#a?ette * »* Winim States, V tol\ r* 7> *. • 1 ..iiii ;■, -,'.t . . tttifiriiei of tits (icteette is Eictft So-t UABBipert cnn-jm Ui Subscriber** residing in the icity of PbUu J Ifibi a, All otbens pay one Dnlhr additional T for aulositif a-U di- Pfctittg ; and trttbis city will become ontivefaHe f'rtbe subscription, ,t must'be paid Six Months in Aduancei %* ifd Suiicr-ptioo fill be. received for b sHorter terrt than six mortibs. > Bfonnietij 1799, A NW EXHIBITION ■ GALLERY OF PAINTINGS,&c. WILL he o t en every day until the end of May at Mr Savage's Rooms, No 70, South Fourth •ftTeet. Mr. Pav.-.ge refpe&fully informs the Ladies and Gentiem«n of Philadelphia, that a l»an lf<me col lection of Painting* and Prints executed by leveijal of the fir ft maimers n Fwropc, together wi:h some original America? Hifiorica Paintings taken fr*m the mod fntertllmjf fubjeAs, a Cjjtau gue f *;hich vilUor" fourth el-a dollar—c'oitOant-at riatnT,ce will be given. ap . il I .PROPOSALS' Bv A." I)miilN3 £3" J, O'iiMHOD, forr The Pursuits, of LiiW^tnr*,, A SATIRICAL POEM IN FOUR DIALOGUES, WITH NOT 16. To -iv f icfi cuf// he Annexe'd, a vindication of rut vvojik, AND TRANSLATIONS Of a!] Ij?t Gjeelt, Latia, Italia", in, tko VtGfafM, Vinj|fy|i#n antl Hot*. fit' THE A tTT 1-JOR, 1 pkOPOS-IIS. it BV*elcg|intly cx ccutcd and btdeliver '«feP feWf'lk**"-***® mode rate prjee of two dullprt mn4^f!f o centi t if> 1(«Ai tto otnert it The Work will be jwint ed from the Uft Lon don 29*' fora ? a iafge c&avo vojumeof abput jcp ; p age s,i nciud! ir, f.in in <i)LX * Jbi*h thi* e,<jijion will alone pofefs. N* It is rwiv in tbg ]?ress A and w ill be finished tjicb tfl p(Tstible spttfL * 4 * Sub.'crfprions will be received by A Hic- No. tS> XonM 3flcwd.fctfGflt <*f>P°fc£k ri # Church, sjid J. No. Cfeefaufc~tirt-«t, principal W«lettrrs throughout the United States. march 17, JUST COME TO HAND, /Uki for Me-at W- Ji.C&KftsftAJW* jsv A I'QEM, Sacred to the memory of GEORGE WASHING TQN, :e Frefident of the afld GrtrrtfnHiider m Chief of "the Armies of the United States. the «d'Pehruai'y ISOO. By Richard Alsop. march 26. jOty PublisUdy By J. o*i*rob, No. 4t, Ohefnut Street, (PriQc Cents) THE Tkath of Genera/ Wajhington. A POEM. In imitqtjoi? of th e tsanner of Offlan. By ftrv. John Link, A.M. frfinif'rr* of the frirft Preibyterian Eapijregjtien efffciiadelphia. Mr. Chvj icon's Ooliln will lie publilbed on Monday morning. M»lch «J. » i. NOTICE. Is nil persons who own unseated Lands in FrenMin Cormtji, Slate of Penn yhan ; <z : r *p , HAT come (W-wa/xl and pay their A refpedlive Taxes, (as tliea is-a fioqilxT of years no* diie) to SATHICK CAMP BELL, Efij. Tfeafuicr for said Cnunty—lt they do not, we will be obliged to proceed to make sale of them, jgteeibly to taw. JyHW.S Jp*lN, "V Nathax J4*-PoWiEx,,J Commissioner's office, ,? . Cbambersburgl, Jw, f, l&®«. V iawjm. TO BE LfT, And possession giwn on the Igtl of <V&V> That lar™« and commodious house;, At tlif corner of Vine and Third flreetSi No -87, (now occupmd&y Ate.Capron- Apply »f No- 148, High street march 31 Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN- A WAY from Spring Forge, in York County, a negro man, narad ISAAC, .other- wife CV-PJO, abcyp ai years property of Robert Coleman; Esq. He about 5 feet 8 inches high, *ha< a tfletaifth in his eyes, froajve white in ebcm than common, by trade a Ferg- mati-; h?d «n and IoA "Withlifßii roksmrtl'braad t\oth coat, almost ccw.».atfeHon ji6%<st,and pantaloons ,ua<fcr ackct; a rotu« »ofle jfine Mid one coarse ftirt' one mifflin lundkerthref, Tpriggsd, two ditto ft»ip«d*l>oni«r, a'blue >F®rli*n under jacket avcltwp piur,c»ttpAttMl[in(>. Wi p bit oegr* and lodgujum ki in thit »r any of the neigi&gpijqg iboTC re ward »i reaToi>a)ilee3J>4ofi*vM»cmght k«mt. JOHN M.JEN. Spring Forge, GiSober 13,1799. N. 1. iiTed in Ckeller ttunty, it'i»,]«obaik he m»f-r*l*rn there- Sorember 5 ACERTIFJ JATJE of on# Share #f of the United States, No £9120, in the name ot Lewis Pctjt s£o*tyQ* a »4 8 9® rt^c?tc of tyfo Shares «| -.h,e lijyik, No ftpixy. »" ps George Jaines Ch/lmonJcly, Harl of Ch.olroori deH', vcrc forwarded from New York by the Qhafterficld Britlfh Packet for Fatrnourh, whic*a wat.capttined by the Faeneh, and tht- Certificates loft or 'eftr.oyejd. and for whjchi application i> made at i>i<j .Eanfcjor the renewal f hereof, of ail CQBcerncrl are 4efirejj tp takf retire. CLEMENT IJJPDJ.B;. Fv U ruary ij d.w. CITY OF WASHINGTON THF POSSESSORS OF CBRTIttKJATjJS Dgn,- eJ'hy the fsbfcriher, 'or nruiiv«ii}d or l,ots on hi: purchase wiffein ike-city <* Wfrftjwg lon, who hiivc not ytt applied for and received their Deeds arehvtvbv nutifiei, that ihtir several Titles wt\l to of tljoje, tffic.ites, do m*kt the Pa'-m -nti -in lull tl*trefor, either to 'Tlomtt M'Jiuen C.c or to the '-lib' ftafbciy*' >n. <W ¥, •WMl* iihe 3itl &)■ of Aiy Mit. eofot December 17 IRON WORKS, TO rJ'SQlfy •■" I 'OR LEfSKR If Oil TvjAgtr- BOAT: Valuable Est at 3, Know# hy the mime of thq Booneton Iron tiafe of Nqw-Jjrf'y, ctnfifiing o,f a Forge with, sow fir;s, 4 Ruili»p andSlitfing Mill, a-Grift miili with two Rfir. of lienes and Saw; mill, allingoorlj crier and ri(~<r ia,ij4Bvtpgf»kfr with VX ewsiimt, large, nnd tonvenient houte, otit-houfes off tiad ; among, which ai» Ice bouse, anil bcufe, with a SemacMvis fi«f fp^S:''"j it, a large garden, and an cuiledHon ofj Kvii, * w,, arciMijfJ V<WH pa-ure arc} arable lane, and a number ol} (lores and workmen's hoafea Immediate pofiefliofl| wiJit* givui.o) tiAufo PrVt IIsKM. (WtilOeOt fqr providing (|ock the present winter, and possession whpjiejn the_ljjring.__ ■__ . For. terms «n!jttirf of Bijvid S Ojrrfair*t V ark, mr Pftcr Mackie in New-yotk.mr. Eo«4, in Town, cf. m ifff f ariTatlch on ftepremi&a. Januar v tl J 11;;:-. ■■■;! : OT —! —3Tat BJD J.Lf Tlfirtj Dtllars Ifywara, DESERT EDI FROM the Marine BarMcks n|, the.nijbt c»f Jthp .14th inik.—loHK 'JSBOHM, 1)orw in town of Bedford, Wetl'Chefter county and llatq ■ft £«»■*♦*> 9 |ff« i ami a quprrer ititnitfr'hlgh, greyreyci (longqued) light hair, ruddy camp legion, pock marked, bjj a Stifcnmkcr Loll'ltd by Kef noldi in Btrph»n'e ToXvn, I ' ar Albany the *jth of Jnric last Hi'j "n au4 took witfe him 4 4wt rotind blue dciK. roat with a rrt) cape, sr Moa cloth coatee, a few white waiftcoa'a, a long grey <.<!4l '- n H brp£<itfty-*P% of tat;, a chocolate coloured (treat #oat trimmed hlaA iiirplufc, » furr katkjlf worn, »'id twcClis-r watches, one a middle fir;, the other fr.jali. He may impofc himfel' on force family or gtutiy«ian a- , wai'tf. a« He ha? afted m'thst ttpiiclty Whoever --'prrhcod' said Deserter, andfecurcshim in jail, fends him tp or dahvers him to any of the Marine efficer?, of an ,* officer of the army oj the United Statei (hall receive the above r»ward and ailTtafouaUt charge*. Jfiwtf. Jj»wrjrl6. UNITKDSTATES, ? jr- Pennsylvania District. J " NOTICE IS HEREBY fclV-EN, 'T'HAT a special diftr i«£t court of the United Stag's will be holden at the €iry Hall in the city of Philadelphia, in and for the Pennfylvunia diftrift, on Tucriaythe a«d d»y\>f April infract at ten of the clock in th* forenoon of the fame day, for the trial of an ins filed by William Rawle, lifquire, attorney of the States in and for the said diftriit, again ft i large chcft of Sn^ar, I keg of ditto, 5 bagj of C^fce, 1 ditto ditto. I ditto ditfo, 1 bag Pi«nenlo # 2 barrel, and ? I bag S I froall box containing the app>ratus cS a bair dneffer, 30 barrels S»uff and Sugar, 19 boxes Sugar, and I box Sweetmeats, Being articles of foreign growth or maoufa&ure, imported from parts JbeyaiiJ iva apd fuhy& to the payment of duties impeietl l>y the law.-- of the U nited States and delivered ar th« Port of Philadelphia /rom the ycffcls ic which they were refpe&ively imported contrary to the a& of Congrefe in such cafe made aad wrthout a permit, &c.2cd seized therefor, &c. ?awrf By orie* of tie -Court, D. CALDWELL, April 7 To lse Rented, AND immediate polfcflwn givjen, if required, a new two ftoiy Britk Hou'e aod Kitchen, abou' \ miles ft or-', Philadelphia, on the great road to Newtown. Enquire of the Printer march 17 A SUMMED RETREAT. TO B£ RENTED, A KEAT AND CO«vJ!V.HKT ON the Frankford Read, two miles from the City, with a good Stable and Garten. Puf feffiMi way bcWadiaronsdiatcly. for terms enquire *f the PriWff wmfr •*> PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 16, 1800, NOTICE. Samuel Blodget j. S. LEWIS, Adjutant Marine Corps, Clerk of the DiftriA Court. 'HOUSE, dlit I AUTHENTIC LIFE OXSUWOROW. JVS7 PUBLISHED, FOR SALE, AT THIS office, A SKETCH OF THE %iU ant) character or PRINCE ALEX4NDEB SUWOROW XXM MKSKI, Field-Ma. fli&l <srtfiera4 m-thc frrviceof fits Irapcri- al Majcfty, the Emperor of a 4 the Kuifias, The History of his Campaigns. Translated from the German of Frederick Aslktng> To v\ hiih is ad A concise and comprehensive Histoty of His Italian Campaign. ■iVw'iGn ctshel*. liitLt an elegant PrirU-Portrait of tb{2t re v-_j _ n;*fvt}4(j< lit-Qrrior. ' [Price iM Dollars.J Portr&tifbf- Sui&oww, Gentlemen desirous of a capita) likc nef*, executed in the firfl ftyfce, of this iUufi#ious Christian Chieft.*iw. may t»e lurt>i£ted with %?JU gi^»oi■& 4*mi3 RH** onc Dollar. . f February it. NOTICE, WHRRrAs Praters.and Company, ofrPhila tielphii, merchants, did on the fourth of the'prefect mjntjfc, a%ii*Yer J&fr *e4 personal and njixed, to riie fubferibers, Kip the e of thsir creditors, allowing three months their crtrtitorf riding in- the Unifcd States of America, and .nine months for creditors beyond sea to prove their claims—Nop/ tfcerefof#, tKofe who have any demand agajnft (aid c/Vate} ire re queftcd to the fame immediately, And all afc act rfqiicfl. id to ifiale inipiedhte paymeni, to PRAC££K.S Si Co. Nij. 6„l.()ipbard_ ftrtet, wit)* -<re isolated Af(nt-tQ (Ke 4ffigt>eeß~l,a 'failiire whereof, trgsl mrafures willl b> instituted for the recovery of )f )>s Ccorje Latimer, ■v }ifilliam Wain, J aprill*. ' i tUifclatll*. &EEDS. ' J| *£ D £ Red Closer, ;lTOttixloj Timothy* Saint Foih. Trtfoft f l^ijiuett. Lu r-n. ' Hs>l Or«(j. Orchard do. Rjg Ay Raps ar.d J •A !•*<». SHEET COPPER. IRONMONGERY, and PATIiN r I'LOUGHS, which arc fuid to he more durable ttar- any Heretofore invents#, and fotffid on experience to diminish the labour both of man and beast FOB SALE gv THOM.AB HQV.'ABC, Nt, *c South Second Strut, February 1 5* tu&rSw. For Sale, The Cargo of ibe ftifi Matty, toft'lio Ssvaiv, JrQW CQfJSi ST INC Op SUGAR in " kalf Ceribon Coffcf, Black Pepper, Sapan Dye Wood, Ebony, and Thirty two bales of Cotton Yarfe ALSO*, THJt SAU) SHIP B.TJRTUEN fwr tho*i(vM three him4red barrels of FUur, mounts 18 Mine pounders, with (h*t and fni*Harms oomp.eat aad is ne.W-ly coppered to bfiid* with patent C(*pp£J. to NICKLIN W GRIFFITH. March 15, To Merchants. "\yjFRCHA,NTS Acco'jnta.elegantly opened, xVJ. Books neatly aj-.tf correitly poitf ri, with virions pthcr H.in'll of writing, by ,a perfpp, thproughjy acqpai'ted with account*. Oeptlemfn rxteii lively c.ijßsernfjl, may find it to their istrrcft to put huftnefs in thji to into his han'ls. as the confidence maybe repdfed in him and ample fati'fa&ipn given. Aildrefa a line to B. A. and leave it with the pri tec hereof. Philadelphia, March T9. A Summer Retreat. A (Convenient and Gsntcd Bcufe, fltpp-gd ,in Txcpton, te be l<r yr fold Poffcflipn will be fivin the ift <jf Jur.e n.tJt yl thp Printer. March i; DESERTED, Fti'O'M the United States Frigate r-hihdel phia, OAiVJD BiETONJE,.Iiy tridjr« Shoe nvfcsr, burn in IreUnd, 13 yc lrs ° F AS 18 " S ft coraplexiou hiir. ALSO, WATSON LUDLOW, by trade a Shpe rruktr, bprn in NewJerfcy, 33 years of age, J feet 10 i-.ches hiph, ilaok.h»ir And complexion- Whoever will take up fsid D<ferters and deli ver thrm on board thefaid frigate. (hall receive tm dollars reward for ra-h, and reasonable i-fcirges. March u. Philadelphia Dail , i I The Tear 1800 is arrived.! UNION TAVERN, Jn George-Town, upon the Potomak, is t FO li SALE, Upon the prerrifesjon tl}e 6rft;Mondfy in.May r T'JrIJ3 T*veru wap bnilthf the fiityrriptton JL of a tiua»ii;r, <ff t as* and, ujfful. irnproypiycpt tq the; tojwn—Jt call, ■lficoj dollars; in the year 1799, when materials, and were luuph cheajjsr than at thu t'me. The terms of fubfcriptfci*. were that it ftiould be fold to the highest Iridßei on the day above mentioned. It is a hanJfome, fubllantial brick bu : lding, of three ftorier, fronting sixty feet on the mol public Arret in the town, and running back Mfyty upon a uide ai.d convenicn lie is rakulated for a tavern. ]r contains upon the fi-ft fl or f«-*»r large rooms, &ne of them 32 by 20 fret ai.d another 23 hy so, besides a large drefT i fijjjrjs an e-l^gar^T anTmbly ro'»m, *0 by 30 feet, and three cotve- H»ent lodging rooins. Upon the third fl »or arc tefs £""^*#(>3' of a divifioa of ten m<*re. There is ilfo kirchen and commodious cellars f fficienc for inch a houfc. PafTigts and rrofspajTigrs - fvSl tfic lionfe in fjen a manner tc p iv^e. 1 here are ftablrs fufi)cient for t}ie aceommo. •dation <sf fifty he'fes, carnages —to th<c budding thjre: Oiiec streets, and in tije buck vafd and not 29 yards finra the kitchenjb a copious and never - iailwg-jprwg of meft-ex-ceW«wt running water. Tilie nature of improvements a«d their con venience to the city of Wafhingtop must render J •rojjmj ? to ar.y ' perton wno may wlis carry on a tavern upo(i in extepfive scale. Tlfe immediate removal «f the gax/tsnmenl of (he United States- reu-ft «;• eeive tojit full and comjplete caftojn. tccTOf of f»le tfe, one tlird in ca(h- - oneiroid In 120 days and the olther third in »40 days, to b« fecureji by aoproved notes ne gatjibjerit of* the Banks in Baltimore, poflVlfon to be giv en op tfye, clear, of alKincu*t*branfe«, on the last"payment being rqade. jawliMa y TH6 ANNUAL ..ELECTION, for Dirißors qrd a Treasurer, Of the °f fiiladelpWa, WIXL be held at the Library, in Fifth ftrort, : qrt Mpo My, iIK 9_f Msiy, next, at three o'cloefc fn th? aftfrnooh, wjjeri the Trea surer wil! attend to receive theannpal payments. ' 11 rrt are feverM »ur<s fn ci irq due, the owners of thtpi, or theif Reprelenu ti*e«, r rqby potiged, tfiuthey »;il 1 be fqr ftflfea,' jgfeea&'y of tJ»e cnoa ju ry, unlef« the arrears arepaij off on the said sth day fFftfaf? '? r t*ft W.» *ftf' fy orcfcg as tie £ir«ctm> BEN. R. MORGAN, Secretary. igsil I». w&fa.tE. BOOK STORE, T • GF.ORGE n AVIS has"]uft received from Dub lin, via New York, a very large pf Law £6ok*. 'aA of the tatefc editions, which roo •iers his alTortm- ut tie believes fthe mo/t extensive ami on the continent. They wil\ be opened this day, and ready for faleat any time af terwards. The fubferihsfis so, fhat isnpoWam wor)t, Wert •worth*t Syjiem of Pleading arc informed that it i 9 n< w arrived, and will be delivered «»n application. Blink Declarations (&ttled aivf approved by the most distinguished Lawehtre&ers, to be had of O. D. March 11, UNSEATED LANDS THE OP NEKS OF Urfeated I.ands in Weftroorekae county, Pennsylvania, are hereby notified, tha» un less the Taxes due on laid are paid into the hands of John L/jg treasurer of :fnid county, on or before the 10th' of April next, t they will be advertised Tor sale, a? the \av<r dire&s TAMES M'GREW, n HENRY ALLSHOUSE, y Cotrm'rs. JEREMIAIJ mubry, j tu.th.&fa tf. yenuery 1&. this .method of once more the Public, t,hat the pajrtoejflup of Mofei .Chapljoe and Rqhert M'Clure, v;;hich wa* ed ilito fqr the purpose of retailing Gqods in the ftQwn of Weft Liberty ami Commonwealth of \*ir jgiijia, on the tenth day of .August, 1790, expired on th.e tei)<h day of Aiigiist 1793., to the teqn f^pjil£.ud.in their article of copartnership; MOSES CHAPLINi. law6w. Fefrruvy X%. 3tawtf TO BE LET, TPE JLQT, At the nortb~<rast corner of Arcb and Ninth streets, ,Now occupied bv Mr. Benjamin Rqiby, ,as a Board Yard. eo6w {SCT? Enguir.e »t Np. 2,1 S Arch (Ireet March 17, WHO has fervid a regular appremicefhip in a very iefpe<flahle mercantile honk in this city, *ni c*n produce the molt pnexception (il)li>.iT:cqij)mend»UQn in tm favor, .offers his f?r- a9 to xUjc WeA-Indies or rlfe where hni Iter ip m fl qf the Vteft-In dia islands. A line dire&ed so A. R. No. uj, South Ttjjrd .Strctt, w«U.pu*l attention. *prii 19. nc*k 319 tiigb Sir.et The Subscriber t6 merchants, TIIF. il3'»wa.w Ni;ty y&fe oy stages , Tio New Tork, By the frorteft ind most pteifant road-—palling ihrouph-: Frankford* Buftfcton, Ne>ytown^ • Pennington, MillftpiKU Uonnsl*ropk, Union Camp, Scotch Plains, Springfield and Noy-j • ark. .. . . « ' • THE SWIFTSURE (larts from the Green Tree, hJo- 50 North Fourth Street, at 8 o'clock every morning, and arrives at New York early the next evening. From New York it ftans at 9 o'clock --very day (Sand ays excepted) and arrives at Phila delphia, early the next evening. Fairs £q*\paifcK£eri! j ("pilars, vfiff piflengerj 6 cirtf per njife. "<St eapgage. One ana"fifty weight oT baggage to pay the fame ?8 a taflengef. Al> he ij the r'rfk of the Nrnhrfs rnftiiW r^cdp.tcd - 'far by the cit-ks of the different office*. Kale of insurance one P'-r rert. - *f*-A J'O N<*nh If*»iiTth Street, Philadelphia, and to WILLIAM. -VANJGte|IVOOKT, No. 48 Courtland §ir*ex> ?i*BJ corner of Greenwich .Stwej, TfeV Y<SA * January 3 WW JAC( No. 19J Mar-iut-Str-n-t, Offer foq sale at reafonatjla prices, for Approved paper, or in baj let fur Coffee, T«* FOLtBWINO G 0 0 D S, st;titUd t,o pr?v»b.a.ck: 10 Caf«i Cras a la- ' I < cale Ladies' Sh*} ' Morlaix. | 5 cases fine Elberfel, 4 da. I;inWs j X 4 io. Rouans 4 do. Siamoifes 4 do. Itpy- 3 <Vi Silcfiahankff. ales. 2 do. DanijCi tahre 10 do Cafferilloi or linen assorted with white ratlf of 11 It nspkioJ ' " I h'alfyprd*. j do. Moreas 8 do Checks and. 4 do, Flanders Bed flrfpos. Tftks, 6 4, 9-4 aha 3 do. Fine Elber- 10-4 feld Checks 4 do Cotton Bed 4 do. Cont'd* and Tic (a _ Lif.adors 1 do. Thread stock- I do. Check ftiirM. Gloves & patt -16 do. Oil cloths. taloons in do. Toper of all t do. Kid G&jvei . numbers,plain,twil- 1 do. Kibboni led, blue and whit(. 3 do. Garnets and zoo TravefKngcafesof Pearls different sizes. a calks assorted Iron -4 cases cut flint p«- mnngery ' canters, pint Sc quart 2 do. Scythes, 10 3 cases gill tumblers hands. 1 cair wine g'Vffes 4 do. Coffee mill? 171 boxes of Vftadow 3 Cables of ilj fa* Qlafc, 8 by jo thomstach, 9 St ro » rase» Sealing Wax inrt> With artexteiifiveaffortment of LookinjJ. Glass Plates of the following lines', 16-12- i>-icr- 17-13- iS-74, 2cr=-i2, "2^13, 2+vT 14., 26-15, and 28-16, and a variety of other goods usually imported ffom Hamburg. March 11. d6t—taw^w. THOMA§ VURGATROVD v SOS§ HAVE FOR SALE At No. 3j Dock-strctt, icC pieces gauze, top swot»«, Bco joiners tools, 140 saddle trees, 12 fire fenders, brass tops, 100 brass compsffet, 100 wood do. April 9. «taw4w GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Qftie Pittsburgh Class Works, HAVING procures) a fufSciant number of ! Jic most European Glals iVano /u<finrer«, ajid having on han,d a large ftoik of the belt Materials, on yvhtch their workmen are now employed, have tlie plea Cure of alluring the public, thatv. indow glifi of a fupei ior qua lity and of any size, from by 9, to I? by 14 inches, care r tilly packed in boxes conuining too feet ea h, may be had at the shortest notice. G'-f« of larger sizes for other purposes, may alf" be had, fiich 58 for piflures, coach glalTra, ch.ck faces, &c. Bottles of all kindjand of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket haikspickliiigjars, apothecary's fnop furniture, or other hollo* ware—the whole at lead aj per cent. Inwer than articles of the f*me from any of the sea ports ftf the United St atcs. A liberal allowance will be tnade on I (ale of brge quantities. Orders from merchants anrl others will be punflually attended to on ap plication to J\MES O'HARA or CR.'MO, or at.the Storeof Meflri PRATHER ?nd SMILIE, in Mai ket-Street, P.ttiburgh. March 4, '¥ AN attachment was lately iflt.-d out of the in ferior oourt of common pitas of the county of Essex, in the (late of N<rw Jcrfejr, direAed 1p the (heriff of the said county, against the right», credits, iconics ami effeils, goods and chattels, landsatid ttnrmenrs ol jSt* Clever Symmes at the suit of IVilliam Welh, in a plea of trespass on the cat to hh damage three thoufend dollar!; — And vherear, the'faid fhcriff did, at the term of June laftpiA, return to U»e said lourtthat he had a'tachcd'the defendant by a certain bond given by Matthias taniii and 6amuel Moeker to the faia (defendant, to the amount of near two thousand dollars,and alfoby fi'xty land warrants, A'oto therefore, ttnlef? the said John Cleve» Symrfles (hall appear, give special bail, and receive a declaration at the suit of the plaintiff, judgment wffi be entered a|jain(l Lim, aud his property herein attached, will b: ibid agreeably to the (latute in luch cafe made a»d prov : dcd. tfawtf. Aaron Ogden, Clerk, i?c. \VOLUOK XVII. eodef :rY, & ectaw WHEREAS, ■f.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers