AN " V Numbfh 1363.] tCT" The price of this oalette is Eight Lollard per annum ro Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unless-some person in this city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance, *«* No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six mantis. December 1 >799 'A— . - - This Day Published, By J. OhmroD, No. 41, Chefivut Street, (Price *5 Cents) THE Death of General Wajhtngton. A POEM, In imiration of th& r* an tier of O&an. fey Kev, R. Linn, A.M. Minister of the Firs: Presbyterian Congregation 1 ef Philadelphia. & Mr Chaudron's Oration will be publifted «a Monday morning. Mi*rch d. PROPOSALS BY WILLIAM COBBETT, j For importing chef folio wing periodical pub lic at ins : 1. The British Critick ; 3. The Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine; 3. The Gentleman's Magazine ; 4. l.e Mercure Britanique, or The British Mercury. iHPHt Britifo Critick is a regular Review of ; A ail tic works puMiihed in Grtat Britain ; it is conducted with great impartiality and abi lity, and of- the numerous publications ©f the _Jund which do now appear, and which have appeared in Great Britain; it it uuiverfaily allowed to be the best. £ Price 50 Cents.] The Antt- y*tabin Re-view and Magazine is a* its title seems to indicate, rather more con fined, as to the nature of its fubjedls, but it certainly il'not less calculated for exrenfive uti lity. This work is divided into four depart ments: 1 Original Criticism—2 A Review of the other Reviews- 3 Occafmnal Efiays, in prose. and verse—and 4th, A Monthly Suiwmry of History arid Politics Every fix months It has a supplement, containing a review of foreign works, not forgetting thole of America, lhe Anti Jacobin dwells frft on fubj« or for Mtker, o( them. The fir ft order"u iiircnrifd to br fenr off otr the ift of May next; the lucceffive numbers will be re ceived at New York i« two months-upon an average after, their publication in Louden 1 so that thWe which are fubferibed for ow oe before the ill of May, will be received it! September; after which they wilt with very little irregula rity, ceme to hand once a menth, the importer having made such arrangements as cannot fail of securing punctuality oh the part of his cor respondents. g? Suhfcriptions will lie received from «ny part of America, by J. W. Fknico, Philadel phia. N4 advance is required. The prioea are but four cent* » number higher than in J Afrit 3. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING r APRIL 23, 1800'. THOMAS MURGATROYD & SONS BAVK FOR SALE At No. 35 Dock-street, ice piece* gauze,' 100 swords, BCO joi«eri tool*, 140 faitdle tiers, 12 fire fenders, brass tnjjt, 100 lirafs compiffct, ico wpod do. April 9. JOSEPH ANTHONY & Co. At tbtir Store Ka. J Cbe.taut Street, have FOR SAD' The following Articles, vi 2. Fir ft quality KuSia Hemp Ruflia Puck Brandy in pipes, firft and fourth proof Madeira Wine in pipes and half pipci Claret in .cases Winttr and Summer prrffed, Spermaceti Gil Spermaceti Candcli, and My foil Tea, httifclnipfirtafcion March 24. To Merchants. MER CHANTS A. ccmts elegantly opened. Books neatly and corredtiy polied, with various other kinds of 'writing by a pcrfon thoroughly acquainted with accounts. Gentlemen extensively concerned, may find it to their imtiTcft to pur bufjnei's in this line into his hands, as the fulleit confidence may be. rcpofed 11 hitn and ample fatjs£a«slion given. Addreis a iine to ft. A. au4 bate it with rhe p< inter hereof. Philadelphia, March *9 NOTICE. ACRRTIfI"' \TE of one Share the Bank of the Uri f ed States, No. 19120, in the namue->to>uffi of every kind ; among which are an Ic<° house, an i done milk hoafe, with a renrarkahie fine fprin£ in it, a large Garden, and an excdlimt «o!U«ftfon of Fruit, a hr« Orchard, and ijoqt acre* of wood, pai-ure and arable land, and a gre and workmen's houses Immediate peQcffion will he given of houses and (lores faificient for providing stock the prefect winter, and pofleUibn of the whole tn. the lprvng. For terms enquire of David Q Qgden at New ark. Mr Peter Mackie in New-York, mr! David Ford in Morris Town, or metfrs. Jacob aad Rich ard Faeith on tfieprefliiles. Janoat* H Thirty Dollars Rrxt.rd. DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks oti the night of the 14th infl JOHN OSBORN, born in the town of Bedford, WeftChefter county and state of New York, age* 2% years, 9 months, 5 feet 8 and a quarter inches high, grey ey«,s (longqurfd) light hair, ruddy catnp-icxioH, pock marked, hy trade a Shoemaker. Ridifted by Lieatenawt Rey nolds in Stephen's Town, *;ear Albaay the 15 th of Jane iaft Had on and took with him a short round blae cloth coa: with red cape, a blue cloth coatee, a few white waistcoats, a long grey mixed cloth coat and breeches, a pair of boots, a chocolate coloured great coat trimmed with black hair phrth, i. furr haft balf worn, aud two filvi-r watches, one a middle size, the other fnwtt. He , may impole hireilelJ on ibme family or getitleftian as a waiter, as he has aAed in that capacity Whoever apprehends said Deserter, andfscures him in jail, fends bin. to Headquarter, or delivers him to any of the Marine officers, or an/ officer of the army of fh« HniCed States shall receive the above reward and all reasonable charge*. J. S. LEWI'S, Adjutant Marine Corps. January 16, To be Rented, AND immediate poffuffion given, if required, a new two ftoiy Briok House and Kitchen,' about 14 miles fxom Philadelphia, on the gr«?at road to Nc\vu>wn. Enquire of the Printer, march iy dtf. A. SUMMER RETREAT. TQ BB RENTED, A NEAT and convenient HOUSE, ON theFtankford Road, two miles from the City, with a goo 4 Stable and Garden. Pol feftioa may be Lad immediately For csjrmi enquire «t the Printer siarckaS. I AUTHENTIC LIFE OF SUWOROW. PRIXCE ALEXANBE.It SVWOkOW RTM- ed2w NIKSKI, FicM-Ma. fhal General in the ferviceof Hfcs Imperj al MajcAy, the Enjpefor of aM the Ruflias, triTs The History of his Campaigns Translated from the German of Frederick A concise ami comprehensive History of mv/ftra ll> itk un tie rant Print-Portrait of thai rt ■ Gentlemen defireus of poffefling *, capital Jibe* oefs, executed in the fir ft style, ®f thw iMwllrious Christian Chieftain, may x be fuena (fieri wjth parti cular proof impyifions, at this office, price one Dollar. February la, The Ttar 1800 is arrived / atawtf in George*T«wn, upon the Pobomak, 19 FOR SALE, Upon the prerrife«,on the firft Monday in May Tavern was built by the fubfeription of a number of gentlemen as a neceilary and ufeful improvement to the town—lt/Coft iso©o dollars in the year 1799 when materials and workmanffcip were much cheaper than at thii time. IfJje terms of fubfeription were that it ftiould be fold to the highest bidder on the day above mentioned. It is a hanuforoe, substantial brick bui!ding, «f three ftoriet, fronting sixty feet on the ropfc. public Areet in the town, and running bjtffc sixty three feet upon a wide and convenien street— The koufe is admirably calculated for a tavern. ]t contain* upon the fir ft floor four large rooms, one of them 30 by 20 feet and another 23 by 20, besides a large bar and dree ing room, upon the second floor is an elegint aflcmbly room, 60 by 30 feet, and three ccanve- M'ent lodging rooms. Upon the third floor are ten excellent lodging rooms—the garraf admit* of adivifion often mere. There is alio a good Kitchen and commodious ceHars fnfficient for fnch a ho»fe. Paflages and cross pajfage* inter- the house ia fueh a manner as to make each roam private. . „There are stables fufficient for the aceonamo,. dati-on of fifty hoi fes, with convenient sheds for carriage®—attached to the building are three lots of 60 reet by 120 each, which front ni| three streets, and in the hack yard and not jo yards from the kitchen is a copioot and never failing spring of moffc excellent running wafer. Samuel i$ } odget, The nature of improvements and theirVrti* veni&ice to the city of Wa/hington rrtuft render thu property a mo ft definable acqtiifirion to any person who may wish to carry on a tavernirpou an e*t'enfive ft ale. 'Tfit immediate removal ©f the government of the Unitdfl Sfates muii re ceive toil full and complete cuftrym. The terms of fate are, one third ?n cafh-~ one third iri 120 days th? other third it! *lO dayt, to be fecnrcd by approved note* ne potiifele at the Baft* of Columbia or at eiihc of the Banks in Baltimore, pofleffian 10 he giv en o«t the day of sale and a perfedl title made clear, of all incumbrance®, on the lift payment being made. February JuJi Pull'ijatd, and to be Sn'J, (Price is Cent.) By ZACHARIAH POIJLSON, Junr. AV Id 6, Clef nut Strut, Tie Report of the Committee Proceedings of fin: dry of the other States, ANSWER TO THEIR RESOLUTIONS. The said Poulfon hat now in the prefix and fpetdtly -will he puili/bed, Argued and determined in rhe High Court of' Admiralty ; Commencing with the Judgment! of the Right Hon. Sir Williawiijcott, Michaelmas tevm 1 798. By Christopher Rnbinson, L. L. &. Advocate. Vol. I Pakt I. ' April 19. TH AT application will be made to the PrHidcnt and Directors of t\ie Batik of the United State* for ffce renewal of the following. Certificates of Shares in the said.Bank, which were loft on Board the (hip John, of Baltimore, Hugh Bavay, naafter, bouod to London, via : B. No, *9884"} Of which application, all |>erfon» concerned, will pltafe to take notice. SAMUEL STBRETT; Baltimore, Jth april, 1800 inrya 4w JUS 7 PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALE, AT THIS OFfICR, A SKETCH OF THE %ift an& Cfmrattcr Antbmg. To which it addtd, His Italian Campaign. By William Cobbett, noivned Warrior [Krice a I.a DoiUrs.J Portrait of Marshal Svzvarfrt. UNION 'TAVERN, next. THOMAS BEALL, »f Geo. } ~ „ DANIEL REIN TZEL, $ Trustee«, £ March 8J iawtrMa.y AN ANALYSIS OF THE VIRGINIA ASSEMBLY, otf THE lit ALtXANCbR ADDISON. REPORTS OF CASES, Notice is hereby given, | Each for obc (hare, ?n the name i 9526 s9i'B7 I dated jft January, 19888 J WAR DEPARTMENT, Notice is hereby given, ' I *HAT separate propolais will fae received A at the office of the Secretary ©f the De partment of War, until the expiration of the of Jujy nexteniuittg, for the firnply of all rations, which may be required for the use of the United Statli, from the lit day of Odlober, , *Boo, to tile 30th day of September, 1801, both day® ihcltifive, at the places and withih thetwo diftri&s hereinafter firft mentioned ; and alio that separate "jjropofala will be received at the said office until the expiration of the 2jt(i day of July next enfying, for the fuppiy of ail rations which may be required js afpreiaid, from the itt day of January in the year 1801, to the 31 ft day of December in the sam« year, both days inclyfive, at the place and within the fev- ; cr*i states hereinafter njentioned, vi*. • F/ryl- Proposals to supply aerations, that niajr be required, at OlWe£o ; jr N&»ara j at PittflJurg ; at Prcfqii'ilc ; at Miehiiimaclunac j at Fort Franklin ; at Hfcuf; at ; at Picque Town iv.d Lorftmtes stOres; it Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance; at any place IseloKv Fort on the Miami nvjrr to Lfcitt Erie ; at Fort Knox, and Ouatonon on the ri ver Wabafli ; at Maflac ; at any place or place* on flic nv'er MjjnflEppi, abov? the mouth of the TlVtf Ohio, and Upo-i the Monois ri. er. SetonJ. Propefdhto supply Jil rations that may oe required, at iuy plkfce or pllee*. oU the east fideofihe Mifliffippi liver,be'.ow the mouth of the river Ohio to the southern boundary of the ftite of Kentucky and within thefaid ftatej at Knoxville ; at all posts and pjpees withia the ttate ©f Tennefice ; at Soyth V»eft F^int: at I tilicoSlOck Hoiifc; at St.Sevens, or other fort or pofl on the rivers Mobille or Tombigby, and any place or places within the Cherokee bounda ries ; below the southern of the state of 1 enneiTet and within the boundary of the United^States. Third Fropofals to supply all rations that maybe required, at Point Petre ;,,at Coleraine, At Savannah, and at any other place or plates where troops are or may be Rationed, marched or recruited within the slate of Georgia; at all forts or stations on the Oconnee And Alatama ha, and at all other places in the Creek nation, within the limits of the United State®, where troops are or may be ftarioned. Fourth PropofaU to supply all rations that may be required at Fort Johnfton, at Fort Pinck ney, at Charleston, or at any other place or places where troops are or may be ftatioaed, marched or recruited in the state of South-Ca- rolina Fifth. PropofaU to fuppfy all rations that may fce required at the Fort at Wilmington, Cape Fear; at Beacon island, Ocracock j at ■Charlotte ; at Fayette«ille | at Salilbury, or at any other place or places where troops are or i»af be ftationsd, marched or recruited in the Hate of North-Carolina,. Sixth. FfopolVlj to fVpply aH rations thtf may b# required at Norto'k, at Portsmouth, at Kempfville, at Chariotteville, at Winchester, at Staunton, at Richmond, at Alexandria, at LeriWg, at FrcderitUbHrg, at Carterfville, at Harper's teny, or at any other plate or places where tfoops are or rfiay be flatiotied, marched or recruited, in the slate ol Vitgima. Seventh. Proposals to supply all rations that may be rrqtiired at Fdrt M'HtMryi at Balti more at Annapolis, at Frederick town, at Leonard town, at Hjgers town, at Bladenffcurg, at George town, at Eaftuwu, at the Head of Elk, ami at any other place or places, v here troops are or may he ftat one 1 , inarched or re drui.ed within the limi.s us the state of Mary land. Frghtb. Prrpofal« to fuppty all rations that tnay be inquired at Fort MtfrHn, at Philadel phia, at Darby, at Lant after, at Wilkeftiarn , at Reding, at P.riftol, at Y rk town, at Oarlifle, at Lewiftnwn (Mifflin county) at ficdfonl, at 1 Greer.fljiirg, at • Wilhington, at Eaftown, at Wilmington, at Chriliiatia, at Dover, or zz, any other pTace or places where tronpi are or may be ftatioded, marched or recruited within the limits of the Sates of Pemlfylvania and De laware, except the pnfts within the state of Penn sylvania, enumerated u> the firit propofais a forefaid. Ninth. Prop fats to f:'pply alt rations that may be required *t HPat krnfatf; at (ilhaibtth town, ai New-Brunf* ick, at Burlington, at V* ood'eury, at Trenton,and at any othef place or places wjiere troops are or may he fiationed. niarchfd er recruited witiin the litplts of the state of /erfey. Tenth. Propo/als to supply all rations thlt may be required at New Ycrk, at Weft Point,' at Flufliing, at Haerlrm, at Weft Chester, at pQiigbkepfir, at Konderhnak, at Stillwater, at New berg, at Albany, at Conajobarie, at Cher ry Valley, and at any other place or places where troops are or may he ftatiorwd, marched oi> recruited within tile limits of the f Miine, Gi<*ucefttr, Cope Aim, Salem, Marblchead, Boston. atUxbridge, and at any; other place or place* where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the li mits of the state of MaflachuTetts. saw^w Proposal? to supply all rations that may te required at at Eia'fcr, at Windfot*, at Brtnningson, at Rutland, or ac arty fort, place pWrs, where troops are or may be ftaiiorted, marched or recruited withio the States of New Hampftire and Verknoat. rations to be fupj)lied,i3 to conftft of the following articles, viz. cighteeu ounces of bread er flour, or When fleithei can be oMained, of one qimrt of one ahd a tiaif potted ot lifted or bculted Indian meal, one pound •snd a qu' rtcr of frefk beif.o* one pound ef felted titef, of thrie quarters 9 f o nonnd of fa!ted pork, ami whet, fkfh meat it ifujed, fait, at the rii* »< two quarts for every hundred ration*; soap "at the rate of fear pouttdf, aad t:dl sat the rate of a pou,id *i:ii a half M every knndi'n! ratlona. March 12, xSco U it eipded the pfopofat ttilt jtfo attend to the supply oi ryn, wfcitlvjr, <«• other ir&tn fpi. rits at (fie hilf > gill j** ranom, and Vine gar at the rate of two rjuaru for every huiiij-ed 'Mf/ias. -The pfijpcfals »ii{ Ipecify tie price of the levcral component parts of the ratio*, u W«ll ai these Of mhaitKUJ or Jlierxatiyek Tor parts i anions are to i>e furntfaed in &>cb cjuanti t'kc* fs'that tftcre at aii during tiietcxci of the firo poled cofltrads be futScient for the cqq fumption' of the troops «t Klichilimackißac, Oc troi*, Niagara and Qfwego, for fix rnoeths in ad v«n,td, Rptl at each of the other j>q(U on the wtf tern waters, at le&fl thrfe months in a/ivnpr-<* ( °' jPOyu be required. It is also to la, permitted all arid etfery of rfjfe commandants bf lortified placed, or cr to call for seasons when the fame ran be tranfportxrd, or at any titoe in rfee cast <>T srgej,- cj t iuth of like pr«vifif>f»* in as in the d fpr&rioo of the cororr-aadanc fjiall he destti ed picyur. It is :o Ic undw ood that the cor [ tractor bt?t the cjtfpencetfriti J ilk of tffiSng fli« : fjegto the ifed ar-a?Jfi (V- ftifiahiccf, by ! of*n Cue y, mly itie fliodalfcf the tffcjjf, oi tii« ,U/Ut« d lhai! I?er*id for at ! e PtV**" f; f deiXrcy c J,,on tj-*« dfcpoufions of tvx » or mo re jjerlons of creditable afT4* fht feH'ifr'rjft# of I cWon&cned officer, ascertaining the circumfla - c s of tlriHfifc( 4>» » ) to the United 3:at«s of wq'ulrisg, fuppliW Whfph in ay anv of the propoled tornfalha!!- h<• i! ttfvii, a'-'til the » uj>- plies whieh havedr ntaybe friPrjktrf under cen tra &s now in force ha we hTfren cort'tfmed.and ' 3 auv < anc<\_mny a-i any c+ the fiicd poAs ouf the Sea-Hard cr Indian ivtjx* tiers, not exceeding three ftior.ths. JAMES M;H£KRY, ' mj '[ ft i r r otViScf 1 °ft fftcfrtit nutobet .of the molt approved Europt'«"p GiaTi Manu fudiurers, ahd hiving on hand a lafge ftuik of the belt Materials, on which, their workmen are now empjoyed, have the f>lea!V>re of afluring tbepubiip, that window£laj» of 4 fupeiior qua lity and of any size, from 7" oy 9, to 18 by 24 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing 100' feet ea h, miy be had at the ftibrfeft notice. Glifs of larger fiies for other purposes, ttiiy aJfo be had, fnch ssfor pictures, coach glaflVs, clock faeesp &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may alio be had, together-with pocket flfftt»,-picklinpj»rs, apothecary's Stop furnitßre, or other heltow ware—the whole at leaift (f CT lower than articles (jt ilie- fame quality brought from any 0? Ael'ea ports of the United State®. A liberal allowance will be ittade- da sale of large quatttlti#. Orders fr agreeable to the terirt i'ipulatcd in their article of copartnership; February ia. Tbe Cargo of the ship Molly, captain Sivahl, SUGAR in *vhole and half caaoifcers, Ceribon Coffee, Black f>apao'Dyc Wood, Blioriy, and Tkirtj twobahss of Cottar. Yarn. Also, THE SAID BURTHEN four thoufind tbi^c I)un' jfiUlJr rrb of f^P u r, zicuacs. i.B «irtV pounders, witfc small arms compteat and is newiy coppered to thte kendk with copper. Apply to . '- • i t. Match 25. Valuable Properly fer Sgfe, !ta~. ClietaiV*ta* f\re«t, dlro&ly oppofiie f«et front in Chef - \ put ftrect and 73 feet in whereOn is.a •ffood irstcfie n%ufe t iVr.W : r. the tenure cf Semuc-l ! 3errgt iufcjV# bf itt. per a-onun:. The; ad v*utin?efc» as si fustic* of this property re quires no comments, known, th're -re lev. m this to ,e,qua.l»t, ar. unecceptionahie title wiifbe aiidc to the ';urchafer. A^ly'^o JAMES GIRVAN, Ity: Ctufiat Tf. "o"#*: Jodr to tht prtmlTft. tn*ri.h i y ti,.U» i'a a f VOl.umk X.VII. IMPORTED Calcutta, AKD FOR sat K AISO, The Subscriber MOSES CHAPLINE, iaw6w. Far Sale, Jrom Batdvit, CONSISTING OF #* i jtawtf