THOUGHTS ON t»E Ittertafing Wealth &? National Oeconomy Of the United State* of America. INTRODUCTION. FROM the time of the eflabliflmient of •ur European Ancestors on the western Sde of the Atlantic Ocean, to the recent contefl of the United States for Independence, all faithful representations of the rapid growth of the country, were in Europe deemed fa bulous,—and tlill there must remain a vast •variety of opinions both in Europe and America on the rate of our annua) increase. Toftoitit, out an eligible node-by to aitftterthe varioifs subordinate queflidns eomprifed under the ieveral' heads of the Statf.hical Table annexed, and to conGder the natural result of the whole, 'is the sole objeft both of the table and ot the explana tory renanu. for the United States of America, for a succession of years, compiied chiefly from Official Documents. •Length of the United States, Improved Lands, part of 640 mil lions acres. Years jpopulatten.i ■■■■" i 20,860,! 2,486,1 *77 4 1784 21,500,01 3,350,000 30,000,00© 1790 3,930,000 17 91 (4,047,900! 31,000,000 4,169,337 1792 32,00'0,00( i7s3 4,294,417 1794 k,433,349 33,500,001 34,000,000 1795 |4,555*946 34.550,0*0 759.3 2 4 35,100,000782,104 35,600,000.805,567 1796 4,692,624 1797 4,833,402 1798 4,978,4^4 1799 5.127.75 6 36,100,000 |36,300,0«0!854,626 Note.—The several sums under the head 01 therefore inJerted to be re-considered in the r NEW THEATRE. (VEVER ACTED IS AMERICA.) For the Benefit of Jlir. Bernard. On Wednesday Evening, April t6. Will beprefentcd,a celebrated new Comedy, called SIGH S; OR, THE DAUGHTER. (Written by Augujliu Fen KotzbueJ Tillman Totum, {with a song) Mr. Bernard. Von Snarl, Mr. Warren. Hans William, Mr Cooper. Adelbcrt, Mr. Wood. Leopold, Mr. WignelL Nicholas, Mr. Bliflett. Josephine, Mrs. Merry. Louisa, Mrs. Snowden. Mrs R«fe, Mr 6. Francis Ellen, (with a forg) Miss Broadhurft. End 9/ the Play an Interlude, called THE SAILORS GARLAND; Or, Family Picture. George Standard, Mr Bet sard, O'Daub, Mr Warren, Old Piticher, Mr Warrell, Mill Piocher, Mrs Oldmiioa, Maria, Milt Arnold. To which will be added, anew Farce, (for the second time here) called FORTUNE'S FROLICK; Or, The true use of Ricbeu Robin Ronghead, Mr Bernard, Snacks, Mr Francis, Dolly, Mrs Olrimixon, f Margery, Mrs Francis. Box. one Dollar, Pit, three quirtera »f i dollar, and Gallery half a dollar. Tickets to be hid at the Office of the Theatre, and at Mr Ricc'i book (lore, Chalk'» library, Hardy's Tavern, and of Mr Bernard, in Carpen ter's street. |C7* Mrs, Oldmtxon's Night will he on Friday. (tJ'Mr. IVarr/n's Night will be on Satur day next. VIVAT RES PUBLIC A. NOTICE. AS my wife Polly Williami, a Servant of DoAor John Hill, has left my bed and board, Tbit ij to tutrn mil per/on that I will pay no debtg contraAed by her in my lumc from this date. HENRY WILLIAMS. April The firft EfTays will be offered to the pub lic in their crue fhte in the order in which they may arise, but if they {hoiild ever be conlidered of I'ufficient importance to call for a revision, method may be more attend ed to in clatfing the several remarks each render its proper head. No. 1.. On Population, Tfce very ingenious and indefatigable Dr. Morse, in .his elaborate geographical work, makes the following remarks, which are war ranted in fa£t both by the opinions and the experience of cotemporary writers of cele brity. Admitting the population of the United State* at present (1796) '< to be five mil lion*, and that thi* number will be doubled in twenty year*, and continue te increklc in that ratio for a century to come, at that pe riod, viz. 1796, there will be in United America one hundred and sixty millions, nearly twenty million* more than there art at prefcnt in all Europe. Navy J. State. Militia. 541,661 654,000 677.65 o 694,889 715,736 737,208 V. G 3 12 '3 36® I s 29.73 4 I+2 95° I .WAITED'IMMEDIATELY, "Journeymen Taylors. SUCH u are induftriiui and well difpofc,!, will meet with libera! encouragement, by applying to either of the fubferibers, at their rc£ps3ive places of abode. James M'Alpin, Charles C. & J. Watfsn, John Stiley, James Curamings, Selby Hickman, Thomas Harrifon, Caleb Hughes, William M'llhenney, Kenneth Jewell, Benjamin Sharp, Jacob Thomas t Willinm Afhby, Enoch Wright, Joseph Wildes, Benjami i Shaw, John Web£ April 14 LANCASTER STAGES. THE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan eafter line of Stage® DISPATCH, return their grateful thanks to their friends-and the public in general, for the pad favors they have received,and inform them that in addition to the regular Line, tfcey are provided with Carriages, sober and careful drifters, to go through between the City and Bow>*gh is two day s. Those who prefer this mode of travailing can be accommodated at the Stage Office, sign of United States Eagl«, Market street, Philadelphia. Slougk., Downing, Dunwoodj V C». 1 2t_{ Nsv. 30. THE HEALTH OFFICE Is removed to No. 141 South Front Street, Near the Drawbridge. April 1 Burthen attul 148 torn, ■jaEpSaS? WILL BE SOLO, For account of the Undei write™, at the Mer chants CoffteHoufe, on Wednesday the i6th infiint, precuely at one o'clock, BY PUBLIC AUCTION, With all her materials, at (he now lays at Wil ling# wharf, agreeable to inventory, to be seen at the au<£lion store, and at the office of Shoe maker and Berrett, Insurance Brokers, No. 9, South Front (Ireet. SHANNON Sc POALK, Auctioneers. April is- (US fdjt. A STATISTICAL TABLE ,250 miles—Breadth, 1,040 miles—containing more than one million fquate miles, or 640 millions of acres. EXPORTS. leamci Domestic Produce. 6,100,000 15,000 18,000 10,150,000 9,000,0J0, 16,000,000 25,000 14,200,901 28,000! (4,600,00 c 15,060,500 21,005,568 30,09 a 33,060 26,011,788 15,420,000 16,200,10- 33>°43»7^5! 39>900 18,064,050^ 45,001 51,500 20,024,021 60,20 24,052,671 51,294,710 62,300 27.991,413 61, 337.4 11 33,142,187178,665,522 63,50 c [ic medium, are neceflarijy conjectural, but are neverth«lefs of immediate importance to the completion of the table, and lual statement, at which .period the whole table will again be compared with }he public documents, and errors corrected. ' metaH iext am a number of divr The copper bottomed brig JAMES, Sir William Petty, in his Essays on Poli tical A-mhiMtic, bat given an average va luation for each inhabitant of Britain in his time ; they are rated by him at 90 pounds sterling per head, or 400 dollar*; if this rule be applied to the jirefent inhabitants of these States, they are now worth more than two thoiafand millions of dollars ; in addi tion to this statement, the following will be more generally understood, and as far as it agrees with, mul>, strengthen the poGcion formed from Mr. Petty's rule for a personal valuation. The taxable property of the United Statci, per valuation under the recent law of Con grrfs amounts to more than 750 millions, Wl iih will auttioriie a valu-" atiort of perf'.'nal property in (lock, money, fliipping, "^s° See. at a« much more And about 500 millions of* landa toaverage one dellar ■ 500 per Mr* Total Tonnage merchant vessels. Total. Dollars. 6,100,000 98,001 250,00© 486,890 18,399,202 502,698 567,69 527,57< 628,617 •7» 5 55'55 6 747.96' 831,9®' 7,064,0.;7j 876,912 898,329 920,oo< 'CHINA GOODS. Imported in tßb ibip N-w Jersey, from Can ton, and far sale by Archibald McCall, Ni. 13/ South Second Street, White'and Yellow Nankeens, Imperial, Hyson, Young Hyl'on, Hyson fcin, Bohea and Souchong Teas, Black Sattinsand Lutestrings, Hair Ribbon, Cassia, and Rheubirb in cbefts, Sugar in betfe'iand bags. ALSO ON HAND, A small afTortment of China ware, and a few Hhds Prims Jamaica Sugfrs. April 4. dtf THIS DAY WILL be landed at Morton's wharf, from on board th# brig Hope, Anderfon, from Ja maica SUGARS fc? PIMENTO, Apply to MOORE WHARTON, No. hi,, South Water Street d6t. April 15. * FOR LIVERPOOL. A MIAB L E, T n C. TillinghasT, Master. PHILADELPHIA built, of Jive oak and ce dar, will be ready to receive her cargo at Weft's wharf in a few days, and to fail aboift the fif teenth of April. For freight or paflage apply to the captain ob board, er to JEREMIAH WARDER. WHO HAS FOR SALE, The following articles entitled to Drawback. Cotton Hose, fine Holland Shirting Linen, Table Linen, Ticklings, Rags for Paper ma kers, Ruflia Sil Cloth, Ravens Duck, Irilh Linens in trunks, Losdon White Lead, Dry and ground in oil, Red and Barr Lead, London Tin in boxss, London refined Salt Petrc, Vew- Castle Grindstones, Roman Tea Canniiiers, elegant Girandolej, ten four ponnd Woolvvich proof cannon, double fortified with apparatus compl»at, and a quantity of three and nine pound font. march 31 CLERK WANTED. A STEADY, trust-worthy person, compe tent to keeping a set «f Books, will hear of a situation by applying t» Mr. F«*nno. April 15. 6r. WANTED, To go a few mijes into the country, a WOMAN, who will undertake to rook, in a plain way, and one who can produce* chara&er. Enquire of the Pointer. April 15. 3000 mil. dolt. Receipts, Revenue, &c. Expendit. Dollars. J.797j43 6 ] 4,771,342 8,962,920 8,772,45^ 6,479-977 6^50,19. 9»439,85d 9>°4*»593 1,0151,24® 9,5*5,75 8,367,776 8,740,329 8,625,8 77 8,758,78 10,161,097 9,«2i,3*3 12 >7.7 7 >4B 7 r I *»354»7°3i 3taw»w, f-3t An annual compound inereafe of 3 per cent -will double the given number in about 14 years, by this rulf the population has been averaged in the annexed table from the time of cenfbs in 1790, although the exports of merchandize and the tonnage have more than doubled in half that time J yet soT a fuccefiion of years it maybe fafer toconfide in the rule adopted for the rate of inereafe in population, more efpccialiy when it i» found that undar such prudential calculations the nett amount of the inereafe of wealth for the last year only is at least three per cent, on two thousand millions or the sum ofsixTt Mll.7,ions of »ollaks. When it is considered that the whole of thisafhial inereafe amounts in faft to a ptfitive tho' in part a passive fund, and is therefore call ed a natural finking fund to distinguish it from the viffible operations of the ordinary revennes of the (lute. Keiice it wsy not be difficult to conceive that the United States are within a short space to rank with the moll powerful States on Earth both in Po- Metallic Public Debt Nominal. Medium. Dollars. r 200,000,000 (_ Paper Money. 4,000,00e 10,000,000 'art of the war! 8,000,000 lebt was funded 12,000,000 efore 1790, &. [17,000,000 he residue be- 20,000,000 fore 1795. 21,500, c00 84,989*438 19,000,000 83,404,139 19,500,001 81,324.139 14.e00.000 79,105,20. 113,000,000 *4>»Bj,4Q«>l 16,000,000! CHINA GOODS. Imparted in the sbip Jean, Daniel M'Pber- son commander, from Canton, ANB FOR SALE, By JAMES LATIMER, jr. Nankeens, white and yeiuw blue and colored Lutestrings Black and colored Sattins Mazarine blue do. Sattin Stripe Dove colored Shawls Black and celcred Taffetias Cantoo Long Cloth Imperial, Hyson, Young 1 TEAS of the firft Hyfoo and Souchong j quality* April 8 diot. IMPORTED, In the ship Jean, Daniel master, from Canton, an Assortment of CHINA SILKS, CenOiling of Black and coloured Lutestrings Black Sauins Black Senchawt Black and coloured Sewing Siikt Nankeen*, Fans, &c. Also on band. INDIA MUSLINS, Guzzeenas Gurrahs Codas Baftals, &c.——and India Bandannas. For Sale by ROBERT SMITH If Co. No. 58, South Front Street. djw April 7, FOR SALE, 70 bbls. Halifax Heiring, Halifax Shad, ia barrels, 150 bbls. Mackarel—Salmon ") Fat and in tierces, bbls. and half bbls. y in good 70 bbls. Bay of Fundy Shad J order. A few quantel of Cod Fish, . Spermaceti and common Oil, 10 bbls. (Burlington) Pork, Spanish Indigo, Also, Very good Vinegar by the pipe, barrel or gallon—A calk of Venifou Hams—i ale of Cotton Ciiidle Wick, and 18 kegs if Hogs Lard. Apply x» PHILIP S. BUNTING, No. 96, Race, the corner of Third Street. 4tb mo. Btb April d6t pulation and in general wealth. And f«t» tfcer to consider the efFeasef population on ly it may be said with truth that by con stant increase it has Cnce the year j 796 re duced a public debt of 20 doilan for each individual to fifteen dollars, and if the con "jefVural increase for 1896 TEAS. Young Hvfon and Hyi'on. White Yellow 5 Sugar of lit quality. China Ware. Cassia. Fans. An assortment of Silks. WILLINGS ti FRANCIS, April 14. Just Arrived, AND FOR SAL* Br THE SUBSCRIBERS, THE CARGO OF THE SHrP PHILADELPHIA, Theodore Blifa, Commander, from Bengal. coxsrsrivG or An aflortmenvof Piece Gsodi. Sugars of the firft quality, And to« qr. chefit «f superior quality Hyson Teas. Willings V Fronds, and Thomas if John Clifford. March 17. NOTICE. NOTICE. WILSON HUNT. Ailing aflignee. fdtao Consisting or NANKEENS. No. si, Penn Street.'