5F oreign intelligence* Latest from Europe. By tbe Helen, Capt. Harraden, in 47 days from London, arrived at Salem. LONDON, Febuary tt. Yesterday Mr. Pitt contrasted with MeflVs. Robarts and Co. Sir Francit Bar jag. and Mr. Giles, for the loan of twenty millions and a half; which he obtained at the rate of 41. 141. id. interest per cent. Notirithftanding the high terms at which the loan was taken, it bore a premium of •4 per Cent immedistely. The loan was taken on lower terms, than on five prece ding years. Refpefting the commencement of hostili ties, it appears that Moreau is traversing Switzerland, while th» right wing of his "fcrniy draws a*ay fro n the Mein and Nec kar towards the Upper Rhine and Switzer land. Tbe preparations for opening the campagn in this quarter are fa id to bit im menfe.aodin thegrealeft forwardflefs. The left wing is still i« the neighbourhood of Mentz Near 014 Brifach the French pre tend to fume advantage obtained by tbe garrison over the Imperial army. At Genoa it is con effed that the scarcity is nearly aJlied to famine. The bakers (hops are said to be befiegtd day and oigbt, and an infurrc&ion is hourly expeftcd Our readers will not omit to conned this intelli gence with the blockade of that city, an nounced in Saturday's Gazette. Upon the land fide the Auftiians allow no communica tion with it. The war in La Vendee appear! to be drtwing near its end. The port of Genoa 11 declared to be in a state of siege by the British fquadrun. We observe with extreme fatisfaction the re ftjmption of measures of vigour by our squadrons in thole seas. Winea, probably owing to the report that they were to he fubje&ed to further duties, experienced, during the tall week, an ad vance in price of about two poundi a pipe, Ice. viz. Lifcon, from 74 a 78 to 76 a 801 per pipe ; Madeira, 80 a 90 to 86 a 921 ; Bucellas, 72 a 78I; Mountain, 72 a9O to 74 a 901 ; and Sherry, 76 a 82 ts_B© a 841. per butt. The importation of wheat was lad week limited to about toco quarters, chiefly fr*m Copenhagen. The price of rice bat recently experieh sed a a considerable advance; best Ameri tan rice, some time back, eould not obtain sale at 20 and 22s per cwt. it now fells at 421. and in coafequence of a report tfcat go vernment are buying large quantities for tbe supply of the Ruffion troopa at Jersey and Guernfcy, it, •« expelled to be much higher. 8.-ll Engird) flour is from 95 to 100s. prr fade ; best foreign flour is frobi 38 to J9» per sack. The cctton market continues heavy, and the price oa the decline. Sugars, generally, dealer. February 17. The Confolar Guard eftabli(hed at Paris is to consist of three thoufasd fix hundred raen, mast of whom arc foroething above the common rank of a soldier. Murat, brother-in-law,to Buonaparte, is the com mander of this corps, and Madame Buon aparte's son is the captain of the Guides. Great expence has been employed ia mount ing this guard, which is placed on a iimilar footing with the Swiss Guards under the ancient regime. A hall kai been fitted up U the Thuillencs, in the most splendid man ner, as a rendezvous for them. It is said that Buonaparte will take the command of the army of the Rhine, that Bcrthier will accompany him, and that Car tiot will be Minister at War. Baudin, who commanded at Aneona, has been killed at Genoa by a flab of a knife. Barthelemy, late a member of the Dirc&ory, named a candidate by Buonaparte, for the Conferv atiye Senate has been tlefled a member. The state of Switzerland is, in every ref pe£l, truly derlorable : the children of the mod opulent persons can no longer be sub sided, and hundreds of them are continually sent fmm the interior of the country to the frontiers, where there is a better chance of procuring the means of exidence. A farmer near Exeter, miffing one of his steep lad week, in searching his fields, found the (kin and head attached to it with file following note. " Sir, you are rich, but we are very poor ; so when this mut ton's eat we'll come for more." DUBLIN, February 18. In the high debate la ft night on the ques tion of lht Union, Mr. Gvattan gave a /mart phillippic against the advocate) of the Tieafure. In alluding to Mr. Corry, Chan ccllor of the Exchequer, Mr. Grattan cal led him " a parliamentary declaimer, a po- CONSTANTINOPLE, Jan. i. litical pedlar, a trimmer who come, to Par- Wr have „ , th rea . ivcd intelhgenci lumen, to proft.tnte hi, talent, and hi. from the arn , of the Grlind ViaterT A principles, irft for bread, and then for . courier fen, from Jaffa has brought the sol. on ; an i for that ftat.on n/kmg the lowing report :_ln the dd'ert which fepa peace of the CMtry, and the live,, of .he ratel Syria from Egypt is a caraveufera L people. Mr. Corp, m reply, fa id, if he med A 1 Arifch, where caravans (top and find meant to be personal towards Mr. Grattan, prov ,!ions. Gen. Kleber, knowing the ,m ---he «• would hare accused him of affoc.ating portJnce of the pUce , conver£e d .t into a with traitors, and of having been privy to for,, »n order to render the passage of the treaion, of having 1 created rebellion, and desert more difficult to the Turkish army - then fiywg from its consequences ; «nd of a {\rong garrison was to be Cent as soon as *J t |* al Wf on whose bounty • the fort was properly vi&ualled. This cii - he fubnfted, the wretched inftrumeats ef, cumflance attraftrd th« attention of the bis ambition-" He concluded by faying, j Grand Vizier. Having learnt that a con *4 the hoc. gentleman had returned to in- j voy of pmvifions was on the way, be fern name th«t Parliament which ought to be a corps of troops to intercept it. This en employed in air examination otbis condud." terprize completely focceeded. The escort, Mr. Gratta.l, in return, was pointed and confining of ironien, 7 o of whom were severe ; he alrnott in terms called- French, was forced to yield to numbers, and Mr. C. a rufftan, a jackanapes, aod a cow-! the whole convoy WuS captured. srd r and {aid, that had Mr. C. uttered' what be dii withot the' walli of tllat houft Us anfu-er mould have been a ilotß.** Tht Chancellor of the Exchequer immediately retired, and sent in a meflage by General Craddoek to Mr. Grattan, demanding fa t isfattioD. Mr. Grattan instantly left the houfc, accompanied by Mr. Metge. The parties met and fought. Mr. Carry wa* wounded in the arm. The ball wa« Imme diately txtrafted, aad the wound being dreffrd, Mr Corry returned lo the House before the divifien. February 19. ' ' The train qucftion of Uaioa baa been at length carried in a committee. A defultoiy but fierce and angry debate wai terminated it eleven this morning) by a division oh the chairman lear ntr the chair. Ayes, Niei, Majority, 46 VIENNA, February 3. Yeficrday arrived here, as onexpe&edly as it was fudderi, a courier from Peterlburg, with difpatchej to our court of the -very high est importance. Paul the First, haying yield ed tofhe representations of Suwarrow in ie gird to the mifunderflandings which had arisen between the two imperial courts, hat fnr the fourth time, changed the defoliation of the Ruffian army. In conference, he has ordered his army to return to the Rhine, where it will receive reinforcenrienn without delay. Thfc intendant of the magatines for supplying the Ruffian troops, refidant in this city, has also received a courier from Su warrow, ordering him to remain here, and to continue his functions. Letters from Lintz, dated the 3d of Feb. contain the following- article " A courier from Vienna hat brought to his Royal High ness the Prince of Conde, dispatches which have unexpeAedly caused an alteration in the metfur J taken for his departure, that was fixed for to-morrow. Tlie Prince im mediatrly difpatclied in ord-r to his corps to remain in their cantonment*." Accounts from the Bank« of the Mein of the loth Feb. state with every mark cf con fidence, the certainty of the Ruffian army, commanded by Suwarrow, having received a counter crtVr, and that it is to irarch to the Rhine. We also learn from Memmin gen,that»n order has been received thereto provide provifiims for 14,000 Ruffians, whu ire to arrive there in a very (horttime. [1 he following remarks on these important articles are made in " Tic Timet" an authentic Lotidoii pa'per.] February 24. Ycfl'erday morning an expvefs readied «,t,r office from Dover, .with t4Ve» Purls papers to tbe 19' th jnfl. indulive. They contain in telligence 6f the moll important nature ; which we are happyto find confirmed by ad vices received 011 Saturday fio:n IJolland,. dated the 18th inft. * Lr iters from S:rs(borjh of the 15t.b, and fiom Vtenua of the iJ s'rt'd J"j inft. an nounce, that a Courier irrived at'the latter plape on the morning of the jd, from Pe teriburg, with difpatcbes containing the de termination of the Emperor Paul te'epnti nue the continental war against the com mon enemy with aH hit forces. The Ruf fian troops have accordingly b'eeu ordered to return onte more to the Rhine. As this lecOncil'ution is underload to have been the work of Marlbal Suwarroty, in conference of the conferences h-id at Prague, we are authorized to entertain the moll sanguine hopes of ultimate foccefs, as it i» evident how much that brave and noble commander has at he art'the real interefls of Europe. It appears'alfo, that the Cabinet of Vienna has refufed a fef.ind tune the overfures of B«n ---naparte. We mod fineerely congratulate the public on this very interesting intrlli gence. STRASBURGH, Feb. ij. " It was hoped that there would not b« another campaign. But we have learnt that the Emperor ha« rejeftcd the very moderate propafals of peace which were offered to him by Buonaparte, and that he is resolved to continue the war. " The rumour spreads about that the Ruf. fian army has received counter orders, and that it will return to the Rhine. This change is the confequrnce of the conferences which Snw.irrow had at Prague with Count Belle gardr and Lord Minto, and which Suwarrow repvefented to P*ul the First." General Krav, who is at Vienna, is daily experted to leave that place for the Rhine. He wiil command/the army which is to be opposed to the left wing, and will afl in dependently of the Archduke Charles, who is to afVagainft Moreau in Switzerland. STOCKHOLM, Jan. iS. Seditious dTHurbances become e*ery day more alarming [tan was at firfV expe&ed. The spirit "of iafarreflion ha* found its way to Gottenburg, and tht fury of the people has triumphed over the military government. The inhabitants of Maltnoe, a trading town of Gotha, have cut off the head of the com mander of the troops dispatched aga.nft than. Such was the force of the insurgents at Norkoping, and fogreat was tfceir determi nation to ait against the afmy, that a corps of 2000 grenadiers was found inefficient to quell them, and though hussars and artillery were dispatched to their affi'Uncc from Stock holm, the former were disarmed and tiie latter deprived of their canaop by tbeyea- HAGUE, February 13. For the lalt eight days, the cold has been as severe here as it was at the end of De cember and the beginning of January. All the canals are again frozed, and the com munication by water is flopped. The officers who were on board the fleet that Surrendered to the Engiilh, have not yet had judgment passed on them. They were pot under arrest on their return from England, from whence they had been sent oi> their paroles, and are now in the prisons of tie Hague. Their triaU will be soon end* ed. It is laid that several superior officers will be lhot. 162 1 >6 In the Harmony, cast. Kelieci from Calcutta, AND FOR SALE, By MiLttn, Jvnr. Bp, Dec/t- Co Sacs I B«lu* Em«Ki=s Gvj«nabs i Mamoortes Fine Hindkerchiefs Djuas Bl ck Perfiars Hyson Teas "j Heavy Pepper >of excellent quality Sugar J Block' Tin cf the b.-ft kind. Alto, by the: ship PeanJy!vauia,from BMania, JAVA COFFE & SUGAR. April i^. TRFASURY department, PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby gives, ir, pur fuancc of the ai't of CongreCt. pasTed on rbe lit 11 Jay of March, one th; u. r and eight hundred, intituled " An af the fifty quarter townships referred to in the preceding •article and which were ddonated by lot ia the presence of the Secretary of War, purfjant to the ait abort recited : "to /a 5 ri /* a y 7* •*> S i a 3 v 9 3 'i 8- i ? i 1 •" I r *?' ? -i" 3 3 I 13621 10 12 82 63 34 84 7 f I 8.1 10 i, 8 2 11 6 1 213 83 81 34742 13 84 s 1 6 1l 5 1 3 5' 3 72 22 318 1 2 1 7 3 7. 1 ~ 2 3 7 4 71 4 3 >6 2 • 4 84 51 34 443 73 61 «"3 9 3 ~7i 5 3 3 9 13 7 4 7 ' 7 4 J7 7 4 19 3 -9 4 3d, All the landi in each of the above fifty quarter towntiips, aad in the frafl ional parts •f quarter tswnfhipa before described, haye been divided upon tfte refpeiflive plats thereof, as returned by the Surveyor General, into as many lots of ose hundred ac res each, as'.he quantity fueh quarter tnwnlhip or fraflion it ftited to contain will admit, ia the manner pointed out and required by the above recited adl. 4th. The plat< divided as aforefaid into lots of one hundred acres jre depofiied in the of fice of the Rcgifter of the Treafurv wheie the locations are to be made ; and upon lurremler iiig the warrants which Dull be thus located, patents will be ifiued in the ma' tier and upon the conditions prescribed by law. Given under my bard at. Philadel phia t''e duy and year above mentioned. April »», A Summer Retreat. A convenient and Gentu I Huvfc, fitua'ed in Trenton, to be l New Jerfey>/rom Cm ton, and for salt by Archibald McCai.l, No. 187 South Second Strctl, White and Yellow Nankeens, . Imperial, Hyson', Young Hyson, Hyson ffcn, Bohea and Souchohg Teat, Black SattJn* and Lutestrings, Hair Ribbon, Caffi;., and Kheubarß in chests, Sugar in bo*eJ*nd. bags. Also on ilXiifl, A final ( affortmrtit of China ware, and a f«w Hlids Prime Jamaica Sugeii^ April 4. • • ■ 34 hhds. Jamaica prime SiigarS; Just arrived in stip And Larding at Walnut-flrrtt Wharf; SALE ST THOMAS KETLAND. April it THIS DAY LANDING!, ' • From oo board the fchoor.er Godfrey, 'captain Atkinfoo, from Marti&iqut, And for sale, by ao hog(beads } 9 tkrccs > firft quality SUGARS a 6 barrel* j And 30 hoglhcadi Molasses, * April 21. A NEW ADV-ERTJSEMEN T. To Merchants, Stsre-keepers and Trades- men in general, &c. Okntlsmkm, I FEEL peculiar pleasure in Hating, that you hive so generoully and generally come for ward and fubferibed for my work, that (not withstanding all proyifoes heretofore made by me ) the coins and monies ot account of the prin cipal maritime trading places in RuJJio, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, PruJJta, Poland, Germany, Holland, Flanders, Spain, Portugal, Italy, >n ftv er-1 of the v/indivrd and leeward IVeJI India IJlands, r.nd many ports in the Eajl Indies —the whole to bereducedto dollars and cents;' and thebeft mode of computing the exchange with those places explained; also, a large sheet table of calculations at compound intcrcfl at 6 per cent the tables used in for the determin ation of the yalu* of gold : the tptercft of each month from one to twelve months, oh every dollar ( **>ilhout exception) from one to two thousand ; and a tab'e of all the post ro"*ns iff the United States; besides much other general ufefiil information, (hail positively be added to the work, entitled Tables of Discount or Interest, On every dinar (without exception) From eiie to two thousand; tfcence op avsry ten, fifty, and five hundred, to five thousand, from one day ro Sxty-four Uay« inclusive, at fix per cent, with notes for j, 7 and 8 per c«»t, &c. &c. &c. The work if dedicated, by permifiion, to the Prtfidjrqt and Dire&ors of the Sank of North America, and received in the firfl twelve days "tlie patTcnige of Johk Adams, Pitfident of th« Umtaul State* ;el Thomas JaFFerson, V»ce Fre&dtnt of the United State* and r resi dent or ti»e Senate; tw- -tUirdt of the Sena tors and Members of the House of Heprefenta tivea of the United States; md 0/ the Prcftdents and Djre£or« of the different Banks unani tpou&y t flee.—a lift of the whole is printed and attached to the propolal*. It » ciidtnt tliat the work will he no trumpe ry catch pinny-thing ; for Idoaflurethe pub lic* thar ihe price of it is reduced very near otic - baif, according to the ufuafrate at w kith book* leli ; and it is my full determination to render it, in point of ttrß/rCT Mattik, m valuable acouidtion .. With refpefl to the accuracy of the Table#, too much cannot be f«id, and I pledge mylitlf that a PR£MIUU of not left than out hun -BKED DOLLARS thai! be offered to the firft per; son who (hall infofm me of ■ tingle trrtr of cne cent, according to the principle afled upon. To do away all doubts with refpeft to the ex* pences of the undertaking, X dc most solemnly icc'lart that they willaruoun; to Very near fovk thousand Lars, and perhaps more»4n depent of anyTemufieratiou frr my own trouble in the arduous business, and the great eapcnce already incurred fur fpsciment, prcpofjls, ad vertifementj, hand-b.lls, &c &c. I do therefore trull with confidence, that gen tlemen will continue to tome forward with that public spirit and generosity which charac ter at the na jen, and support the work by fuk- to it without hefitatien : athirwifcit cannot be j.-üblilhed, and I mult Gt down t» re> flefl upon a ccniideb able l«sj. An 3 *m, with profound rtfpedl, Gtntlemen, Your obedient humble servant, JOHN KOWIJITT, Mccmptant, Bank North America Poftfrript.—Gentlemen are rerpeflfnlly invi ted to fee Specimens of the Tables, Jet. exhibit ed at th« City-tavern, Hardy's Hotel, Francis's Hotel, the I»dian Queen, DudwOody's tavern, the Franklin Head aid at the George ; and please be referred to the other advertisements which appear every day in feme one of the newspapers. Subscribers ye to pay nothing until the huk it delivered rigoreuQy ci.ntormable to all flipu- Copy right secured according to act of Con. grcss. marrh 17. the undersigned, HIS Swedish Majesty's Consul General, and au thorized 10 tranfafl the Consular BuGntfc, tor his Majesty the King of Der.maak in the United States of America, refidirg at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, That in obedience to recent intrusions received [torn his government, it ii the duty of all Mailers * f Bwedifl» anil Banilh TeOels, before their failing Irom any port in the said States, to call tipop hhn or the Vice Coaful ia order to be grafted such Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency of the-date of the Neutral Commerce and the fe ver,! »ecms of the Bslligerent Poweri, render indifpepfably ncceflary, and, that any Matter of vrflejs b«.ot,g.,. 6 - to the rcfpeAive nations, or na vigating n.ocr the piate&ian of their flag,, in omnt.rig t« tiko such certificates, will perfonalii fraud reJpo Dock Street.