Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 16, 1800, Image 3

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    JMftijfit "Jittriligence.
Ext-cet cf a lettrr ft am ArAedcus Gardannt,
central ef divi.ijn, commanding the 14 tjb
v.ilxtary division.
» Heap qmrters at fieri, 3 Pluri.fe, year
8, January *3, i8o«.
" For four days I have been in pursuit of
the Ghouans, without being able to come up
with them. The ci-devant Marquis de Co
m*C, who had fixed his head quarters at Flers,
evacuated it on my approach. General of
brigade Pinon, commanding in the depart
ment of La Manche informs nie that in the
diAnfl, of St. George's the brigands were
They had three men killed, a
great number wounded, and were complete
ly put tii route. We took from theyn fev
tral mufijue t, and rescued seven prikmers
they had taken from a detachment belong
ibp to Vilie Drew oil tlie 26th of last month,
•Omtatt to the ainntlttc. General Pinon
ar'Js, that th 6 rfbtftl fly in all quarters, and
•.fl it H s ve.-v dift'cult to fall in with then.
Wr I Jptdrd, commander of a detachment
.1 the moveaWt- column of Vire, liHving
bi«i> 1 fr,l th .t th 1 Chouans were g>iilty
of p'.ljnge Slid outrage, w?nt iji purlyit of
tlli-in,,and after a march of 34 iicivirs, join
ed thrm at the house of a perftv.i Uelingtng.
to tlie,. ccmriiune of Qitxhan, from whom
thty were going to etfort a ranfomi This
w.ifc in the middle *f the fitfctit, He enter
ed With fix iifeii of his brigade, attacked the
Ch-*j.ins to.the number of firvey, killed j
aiid mrfa the other four jjrifoners. Two of
them were ij'tfftaHy wounded."
Hedcu*<illt, genral ej division, lieutenant
of the i* chief, to the getter,
ah doihmandi'ig the mb-dhisiotn i>i witch
tif Ch»wt*sha*e submitted *>tb laws of
the Rephb.ic.
" Angers, z Flu * uff, 12 Jan.
" Mavr the goodness, citiseu. general, to
give thi n.oll p >inred orders, that every in.
dividual who shall quit in arms the com
munes, ori both banks of the Lcire, wl.ere
the difoar.duisj of the Choiians is entirely to
«ke place, shall be aiVerted, difaimed, and
' putin-prison ; autherfe the commanders of
the circle, to notify this in all the Communes
.—desire tfhem to employ every poffiMr means
%o obtain a lift of the persons who have coffie
fn with mufijuets, taking care to avoid giv
\njf umbrage, in order that the difajtpmg
inay b? effefted without disturbance when it
takes place, leaving ne inufquets, but to the
nrietors and far ners, under the express
ition of ufin* them only in their houses
ifld for their defence agairft robb«rc. The
liefcription of Cbcuans is no longer to be ac
knowledged in the places where they were to
have been di&anded, and all those taken
With arms in their hands, (hall be f.anfider*
ed and treated as robbers."
" 4 Pluviofe, Jan. io.
'• Gen. Hedouviilp loles no time in an
liouncing thit M. Bourmont with bis divl
fion has joined the divisions of M. d'Autj
cbarop and Chatillon, who hare acfept'd
peace with gratitude. In conl'equejce of
this arrangement the di {banding of the Chou
sns, compiling the divifren of M. Bour
mont, is to take place entirely and absolute
ly. Thus the olive will succeed on the two
banks of the. Loire, the melancholy cypress
which the war had produced. The govern
ment is inceflantly occupied in deviling the
n-.eans of consolidating internal peace in
these departments. In conference of the
measure taken by general Brune you mav re
ly upon it that peace will very soon \»e re
stored to the maritime department of the
Weft, which are still diflurbed.
The above is explained by the following
Extract of a letter frerm General Cbobot,
" Head quartern >t Lavol, 6 Plnviofe,
January *6.
" Th« ftjfpenCoD of hoOilities h*d been
L ftolcnged to the ift Phj«oiole (Jan. 20) in
cKiiive, and upon that dujr, I had taken the
field *itti two columns to inarch to attack
«hc grow pes of Cheoans of whicb I knew.
On the ad I drove the enemy .before we in
Bsc different points, and T cajne up -with them
ift the con mune of M'Uy, where liouv
jnoot Ijijd tfiewbled the greater part of hie
ifcreea, a,nd waited,my arrival. I attacked
iwm *t break of day. Xte enemy, to the
niunbef ol 4000 made a. vigorous reGftance ;
scut the brave 6th denii-brigade nf light in
fantry, oi which my columns consisted, Coon
(put them completely to route. A great
number of them Were killed on tlic spot,
•meng whom were several duet's of dillinc
tiOiu Bourmont hinifelf made kisefcape or
■quittintf his horse. Certain information,
■uhich I have received, fUtesthat the i«lmt>-
itants'of the foilntry saw more than 30
wȣgoni with wotiuded pais to JEnhames.
7 was continuing the pursuit of the enemy
Vhea ( l was informed, that'Bourmont and
his drfifion had joined the divisions of Cha
tilUn aad d'Autiohamp, who had accepted
peace with gratitude After receiving this
newt I arrived at Laval this evening. I; received orders to proceed to Ren- ,
Ties withconfiderable forces.
Letter of Amtdeus Gardanne, General of
Division, commanding tie nth Military
" Held Quarters at Osmfroat, the Jth
fluvsofe, year 8, January 15.
" I have the honor ta inform you that
•cjutant general Lamarqtie writes me from
Vimoutier, that lie attacfc?d the Chouans
near that and that they threw them
selves into the sorest of Hejioir, whither he
piirfued thein ; that many were killed, and
tha{ in their yreoipitate flight, the Chouans
thj«w down their artns.
Anatber Utter same date.
"The difpoGtions which I had taken
have .produced the cfFec\ I expe£t«d from
them. Ihe general of brigade Dumoulin
writes me, that on he attacked near
St. JanitVs, a column of 1500 Chouans, and
that I heir loss was confide ruble in killrdand
wounded, not lei's, according to his account, a third of the whole. The action laft
«d tour hours. He loft twelve men, amonj
whom four were killed, and the others
wounded, >
" I am in gurfuit.of Frotte
Letter of General Amedeus Gardanne, com
manding the 14tb Military L)ivision.
I have the honor of informing y#u '"that
on the day of the jth Ploviole, Frotte (as he
is called) was joined by one column. _ Ad
jutant'gcnrrai Bribes, who commanded the
Magr.y, was the fij-ft y/ho difcovtrresl him,
near La Motte Fv liquet ; and, though lie
was inferior in number, he attacked the
Chouans with intrepidity, and at firft threw
them into disorder and confufion ; but the
'enemy, peitciving bis force to be so small,
attempted an attack on their fide, which was
carried on with great spirit. A jutant ge
neral Bribes fuflained the charge of the Bri
gauds during two hours, which allerwed tittle
for the column of generrt Arris to arrive.
The latter then attacked anid completrly
difcomfited them, with veiy considerable
less on the part of the enemy. Gen. Avril
and adjutant general Bribes foug-Bt with
equal intrep dity, as also citizen LarEte, the
adjutant of the latter. The two last men
tioned had their horses killed under them.
We had fix killed and ft.teen wounded.
The enemy left' the field of battle covered
with dead and wounded. One of their lea
•ders was arrtong tke dead.' 'The detachments
ol the ajtl> and 72d demi brigades, and the
moveable columns, particularly diftinguiflied
J. T. CHaMBAHLHag, General of Scigade,
- toir.Diarldi'flg th? detached troops iii-' th«
department us L'Orne, to General Lefe
irc, Commanding the, I jth afid the 17th
Military dmfious.
j -** J tofe lao tifli4, Qwfte.Mli iij^qnaiotTOg
; you with vidtory. The refiilt is as
j fellows :■—On ftiyartival at Alencon on tj»e
1 oth Pluvioft, I was informed at tert' o'clock
at ni>jlit there was a confi.derablc collection
of CheuJ ns in the commune of St. Ghnfto
phtr. I immediately ordered 100 intamry
and 16 hoWes to cut of the retreaT of the
1 B: igands ; »rfd in order to perform thiHcr
j vice with more dil'patch, 1 called upon the
commune for a uum'er of carriges fufficient
! to convey my tttfn to the destined fp"t, for
| the weither was .moll severe, and the floods
of rain we had to pal's wsre immense. My
orders were speedily executed, and activity
on that occasion Was the chief merit of the
aftion. On his arrival at the appointed
fpet citizens Jatime, an intelligent officer,
whom I had charged with the direction of
the expedition, took the ablest measures for
the execution and success of hu million.
At fix in the morning, beii*g arrived at the
appointed place, the village was inverted
and every outlet clcf.«l up. The whole of
the Chonarrs were fu'prized, and the greater
part of tbeni were put to the sword. A
great quantity of mulkets were taken, toge
ther with a barrel of gun powper, twelve
horles with their faddlea and huflar harnrf
fe«, five drtirfis, &c. &c. ir. a word, 6ve
companies of Chouans, who were at St.
Chriftoplier's, were entirely cut to pieces.
Several of their leaders fell in that aftion.
The Chaplain of Charles's dtvifion, a re
fraftory pried, who had rendered himfelf
notorious f»r his crimes in the department
of La Sarthe, was taken and Ihot, as also a
person of the name of Boijlevray. The
horse of the former is among those that are
Such was the surprise and consternation of
the enemy, that they bad not a moment's
refleftion to attempt the leafl reliflance.
We did not lose a jnirn ;Tor wjj even a
man wounded. I have the highest praises to
•bestow un all the trqops which I command
ed, as well for their bravery as their dil'ci
pline. I (truck terror into the brigands,
and you will learn with pleasure that all the
inhabitants are rising in a mass agai.ift therri,
and the public fpiiit is evidently regenerat
ing. I left two of the Chouan chiefs in pri
fofi, not having had time to institute a mi
litary comroiffion. I must set out without
delay, in order not to leave the respite of a
moment to the enemy. I shall take another
opportunity for entering upon their trial—
Chailes was wounded in the shoulder in the
battle of Mefle fur Sarthe, and Bhendelier is
fnppofed to he among the dead : he fell in
the a£tion of this day.
General Brune hat made an honourable
exception in favour of oor city, which is to
remain in a state of siege, but it is not to
be put out of the prote&ion of the corfti
J[ Signed)
t( Hrati Quitters,
6tH Pluvi-fr, Jin. a 6.
Engagement of the stl i^*
Nantes, 2 Pluviofe, Janvary 20.
ExtraS of the general crdert of the army.
" The army is imformed that the confti
tutioiris fufpende ! .ip the department of the
Morbihiß. May; the infurgtnn wKVinfeft
it renounce their error sod rejeA thp perfi
dious infinnations of the agents of England !
But the infatuation of thele iofurgents is
such that reason no longer maintains her em
pire over their 'minds. The cdmmander in
chief flatters liimfclf be will ftjll fee display
ed in the ranis of the republicans, that un
daunted courage, and that invincible brave
ry which have so often cohered them with
z' or r.
Goque, chief ef the Choijanj, had or,
dered his troops to difoand. Those who
revolted agairift him, have pillaged and
sacked hi» houf-e.
Allthetroopsjpf Chatillon havtjaeen dis
banded but not' without difficulty. They
wifhtd to (hoot him ; and a great' part of
them have passed over into Morbihan. Many
other leaders of the Cbouans have likewise
run great dangtr front the violence of their
Bfune, com/ilhr tf Statt, Gmerat inch'tif,
to tie grand comments of Blots >
Angers 9 Nantes, Rennet, and others occu
..pied by the troops tompo/tng the urmy of (he,
" Head quarters, at Nartes, 3 P : uvicfc Bth year
. oftherepuyic, Jin»arj 13, ijoa.
" Citizens, the pacification concluded by
General HeSouville upon the two banks of
the 'Ldire, permits me to dispose of the
troops which are now within y:>ur walls.
Your courage was fufficiect for your fafcty
in time of danger; at present you have only
to preserve yourielves from the ordinary dif
turbancet which take place after.; civil war ;
and I rely with confidence upon jrour patri
otic leal and your love for the copftitution.
I invite yon to aflift in railing the contribu
tions, '*r,d to t»ke every rceafure in provi
ding for the other wants of the troops. I
(hall soon have to announce to you that the
departments of the welt are tranquil.
(Signed) v, - BKUNE.
Prevention better than Cure.
For tie pfeventin and cure of Bilious and
Malignant Fevers, is recotttmended,
Anti-bilious Pills',
"XTTIIICH have been attended with a degree
V V - of fiiecefi,highly grateful to the inven
tor's feelings, in several parts of the Wetl-In
diss,anri the f»uthernj>arls of the United States,
particuia-rly in Baltimore, Hcterfburg, Rich
mond, Norfolk, Edcnton, W-ihniugti n.Charlcf
ton, Savannah. &c. TRe testimony of a num
ber of perl'o»i in each of the above placet can be
adduced, who have rcajo* to bfjievfi'that a
tiiNely ufa'ot til • faluiary remedy, hat, Uac'si
PioviJe»c«, preserved ihcir when in the
i.*" ' .
FaiSts ofthi- naturefprak nioce in
favour o- » medicine, thati-colunii&s of pompous
eulogyfoupded 00 men? could "do-
Ik is n;t indeed prcfumptuoufly proposed as
an infallible cyry, bu: fhsjofaator has every
- po&b.e reaiou," wKtchcan refuk from txte&Gve
experience fur beheviag that * dose ut thefc pill,,
taken or ce every two during the preva
lence of our annual kih'ivs lever ? will prove an
ntallihle preventative j a d Jirrfhcr, th»t in the
earlier flakes ot ttujic drfea*es, their use will
very generally succeed in reltorng health and
frequently in cates eltccmed defpersto and bey
cud the power of common remedies
The operation of these pills is perfectly mild
iod may be used With la'ety by persons in every
and of cvtry age.
They are excellently adapted ?© carry off fa
perfiuous bile and prevent it« morbid fccretionc ;
to rtftore and amend the appetite ; to produce
a free perfpiratioft and thereby prevent eolds
Which are often of fatal con cqpeuce. A dose
never fails to remove a cold if taken on its firlt
appearance. They are celebrated for rnnoving*
habitual ceftiveneis, sickness of the ftemach and
fevcre head ache, and ouphi to be taken by all
perfuus on a change of climate.
They have been Found rematkably efficscious
in preventing aad curing moik disorders attend
ant o» long voyages, and fhculd he procured
and carefully preferred for ufc by every feamari.
Genuine Eye-water.
A certain and fafe remedy for all difeafesofthc
eyes whether the rffefl of natural weaknef*, or of
accident, fj eedily removing inflammations, de
fluxions of rhenm, dullncfs, itching, and in
the eyes, never failing to cure those maladies which
frequently Succeed the small poi, meaftep an 4 fe
vers, and wonder ully (lengthening a weak fighK
Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues
when nearly deprived of fight.
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedy yet difeovered wKidi gives im
mediate and Jailing relief in the most feverc in-
The Anodyne Elixir.
For the cure of every kind of head-acbe, and for
pains in the face and neck.
Injallible Ague and Fever Drops.
This medicine has never tailed, in many thou
sand cases not one in a hundred hat had •ccafion to
take more than one bottle, and numbers not half
a bottle The momy will be returned if tfee cure
is not performed.
No. 17, South Second Street,
And no wbtre else, in Philadelphia.
Where also may be had, Dr. Hamilton's Warm
Destroying Lozenges, his SoTereiun Elixir for
coughs, &c. Rcflorative Drops, Efience and Ex
tradt of Mustard, Covertijri Ointment for the Itch,
Dr. Hahn's infallible German Corn Plaifter, In
dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal com
plaint, Gowlaod's and Pcrfian Loti*n, Reftoranve
Tooth Powder t Damask lip Salve, Church'*
Couph Drops, 3n«krfon*s Pills, &c. &c.
apt 1116
%i)t ©Wttt.
Oil the fourth inQant, a mcfl lerious ahd
•alarming Mutiny, broke out an board the
Congress frigate of 36 gufls, lying' at Craiiey
Jfla«d, four miles below; the town of Nor
folk. About two hundred of the Seamen
pf. the spar deck, paraded on the forecatlle,
and gave three.cheers asa tignal for mutiny.'
Only three comrriflioned officers were on
board the (hip at the time—thffe were, the-
Captain, #irft Lieutenant, and Lieutenant
Llewellyn, of the Marine's. The b'ufinefs
wore a dreadful afpe& for some time, but
was soon fettled by the extraordinary exer
tions of the Marines, under the command
of Lieutenant Llewellyn. Seven of the
Ringleaders were lecured by
and depolited in Norfolk Jail. The mutiny I
took place at nifht ; it was iiotwithftanding
quelled without bloodshed.
A letter from an officer on board, states,
that ttic Marines were paraded with uncom
mon alacrity, and ftarioncd m the be ft possi
ble politions. Captain Sever, compliments
them in the highest terms.
Tuesday, April 15.
Mr. Thatcher, from this committee to
whom Was referred the amendment of the
Senate to the bill to altar and establish fun*
dry poll roads—made report that it would
be expedient the House ;concur iu all the
The report was agreed to,
Mr. D. Poller brought in a) bill in addi
tion tq j thc aft intituled an aft to prevent
the carrying on the (lave trade trom the
United States to any foreign place or coun
try—which was read a firft and second timt.;J
and committed for Thursday next.
Mr. Egglefton presented a petition of
Carter Patce. an officer during the Revolu
tionary War, praying to be allowed bounty
lands, thofe-heretofote granted by the state
of VirgiHia not being valed. Referred to
the Committee of the whole to whom is re
ferred the report of the Committee of Claims
on the petition of Temple Elliott and others.
A mefiage was received from the Senate
by Mr. Otis, their secretary, informing the
House, that the Senate have pafied the fol
lowing bills with amendments, viz. An aft
to continue in force the aril intituled an aft
to authorize the defence of merchant veflels
of the United States.against French.depreda
tions ; and an aft supplementary to the aft
intitled an aft regulating trade acd inter
course with the Indian tribes ; and for pre
serving peace on the frontiers.
The'-H'-rifc -went into -committee of the
whole on the hill for the regulation ofpublic
arsenals and magazines ; Mr. Rutleuge in
the chair, when _
,Mr. Niehoiss moved to ftnke out the se
cond feftion, which provides that persons
employed in the armouries (hall hot be liable
to ar.y arrtft, cf civil procefs,..during their
tc rtn cf iervice.
MelTr?.' Champlin and E Imonri opposed
thii motion and MelTrs. S. Smith and Nicho
las spoke it) favor of it : when the queUion
was .taken and agreed to; ayes 42; noes 27.
The third and fourth feftions, which iu
flift corporeal pupiftmfnt for certain offcnea ;
were also out on motion of Mr.
Mr. N. then moved to strike out the
fifth fcftion which inflifts a penalty on anv
person who shall entice a workman to quit
the service ; ayes 28 ;
After further amending the bill, thf Com
mittee rose, and it was ordered to be. read a
third time to-morro ».
Mr. Grifwold brought in a bill to conti
nue in force »n aft intituled an aft laying an
additional duty on t\k imported into the
United Mates, and for other purpofei ;
which was read and referredtto a committee
of the whole for to-morrow.
Mr. Haper, from the committee appoint
ed to confer wiff> the Managers on the part
of the Senate, on the fubjeft of the disagree
ment < f this House to the amendments of
the Senate to the Will for establishing a Gene»
ral Stamp Office ; made report, that the
managers had agreed to a modification of the
This modification was agreed to by both
The hoilfe resolved itfelf into a commit
tee of the tfhole on the report of the Guni
mitreee of Claims, on the petition of Templi
Klliott and others. The petitiopers pray
the Uni.ed States to grant them patents for
certain lands the ftatr-of Virginia
(jbc right to which had been prexioufty ceded
to the United States) for fervjees rendfrcd
during the Revolutionary War ; the report
of the Committee is against the petitioners;
and recommerds that they have leave to
withdraw their papers.
MeflV. New, H. Ler, Marfjial!, Egglef
ton, Nicholas, ChampW, and Randolph,
oppoftd the report ; and Mtffrs. D. Foster,
Gallatin, Bird, and Macon, defended it.
The queftipn on agreed t«, the report was
tlien taken *nd negatived ; ayes 21, nbes
Several other petition: having been refer
red to this committee, some debate took
place whether they ihouid not be taken Into
confederation ; when a motion was made
and carried that the committee rife, report
progress. and aik leave to fit again.
A meflape T/as received fron> the Senate
informing the honfe that they have pafod a.
bill permuting- tht exp.«?r:at.on of ceri:-.i:i
parcels cf gun powder. i:;ufk?rs, and cjt
lasses—to w'kh they rcquc si t-.-
of the -Ittjufe-- Adjourned ►
frem our Correspondent at Norfolk.
Arrived, brtg Pearl, Evellth, tWclvt idajrs
from Si. Thomas'*. Sailed under to; voy
«.f the Unite^_States brig Richmond, Tn'
potppapy with f fail of northern vessels, fiulf'
jjatfof which was frpjn Surrrnfiity IjTo Ketrt
jc>lk vtlTtls tin:re. Th 6 fliijf i'-finelyjae, up 4
a brig) had arrived there from Bijltimojei':
tl.eft there tin fchocner" Byrd, to fad for H.
Yilrtr trr UfTT'day?; Art Afr.efican fttiTt VWT
'.expedled at St. 'l'homas'sbn the sth instant,
"under convoy of the United States'
C»nne<Sicut. Felt 'in with" the Unite,)
States (hip Baltimore, on the 2d inft. i*
2a, long. 65, returning to her fl.ition.
Tilt d:iy hefoie the i'.'.ii) failed, saw a,
young gentleman of refpefiability from St.
Bartholomews,. v.ho h.i-d seen part of the prij;
foners frum a Frer.cji privateer schooner of
ten guns, that had been taken by the tjnifed'
States brig Pickering, after a severe afliori
of 4 h'uus, iii which the commander of the
Pickering, lieut. Hillier, was killed. There
wasalfo a pritateer of 4 gunj, that engaged
the Pickering at the fame time, and which
was driven on fliore.
s ix per Cent.
Three pet Ctnt.
Deferred 6 per (,'tnr.
8 per Cent Stock
B »VNK Uniced States',
-»—s—■ - PciiJTfjdyanra, "
North Axriericr*, >
Infuranie con?p >l. A. fliares 5 per cent, below
Pcmfylvaria, (hare?, 2z per cent. adv.
Eaft-lndia Company of N. A. 6*prr cent aJvarc*
Land Warrant?, 3* dull*. per 100 acres
. London, 75 at 30 days "• "
73 * 7* at 6s i jo'day*
Amfterdain, 35 37 per form
Hamburgh 30 if a.ioo per Mirk Bancs.
MARKIED] —At Trentoß,-on the i2ih
in ft. hj- the Rev, Mr. At-mflrong, Mr. John
C. Mi'.ler, of Philadelphia, to the amiable
Mils Eliza ffowelh daughter of Mr. A»
H»v.ell, of the former place.
(C 7* THE Members of the Society of the
Sens of St. George, rftablifhed at phiiadeU
phia, for the Advice and Affiftanc« of Engt
lillimen in Distress, are requeued to at
an anniversary meeting of the said Soci
at the City. Tavern, 011 Wedrefday the 23d
day of April, at 1 o'Clock ip the afternoon,
GEO. DAVIS, Sec'ry*
Several members are tc be ballotted for—
Dinner to be on table at 4 o'clock.
In the Ship (./tKroy from China,
Richard Dale, E(ij. Commander,
Yellow Nankeeaa, . . '
Imperial, "]
Young ,Hyson, |
Hyson Skin, ' VTEAS.
Green and j
Souchong J
to the fubfcribcr, cr at MriFnu
WilliDgs and Francis's, Penn-ftVeei.
rocs .43
TN an airy and very agreeable situation, near
A the Ridge road, within two miles of the rhy,
bonfifting of a handsome parlour, two large Btd
Chambers, a large ceifeti garret, a commodious
kitchen, pantry, oven and milk house, end a
pump of excellent water at the kitchen dnor •,
also a garden well flocked with fruit, and a few
acres of grass pround with>convenienf stabling,
tfhur bouse, &c. Its vicinity to the city makes
it an eligible retreat for the family of any per
son whose avocations require daily attention.—
For further particulars enqniTc of the fohfcrt
her. No. ccf- Arch ftr?et T thef-cond door fct
low S&th north f:df.'.rreiicj
Trcm the Baltimore Federal Gazette
Pmi.ABtI.PHIA, A?ML 1'
: *::r r
April 16.
April 15
List of Blanks rind Prizes,
Drawiag Nif. 103
21i65 10
41b 10
'.48 10
76S 10
6 33
3'° 10
2452 t
■ss s
965 to
'3'79 •
484 25
4131 10
S'+ 7
25 >47
961 JO
26296 10
830 10
T0607 IO
887 50
27110 10
740 10
6 ?7
904 10
'873 -
772 10
899 10
13996 50
15984 xo
520 20
667 10
17119 10
406 10
19462 10
5 57
Ogt IO
And immediate possession given y
tr.rii I
*'' *i
1 tjs
J r/
31782 10
3 iß6 i
569 10
058 10
387 10
39925 10
624 10
+3457' "o
.5° 7
44076 <o
544 10
46-105 to
/ 430
482 10
495 a °