Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 15, 1800, Image 1

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    #a?ette of m militeD States, Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
i ' »
**. .Ie \
c! YMt.7
.«.•? ii T'l'
• —~—" /' * y * «7 —~» ,7 —T" —» ■ —■ '
nt pici tf {Mi iyat«<* ii
JDoitJiff'S jjfe* aiinuwjo Subscribers tc'sijihg
Hk tbc tily of Poitadclphia. AH
OHc- thllar cd.liti?nal % for enclosing Jnd di
recting ; cfnd person in this city
will become ansiut'rime'for the subscription,i
\t muH it paid £ix Months in Advance.
\* A'j Subscription will be received for
a ttrm than six months.
December 1 17*9^.
.1 exm&motr
WILL h« otMtwj <Uj> until the end of
13* vhfVage's Vf&bbni, No South Fourtn
Mr. Sa*aj»r reff)«sfillly i»form» the Ladles **kJ
Geut!*d»cH of that a fearidlojne coi-
Jeihon of Painting* and Prima executed by fcvcral
ef the firfi mi (lera ,»i
arigfri*! ntftqricii Palming taken fr«&V
ti c fubjcA*, a tfataToguc of which
ha delivered tfc vififor*
AdfnitjMree fltoe fjtfrtJt of a cellar—<;on(Uet at
,»4tepr»9« wiiibcjpiT/jii,
*6? A. fllrtfctNSjEy J. C'.tMRODj
.?b e Pursuits aj Litgraturs,
A SAtixieAi polar
wri wot* i.
To ujbiei will be Anr?xed y
A VrtfMCAfi6N of THE WbUK,
Of all the Grdfel, Latin, Italiaß, and FrCn^hr
qaoM in the Prefaces,
VtßdimiM aoW Nuttt.
hi} rinc
ed frtito t)»e ld»a
, and will
' fwm a large o<stavo
Wtume of about
Sh \(i
<k*which this edition
will alone poflcfa;
tf. 3.—Tt is now 1
Jto Jhtisted ivifb &H pi
n the fre9s % and will
yssifrle speed.
tafcfcriptfetorwiTf be tecHM by A
Itinft. No. %f, Vorfh Scetrhd StK?et (typofiffc Christ
Church, and J. No. 4f, Chefnut-flreat,
and hy ttoe principal th*ofrgl>«ut the
United States.
march 37,
..i.. ...
J, & J. CutrttMhiiKs'TrTO
T*OMAS Bookwoths,
St&fed to th€ ifteiiioty of
GEORGE Washing Ton,
tate of the United States-, ani
ConimwiHer in Chief of the Armies of the
Adapted to rhe Febriy-y 1800.
By Richard Aisor.
tfiawh 16.
This Day Puiftisbe&i
Ey J*- O'rmrod, No. 41, dhefnut Street,
(Price is Cents)
&eath of General IValhinvton.
In imitation of the manner of Oflian.
By Rev. Jo hi* B. Linn, A. M.
Minister of the Eitft Ptcftyterka CftdfjicMtion
•fPhiladdphu. B
g? Mr. C*hju;!ron's Oration will be }lubli(hed
«*» Mrcnifty mertilng.
T9-all'ptrtbat -nirr o>r»h unseated Louth in
f ranhltn State of Tetmiyhm : a :
'HAT they come fit-ward and pay their
■» Taxtt, faj there is a nt:n,hrr
of ye'arenfftvdta?) to PATRICK CAMP.
Eftj. I rfafurer t 1 m Hud County—lf
titty do not, we will be cbTiprcd to proceed
to make fait of thrm agreeably to law.
LI-MESTrvin, -J
John Hal-itda*, tfWi'rs.
Nathan M'lsowtL,J
Commissioner's office, } \
Cborr.iersburgb, Jan. j, ISOO. S law:#!.
pasMtitn given on tie tytb ofAf<jjy
Thit tofVf aftrf toitinftoftfoat
At the corner of Vine liirtf ftretu, No
(now t*tiipi«H)jr Nfr». Ceproit- Apslyat
N«-l 4 ».Higbfl r Mt.
mirch 3 1
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN'AWAY from Spring in York
Cotam°y,a ncgromad, named ISAAC, othcr
wifcNtOßJ9, abtwi « yorl.ld, ih< property
*' R f bc . ,t H*r- »• i»- >tMt 5 fcet 3
WI bhmiik i» ha *vrr, xiotc want
Jji them. ihi!Kxii*»oo l .Wy.tra<W<a FerginwK ; had
<Uab clot*
imin t juEftiinil puttlooiis
■MiiNa -fmef ctiri', * fWa«Howtt (hfpßf imtfer
h««f wwrftw ami ow cdfsrfe
Otf« m» fawflw. hwtiwtlwf; fpdggut, twe'
<tißa ftripai boedoß, a. blue Perfitn iuui«r jackat
»*td twt> pAr cotton Sodtiagi, Whoever tzkei n -
frfifr naffv sirflbtM hfnff iaaat jail ui tftif «r atfy ■
•ftlwarifrtMutfg #*M*A»#h»«r t*r*N»*er«-
*u4*e ktmts
, . Sftbg OAdbwuj.iyyfr
Hi 9* Atftifaregiufmuity tivvtitrCMfer
«o«nty, it it
Norember 5 -
«W r- - « . . .Jk .
A CERTIFICATE of or«t Share «f the Bank
XX of the United States, No. 49110,411 the name
ot Ltvf ij Peter Qtftrtyt;, ind a CertfffcatV of t Wo
Shares «f the W(J tellilt, N6. astro, id the'name
of George Jaflisi Gfttlcntfndely, Earl of
dely, were forwaided from New-York by the
ChftflarfttM British Packet for Falmouth, which
was captured by the Er'ench, and the .Cei tiAcatds
fell or destroyed, aWr! for which li
made « laid bank Ar tt&tenewd thefeot, of'whk-h
*ll'/: de&red to taku tiorier.
ed by the f&bfcriber', tor undivided Shares or
LdM on Ms purefcife tfithi* the- city M #afl*»ng
too. Vffro hate rrot yae applied for tndreccittd
their Deeds, are hereby norified, that their fcferal
Titles wi'd be 4tily completed to the order of thole
who in with the tdrmf ot the fJid Cer
tificate*, do Make that Payments in ftat! th'refdr,
either to Tbfttas Mtßttn t3* Ci. dt to
fcribcr at Ptmadttlphia* on or at any time before
the oi -.lay nest.
KS»OWR &y tHt uarhc of tile ifoonctorr Iron
Works, fttftrttfiM tho cotdtf of Morris i* the
itatf of eon fitting of a
four fires, a RoTling and flirting Milj, a Grill mill
with two Rim of mid Saw mill. allingood
ofdlr and net* 'iti'liw, together With atf Excellent,
large, and convenient houic, witlt* out-houfts' Of
every kind ; among which are an Ice house, and
stone milk hcufe, with a remarkable fine faring in
it, a large Garden, and an excellent tolle&ion of
jpruit, a Ilfrgff drchafa, arid 250 6 acres of wood,
paVurt And araMe hand, and a preat otirftf'er of
ftarei atd workmen'* ftoifcf. IriTmediate pollVflro*
will be givcrt,<>t houfc b ana fttfrcfc iwflficicne for
proving Hock the jxrefeDt whiter, and poffeflion
of the whole id the lprini;.
For terntr-sriquife of l)a*id 8 Ogd6rt at Mew
ark, mr. Peter Mfc<ikieiVi ftcw-Ycfrk, mr. t)avid
ford iri Morris Tcwff, or aiefffs, Jadoh aad Rich
ard Facich on tiept<emiio£
It stall b* degaiwty **.
e<Bt*d and bed«iiv«r
tdto fubfcribersat the
moderate priceofi%vo
dollars *n(lJifty tents, in
boaids To others it
•will be raifcd.
FRdKt tfie IVfarine Barra<k». on the night itt tie
14th inft—JOHW born in shYi
fdWri of Bedford, Weft Chafer county atrd state
of New-YoTk, agtd %% yrzrs, 9 tKbnths, 5 feet
8 and a <juirrer ioch*» high, groy eyts (|origqu«d)
light .hair, ruddj: xfiiapkxion, p«.dc
trade a Shoerwaktr- finfiOed by Lieutenant key
nold* in Stephen's Town, near Albaay the 15th of
Jine last Hai on and took with him a &orr
round blue cloth cdat with a red cape, a blu*
cloth coatee, a few wKite waifteoati, a
mixed d6»h coat ami brcvchU, apiir of'foots, a
coloured or>k* rrhntned with BVjdc
hair pluih, c ftn* hat baif worn, a»>d filvtr
watches, one a middle hg:, the other small Be
may impole hi'nhi| on fonze family or gentleman
as waiter, as he has in that capacity
apfrfcftefcds fair, and ft- ciiK'S him j
in jail, fend* hiat ro Hc?dquai tcrrf, or delivil-s him
to any of the Ma*ine nfficers; or an r officer of tfie
army of the United fltall receive fho aixJve
reward-and all reafbnable charges
Uihtkd States,
a facial <3i<tri&cc»urt of the United Staus
will he hwlden at the (iiry Hall in the. csty of
Philadelphia in and for the I'ennfylvjmia diffriil,
on 1 uci'day the »ad riay'of April infeant at ten of
ttte clo?k in the forenoon of"the fame day, tar th.:
trial of an information filed by William R;.v. 1:,
Esquire, attorney of the Um:ed State« is ahii for
the said diftriit, against
I larg« chest of Sugar,
1 keg- of ditto,
5 bag»cf Coffee,
I ditto ditto,,
t ditto ditto,
; t g ,-eT d } oran B e j
I bag Pimento, ]
* b.,refold ■>
'bag S |
I fmail box containing the afparatua
of a hair drefftr,
JO barrels S> ufT and Sugar,
19 boxes Sugar, aud
1 box Sweetmeat*,
Being article* of foreign growth or
imported" from part* beyond fca and fubj: to ttie
payment of dtnier imptftd by the law* of the U
nited State* a»d uwtatleri and ddlvdretfat the Per:
of Philadelphia irofcn the veflels in which they
were rclpedfively imported contrary to the a<£t of
Congress in ftrcfeearfe made a*d without a permit,
&c.and seized therefor, See.
April 7,
AND immediate poflVllion given, if required,
a new two story Brick Hou'e and Kitchen,
about 14 miles fiom Philadelphia, on the greac
road to Newtown. EuquiFc of tike Printer,
march a 7 dtf.
ON the Frjnkford Road, two miles from the
City, vrfth a gotrd SUlrte-aod GarJeo. Pof
feffioa mafbeh»Aimaic<Ji»ttly. For cerniscuquire
•f the Priatep.
mrib at.
9'B 1 L J
•on:-; »*r ?? trtfftr*
I'i'brHßry-i x
city oi* Washington.
imuci Hlodgei.
iV'cemV'r i J
Vcthtabk Estate^
January 11
Thirty £jalldrS R&ivard,
Adjutant Marine Corps,
January ifi.
By ordet of tßf ft,
Cferk of the DiftriA Court.
To be Rented,
C/ - , : n . . . '
L P fr-Alfr 'APRIL *Bb6
4 ..'.i... u. L.r.i
s » w -Mb'-
- ' -■ ton SAI6,- '■ ./ _
• : ** THIS ... ...
Stife aHB Cfwtattet
. . Of . •
field-Ma.(halGcocral in th.'. fcrviceof Hi«Jttftpefi
al the Emperor oi it (he Riiifiii,
; ' tyrf '
The Hiftofy ot his damp*i'gns.
\r, ... . j
Translated /ram tbi Gt-rfaan of Frtiirivkt
A cofitlse And c.vtip'nbevttfit Jhittity vf ,
His Italian Gaihpaign. a
By William CobbeUi-
\\ i:b a A elega'At Priht-Poriraii of t/.u:i re
nowned Warribr.
[P-riee i i-i Doli*rt.j
Part rait of Marshal SurJormv.
Gentlemen defirojj* of poflelliog a capital lifcn
esecuu-J in the fttfl fiyle,of this lHufVrioiis
Chriffjafl OjvWftijn, n;he fnfni filed witii part}-
colli- proof impsfffidtis; it thli al£:c, ptM otic
February is.
WHERfiAS trigers and Company, of Fhila
(TefpMa, frwrcfiants, did on the fourth of
the pr.fent month, adijjn «Ttr their'i rta'l
artd ftiixtd, to ttie faHftHbers, tor the e
ntfit ot th«r creditMt, allowiog tfcfee msnthifor
their creditor's residing Jn the United Mates ot
America, and nine cnOnths for creditor! bcygori
f«i to piotfc tlwir cla'mn—63ow therefore, those
who hive any dttnitid agiiiift said efUte, are re
queued to furnifli the fame immediately, atod all
jierfar.J who ate iaitefctetHo feideftitcf are reced
ed to utak« immediate p«yn»*«(t, to PRAGER.S 3c
C«. No. 6, Lam hard ftitct, *h« are appointed
Agent to the Affijnees— In failure whereof, (ejfJ
rfiedftffes wilt fct -fniitifted for the recovery of
futh «fobt» »» afeiret <Rfpi*ged witbcßt delay.
Gtorgi Lttthhtr, ~J
Anirttu Baiard, j . _
John IVadLglon r- A %"««'
mmn Utah, J
til cß.fit.fni.
ipril it,
WMitO dor,
Htfrd Orafi;
Orchard Jo.
Rye do*
Rape tad Hemp.
PA f'KNT 'PLOUGHS, v4Mch tri fsfcUo Bern oft
darablt 1 thin »-.y heratofort iffvcrltcj, *rid found
on 1-ipericncfte diflliniflr th< lafcbtaf both of iran'
and bcaft—■
40 South Stcond Strut, P&iladclftbia
February 13. tu&f.?w.
The Cargo of the s&ip captain Swain,
Jfffihi Saioi-i* f
Cox ♦, isf INC OF
SUG.'iR in vvhol# and'half cariiii&or#,
Ceribrffi Cotfee,
Black PoQfifr,
Sapan DyV Wood,
E'>ony, ail<3
Thirty two bale?, of Cottott "YixaL
BURTHEN feur thoufifld thv<*
CslßßsSmPhundred barrels of Flour,'mount* 18
fcirie* p«Biracfß, with fh*t and fftiall arrhi comp'tat
and is newly coppered to the be»da with patent
topper. A pffly'to
M»r»h W,
To Merchants.
M"EKfCBAWTS Accounts eleganfly opened,
Books r.evtly and correitly posted, ulth
various otTitr kinds of .wanting, by a peiTuu
t' ohmsMy aequai' ted with account!.
Ge"nf!erne'n extenti'vety concerned, may find
It to their intrrefl to put bufiiK*fs in thi« line
into his han!.», as the f>»!left confidence ma)' 1 c
reposed in him and ample giver..
Add refta U-nrto- B. A. add tawt'it wiih the
r ter Hereof.
Philadelphia, March 19,
A Summer Retreat.
AcMiTCTrienr and Oanrcsl Boufc, Ciaivat in |
Trcnrfti;, td he let* PbfTcffldn wiil
he givwn the ift of Jmenext. Kr.«;usre of tie
Varch J j
Fi<OM the United Sfcate» Frigate PMta del
pfe&V DAVID DEVINE, by trade - a Shde
ttfaker, horn in Ireland, afag®; 5 f«et
6 inchek-higb, light complexion and hair.
WATSON LUDLOW, by trade * Shocr
makir, horn iir New-Jcrfey, y*art of agI©, 1 ©,
j fcrt ic inches high, flarlchair
Whoever will take up said Defcrters and deli
ver them on the Lid frigate, (hall receive
ten dollars reward for each, and rtfifonaWe
Mar-ch 13
l ei v»hrch it
FOll S/.LB
For Sale,
w >
I ' I
I Fjr publishing in WmVjr ftitmlers,
Of' THk
British CdlWilM in the Weft IrldieS,
fv two vofumci.
By ftIIVAN, f.DWAftDS, Efij.
Oi she f jjn3 of (amaica, ,
ShkV.*.U i.
An 4 Member of the American Ph'ltolopliical j
tfV •wbitb -will be added,
(Publiflied since the foregoing, by the ilrftc htittiorj
—rnrvkucfldiwus ■ —'■
In regard to YBe Vldroon ffeFrees in the
- ■ htinl of Jamaica; '
Wirh fh<* charac
ter, mannit4i*id habiiA of*4if£ fkfc Maroons; •
mwia deiail of the origin* pr6gFtft* irttf tffr&i- '
«a;ion of wax between tfioic people and 1
the vhite inhabitants.
in Historical Vitw of St, Dqwingo, or
flisptiniolh ;
an account* of the former go
frnment of the French pari of iKst idind, (is
"litica! fiate, psp4tt£EfCftj prodidlioni, 'atj'd
xpnrts; a narrative of the calamities
icJolatfcd the ifljnd ever fiiifrt fhl 1789 ;
nd a detail ot the tranlatftions of t'Jlfc Bvitifft
itny in that iflond to the end of the year 1294*
I•- il'uftoted with a large two ft)e<t ge(jejr«l
MAi* or the WEST INDIES, and ten other
all executed in tlie heft manner, viz.—
ot'-Jitriikii Blrftta*, OfetoadaYSt. Vimeßts,
Donrihiii, St. Cfti Nevis, Antigua,
the' Virgin IHands, and * she * Ytap-ijJ the luaml
of Hilptntoli. Aid to be crmicliirticd-tcftfe
EIGHT -oOP?fikPJ u if U jfHINTS,
The ift An Indian Cacique of thelfland of Cu
ba, aflcfrtfmDgf CoTuAibub concerning a fixture state.
Nott print, dukh tblffarlb atiijixtb, are par
ticularly illuflr tied. In t&t illufrition of tbe fourth it
given a vtty evrijvs defCrtptiaH of Columbus's pcrfon and
manners, ivitb witch the priniis said accurately t"j cor
refpottd. ,
ad Thef ftreid ?ru!t of Ot&hc ite is produced in
the Botanical Garden at Jamaica.
3d A Fatnily of theß'<fa Chara&es id the Iflar.d
of St. Vincent.
• 4th Columbus and his two lortiDiego and Fer
dinand, discoursing oh tlteir difc'ovcries ard prof
pc&s; from aa ancientSpaftiflf the pof
r-raoft of Edward Worne, Efy. of BiVis Mount,
near Southampton.
sth The voyage of the fable Venus from An
gola to the Well Indies.
6th A Negro Feffivdl iri tH< Ifltn'd of St. Vin
csuta, irom life, from an original pi&ure drawn
by AgoHuio Brunyaa, in the pcflaflion of Sir Wtfi.
Young, Bart.
fTft Plan and elevation of an improved Sugar
Mill, deflgtlid by Ldwa/d Wodllety, tffq. 0 f Ja
fcrb Leonard PaPkiiifon, a Captain of Maroons,
39 taken from iiie.
ti is -proposed to print by subscription)
(To be published iq Wcqkly-aumberi)
. Interesting and ufeful-Work.
The fub/criber chorion! offer* tJni'e fc«poiuU
to *fce public, rntenaing as fooa a» three hundred
haVd iwbfcribcf 1 , t© publ;fb thejfird number, coga
meaciny it with rhe General View of tin* Ancient
btate of the Inhabitants, their origin, maaoers,
as Wed of HifpaVJota, Cu?>a, f*o>to
Rico, &c. as'ofall fat B>itilfcflLiJs; and he will uvhjiAiirg a weekly, till the
whoie is miifhed—on the following terms, viz.
if?; Irflfctl bV prWl'oil a ftandVorhe (juarto,
on a neat Type; arii on the bet? Prin ing Paper.
2d. It fnffl \M pubHftidd in Nv/fAertf weekly,
and is calculjfr'cftf to he completed in Fifty
S'acft Nunilifcrw comjln Twenty-'
four P-igej of Letter Press. The Price fir e«th
Numtfri 1 to be One Quarter of 1 a Dollar, to be
Paid eli Delivery ihou'd it exceed Fifty
Nlfmb.rt, the Retr.ainJer wiil he given gratis.
3dr Ihe iVhips *nd wirtt hrdeli*fr«a
with the Numbtn to which they particularly
attach, fret- of any additional Pi ice. And a
Direiilion wilite tiveti igaitift what particular
Pajre each one is tf> be pljc'cd.
Tht fubftrißttyNamett, wnh >he Title Pages,
&c. wili be gl'v. ri wrtfi tflc MI NdrfiberV.
Note. , Such Subletibfrs as da sot i'ncfinc to
receive th^Ntfro'Ber» at tli'ev are piiblifhrd. will
have them careftil'y reserved them onvay
in? Four D<*Rat« at rile Titrre of (Vbf.rib'ing,
and the Remainder when the VViiW is firiifh'ed"
To prevent Difapp.iiiitrTwnt of C»nipl*irvt, it
i«' Kbw pfrrrti'ed, that a-, there will be but 1
v«ry few Copies ilrutk cft more tharf nay be
fubferibed for, the Price rf them Will be corffi
■ 'erably raised after tte PuUlication of the
Numbers wfeidi Me to the li,ft Vo
lume. 1
Philadelphia, March 11, ißcc.
Suß3CßifTiaNiirt? rccctfWl>y
at No. 106, the fowth fide oi Market Street, Mcff.
1 rifhard awii Davidfon, at Richmond, Virginia.
Mr G. Hill BfaltmTore, Maryland. Nfctfrs.Tho
mas and Jamtt. Swords, New Vork. Mr*. James
White, Botton } and Mr. T C. Cufturg, Salem,
Mafia chgfott*.
March 18
Is now ill the Piefs of James Humphreys,
-And will be fipiftit-d with all the expedition pofiible '
IT is in large flSavo, on a beautiful vellun pa
per, a ixraf type, and will be illuftrared witli a_
large elegant MA? of the route'of Mr. Hark thr®'*
fh< price'ttfftiKffcrtbera Will he two dollars and
an hall for it neatly bound and lettered.
The SiilX.rit'e.s names to be printed In the lie
ginning of the book.
NfITE.-r-k vyill be receflarj for those who wifti
to celebYateci work on the
superior paper to fu!>£cri e for it foon r as there will
be but a few copies printed more than what it is
imagined w«il befubfcrißed lor.
Subfcripuom are received by f id- H::*nphrcys,
at No. 106, fout£ifi-iecf martc* ftr.dt.
I march 8,
' vv *
t-1 ...
■ To New Yi>y&,
By the ftiortrft attd moil £!c»fam road—p; fling
tljtSogh Ffinfclord, Biifilctoii, Newlown,
Peqniagturi, Millflnuc, Union
Camp, Scotch I'lains, Springfield and New-
ftarta frdra itit (irctri Tree, N«- jo North
Fourth Street 1 , as '£ o'eioefc tvtrj/ morning, and
arrives at New Torse e2rty thi fieJct evening.
From York it starts a£ 9 o'clock nvery
day ( Sunday# «*«pted} artd arnvci at Phila
dtlphj*, etriy r the liext evirdirrg.
Fare for pa fTe fibers < dollars, \Way Jjaflengera
?."k Ptpteti *t!°*"i)4tb
or Higglgc. One hundred and fifty weignt or
td pay the farhe zi a puflehger.
All to f>e at th* rifle ©Ftfte owrxr,
unlcfs insured arui rectfi'pi#d fop by the <;Jerk«
of the difTert-iH efneev. of infurancc; one
per cent. ~
•f* Apply to JOII.V M'CALLA, No. .<«>
Nortlj. Philaddfthia, and ro
Str«et, N.E. corner ut Greenwich
Streit, New totti.
. , No. 195 Market Str&ti
for Tale at rcaioniibl* prices, for approves
faper, '>r in .barter for Gt'fFc*.
so C*fes Crcas a I*- i edit L?di«' Shofs
Morlaix. 5 fine Elbcrfel>
4 do. Do-flafTes linens
1 4 do. Rda and 4 do.
4 dd, fiatillas Roy- 3 do. Silefiahankfi.
ale*. a do. Damask tjhle
io do. Cafferiltos or lntefi assorted witi
w(,ite rolls of is& napkins
half yard'. j do. Moreas
8 do. Checks, and 4 do Flanders Bed
{tripes. ". Ticks, 6- 4 , 9.4 and
3 ilo. Fine Elber- 10-4
feld Checks 4 do Cotton Bed
4 do. Contili and Tick/
Liftadoes j do. Thread flock
-1 do. Check Ihirts. itips, Glomes & pan
-16 do. Oil clpthi. saloons
10 do. Tapes of all do. Kid Gloves
numbers,plain,twit- » do. Ribbon*
led, blue a*d white. 3 do. Garseti and
JOO Travelling cafttof" Pearls
different fiies. • I talks alforted Iron
cafes cut Sint De- rtinngery
canters, pint & quart 1 do Scythes, 10
3. cases gill tumbler* hands.
1 cafe wine gialTes 4 do. Coffee mills
b°*e»of Window 3 Cables of jtj fa.
Gljfsj & by iq thorns each, 9 & 10
a ras h » !sealirtg Wax inch:
Wrtfi'lft tjfte'nfive of Looking
Glafi Plates of the following lues, 16-12-
2 0-13, 22 13, 24,
14. 2j-i j, and 2^-16, and a variety otother
.gauds usually impai red from Hamburg.
March it,
too fworus,
Bco joiners tools,
140 .fjicldie tr«»,
14 fift tbpS,
100 b>afs toil.jljffci, ■
100 dt>.
A-pril 9.
HAVING procui'etf 1 fufficient oufnber of
fHcrtioß 3pprtfved European Giafs Maria
fwflufers, arid having on liand a large stock of
the heft Materials, ott which their Workmen are
now employed, have the pleasure of a flaring
th'epuLiic, that window glass of a superior qOa
lity and of any fvze, frortf 7 by 9, to iB by
inches, carefully packed kr boxes containing
100 feet ea k, may be haxl at the (horteft notice.
G'-f} of larger sizes for other parpofes, may
also be barf, f.jef. 3#fdr;pißtufes, coach glade*,
clock faces, &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any
.fli) laUtyuxaay also be had, together with pocket
flafk-, pickhngjara, apothecary's stop furniture,
j or other hallow ware—the whole at leajft 15 per
cent, fawer than articles offhe lame quality
brought from any of the Tea ports of the United
States. A liberal allowance vfriff btf made on
sale of large quantities. Ofdtr* from merchant#
and otfcefs will be pun<flually attemded to on ap
plication to J VMES O'HARA or ISAAC
CR.\IG, or at the Storeof Me firs PRATH£R
andSMILJE, in Ma: ket Street, P.ttlburgfi,
eT6 4W,
March 4>
AN attachment was lately iflued oat of the in
ferior oeiirt of eomaKjn pleas of the cotlnty
of lijCex x in the Otic of New Jersey, dife&ed to
ihc ft.ctiff of the taid county, against the rights,
credits, monies aeu effects, goods »nd chattel*,
of Join CUvet Sytttrtirs at the
luitof William iVdls, in a pioa of tr.efpafs on the
cafe to his damage thrte thousand dollars «
And xi'bcrfQs, the laid flierifr* di^i, at the term of
June last pail, return to rhe said court that he had
attached the defendant by a certain "bond given by
Matt'hiis Deninart and Safnuel Meeker to the said
dt'femlaf.t, to the aaiount of*neaf two thcufaad
ditfliirs and alft>by fijtty land warrant# j
Now' therefore, wfl&fc -he said John Cleve»
Symmcs (hvl appear.give ffircial 1 bail, and receive
a declaration afth; fui> of c*e plaintiff, judgment
wili bo e:;'ce:e»! ag-ainU hip, and hft property
herein sttadhfed, will -fci fold agiieabLy Lo r.Uc
in.lmji cafe made aad prov : dod.
Aaron Ogden, &c,
RJijibith-town.July 8,1797 (u) mv»i»nj
v" *' v
P'o: [/.««, i.ViI.
,X} » * Ivf
; c 1-..
Vw » M
Entitled to Drawback:
At No. 35 l)otk-stre&\
ice pieces gauze,
fPittsburgh Glass H r crks,
. *