Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 22, 1800, Image 3

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4 The bill to eftablMh the diftn'A of Ken
»efc«nk, and to annex Lyme to New Lou
dan j to alter the diftriftt of Bermuda Hun
dred and City Point, and therein to amend
the ca layirg duties on imparts and ton
sage, was taken up in committee of the
whole, Mr. Rutledge in the chair—when
Mr. P-rker moved to strike out the third
feftion which attthorifes the eftablilhment
the ditlritft of PeteriWgh
This motion was negatived ; the blanki
in the bill were fi'led up, and it was order
ed to be engrossed, and read a third iim<
to morr< w.
Mr. Harper fai'd he was so strongly im
prefled with the ill consequences which
neceflarily flaw from the decision made thi
mornr g, hat he wished to try it that prin
ciple could not be altered by a new rule
and therefore (aid the following motibn 01
the table, viz.
Rtfolvti, Tnat the following role be ad
ded to, and made part of the (landing rule
and orders of the heufc : On a motion t<
poftprme any hi I, tnetion, or resolution, thi
merits f.f the {aid bill, motion, or resolution
may be difcufled.
I he hotife refofved itlelF into a commit
tee <-f toe whole, on the report of the com
cnittee »f claims, on the petitions of Tho
mae Johuftnn and others, when the reWutio/
leportcd by the committee, authnrifing thi
accounting officers cf the trealury to fettl<
and 'iqtiidate the accounts cf Caid Johnftrtt
and'otl.trc, for their fervicea a« mourtet
voltißteerß the Indiaas in 1794., wa
agreed 'o, and a bill u-dored to'be'brough
- in purfmt.t thereto.
The house again refotved {tfrtf i;ito com
nuttee of the whole on the bill to incorpo
, rare a company by 'he name and ft lie of th<
Mine an I Metal company ; Mr. Morris ii
strike out the Jth feflion, which authorise
th? Preficient to fubferihe 50,000 dollar
being und r ccniidemion,
A vet«y long took place and it wa
finally'carried ;
t Mr. Wain then moved an additional fee
tion, in p'ace of th one struck out, autho
lifing the President of the United States, a
his discretion, whenever the fuins aftuall'
fubferibed and paid (hall aMou tto ijo.CGi
dollars, to direct the fecrc'aiy of the trea
fury tofuMcribe on behalf of the U. States
under certain reltriAions.
This motion was carried, the committc
tofe, and the bill was ordered to be read .
third time to morrow ; ayes 43 ; noes 33
A mi flags from the Senate, informed th
house, that they had pa fled the hill refpeft
mint, and the bill to continue ii
force the a & foi the punifhmer.t of ;ertaii
crimes agsinft theXjoited States, without
That they had pal Ted
the bill for dividing the N. W teriitory
into two dittinft and fepeiate .. . „ .. ■}; 3--
with amendment, to which they request pUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, i n pu.
the concurrence of the house. X fuance of the s>f Cor.gref's, pa! Ted o.
Adjourned. the firft' day of March, one tK.»urand eig^hi
... mi hundrccK ?mftule«l An-aa in .iddnld(Tto an
v »• v ' nt, * u ' ' Wid regelating the grant's &(\
NEW-YORK, April tr land appropriated fbr military and sari
(CP We are allured that Thursday next t^ Snciet s' »*■'!>« United Brethren for propa
i* tiie Sty appointed for launching the frigate f ' " r " M,g lhc M
i ft. A 4 r t'\lchonl £i£ts of tb« quarter
~ rothe fnfltan'bisiinicn y line
Captain Stille, of Fort-Jsy, with the of the tra« -<Sf (and referred to in I'jid adT,
cempany of artillerifls and engineers under ei ept the frsfli inal quarter »awn:hip« nuth
his command, embatked yefteriay for Weft- btr fnr in lo.vnlhip ttvia of range
?oint, whet* theyare in future to l»e Ration- * u "}ber twenty : >.lfq,. all the fiaaionaf, parts'
of the quarter towndiipi adjoining to the river
' " Sr oto, except the q'.artef. t wtifti p» number
»u. t. j- j Tr "" m townlhip number one of range
~ *' 2 ' • at Knox- r-n'i.hei ninctrtn ; the quart-r torfniliios num *
*ille, of a violent bilious fever, William her two and three «f township .•.umber three]
Blukt, Esq. formerly governor of the Hate in range number nineteen -, and th«-qu;r'.er
Of Tannefje, aged j6 years. 1 towr.fhipi numtier <»; and four in towrftiip
1 nira'-erfive, of number twenty ; t.ige
hsr with fifty qua-ter'.Q,.,,i hereafter
itfi ribed, arc •< ":rved to be located, for the
.riginal holders of warrants granted for mtHi
aty fcrvices, or their heirt, in lots of one hun
ired acres, pursuant in Ihe id above recitvd.
id The follr-wirs a description of the fifty
[uar er townships referred to in the preceding
r'icle and which were designated by iot iathe
irrfenee of the Secretary »f Wai, pgrfuant to
ht ail above recited :
On Saturday afternoon a msn fat down on
the e<3 r -t of'tfct Dock it Fiyniarket wharf,
and fell afltep. He luc} not remained long
in this fit nation before he flipped from his
feat into the dock, *nd was drowned before
1 nfJifUnce could he procured him.
(Sajette <sarint fLift.
Port as Philadelphia.
Bvg Pally and Mary Ann, Bing+aru
Norfolk 6
Sloop Friendfliip Brown, New Orleans 25
The (hip below it said to have had a (hort
paflage from Liverpool.
New Tori, April 21
I 1 Arrived since our last
----- - - ... p South
captain Pclor, in 13 days from
Charleft-on. Capt. Huger with 64 a med
artillerymen, of the 2d United States re
giment ca» e paflcngcre. Tlicy were sent
to Foil Jay on Gdveruor's island.
f Tfrc fchr. Federalitl, e»pt Nixon in fix
days frrira North Carolina ; failed in com
pany with 4 fchooncrs and a sloop. Two
of the former and the sloop were bound to
this port.
"■M- - /% - -- :
The sloop Abigail, capt. Weidfti, fbui
day. from Norfolk. The frigates Coijgrefi
*nd Cooftel'ation were still repairing.
I Baltimore, dpril 19.
I Arrived, ftip Pyamingo, Thomas Jack
son, mailtr, 67 days from Bremen. A
(remen fliip, name unknown, Captain My
ers, for Baltimore, came out in rompany
with her, fcparated from her on the night
of the 7th March. Fell in with the (hip
of Baltimore, off Calais, from Emb
den, bound to Lifboo.
Brig Juno, Roxborough, 7* days from
Left there, the fliipi Richard Caton,
Qemmel; Sally, Holbrook, and Maryland,
ail to fail about the .middle of March, for
Baltimore. _ I
.The brig Twa Friend*, Captain Hart, of
Baltimorei failed the day before the Jun*. I
HE Legion will parade on Friday next
the ijtti inft. precifi-Jy at 4 o'clock P..M. at
the MarSje in Chelnut-Stneet completely
''quipped. Ihe cavalry wII form in the
llreet South of tlic Mar.ije. The other
troops will form within,; the Artillery with
°ut their Field-pieces.
The officers commanding tjhe coin pan ies of
Riflemen tnd Infantry in the County, arc
ordered to muftc r their refpe&ive commands,
at any time and place mod ConWjiie'rltJ'ori or
before thc t 2d day of Mayj by which time
corre£k returns of mrh, Arms and Acoutr'c
ment* mull be delivered to the Quarter
Mailer : as the commanding'officer is anxious
to ascertain the true state of the Corps—he
expe&s the ftrifteft attention will be paid to j
this order.
By order of Prig. Gen. Macpherson,
JOtfN M'CAULEY Adjutant
April Ig,
THE Troop of Volunteer Greens will
parade on Friday the tjth itift. at 4 o'clock
in the afternoon, at their usual place of pa
rade on th? Bank of-Schuylkill,completely
At a dated meetf-gheM on the 19th irifl.
the f<.|l«wingpcrfon« were e!e&ed metnbert:
Samuel Brown, *M. D.Kentucky.
S/imuel Miller, A. M New-York.
M, fivportt De Nemourt, late of France,
and tio#rcfiding in the United State*.
SAMUEL H. SMITH, Sec eiary
Philadelphia, APRIL T
Six per Cent. 16/6
Three per Cent. 1 rf
8 per C«nt .Stock 5 $
B \NK United States, 26
• Pennsylvania, aj
North America,
Infurante eHiip N. A. {hare* 5 per cent, below
Pennsylvania, (hares, 14 per cent. adv.
East.-India wompany of N. A. 6 per cent advance
Land Warrants, 31 dolls, per 100 acres.
London, 75 at 30 d?ys
70 & --a£ at 6c a to days,
Amsterdam, 35 340 aMoo per florin
Hamburgh 30 a; d-tao per Mark Banco.
TREASURY department,
el I I I
£ £ •
1 T] 3~| 6 ~
? 4 7
10 1 8
223 8
3 4 7 4
S 1 6
5 3 1
7 1 2
72 4
84 j
4 4 3 7
103 9
5 3 3 9 >
7 ' 7
9 3 9
the ihii
"ja A!! the lands in each of the above fifty
quarter townships, and in the frattional parts
?f quarter tswhfliips before delcribed, hare
beerv divided tipos the refpeflive plats thereof,
as returned by, the Surveyor General, into as
many Ints of one hundred arces each, at the
quantity such quarter or fraiflioji is
ftited to contain will admit, m the manner
pointed out and reqnirtd by the above recited
4th. The plat! divided as aforefaid jr tn lots
of one hundred acres, are deposited in the of
fice of the lUgiftcr of the Treasury where the
locations are to be made ; and upon 'urrendcr
iug the warrant* which (hall be thus located,
patents will Be ijTucd in the manner and upon
the conditions prescribed bylaw
Amer'UWt Philonphical Society,
April jr, rßoo.
S a
i • ?-
a v
1 10 1
31 «
' 2 11 6
3 8
2 13 8
■ 15 I 1
2 2
' 7
* 7
316 2
1 3
3 6
3 7
3 7
4I 17 7
4 I
Given under my band at Philadel
phia the day and year above
Secretory of the Treasury,
By this Day s Mail.
Latest from Europe.
BOSTON, April 16.
Since ourltf,
there hai iecnanarrival from
England, which hat brought down the Lon
don dates to tic thiftienth -oJ February.
LONDON February 13
. The memorable debate* which took place
on Monday in the House of Commons, has
fully gTJtiSed the. public expetfation, aiid
realized the.hopes of all perfqVis attached to
the cause 9f the country, of social order, of
justice, and of truth. The .feflcntial spirit
ot the ,French Revolution was- never more
thproughly analyzed, the views of those who
have faccflively conduced' it, more clearly"
exppfed, nor their conduft With respect to
other governineots more faithfully iketched
but, more energetically ccnlured, than
on this occafiun.—The Cjos'ftipn of aggref
- lion, To often decided, received fiew light bv
the publication of fevera]. circurhlWes hi
therto little known, and the , odium of ag
grelEon was indelibly fixed on the French
government. The principal and ihimediate
poiiit. was admi.rjhiy well Hated- and consi
dered in the double Wbt of the influence
which the change of government in France,
and that of the. who exercise it,
might have upoir if. .--It hasten (heivn that
the former prelented no it to re I'ceurity for
liability, than the CoirvetKitflapl or t-he Di
re&orial Government,jind that the conduiS
of the Chief Conl'ulliimfclf was far from af
fording to Europe such motives for confi
dence, as coold serve f«r the jtolid ba'fis for
negotiation.- It woijld be tht highed pre
fuipptic-n in us to pretend to- add a single
observation or remark on a fubjeft which
has so lately passed the tefl of superior ta
lents and of authority. We eannot, how
ever, help remarking, that rhofe who endea
voured to prevent this important difeuffion
from being terminated in the manner ki
which it was ended, adduced in support of
their opinions nothing which cauld make an
impression an calm and impartial reafoii.'
1 0 account for this, we need not look to in
feriority of talents, or infyfEcittncy of exer
tion, lioce it "is maflifeft from the nature sf
the cause which they defended ; a eaufe
which ten years-experience has.left-dertitute
of argument, asd which is iri«-oover»M\'.lo(l
before the Trihun»l-of enlightened Europe.
\ <
. No military operation! of moment had
taken place. The French army under Mo
res u, occupied the. Iff, and. wre making
preparationa to pas» over -the Rhine. The
Archdu. e CtfcuJcf hstl at
Donaucjchingen, in. Wabia ; . ttnA had de
tached 12,60« men to_ reinforce General
Melasand Klanan, ..wjiq* Gcueral Maffena
had gained'fome adVaWge/'j» tile vicinity
»f. Coni, In botK .araw'fa, which extend
from Mentz to -every thing wai in
preparation for. an immediate opening of a
"very fanjjuine campaign.
An event which arr'efts some qf the public
attention, >• thr aflembling of a Putitan
army »f ioo,cot>. utrier jGcoeral M >lltn-
The war i n the iote/«?r of France a(Tum«»
.various >fpe&t. ; TheChouafts~iti no (ooti.
I tr heatea in one quarter, than they rife ip
another. The chief cohfa! lias t'aken e,very,
-ouafura to. Lupprcfg or cxlirpate.-tiicm .ide
has ordered the erasure of many of their
chiefs frugi the lilt of emigrants; has di
refted that th« anci?n< pcirfts be permitted
to officiate in the cji pel», as formerly ; and
that a general aianetty should be granted tq
those who surrender their arms. It was"
said that manynf the chiefs had embrar<d
the consuls terms ; and that pt .ee would in
all probability speedily visit those provinces
which have so long been Itaincd by kindred
blood spilt in civil broil.
PARIS, January 36.
? l?
1 &
I r
1 2
3 „ 4
8 - T
6 1
8 1
8 4
1 3
2 2,
7 t 3:
7 4
2 4
3 4
6 1
7 2
7 4
7 i 4
Generji! Bernad itttj is Qaunfellor of State,
in the Department.
Jan. 30. At a civic banquet at Anders,
the 23d ult. the follwing'was am-ngft "t'lie
toafls : *' To Buoiiaparte; the honor and
glory of the trench name. We owe to his
courage and hi» virtues the maintenance of
liberty. , He lhal! tie the idol of Republicans.
—But if a new Casfar—then to the Brutus
who fhail pluugS a dagger into his bosom."
is a ft range way of honoring- a grtjat
man. The Brutus may,..however, remain
quiet ; they will never fee any new Cas Tar.
Fcb.'l. Vill.-m-t Soyefe is, it is laid, re
eirfted Vice Admiral, I'nice beifig let at liber
ty. ;
The TVfideht mentioned, that Felix
Faulcon wished to make some oblerVations
on the death of Wafhiitgton. [Several mem
bers opposed his speaking by c.iliing itie or
der of the day. In the ir.icfi of their mur
murmurs, Faulcon afccnded the tribune.
" I am come," said' he, " tt> speak of a
loss which will leaves deep, a laltifig'r. gret,
wherever there are fieempi, and""wlTith in
deed is in some fort national; tShftfti'it may
appear foreign to France. Waihington is
no more !—the tomb has fwaHowed up the
man who was the model'of tepublican vir
tue ! !
After proceedy'lg in a panegyric, already
publifliet!, he moved, that the President
fliould on the 34th t'rimaire, (6cl, 14th)
the anniversary <f the day of the general'*
death, deliver an oration in honor of. ;Jie
Hero, whose loss every one deplore.
Fresh opposition was heard ; and rfoeat
ed cries for the order of the day.
A member moved, that the motion be
adjourned, the death of Wtlhitigton not
being officially known.
f Legratid expreflei deep regfet it th- death
of (ucb a man ; but would it not, he asked,
be dangerous, or at leaf!, inconvenient, fci
raise a monument of praise which has not
been granted to others men dear to humani
ty ; and to adept the initiative towards a
foreigner ; for such is the proposal ? He,
therefore, was in favor of parting to the bu
linefs of the day. Ihe order of the day was
agreed to.
i • FRANKFORT/Jan. i 2,
We are still surrounded with trobps; those
of the eleaor of Mayence, are at Offenbach
and at Oberried. 7he quarters of Al
hini are expefled at the fjrft of these placet,
and a demi-myriamentre here. The huflars
of Szeckler occupy the fortrefs of .Konig
ftein. There are also some of these Huflarj
and of those of Mentz, at Hoefcht and the
neighborhood. The communication between
this city and Mentz is interrupted for the
carriers and for travellers, -but ij continues
open to the mail.
January 24.
The Prague Gazette of the 13th January
has publiihed the following article :
" Gen. Lafcy commander of the Ruffian
Litli'iini <,J;as received orders from
burgh to march tor Germany with the ar
my under his command, which is there in
A«. 106 South Front street, oppstite tie
Custom House,
Per the ship HarWohy, captain KffLLOcKV
from Calcutta,
Garrahs Superior,
Garralis. Berboom,
Do. Catwa,
Fine plain Myllmulls.and tiand'fs.
.■< ALSO,
Per Jean, captain M'Pkerstn,
from Canton,
White Nankeens,
.Yellow. Do.
Lnteftrings and Sheiilhaws,
Sewing Silks,
Hyson, Young Myfan and Hyson Skin
Teas of an excellent quality.
April 22
r.HAS SL.OUGH»_h«uikr.upt, .wiii. bc paid,
to.'the Creditors who have proved their debt® un«
dijr the Conimiflion, at aoy time when called for,
t tto. 109, Arch tlreet. - ,
* H S<Tk." •
ApT'M a*,
United States, 7 -.
Pennsylvania District. )
v_jrtu>: ps a w, it of venditiona »*»onasfo me
Uiredted, ifftK'' out of the (,'irtuit Court of
the United States, for the diftriil of Fenmylvaitia
to me diretfle;!, iiL he to public (a!c on
.Tucfdi; the 6th of Mjy neict. at 7 o'clock in the
.e'vn ing. at the Mercbaot'e C..H™ tloufe in iccond
street, in thj ci-y i f Phil*Mpht», all *b« ngh*.
estate and intereu at Robert Morris, tf<j. in ami
to the following described property, vie. '1 h«
3 meffiuges, p!»nr?ticß»an< trad* of latin!, liquate
in the county ct CbeUer, ore oDf hurt
dred an-i torty acres, more or lef», t!' l .:.. e ir. tnc
townl-.ipot East Nittjnghatr, '-warded by lands
of , .ngh Orejr, Abel flodg! •« ..n<{ widow Mill*;
oneo<h»t containing one imndred aud Li;y acres',
rr.orc or let?, litu.te :n th;' :ovi'n!hif> atoreftid ;
'•hour.dci by land* of Willi .m Mackcy, Robert
leic.jiicr «ndjamef Perrey, and the other con'.atn
ing ore l;UFidrt"J aid twtrity-fevtn rrt.ire or
lei'i, fttuate in ti.e u.wi,(hip of Lo*rer Oxio.d,
bounded by land oi Jam-, Htr,ry and Samuel
.W hicefidss, w.ih the app jrrei.ances.
Seized and taken in execution pnd to be foid
as the property of RoMt Mn'rrii. Hfq.
JOHN HALL., M.r.lal,
April ix
rHK Govejnor of the State having thought fit
"* ' <• deptiy the fabferiber 6f hi, c.mmiffion,
of Regiller of Will* 4 nd granting Letters, of AJ
miniOration for-thc-rtlf >nd county of 'Philadel
phia. (A'hich he had held for eighteen yeir« pa )
anri to give thq lame to his Excellency's lon, Jof.
fl. M'Kcan, he informs his sri hd« *ni the
■public, that he lias opened an office at No. 143,
North Water llrcet, as Attorney at Law, where
the ftri&eft- ; a'ttention fliall he .paid to the buTmefi
of tiich of hit'fciejg.ds and fellow citizen* as may
think proper to him ;he iurther informs
theifi, that a number of probates of wills with co
pies annexed ; aU'o certified copies gf wKIs and of
rfettlesl accounts, yc remain in the offiteofthc
fubferiber, wfhich the pcrlons concerned are ,
q»ettc4 to call lor.
Philaptlphis, aad'April. ' » a wtf
I HAVE a good many LOTS in "the rfty of
Washington, some c.t them in ilefirable filia
tions Tor gentlemen to, live on ; ®ther» ■.n the wa
ter of Rock Creek, and fronting feuth on the
street leading ovfr the bridge, etleeqird the brft
ftapds jn.thc city tpr tufinefs. . I wilh to l'cji force
of thcin j the titlc'is deaf. Any J'j_*rfon 'inciin*'d
to rnrchife is requefi ci to apply to Mr.' Joshua
Johnson, Mr. Craiuh, Mr.Dumot, Mr.'Hobcn.or
April 41.
, , , "RvIXTED, ,
A YOlTrll frnra 12 to iff years Sf age,
of a tradable' and. obliging'' 6H|jufuion, to'
attend in a Stofe—good f«cdtir,is;<:inen.t will;,
be grfen. Apply at ij* office;^,this;paper.:.
' " ' dtf
April ij.
Of MiTTHI AS SLOUGH arc inform.'
ed that a 'dividend'is.ready to be paid them
by Joseph's, lewis,
Treasurer of tit Pennsylvania Hospital.
April I^,
- *"
For the frmenticn and cure of Bilious sin,l
Fmeirx t tiir'fcl)mtru:mi if' > '
6R.' HAHN'S.
"XTTHICH fi«ve ai'endrci .with a
*» of fucccfs lilfchly jrktcTiii t-the invcii
t'lr's feelings, in fevcial parts o< the VPifl-Tn
di«a,an+th'e foul hern parts of the United Sfatt-,
particuhrlv in Byftinibre, Rieii
mond, Norfolk, Edcntou, WilmHyt. I. f-'
ton, Savannah, Bcc..'» The teflimony of a rt'im
bferof periods in.each'of.theabove placpstat) be
adduced wfio have to believe a
titnelv uf«t ot th sfaluiiry remedy.-haa, under
Providence, preserved ,beir live* wheri in the
most alarming crrcwiflflances."
favour o' a mc.'iicine. than columns of pompous
eulogy, founded on mere eflVrti n, cpul l do.
It is n"i indeed prel jrnptuoufly proposed 3 8
an infallible cure, but the inventor has every
yofiib!e reason, which can result from extenfivc
experience for believing that a dole of these pills*,
taken once every two werk* during the preva
lence of our. anrvial bilious fevers, will jiroye an
infallible preventative ; arid further T that in the
earlier stages of those "diseases rheir use will
very generally fncceed refto. ing health and
frequently in cases ester med'deflate and bey
cm* the power of common remedies . _
The operation of these pills is perf'esly mild
*?hd maybe used with fafety by persona in every
filiation and of every age.
Tbey are excellently adapted te c?rry fj
perfiuous bile and prevent it; morbid fccretions :
t6 restore and amend Ihe appetite ; to product
a. free perspiration and thereby prevent cold!
which are often of fatal consequence. A d«fel
never fails to remove ? if nken on its frpl
appe-rance. Tl ev are celebrated for removing
habitual coftiver.efg, ficknefsof rhe ftomacHam:
severe head ache, and ought to be taken \>y al
lerfons a char ge °f
They have been found remarkably efHcafiou.
in preventing and curing rnoft ri
ant ov • long voyages and footed' be
and carefully preserved cveryfeamair.
. ltd:
A certain and/afe remedy for .1' diseases of the
eye«, whether the efft*& of natural weakness, or of
accident, speedily removing inflammation*, de
flwxions of rheum, dullncfs, itching, and films in
the £y'es, never failing to cure those maladies
frequently succeed thefmaltpox, measles and fe
vers, and wonderfully {lengthening a weak
•Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues
when nearly deprived of fight*
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedy yet discovered which givdsim
mediate and laftmg relief in the most severe in
The /lnodyne Elixir.
For the cure of every kind of head-ache,and fc>r
pains in the face and neck.
InfallibletAgue and Pever Drops.
This medicineiias never foiled,. in many thou
sand cases not one i# $ hundred has had occasion tt>
tajtc more than one bottle, and numbers not half
A ,bottle. The will bo.returned if tke cur<
is not performed^ -
taw jw
No. 17, South Second Street,
And no '.vbere else, in Philadelphia.
Where also may be had, Dr. Hamilton's Worm
O tarrying Lozenges, hii Sever cien .Elixir for
coughs, &c. Reparative D#ep«. T&enci and Fx
traft < f Murtard, Ointment for the,ltch,
IT Hahn'» intaiiiHe German tort PKifteJ, Iu-
J : an Vegetable Specific for the Vehefsil com
plaint, Gowland's and P.'rfian Lotian, Rcfl.irauye
Tooth Powder, Damjfk Sal*i, Church'a
Cough Crop?, * nderfon's Pin's, &c. Sec,
' apri' 16
By ndtereeol th« htgh Court of Chancery,-
trade,in a caule, Ja»i n agaitift Newman,
it is - referred to WW.tTrivVp,
Esq. One of the matter- 4f the fatd co«r£ " to take
an actoun" of the Legacies bequeathed by the. w!l
cf the tetHtor; WtCt.IAM 'PHfIXTFt:. late of
Nevrpte (Ireet. London-, deceased. and also to in
quirt- ao<i (late to the court. whc<h<a- Francis
Jamisr die brother of the Complainant's named aa
one of the Ltgateti in the said will is dead, and
whether he died in the life fime of the teftatGr ;
therefore all persons who'taH give any informa
tion whether the said Framis James be living or
dead, and it living whers he now refines or lift
resided, and when and at what place, and when
and where he waslaft heard o(, ard if
and where he died, -aTe h..rj>y requeflel te; gi,ve
loch information to'thefaid Wflliaai Gravesj'Kfij:
at hi, offic in -Southampton Buildings, Chancery
Lane or before the fir ft day of March
next, otherwise he wtil be eicludtd the benefit of
the faidderfireV *"
'The said Francis James was hoVu at or near
Kidwelly, ill the county of Cae,rmarthen,..and if
living, is about the age i f tbirty-teur yaars, and
about the. year 1779, was a forcmaft man on beard
the Milford, a merchant,belonging to the
port of Bnftol, and falledlor Jamaica in Septetji.
ber, 178 c, aftery/ards he returned tn Brifipl,
an in November, 1781, was pressed in Kia<-.
rOad. Briflol, and Cent oh board the king's frigate
called the.Di miede, in whKjh tie.failed feom-Ply
mouth an a ihiSfo, »n*d or board of whkh he af
terwards became a quarter gunner, add deserted
the"'laid'fiip at Chaiieftdn Bar in North-America
in September 'l7Bl.
Should any person in the United States ®f A trie,
rica, to enabled, iogi™ rn'o'-riation «f,tV abovs
named Francis James, whethctftvibg or dead, they
are rctfaefteiLti) commiinicaie Jie'fame ti DaVID
A 001*>EN,' !<o. 69, Stiu.e street, New-Ywk.
£S" The printers throughout, the UciredStaV«
ire'requefled to putlift the shove.
april' 18- , ' " •.
d 4 w
To a!l pit sens -who Lanch in
Franklin County, State nf PennsyhJnia:
THAT they come forward and pay thrtc
refp=aive Taitrs, (as there is a nymbrr
of years now due) to PATRICK CAMP
BELL, Esq. :t«tafijrtr'for fakf Gwmy—lt
they do hot, we will J> f ojbligsd Vo proceed
to make fal,e of them agreeably to law.
James Irvin, "I
JOHN Ha'lliday, I
Nathan M'Doivel.J
Ciamfarsi/trgb, Jan. i, rßoa. 5 \i'»w3nfc