* wc Philadelphia Daily Adzteritu?-. JfUMKFH 13.J8.1 K7" Tie pritt of this Gazette is Eioht ' Dollars per antnttn to Subscribers r&sidtng in the city of Philadelphia. AH others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unitss\sone person jn this city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid She Months in Advance. *.* No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months.. Deennber i T799. This Daj Publish ed y By J. Ormrod, No* 4i»*Chefivut Street, I (PHfcc %$ Cents) r*» Death of General Wajkington. A POEM. lit imitation of the nuususr of Ofli.ui, By Rev. John B. Lrw, A.M. Mit>Hter of the -First iTeibyteriin Cwirreeati&n ef Philadelphia. Mr. Oration wrtl b« ptibii filed utflicartitm in London , so that those which are foWcrifeed fa - on or before the ill of Miy, will be received in September ; aftor which they will with very little irregula rity, conie to hand once a month, the importer Wing made such arrangemenu a« eannot fail ef securing punctuality oa the part of hit cor refponder.ts. 45" Subfcriptioas will be received from any part of America, by J. W. FfniA), Philadel phia. No advance i» required. The pricei are but four cent* a number higher thaninLondoo. April 3. ( PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 17, 1800. NOTICE. A CERTIFICATE of one Share »f th- Bank of the United States, No. »puo, in the uime ot Lewis Peter Qairtyn, and a Certificate of two Shares «f the laid Bl'.'k, No 19119, 111 of George James Chelmondely, Eatl of Cholmon dely, were forwarded from New York hy the Chefterfield Britifi Facket for Falmouth, which was raptured by the French, and the Certificates loft or destroyed, and for which application is made at faii Dank for the renewal thereof, of which all persons concerned are desired to take notice. CLEMENT BIDDLE. d3m. February St CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS OF OBLIGATIONS «r CERTIFICATES fig□- ed by the fwbfcriber, for undivided Shares or Lots„eo hia purchase within the city of Wafhiug ton, who bare not yet applied for and receive'! tjieir Deed*,,ate hereby notified, that their (everal Titliis will be July completed to the order of those who in conformity with the tcrim of the said Cer tiGcdtc*. do make the Payments in fall therefor, either to Th«mas M'Encn & Co. or to the sub» fcriber st Piihdslphia, on. or at any ttme before the 3 ill day cf VI ay next. 'December 17 BOONE>rON IRON WORKS, TO BE SOLD, OR LEASK.D TO if Q$ K YEAR THAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name of the Booneton Iron Works, fitn&teita the county of M«rrisia the flat* of coofifling of a Forge with four fires, a ftoliing and Slitting Mill, a-Grift mill with two Run of iUnos, and Saw mill, all in good order and n»w in use, together with as excellent, large, and convenient house, with out-houfes of every kind ; among which are an Ice house, and ftoue rhilk house, with a remarkable fine ff ring in it, a large Garden, and an excellent colle&ion of Fruit, a large Orchard, and 1500 acres of wood, pac ure and arable land, and a great number of stores and workmen's houses. Immediate pofleflion will be given of houfei and stores fuificicnt for providing flock the present winter, and poiTeflioa of the whole in the spring For term* snquire of David B Ogden at New ark, mr Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. David Ford in Morri* Town, or meflrs. Jacob and Rich ard Faei'ch on t&epremifcs. Januv v W Thirty Dtllars Rewara. DESERTED -*.' ROM the Marine Barracfn on the night of the J» !4Ch inft—JOHN OSBORN, bom in the town of Bedford, Weft Chetter county and state of New York, aged »» years, 9 months, j feet S and a quarter inches high, grey eye, (long qued) light hair, ruddy ceigpleaian, pock merlud, by trade "a Phbcmaker. . Ealiilcd by Lieutenant Rey no!i!» in 5 toy hen's Town, near Albaey the »jth of Jane last- Had 00 and took with him a ftort round bloc cloth coat with a red cape, a blue eloth coatee, a fe> white waiftcnata, a lorg grey miied cloth coat ana a pair of boots, a chccolate c.iloured great coat trimmed with lilaci: hair pMh, s. furr hat Vilf v»nrn, atwi two iilvtr watches, one a middle size, the other fm»M. He nt*y impose htmftlt on some famiiy or gentleman as a waiter, a» he ha 9 aflcil in that capacity Whoever qpprehud* laid Dt r erter t and focnrcs him in jail, fend» hfefc t« Headquarters, or delivers him to any of the Mafine oiHcers, or an j olHccr of the army of the United Stat-i (hall receive the above reward md ail reasonable chargee. J. 3. -LEWIS, Adjutant Marine Corps. January 16 Unitkd States, ? _ Pennsylvania District. $ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, "fHAT a fpeeial diftrid court of rhe United Statsj will be holden at the £lty Hall in the city of Philadelphia, in and for the Pennsylvania diftrifi, on r ucfday the aid day of April inftaat, at ten of the clock in the forenoon of the fame day, for the trial of an information filed by William Rawle, Esquire, attorney of the Unued States in and for the said diftri&, against 1 large chest of Sugar, « keg _ of ditto, 5 bagt of Coffee, 1 ditto ditto, I ditto ditto, ! b'afreT d } 0raB « W ' I bag Pimento, 1 battel) and ? n a 1 bag $ Coff "' I fnaall box containing the apparatus of a hair drcfler, 30 barrels Snuff and Sugar, 19 boxes Sugar, and x box Sweetmeats, Being articles of foreign growth or manufacture, imported frotn parts beyond fca and fubjcA to the payment of duties impf.fed by the laws of the U uited States and ualaden and delivered at the Port of Philadelphia from the vcffelu in which thejr were refpedively imported contrary to the ail#AT AND CONVENIENT HOUSE, ON A* TithKbfd RaM, tw m3*s from the Cit7« jritb4 g»rehemi*e History of H itb an eleg&nt Print-Portrait of thai re- Samuel Bladget Gentlemen desirous of possessing a capital likfe rtefs, executed in the firft style, »f this illukrious Christian Chieftain, njay be iurnifhed with parti cular proof at this office, price one Dollar. Fcbruacy Tie Cargo »f the ship Molly, captain Si'Jaiui BURTHBN four theufand three dßßßHuPhundred barrels of Flour, mount* 18 *ine pounders, with (hot atid ftnall arms aomple&t and is newly coppered to the beads with patent copper. Apply to NICKLIN W GRIFFITH. tU.th&fd.tf. March 15, OF Unseated l.ands in WeQaiorctard county, Pennfyl-nnu, ar« htrchy'aotified, that un less the Taxn due oo (aid lands for .179?, are paid into the bands of 'Job* SramK», ttMfiMer of said county, on er b«fore th« aoth of April fieri, they will be advertised for lkle, 11 the law diroftj JAMES M'GREW, ") HENRY AI.LSHOUSE, yCi/mm'rs. JEREMIAH MURRY, J January it. WHEREAS Pragcrs and Company, of Phila delphia, merchant*, did on the fourth of the pr&fent month, ©rcr their effects real personal and mixed, to the fubferifcera, for the e nefit' cPthtfir creditors, allowing three months for their creditors residing i n the United State*' ot America, and nine months for creditors beyond to prove their claims—Now therefore, those who have any demand against said cftate, are f4< queued to furnifh the fame immediately and %il persons who are indebted to ftidetla'c arr miuefy «d to mafce immediate payment, to PRAOfeus & Co. Ho. 6, Lombard street, whtr are appointed Agent to the Aflignee*— In failure whereof, legal mcafurcs will be injured for the recovery ot such debts ai are not uifcharged without delay. April t%. TH AT application will be made to the President and Dire&ors of the Bank of the United State# fur tfce renewal of the following Certificate! of Shares in the said Bank, whi«i> were loft 00 board the lhip John, of Baltimore, Hugh Davty, matter, bound to London, vis : B. No. 99884") Of which application, all persons concerned, will please to take notice. Baltimore, s'h april, lß©o rWE Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hos pital arc desired to take notice, thaj che will he held at the Aid Holpiu! on the sth day of the sth month, ißco> (being the se cond-day of the week,) to be opened at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, tor the choice of twelve Ma nagers and a Treaftircr for the cr.fuinjycar. By order of a Board of Managers, SAMUEL COATES, SecVy. 4 mo. Bth 1800* aaw—djt. Valuable Prtperty for Sale, ki Chcfnvt, near Sixth street, directly opposite CoNoa-aas Hall. A LOT of ground, about %l feet front is CKrf nut ttreet and 73 feet in depth, whereon is * good frame house, now in the tenure of Samuel Benge fuf>je& to a ground rent of 40s. per annum. The, adViiwtaf fWsCitHWiet of this pjfopcrty re quires no comments, fe»r ic must be known, thrj-e are few m chit city to equalit, an unecceptionable title will be ®*de to the pttrchafisr. Apply to JAMES CIkVAN, No. 198, Chefcut ft. next door to {he prewifc*, ma;ch 5 tn.th fa-tf iiet, JUS 7 PUBLISHED, AKB FOR SALE, AT THIS OrrtCß, A SKETCH QP THE Antbmg. To wl»ich is add#d, His Italian Campaign. liy William Cohbett. nowned Warrior• [Biice a 1.-3 BoIWj.J Portrait of frfarskat Suworow, For Sale, Jrom BatavU, CONSISTING JQ F SUGAR. in whole acd half aannjfter«, Ceribon Coffee, Black Pepper, Sapan Dye Wood, B'»ony, and Thirty two bale* of Cottw Yarn. ALSO, THE SAID UNSEATED LANDS. THE OWNERS NOTICE. George Latimer, Andrew Bayard, 1 A «• John IVaddington j igi»ecs. William Waluy J Notice is hereby given. *9885 I Each for o?.e (hare, in the rame a 9&36 Holy, Sheffield (G. B) 99887 | dated ift January, 1800 ; 99888 J WILLIAM STERETT. ELECTION. GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works f HAVTNO procured a fufficient number of the moil approved European Gla.Cs Maiui* fuAurers, and having on hand a large ftocfc of the best Materials, on which their workmen are now employed, have the pleasure of alluring the public, that window glafe of a fuperidr qua lity and of any fifce, from 7by9,to 18 by 24 inches, carefully packed ill boxes containing 100 feet ea- k, may be had at the ftiorteft notice Glaf? of larger sizes for other purposes, may alio be had, such as for pictures, coach glafle*, clock faces, Ac. Bottles of all kinds and of anj quantity may also be had, together with pocket ( • flaftfj pickling jars, fleop furniture, or other hallow ware—the whole at-leal* a; per cent. I«»wrr tlian articles of ifee fame quality brought from any of tha.fca ports of thfe Unftetl States. A liberal allowance will be made on sale of large quantities. Order# from merchants and otk:rs will be punctually attendee! to on «rp pficathn t& JAMES O'HAftA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store of Meffr? PRATftER ■andSMILIE, irv Majltet-StrCet, P ttfljurgb, March 4, tuthtf. WHEREAS Mathew Irwin did on the Bth day of July 1797 makean aflignment of his eflate ana rffbdb, to cs the fufcfcrrbers, for the be nefit of such of his creditors, as frould on or before the aoth of September, 1797, execute t« him a foil and final discharge—Now thofc 8f his creditor* who are entitled to a dividend under (aid align ment. ate requeued to furnifli tHeij* accounts to Samuel Meeker, with interest calculated up to the Srh day-nf July, 1707 a* a rtivi'tend will abfolure ly k on the firtt day of April next, and those who nejfled te comply with thi* nocica will th*te~ after Lc excluded from the benefit of the fame. Philip Nicilin Samuel' Meeker Na'.b'lLewis, by bis Ads. Pearson Hunt John M. Taylor J Philadelphia, March 14 Submittedt*public corp deration, as additional evidences of the efficacy of Dr. HAMILTON'S MEDICINES, IN THB CURS OF Mofl Difordcrs to which the hJroan body is JOHN HOOVER, Ropcmaker, South Second flreet. between Mary and Christian Greets, Philadel phia, voluntarily makcth oath, as follows : namely, that his wife, Mary Hoover, was so feyerely with violent rhematifms, very dangcroufly situated, tjic cunfcqnence of a cold after lying lo r as to be con fined to her bed for several weeks, and was at length reduced to the Melancholy ap&rehenfjon of remaining a Jife; not withnanaidg the most refpe£iaf>te medicaladvice waa followed, and every probable re medy attempted. When feeing fcveral cafesof cures performed by Hamilton's Efltnce and Extraft of Muflard, they were procured from Mr. Birch, No. tj, South Second street. Tht firft application en abled her to walk acr*fs the toom, and the ufeofciie bottle restored her to her ufuai Hate of health and strength. JOHN HOOVER. Sworn Mid fofefcribed to the 2sth day of March, ißop, before Ebcncaer lergulw, fifq.oec oiihe Jufiiwei of the Peace for Philadelphia county* DANQEROUS C©LB. GILBERT, Toyman, No. a 6, South Paurrti-Stfeet, Phi liad efp hi 3, voluntarily maketh oath, 8i foiio w* i namelv, that eight months ago, hr caugh, a I'evcre cold, wbif b refitted'"every remedy fee could ihifk of, and produced the mok alarming ef frcW: he could procure no reft for incessant cough ing, nor breathe without great pain and difficulty, and was finally foxxhaoftert, as to be fcarccly able to *valk recovery, though the prefcrlptior.s of a refpetfable phyhcian were constantly attended to. In this fiiuati on hearing of the efficacy ot Hamilton*! Elixir, a bot. tie was procured irumM r - No 17, South Se « ond Hreet ; the fiid dose of whichxzffoidtd the mod iurprifing relief , and gave him more eaf4 than he-had enjoyed during the wboie of the above period, and bcto-e the content# of one bottle weie taken, he was perfectly cured, His ftrengtb and appeti'.e and not a tyMrifom ot hfe so small, thai no difficulty arifat in taking it. aaw^m WORMS. A daughter of Mr. Ewifig Wiley, No. 109, Cedar ftrerf, Philadelphia, wai dreadfully aflji&ed witll worpu, insomuch that hd*- life was with great reason despaired of; her complexion faded and grew pate and fallow ; her eyes sunken ; her appetite waa loft, and fuceecded by a painful and coi>Aant sickness at the stomach; which geneiai wafting and debility was accompanied with every appearance of a dangerous fever. From thu-d«plprable situation (he wa* relics't ed, and veftored to a ftate.of pcrfeft health and fbength in a few days, by the uTe of Hamilton*! Worm Def- Loeenges, which expelled a greet number of Istgepoimcd worms, from fix to nine or tweye inch es in leogtb ; one of which ry thickqefa, (f ippofed from halt an inch to a,n inch in diameter) was opened and found 10' Contain a quan tity of young ones The abovt-ii ty jHr c Wi|eji, believ ing in pemfal tnay be to maoy, by fbt. knowledge of a rvdwine which raerita attention i Buttbif teftittidny'is only a corroboration of the evidence of mm rthaw rts>rr THotftAKtt PMtoMACAUiSWk pliat^s past. been cores by this medlctrw;"vMnte uffffdft ease and fsfcy, of Vftitokis complainta, arising from worina or foalocU i»tbe sto mach and bowel*. j Dr. IJawifottn's Grand Rgst&rative Is recommended as an i»v«]uablc medicine, for the fpecdy relief and permanent cure of »he various complaints which refwlt from diflipated plcafurcs, ju- NOTICE niitth.tf facts linbfe* RHEUMATISM. JOHN JENNINGS, Alderman. I venile tnoijym'om, rcMmce in*lira»tr< uufivourtlle to the coi'ff iiution; tnc immoderate qfe of tC3, lir qumt intoxication, or any dcllru&vc .uternper ancei tli« nn(V'(M or c-rrflivr ofc df mtriury s ijit dileifei peculiar to frmalcsit • terrain (xuwd of lift; bad lyfflgs in, Ac. " P ,ovc rf by fon£ and ffcccnfivc »xperiencpto be abfohitety anpaiafrltcd in the cufe of nervoMf dii~- orders, con (umptiona, townefs offpirils, lob of appe tite, impurity ps tile blpo4, Kyflcfica) aftaioi*. in ward wrakncflrSjYio'ent cramps in the fioaiacli arid ; bsck, mclancho'y, gp tf ! in the ftomacfc, ' peini ftt the fiiribs, reparations, involuntary emiflion*, tetnina! weakneffw, obOinate gleet*, flour albnsfor whites) iOl potency, bmennefs, &c. This medicine it peife&ly different in its qualities and operatian from those hot and irritating dugs so frequently for fimilaj purposes, and whid> only recommend tbeoifdves by the dangerous rapicii ty of tijeir rfFetlj, and which, a&inga&a temporary but violent (l.fnu'ut on the nervous fyftcro, infallibly produce greater eviis than those they are intended to remr»v©. The prin ip«l oocratron of this remedy is in ebe Rojnach, reftortog the digeßive powers and fend iife from that organ new health, and vigour into every part of the system. It enriches and purifies the blood wiiK out inthmmg it; brace, without ftimulatino t oo vi olently the nervous fviiem; flrengthens the -iccretory veHels and ihe general h bit ; brings back the muscu lar fibres t6 their natural *nd healthy tone ; and rcl tores that mitiiiion ick immoderate evacuation, have destroyed, and whofelof# had thrown the whole frame into and flcbil'Vy. The Reftoraiivc is abfbhitc y all rrcemmfn. mrndarm*, i«rrmo«infl those weakntffe* and 11 Bf rrmies with whicKmsnv tenia!» areaffl tiad, iheeon- UKjuencet of>>inicU( and jsaiofcl labours, o. of injo dTcious-tiratmenf therein. Tbe mod obftitute femii*] gleets , a <-d dillreffing cases of fkur alous in f,]is p» licu- Mr|* under the province of thit rettoratiw j forcdily yield io its ber" g n operation, and a're radicallycu'cd, y correcting and pnrif\ingthe acrimonious humors, reftonng > proper degree of lenfion to the relaxed nbrrs, and ft lengthening the weakened organs. In Cifea of extremity »%t the leng prevalence and obstinacy of dtfeafe has biouj;ht on a genera! irrw poverifhmcnt of the system, excrfGve detility of the wholcframe, and a willing of the fleth, which no no U . r'fnmeot ®r cordial could repair, a pcrleve.rence in the use of this medicine has performed- the mofl aflooifh ing cures. The grand restorative is prepared in pi Is as well zi in a fluid form, which aflifts fonfiderablv in produ cing a gradual and Jafting cffeft. Their virtues remain unimpaired for years in any climate. Dr. Hfabn*s true and genuine GERMAN CORN PLAISTER, And infallible remedy for corns, speedily remov ing them root and branch, without giving pain. The genuine Persian Lotion, So celebrated among the faffcionablc throughout Europe, is an invaluable cofmctic, perfed'y inno cent and fafe, free from corrosive and repellant minerals (the basis of other lotions) and of unpa ralleled efficacy in preventing and removing utase ous blemifhqs of the face and flrin of every kind, particularly freckles, pimples, pits after small pox, inflammatory redness, fcurfs tetters .ring worms, fun burns, prickly heat, premature wrinkles, &c The Persian Lotion operates mildly, without impeding that natural, infrnfible yerfpiration, which rs efien tial to healthv y f t its cn»&s are speedy and perma nent, rendering the ftin delicately foft 3nd fmco h', improving the complexion and reftoring-the bloom of yonth; never failing to render an ordinary countenance beautiful, and an handsome one more so. The Damask Lip Salve Is recommended (particularly to the ladies) as an elegant and pleasant preparation for chopped anil fore lips and every blemish and inconvenience ct cafioned by colds, fevers, flee, speedily restoring a beautiful'rofy colour and delicate foftnefs to the lips. The Restorative Powder far the Teeth and Gums. This mod excellent preparation comforts and ftrenpthens the pujns, preserves the enamel from decay and cleaofes and whitens the teeth, abforb iner aif that acrimmonicusflime 2nd fpulncfs which buffered to accumulate n«fver fails to injure and finally ruin th«m. Sovereign for the Itch, Warranted an infalMble and immediate cwre ax once wfing being the most fpcedy, effes.ua! an 4 pleafam remedy ever offered to the public, and far the of the timorous, the proprietor rfufceth oath, that this ointment does not eontain afficgle panicle of mercury or any other pernicious ingredient in it* eompofltion, and may be used With the most per(e3 fafqey by pregnant women, and on infants nQwlv bori:. Price t-A%hi of a dol lar each box. Patent Indian Vegetable Specijic ) For the cure of Venereal complaints of every dc fcriprion : An extensive trial of near four years, has proved the Vegetable Specific to be effectual in expelling the venereal virue, however deeply rooted in the eorcftiturion, and has restored health to many who have been brought to the brink of the grave by the improper adminiftravion of mcr% cury. - Within this period upwards of eight thousand peticntshave experienced its salutary effe#s. With the medicine i»giv