Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 25, 1800, Image 1
<§a^rtte of *?>« 3cUUtCft Philadelphia, Daily Advertiser. Nvxam 1365.] The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unless-tsome person in this city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. *** No, Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. DecembfT 1 1799* c T%ts Day Published, By J. Orkrod, No. 4.1, Chefnut Street, (Price 25 Cents) The Death of General Wafhinvton. A POEM. In imitation of the manner of Ofliaa. By'Hev. John B. Limv, A.M. Mmift-r of the First PreibyteriaD Congregation «f Philadelphia. Mr. Chaudron's Oration will be publifeed en Monday morning. Mfcrch 15. d. PROPOSALS BY WILLIAM COBBETT, For import iog tbe following periqiicdl pub- lie a thus ' i. The British Critick.; i. The Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine; 3. The Gentleman's Magazine ; 4. Le Mercure Britanique, or The British Mercury. THE British Critick is a regular Review of all tbe works publi(l)p4 in Great Britain ; it; i« conduced with great impartiality and abi lity, and of tbe numerous publications of the kind which dn now appear, and which have appeared in Great Britain; it is Uuiverfally allowed to be the 6eft. \_Price 50 CcntsJ] Tbe Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine is as its tide seems to indicate, rather more con fined, as to the nature of its fubje£ls, but it certainly is not less calculated for extensive uti lity. This work is divided into four depart ments: 1 Origjial Criticifm —lA Review of the other Reviews— 3 Occasional Eflays, in prose and verfe —and 4th, A Monthly Summary of Rift pry and Politics Every fix months it has a supplement, containing a review of foreign works, not forgetting those of America. The Anti-Jacobin dwells less on ftibjtdU which are merely Hterafy and fcientific, than on those w&ich have amors* Utito ciety. With a bold and masterly hand, it cor real 3 the blunderings of error, traces the intri cate winding? of mifreprefentatinn, and strips off the ma(k of hypocrisy. The avowed cham pion of the church and the state, it spares the enemies of neither, whether open or secret; and, Tcorning the pusillanimous defenfive, up on which the friends of truth have too long a£led» it carries on a continual and vigorous offcnfive wirfare against anarchy, immorality, and irreligion, and thus Jeftabliihes by iti uni form condufl, its right to the title it has as fumed. [Price 50 Cents* ] The Gentleman's Magazine, a work stamped with the approbation of three score years, con lifts chiefly, of communications from awtiqva ries and cultivators, and of, original efTays, in verse and prof? written by the most learned and ingenious raer in the kingdom, and embracing by turns, almofl every fMbjc& intercfting to man. Tbef miTcieffarieoup part of the work is followed by a feledtion of authentick foreign and domeftick intelligence, including official re port", ftate-pape.rj, and an a bftr a & of the pro ceedings in parliament ; next comes a very co pious obituary,£ r.ot merely alift of deaths, but a valuable feprs "f biogra,phy ; to which is addec!, a Diary and Table, a frill of Mortality for L ndon and its environs, a table of the a vcage prices of corn, and of the ltocks, f-r every day in the month : So that this work sruft ever he an entertaining and ufcfn] companion, not only to those who are of the learned profefllons, commonly so called, but t« the merchant, the farmer, and, in fbort, very mm, whatever may be the fubjetfi ef his fludy, or the objeft of his pur uit [Price 40 Cents,'] Le Mercurr Uritanniqiie, or, Britijh Mercn 0L sIS by Monsieur Mailer Du Pan.—-This work, of which one number is published every fort night, in French and in Engl'lh, commenced in August 1798, and is continued with encreafing spirit and celebrity. It is both htjloricaland cri tical; it contains a fwmmary, and is the repo- jirory, of a!l T«te important events, established •fa<f!« and public inftriimenta, which relate to the £ -present sera ; it points of fa»ft, of politics, and national rights; it extends its view over all the nations of Europe, examines the conduft and drfclofes the mottoes of their ref pedlive eourts; it is in short a brief and compre- hiftory-of. the times, equally remarkable for the efogance 0f its fty!e, the profundity of its remark"!, and tKe soundness of its principles. [Price 50 Cunts.] These four work* f omprife every thing ufeful in the periodical way. Gentlemen 'may sub fcribc tpr ill, or far either, #f them. The flrft order is intended to be fen! off on the |(l (if May next; the fuccefiive numbers will be re ceived at New York in two months upon an *Y era P c after, their publication in London so th3tthofe which are fubicribed for on or before the ift of" May, will b« received in September ; after which they will with very little irregula- rity, ctmc to hand vice a month, the importer having made such arrangements as cannot fail of lecuring punctuality on the part of his cor refponfients. Subfcriptlcns will be received from any part of America, J. W. Ffnno, Philadel phia. No advance is required. The prices are but four cents a number higher than in London. Afr'*i 3* A CERTIFICATE of one Share ef the Bank of the United States* No. *9l*o, in the name ot Lewis Peter Ouirtyo, and a Certificate of two Share»«rfthr said Bank, No. 29.! 19, in the name of George James Chwlmondely, Earl of Cholmon dely, were forwarded from New-York by the Cheflerfield British Packet for Falmouth, which was cajftured by the French, and the Certificates loft, or Heftroyed, and for which application it made at said Bank for the renewal thereof, of which all ptrforrs concerned are desired to take notiee. February II CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS OF OBLIGATIONS «r CERTIFICATES sign ed by the ftibfcribw, for undivided Shares or Lots on hi* purchase within the cky of Wafliing ton, who have not yet applied for and received their Deeds, are hereby notified, that their several Titles will be duly completed to the order of those who in conformity with the terms of the said Cer tificates, do make the Payments in full therefor, either to Tbomus MpEuen (3* Co. or to the Quh fcriber at Philadelphia, on or at any time before the 31ft day of May next. December 17 BOONE'TON IRON WORKS TO BE SOLD, OR LEASED FOR ONF. YEAR—-THAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by thr name o? the Booneton Iron Works, fitnate in the county of Morris ih the flat* of New-Jcrfey, confifling of a Forgje with four fires, a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill with two Run of fieoe9, and Saw mill, all in good order and new in use, together with an excellent, large, and convenient house, with out-houfcs of every kind ; among which are an Ice house, and (tone milk house, with a remarkable fine spring in it, a large Garden, and an excellent eolle&ion of "Fruit, a large Orchard, and 2500 acres of wood, paf.ure and arable land, and a great number of (lores and workmen's house*. Immediate pofleflkm will be given of houses and (lores fufficient for providing (lock the present winter, and poffeflion of the whole in thelpring. For terms enquire-of David B- Ogden at New ark, mr. Peter Maekie m New-York, mr. David Ford in Morris Town, or mefirs. Jacob and Rich ard Faefch on the premises. Januarv m. DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks on the night of the 14th inft—JOHN CXtBORN, born in tht ujwnof Bedford, Wpft Chefier county asd slate age4 21 years, o months, 5 feet 8 and a quarter inches high, grey ey«.9 (loogqued) light hair, ruddy complexion, pbek narked, by trade a Shoerwaker. Enlitted by Lieutenant Rey nolds in Stephen's Town, near Albany the ajth of June last Had on and took with him a short round blve cloth coat with a red cape, a blue sloth coatee, a few white waiflcoats, a long grey mixed coat and breeches, a pair of boots, a chocolate coloured great eoat trimmed with black hair plnfh, a fur 1 * hat half worn, and two tlver watches, one a middle fizc, the other small. He may impose himfeif on some family or gentleman as a waiter, as he has a&ed in that caparity.— Whoever apprehend' said Deserter, and secures him in jail, fends him to Headquarters, or delivers him to any of the Marine officers, or an / officer of the army of the United . State 1 fnall receive the above reward and all reafonahte charges. January if), BY a d«eree of the High Court of Chanferv, made in a cause, James again ft Newman, it is among other thiog* referred to Wm. Grave?, Esq. one of the matters of the said court, " to take an account of the Legacies bequeathed by the will of the teOator, WILLIAM PHILLIFB, late of Newgate fireet, London, deceased, and also to in quire and {fate to the court, whether Francis J?mes, the brother of the complainant'* named at one of the Legatees in the said will in dead, and whether he died in the life time of the Therefore all persons who can give any informa tion whether the said Francis James be living or dead, and it living wher# he now refHe* or lift resided, and when and at what place, and when and where hs was last heard «f , and if dead, vi hen and where h« died, are hereby rpquefl*d to give such information to thefaid William Graves,Efq. at his office in Sonthamp'on Buildings, Chancery London.on or before the firft day of March next, othrrwife he wiil be excluded the benefit of the laid dccfee. The said Francis James was born at or near Kidwelly, in the county of Caermarthen, and if living, is about the age cf thirty-four years, and about the year 1779, was a foremaft man on board the Milfcrd, a merchant (hip, belonging to the por: of Bristol, and failed for Jamaica in Septem ber, 178 c, afterwards he returned to ftriftol, an in November, 1781, was prefi"::d in King road, Briflol, lent oh board she king's frigate called the Diomede, in which he failed from Ply mouth «n a crwife, and on beard of which he af terwards \ eca*ne a quarter gunner, and deserted the said (hip at Chatiefton Bar in North-America in September 1781. Should any person in the United States f>f Ame rica', be enabled to give information of the above named Franci* James, whetherliving or dead, they arc requeued tn communicate the fame to DAVID A. OGDEN, No. 69, Stone Greet, New Y^rk. j£jF* The printers throughout the United States are requefled to publilh the above. »pril t Si RUN away from the Subscriber on the evening of the 28th inft. a bound Servant GIRL, named Elizabeth Howckel, had on and took with h«r|three different changes of garment and money, proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any p»r fon apprehending her (hall be entitled to the above reward—no costs or charges will be paid. N: B, She had » years and Ibme months to serve. DANIEL FITZPATRICK. Goften Town(hip,Cb;(ler County, July 49. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY' EVENING, APRIL 25, ißao. NOTICE, CLEMENT BIDDLE. Samuel BlodgeU. Thirty Dollars Re-ward. J. S. LEWIS, Adjutant Marine Corps. WHEREAS Ihree Lents Reward, IMPORTED In the Ship Canton from China, Richard Dale, Esq. Commander, Yellow Nankeena, Silks, Imperial, "J Yoong Hyson, | Hyson Skin, J»TEAS. Green and j Souchong J Apply to the fubfenber, or at Meflrs Will!ng» and Francis's, Penn-ftreet. April 15 Jttst Arrived, AND FOR SALB BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, THE CARGO OF THE SHIP PHILADELPHIA, Theodore Bljfs, Commander, from Bengal. coxsisrr&G or An aflortmenr of Piece Goods. Sugars oi the firft quality, And aoo qr. chefcs of iuperior quality Hyson Tea*, Wi'ilings I? Francis, and Thomas i? John Clifford. March 17 THIS BAY LANDING, From on board the fchoorer Godfrey, captain Atkinfon, from Martinique, And for sole*, by ao hogfbeads} 9' tierces C firft qiuHty SUGARS a 6 barrels j And 30 hogflicads Molasses, April 21 AUTHENTIC L,IF£ OF SUWOROW, JUS 7 PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALE, AT THIS OPyiCE, A SKETCH OF THE %ife anD efjaratfer PRINCE ALEXANDER SUWOROW RYM- NIKSJCI X Field-Ma. fhal General in the fer viceof His Imperi al Majesty, the Emperor of aH the Ruflias, with The History of his Campaigns. Translated from the German of Frederick To *McK'i» ad-].*, i concise and comprehensive History of - s , -,s, His Italian Campaign. By William Cobbett. With an elegant Print-Portrait of thai re* nonvned Warrior, [Price a I-a Dollars.] Portrait of Marshal Suworow, Gentlemen deGrous of poffefling a capital like* ness. executed in the firft style, of this illustrious Ghrillian Chieftain, may be furnifhed with parti l cular proof impyffions. at. this office, price one Dollar. February la. JuJl Puhl'ijbed. and to be S»/d, (Price »5 Cints) By ZACHARIAH PO.ULSON, Jmir. JVf 10 6) Clef nut Street 1 AN ANALYSIS The Report of the Committee VIRGINIA ASSEMBLY, Proceedings of fur.dry of the other States, ANSWER TO THEIR RESOLUTIONS. BY ALKXANDfcR ADDISON The said Poulfon has now in the press, and speedily will be pubVifhed ,* REPORTS OF CASES, Argueif and determined in the High Court of Admiralty ; Commencing with the Judgments of the Right Ho*. Sir Wil'iamScott, Michaelmas term 179^ By Christopher Robinson y L. L. d. Advocate. Vol. I.—Part I. April 19, LANCASTER. STAGES. 'T'HE Proprietors ef the Philadelphia and Lan- X carter li:.e of Stages )3l:?P.'VrCfc|, return their grateful thanks to their friends'ahd the public in general, for the past favors tfcey V»ave received,and inform theft* that in addition to the regular Line, th*y are provided with Carriages, sober and careful drivers, to go through between the City and Borough in two days. Those who prefer this mode of travailing can be accommodated at the Stagd Office, sign of United States Bagl«, Market ft reet, Philadelphia. Sloiigby Downing, Duriwoody if Cg, Nov. 30. 2t —§ A Summer Retreat. A convenient and Genteel House <sruated in Trentton; to be I<?t or fold. Po&fiion will be the Ift of June next. Enquire of the Printer. March 15. . eo6w. -To be Rentei AND immediate pofleffion given, if required, a new two story Brick and Kitchen, about 14 miles from Philadelphia, on the great road to Newtown. Enquire of the Printer. 4 f -f- jawtf R. WILLING'. d2w. SAMUEL RHOADS, No. I, Peon ftrtct. eo 3* OF TH£ ON *fHK- aaw^w IMPORTED In tie Harmony, Captain bollock, from Calcutta, AND FOTI SALE By JOHN MILLER, Jun. (No, 80, Dock Street J Pepper, } Stigar, and >of the firft quality* Hyson Tea, j ALSO, 350 Bales well cbofen low priced Piece Goods, j£jT Apply to John Miller, Jun. or Alexan der J. Miller. April 9, PRATT £s? KINTZING, No. 95, North Water-street, HAVE ON HAND THE FOLLOWING GOODS, ENTITLED to drawback, which they r.ffsr for fal#* at moderate pric«s for calh, or usual credit { or on a credit of u or l 8 months upon Mortgages on Real Property, in or the City of Philadelphia, or other fatisfa&ory security 50 boxes andbalt9 Tick lenburghs. 60 do. do. Hemp en linens, 50 do. brigs. 50 do Patterbornes. 25 do. Bielfield Linens. Il do Creas and Creas a la Morlaix. Brown Rolls. Do. Hessians. Polish R®Hs. Bed Ticks. -Siamois. Arabias. Empty Bags. Oil Cloths. Shoes and Slipper** Soal and upper Leather. Quills and Scaling Wax. A package Gold and Sil ver Watches. A few chests Toys. Slates and Pencils. 70 hhds Havanna Mo laflcs February 15 13 pipes old Port Wine. 15 boxes Tumbler* al tar ted j 200 boxes Hamburgh Window Glass 8 by 10, &c. 1 chcft aflbrted Looking Glasses. Sereral large elegant do. 1500 Demijohns. 50 kegs Pearl Barley. A few tons Roll Brim* itose. 10 kegs Ycll®w Ochrc. A few bbls. Rosin. 40 tons Ruflia Hemp. 80 hhds. Hogs Bridles. 1 hhds. Dutch Glue. 20 calks Nails assorted from J4. to aod. 16 cases Ironmongery. 8 calks Hoes. German Steel. 6 hhds. Coffee milli. Blocking Twine, Tape®, Stone Pickling Pots, See &c. do. Ozna PROPOSALS BY A. DICKINS V J. OHMROD, FOR PUBLISHING The Pursuits oj Literature, A SATIRICAL POEM IN FOUR DIALOGUES, WITH NOTil, To which will be Annexed, A VINDICATION OF THE WOE-K, AND TRANSLATIONS Of all the Greek, Latin, Italian, and French passages, quoted in the Prefaces, Vindication and Notes. BY THE AUTHOR. )SJLS. PROPO, The Work will be print ed from the last Lon don edition, and will form a large o&avo volume of about 500 pages .including an in dex which thin edition tor ill alone poflcfs'. It shall be elegantly ex ecuted and bedeliver edto fubferibersat the moderate price of two dollars andfifty cents, in boaids. Jo others it will be raised. N. B.—lt is now in the Press, and will Iff finished with all possible speed. %• Subscriptions will be received by A. Dic kins, No. 2j, North Second Street. opposite Christ Church, and J Ormrod, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet, and by the principal Booksellers throughout the United States. march 17, Notice is hereby given, THAT application will be made to the Pr?fident and Dire&ors of the Bank of rhe United State* for the renewal of the following; Certificates of Share# io the said B. nk, which were loft on board the ship John, of Baltimore, Hugh Davey, reader, bound to London, viz : B. No. 298P4"} 2988 s I Each for {hare, in tV -.ame 19886 of Tho's Holy, Sheffi- lei (G. li) j dated ill January, jßco ; 29888 J Of which application, all pelfons concerned, will please to take notice. SAMUEL STERETT. Baltimore,sth april, 1800 aawsm THE UNDERSIGNED, HIS Swcdiih Majesty's Consul General,'and au thorized to tranfaA the Consular Bufmefs, for his Majesty the King of Deumaak iu the United States of America, residing at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, That in obedience to recent instructions received fforri his government, it is the duty of all Matters <%f Swedilh and Danish vessels, be-fore their failing from any port in the said States, to call upor him or the Vice Consul in or#Jer to be granted such Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency of the ft ate of the Neutral' Commerce arid the fe ver -J Decree* of the Belligerent Power*, render indifperfably neceflary, and, that any Master of vefTeii belonging to the refpe&ive nations, or na vigating aiider the prote&ion of their flags, in omitting te take such certificates, will pcrfonally stand refpoafißlfe for the confequt-nces. RICHARD SOOERSTROM. Philadelphia, ißth December, 1799. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. FOK SAI.K, About 25 acres cf Land, LAYING on the east fide of the Falls Read.— On the East it i* bounded by property T>elong ijtg to Mr. Tfc'rich Francis, ftn.—on the jfouth, by a road (*i two perches, and on the north by a lane, which feparatcs it from Mr. M'Call. Ir is propo-' fed to divide this land into 3 equal parts in orier to fait the purchafer-v. Alio, 31 acres, situated on the weft fide of Geraantown ro*d. Makers'* estate, being pact of th* prop#rty x*f the late Samuel Mifflin. iPor terms apply to Samuel Mifflin, corner of Market and nth streets. January 44- tf. 'Tta, ' { JOSEPH ANTHONY & Co, At tbeir Store No. 5 Cbesnut Strc/, /ne ton SAI.K, The following Articles, viz. First quality Russia Hemp Ruflia Duck Brandy in pipes, firft and fourth proof Madeira Wine in pipes and half pipes Claret in cases Winter and Summer .pHTed, Spermaceti Oil Spermaceti Candels, and Hyson Tea, latest importation March 14. 2tnwtf THOMAS MLfKGA'I HQYD isr SON& HAVE FOR SALS At No. 35 ice pieces gauze, 100 swords, Sco joiners tools, 14c saddle trees, 12 fire fenders, brass topi, 100 brass compafles, I oo- wood do. April 9. nicklin AND'KITH HAVH FOR SALg small chests of Ginghams, -\ on board 4 ditto of colored Muflincts, I the Ihip 4 bales of St. Fernando Serges, ! Nestor, in 4 ditto of Camblets, ( the river 10 ditt.6 of colored and white ( from Caffimeres, J Liverpool • 14 trunks of printH Callicoes, The above are in small ajferted packaget calculated either for the IVtjl India vr borne trade, 3f> tons Lead, in pigs, 8 tons of dry White Lead in hhds. 17 calks of fine dry Yellow Paint, 6 ditto of Mineral Black, i ditto of dirto White, io ditto of Colcothar, 3 ditto of Purple Brown, io cases English China Ware in setts, 36 calks of Nails aflforred, 300 barrels pickled Salmon, 80 half ditto ditto, 80 barrels Herrings, io ditto Shad, 1© ditto Mackarel, 7 calks of Porter in bottlet, to puncheons Rum* 190 pipes of Brandy, 4th proof, 15 pipes old Madeira Wine, 27 quarter chests Young Hyson Tea, 13 boxes of Imperial ditto, Eriglifh Gunpowder, HF Forged Copper Nails and Bolts, Sail Canvass, Empty Wine Bottles, Cork in fleets, Green Coffee in hhds. February 13V fc*.tU&f JUST COME TO HAND, And for fete at W. Yovns, J. C J. Crukshank, and Thomas Dobson's Bookstores, A POEM, Sacred to the memory of GEORGE WASHINGTON, Late President of the United States, and Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States. Adapted to tht aad Ftbruarjr ißco. By Richard Alsop. march 16 A COUNTRY SEAT. FOR SALE. rHAT handsome Country Seat, belonging to the estate of A<jfan\ Zantzinger, deceased ; situated on Schuylkill, near Gray's contain, ing about 21 acres of lapd, on whicnis ereSted, a large, commodious brick houf\ three rooms on a floor, with a largn piazza. A goad barn, cose?* hosfe, &.c. and a pump of excellent water. The 3iwtf. buildings are nearly new, and in good condition- There is also on the prerwifc? a noted Rock, called Ramho**, wbiah is one of the best landings and filling-places on the river The garden is large and very prddu&ive, as is the temainder of the land which lays high, and commands a beautiful view of both rivers, the city and the n#ighbcur hood. PoiTeflion can be had immediately. A further defcriptfon is deemed unnecessary, as it is cxpe&ed the premises will be viewed previous to a sale, and the price terms of payment, &c. will be made known by HENUY ZANTZINGER, AJminiftrator to said estate, No. 165, Market Street. N. 3.—ln cafe the al *ve property is not dispo sed of at private sale, it will then be fold at the Merchant's Coffee House, on Saturday the 26th iaft. at 1 d'clock in the evening. / * FOR SALE, A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, LYING on the Potomac River, county of Nor thumberland, ft ate of Virginia; containing about 1400 aeres—its situation is equal to any o*her in the Northern Neck, temarkable for every kind of wild fowl, oyfiers, fifh and crab, and none bet ter for health. It is about the ftiue diftancc from Baltimore, Alexandria and Nforfolb, and not more than one days fail from either. There are three improved plantations with dwelling heufes, the one knowD by the name of Exeter Lodge, former ly the residence of col. JoV.n Gordon,is an elegant two flory bricTc house, with four rooms on a floor, and a pafTage fifteen feet wide. other two are commodious and convenient' ly fitted, with good and suitable out holifes, at ore of whfch John Marphy, Esq. (now of Weftmor?- iand county) lived fcveral years; on this farm there is a good grift mill, with water fulficieot to turn any nurtiberof stones ; alf© convenient floreJyu fes ami granaries on a public road, Well situated for a country store. On eaeh of those places there are firte apple aad peach orchards. The greater proportion of she land is of the firft quali y and near the half of the whole heavily timbered. I'hc terms may be Known by applying to Wm P. Baltimore, Fotrthee G. TebSs, esq. of Richmond coauty, Virginia, or to Thomas Murgatro} d an<! Sous, Philadelphia. Feb. S~~JA {To/Imk XVII. mwfira ed2W mwtSJ mw& 3taw