THEATRE. W ■4 («»H AOTEB IW JtWBRWA.) For the Benefit of Mr. Bernard. Qn Wednesday Evening, April 16, Villbcjnfcawd,> cclcbaatcdnewOnnH'lj,tajlad SI G H Si •Jt, THE OAUS&T'M. . y flfritHnij AuguJiat Pin lotah*} Tillman Totum, (wnh a sons) Mr v P«roaid. Vo* Snarl,. Mr. Warns. . Han» William, Mr Cooper. Adalbert, Mr, Wood. Ijeopold, Mr. Wighelt . Kichzrfai, Mr. Bliflatc. fpfephine, Mr,. Merry. Lauifa, Urn Snowden. .• i v Mr«- Rof«, Mr». Francii Wen, (with a forg) Mist Broadhurft. End as the Play an Interlude, called THE SAILORS GARLAND; Or, Family Picture. George Standard, Mr Bernard, O'Dau'u, Old Pjndjer, Mr Warrell, Miss Pinch«r. Mrs Oldmixon, Maria, Miss Arnold. To "fchich will be added, a new Farce, {for the second time here) called FORTUNE'S FROLICK; Or," The true use of RtcMes.. Rdbin Ronghead, Mr Bernard, Snacks, Mr Francis, Dolly, Mrs Oldniiion, Margery, Mrs Francis. j flo*. Ane A>i 'ar, Pit, three guifttri *f a dollar', -»« d half a dollar. ' Tiefctt t©*ke had at the Office of the Theatre, and ."at" Mr Ri4 LANCASTER STACES. THE Proprietor® of the Philadelphia and Lan ,caftef line of Stage® DISPATCH, return their grateful t)\jjrk* to their friftrids-and the public in general, for the part favors they have received, and inform thera that in addition to the regular Liae, .tfc-y aro previ led with Carriage*, sober and careful t*iyer§, to go through between the City and oßGHghiatwo day*. Those who prefer this made of travelling can be accommodated at the Stage Office, figrt of United State* Eagle, Market street, Philadelphia. Slougb, Downing, Dunwoody isf'Co. JV»l>, 30. *'—s THE HEALTH OFFICE Is removed to No* 141 South Front Street, Near the Drawbridge. Apri) 1 The copper bottpmedhrig JAMES, Burthen about I 4» tons, WILI. BE SOLD, For AcCi.unr of the Undeiwriters, it the Mer chants Coffee, Hon fe, Wednesday the xttk instant, precisely at one o'clork, BY PUBLIC AUCTION, With all her materials, as (he now layt at Wil lirsgj wharfi agreeable to inventory, to be seen at the auction nore, and it the offi c «f Shoe maker and Berre't, Insurance Broken, No. 9, South Front street SHANNON k VOMX.,* Auctioneers. April »c. dtS SALES Of a handsome Retreat. On Wednesday the 16th of April inftast,at fsur o'clock in the afternoon, on the premises, Will posi ively be sold at Auctton, to close a co-partx'rrsiip, , «»' ABOUT ao acre-- "f highly improved grotftid. aliingrafs, garden, &c. It is fituite on the weft fide of the Germantown road, about s and an half miles from the Court House, ge nerally known by the name ofTaylor's Place in the Nctnhern Liberties. On the premifts are a large brick house and out buildings, in good repair ; a large garden inclosed with cedar posts and b' ird fence, a pump of excellent water near the door. A par ticular defeription is deemed unneceffiry, as the sale will be on th* fpor. Also, a lot adjoining the lift, containing a bout 10 acres of grousd of the fame quality, on which isere&ed a new done and fraire build ing, 60 feet by 18, and an old ftogc and frame barn—These placet may be viewed at ai.y time before (he sale, ttie key of the house is in ths bands of the fubferibers. who will deliver it to any person defiroua of purchasing. A good title, clear of incumbrance, and pofleiTion im mediately. SHANNON V POALK,' AprS 10. ALL Pc'rfc.ns having cliims against Richard S. Fooim'an y Turviving partner of the house of Fooiman f Rifbtrfl S- Fntinan, de ceased, are 'dcfirtd Ao 'exhibit their accounts, well authenticated; snn all thofc indebted to the said firm are *c que fled to make immediate payment to JOHN M'CLELLEN, Adminifli*ator to the estate pt R, S. Footman. franhford, April f. "•pHE Crvditori of the latehoufe »f Irwin It * Brjftn, of Lexington, Kentucky, are hereby informed, that i dividend *6f Juch mo niciot' that firm, as have beui by the? fobferibet, will be mad* an The twentieth day .of April next, a-moug thnfe crtdilnrs wk> lhail hive before thatt time foraiflwd their accounta properly to WILSOK HUNT. Ml'r'rV i' Just . rnved, AND rO* SALE BT THf SVIICKIItKI, Of the Ship C A tITOK, Rithard lialf, Commander, from Cant 09, Bohea Souchong Hyson Skin »' TEAS. Yonng Hyson and Hyson. "White Yellow J Sugar of ill quality. China Wart. CaffiJ Fans. An adTortisient of Silks. WILLINGS t» FRANCIS, April 14. CHINA GOODS. Imported in the ship Jean, Daniel M'Pber- ion commander, from Canton, AND FOR SALE, By JAMES LATISTER,jr. Nankeens, inj yellow Black, blue and colored Luccftrmgi Blatk «nd colored Sattins Mazarine hlue do. Sattin Stripe Dove colored Shawls Black and colored T Canton Long Cloth Imperial, Hyson, Young 1 TEAS of th« £»ft Hyson and Souchong J quality. April 8 CHINA GOODS Imported in the ship New Jcrfey t frt>jn Can tun, and for self .iy McCull, Wo. 187 Sooth,Seccnd Siitei, White ai»d Y«Uow - Imperial, Hyson, Young Hyson, Hyson ikin, Boiv-a and Souchong Teas, , Black Sattins and Lutellriiigs, Half Ribbon, Cassia, ind : RVeub&rb in cheftij. Sugar in boxes and Sags, .... . .. ALSO ON BAND, . A -Tnrall sfforttnent of'Chi.iia watof the firft •uility. Hyson Tea, ) »jo Balea veil chosen low priced Fiece Goods. Apply to John Miller, J tin orAlexin dcr J.JMiller. April 9. In the ship Jean, Daniel il'Pberson master, from Canton, an Assortment of CHINA SILKS, Cenfifting of *■ Black and coloured Lutestrings Black Sattins Black SenchawS Black and coloured Sewing Silk* Nankins, Fans, &c. .r Als.o on band. Guzzrenas Gurrahs Co Has B ifta'i, Bcc.——ar.'d India Bandannas. For Sale by ROBERT SMITH b' Co'. No. SB, South From Street." April 7, FOR SAI-E, The Time of a Mulatto Girl, WHO has about eight years to serve, ba> be«n has been for many years accustomed to the can of childreir, and is a tolerable cook. Enquire of th< Printer. April J. .i Auctioneers. K 6 T I C E. NOTICE. Afting-ijEgnre, ' .dr. JO . THE CARGO CONSISTINO *r NANKEBIiS. No. Zt, Penn Street. .D- Re-ilor of St P*<»TV» church,, and form«rly Vicc- Frovuft of tfc« of PeimfylYania, AND JAMES ABERCROMBIE,A.M. One of the A&fani Minifcra ef Chriftchuich and Si. Fetci't, INTKND TO Of IV, On Tuesday lar» diot. The building, engaged for this Academy, though afiixcdiiig accommodation, will be rtfinquitiicd T'>f * nitre central situ - if -fijeh a'cVafige Aioitld be found ne cefiVry. ' pci-fons to be.employedas totors irt- tM* "Seminafyi regoefted to apply, without delay, to .either of the subscribers, to whoin also 'Parents wilhing to fepd their children, :J will pieafe to make application. • SAMUEL MAGAW, . iVg. Arch Srtet, ■JAMES AB'EKCROMBJE, - " ; . No. tot Pine Street. Philai3. March'lß. . fo£ sale, • 70' bbls. Halifax. Heir-ißgy Halifax' Shad, ill barrels, . 1 jobbts. Mackairl—Salmon 1 Fat and in tiirces, bblsi.ancf half t>bls. i. in good 70 bbls. Bay of Fundjr Shad J order. A few quatltej of Cod Fish, and common Oil, 10 bbls. (Burlington) Pork, Spanilh Indigo, I Very good Vinegar by the pipe, barrel jor gallon—A caik of Venil'on Hams—i j,hale of Cotton Candle Wick, and 18 kegi ; of Hogs Lard. At - PHILIP S. BUNTINC, No, 96, Race, Jit corner of Third Street. 4tb mo, Bik April PRIZE-MONEY ! ship Ganges. DIVIDENDS for Ihc Letter of Marque schoon er Rebotcufc, and L'Eugenie, the former captured the jth ol August lad off St Baitholo. imwi the 1 Iter the teth of fame month cff St Croix, will be paid at the houfc of Lewis Alb»r tus, in Front llrett, below the Drawbridge, en TUESDAY the 15th inft. April j FOR LIVERPOOL. *&££"•£' \ TH K SKIP AMIABLE, iffifliti'*' C. TtLi-iNGHAsT, Master. PHILADELPHIA built, of live oak and ce dar, will be ready (o r«cei»e her cargo at Weft's wharf in a few days, and to fail about the nf teenth of April.' For freight or piflige apply to the captain «n board, t>r to JEREMIAH WARDER. WHO HAS FOR SALE, The following articles enticed to Drawback. Cotton Hole, fi-c Holland Shirting Llnefi, Table Linen, Tifklings, Rags for Paper ma- ttuffia Sil Cloth, Raven) Buck,* frifh Linens in trunks, Wly'te Lead, Dry and ground tH oil", Red an i. Bare Lc ad,X«fldoQ Tin in hoxsf, London fefifted Salt Pet re, New- CafHe Grindft«mes, Roman Tea Cannj'fcrs, elegant Girandoles, ten foiir ponnd' WoolWwh 'proof cannon,, double fortified -wrthapp'arati/j, comploat, and a quantity of-JSrte and' mhe pound (hot* djw I marcher. dxw Also, 4tij w. . .•' '' ' ' T»».JDAT *VKKIJ»G, APRIt jj. Jufturo et tcnacem propofiti virum, Nod civium ardor pra-n jubentiam, Non vultus inOantis lyranni, Mrnte quatit foli4». A gentleman Editor, lately finding the lu minous lucubrations of his clafiica! corrci-. pendents, fliowering upon him, in more tlwii usual redundancy, haftensbya Notatory in timation, to inform them, that he will at an early day accommodate iheir pieces With a place in the Gazette. Now this, pardie, is the very quintefience of Sbakspearcanism : videlicet; Accommodate, as I learn, is a fcholar.lik' word, of exceeding great pro priety. Accommodate ! It comes t'om tic commcder: that is, when a man's piece is as they fay, accommodated ; or when it is— being—whereby it may be thought to be ac commodated ; which is an eUceellcnt thing. In Boston is advertised " the Stock of a Gentleman declining yade." Why this is right. 'The more the different orders of fosiety are confounded, the more is promoted the cftablifhment of what #btains now-a-days as Republicanism. Garrick, remarks in on« of his Dramatic piece;, that even in England, " wotxrn of quality, *iuL#u»tn£ii of jioquality»and women of »11 qualities, are so mixed together, that you don't know one from t'other, and all are called Madams." The whole troop of Aftreffes at Covert Garden lately mutinied, on account of one of the Cyprian corps having been introduced on the Boards. Chastity tnuft surely have attained its highest climax,in England, when even this tribe display faftidioufnefs at such a eirciinnlance. The papers acquaint us with the impor tant faft, th;it ThonaS Painter, and Noah Webfler, Esquires, are elf fled into tie Pro vincial Parliament of Coimefiicut, for the Borough of New Haven. The advance ment of the former of these ptrfons to an iliultrious Ration is matter cf great public interest; since the mark of ronfidcratipn be flowed cn a man, who so highly diiUnguifh ed himfelf as a peflilential writer, and cob bler of language, mud be regarded as an in crement to the publx stock of diflributive justice. Bur why the name cf the latter lhould be sdded, it is difficult to conje&ure ; unlrfj'w impute it -to fame hard-hearted fellow, whn, envious of thefanieof our pes tilential man, has fought to obfeure the lus tre of his advancement, by'coupling with his diftinguithed name, that of probably some obfcuie village Peasant. A Citizen of Philadejphi* has tbferved * very extraordinary Hint to the Members of the Legislature of this C inimpiiwealth, at tached, to aft Advertiietnent of F. & j. Bai ley offering for Sale the " Report of the Committee. It appears intended to inform thole gentlemen where they may be furniUied with a Pamphlet, publiflied by their order, and fcr their i'ole use. Independent of the impropriety of a printer, iu the feivice of the House of Representatives, publilliing njore. of an Article than was diredted by his employers and that, too, for the purpose of in creasing hi 3 own emolument, there seems to be great indecency in the mode adopted by him to diftribnte the work amongli the per. sons for whose use it was expressly pub lished. Among tin' various abuses which prevail in thit country, the tolerance of combina tions of Journeymen for the purpose of dic tating to their Mailers, what wag«e they lliall pay, and, in some instances, ot rf Aris ing them, as to the manner in which they (hall conduit their buiinefs, is not the lead reproachful to its charafler, or tieftruftive of its well being. The following article from a London paper, will shew in what manner l'uch attempts arc punilhed in Eng- land: " Yeftrrday Gbristopbir Connor,' fyund guilty brfore the Recorder, of CoMBIHA- Ttow in the Rope-making bufinei's, was ■whipped from the corner of Mofs-ftrfet, in Townlhend-ftreet, to the Rope-walk on the Low-ground, his (entente: The High-Sheriffs, attended by Mr. Gregg, the Qoaler, fa\v the puniflimcnt properly extciu ted. Conner it i young roan, and It ii hoped that cafligation will be the n-ears of pre* vfating Inm from being gu .liyof future vi olation ot the, and teach him that ho« nest industry, without combination, is the rr.oft comfortable and pr-fitable purluit." PKICES OF STOCKS. Philadelphia, Aran, r It/S if 3ir per C obtain one ; but when it was on the tapis, he opposed it with great" indultry. When everhis private friend's (of which he hadmary) Counted upon him for an immediate exer tion in. any cafc of exigency, he was sure to occasion embarralTment by delay ; and when ever the houfc, of .which he was a member, were hungry at post meridian, as if to puni!}» the members eithe.r for their political orpri, v,ite fins, he was sure to talk and talk until the' whole house, by their mufcalar c ,itor. tiom and grimace, would frequently refera ble the perfonagesin a pantomime. When he was ient to France on an im portant embassy, as soon as it became im. portant to' the bonor of his country that he (hould decide, and be off, for this very rea son, he lagged behind, and further to, (hew that he is not a compleat and abandoned ja cobin, when many, from his doubtful con duct, expefted he would at the I all eje&ion give his vote for Jefferfon, be decided in fa vor of Adams;, this last tj/eumflance will make him governor of ; but if any other friend to Mr. Adams, of any known importance, had been put up in op. position, Mr. Merpht would have flood n» chance for tbe chief majf'ftracy. NOVANGLUS. 4t Inland or ]AyA.-rrAl least on» hon. dred neutral ships have arrieed here, anotnl ly tor these five years past. each of which, oi> an average mtift hare left 70,000 dollar* in specie—making the enormous sum of Thirty-Fi,re Millions,of dollars ; allof which is fVill on the iPand, beiidec imnienfe.maga. (flies of,—lt is the £neil iflacd in the east. aftd'with the exception of the port of l^uvia,. is sot unhealthy." [Calcutta paptr.] NEW-YORK, April 14. According to a returh of the (late of ths militi», iTiJicieL; the .-adjutant .general t.o his txccjkncy the govi; . 'Pctitips vuhuh, in' Chcti*»g« there a«t fioo mm pot vganfioe, 4nd in Dc- Inware rouiuy 55®, tatfly orgauiwd'. ; -■ ***+ / Saturday morning" »rrivcd the. ship Ilc ftrve, «»pt. M.arfciialk, in ,56 cUyi from Ca diz. Ct. Matfobalk f*w a letter, just Wefora he failed, jrom our »t Algieri, to tha consul at Cadiz, informing hi(ii that in con sequence #f the Bey «f Tuni not having received tlje- presents prumilVd that nation by our govcrr.jfii.nt, he was about, or ac». tually had &'»cu orders to'hit cruis»rs t* Captare all American veJTrlj .that might wit!.:i! their reach. This infornttf tion w;is inxde public by . tfliff cor.fulat'Ca, diz that cur vessels might be on tfieirguarij. Capt. M. brought difpatrhes frem.Mr. Yznardi, to the.Sreretary, of State. Molt probable thelip diljpatchei are oil the fulijeft abore mentioned^ *i"hf following vrflcls were left at Cadis when capt. Maifcalk failed : Brig America, capt. Lawrence, of N. Y, Bouman, N. Y. to fail in th'cce wetjtr.- Schr. Charlotte, Turner, N. Yorkj ttf Tall in three weeks. ••• Lafl Thursday evfnihg an attempt was made to set fire to the Portfnjouth fioojj of war, lying in this harboi. Wj ire con cerned to (irate tlut it proceeded from design. It fctmi a number of the seamen have pro ved mutinous, and intended as fb»n ss (loop had got to sea, to murder the officers and carry her into foifle French port.—t* was while the were in irons in conference of this discovery, that feme of the red made to lire the veflcU About twenty are under guard at Fort Jay, and it is to be hoped a severe example will be made of them. fYom a Portsmouth \_N. H.~\ 'Pdfier. A few days after the brig Betsey had Irft St. Croix, an ber pa/Tage home Ihe was li ken by a French privateer,' which took the iaptain, mfie, and all hands out of her ex cept a black, named JHfaies ; (who is well known on the piet ifl this town), the privaieer then put on board a jirizj: mailer and J hands,-a: d ordered her fpr Guaua loupu ; foou efur the privateer had. If ft the Bel fin. the Frenchmen being diHribuiedl about in different parts of tbe veflcl, endeavoured to retake the brig, and eug*. ged firft with ihofe on lieck, whom he al nioft instantaneously tilled, afid threjr tfietn overboard : he next had recourse to tbe ca bin, where he ktl ed the others, either in. the cabin, or as they were coming out of it, and threw them also overboard :b« then took the command of the reflel, a oil put her head to the northward to bring h«r home. Two days afterwards a Philadelphia brig fell in with the BetGes,and finding hef filiation, put on board her mate and, thnee hands. Bnt the Bellies, was unfortunately re-captured soon afterward* by another French privateer, and carried into Porto Rico, where the brave, the heroic Mofet, was put in irons, and remained in this pi liable fituatioa, when the letter which ftaJC* the aliove particulars left there—it is that M«fes will either fwiag for bis br^vfjyi. or to be fold for a slave. r Sft 5 It