mm iFouifn intelligence* Naatei, 7 Pluvu/i, January ZJ. The wort of pacificatien advances every day. ■The chief* returns to the cities ; that body of the rebels ia dispersing; many are down their arms. The inhabitants of the country, tired of the scourges of war, arm themfeves and rife, in many places again ft the rebels. The confidence which the government infpiies is complete. It is said that Georges, who commands in Morbihan, feeling the impolfibility of a. longer resistance offers to fuhmit. One way .or other he will fo»n be disarmed. Many communes have sent their arms to General Muller, General Tavot proceeds with equal .adivity and success in peace fully disarming the Vendeans. General Brune set out on the fourth al eleven o'cl-ck in the morning, with an escort •f Xj guides mounted on horseback for Morbihan. He takes Rifon in his wjy. The bad state of the roads has obliged him, as well as General Debelle. to fend back the carriages which they brought for the journey, aßd they have continued their route on horseback General Grigney is expefied every mo dest sith the column he commands. Cosy «f a let'er »f General GiarJeit te Gen. Sabuguef. To day M Bourmont came in the name ©f his diviGan to surrender himfelf. Hj» -soldiers are to fce immediately diibanded. It is hoped that M. de Laprevalage, whose it in Jfle and Vilaine, will not long delay to follow his example. The division of Bourmont is that which has most of men calling themfclves warriors who are ac customed to pillage, and wbo may for foiT>e time continue to moled us The disbanding of all the dmfion of Chatillon is completed. 'There was foaie difficulties in the business which nearly proved fatal to the chiefs : their men before departing, wiflied to fee th« accounts of the requisitions in money and these accounts it was difficult to pro duce." IMPORTANT STATE PAPER Donaueschingen, Dec. 4. Address of its royal highness the Arret* duke Bharles to the interior circles of the empire. It is fmm a sentiment of the most urgent necessity thst X feel inyfdf cortipfUed to speak to yo« on •>. fubje£t, certain slif pofitiom, from which miy result very great injury to the common cinfe of the G"riran ic empire. Ia£tivity, and the accomplishment of rtt other constitutional obligations. A heart truly German and patriotic, and a mind enlightened by fitch fad experience, cannot absolutely commit such imprudence ; such conduft would de prive us ol the only means of concluding a speedy peace, upon terms just and proper, and which m»y prove solid and permanent. We ought not entirely to forget the maxim that \te should prepare vigorously for Mar, when we wished for peace ; and we flnll obtain the latter much the more soon, and on termi the more advantageous, when the euemy shall fee us in a state to continue the war, should he be disposed to continue his imperious tpne, and to prescribe once more a Jiratlfe. that wouM'jbrjng with it flianieand flawry, or infallibly lead to them. Too of. ten has the hope, indulged with so much precipitation, refpe&ing France, proved deceitlul, to fuffcr these .new events to se duce and lull the state into a falfe security. It has been feei) uniformly to the present hour, that every new faction in France has spoken a great deal about peace, not for the purpose of concluding one on equitable terms but to gain popularity ; that they have of ten the word peace in their fncnths, aod are contiutjally commencing new wars ; or that by the word peace, they have meant no thing Hut the extermination of their ene mies. The event which has taken place in France on the 9th of November, considered iq a near point of view, is not of a nature to be able to afford us' all at once, a full confidence. Some of those who have pof fefTed themselves of the fnpreme power, are the fame men, who fp often, by their prin ciples, ard the whole course of their public life, have sworn mortal hatred and eternal enmity to all other (totes not constituted like their own ; who have overturned lome, and perfidioufly subjugated others in full peace. The spirit even which manifefts itfe.lf in the public writing of France it not so paci fic ; it is there frequently declared, that this new revolution has no other objeft but to raise the republic to the rank which it ought to hold in Eurnpe. The late direttory is blamed there not for having commencrd war, but for having carried it on unfticcefsfully j not for having conquered new provinces ; bnt for having loft several. In their pro clamations* they begin alway« with speaking of vi£\pries, and they afterwards talk of peace ; a clear indication that cireumftances do not appear yet fufficiently favorable for the latter, and that they would wish still to try the fate of arms before they would think of concluding it. The minjfter of wac open ly announces, that he is employed in re-in fjreing the army, and procuring it every tiling necessary. He adds, that he will take I a part hitnfelf in its dangers, as soon as the ] fTBAS of the firffc Hyson and Souchong j quality. April 8 dlOt. WILL be landed at Morton's wharf, from on beard the brig Hope, Anderfon, from Ja- xnaica SUGARS &? PIMENTO, Apply to MOORE WHARTON, No. iii| South Water Street, d6t. April 15 IMPORTED, In the ship Jean, Daniel M'Pberson master, from Canton, an Assortment of CHINA SILKS, Cenfifting of ' Black and coloured Lutestrings Black Sattins Black Senchawt Black andcolottred Sewing Silks Nankeens, Fans, fee. Also on band. INDIA MUSLINS, GB2zcenas Gurrahs ColTas Baftals, £tc and India Bandannas. For Sale by ROBERT SMITH bf Co, No. 58, South Fr»nt Street. djw April 7, AND foR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, THE CARGO OF TUB Slllf PHI L Alili LP It lA, Theodore Blift, Cemtnander, from Bengal cQNSisrimc of An aflortment of Piece Goods, Sugars of the fir ft quality, And aso qr. chests »f fuperier quality Hylln Teat, Willings V Francis, and Thomas It Jobn Clifford. March 17 roe sale ir jar svasckisiai, THE CARGO Of the Ship Can? OF, Richard Djle, Commander, from Canton, Boliea Souchong Hyson Skin Young Hyson and Hyson.' White ? Yellow 5 Sugar of ift quality. China Ware. Cassia. Fans. An aflbrtment of Silks. WILLINGS IS FRANCIS, No. 21, Penn Street. April 14, FOR SALE, -o bbls. Halifax Heiring, Halifax Shad, in barrels, 150 bbls. Mackarrl—Salmon i Fat and in tierces, bbls. and half bbls. V in good 70 bbls. Bay of Fundy Slisd J order. A fey quantel of Cod Filh, Spermaceti and common Oil, 20 bbls. (Burlington) Po;k, Spanilll Indigo, Very good Vinegar by' the pipe, barrel or gallon—A Chik of Venison Hams—t bale of Cotton Candle Wick, and 18 kegs of Hogs Lard. Aj.fy to PHILIP S. BUNTING, No. 96, Race, the corner of Third Street. 4tb mo. Bti April d6t LANCASTER STAGES. r *r*H£ Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan- X caster line of Stages DISPATCH, return their grateful thanks to their the public in general, for the pad favors they have received,and inform them that in addition to the regulnr Line, th«y ars provided with Carriages, sober and careful drivers, to. go through between the City and Bor&Hgh in two days. Those who prefer this mode of travelling can be accommodated at the Stage Office, sign of linked States Eagls, Market ilreet, Philadelphia. Slough, Downing, Dunwoody & Ce. % «-J jttwiw. Nm. 30, THE HEALTH OFFICE Is removed t» No. 141 South Front Street, Near the Drawbridge* ce6w, April t. THIS DAY Just .arrived, Just Arrived, consisting of ;> TEAS. J J NANKEENS. Also, dxw QUESTIONS To Merchants, Store helpers, and Trades- men in general, lite. tft, PRAY Gentlemen, is a perfefl standard of discount, or interest, calculated on every del lar (without exceptian) from ito iooo, from one day to sixty-sour day» inclusive, of any value* whether used as a standard, or as a check upen the enquirers' own calculations, id Is it of any imparlance »o know the belt methods of computing the exchange*, be tween this country and the principal mari time trading place in Russia, Sweden, Den. mark, Norway, Piuflia, Poland, Germany, Holland, Flanders, Spain, Portugal, Italy, in several of the Windward and Leeward Weft India Mauds, and manv ports in the Eait Indiesf 3d H a table of all the coins and monies of account in the places aforefaid, of. any use ? 4tb Are the coins and monies of account in the aforefaid places, when reduced to dollars and cents, of any fervke ? sth Is a table of compound interest of any uti- lity ? 6th Is the table by which the banks determine the value »f gold, deiirahle ? 7th Is th« amount of Intereit, accurately eal. culated tor each month from One to twelve months, ind on every dollar (without ex» ceptinn) from 1 to toco, of. any value ? Bth Is a table of all thepoft towns in the United States, and rates of police therewith, of any use? 9th Will not all these together make a book, as generally ufeful and convenient.4l ever en tered a counting house «r (tore? loth Will not the whole, when comprised in a quarto volume of from aoo to 225 pages, be worth tWo dollars ? And lastly. Is the person. who at the expence of FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS un dertakes to perform upwards of me hundred and Jixtj thou/hni calculations etf Intcrejl, and of giving all the preceding information to the public in the mojl cqmp ete manner, cc feiving of your Entomagement and Sup. port ? If the answer is in the affiruative, y n are individually and refpeSftilly iiivited to sub. scribe in one of the Ipecimen bonks, exhibited at the City Tavern, Hanfy's Hotel, Francis's Hotel, the Indian Queen, Durm o»dy's i avert!, the Fr2nklm lie J 4". and at the Ginige. It is proper to Jiate, that the workiwill sot be executed unlefififteen hundred fulfrribers are obtained ? for four thou.'and dollars re t«o much to hazard. NOTHING IS T0 BF. PAID IN AD VANCE, neither v.ill it be expeilril of fub fcribere to uke the woik when publilhed, if it is not delivered rigoroully conformable to my agreements wiih the public, exprefled in the conditions affixed to the ipecimen hooks, each of which ci'iifills of fix detached pages of the work. * J am, »i>h refpefl, Gentlemen, Your humble servant. JOHN ROWI.ETT, Jceomt tant. Bank of Herth America, POSTSCRIPT. The woik is dedicated, by permiflion, ftp the President and Dir one who can'prodnce a character. Enqoire of the Printer. April Ij. ■ A (fling assignee* dtio