Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 21, 1800, Image 1

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    of ANU PPhiladelphia Daily Advertiser.
: Jn"
Uutiinrß 1361.]
The price of this Gazette is Eight \
Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of Pbilddelpb'tc. All others pay
one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di
recting ; and unless-sOtne persdn irttbis city
will become answerable for the subscription,
it tnust be paid six Mviitbs in Advance.
* # * No Subscription will be received for
a shorter term than six months.
December i 1799.
This Day Published,
' By J. Ormrod, No. 41, Chef Mit Street,
(Price Cents)
Dtath df General Wajhirtgtdn.
A "PtfEM,
In fmftation of th* matjrier of 'CTfinn.
Bv Rfcir. Jo'totf'B. A.M.
M : nifter ofthe? PSfft IMsJfcyrtrian
S"T$ "T Mr. Oration will be piiblifted
on Monday morning.
M«rch 15. d.
- - -
Tor impoftiog ibe' foirdwiAg periodical* pub-
i. The British Gritick;
a. The Anti-jacobin Review and
3. The Gentleman's Magazine ; -v
4. Le Mercure Britanfcpe, or The
British Mercury.
TtfE Critic kis a regular Review of
air the Works puSliffidd in Great Britain ;
it is om<3«fled With gteat impartiality and abi
lity, irtd of the numernis publication's of the
-kind which do i>ew appear, and which have
appeared in Great Britain; it is uuivcifally
allowed to be the best.
[Frite 50 Cents,"]
The Anti- Jacobin Review and Magazine is
as irs tijlH'eems to indicate, rathtr more con
fined, as to the nature of its fubje<Sls, but it
cfcfrainlvis not less calculated for "extensive uti-
This work is divided into four depart-
ments: 1 Original C'riticifm —1A Review of
~'dhe other Occafional Bffays, in prose
and verse—and 4th, A Monthly Summary of
Hi**oryand Politic* Every fix months it has
a iupplement, containing a review of foreign
Works, not forgetting those of America. Ths
Aflti jacobin dw«ll» less On t'obj*<fls which are
fnWely titerary and fcrcmrtic, than in tliflfe
flitch hate-a morn immediate influence on so
eiety. Wirfc * bold spdiftartcrly hand, it cor
.tttii the bkmdertngs of error, traces the intri
cate windings of mifrepreftmation, and strips
off the mafic of hypotrify. The avowed cham
pion rise e'V.urch ar»H the flafe, it fp?rei tlie
fcnemits of neither, Whether open or fcCrci;
and, fc<*roifig thepufiMariimous defenflve, tip
on which the friends of truth have too long
afled, ir carries on a continual and vigorous
ofienfive warfare agaki/t'anarchy, immorality,
and irrejigion, and thtis }eflabli!hes hy its iini
forih £6trari&, its right to the title it has af
[ Price 50 C'ertts."]
'Vir Ge#t!e>kan'j Mdgazme, a #6irk ft imped
with the approbation t»f thfee f'core years, con
lifts ch'kily. of ctrnmunicatians from aiitiqtta
. ries and cultivators, and of original efftys, in
verse and prof? written by the most learned and
ingenious men in the kingdom, and embracing
by tuftis, aim oft e'vfcry fubjc£l inVerclting to
■man. The mifcdlaneotn part'of the work is
followed by a felc<flion of aothentick foreign
amldomeftiek intelligence, including official re
ports, ft ate-papers, anti aa a bft raft of the pro
ceedings in parliament j next counts a. veryco
pious obituary, being not merely a lift of deaths,
but a Valuable scries of biography ;/ to which is
acftltfd, a McVeorblogfical Diary «nd Table, a
of !Vsr> reality sos L ndrin and its 'eriViroVis,
a table of the average pirices of corn, artd <if the
stocks, (• r every 4*y in the month : So that
this work must.ever be an entertaining and
ufefnl conifMmoft, »f>t ©nly<to tfrofe who are
of the learnrd-profeflions, commonly so called,
but t© the merchant, the farme-r, and, in fbort,
to*ver?fnah, whateVfcr may be the fubje£l of
his study, or the bbjt& of bis pursuit
\_Pficc Cerits.~\
h fie Mefturf Britahntque, or, Briti/h Mercu
ry ; by Monfirur Mallet Du Pan.—This work,
Which one number i 3 published every fort
night, in French and in Engl'fh, commenced in
August and is continued with encreafing
spirit and celebrity. It it both bijloricaland cri
tical; It contains a fammary, and is the repo
j fitory, of aIT the important evenrs, eftablilhed
fads and public infliumeßts, whieh relate to the
pjefertt sera; iLinvefligates point* of fafl, of
politics, and national rights; it extend? its-view
over all the nations of Europe, examines the
conduft and discloses the motives of their ref
pc£tive courts; it is in ftiort a brief and compre
hensive hiflory of the times, equally remarkable
for the elagance of its ftyie, tlie profuudftty of
its remarks, and the soundness of its principles,
[jPrice 50 Cefits.J
These fobr work* c®mprife every thing uTeful
kl the prriodical way. gentlemen may sub
scribe for »li, or for cither, of them. The Srft
ordefra ihtendfcd to be ftst off dn the ift of
May next; the successive numbers will be re
ceived at New Ysrk in two PTonths Upon an
average after, their publication *> Lamlon, fa
that those whrich ire subscribed for on or before
the ift of M»y, will be received in September j
after wh}eh they will with viry lfttle irregiila.,
rity, come to hand once a mfonth, the importer
made such arrangements as cannot fail
of fecurirtg punctuality on the part of his cor
SubfcriptUns will be received from any
part of America, ky J. W. Ffnno, Philadel
phia. N® advance is required. The prices are
but four centi a number higher than in London;
dfril 3.
t .. t.ii
A (CERTIFIC ATE of one Share ef the Bank
of the United State*, N'6. £9120, in the name
of Lewis Peter QriirtyrP, and a Certificate of two
Shares •! the said Hank, No. 49119, in the name
of George James Chalmondely, Earl of Cholmon
dely, were forwarded from New-York by the
CheAerfield British Packet for which
was captured by the French, and the Certificates
101 l or destroyed, and for which application it
made at said Bank for tfie renewal thereof, of which
all persons concerned are defirecf to take notiee.
February ai
ed by the fijbfcriber, for undivided Shares or
Lots on his purchase within the city of Waihing
too. who have not yet applied for and received
rheir Deeds are hereby notified, chat their several
Titles will be duly completed to the order of those
who in conformity with rhe terms of the said Cer
tificates, 'do make the Payments in full therefof,
either to l Tb»mas ftVEven to* Cn. or to thf
fchber at PHladelphia, on or at any time before
the 31ft day of May n**t.
December 17
Valuable Estate,
KNOWN by the name of the Booneton Iron
Works, fitnata in the county of Merfisia the
ftat« of Ndw-fej-fey, cpaQAing o! a Forge with
four 4irc.s, a RoTli&g and Slitting Mill, a Grid mill
with two Run of fianes, and Saw mill, all in gdod
order and n«w fti use, together with an excellent,
•large, and convenient houfc, with ouc-houfes of
every kind ; among which are an Ice houfe,.and
stone milk house. with a remarkable fine spring in
it. a large Garden, and an excellent «ollr*<slion of
Frfcit, a large 'Orchard, and 1500 icres 01 Wood,
pa?.trre and arable land, and a great number of
stores and workmen's hemfes. Immediate poffeflion
will be given of houfe# and flores fnfficiejit for
providing dock the present winter, and po/Teffioo
of the wholfc in the lpring.
For ternrfg inquire of David iB Ogden at New
ark, mr. Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. David
Ford in Morris Town, or meflrs. Jacob and Rich
ard Fael'ch on t&epremifcs.
Januarv ri
Thirty Dollars Reivard.
FROM the Marioe Barracks on the night of the
14th i»a~IOHN OSBORN, born in the
town ol IWdVrd, Weft Chester county and ffate
of New-York, aged n years, 9 months, 5 feet
8 aud a .quarter ihthes high, grey ey*s (iongqued)
ligJiL hair, ruddy complexion, pqck marked, by
trad? a f-nlftled by Lieutenant Rey
•ndlfff in'Sttphtfh'a fof?fi, rieir Albawy the ijth of
June last Had 'on and took with Aim a short
round ijjtee cloth coat with a red cape, a ilue
cloth coatee, a lew white waYftctats, a long grey
rnised clc + h coat and breeches, a pair of boots, a
chocolate coloured great coat trimmed with black<
•hair pluftr, « "fur'- ha: half •worn, and tVo inter
warch'es, one a fciitf&le f?zc, the other fmatt.
may hi mi-elf on Tome t;>ihily or gentleman
ats a waiter, as he has a&ed in that jcapacity.—
Whoever apprehend* said Dcferter, and f'ccurcs hjm
in jail, lends him to Headquarters, or delivers him
to any of the Martn'c frfficfers, or any Vfficcr'bf the
army of the United Stat?* fha'll deceive the above
reward and all reai'opabjc charges.
Adhitanl Marine Corp-.
January 16.
Unit : k.3 States, ) ~
Pennsylvania District.)
'Y'HAT a fjfccial diftri& co\irt«f the United Stages
Will be h»Mfn at fh'e City Hall in tht city of
Philadelphia, in and for the Pennfylvinh dil'crhit,
on Cuefday the 2id day of April inicant, of
the clock in ths forenoon of the fanip day, for cUe
trial of an information filed by William Rawle,
£fqulre, attorney of the United State* in arid for
the said dtfrriA, agarnfc
1 large chelt of Sugar,
1 keg of ditto,
5 bag, of C<lffee,
1 ditto ditto,
I ditto ditto,
I bag and 1 ~ ,
. barrel j o,
1 bag Pimento,
2 barrels and ? Coff
1 bag S
I small box containing the apparatus
of a hair dresser,"
30 barrels Snuff and Sugar,
19 boxes Sugar, and
1 box Sweetmeats,
Being articles 4f foreign growth or manufacture,
imported from parts beyond foa and fubjeA to the
payment of duties impefed by the law* of the U
nited States and unladen and delivered at the Port
of Philadelphia from the vcffels in vhi«h they
Weft refpcdiively imported contrary to the a<fl of
Congress in such cafe made and without a permit,
&c.and seized therefor, &c.
By vrder 4 of the Court,
Clerk of the DiftriA Court.
April 7,
To be Rented,
AND immediate pofleffion given, if required,
a new two ftoty Brick House rfnd Kitchen,
about 14 miles from Philadelphia, «n the great
road to Newtown. Eaquire of the Printer,
march 27 <ftf.
ON the Frankford Road, two miles from thi
City, with a good Stable ahd Garden. Pof
feffim najr be kid immediately. For tarms enquire
•f thePrißter.
mveh 18.
flife anfc Cjjaraiter
Field-Ma*(hal General ill the fcfvjocof Hsi Imperi
al Majefiy, the Emperor os-all tlw R-uflias,
The History of his Campaigns.
Transiattd from the vfT^ederick
To which is addfe,
A concise and comprehensive ¥iistorj of
His Italian Campaign.
With an elegant Print-Portrait of thai re
nowned Warrior.
Samuel Blodget.
Gentlemen desirous of poflefiing a capital lfke
nefs, executed in the firft style/01. thii> jiluflricus
Chridian Chieftai|>, may furnifhed with parti
cular proof at this office, price one
February t-a.
Rector ol it. Paul's church, and formerly Vlce-
Provost of the Uuiverfity of Penhfylvania,
pre of tbc Afliitam Miniften of Chuft church
On Tuesday the islb of next mentb, (April)
'• /I N Englilh School, ity which will be
JOV. taught JReading, V F.nglilh
Grammar, Composition, Elctdtior., and Na
tural History.
2d. A Mathematical Sc'v.jc\ r is whicfc
will be taught Writing, A;itlmiet'ic, Mer
cantile Accounts, Geography juid the use of
the Globes, Geometry, or ;be elements of
Euclid, Trigononiefq*, b< t~i H»ne anS
Spherical, Mehfufation, Gaug'.:^.!"Survey
ing, Navigation, in all its parti, Dialling,
Comc-fettiohs, Forti6cati6ii, Gunnery, As-
Itronomy, Al, ebra „.id with tbjii
application to the different psrfi-pf Ma he
matics. This departmeni "will be conducted
formerly Projessor of Mathematics m the
Royal ii'tiiafy and Marine rfcadany, Dub
lin—cind /utterly in THS FBIOATB Un IT-
Ed State
.'3d. A Ctrtfiical School, in With will be
taught the Latin and Greek Language's, in
conjunttion with Ghrftnofogy, 'Civil Hil
tory, Rb»toric, and the "Infticurrt cf Moral
A well grounded tonvi&ion of the expe-
qf the foregoing plan, has been our
principal inducement te undertake it. When
it is considered that this populous and flou
rishing Metropolis contains only orre Fi'biic
Institution on an exten&ve plan, and that
many of our youth are obliged to resort to
other Smes, to receive even a Graimnar-
School Education, the Seminary now pro
poled, -will, we trull, be regarded fas eminent
ly ufeful.
Aftuated by these coriideratior.s, many
gentlemen, friends to Science, and to Liter
ary Eftablilhments, have Urged, with great
warmth, the present Undertaking, and ex
cited the most flattering expectations of its
Thus encouraged by the countenance atd
promised aid of liberal men, no less thai: by
a firm persuasion that well-regulated Aca
demies have a most impoVtaftt influence
upon manners, habits, and principles ;
it will be our earned endeavor so to coti
duft th'fs Seminary of Learning, as to sub
serve the great InteTefts of Religion and
Morality, to promote Decorum of Eeliaviour,
Correftners of Taste, Liberality of Senti
merrtj and every other attribute of an inge
nuous mind, which, in connexion with
good principles, and found literature, con
ftitule the diftinpfuifhed ornar.rnts of ; the
gentleman, andthe scholar.
The building, engaged for this Academy,
though affording excellent accommodation,
will be relinquished for a m»re central Titr
ation, if futfh a change should be found ne-
Persons defirnus to beemployedas tutors
in this Seminary, are requeued so apply,
without delay, to either of the fufbTcribers,
to whoih also Parents wishing to fend their
children, will please to make application.
Philad. March 28
A LL perform indebted t# the eftatc of JOHN
£\ RHQADS, late of this city, deceaftd, are
requested to make immediate paymentand those
having accounts agajnft the fame, to bring then*
in, duly attested, for payment to
March 26-
'f,\ ANO
>• .FO/? Sd££,
By William Cofcbett.
[Rricc 2 i-a Dollar*J
Portrait of Marshal JSvwtfpftp*
Philadelphia Academy.
and St. Peter'»>
No. 94 Arch Sreet,
No, 101 Pine Street,
v '\
am Table, <
Jiftttigpp O. C. Muster.
PHILADELPHIA live.f>ajs and-re*
darj wjll be rtadvrtQr.qCfiv.eher it Sfifcff*
yvHarf in a rew cjays, and to .Jail about'
of April. Fnr_ freight Or apply,
to the caiOTfilS on .board, 'of'Vo
JET} li M I"A HWS RI) £ ft.
I -!-) V"0 HIS J%* hJc]t{
The Drawback
tV.fftiii ) r fl■ >e Line *,
T«tHe>Linr i ifr Riifcs ,*f3* ■
Linens' ijn .'trunks, Dt y
' 'HaVr"L&ack 10
Tin in hoxts, London'refined Ne*-.
Caille Roman
elegint Girat.doles, fourrpoiiwid- Wool* it lit
pruvf*annvn, double fortify (vull apparati
coni|)l£at, and a quantity'or t/Sice ar.J niije
pound (hot.
march ji
TIT 7*-HHR*E AS Mathcw ft Win did on the-,Bth
W day of joily 1797 makc'im aflighmefct othis
e/hte ana effects, to us the fubftnbers,.fQr the be
nefit ot such of his creditors, asjfhould: op or before
the aoth of Sept em! er, 1797, execute to him a full
and final <ftfcharwe—New creditor?
who are entitled to a diVrdehd under ihi'd align
ment arc requested to furrifli their accounts to
Samuel Meeker, with interest calculated up to the
Bth day of July, i 797» a dividend will ablalyfe
ly fcej&ruck on the fir 11 day of April nepct, and those
wflo ?<?£>£ <St t® comply Vith this notic/ will th<.re«,
a.'rer fee excluded frotn the bentfit of the fame. '
Pb Ip Kiel.!in r
Samuel Meeker I
Naib'l l ewis, by bis /ids. [> Aflignets,
Pearson Hunt ' I
John M. Taylor
Philadelphia, March 14
Submitted to ptilltc eerjkkr*ti»n, as additional
evidences of the efficacy of
Most Disorders to whidh the human body ii
■JOHN HOOVEit, Rope-milker, South Second"
Mary and Cl| ; greets, Pfvlidel- \
pb:a, voluntarily make:h i oath, as follows: namely, j
that his wife, Miry Hoover, was so feveiely affli&ed
with violent rhemaiiftru, very daugeroufly fuuaced,
the confeqtieDce of a cold after lying in, as to be ecu
fined to her bed for several weeks, and was at length
reduced to the taelaricholy appreher.fion ol iemmuig
a cripple fqr life; not wulMif.ding tnoft refpe£tdblc.
medical advice was followed, and every pibableie
mcdv attempted. Wtiep kfeipJi feyerai cafsof cute*
p-'ormed by Hamilton's Eftei.ce and f.fctraft v >f'
Mujlard, they were pfOCuud from Mr. Birch, No.
17, South Second Itiee:. 'The firft application en
abled her to walk acrafs.the room, and the ufeofcae
bottle reftorcd her to her ulual llate of and
Sv»orn and subscribed to the 2,5 th.* 1 ay ot Varch,
betore ; Eben«2?r Fe.-gu'oa, Efo. <yie ol the
julticei at the Peace for Philadelphia couotVi
DsVID GILBERT, foyr.iat, No. $6, South
Ffcunh Street, Philadelphia, voluntarily rtiakcth oath-,
as follows ; namely, that eight montus ago, he
caqgiu a Urytjre cold, whiqh. refilled every remedy he
ccxuld thij:k of, produced the mqtfc alarming ef
fceta j he could pwjeyte no reft for iiiCcHant cough
ing, nor bfeatte without gre-t pain and difficulty,
atvd waj finally lo as to be fcajcely aule 10
walkabout, left his iriends little hopes of hi(
recovery, 'bough the prescriptions of a lefpefc'ablc
p*hyf:cian were corftaniiy amended to. In this liquati
on h<arin'g of the efficacy of Hamilton's Elixir, a bot
tle was procured from Mr. B;-ch, No i7,3qirhSe*
cood kkreet ; the firfl dose of which,afforded the ,most
furprifmg relief, and pave hio> more ease than he had
enjoyed during the whole of the above period, and
beioirthe contents flf one bottle were taken, he was
perfeflly cured, his ftren«tb and appetite rccoveied,
and not a fyanptortt of his former diftrefling com»
plaints lemained.
The above particulars the fsiti David Gilbert wiflv
es to bo made public, as a teftitoony of hisgratitude,
for the benefit of mankind.
David gilbert.
Sworn and subscribed before me the aftli day of
March, 1800
JOhfN JENNINGS, Alderman.
Who may have Children aijiirtsd with the
This dfffcovo.ry is of the firft magnitude, sis it af
fords .-hicks the progress, and in a
Whort time entirely rcnaovps the most cruel difordertia
which children are liahle—The Elixir is fq perfeftly
agreeable, and the dose f® fmtll, that no difficulty
a rifts in taking it.
A daughter of Mr. Ewing' Wiley, No. 109 Cedar
ftrett, Philadelphia, was dreadfully affli&ed with
worms, insomuch that her life was with great reason:
deipaired of; her coihfelVxton faded ancl grew pale
and f*l!6w ; her eyes fuiilten ; her appetite was loft,
and fnpeeeded by a painful and confiant fickncfj at
thcftomach; which general wailing and debility was
accompanied with every appearance of a dangerous
fever. From this deplorable situation /he was reliev
ed, and reflored to a state of perfeft health and strength
ina few days, by the nfe of Hamilton's Worm Des
troying Lozenges, which expelled a great uujnber of 1
large pointed worms, *from fix to ninfe or twe ve ir.efc
es w» length ; one of which a nicflextraoidina
ry thrclcr.efs, (supposed Jfom half an inch to an inch
in diameter) was opened and found to contain a quan
tity of young ones
The above is communicated by JVIr. WiUv, believ
ing its perulal raay be useful to many, by extending
the knowledge of a medicine which merits universal
attention : But this teiiimony is only a corroboration
of the evidence of mori than fifty thousand
per tons of all who have, wiijjjn twenty months
been cured by this medicine, with the utmdft
ease and fafety, of yai ibus complaints, arifn\g from
worms and from obftru6tidns or foulnefs in the ito»
macb and" bo-.vels.
I)r. Gr.uid Fe .tor'nt
Is recommended as an jt»v?luablc medicine, for
the speedy rcjiefand permanent cure of-the various
complaints which refph 'romdiiTipated pictures, ju-
! senile i^difcrei ioga, Etfidencein.c!tm«.tej uofa*eut.)ble
kh« i&Ort>A&iclttfc aruib, i.e.
quenC intoxication, or aoy other d6ttri:£tive iruerapcr
jhcc; the unfkilfuJ or exccipvc ufr. of mercury ; th<?
direafefenceufiairtp fcfttitesacVccrMtupAiad of li'e ;
And is proved by leug and extenfivc experience ro rli" i|«i* U (A:i f.
ordtfrs, crtVitdVhpiioTis, lovVne:s#f fyi rYts, lo'fs" of ajipc-
of tUp blood, hvfttfical ui
ward weak ruffes,violentcramp* in thejtomach and
bifcflr, 'fee lintSboty, gout in
raim in tiiefrelaxations,-inv&luMtivyemiflions,
C-mipjl yvqakji4lTe<s. obflinate gleets, ,flour zlbus (or
whitc< tiateißf c^9r^ invf6, & c
-1 hii mcaicirie is perfe&ly different in its qualifies
«sfld tTJwfft hftt arid irritating d'Ugs io
frequently pTopofed~io*'-.£«in!at purposes, and wnich
otUy recommend tj\ rhe dangerous i^pidi
ty <(Fedf,'ana \v a&inj; as a tetriporary
propuqfLgrealer evils than tho(e ,fhey aie iuicqtied 10
Vttwd. -fv
/J M/p; of thit rertjpdy ij in she
rjruovfinff tne powers, and feeding
frotn n<w health, and vigour into every par:
of t he system.
out ir. flaming ii; bj*C without ihmu'auim too *l
- fyjlcm; ftrcojjihcru. the idfffory
gyepl hibjt*;
Jar fibres w> their njrt'uf?! ?"\id bcai'.lit r«n« ; anffrc
tores 'hat ifnrfrAc!ef;j(e cvacibkC&iii,
deftroyeiif a*id WhA<e"'ibij} rtadlhVown tlft-wKolc
fr^me/nto end ,dcbi!uy. j
Ti'- Rejtor. ive is jbioiuic v abovr. all teccinnven
mendation, in rcrfioving thdfe weaknrfTes and in. i
mitics vi-ith which raanv femaffes areaffi &ad, th.-c n
fcquences t)fand paioiul' "afcouis, d» of iifju
dip;Ou,&trr4tmeu< therein.
The njoft pbftit.aie giepu ; and the xyft
•iillrefling cases of ficur a!&ns to 'females Fails pauicu.
larlv undw ' he- proline? »f ibis reUcranve j
yield 'O iis benign zti& ire t-d'cally cured,
bv correcting arid p«'ifavfgth«<ac#in>oui9HJ hw>sns,
retloring a degree of icufion to the relaxed
'fibres, and Hrcngiheni'ng O'gar.s,
In cases of extremity w-'Ht/fe l the' long prevalence
and obftinacy.ofTiiifcate h«5 brought oi a geri'-rat itn*
p®vertfhmcnt of the fvftem, excclUve debility oi the
,whole frame, aqd a wafling of the ficfa, whicb no npu
'YiQfcftent or ccrdial could repßij.*a in the
this medicine has performed? the too ft altoniYh*
.tujrjcures..; •„*«,
. The £r?nd rettorativp i< prepare*! in pill* a* well a*
in'a fluid fo-'ia, which alTifta confiderablv in p ftdu-
'gi'iifi'.al ind tasting ttfe£t. Theirvirtues remain
unimpaired for years in any clifnate.
Dr. Htijn's true and genuine
Ah<l infallible remedy lor corns,- renldv
ing -them rpot and braticb, without giving pain.
The genuine Frisian Lotion,
So celebrated among t.jjj; ' throughout
VhYope, is,an inv;'.fnable cohnetic, pcrfeftly inno
cent attd rafc, free From coijofiv? ax*d r»*pellftj»t
1 minerals (the ba-5s of otb*r !»*ion«) and «f imjva
iffifficv iKpxevaiHi. % "novtug umwe-
of the {ace and jicm f>i" every kisd,
part:tul>rly fjrcckles, pln.plet, pit* afttr ftrUJ pox,
inflammatory fcurfs.t siting woraaßUt»n
'hyrns, prcn<r»7tr»* wri-'lcle« t &c. The
Persian Lotion operates r.i iMiy, without jr.ipedir.g
tharna , ;a.r4i,ipi«nfih}eip»»j:i^.'istv>n > which i»eflcn
t's! to health, »rc fp« f! y an d T>r» m-i
---ncnt, rendering the {kin delicately jfete And fir.ooih,
improving tHe corftp]< xion af»d reftorftig }l>e hi >ora
of youth/ never failing to relic* r an ordinary
oountenance»brautiful, und an handsome cne more
The Damask Lip Salve
Is (-particularly: {v the ladies) as an
elegant and p'tafatlt. preparation lor fh'-pped and
fore lips and every 51 ancf in convenience oc
casioned by xojds levers, Bcc speedily rCoring a
beautiful rosy c«lou«- and delicate fcrfcoefs to the
The Restorative PoivcUr fdr tie Teeth
This mod excellent preparation comforts a»d
strengthens *he preserve? the enamel frcm
decay, and clean ffs -and v'buens the teeth, ahfori
ing- all th?t aenmmonioos slime and foulnrfs,wtoth
iuffored to accumulate
hr,.ii'.y ruin
Warranted an infallible and immediate cure at
once using; baing the :>»oft speedy, effedlual and
pleasant rtmedy ever offered to th pubJic, and for
the fhtlslailion of the tinorous, the proprietor
maheth oath, that this ointment doe» nat contain
a* fin gle. particle of mercury or any Other pernicious
ingredient ip its compaction, may be used
with the n.oix pcrled faiety by pregnant womtn,
and on infants newly born. Price 3*4ths ps a dyl-
far each box.
Patent Indian Vegetable Specific,.
For the cure of VeneraaJ complaints of every dc
firiptio-n : An extenftvc trial of near frur years,
has v proved -the Vegetable Specific to be effectual
in expelling the venereal virus, however deeply
rooted in the cots dilution, and has restored health
to many who have been brought to the brink of
the gravi by the improper adminiftralion of mer
period upwards of eijrht rhoufacd
patients have experienced its ialutary effeds.
With the medicine is given, a description of the
A'hitorns which obtain in every flagr of the disease
with copious dire&ionsfor their,treatment,fo as to
accompiifis a perfect cure in the fjiorteft time, an J
witl) the ieaft ipcpnvemance possible.
A lor:g eulogium on the vlrtu«s ®t th(smoUcip«
is uwDeteffary, as the money will be returned if
the paticht is not relieved, «t never having failed
in many thousand cases, not:oue in a hundred has
had {tc&t&on to uVe more than a bet tie and yum
bers not half a bottle. *
ZJr. Hahn's csjebraisd Anii-Bilicws Pills.
Whichha-fe been uniformly fucccfdiul in the cure
©fbi,!ious and malignant fevers, atid in all dife'r
dersof the head, Ilomach and bowels.
&vVJ!<iii<i*s Geniuine Lotion—<~Curcb's Cditgb
, Take notice, the above valtiable tne licines*
are fold in Philadelphia by^,William Young Birch,'
stationer, No. 17, iouth second ftre<t, artvi by no
oue pU'c in tfec city. LiV.ew.ife that the
signature of Lee and Co. (th» general agents for
the United Sfate c } it parted on the outside of each
without which thry cantwt be genuine.
Furchafers by the dozen or groce will receive a
liberal allowance by applying to Lee and Co. Bal-
t i-uore
IS! arch ii,
< A
«***» -. y
r- xy<,liiMs XVJ)
, '• V
and Gums,
ia-lt to ir' ire uiid
,t far lbe I-tcb>
Infallible .ague and fever drops.
Drops—Anderson's Pill's, &c
m&: <\vt