13. THF. PARTNERSHIP OF. PETER FOSTER V Go. Of Duck C/ieek, TN the (late of Delaware, being this day dif -A solved, ;!i peifon* having demands againit fait! pirrnerfliip will apply to tr.c fubferibtr, and such as are indebted to said coucern will please to make payment to PETER FOSTER. Dock Creekj April i. 1 2awtm THE LOT, At the north-east corner of Arci and Ninth streets, Nov* occupied by Mr. Benjamin liufby, as a Board Yiird. nquire at No. 218 Arch ft reel. March 17% FOR SALE. A VALUABLE Til ACT OF Ls/ND, L"V I''n on the Potomac River, county 0/ Nor thumberland, ftete of Virginia; containing about 1400 r.ere* —its situation ia cqiial to any o'her in the Northern Neck, remarkable tor every kind of wildfowl, oyCers, fiih and crab, and none bet tar for health. It is about the fame difUnce from Baltimore, Alexandria and Xorfolk, anci not more than one days fail from either. Tbsre are three improved plantations with dwelling h«ufes, the one known by the name of Exeter Lodge, former ly the rtfidence r f col, John Gordon, is ari elegant two (lory brick house, with £our rooms on a floor, and a pafiage fiiteen feet wide. I The other two are commodious and convenient ly lifted, with good and fuitaUe out boufti, at one : of Which John Murphy, Esq. (now of Weftmore iand county) lived fever;] years; on this farm there ■ »» a good grift mill, with watti fufficient to turn any number of stones ; alfc convenient ftorehcu fes snd granaries on a public ro?d, v/ell Ctuated for a .country (tore. On each of those places (here arp fine aspic and peach orchards. The greater ; proportion of 'ha laid is of die firft qu^iiry, a:id « near the .half of the whole'heavilj timbered. .The ! terms may be luio\rn,l:y applying to yfm P. Tebfcs •| B'aJtiinore. Fouftec G. Tebba,' cl>. of Richmond - eoiiirfy. Virginia, or to Thomas Murgatrojd-and | Sons Fhii&rielphw. Feb. s—l4$ —14 DESERTED, FKOM the United Stales Frigate FhHac!ei phia, L'AV ID DEVI ,'v [■, l y trade a Shoe ttnkcr, berii in Ireland, 23 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, light complexion ."tid hair. WATSON J UDX-OW, by trade a Shoe maker, horn in New-Jerf-v, 53 years of feet 10 inches high, dark hair and complexion- Whoever wjil take up !Vd Oeferrers aid deli verthem on tnard the said frigate, fliill receive ten dollars reward for each, and reafonsble charges. March it, X\i], ■mairiiii • unniniiMwt eo-Jt-f ir.lvUrt TO BE LET, 3 tcntf. 3taw ALSO, .•jtiw 1 *