Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 19, 1800, Image 2

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JCMaCi INTENDED to return
Fall Slip— w ill tike frtight if applied for im
Thomas AtuMahgfd & Sous.
fl 3 * i Pflfk Street.
CHINA Goaat^-
• pril 17
Imported in tb* ship Jean, Daniel iPPhtr*.'
son commander, from Canton,
Nankeens, white mi yellow
Black, blue and colored Luc eftrings
Blaxk and colored Sattint
Mazarine blue do.
Satcin Stripe
Dove colored Sblwli
Black and celored Tiffetias
Canton Long Cloth
Imperial, Hyson, Young 1 TEAS of th« fir ft
Hyson and Souchong J (juality,
April 8
WILL h® landed'at Morton's wharf, from
en %«ard the brig Hope, Anderlon, from Ja
Apply to
No. in, South Water Street
»pril ij,
>«* Arrived,
or the sure Philadelphia,
Theodore Bliss, Csnrr.ander, from Bengal
' consisrmc or
An ifl*rartent of Piece Osodl.
Sugars of tke firft quality,
And 100 qr. cbeft* »f fuperier quality
Hyson Teu.
Witlings V Francis, and
Thomas & John Clifford.
Marrb T«y
Just Arrived,
Of tbe Ship Can vox,
Richard JJaJt, Commander, from Canton,
CoKsiSTkuc or
Bohea ■>
Hyson Skin T£AS.
Young Hyson |
and Myfon. J
Yellow I nankeejJs.
Sugar of ift quality.
China Ware.
An affortiiiert of Silks. «
No. 21, Penn Street.
April j 4.
In the harmony, east. Kiliocl from Caltutta,
By Jon* Mills*. Jur.r. No. 80, Dock-
Fine Handkerchiefs
Black Persians
Hyson Teas "J
Heavy Pepper los excellent quality.
Sugar J
Block Tin of the best kind*
Me, by the thip Ptnnjylv»ia,fr»wi Bolivia,
April 17.
fat rAxruzgsnip or
Expired the ill instant.
The Bufineft 11 now conduced by Edward
Bennington who ii authoriied to fettle *ll ac
counts relative to the said partnerAiip.
W'l »7
A YOUTH from 12 to 16 years of age,
of a tradable and obliging aifpofitior, to
attend in a Store—good encouragement will
be given. Apply at the office of this paper.
April 17. drf
* number of
ywrneymen Tayhrs.
SUCH ai xre in&Arioat and well disposed, will
meet witkUheraj encouragement, by applying
t* other «f the rAfetiben, it their refpc&ive
placet of abode..
Jame» M'Alpio,
Charles C. ft J. Watfeo,
J»ho Stiley,
Jamej Camming#,
Selby Hickman,
Thomas Harrifon,
Caleb Hughes,
William M'llhenoey,
Kenneth Jewell, *■
Benjamin Sharp,
Jacob Thoma*
Willinm Afltbyv
Enoch Wright,
Joseph Wilde,
Benjamin Sh3w (
Jkhn Webb.
April 14.
Rieietts's 'Circus, S. Fifth Jlreet.
T% WfcCT¥yLLY acquaint* the Public that
lv his BENEFIT it fixed for SAIURDAY
■ext; when Will be exhibited, x great variety of
Horfemamlxip and Tumbling;
An entire mrjm called
will be ctpreflW Sn the kiUi,
0» tfcjt otctftoyt 3* on former fetor** he peßci
Manly Excrcifc*,-.
& Tic Vert t0..1(c hii at the Circw.atid" Ho.
»4, S. Fwirth Strtstj the tadiaa Q*«n,
china goods.
Imparted »• tie ship New Jersey, from Cayfi
ton, and far sale by Archibald McCall,
No. 187 South Second Street,
White and Yellow Nankeens,
Imperial, Hyson, Young Hyson, Hyson flcin,
Bohea and Souchong Teas,
Black Sattin*and Lutestrings, Hair
Caffis, and Rheubarb in chests,
Sugar in boxes and bags.
A small assortment of China ware, and a few
Hhds Prime Jamaica Sugers.
April 4. dtf
In the ship yean, Daniel Mcpherson masttr.,
from Cantan, an Assortment of
Cenfifting of
BUck and coloured Lutestrings
Black Sattins
Black Senchaws
Black and coloured Sewing Siiki
Nankeens, Fans, kc.
Also en band.
Co Has
BaftaU, kc.i——and
India Bandannas.
For Sale by
Ko. 58, South Front Street.
April y,
In the Ship Cahtoh /rem Clina,
RictirdDilc.Efq. Commander,
Yellow Nankeens,
Imperial, '
Young Hyson,
Hyson Ski<,. »TiEAS.
Green and
Apply tt>' the subscriber, or at MelTrs.
Willings and Francis's, Penn street,
April ij.
"irHE Creditor! of the late house of Ir<wia &
Bryfm, of Lexington, Kentucky* are
hereby informed, that a dividend of such mo
nies of that firm, as have been received by the
subscriber, will be made on ftie twentieth day
ol April next, among those creditors who Hull
have before that time furoiftied their accounta
properly attested to
March ij
ALL Persona having claim* again!! RiJiard
S. Footman, surviving partner ol the'oufe
of Footman'& Co. a!f* those having claims
against the estate of RUhardS. Foatmdn, de
ceased, are deCred to exhibit their account!,
well authenticated ; and all those indebted to
the said first are requested to make immediate
payment to
Administrator to the estate of K. S. Footman
Frtnkfird, April 9. t
HIS Swedish Majesty's Consul General, and au
thorised to tranfaA the Consular Bu-Gncfs,
for his Majdly the King of Denmaak iu the United
States of America, redding at Philadelphia,
Hcteby gives public Notice,
That in obedience to recent inAru&ions received
from his government, it it the duty of all Mailers
•f Swediih and Daniflj veiTcli, bo/ort their failing
from any port in the said States, to call upor him
or the Vice Consul in onler to be granted foch
Certificates for their Cargoei, which the eiigency
of the 11 ate of the Neutral Commerce and the fe
ver 1 Dccra«s of the Belligerent Poweri, render
indifperfakly necessary, and, that any Mailer of
veffeli belonging to the Kfpedtive nations, or na
vigating *«der the croteAian of their flags, in
emitting to take fucS certificates, will personally
stand responsible for the conferences.
Philadelphia, l(hM>cccmVer, 1799.
THE Proprietor* of the Philadelphia and Lan
eafter line of Stages DISPATCH, return their
graufcl thanks to their friends and the public in
general, for the past favors they have received, and
inform them that in addition (0 the regular Line,
tfcey are provided-with Carriages, sober and careful
drivers, to go through between the City and
BoaoHgh m two days. Those who preferthis mode
of travelling as be accommodated at the Stage
Office, sign of United States EigU, Market flreet,
Slough, Dawning, Dunwoody W Ce.
#«t>. 30- it—J
Is removed tt> No. 141 South Front Street,
April I.
Aifiing afSgnee.
Summary of Politics.
[Concluded from ytfterday'i Gazette.]
Here we behold a Monarch placed in the
mod enviable of all fituationj, in a fittmtion
which enableafhim, by a proper exertion of
his internal resources. to give lo Europe
a speedy and a permanent peace. But, wiih
a mind, either warped by the ttioft felfifh
I and unworthy paifions or perverted by (be
infufion of Jacobin principles, rrfufe• to
«*ert the meant which Providence baa en
| trusted to him, and obstinately adheres to
the Philanthropic rcfolutioD ot prolonging
to an iujefjoije period, tint HpnbJea.of Eu
rope* rathm than engagr jf ■*..*&, which,
iiatwkjbftanding biȣr//*xf, could poly afFcS
bi» army and his purse. From a difpo&iaa
thus perverse, nothing noble, Dutljiug prafC:
Worthy can be expefted. Ifctprnair.s for
the page of hiftury to do justice to tbe |
crowned associate of regicides, and to appre
ciate those mean lubterfuges, which would
give to a dereliftiwn of principle, 4fec sem
blance of policy and prudence.
This country may almost be considered ? . and additional meat,,,
a. a blank in the political map of Europe. ) for <°" t '. t ' u ' n £ th < war «"th the faireft prof>
The sovereign i, reduced to the Weft pitch I P r fucc f _ evlr,ce a di.pofi.ion so
of human degradation* by his close alliance j " t Z
with, and implicit obedience to the assassins ! £* J™ (he mean, hence
of hi. family. The blini tool, the passive £ , P A. n , 7 * on t0, whafver resource. a country,' f" t?™'l w '"> n ,° io " bt ' C^T° r
without commerce, relying for support In b f th « r ° f the , A " ft " aß
the produce .fit, colore., intercepted by NetheriamU, to the extension of her ter.
the Superior fleets of it. enemy, and with I Uh " ° ff " B be or
people highly aid justly discontented with ' f ** rC f° lvC 0n P urfu,n * the , T w,thoUt
the proceeding, of the government, may be ! P '? V,OU ' uT'"! 7T'
fuppufed to poffeft. will be fubjeft to the ?'"• P robabl y be >»d»ced to render her
ahfoliite difp-jfal of the French, whenever ® ore th the just and
it may be their pleasure to call these forth. "P"g ht /"«*•<>' hfr Ru f"" «»y. «®
declare her adherence to the principles ad-
PORTUGAL. j. tanced n the public declaration of the Em
.Tbe Portuguese Covernraent are well P ?ror Paul,
disposed to feeond the operation, of the al- I FRANCE,
lies, but from the situation of that kingdom, When we lately adverted to the last re
it must rather be considered as likely io di- volution in the government of this devoted
miniili the general force, by requiring so- country, we observed, that we (hould be
reign troops to defend it from invasion, than led to consider it in a different point of
to afford the smallest acccffion of strength view from any which it had been hitherto
to the allies. , contemplated by public Writers, and we ex-
THE PRINCES OF GERMANY. fc*®* " ho ? c at th , c £ ame l r e » ,ha J T
ts- ~, . . ...... ' Ihould, ii> the courle of another riionth, be,
, divided by the unconft.tutional inter- en , bfed t0 acquire morc ful ; d dat 4oh which
1 e ° Pruffie, who, having to build'our opinion of this important event,
violated his own allegiance to the head of _ T fccfe data howtvir, are still to be ob
.he empire, seeks to gam a. maay tain< . d . The d ;ff trencc to which we alluded
,n rebellion a, he can ; weakened by r efpe a. chiefly the AM-JacMnicl and
•r' s ?'f e an , c f ~ a" "* between a R o y tt li/} tendency, which many of oWr perip
f ? falfe . e " o s , P ,,0 "» dical writer, have diWered in thi deftruc
mtereftj the Germanic empire I. rendered tion of the oireftorial tyranny. But who
incapable of exerting that force, which un. are the d ht Anti J acolt l lhat haTe f 0
divided, and properly direfted, would fuf- f uddcnl ft * rle s up in s he ce „ trc of R üb .
sice to refill the whole p«wer of France- Fr ' ancc i s ,f the notonou , r^i^dt ,
The founded part of the German c.mmu- who> ; fa dcrifion ot hi , lnor£ f(JucalJli % bre .
nity unqueft.onafcly, the lower cUT<, of thern> who were , hcn not so , a , loui to
J 5 . °P e * c c 5 n C ,° na " (Kame as to faii&ion thc«omqii(?lon of mur
n^,rt^ rfeplßCe tt JU \' alar °, n «"t'oUt assigning fomcprttext for their
ft » i • W e p'oclsfmed his pre-eminence U
set an example which, if followed, by their wickednef. by condgning hi. sovereign to
hold Ih F V, ■ ''kl ° ari s tr ' T onopartt, the Jacobin regenerator of the ha-
AUSTRIA,; Royalty. Whether the late chaoge ha. a
Any attempt completely to develope the ''"d'lci to produce sucH restoration, i. in
political fyftctn of the cabinet of Vienna, deed another quettion ; but, one tbe folu
would only serve to expose the presumption t ' OD which appears to u. equally easy.
of the writer, and afford very little, if any They who consider it at having fur h a
information to the reader. Far are we from tendency appear to have founded their opi
acce ;og to thjy uitice of their conclusions, J nion on the glaring ▼iolatioa which it dif
who, having irtbibed the prejudice, of tbe ' play, of the fundamental principle of a'l de
fW French caart, iqjpute every decifiou of mocraticil systems which have facceeded
the Imperii l cduncil, every movement of, each other for the last ten years
the Auftnan army, to the ambition of the ! rcignty of tkfnclt, aid its iofeperable com
( House of Auftrfe. They who could rfifco- ! panion, tqualit,. Tbu it is'conteoded, it a
ver any trace c* amiitUn in the d.fgraceful grand point gained ( because, the people
peace imposed on the Emperor at Gampo convinced, that this boasted fotereignty is
ormio, the condition, of which tended a mere phantom of tbe imagination, which
vastly to encreafe the power of his most for- cever had, and never can have, a real exift
midable enemy, and proporcionably to di- foce . 10< j ft eiD g this trath virtually ac-
BimOi hi. own must l,e in the habit erf knowledged by the very men who had, with
viewing political events through a very if- ; eqilll 4 „1 and eliergy( raifl;d u , h ; 3
terent medium from any which we have been phantom, and pretended to worship has;
accaftomed to u.e. a national divinity, will become reconciled
Without diving into the arcana of the to more reasonable and more practical prin- i
Austrian cabinet, or without railing up for ciples of government, aud so be prepared
them a system to which, like true system ; by degrees, for the reception of their law
monger. to make every thing beild, it will, ful sovereign. But surely the fallacyof this j
we conceive, be, at once, wiser and fafer to argument might be discovered in the acknow
judge them by their conduct; and, certain ledged tendency to approximation in ex
it is, that this affords but too strong grourifl trrmesof every kind. With the woift fea
for censure and mistrust. The two fa&S tures of democracy iinceffaiitly exposed to
which we formerly noticed relative to the their view; with daily experience of the
secret orders given to tht Auftrnn Gene- i numberlcfs calamities refuhing from the el- j
rals Bellegardt and Kray, to which tbelat- tablifhment of a governm* nt which they
ter had the magnanimity to disobey, fuffi- were taught to consider as founded on the
fiently charaAerize the wretched impolicy, ; imprescriptible rights of the people ; per
and the dishonest duplicity of the Aulic petually fubjeft to arbritrary attacks on pro- ■
council. But, in how much ftmni tr a perry and pcrfonal freedom'; and finding the
point of view are tbefe displayed, when we theoretical affertioo of their boaftsd iove- j
consider the sudden retreat of the Archduke reignty only immerging them deeper and \
from Switzerland, at the very mome»t deeper in pradical slavery ; the inhabitants
when the arrival of the Ruffians rendered of France, so palsied with terror, and so
viftory the certain confequeni-e of a battle, weighed down with oppreflion, must necef
and at the «ijly moment when it could farily, havcicen anxious lor i chauge, and
kave been attended with material prejudice have sighed for tbe restoration of monarchy,
to the arms of tbe allies, and have rendered as a system, the most boflile to chat from
the issue *f the campaign a matter of doubt ? which all their miseries had proceeded. But
This event, took place, not after a series when tbey fee the odious fabric overturned,
of disappointments calculated :o discourage by the very artificer, who had been employ
the troops, and to fill their leaders with dif- ed in conftrufiing it ; when they h<-ar af
may, but after a fucctflion of viftorie., for figncd, as motives for its deflrudion, its
their rapidity, extent, and importance, un- total inadequacy t® all tbe purposes for
equalled: in. the annals of war !—after all which it had been formed : When they hear
tbe strong fortreffos of Italy (which had cost these truths proclaimed, to which tbey can
the Freach so much time and so much labor heat; raolt forrowful testimony, that its
to subdue) had been recovered in the (hort vices were radical, th.tinfkead of producing
fpaceoffix month, (with afingle exception,) happiness and freedom it has only yielded
and the enemy dispossessed of all their strong wrctchednefa and slavery ; When they are
holds, and driven back to the very frontiers told «lfo, that in theereaion of the new
of their own territory ! Such conduit iso fabric, all these dclefts (hall be studiously
tfuiy incompatible with all theknowu prin- avoided ; that profiting by ejcperience v the
ciples of human aftion, is so hostile to the artificers will form it of solid and durable
real interests of the Emperor, pad is at the
fame tilAe, so irreconcileable with the impu
ted ambition of the honfe of Austria, the
gratification of which, if it really exists,
must depend not on defeat, but on a fuccef
lion of vi&oriei, that we (bell not enter in
to a fruitief* search after ita motive. What
tver be the couji, the tJJrB must be deplo
red. It tend" to excite difldence and to
create disgust.
Previous to thi« extraordinary eveot, the
conduft of Austria had been uniform con
filleot, and, infome refpetb, magnanimous.
While furfalen by her continental allies, she
for some time, supported, aiane. the con
test with France ; and, during the prrrient
campaign her exertions, in every <piarter,
were such as to 'eave nu of me fin
cirily of htr pidftffiooa. She had every
rea£o:i to b< fatisfted with the conduit of
"her Rufßan Allies, to the invincible cou
rage and maichlijfs (kill of wtiofe commander
fee was indebted for the recovery of Ita y.
Theuiaddea change in her system, ,then, ap
pears the more extraordinary ; while the
treatment, which the Ruffians have received)
at her hands, in return tor their forvices,
c onviis4s her of the basest ingratitude.
Thus we fee this formidable 1 power, with
materials; ia short, that their rigku (hall
be refpe&ed, their persons and property fe
cared from violence, and theirhappj nf nfsf s
consulted ; and, when they fee these pre
feffioni accompanied by rhe aflual repeal of
two or three mod oppressive laws, will they
not be disposed to exult in thechange; will
they not be led to cempare their pre'fent,
with their late fituatiou, at the ©bjeds bv
which their fenfet are more immediately af
fedtcd, without looking farther back; and
will thcy\ not, by this natural Jcquiefccnce
in a ftate'of comparative comfort, gradually
habituate t.hemfelves to the exiflence of the
prelet.t oriftr of things, until even the desire
of a farther ehange, from the exeniona ihat
will be neceflvry to accomp i(h it, fhal! be
extinguilhcd :In rcafoning IJpon thisfubjeft, 4
it is nccellary so take two things into con
frderation; firft, that there exifls not ia
France any thing like what is termed the
pubftcmind, every feeling of that kind hav
ing long since been destroyed; and secondly,
that Vv6 fhauld argde, not from a convifljon
of what men, placed jn such fltuation, ought
te d , but what, from knowledge of their
chaiadter and of their Dart conduct, it ap
pears probibla that fo litua ed
will do. If then our c Viclufion be right,
that the lalt revolution ftas not made any
. impreffinn ou the minds of the great, mass
of the people of France, favourable to the
restoration of royalty, it regains to be cor..
Gdered, whether it gives any advantage to
the a&ive panifa»s of royalty which they
did not poflela under the dir §oriaf system ?
Th: reverse of this, propofitioj. appears to
us naturally to flow from the bset obff ra
tions whi. h we have already luggeftcd on the
fufcjeit. It will denied, that the
profpefl of iuccefs enjoyed by an j party in |
apportion to th.i txijting g fVttßnlt-1 must »
be in proportion to. the notiacqui.fence of®
the great.body of the people,- am} to the
weakheu of the govt 1 nine"' itijlf.
On the former of these tvfo'gr linds of
encouragement, if our reafwii'j; be just,
little hopes Can be reposed ; and the latter
seems to he (till more tidpeltfs. The
reduction of five dirrftor&to three Confultj
and the fubllitution of mere pailive iranfi.
Tory committees, which a breath may arwii.
hilate, for aftive permanent legtflatfve bo.
dies, which nothing Ihorr of a reralmioß
could deflroy, together with the mode by
whieh this change was effe&ed, hare given
to the new government that powerful meins
ps flrcngth which ever results from a concen
tration of powers. All the intermediate
checks and confronts which weakened the
■ authority, without- Corfe£ting the tyranuy
of the Dire&ory, have been temoved, and
the whole civil and m litary power of the
ft ate it now abfolutely'Veftej is two indivi
duals, who hjve rifqued too much in obtain
ing it, to negleft 'any of th means which
may cottdudfr "to its prefervanW Tfrife
nien have too miich figacity,' not to per
ceive the nfceeflity of refconcili'ng e*>ery "def
ci lotion of frenchmen to their governmrnf;
and if a fyftettl of partial lenity and mode
ration (hould prove inadcqddte to th'e'i't.
tainment of this end, We n&t be it
all l'uipriied, if they were Ultimately to ipt
call the whole body of emigrant*; and make
such regulations their ancient pr»»,
petty as the exiltiug *fci>Ci',ttiftances of tke
country would admit. The tffcrifiied limit*
of our publication aeceffarily prevent ul
from entering at large into all reflefltionj
which haYefuggefted themselves toour mindi
on this imtereflfug topic. Bot the general
result of our txarfiination is bh'cfly this :
that the neater the government ot France it
made to approach to monarchy in point «f
foitn and effect, the further will it be remtf
v«d from it in point ot fad. '
Here we have only confiderid the pro.
bable effefis of this revolution on the inter:
nal state of the country, .as -it refped s tht
re-eftablifhmeat of royalty. A* it tendi
materially to strengthen the hands of go
vernment, it will of course,' incr'eafe their,
meant of repressing any efforts which their
brother Jacobins may make to subvert their
The fame motives which will the
consuls to consult the fenle of the people
will, in all probability, urge therti to make
propolkions sos peace to some of thtf bellige
rent powers. But whether they will make
any serious attempt to obtain a peace, miiit
depend entirely on their own convi&ion of »*.
the continued nectffity of war for tbe exill
ence of the Yepublic ; and their sincerity
may fairly be deduced from the nature of
tUrir prepositions, whenever they may be
made. If they continue the war, the pof. j
ltffion of absolute poWi- will en&bld thstn tb*
pursue it with greater \ thai' tfity have
lately difplaytd.' But thi grand difficulty
which they will have to.erei-miter, both in
their military operations. »»>d in tJrfir comet
tic arrangement, is the cfranged state of
then fiiiuiH ts. Ttjis Sir t . IVlvernois al
ways truly stated to be Uie fiumhling block-
of th? republic, and this, if the allies prove
true to themselves, is the rock on which the
republic will, uitimatelyfplit. The ceiilult
will, no doubt, make tbe gresult exeition*
to augment their army on the Rhine,.in tide
hope of enabling it to cross that river, and
to eftablilh its winter quarters in Germany.
Unable to provide their troops with pay and
subsistence for any kngth of time, they must
make them live on the plunder of foreign
countries, or they tnuft eeafe to aft. Eveo
the money that will be requifit* for the or
dinary expences of the government, will, it
is conceived, necefßtate exaftioas that must
materially interfere with the conciliatory
fyllem ms the cosfuls ; while the difficulty
of recruiting the arrtiy will compel them t#
have recourse to those arbitrary requisitions
which conftitdted the most of us, the mod
disgusting feature, of the government which
tltey have aboliltied. If the allies do hut
t'uccced In confining the French armies
within tbe limits of their own territory,