Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 23, 1800, Image 3

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    JEJ& tffasttti.
■From tbe American Eagle.
MR. Printer,
Claiming neither to be one of " the fove
jtign people," nor an indifferent fpe&ator of
public transactions, I Itave taken the liberty
of reviewing the conduft of our agenti in
the lav State Legi<Jature. Of the impar
tiality or importance of my observations,
your resderj will He the judges In every
aflembly of men of extraordinary mental fa
cullies, events ofcorifequenee mull naturally
be cxpefied ; and it fojnrtinw happens,
when power is entrusted to Folly, anions as
pernicious to Tocisty will occur, as if perfor
med by the mod refined depravity. The
laboured efforts of the highly gifted villain
did npt, after' Months and years
earntflly spent in their attainment, tftft
what Cioots, the orator of the human race,
tttcirpli&sd in a procession of the vagrants
of all nations in Paris, that receptical of va
grants, in a fmgle day. The operations of
ambitious men in the General Government,
are now well known, to be founded on the
concurrence of the Hate Legifla-.ures, whose
ijnorMice may mcreeffi&ually answer tfeir
purppfes thin ever their intentional wicktd
nefs—" obedient firfl ; fierce fci-vant of
fierce lord."
Without further preliminary observations,
we (hall proctAiin our review of the last ses
sions of our state legislature, whose atts have
how become of importance, either relative to
the Union at large, or more immediately to
ourtclvc*. The speech of the newly elected
•rovernor was that of a wife, moderate and
feniible Jtiagirtrate, and cbn fide red by itfelf
•well calculated to allay the lieatt and animo
iitiei gccafiinta by a violently contended
election. The answer »f the House of He
prefentativts, accorded with the fpeccb, as
if written by the fame pen. •.»
The .nfwers, however, of tit? governor
to several prtknted by clubs of individuals,
and the removal of federal meritorious offi-
cers who had voted sot the opposing candi-
date, at the. late election, had extremely irri
tated the refpeflable min#ity in the one
hoti/e, and brought forward a very spirited
reply in the other. The discordance of the
speech, with the answers to the clubs, and
wanton removal of all who had not voted
' for his excellency, were noticed, and censured
ill very strong language ; a reply wis made,
the firft paragraph of which is attributed to
the governor, and the remaining arguments
to the foeretatj-.
- The firft appearance of that party spirit
■which afterwards was,difplaced wjth so un-
fehifhing a face, was in the elefticn of the
Stne treasurer, where an attempt was made
to leave out Mr. Baynton, without afligning
any cause whatever, and then securing Mt-
Bryan from censure under a pretended want
of power in the hotife to p*ni!h for any
breath of their privileges. The doitrine of
privilege hi«s received so full and fatisfailory
tn examination in a most respeCtable place,
that we will not venture a difci/ffioM. If
ignorance could be reclaimed, the language
of thafe ptrfoni in the senate whom Mr.
Boileauj Jcc, mvft refpeft, would convince
them of the powers of every public body to
defend tlieiniclves when tieceflary, although
there ftiould be no positive law, or article in
the constitution on the filbjeil. The aftiicfc
of Bryan was upon tbi' members ijj the house,
and tor words used in debats .•—The. con
stitution fays, for words spoke in, debate, the
members fliall not be quellioned elsewhere.
■There it, it will be admitted, tin written
law, pointing out the mode of jjunifhrnent
.for breaches of privileges ; bat the practice
of all the public legislative bodies in the
Union, qf all the courts of justice, and of
that vmerable prototype from whence we
hi(ve drawn nil nur mode of legislation,
whenever our owd are silent, always have
been, and ever must, be our guide. This
uoilrine was explicitly and publicly, in my
Jiearing, lately laid "down by Mr. JefFerfon,
who added, that the rules of the Britilh
House. of Commons were founded on the
inoft confpmmate-wifdom of any other pub
lic body he was acquainted with. The pun
ifhnient for Ireaches of privilege by impri
sonment, and reprimand has been the uni
form pfaftice Of that house, of all the legis
lative bodies and courts of justice in tbe
"Union, and particulaily by Mr, M'Kean in
more than one instance. In my next num
ber I stall review the fame party attempting
to puiiifh Mr. Fiflier for an alledged breach
of privilege, not arising from wo'ds spoken
in, debite, or the public condtitt of one of
its members, but a mere private chnftifement
for perfbn'al rudem-fs.
The acquittal of Mr. Dallas, written and
dictated by himself,\ together with an expla
nation of the dispute on the eleitor's bill,
lliail close my labors on this ungrateful fub
jeil. .
A Northampton Farmer.
April *3, tSoo.
Fhiladsi phi a , .Ar&n. %X.
I c.f
•is pet, Cent.
Thru per Cent.
Deferred 6 pet Cent. - , isf%
*fc»rC«ut Stock si
United Ststes, t6 T
' ! 1 'PennfyWania, »t > o.'
w——North America, . 50 J
Wfamwe eomp.' N.A.lhara j per cent, bete*
_ ..***■. . ' .
Pennsylvania, (hares, 44 per cent. ad*.
!ia(Mndia Company of N. A. 6 per cent advance
Lar.d Warrants, 3a dolls, per 109 acr«s.
London, 75 at 30 days
70 & 7»J at 60 a9O dayi
"• mfterdam, 3,5 340 a-t 00 per florin
Uamburgh 3* 24 i-xog per Mark jfuco.
house op representatives.
TwfctDAY, April ai;
Mr. Bird obtained .leave of absence for
15 days'. . ..
1 he bill to eftab!i(h the diflrift of Keprie
bunk, and to annex New-London ;
to alter the diftri&of City 'Point and Ber
muda Hundred ; aiid thctrin to amend the'
adt regulating the colleflion of duties 011
imports .3ud tonnage., was. read a third time,
and patted.
The bill to incorporate a company, by the
name and flileof the Mine and Metal Com
pany, was aTfo ieid a third time, Ail 4 upon
the quedion shall tie bill pass ? it was resol
ved in the negative—ayes 34, —noes 36-
On motion of Mr. Rutledgr, the order
of the House for meeting at 10 o'clock, was
rescinded —ayes 42, —noes 33, and the House
will,in future meet at the usual hour, u
Mr. Hnger prefrnted a petition sf Savage
Still well, merchant, tif the city of Philadel
phia ; which was read and referred to the
Committee of Claims.
The amendments of the Senate to the bilT
to divide the territory e,f the United States
north-weftof the Ohio, into two separate'
governments, was referr.-d to a leled com
Mr. Dennis, fiom the committee to whom
vyas referred the amendments of the Senate,
to the bill making further pravifioh for the
removal and accommodation of the Govern
vent of the United States, made report that
it wonld be proper to accede to all the amend
l'he House concurred
The bill to provide for the equalization of
unseated lands, was agreed to, in Committee
of the Whole, and ordered to be engro(T:d
for a third reading to-morrow.
Mr. D. Foster, from the Committee of
Claims, to whoni was referred the
petitions ot Alexander Koxborongh, Giiffitli
Jones, David Jones, Thomas Leiper, Philip
Bulh, and sundry r,th«rs ; and a biLI from
the Senate, for the relief of. the.iegal Beprr
l'entatives of Nathaniel Lapik-y, decealed—
all praying for the renewal of 4o(l certifi
cates—made report, that it would be inexpe
dient to grant the relief prayed far ; and thax
the fiid bill from the Senate, ought not to
This report Was committed sos-Thursday
The bill to enlarge the powers of sur
veyors of the revenue, was taken up in Com
mittee of the Whole, when Mr.'Cooper
offered an amendment, to obviate certain*
difficulties which exill in the • alTelfuient of
patented lands in the State of New-York—
which wasojpofed by Messrs. Nicholns and'
Harpei;, as introducing'* new and, perhaps,
dangerous principle.
On motion of Mr. Elinonderf the Com
mittee *ofe without coming, to a dtcifion,
a*jd. kiw,was .given to fitljgain. . ■v .
The Hoti(c irfqlved iti'e'f into * commit
tee of the Whole on the repi.ft of the'fc lei\
Gommittee to whom was referred t|ie amend
ments of the Senate to bill Supplementary
to the ait entituled an ait for an aniicabie
fettltnifflPJ j4,limits with the (Ute v{ Geor
gia »n<l antlibriling t«e. cltaMiiliment of a
government in the Miflilfppi territory—Mr.
Morris in the 1 chair."
The Committee recommend a disagreement
to jhe £rft amendment, which was concurred-
in. ' .
The. next amendment of tlie Senate, to
(Irikeout that .part nf tbe bill which Hectares
power of the Govvrnnr to prorogue the.
General AflVmbly, to was,"
after a short debate, concurred in—ajes 45,
—noes 38
The Senate also ftrcftufed tn jdd-a..aew
feflion, in the follow ing wo -
And be it further enaitid, TJfcai it (hall be,
lawful for the commiffiojiers appointed, or
who may hereafter be appointed, on the part
of thr United States, in purfuatice of the ail,
entitled " Ail ait far an amicable settlement
of limits with the date of Georgia, and au
thorizing the eftablifliment of a government
in the Miflilippi territory," or any two of
them, finally to fettle by cainpromife with
the commiflioneAt, which have bern or may
be, appointed by the state of Georgia, any
claims, mentioned in said ail, and to receive,
in behaif of the United States, a cession of
any lands therein mentioned, or of thejurifv
diction theroof on such terms as to them
(hall appear rea%onable : and also, that the
faidvommiflioners on the part of the United
States, or any two of them, after such fet
tle men t with the state of Georgia (hall be
made, be authorized to fettle by coinpron.ife
with the parties interested «»y claims which
are or (hall be made by settlers or any other
persons whatfoevtr to any parts of the afore
laid lands, which may be relinqyilhed by
the state of Georgia : Provided, that the
fetlement with Georgia and the claimarits
aforefaid, (hall be made and completed before
the fourth day of March, one thouland eight
hundred and three. And provided also,
That the said commissioners ftmll not con
trail for the payment of any money from the
treaftiry of the United States, other than the
proceeds of the fame lands.
Mr. Jones (Georgia) was in favor of the
firft part of the feftion ; but w»s averse to
the latter part, and urged the impropriety of
fiopgrefs jnterpofing in tbe manner which
the feilion contemplated ; and moved to
strike out all that part of the leilion after
the word— " reasonable" in the i6tli line.
This motion was declared not to be in or
det by the chair.
After fomc debate, Mr. Gallatin appealed
from the derision of the chair ; and upon the
question will the committee concur in tlvt
decilion. it parted in the negative.
Mr. Jo»es then renewed his motion, and
the committee rose, and obtained leave to lit
Mr. Claiborne, from the committee ap
pointed to enquire into the operation of the
H..iiguitjr to be ly birth * - - - WEPT THEATRE,
ind therefore took much paitfi"fcvpe'rfii'ade*' "
iiaffi&'sagjgfigsss . Mri - **«*•'•
ouj solicitude naturally drew forth a mm- m n um.. nr ~
r_ . 1 r fj The Public arc reiMrAMly accujinre,
• . .... *r of ftfMfmvtoo ketn for htt-pwjudittd th,, 'the new of ih« K.\ V.U
The folio ,I™ 7T t■u Iltceffantly perplexed by « total PILLAR, not bring fuffci.nlv ii a fia.e cf
hrr, Ut '»» t.ifLi "drjtrt of the mem. want of authority he imagined that the f"-rp««v>. iwtxhibiti n thi« rveninp, M.-i.
e" j I u"i, jr°. . n,,ttff » t0 w ' ,orn 15 I brft expedient for eftabliihiug his noble pe- Morris'* Ben#nt n poftp ned until to-morrow
referred the bill prtfcribihg the mode of de- digree, would be. to produce some warr* " l)c *««h
cidi nj y dilputed i-left ions of Pre CiJent and able attribute thereof ; and none could be
mSsJ "f 'c' Ll !!' tC l S: X tes \ V 'f" tl,OL, e h ' eligible than 'a coat of arms.
-r ' i ' Goodrich, The limner was immediately sent for ; his
iitper, Nichfihs, Dennis and Bayard. Holiness desired him to dispose, ina ju
. dicious manner, .an Eagle, some Pill.,rs
trading fetyifa wWt. tfa&iq-.
mS&I *•#,*}* f *P^' enc y' 9f continuing mi
,*? in l- c F 1 rfeornmen'dujgihe.
.•tngpidn'of a rffiitiiti'on Tor soiitimujijr the
ttttifcfcx till the jj of March, I?P3.
...'.. , ■
For df Admt'ralsfor \hc n<roy t
I. BE it ena£te<iby the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States of
America, in Congress affcmbled, That the
President of the United States be, and here
by is authored, by and with the advice
of the Senate, to appoint a Vice Admiral
to command the navy of the Uyitcd States,
with four Rear Admirals to aid it> the bet
ter management.
Sec. 2 And be it further crafted, That
the pay of the Vice Admiral (hall be
dollars per month, and rations per day,
or money, as an equivalent therefor. And
that the pay of a Rear Admiral (hall be
dollars per miTnth, and rations per day,
or money therefor at an equivalent.
Sec. 3. And be further aoadedk That
the' Vice Admiral (hall only receive hts pay
and rations whilst actually empl6yed"in the
command of a fleet, and a Rear Admiral
only whilst employed in 'the command u£ a
ftjuadron in actual service.
Sec. 4. And tie it further ennfted, That
any Admiral, commiflionrd as above, not
a finally employed in the command of a fleet
or fquidfon lhall only be'erttitled to receive
half his monthly pay and rations.
Sec. 5. And be it further enaifted. That
the Navy fhsll be divided into squadrons,
and have luct a variety 10 the flags that
each imy be known under the. defcriptiori
of White, Blue and Red.
L Sec. 6. And be it further ena&ed, That
each admiral whilst oa duty (hall be-allowed
a captain to aid and assist him ou.board the
ftiip on which he (hall boill his flag,, to be
taken out »f the ciptains in the navy.
-r :mm
The iupply voted by the Briti/h Parlia
ment for the—yepr eighteen hundred-it
£.39,500,000. I
By the last accpuh t» from London, Mr.
Gore and Mr. Cabot were to embark in
about le days, pti board one of the Britifli
packets, and mariy be hourly expefted in
this country. What brings them home we
know not ; probably, the business of the
conmiflion in London.
A letter fronj a refpeftable gentleman in
.London, tohiYfricod tnßofton fayi, " .thq
envoys will b« .fsop at Harii will
deubtleft make a peace."
• 1 . /•
■Misfortunes viflttVen itle righteous. Dr.
Plilogi()on : , tlielricompaiabl.e Pbilpftfpherof
the Human lately blew up himfelt'
and all kirfamilv hy' the-exjdoGon of a quan
tity .of. ail-,. vjbiw';he,'was torturing with his
c'xpcrimsnt.«, --We have, not'hea'rn whethti
his fplentlid maufipn which he t»l.kj so much
about in, l4ii r vUiiininatf'd and illuminating
letters, jiiais "«r was no: de'phlogkftca.fcd
alcng with »ir v thi!' air.
A learned Rabbi of the J<w», at Aleppo,
feeing dangerously ill, called ris friends to
gether, and defined them ieri"u(ly to' conii
der tile variolas-former captivities'by their
nation, -as a paniftiinent for the h'ardnefs of
"their hearts, and'thr prcfent captivity which
has contianed iixteen hundred years, tiie'oc
cafion of which said he " is doubtless out:
unbelief.—-We have looked for the Mc&iah ;
and-the Christians have believed in oiie JE
SUS of our nation, who was of the feed
Abraham and David, and born in Bethle
hem, and (for aught we know) may be the
true Messiah, and we may have fuffered this
long captivity, because we have rejtfted
him? Therefore, my advice is, as my la ft
words, that if the Mefiiah, which we ex
peit, do not come at at about the year
1750, reckoning from the birth of their
Chrilt, then you may know and belitve,
that this Jesus is the CHRIST and you
(hall have no other."
A feleo going to rxecu tion on a cold
day, and coming to a pond near Tyburn,
deiired the driver to ftc>p that lie might
speak with the (beriff; who be ng come to
him, he said thus—" Mr. Sheriff,. I am
now going to leave the world, and am loth
to cunceal
good ; I rhat the last robbery I
committed was on this fpet, and being
closely pnrfued, I threw, a large pu.fe of
money into this pond.'' The people
ing him tell this to the (heriff, notwith-i
(landing the poldncfs of the weather, ran*
into the pond to search for the money,
which tbey did.for a long.time, t-ill they
were weary, as was also the (heriff »ith
(faying; whereupon became atairi t»fhe
fellow, and a fleet! him if ht was not mify
taken? " No, (fays he) mv intention was
10 have some mirth and sport before I wa»
hanged—l have now had my dclire. in fee
ing the people wet and cool themfelverfor
nothing—you may now drive on when you
Anecdote of Pope Pitts the sixth.
The late Pope Pius the VI. descended
from an obscure family in Romagna, of the
name of Brafchi; n«t coutentid with the
spiritual and ftculat* fovereigtity, and the
tiara which fortune pieced upon his head,
was v?«ak, eaoagh to thiukit derogatory of
must, beyond controversy, fix the belo«e<
nobility of his ancestors back to the remotefl
antiquity. The pencil did jultice to the
sublime idea of the bright imagination ol
the Representative of St. Peter [ and ac
cordingly che board was placed over ihe
porcli of one of his Holinefs's villas—when,
the next day, the following satirical infertp-,
tion was found on it :
Aquilam Imperio redde,
Reddc Columnas C lamnis*,
Sideri feddc Cdfclo,
Sitlo Ccicna till.
Rrftorc the Eagle to the Empire, the Pil
lars to the Columna, and the Stars to Hea
ven. The chain alone belongs to you,
• Columnis avert» to an ancicot Roman family,-
Hill txifting, and at prefcni known as FnnceiCo
lua\na. x
THE Legion will pyrade op Friday nex*
the 25th inft. precisely at 4 o'clock P. M. aj
the Mar£ge in Chelnut-Street completely
quipped. The cavalry "Will form in the
street South of the 'The other
troups will form within ; the Artillery with*
but weir .Field-pieces.
'I he officers commanding the Companies of
Riflemen and Jnfantry in the County, are
ordered to multer their refpeftive commands,
at any time and place moil convenient, on or
before the id day 0 f May, "by which time'
corre& rtrfurns of men, Arms'and Acoutre
menti riiuft be delivered to the Quarter
Matter : asthe commanding officer is anxious
to ascertain the t.rue state of the
expels the ftri&eft attention will be paid to
this order.
By order of Brig. Gen, Macpberson,
April 18, dt 25
THE Troop of Volunteer Greens will
parade ea Friday the 25th inft. at 4 o'clock
in the afternoon, at their usual place of pa
rade on the Bid k of Schuylkill, completely
THE.First Tr»op of Philadelphia Ca
valty will meet on Friday neXt the 25th
inft at four o'clock in-the afternoon at the
Mauigc in Chefnut ftieet, properly rqu p
Port of Philadelphia.
Arrived—The (hip Kirarn, Whitney, in
63 divs from Liverpool.
The (hip Swanlbi roueh, Vredertburgh,
for Baltimore and schooner Betsey, Haf
(ie, for' Cape Fj-ancois are cleared.
Captain VVhi.tney failed the (ixieenth Fe
bruarjr from.: L iverp'.ol, with the (hij> Jcihp
Ad?ms. (arrived a few day* since) of and
fcr Boiioii ; -Britiftl ftlip'f.ondOn, Roper,
of and for Philadelphia parted from them
the seventeenth in a 'al#j f wirid.
On the the 25th Marsh", in lat. 42, 30,
N. to the eastward of the Grand Binks.
fpgke the (hip John Adams, the Captain of
which'i'ifprmrtl Captain Whitney, that after
leaving him an the fevei teeiith j'ebiuary he
put into Greenock to repair a leak, in com
pany wiih the Loudon, Roper, and {hathe
tailed from thence the twentieth February
and left there tha London, to repair the
damage fuftaincd in a gale of wind. On
the twenty-seventh of March, in lattittule
43, 00, N. longitude, 53, W. fell in with
several extci five islands of ice, and with
some difficulty extricated the (hip from them
—March thirty, in lattitude 41, jo, long
titude 54, spoke the (hip Portland, from
New York to Liverpool, out ten days.
April five, spoke the schooner Hannah,
Hooper, from Liffeon, bound to Marble
head, 'ninth April, in lattitude 40, long
itude 65, fp.oke the (hip Commerce. from
Portland to St. Martins.
In the Ship Canton from China,
Richard Dale, Esq. Commander,
Yellow -Nankeen*,
Mike, .
Imperial, ■ "J
Yoni»g_Hyfon, f
HyfonjSkin, J»TEAS.
Green and j
jScuc.bor.g " J
Apply to the fuhferiber, or at. Mefir»,
Willing! atid Francis's, Penii-ftreet.
April tJ,
I HAVE a'good, many LOTS in the rity of
Wa(bii)gton, : fame ot them. in. dcfirabJe situ&«
tiqiis jbr gentlermn to live on ; «thcr* <-n the wa
ter of Oreeli, and fronting south on the*
to feet leading over the'briflge, c(\«im d che brft
ftamii in the city 'of bulinei*. I wish to. fell fume
■ot'them:; th« title is clear. Any j'crion inclined
ti? pur?hg(V vequeCt .d -o apply to Mr. Jo&ua
johuU/n, Mr. Cta»uh. Mr Dum t, Mr Hobt-fi,or
Ajil a
On Thursday Evening, April 24,
Will be prcfeufei a favorite Comedy, (not a&ed
this frtfor.) called
To which will bt added a MuficalEntertain
ment (nc-vcr performed her*) called
To concede with a grand display of Emblematic
Transparent Scanery, and Naval Dtcoratiom,
with the
of the late illufii ions
Lieutenant General Wajhingto H,
Dpfignedby Mr -Holland, and cuccutid by Mr.
Mi.bourne, 'Mr. Holland, Mr. Hobbins and
Mr. Stuar:.
A Ctiaraf)cr"ftic J)AACB, c.oibpofecThv
Mr. Frkr Cis '
Priocipil DanCers, fr.r. Mitchell, mr. V'arrfll,
jun. mils Arnold, mi it Sslomot.s, mailer
Hjrns anj mr. Franeu. »
£5" Mrs. WaBRELL having Mediae 1 t g
a benefit this &as >fl—Tickiif delivered by i\
Wirrtll,* for evening, wi 1 he ad/? itt -
Ticket* to he had of Mr. Warreii, No 230 cor *ef
of Market and Seventh-ftrirtt.
*»• Tickers to be had' of Mrs. Morri«,,at No,
Jo, South Fifth llfeet.
On Friday, tkv Castle Sp<dtre, with Entertain
ment 9.
Mr, CfOper*s night will be on Saturday
ne*t. ■
Wanted to Charter,
d|,ia§,.. .'A VESSEL,
the barthen o! ißp mi,ta load
. Who bate far sp/e a variety <f
German Linens—Alio Tipes, Oil Cloths,
Decanters, Tumblers, Window Glass, g by
10, Coflee Mills, &c.
April »3 die
APKIL 22, 1800.
'J'HE Propeietors of Funded Stock credited oa
the Books of the Treasury, who ds net prefer
receiving their quarterly dividends, at the eity of
Wa&irgton, are requeued to cause their credits transferred to the, books of some one of the
Commifli'jKrs of Loans.
The Attorhie* of foreign creditors who are not
ible to comply with the foregoing recooimenua
tiaa. ani who ate defiroos of receiving their Ji
viieniji at the Bank of the .United States, as here
tofbri pradifed, are refuelled to gi»e uutice to
the Regifler of the ' realury, of tile names"";;' !:«
foreign creditors, and the funis df itobk lor w; ich
they are attornies, that raeafures may be fferfonally
taken for complying with their wishes.
Seiwetarj'of tbe Treasury*
Just Arrived,
Theodore Bills, C -mmarnier, from Bengal,
An alTortn.eni of Piece Goods,
Sugare (if the firft quality,
And ioo qr. chcfts of iu;icrior quality
Hyson Tea. '
■Willings & Franrts,
Thomas* fjf 'John Clifford.
March 17
No. ic6 South Fro)\t street, oppetitebe
Custom House,
Per toe slip Harmony, captain Kol'lock,
from Calcutta,
Giirahs Superior,
Garralis Berboofri,
Do. Catwa,
Co (Vacs,
Fine plain Mullroulls and Hand'ff.
Per the ship Jean, captain M'Phers&n }
from Canton,
White Nankeens,
Yt-llow Do.
Lutcft rings and Shenfliaws,
Sewing Silk's,
Hyson, Young Hyson and HvTon Skin
Teas of an excellent quality.
April 22.
Just Arrived,
Of tie Skip Cji/rrotr,
Riohurd D*le, Commander, from Canton,
Bohea - 1
Souchong I
ttyfon Skin »
Young Hyson • j
and Hyl'on. J
Sugar of lit quality.
China Wave.
Fans. ■ ' - '
An affortiTtcfi'f of Sjtks.
i\ T c. n s Finn Strta.
April 14.