; •* Phifddeipbia Daily Advertiser. NuMBfX 2562.5 JC y Tbe'price ifibts i?ater.e is Eight DsHaSs 'fir aAituto to Si&scrtteri residing fh the city 'of FbHbielfSiio. All others pay v»e DoUdr ttddifitoai, for enclosing dM di recting ; and unlessisdme petton in this (ity •\vitt become ans*>eraf>lc for the subscription, itiavst be paid fix Muittbi in Advance. %• M> Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. Dacamber i 1799. This Day Published, fey J> On"»TßtfD, No.V.'Chefnut Street', (Price »f Cerrtj) THE t)eitth of General Washington. A I'OEM. fa ihiifiticfin of the manner of Olfito. By lltfV. ] 'Hn 'MAnk, A.. NT. Mtaifter oft fir. First Prefryfcirfcb Congregation •( Philadelphia. tr , Mr> CW&dionVGrfcwn will tie jmblrflied •b Mondgjj eiqrjiijlg., M»rcii ij, t 'U rPOfe.XLS By XniLlAbi COBBfcTT, # for tvxportiog the following periodical pttb- Hcati.** 1. The British Critick ; 1. The Review and M&gazihe 5 3. The Gentleman's Magazine ; 4. l.ft Merc;urt: Britanique, or The British Mercury. THE British Crititk is a regular Review 6f all the works publiftied in Great Britain j k is conduced with great impartiality artd abi lity, and of the numerous j!>crbHcati*»na of the Icihd whicb do now appear, and which have appeared iii Great Britain ; it is uuiverklly allowed to be the best. [Pyfce Jd Chit's."] fbt JMliiyiicSin Retoieb) Mi it » ir« title £ee«l» to Intiicaft, ratter hwjre ioA fined, »ti the r.ainre bf it* fut-j«iss, but it (cruinly it v»t M» calculated for extenGve uri lity. ihi> Work i» into tour «ltp4rt iftepta: i Original trUicijm— 3 A Rtyiew Qf the other Reviews'-3 Orcafional Efiays, in prole ttrti'veVft-—affd A lAinthly Sutnihiry of Hit' ory and Politics Every (St thbHtlislt his "k - fiijlplMMntt corftiihirtg a YfVieVp 6t fofvtgn —agotlwt not forycttiftg' those of Articrica. The Anti Jaajbju oh (»bj«i£U wl-tlck are . jntrefy. literacy fcientiftt, ihair >n tbofe Wtiirk i i ive a nri.>r« iiairiediatft influence on so . 'Wtffc a holft aVil matfchjr hand, it cot-* 1 r&U the blttttderthsft oflrfof,' i?icea the intri* and ft ri ps ttff the itiaJk erf HypocHfy. Ttffc mtowed cfiam efripn of tfcc cltUTb arrti the Sale, if spares the 3«atftiics of neither, whpilier r»p*n or fec:et; and# looming the pufiiianimous tfefenfive, up ©n vvhich the friends of truth li*\*et<."> long it carries ©n a continual ajid vigorous 'MfftliftVe ittrfift- against anarchy, ifafn'riVality, a»d irrelijpon, and thih its tfni -forrfl ctmdu&, its right' title it has as £ Price 50 Cents. ] 1 ! The Gentleman 7 j Magazine, a work ftampfcd with the.approbation ot three score years, con lilts cfiit.Ry, of communications from antiqu* ri:s and ail'iniiors, and of origtrtal eflays, in ; vttfe irtd pro#- Written by the VilHft learned and hig*ni*>us rfteii in the ktogdofrr, aWd emfefatitfg fey :urn«, almost every fahjeil interesting to i»afij TfcJ^nufcelhnesus'part ol the work is . follqwea?Mtriekt ; 'a'ntt tWnrsa varyco |>lou»'rtmtiary,.bf iTrg not xntfrely altflof deaths, biifcafVaiuaJHe fiories of biography ; to which is ajideri, a Meteorological Diary and Table, a » Belief Mortality for L ndon and its environs, a tifele of the average price's of cdrn, and cf the f : r eVe/y day month : So th^t this vi*>rk itrtilfc tv ittkd national rights; it extends itt view over th£ fr*t»ot» of Etffbpt, etfirwines ttfe ewndtxJV and difdlofes the tntftfcve# of their ref £e£live courts; it is in Ibort a brjef ahd comprd hetlfive hifl iry of the times, equally rernarkafble for the elegance of its ftyJe, tfee profund'ity of its remarks, and the i'oundnefs of its principles. [Price 50 Cents."\ / Thefc four works comprise every thing ufeful Ml ftie periodical way. G'drtflemen rnay sub scribe for all, or for eitfte'r, 'if them. The firft order is intended to lie fetiff On the itt of May nwtt; the laccefisvrMlmtiers will bt re eerveH at New York iii tWc mrfnttn upot. in average after, their publication in London > so that thole which are fubicribeU for •> or before the ift of May, will be received in September ; after which they will with very little irregula rity, cefflt to hand en« a month, tie importer having made fuck arrangements as cannot- fail of securing punctuality ch the part of hil coi tefpoudeuta. &• Subfcripti#ns will be received from any < part of America, by J. W. Fk*K«, Philadel phia. No advance 11 required. The prices are but four centi a number higher than i» London-1 4M3* P 'M I L A D E L PHI A, TUESDAY EVENING; AMtIL 22, rßoo, THOMAS MURGA.TROYD tif SONS SAVE FOR At No. 35 Dock-street, ieo pieces gauze, 100 swords, ScO joine/a tool#, 140 saddle trees, 12 fire fenders, braft tops, 100 brass compasses, 100 wood do. April 9, JOSEPH ANTHONY & Co. At tbeir Store $ Cbemut Street, have iff' FOR sale, i he fallowing Articles, viz. PirP quality BTufSa Henip Ruf&a Duck Brandy io pipes, fit ft and four'tb proof Madeira \V\jHetn pifw* and half pipe* Claret in cases Wiott.r and Summer prrflei, Spermaceti Gil Spermaceti tandeU, and Hyson Tea, latcft importation March '24. To Merchants. MERCHANTS Accounts.eleftantly opened, Books t>sneton Iron Works, fitnata in the of Marris in the iUtff of New-Jo-fry, <;.jnufling ol a Forge wjtn four fires, a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mil) with tWo Run of stones, ahd SaW mill, allir> good order atiti niDW in ufc, together With an rxceliynt, large, »nd convenient l.oufc, witn out«houfs of every kind; among which arc a* let: houfc, an l flonc milk houfc, wrth a remarkable fine fpriug in it, a large Garden, arid an excellent HN OdBORN, born in the to*nof Bedford, WeftChcftef' county and (late of New-York, aged aa years, 9 months, 5 feet 8 and a quarter inches high, grey eyes (loogqued) light hair, rufl'dy complexion, pock marked, by trade a Shoermaktr. EnUtVed by Lieutenant Key noldtin Stephen's Town, near Albany the ijtli of June last Had on and took With him a Jhort round blue cloth coat with a red cape, a blue «loth coatee, a few white waiftcoars, a long grey mixed cloth c»at and breaches, a pan of boots, a chscolate coloured great coat trfntrncd with black hair plUlh, z fuir hat half wort), ard tWo iilvtr watches, one a middle fizc, the other lfnali. He may impose on some family or gentleaian as a waiter, as he has a&ed iu that capacity Whoever apprehend* said Dcferter, and f«seuros Jiim iu jail,' fends Jliiii to Headquarters, ortlclivtr* him ro of the Marine afllc«rs, or in / officer of tJ"»e army of the United State* shall receive the above reward and all reasonable charges. J, S. LEWIS, Adjvtcnt Marine Co'f).i January iS. To be Rented, ' 7* NO JttiVhbdiifte polfeGfott given, if required, *• iJL a-hew two ftd*y Brkk Hou fcffiaa m*T be kad imwediattlf. for ctrnu edquiM •fSJwiMtCf. ■Mr«k'*S< AUTHENTIC .IFE OF SUWOROW. JVST PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALE. AT THIS (JKFICE, A SKETCH OF THE Hifc att& Cjjarartet PRINCE ALEXANDER SUWOROW RTM- edjv Field-Ma* &2I G »; ihe fetvice of Hi# Imperi al MajcHy z rot of art the Rutfiaj, V.ITH The Hiftoiy of his Campaigns. Translated, from the* German of Frederick Antbing. To whish is A concise and compr'ebenshe Histdry of His Italian Campaign. By WriliimCobbctt. mwfim liit'b an elegant Print-Portrait of that re- Gcntlfetncn desirous of poAcHing a capital like ness. executed ill the firft ityle, at this iliuftrious th ii-i m < hieftain, may be hirni&cd with parti cu'ur proof impylSom, at thi» office, price one Dollar. February I*. jtawtf By J- ORMKOU, No- 41, Chefnut Street ( [Price as Cents] REMARKS On tKe affcrtions of the Auther of. the MEMOIRS OF JACOBINISM, EMANUEL SWEDENBORG, Aud lhe tendeifty of hi« Writings april » 7 eo d 3 t NEW fc? ELEGANT BOOKS No- 15, North Serond Street, oppefite Christ Church, Philadelphia. MILTON'a Paradise Lofl, t vol». Royal Bto superb engrtTKig», Hervey's Meditations, j vob Royal Sya with tllpcrb engravings, Pilgrim's Progrefa, Royal Bw. superb en- gravings, Death of Abel, Royal gvo with fnperb engra vings, Bertraad's Memoin, 3 voI« gve with fupcrb engravings, Chimocli'. Bipgraphica Nivalis, 9 »»l« tvo Gill's Body of Divinity, 3 »ola Bvo kit.rjry Memoir* »t living author!, a voll B*o PyVs Sketchsl, (Tvo in boards, Lyric Ballads, lanio in boards, Dmmoioiid't Tjranflation «f Perseus, nmo in Samuel RioJ^et, boards. Poet rjr of the Anti Jacobin, izmo Goldffnith's Poems, imio elegant platei, Ben tic's Minstrel, umo elegaut plates, Economy of Human Life, umo MiHic in Good Humour, % vols jimo Bavitid an J faxv'mii, umo OiJi Poems, 3 vois iSrap Uft'f rs of Jufiius, i vols ißmo elegant plates AmaGng Kefreations, (Bmo lijye»'s i i.ri»n of the Bible, umo to inororno, Officers riacuil, with 6q.elegant engravings, Ami Jacobin Review, BuAnaparte's Letters, a vols, kamel s Narrative, Carnot's tteply. April 19 it. Jujl Publi/htd, and to be Slid, (Price ij Cent,) By 7.ACHARIAH POULSON, Jnnr. AV I 06, CBifnirt Street, 'The Report of the Committee PftrfeedVffgs df the other Stated, ANSWER TO THEIR RESOLUTIONS. Tit Jaid Piu'/oh has noixi in lie firefs, and fpc'-di j wilt be fubhjked, REPORTS Of CASES, Argued and determined in the High Court of Admiraltv ; Ctp'ifciencing with the Tudgments of Riah* Ho*. Sir WilliamScolt, Michaeiinas rtrm 1790 By Christ9pher Robinson, L. D% Advocate* Vol. 1.-—Part I. April 19. WHEREAS Pragers and Company, of Phila delphia, merchant*, did on th 6 fourth of the preftpt month, ifflyri iti.r their tfflfey t kc lanfe a«tI»oi) THE PROCEEDINGS In regard to the Maroon Ntgrtis in the Island of Jamaica ; , With Obfervjtions < n the difyofitinn, (JArics ter, manners and h»bin of life of the Slaronus 4nd a detail of the origin, prngrefc, and termt' nation of the tote warbcrwftn the white inhabitants. 4i*o, An Historical fi'ew as St. Domingo, or Hispuniota ; Comprehending an account of the former go vernment of the French pact of that itiand, it(i political flat#, population, productions, aad a narrative of the calamities whicli deiolaud the iflajid erpr fttice fhc year 1789; and a detail of the ; trWaiilfons of the Britilh army in that iflmd to tfie rtidof the year 1794, To be illuftrate«l with a large two lheef general MAP of the WEST 1 NDIE6,--amf terr irtber Maps, all executed in the bed manner, viz.— of Jamaica, Barbadoes, Grenada, St. Vincents, Dominiea, St. Christopher's, Nevis', Antigua, the Virgin I (lands, and 1 fhett Map of the IlUnd of Hilpaniola Aath arid ettfSTjßfi 'of an lrfiproired 55gar Mill, designed by Edward WooHery, E(q. of Ja maica. Sth Lebjlard Parkiafon, a Captain of Maroons, as taken from life. It is proposed to prim s9bscription y (Tobi ptibHtfik number*) Tfla Vgay Ihttrcfting arid uTcful Work. Tl>c fubferiber thoretorj: yifc?r» ihcle prgpoialt to ifte public, itit<::&ng'as won as three hundred have iubfctfbec', topubliQj the firift nufeibtfr, Com with the General Vi«w of the Ancient State *oi eke Inhabitant*, their origin, maaners, cuftomi, Ac. as well of Htfpamola, Cut>a> Portaij Rico, &c» as of aIT ftießritilh litondj; and he will continue publifiilng a &untt>er wee fcty, till thi whole is finiflied—on ffic following trms| viz ift. Itfhallfit yrlntSdin a hand lonie (Jn'ai to, on a ne:»t Type, and on the best Printing Paper, 4d. It ff.afl be pu\>limtii ih Numbers weekly, and is calculated to be in Fifty Numbers : fjicli Numtiei'.fo contain Twenty four Pages of*l.,ertrrPrefs The Prite for each Number to be One Qnarter k bdllar, to ba Paid on Delivery Should it exceed Fifty Numbers, the Remainder: »M hegiven gratis. 3d. The Maps and Pjfam will he delivered with the Numbers to wlrch rhey attach, free of any aadiiV.n'al Pi ice. Arid i Dirc<£iinn will'Bc'givyri atfainß wfi'at particular Page each one is to ]'ucel. The fubfarlbers Nittwi; with tje "title PagesJ &c. will be given with the 43ft'Nuirfbers. Nnte• Such SubflftJtkrs ii flu hot incline t# rrceivs the Numl>ers.aa thrf.'art .pnUUhed, wi 1 have tl em carefully fbr twpayf inj FOl r Dollars at the of fobferibing, and the Kemainder when the Work is finilhed. To prevent Difappnint-Ker.t or Complaint, \\ is wow preniifed, that at there yil! be 1 , .t « vary few Copies"struck' If more than may bf fuhferibed for, the Price wf thrtil vffll be confu rferably raised after the Publication of tltf Nombert to ffompole ttft fifft Vol lume. JAMBS HUtfrPfcRSYS. , Makh' it, '•*'* ffiißscurTions' lire received kg fliil Humplireyst at No 106. the foULh Gde At, Market Stre'-t/Mcff. Prichard.a»dJDavidfon, at Kidunrani, Virginia. Mr 0. H;!l Mefirs. f%). and James Swords, N't'W fork, Mr. James White Boston ; and C. Cutting, Sallem, Maffaifiufetfi. Marth !«• „ oTuJlw. 2aw3*r MUNGO PAHK's TRAVELS, IN mK tNrzHtoit or-Jtfmci, ; Is now in the Pcefs of James' HumpM-ej^j PRtNTJSTC BY .SVH'SCfetF'i-tftfS, And»#fll be finifhcd tt'M/ifi the ctpddhiok paflfli fc T■« ARf, I*l if in'hi^*'»iWvo,_jt ft|<»l. i . ; march I. r- •<■ * 0» T«K [>« J VKF. XVIU t ■K.:, \ NEW LINE OF STkfcfejS; lo New York, . fey the thort.-ft jhd rn'h jicsfaht road—palling Jhrqftgh Ji.flicton, Newtown, Penntrigfor, Millftent, IWnflbiook, Union Camp, Scotch Plains, Springfield and New "k THE SWiFTSURE : ffVrti fr'jte the Tree, Net- 50 North Fourth Street, it % o'clock tvejy morning, anil arrive! at New Ynrk cjrjy the nixi evening. Fiqij> New Yirjjit flans at i> o'clock overs day (Saniiay# uxc«j,ted) and aiilvea at Phila delphia, sa-rjy the next Jvening. Fare for paflengers 5 dolfars, ray paflengers 6 cents per mile. Each allowed of bacgage. One hundred and ftfty weigHt of baggage to pay the lame as a_paoeoger. AH baggage to he at thr ri(k of the owner, unfefs insured and receipted Vor ty the (if the (Afferent offices. Kate of insurance one per cent. *s* Apply to jQMN M'CALLA, No. 50 North JF«urtli Street, .Philadelphia, ind -lo WILLIAM VANDpRVOOkT, No. Court lan 4 Street, N. E. corner of Greenwich Street, York. January 3 A NEIV MUSICAL REPOSITORY IS NOW OPENED No. 75 North Third Sheet, - WHERE ttizy be hz& s 'all tfje fJJbienahte 'lvfvti* the fon.g« &c lately fold at the in South Second Streets To -fc-ljithj in a lew days, will beadde«4, ferae PIANO FCR FES of a very superior tone and quality, Flutes, Fites, Violins, bell Roman Violin strings and every other article in the mufiul line, which'will be fold in .prime order, and oh the molt r'eafonalle terms. Subscriptions received for *he Mvjical Journal lor the Piano Forie, ami the Flute pr Violin, rh« firft fix numbers of which are already pqblHhed, and may be purchased together or faparateiy by non-fubferibers. March 6,1800. ' GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS y. ifafitbd Pittsburgh Gfass Works, HA.VING procured a fufficiant aumber of tfacmoft approved European G'.afsManu (u&urers, and haviwg- on hand a farge ffocV-of the beft>MateriaU, on which their workmen are now employed, hare jbf pleasure of assuring the public, that Window glass of a fupeiior qua lity and of any size, from 7by9,to 18 by 24 inches, carefully 'hi boxVi containing 100 feet ea £, may be had at the ihorteft notice. Glass of larger sizes For purpofts, may also.be had, such as for pictures, coach glaflea, clock faces, Sec. Bottles of all kinds and . f any quantity mayalfo be had, together rtitff pocket Safks, pickling jars, jfpottoebary Vfoop furniture, or other hollow ware''—the whole at teaft 15 per cent, lower than articles c>{ the l ;r f quality brought from any of th« sea ports of the United Stafres. A* liberal allowance will be made on file of large quantities." Ofders fr m merchants and others will fee pun&ually attended to on ap plication to JAMES O'Hft'RA ior ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store of Mctfrs. PKATHER andSMILIE, ifi'Mafkrt-Stteet, Pit'ilburgh, March 4, TO MERCHANTS. . tH'li AJXV&TifIiiLR WHO has served a regular apprenticeship in a. vexy -mewuuuile Keu&-in this city, ani,can prodiicy.pheTjoU unexception al# recommendation in r.i? favor, offers his fer where fctn beiji in m ft ®f rhe VVeftJn dia islands. A line dire1 eoiitf ting Library ?&l"6w tuihtf, ■, in i co.6w/ SHIP