Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 18, 1800, Image 1

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    i&f Itte * m States, -" Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
A'f rttifit 1359.]
tCf The price of this liax'ttt is Eight
Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing
I" the city of Philadelphia. All others pay
«*e Dollar additional, for enclosing and di
recting ; and unlesstsome person in this city
will become answerable for the subscription,
it must beppid Six Months in Advance.
*«* No Subscription mill be received for
a shorter tertn than six months.
'OfWnhw » 179#,
"This Day Published,
By'J. ORM£O», Na, 41, CliefiHit Street,
(Price Cents)
"Death of General Washington,
141 imitation «f th* maener of Ofius.
6y Jle». Joint B. Ljmk. A..M.
MJnitter tht firftPicftyterian Cooeresatis*
fijT Mr, Chmiron's Oratfon will 1)3 [ üblifted
on Monday morning.
M.rch tj. • v - A
for importiog ibt following periodical pub.
lit at i ns
1. The British Oritiek ;
2. The Anti-Jacobin Review and
3. The Gentleman's Magazine;
4. Le Mercure Britanique, or The
British Mercury.
THB Briti/b Critici it j regular Revirw of
all ike woflt« publiftred in Great Britain ;
it is conduc!«l with great impartiality and abi
lily, snd of the n»f»crous publications of the
kind whicu da now appear, and which have
appealed in Great Britain; it i« uuivejfaily
allowed to be the befl.
[£r,if,e Cents.]
Tbt Anti-Joe, Renietii and Magazine is
wMS title feenis to indicate, rather more con
fixed, M «• the nature of in fabjcdls, but it
certainly is not less calculated far cxienfive uti
lity. This work is divided into four depart
ments: 1 Original C'riticifmr-r-a A Review of
the oth«r Htvieva-3 Occasional Kffays, in prose
«nd v«rf<—and 41b, A Monthly Snm-n.ry of
Hit-cry ftnd Politics Every ft* month- it has
a fuppleroert, ccnutniaji a rev«\» ol foreign
wprHs not forgetting those of America ihe
Ai.ti Jjcpiiq uw»ll»'l.ft Oh fubj*<<U which are
merely library and ftitmific, th*>i on those
which have a iTior,. immediate ixfluonce on so
cicty. Viii b a (Kjld sad mailsrly hand,-it cor
wfl* thß.liluncleeiags .i£_ej«or r trscts th« tatri
(ate win ling( of mifreprriintatioß, and ilrips
off rsalk of hypocrisy. The avowed cham
pino 0/ the olijj'ich ar,d the (late, it the
er.enniea of neither, whether open or lisotet;
and, fc.irniug the pufillaniaious defcufiyc, up
on wh;cb the; 'riends of truth have too long
ailed, it carries «n a continual and vigorout
oficiuive vr-iifttt ajjainft anarchy, immorality,
and lrrfligion, and thus Jeftablilhes by its un'i. !
form ?nn4u&, its right to lhe title it has as- !
[Price 59 Cents. 2
7be GtntUman'j Magazine, a work stamped
with the approbation of three (core years, con
ftfts chitfly. of cemmunicatien# from antiqua
ries ini ciUtivalor*, and of original essays, in
Vfrfc aud prose written by the moll karned and
ingenious men in the kingdom* and "Wbracing
by Wrm, alinuft evjry fubjadl inurefting to
man. Tke mifctllaneous pare gl the work is
followed by afelttflioti of authentick foreign
and domtftirk intelligence, including •fbciai re
ports, state-papers, and an atiftra<sl of thp pro-
in parliament ; next conitjs a co
pious obituary, bung not merely alill of deaths,
but a valuable ferits of biography ; to which it
«)ded, a Meteorological Diary and Table, a
Bill of Mortality for and its
a table of the average pricey of corn, and of (he
ftocV, f> r every day in the psohth : So
thi*\vf>rk mufl ever be an entertaining and
ufeful compsnion, n«t only to thoft who arc
of the learned profefikuis, commonly fp called,
but ts the merchant, the farmer, and, in ftort,
every man, whatever may be (he fubjefl of
bis study, pr >hf obj,e£l of his'purfuit
[Price 40 Cents.]
Le Mfruirr sii/anniqye, or, 'Britijb
ry ; by Monsieur Mallet Dp Pan.—This work,
41 »f which one number is pubfifhed every fori
nigbt, in French and in Engl'ft, commenced in
Au£uft 1798, and ir continued with encreafing
{pint aad Celebrity. It is bcth hiftoricalmA cri-
Heal; it contain* a summary, and is the rrpo
fttory, of all rhe importaKt events, eftabhfhed
fafls and public inftrtimcflrs, which relate to the
prrfent aera j it invflttgates points of fait, of
• politics, and nation*! rights ; it exten Is its view
over all the nations of (Europe, examines the
conduift and i}ifclofes the motives of their rt;f
pefl'tve courts • it is In fhorr a brief and compre
henfivt hiflory of the times, equaNv remarkable
for the of its style, tie profundity of
ita remarks, and the foutidnefs of its principles.
[Prict Cents.J
- - TWr f«ur tt'eiks cemprife every Wiin_g ulelul|
in the periodical way. Gentlemen trify sub
fcribe,to- all, .of. for either, .of thum. the ftrft
order ij intended to be Cent o0 1,11 the i« 0 f
May ne*t; tbe luccrSve .i«a;bers will be rr
£civeel at ft?lf York in two mp.sitKa opor. tu,
average after, their publication in London , so
that those <»)yeh arc fubfosibed for a» gr before
the «ft of M»y, will beireceiyed in September ;
• after which they will with very little irregula
rity, comet* hand once a maath, the importer
having made filch arrangements a» cannot fail
of (ecuring puadltulity on the part of hie cor
SubfcriptioHs will be received from any
part sf America, bjr J. W. Ffnno, Philadel-,
phia. Na advance it required. The prices are
but four cena a number higher than in London.
4frU 3.
A CERTIFICATE of on« Share «[ the Bank
of the United Sti'.ev, No. 49120, in thenanje
of Lewis Pettr Quirtyn, and a Certifica'e of two
Share! »f the faij Bark, No *9119, in the name
of George James CholmonJelj, Earl of CMmon
dely, were forwarded from New York by the
Chufterfield Brltifti Packer for Falniouth, wkirfi
wii cipmred by the French, and the Certificate!
101 l or deftroyid, and for wl ieh application ii
made at said Bank fqr the renewal thereof, of which
ali perioos concerned arc desired to tiki: notiee.
February*!. d , m
ed by the fkbfcribej-, '.or undivided Sharei or
Lots on hii purchase within the city of Wafting,
too, who have net yet applied for and received
their Deeds are hereby not.fied, that th»ir fcveral
Titles will be duly completed to the order of rhofe
who in conformity with the terms of the hid Cer
tificates, do make the Payments in full therefor,
either to TLom*i Ai £.ci L-3' c.; or to the
lcribr at Philadelphia, on of at auy time before
the 31ft day of .-/lay next.
December. 17
Vitiuablt Estate,
KNOU r N hy the narne of the Bo«r>cton Iron
Works, Guinea in the coai.ty of Morriain the
I I'ati of New [jy-fejr, confifling of a Forge with
spur firrs, a Rolling and SJitting Mill, a Grill mill
with two Run of lionet, and Saw mill, all in good
order and n«w in ule, together with an excellent,
laree, <nd convenient hoafe, with outhouses of
evsry kind ; among which are an Ice house, and
floue milli house, with a remarkable fine spring in
it, a large Garden, and an excullrnt eolloftion of
Fruit, a large Orchard, and 1500 icres ol wood,
paßure and arable land, and a great number of
(lores and workmen's hoofes Immediate possession
will be given o( houses and (lores fuficient for
providing (lock the present winter, and pofleflion
of the whole in the spring.
Foc-terruß Enquire of David B Ogden at New
ark, mr. Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. David
Ford in Morris Town, or messrs. Jacob a«d Rich
ard Faefch on tfcepremifes.
Januarv n
Thirty DeMars Reward.
FB.OM the Marine Barracks on the njght as dfc
I4lh iaft—JOHN born in
town of Bedford, W c ft Chtfler (o'unty Mid ft ate
rf New-York, aged jl jr'-ari, q months, 5 feet
tod l qimrier inches High, gr6y eyes (low* uiW)
-liifbt fcair, tuddjy to«p Icnoa; pitck- bwMcc, bf
no)4> m Stcph»n 9 ,t car AHiSy the ijth of"
June last Hid on and took with him a ftott
round Mil cloth cea; with a red cape, a biac
' cloth coatee, a few whit: waifleoarc, a lenggrcj
mixeil cl« li coat »na breeche*, a pair as hoots, a
chocolate cplouied grw cost rn-imed with black
hsir jlujh, (. fur- bit Jjaif \vjrn, and t«r« Giver,
watches, one a middle Ijzc, the other small. He.
may impose hnnlell on frme family or gentleman
as . waiter, a« he h»» a&ed in that capacity
Whoever ajT«huids hid D: 'rrter, and f«cure« him
in jail, feu J s Ifiim to Headquarter*, or deliver? hirji
to aj,:- of the Matmt officers. or an / offiier of the
army of the United Ststri flial! receive the afeovc
reward aiuj all reasonable c'Varg^s.
Adjutant Marine Corps.
January 16.
Unitkd STATKS, ) _
Pennsylvania District. \ '
<>«K Jf ■- J
fH AT S fprcial <iiftr»s court of the United States
will he lit nat the tiitv Hall in the city of
Philadelphia in and for thf«Pennfylvania diftrift,
on r U efil«v.<Ji« inftant at ten of,
the clock rti the forenoon oftfce fame day, for tbe
trial of an information filed by William Rawle,
Esquire. attorney oi the Umted States ie and lor
the said diftridt, against
I large clieft of Sugar,
I keg of ditto,
5 bag« of Coffee,
1 ditto ditto,
1 ditto ditto,
I bag and 1 „
I barrel j o "
1 bag Pimento,
2 bar 1 els and ? a
, bag $ Coffee <
I small box cpotaining the apparatus
of a drefcr,
3© barrels St uff and Sugar,
19 boxes Sugar,
1 box Sweetmeats, article* of tureign growth or manufa&urc,
imported from parr* beyond sea and fuljc<sl to the
payment a£ duties i.aoph&d by tjje laws of the U
nited State- and unladen and dellvored ar th«Por:
©f ..die in which they
were refpefliveiy imported ccntrafy to the aA of
Congress in such cafe made and without a permit,
&c.and seized therefor, Sec.
Bju order of tb? Cow**'
of the DifyiA Court.
April 7
To be .Rented,
AND immediate pofTeffioa jr»*en, if required,
a new two story Br'vdc Haute'i&2 Kitchen,
about J4 mile* frcy*
road to Newtown. ,of tb*J£ryiter.
march 17 dtf.
TO B£ &£Nf$D,
ON the Fnnkford Road, tw» miles from ths
City, with a good Stieie and garden. Pof
feffi« mty be hidimfficdia.(ij)'. JFql tfjma enquire
•f the Printer.
mvah ag
I AUTHENTIC life of suworow.
%iU anD Cjwratter
fteld-Maiflwl Oeuetjl jjj the feryice of His Impsri
al Mfajeftjr, the Kmperor of alt the Ruffias,
The Hillary of his Campaigns
Trvn+tated fram tit, German of Frederick
,v - 4/ntbtng.
Vo whidfc it addtd,
A concise and comprehensive History of
His Italian Campaign.
By William Gobbet*.
Wi'-h an elegant Print-Portrait of tßpt re
nowned Warrior.
[Price » I-i Dollars.]
Samuel Rhdgtt.
Porttait of Marshal Svworow.
Gentlemen defireus of poffefling a capital like
new, executed in theSrft flyle, <jf this iliuftrious
Christian Chieftain, may be furnifhed with parti
cular proof at this office, price one
Februaor I*.
Tie Cargo »f tie slip Molly, captain Swain
BURTHEN fenr thousand three
(98952® hundred barrels of Flour, mounts 18
nine pounders, with fkot and fma|l arms corapleat
aud is newly coppered to the bends with patent
copper. Apply to
MtrcKi S- tu.tkicfatf.
rm Owners
OF Undated Lands tin WeftmoreVand county,
Pemrfylvania, are'h-rAy notified, that un
iefs the Tajjs due on laid lands for 179S.arer.aid
into rhe hands of 7o4*'iZr.Wvi F.fs treuluicr of ennnty, on or before the >oth of April neat,
they will be «dv.rtif«d forfait, as the law direSs
J*.u<,rj 18.
XKT HERE . AS Pra £<'" *nd Coropaqy, of phi!»v
VV de)phia, merchants, did on the fourth of
t>e prffent month, aflisn over their real
personal and mixed, to the iubferibera, tor the i
pcfit of th?ir creditors, aljowing 'hrce month I for
their creditors reCding in the United Spates of
Ameri;:, gild nine months for treditors beyond
r«» to prave their claims—Now therefore, those
who have any demand agiinfl said e/late, are re
quested to lurnifh the fame invrocdiitfly, and all
pcrfons who are indebted to fiid clcate are requeu
ed to maVe immediate payment, to PRAGF.RS &
Co. No. 6, Lombjrd ftrcct, wh» are appointed
Agent to the Aflignces—ln whereof, Icjjal
mrafures will bt inflituted for the recovery of
such debts at are not discharged with ut delay.
apri! f»,
TH 4T application will be made to the Prpfidcnt
and T/ireitors of the Bank of the United States for
ttee renewal of th« following Certificates of Shares
in the said Bauk,.which were toil op board the ihip
John, «f Baltimore, Htigh Q»y<iy, mailer, bound to
London, viz :
B. No. ijß s 4")
29885 | Each for pne fharc, in the ranit
29886 Holy t Shcffifld (G. B)
19887 I dated ill January, ißdo ;
Of which application, all.perfont concerned, will
picafe to take notice.
Baltimore, jsh ipril, lioo
I HE Contributors to the Pefinfolvioia Jfpf
-1 pital are desired to take notice, that the
vill be Kclcl at the said H<?lp.ital on
sth day of the sth month, 180 c, (being t)»e fe
'cond day of the \» erk,) be opened at 3 o'clock
in the afternoon, for the choice'of twelve Ma
nagers and a Treafurerfor the ensuing year,
fiy order of a B«ard of Managers,
4 mo. Bthrßoo. aaw—dst.
Valuable Property for Sale,
!-n Cbff-t'Bt, near Sixth street, diretflly opposite
C«»o«in Hall.
Al-OT of ground, about n feet front in CUef
r.*t flreet and 73 feet in depth, whereon is a
go,od, frame house, now in the tenure yf Samuel
fuhioft to a ground rent of aos. per annum,
i'he, advantageous fituatipa of this property r«-
quires no comments, f»r it mull be known, thrre
are few in this city to equal it, an uneeceptionable
title will be made to~ the purchaser. Apply to
No. 19?, Chefnut ft. next door to the prcmifos.
march f tu,th fa tf '
at T»ti oryicE,
For* Sale,
Jrmii Satavi*,
SUGAR in whol< tnd half cwiniftert,
Ceribon Coffee,
Black Pepper," 1
Sapan Dye Wood,
Ebony, and
Thirty two bales ps Cotton Yarn,
N O T I C E.
George Latimer,
dnrfrcw Bayard, I . _
John IVaddtngton
IVilliam Wain, J
Notice is hereby given.,
WILL le o-ta every day until the end of May
»t Mr. Savage's Rooms, No 70, South Fourth
| Mr. Savage refpedfplly informs the Ladies and
P:^ 1 . ?** P^*' a delphia, that a frandfo me coif
Jedtion or Paintings and Prints executed bjr levcrai
© the firft mafiers in Europe, together with some
original American Miftorical Paintings taken fr«m
the mod iutereftiner fubje&t, a catalogue ©f which
will be delivered to visitors.
Admittance one fourth of a dollar—constant a i
natepnee will be given, "
april i
At Chalk's Circulating Library,
No. 75 North Third Street,
WHERE may be hid, fill ty Fafim4lr M v ,; c
composing the songs & c . lately fold at the
Rcpolitory in South Second Streat. To which, in
a tew day l, will be added, feme PIANO FORTES
of a very fwptrior tone and quality, Flutes, Fifes,
Violins, best Raman Violin Strings, and every
other article in the musical line, which will be
fold in prime order; and os the most leafona'jle
Subscription. received fnr the JW/ro/
lor the piano For*, »„4 the Fljite or Violin, th«
fir/t Uj cumbers of wiiich are already pufclifhed,
and may be purchased together or by
March 6, 1800
WHO hat served a regular apprentice!}) ip in
a very refpetfable mercantile houft in
tbia city, and can produce the mod unexception
able recommendation in his favor, offers his lir
vice as supercargo to the Weft-Indies orelfe
where —He his been in m.iit of the Weft-In
dia i (lauds. A line dire&ed(o A. B. No. iij,
South Third Street, will meet attention,
aptil io.
Preventioa tetter than Cure.
Far tie freventita and cure of Bilious and
Malignant Fevers, (s recommended,
Anti-bilious Pills,
"XI/HICH have been attended with a degree
VY «t' fuccelt hjfihty grateful to the inven
tor « feelings, in fever.l parrs of the Weft-In
dies,Mid the southern parts of the United States,
particularly in Baltimore, Petersburg, Rich
mond, Norfolk, Edcn'on, Wilmington,CtwrUf
ton, «c. The teftimpny sf | ntjm
ber of ptrfcui in each of the above places can be
vyfc((. ha»e reafa* to believe that »
timely us« of th 4 Miliary remedy, tuj, under
"Slrawitleßc*, prefcrved iliak litcs
uiait alarming cirewnftances.
Fafls of thi- conclusive future fp«k morem
favour of a medic jne,thai( columns of pompous
eulogy, founded on mere afTwtiwn, could do.
Jl is not indeed prefyenptuuufly proposed as
an ipfallible cure, but the inventor has every
poflible reason, which can result from rxtenfivi
experience adofeoftfiefepillj,
tiken once every two weeks during the preva
lence of our atiaual bilious fevers, will prove an
infallible preventative ; sn<} further, tfat in the
eir]i?F flages of those difeal'es, their use will
vefy generally fuceeed in refioring health and
frequently in cases efte-med desperate and bey
cm! the power of common remedies.
The operation of these pills is perfefflly mild
and maybe used with hfety by perfcins in every
iituation and of every age.
7 hey are excellently aijipted to carry off fj
per^M9Usb''' apd prevent it> morbid fccretioue;
to red ore and amend the appetite ; jo produce
a free perfpiratinn and thereby prevent colds
which are often »flat con'equenre A dose
never fails to remove a cold tf'ttken on its ftrft
appearance. They are celebrated fjr removing
habitual coflivenefs, ficJtneßof the flrrr.ich and
severe |ie»d|»rbe, and ought to be t*fceo by all
perfniij on a change of climate.
They have been foyid remarkably efficacious
in preenfing and curing molt disorders a:tenj
ant ok long voyage, and fhoqld be procured
and clrefully prcferved for life by every feanjan.
Genuine Eye-iuater.
A certain and fafe remedy for all aife? Fes of the« f whether the efioit of natural weakceffc, orof
accident, speedily removing inflammation?, de
flexions df rheum, dullnefo, ar.d films In
the ejres, never failing to cure those maladies which
frequently succeed' the small pox, and fe
vers, and wonder ully flrengthening a weak fn/ht.
Hundred iiave experienced its excellent virtues
when nearly deprived ol fight.
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedy.jret discovered whichyivesim
fliediate and lading relief in the most fevefe in
&aw 3m
The Anodyne Elixir;
the cure of every kitfd of head-ache, and for
pains ths face and neck.
Irtjalii bit and Fever Dreps,
Thi» medicine has never failed, in many thou
sand cafrt not one in a hundred has had otcafion to
take more th?ri one bottle, and numbers not half
a bottle Thf money will be returned if the cars
is pot performed.
No. 17, South Second Street,
4nd no •where else, in Philadelphia.
Where also may b« had, Dr. Hamilton's Warm
Destroying Lozenges, his Soyereien Elixir for
coughs, &c. Restorative Dreps, fcffence and Ex
trafi ef Mustard, Sovereign Ointment for the Itch,
Dr. Haha's infallible German Corn Plaifter, In
dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal com
plaint, Gowlatid's and Persian Lotion, Reilorativc
Tooth Pow<\pt, Damaik Lip Salve, Church's
Cough Drops, A nderfoa's Pills, &c. &c.
»pr>l if »aw4w
To New Tork,
By the foortrll artH melt pleafaat road—rpalßpg
through Frankford, Bufllcton, Newtown,
Pennington, Millstone, Roßodbroik, Union
Camp,' Scotch Plaitu, Springfield and New
Parts from the Green Tree, Ne- jo North
Fourth Strc*t, at 8 o'«lock every morning, arid
arrives at New York early the next evening.
From York it Harts tit 9 o'clock every
day (Sundays excepted) and arrives at Phil*,
delphia, ea-rly the sext eveniug<"
Faro for pafiTengers j dollars, way passengers
6 cent* per jnile. Each psflenper allowed 14,1b
of baggage. One fundrpd and fifty weight of
baggage to pay the fame as a 'tiafienger.
AH baggage to be at the lifc of the ownw,
unlefa inlmed and receipted for by the clerks
of the different, office*. Rate of infurancc oriC
per cent.
*} Apply to JOHN M'CALLA, Nn. 50
North Pmrtii Street, Philadelphia, and to
Courthnd Strtfei, N. E. corner of Greenwich
Street, New York.
January 3
At No. 35 Ooek-streety
icp jjigce^.gauze,
100 fwor(is,
!ico |oii;ers tools,
140 trees, .
* 2 fire fenders, braf> tops,
loci brass compafljts,
Iqo wood do.
April 9.
Joseph Anthony & Co'."'
At their Store Na. j Chesnitt Street, have
The following Articles, viz.
Firll quality Raffia Hemp
RulSa Duck
Brandy in pipes, fir ft and fourth proof
Madeira Wine in pipes and half pipes
Claret in cases
Winter and Summer prrffW, Spermaceti Oil
Spermaceti Candels, ami
Hyson Tea, latc-ft importation
March 14.
Red Clorcr.
m do.
B&int Foin.
Herd Orafi.
Orchard do.
Rye do-
Ripe nod Hemp.
PATENT PLOUGHS, which are said to be more
durable than any heretofore invented, and found
on experience te diminiijj thi labour both of man
gpd beaft-r
'for sAi-F.
I\'o. 49 Svutk Second. Street, Philadelphia«
February 13. tu&f.Bw. .
"THAT handsome Country Seat, belonging to
J. the «flats of Ziatxijiger, deceased ;
jituatud on Schuylkill, near (fray's F*rry, contain
trie about n acres of land, pu wh'icn js crcditd, ?:
Itfgfc,' commodious brick hbufc, three rooms on a
flior, with a large piazza. A good bam, coacK
house, &c and a pump ol exerflcnt water. The
building are nearly new, and in good condition.-
There is aK« o* the premifts a noted Roclc, called
Rambo's, whiah is one of the tieft landings and
fiPiing places on *ha,ri<rer. The garden h large
an 1 , vc.ry as Is tie leniainder of tke
land which lays bigh, and commands a beautiful
view-os both riveri; the city and the n.ighbcar
foliaCEin can be had immediately.
A lurfher description is deemed urmccefTary, as
10 a l*lc, and the price
will be made known by
Alminidra.or to fajd eflate, No. i6,J,
N. V —ln cafe the above property ,is riot dHpo-
UA'cifat jiriwate sale, it rhen he fold at tJfe
i Merchant s Coffee Houie, on Saturiby the' 16th
I inft. at 7 o'clock in fehf evening.
J ;, pril 3
'• ' ' " jrf> BE OT\ '
fl' ,'pf tfovtb-eojt coiner. o$ J,rsk and
Ninth struts, /
Ifow "OCfupied by Mr. 3en}»m/n as
a Beard Yard.
. |cy : tt-Ko. »-i B'Arfh ftrret.
FR-QM thfc United States Frigate PhHa(M
-pb«,DAVID r-RV-lNfiiity tra4f*SM*-
«uker<ib»rii -in 1-reUnd,, t j.jreurj j
,6 iWw VOtnpl<:«iQ« iOd lauy - '
WATSON LUDLOW, by trade a Shoe
maker, born in New-Jerf y, 33 yein ofage,
5 feet 10 inches high, Hark hair and complexion-
Whoever will take up' said Ueferters and deli
ver them on bond the said frigate, (hall receive
te* doljars cewwd f«r e*cft, »nd reifonabie
March t|
f Voi.gfM. XrVtfc?
SR £D S.
, mw&fjfc,