Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 10, 1800, Image 2

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    if m ft teUigcrice*
LON-DON,* Febrtfary-g
The mod uofuive advices have been ie
cCived at Vienna anu Ratifbon, that 30,000
Ruffians, as auxiliary corjxs, two thirds,
infarttry and one third cavalry* are now
marching in tnree column* towards Bohr
inia. The Ru'iiin army now quartered in
Bohemia wiil be incre*fed to 700")® men.
Thus a frefh army of 100,000 Ruffians will
appear in the field early in \he Spring or
perhaps' -foonjr, if circumftauces ftjould re
. The Vienna Cotivt Gazette of the 4th inft
eoatains an official relation *>f'the occurren
ces m Italy," dawn to the 23d Drc. hv which
it appears t*at the French, in (lead of hav
ing g unci fotne were forced to
tf With tfie utmost precipitation to the w ills
of Genoa, m »ny of ther troops, 'With a
cliief « f being taken pnfoners.
The Imperial army in Ita4y is to be com
plete to 15000 o men, and that of the
ArtMt'ke it is fuppof.-d, will not he left
th t 2 ;0,000 mei> t which, together with
70,000 ftjUtans to ncl on the Rhine, and at
lead 1 2 j,o'oo prafants, who will give
full employment t6 Qtfonaparte abroad,
vchilft the Chilian's, Vendeans a frrfh
Continental expedition of Angl<>RuiTnns
Siay equally claim his attention.
The Imm nfe Reparations rrjaVrtig by tl>e
allies for the commencement - ©!' cbe ensuing
Campaign, miy well strike terror even into
the daring- h-art of the bold Buonaparte,
■who tcl the augmented forces of the allies,
has little more to oppose than the faint re
duced and -dispirited armies, wh® in the last
campaign w«re beaten both in Italy and
GtjriTunv. It is no wonder therefore that
fee (Tiould bedefirons to obtain a temporary
peace, when his military and pecuniary re
foSrcts are in inch a state as must scon pm
d«ce the ruin of his reputation, and with it
of lus power.
West India News.
KINTG^ION, February ij
Tburfday fe'nnight the following meffrge
from his ho :or the Leutenaot Govern*,
wrss communicated tfl the honourable House
of AJTembly by hit Secretary :
** Mr. Speaker,
" I am commandrd by his honor the lieu
tenant governor, to acquaint you t&at the
declaration of Martial Law, recommended
by their meSage of tke sift Becenber last,
and fubfequrnt Cauncil of War, induced
him to take some strong me fures, attaching
infinite refponfih'lirv to hitnfclf, but which
he did not htfi:ate to .flnn.e, 011 th« coo.
WAiOb that he ws jdrig innccordaneewith
th. g .neral wish •' tbt ifllmd.
" Tjiat the C >rr.mander in Chief thought
it advifuble to form into a corps, al! those
*ble bodied French male i ejro/laves, who
aTe collect; t to ferw Majilty in a mi
litary capacitv, out of this i(l<n d ; and his
h- nour ventured to name to it, as officers,
those refpeila,b ! e genllemio, *ho bad fa
biaveiy and honunrably fignalixed thtm
felves in his Majelty'a military service in St
Dimiiago ; but who, by the evacuation of
the British polls, had be«n rcduc-i ts un
merited and u .fpealcabJe diftrels :
41 That the negroes so embodied a
mo'u**- to
u Negroes, who accompanied them
bat are unfit for militaiy firvice
amount to
\* Sent, during the period of the
Martial Law to Cuba and the
United" SraL's
" Scv»t to Trinidad, of all ages
w Colleded at Fort Aujjufta, on
their way to Honduras Bay
" That bo male French negroes, or male
French people of colour, exceedirg twelve
years ,txj,c can be found in this island, u; -
Jefo iii direci contradiction to the General
Orders iifued during Martial Law.
'f Thai all ,whi!tr pcrfoni, who have fail
ed in procuring the Allied teftimoniaU of
thsii' good conduft, have left the island.
*• Thai the Magiftratea of Kir.gfton have
farttwned the refidene® of 177 persons in
that t.iwn, who hive been there employed
in iodui'rous rind laudible purfuita.
*( That the commander in chief has also
in his pofllffioa a report, 'very ably drawn
up, and under tile most refpeftable autho
rities, of all Frenchmen now rcfident here
of high condition and good ccnduft ; or,
perlons of good cooduft, bat of a lower
condition in life : In this report, the situa
tion, the connexions and the profeffions.
01 all those who have been permitted to re
main in Ihe island, are fully described, and
can be refortcd to on any occalion :
" That the numbers in this lift amount to
111 ; which, with the 177, 33 above, rpakca
the total 399.
"To this lift ought to be added those
planters, and overfe«ri who are fettled in
the mountain and interior, having police
tickets'in doe form, and since counterfigsed
by two magiltratts in their neighbour
In rtnfequence of the above queftiori, the i
following address from the honourable h'oule [
of alfembly wav the next day, prefeoted I
to his honour the Lieutenant Governor: !
May it please your bailor.
We, h 5 mr.jefty's mpfl dutiful and loyal
furjeiU, .the aflembly of Jamaica, beg leave
to exprtrfs to your honor, the high fcnfe we
entertain ot'the meritorious exertions which
were employed by your hoiror, during the
ht:e martial \ iW r to %{\h i,ti nd !
the dangerous conspiracy, which jvrfons
ipcci'lty feitt by the agents of the French
diivtlory attrnjttted to orm ; an ' to K t'uu
yaurhiiiijv in' finetrre and grateful thinks.
| for the uuexan pl**d aliiduivy ai»u attention
which you have paid t® this .valuable ccTb
ny : we allure your honor, that if any cir
i uritftuiVce hate ohlige<T yQti to giVe ordcfti,
r make reguluion*, which, can-in any man
ner he rimmed contrary to the exrfl laws
f the ifl.uv!, we are fyliy convinced' tbflt
such conduct has originated from an anx
j inus delire, on the part of y*uf honor, co
1 provide for the Security ; and we are reiJy
| to give our fan&ion to all such measures."
Te.vhicn hi* honor was pleased to return
the following answer. -
u and
Gintte\nen' of the Assembly,
u I receive, with the fenfiblc fatis
faftion and gratitude, the compliment which
you have been plea-fed to pay me in yourad-
u In discharging. the various duties er
trufted to my vigilance and care, my atten
tion hasi ever been directed to the promot
ing the honor, the happtnefs and the tecuri
ty of firs v;iiu-'b!' iihuid
u After five years arduous duty in your
fcrvice fitch a diOipffuilhed mark ot yours*-
vrr r.T'id approbation has filled'the meafare ot
my ambition, and plac- d ire in .actuation
Mmoft beyond my hopes to attain,"
Il compliance with an unanimous ref®lu
(ion cf the liouf* immediately afr-.r.the ad
dress to his honor had been pft/ffntetl, Mr.
Speaker pave the thanks of the house to
lieu tenant gencal Taylor, in the following
" Lieutenant General layltr,
" I have at all times infinite pleasure iu
tl.e dtfeharge of my duty, by an obedience
to the ordtrs of this house ; but, upon nrf
occafiwn can the execution of such orders,
give me greater fatisfa&ion than at prefrnt,
when I inform you, that yotir conduit du
ring the late iftartial law has received the
unanimous approbation <»f vour countfy- I
am ordered bv the house S : r, to give you
thtii thanks for vouv tealo.fcs and indefatiga
ble fc prices during that period; and I do
tjive you the thanks of' the house recording'-
To which Lieutenant General Taylor re
turned the following answer:
" Mr. Speaker,
" Tht J-.onor which the houlV h?vi- been
j>le?frd to confer upr n nit, by their unani
mous vote of thanks, imptt ffes. on iry mind
the. inofl. lively sentiments »f gratitude, and"
viitl ever he remembered bv me with pride
aid fnttsfjclittn njy ':xt rtion'i in the f' r.
v c oftfie count* v,' duriftg the late
law, were dire&ed. by a sense of doty* To
you fir, I bp* to offer the tribute of ac
kito'vlederr nt,' tor the very" {tattering ni»n
ner in -which y->u bave K i-n pk-aled so com
municate the refolutiwn of. the house."
hi}poritd in 'the ship Jenny Daniel M^Pber-
son frjtn C^.r.ion^
\| ANTkF.f v whit? ansl yellow '
1 * Si.;'k hJu." ami colored JLuteftriags
3UrV sn-J "flotcd Sat Una :
' luc tio. ii Strips
pnvcx !<-r*-d Shawls
Black a'tj c~-T*>r< ■■! l .-£a>'a«
Ca'.itoi' CI ih
linpt rial, Hyson Vciing 'ITU AS of the. *firft
Hyson and Souchong J quality*
Aprs) 8 diot.
Imported in tie ship New Jersey, from Can
ton, jnd far sme by Archibald- McCutl,
No. IS7 Soatb Second .Street,
Wliit- and YClinw Nankeens,
Imperial, Kyf.»fl, You[> j : Hyson, Hyson ikin,
Bohca and Teas,
Black Sr.ttitisand Lutestrings, Htir Ribbon,
Caw-i, and Rheufcflib in chests,
Sugar in boxes md bngs.
A rmall■ a{T-i 1 intent of ChiHa ware, and a few
Hhds Prime Jamaica Sugers,
April 4. dtf
Just Arrived,
AMD r>H SAf.B BY Tit 8 SUB 1C "l IB KR s,
Of TIIH SHIl' PHlLJ!>hLPli:.i,
Theodore Blip, m randcr, from Bengal
An afTortrr.cir of Piece Goods.
Sugars or the Ik ft quality,
And aoo qr. che/U wi superior quality
Hyfcn Teas.
Willings C 7' Francis, ind 'John Clifford,
Marct 17
DIVIDE! JDS for the T.cttcr of Marqua-fchoim
er Rcboteiifc-• a«d - l/Cogenie, the former
captured of Augutl laftxiff St Bartholo
mew « the i rt<-r t)» soih of fame month cs" St
Croix, wiU'he pdi«-( at the Iwuf of I cwis A*!»«.»r
tus :n Front lir< -t, befaw the Drawbridge, on
1 vJHsrD »Y the 15th intl, ' '
A ■ - w-m- j< . • rt ~ - 'HK "CrcWiturs ' t the late house of lr<win &
IJE Cpntribui.its to tbf Pesnli lv»ma Kof-1 L 3 , ~f Uxip t „ n> Kentucky, are I
L JMII are - that a tIUiJ eDI J of fuel, „,o-
Cf*i. » will he he,4 « tht •*..! Holp.ul on the J J , hat sis , 0f „ fciwr „ . c# rtceiv(r(J fe | _
j'/ a ' n '°!" n ' 1 *j KW % V? fviblinhtr, will be niaJe <>m the twentieth day Portrait of Marshal Su-uierow.
\wt, 'li C ,Li t *P fl ' oe*t. *iii.ii.g th.ife creriitora who lha.l ; Gertletnen delirouft of poffefiing a capital like,
in tea r , or cc i >.ce o we ve i a have tieKj.i e that time furuiihed their accounts reft, errrpte.! in ti.e f:rft flyle, of this illuflrious
nagers an.t a I reaW for tU yew. proper i y lluftt4 ; ci.rilu,,, • Jvefta.n. m. ybe furn.fcjd with parti-
By crdcr of 2 Board of Manners, WILSON HUNT. : cular jroof at this oflue, price one
SAMU£L* GOATS, Sec'ry. iffigncc. I Dollar.
S:h. 3 mo. zSoo - saw—djt. March 15. ' duo I February I*.
7® Merchants % Store keepers, and grades*
men in general, &c.
ift, PRAY Gendfjneu, is - perfed jfr*W*rd«6f
U^^nV,"or ; int<-rdt, caUjjta'ed on evcrydol
jfar cK'tpti^o) troiu i to icoc, ffum
one djiy to Iwny-feur days t'f any
vane, \vlieth£r-u'.ed as a fta*d«ird,. or .as a
cheA"up';.n ow*i Ulcerations.
1.1 Is it of any iipporiarice to kuoW the heft
> rn-.thtfd* of computing the exchjligtS bo
< iwevT) rij.s r( unry an ! thr principal mari
time (racing pbee in 'R'uffia, Sweden, Den
mark, Wo/vay, PrulJia, Germany,
Holland, Flanders, Spain, Ponug !, Ifily»
in federal of the Windward and Leett-ard
Weft India Tflauds, and many ports in the
East laditi.l
?d Is i tb'e rbr corns ari'! monies'of
account iw fc'oe ptare* atorefaid, ot any ulc?
4tb Are thecoin* and tnonies cf accounr in the
aforefaid p'-aces, when reduced to dollars and
cenrs, of any fervite ?
sth Is a table of compound interest of any uti-
lity i
6fh Is the table by which the banks determine
the value of gold, deGrable ?
7th Is the amount of Jntereft, accurately cal
culated for each month from one to tweive
monrhs, snd on every dollar (without ex-
ccption) from 1 to'iooo, of any value?
3t*» Ij a table of all the port towns in.the United
States, and rates of poftige therewith, efany
use ?
sth Will not all these together make a book, as
geteralty ufeful and convenient -as ever en-
tered a counting houfc or (lore ?
loth Will not tbe whole, when comprised in a
quarto volume of fr»m aeo to 125 pages, be
worth two dollars?
And lastly. Is the person, who a? the ex pence
dertakes to perform upwards of one hundred
andJixty thousand calculations of lnterejl % and
of giving all the prec-edinp information to
the pubiic in ths mojl complete de
* fiiving of your Encouragement and Sup-
port ?
If the anfwsr 11 in the affirmative, you are
individually and refpe&fully invited to sub
scribe in one of the fpeaimen book«, exhibited
)t the City Tavern, Hardy's Hotel, Francis's
Hotel, ti*v Indian Queen, Dunwoady's Tavern,
th« Franklin Head, and at the GvJfge.
It is proper to state, that the work will sot
be ex*cuhrd urlcfsf.fteen hundredfubfcriberi'aft
©ntaitied ? for four thou (and dollars i» too much
to haz-i <•
VA sCEj f either will ij he of fujj
fcnberv t»- :ake the work tf hen publ!£hrd, if it
:j not delivered rigorouily conformant to my
agreements with" the public, exprefled in the
condition? sfExcd to JieXpe.cfTnen hofck*, escu
ofw-bich c.'i.&tte of fix deucfctd pages o» ;i«c
1 a:n, \« i'b refpeci,
Your bf.'tnb'.e Tirvant,
taut* Bari-h ofNorth America
The work is dedicated, by pernifiioa, to the
and Directors tif the isMnk of JS'o/th
a m«rica, and has already r ccircd the patr n
i£v ot JOHN ADAM3v-£rtf)de»)t «f the (T»j
tea of TIiOMA-JH-BFFi.RSON. Vice*
Pi elidedt of the UpL:c4 S'ates, and Preftdajf
»f the of a larye number oi Smirks
and. M.< n»t>ero of the tlowfc of Keprefeiicarfvcf
o' thv Urnte.l S'tat - ; of rhe-PrefideAtt arid
P of the different flank» nnan rfc:u£iv,
. 'Zbs pec: men Bosk In th* Hank of North Arrnr
ic.'y isjiltiag very fa* >vj;.'b fuojcy-ij)ti*ni, fo<he
'for i cftpfr'i*, some f«,r >.copies, ifil- hbe for
j fcopie*., and I take. bis opportunity tfgrutefuV.y
iicknozuisrlging attfavours.-. ■'
licr.t'fmer. having' Kufinf fs at eilhtrof
t?-c Bj;>ks may iolXutv? tjitre a-» \ve;i a$ at t')c
Tavern*. 6u already i.jji?ationcV».
Copy right Jetted according to eft ofCnngu-fi,
■ Ma'CJb 10. di&eTtf
~o bbls. Hallux Hiring*
Halifax Snad, iq barrels,
isobbls. M::ckarc!—Salman "> Fat and
iw tif-rcc , bob. and half bbls, L in gi d
70 bbls. Bay oi Fundy Shdd J order,
A few quawttl ot Coil Fi'h,
Sp rmaceti and comiiiuu Oil,
20 bbh, (Burlington) Pork,
Spaaifli Indigo,
tfhefe four ccrmpriff • *t r y ufefol
(l ike periodical way. Gci.ilt-Mtn n.y ftb
crib* for ail, or fir citli-c , »». I..i>i. 'I he fit It
order i* iiitci'id il to I>e kui otT il.c ift of
May next; the FoccefSvt ilfliß.l e.> u-l: be re
ceived ar New Yo-k i* rw > an
J average ificr, tiltir pultl cVJon it f.
tr-?t tho'e which arc c- \ 10~ 0.. t ItcM.e
- V i tlw »'» C) 1 - i a >'» v, ill be r C> 11 »c«l n trpicoi cr :
Very good Tifiegar i v the piiriel't after whh'h r)u-y v.iit -> i h mtr k
or gallon—A of Veir.fon Hams—t r ' t )'» come to h?.r:d once a« r ,th, the imporrc
bak of Cotton Candle Wick, and IS ktg* • , '* vin « »"»'k i»rh bn a, caj.nrtt »ii
No. 96, i?acr, u c corner of Tbird Street,
stb 7rn. 8 h Apri!
•I M I'ijRTE D,
In the slip 'Jean, Daniel M-PZersor. master
frcni Cant.n, an Assortment of
Ceuiiuing oi
BJ'ick zrd <oi;;jrcd i-uu-ftrings
Black S.-ttins
Black and c 'iocired Stw'uig Silks
Nankeens, F<tns, fccc.
AUo on band.
- - B il'tiils, kr. and
India Biiiditnius.
For Salt by
No. 51, South Front Street.
Ap -il 7,
£iat .itfLjiorliog {fat following pci'iodicatfiub-
. ...... „ Jicati. ns: ...
1. The British Critick ;
2. The Anti-jacobin Review and
3.. The Gerttleman's Magazine j
4. l.e'Mercure Britariique, or The
i-jfitish Mercury.
. r jPH ] & Brit':/b Critick if a repuUr Review o<
A ail *t«; wrks {ruhliil cd in (>«cai Britain ;
it js c.»iulucUd with great impartul»yy frH't* at j
l!;y, and of tV< nur.«cr.< us pablicati >uo of ilic
kiwd- svafrfcefc '<!■> »*6w appear, aud >*hich Have
appejtr«t€l >ti Great Hritaiu; it is uuivtrfaily'
a 1 lowed to be tto c t>e " •
[Price 59 Cents.']
The Arrti-Jacobin Rc*vte<u> and Magazine is
a* its title seems ro indicate, rather more c«n
tsned, as to the nature of i'» luhjcOs, but it
certainly is not lei# cai< uiatftl-.for cxttufivc uti
lity. This work is d»yid«ti U>tir depart-,
ments: i Original Criiicifm —2 A Review of
the other Reviews- 3 O- cafional Effayi, in proft
and verie— and 4th, A Monthly S'-mm ry <>f
Hi' nry and' Po.iiu * .Every iix months it |i«s
a itipplrinei t, c nta niiig a review <>t loreign
works, not forgrttinp thole of America 1 h<*
.c"l id
mrrtiv literary awtd fcicntifi , tha-.i <n th >fe ' Ki\DMS? to ANLMAL3.
tohich hwe a mer. immediate on so j j j h»d known the author of the
c,c :>- , *«>■ b'.ld and inalfrlv hand, tfcor- f j n.ould
rctfj the blundcrings of earor, traces tne intri- . ' , tl , „, , . *
cate winding!* of'rnifrcpreTcr.tation,, and trips' with htm mo I coidial y, *nc t* ed h.m an
off the raalk of hypefcr;fy. The aVowtdchatn j fellow. He tells r.ot only a tender
pion of the cl urcn and the state, it spores the j jjory or an amiable youth, but mentions his
enemies r.f neither, whether «.pen or j 1 He did not dtftingbiih with the dry
and, fcnrnir.p the pufillanimoui drfenfive, up- j o 's a nattiraliU whether the animal
0.1 which the friend, of truth hive ton long waJ a nu ft,ff or a fpa„iel; he iUu s 3 tir
ailed, it carries, on a Conunual and vigor .us ; . , . ..
a- r i. 'ix u tumfiance uOrn. which -one may mkr tvat
often five warfare atnrchy, immorality, > , ~ r , , • ; . ,
and irrelij/ion, and thus Jettat'lilh's'by its uni:- j Waß a, lU t f rl "*' ,niL
form condu&, its right to the titie it his as j h e at ted author, the mirtion «f the Koufe
lamed. - | hold animal Jid not fully'the ► ravity of thy
P4jv. 'it thu h.-it rod \y J ,-tit a fir.m-r}
hut I'will i-et.iin rtiy btlief, tf my lords, tn«
Whops, liiouhl a nit', an.l viirow their biiieii
£ Price 50 Centi. ]
. 7/.v Gttttkman'f a a ark ftatt ped !
uith the Apptohari.a vt ;h:etf frore years, c,ri j
fif!s chi.'flv, of from ,
lies nnd c»iMv*lor? f a».d of oi gi>-al eiiiys, in {
vcrj'e and prof written by the ni !t !c.u r»cJ «uid J
ingenious men in the ii.d j
by iurf s» a'atolt evj.y in to ;
mat;. '1 i..f n.ifn'l i.fou'i ptrt Oi Iheuo.k -i '
followed by a fc!r«f:io'> ».■f authejit'u k f;
:nd dt>TjeMfk inch <ii g > tF.cial re- |
'port', al'.' *;• :.utlr-6loi iKc pro- j
ccvoi. g- ».■ pj; ; atXtsC'fT.tsa v-jrv.o- ;
piou>' bitlri'V- ;.ct intreiy aliftof dcaihs, |
lj\;t a v::Uui ilt irr.e* cr ' :ot; *phy ; t'<\» I h.:-" •
at'dco. a Met<-< ro -j i*l Ih* y at.'! Y; Vc,. a j
n3i if 1 *lurii!ry { «. r L a :«i t jiVivon?,. |
a mW ( f \ i :«c .vt a.: cp'i-t«uir»'fji, <*'• -l cr t!.< :
t r < t v :l«v in ri;c ir.oi: h : S i thar ;
thi. w->rk i-.aijJ cw-r It «n Vi.u v
uftKl to;r,t>.;.:i,oi', it C 6rJvlo t!,">fe <vf O vc!
of t!)e lorn H 'ft/TV tM, [
f.ut Irt t..e ir;crvha t th«■ t-»ad ' ».*5 jftoi t,
ro v."ry m n;iw-ry l.e iKe oi.«
his tt'.iTVi • r 'Jii ''hf-rit }>M/:ui: • <
Le Mercure Urita;iKi^u* t cr, LritpS AJereu ■
tj / *-y Motilieur- Mailei I>u Pan.-- » nis w. •k,
of wh ; <~h nurn! er p^bJ'fhed- evtry f/.r.-
»r> I ai»d \u Enjcl-fli» i- i; .
i?9S« and ». c*nw»h'.d u iih < n. p.
fpini i«d €fi<Ui iiv it»'b tk kiJtQTuai frt cri*
tia4 } it CMiu.wiitf aJV.ianavy> and s t K r»cp'«
fi'ory, of all i! r iu;p even s,
tac)san-' jv.iMif sii^ri.iru'r.tx 1 ', wljcli :rr«ir to iht
VVfftm a:ra a ■ *jf i, oT
aji i i.aiiona 1 rifchj* ]it <*xicjj iu vi.'w
t;vtr all the n.-iichs w Europe, canines lh*
Co::duwl ?ii'] elijc'iofe* ll e ( ,f their 'ci
p"-livc <.(.urii ; it i*. 'n ih -rt a t>n»f and
I.cnfive h'il-'T ) of the : ;nic«, tcpaily : ema V *h* t
f- r tlie of i s !iyl<», Ue profu* d. y of
lis remarks, ajid the iouudntf. of its prwu iplts.
[Price 50 Cunts,]
, U. Ic-„r,nj: y.
j rcij o:.d?!.ts
Sul»f will he received fro'» any
part of A mrric , by J \V. Ft'NffO, t'h.laVi
p-hfa. N'» advance •* required. The p; ices are
but four cent* a number lngiigr tlidn iu London.
4t>rrl 3,
ji's-r run, isiiED,
FQK\ Sd&Rt
i A SKFTCn o■' TUP.
JLifz an& Character
Field-M a*fool General iuthe fcrviceof Kis Impcri
* al'Majefty, the -Erupt n<c ot art the Rujftiaa,
The Hiftoty of his Catnpaigiis.
Trc.nfiated from tie German of Frederick
To which is -t'.'!rd,
A concise and comprehensive History of
His Italian Campaign.
By William Cobbctt
hitb an elegant Print-Porirait of thai re-
nowned Warrior*
[Price 1 M Dollari.J
A. D
%\ft Cwettc.
tshsH' vknl"-r,, APnu. 10.
j u {Jytai st tenacem propofiri virum,
Nok civiurn ardor prava jubcocium,
Non vultu* inHaotis tyninni,
Mente quacit folida.
f* 'l'o-nii'rrpw brtng G«od FhIBa V,
the I'ut)Ucatinn of this Gfcitve wilt bar l'ul",
ii u:iu+S«turJ,iy.
From the Shop of Mess. Cpin* & Stowft.
E L'o ISA.
This romnTCf, tike the incoherence
has u method in rhatfrnft." It is
a jumble of plnlpfophy stud love, -tnd, though
the aUittiof bimfrif is igaisft rre, may be
read by fixcrptible fifteen without danger.
Girls wirl comprehend Out few of his perni
cious id.-su, except the fir 11 kiss of love in
the £rd'/> fCc'ne ; and kiffrs jjnd groves are
abundantly familiar: no ijifoimationajn this
fubjed\ can be given by liouffcau.
•it me*
_ and virc; . pr A'hfaiH
ch fn.,<i t f'.ve> th«t his airy spirit, volatile
a> furrot ldingfthcr, foniet.inieS'claMfed the
hdvc*« am oil j tie fine .md tentirti's tV>rn*s in
Venus ; artj .ibme times. ibfrput-.
ted • n ox did jjeiiancv among
I- 'w
AN >an BOO*
RrlVr.r ii s an old che/fi? ; it way have t
dir:y akiti voi .ti vyitn c>vei\ hut tht ihficic
if cfc n,i tiUt'it.. ildw % in »vl> 'itf*>re wretched
wo'u)«? mv! b«* ?h:ui ai
rtclic? r.K- tl;c pcn;fj! <>f rKI bookV. : I
prep ii;* '> t : *crn iigv : Tbty nrr te>tain«
lr brK'er ghan thf r»e\%cft pamphlet of
Mr, Th'niUjs Priuc. 1 nvn prefer the tra»
vel.. of' lir join ManurviU-. '!>ey are full
oi'htf c , it is true* hut tf "v arr told pteaftnt*
lv. , The n.-'vclnts ot Mr Thomas Paint
rrf-Tr.b'e ihc stsbvc'travels in onty one par*
This wiwy iiml voluptuous wliter, rfl.ou*
rithing in illiberal times,. was doomed to
w»ite ohfr»refy. lie was, a jolly curute,
jellm# jr bis arm chair, rr.d thought it f.sfe
to founderjn the mud, knowing that fiiouli
the tvihgs f f his wit iV»«r -o the chu-ch. nij3
Hap the iferpy, he mult. <Vncr before the
firr-s of the inqtufiticn. H_* appears to un«
derftar.d thoroughly the yeifeci \ icfs of thd.
Friar and the ruin, and writes like an expe
rienced r. rluie, wjio had if/T ft.tjitr things
in his dormitory, befiiea and a eiu
cifix i
I have read through Zammei inann on so.
lin;de., and am well acquainted with that
Dinit, I g6 but Utile
r.y. Few pass niCfre lonely hours than .iny
ftlf ; Ar.c, notwithftandh r ' a U the, fine
things fa id-about -society j I often find my
own thou^i'is, few as they >re, very pieaf
ant aflociat s. A rcclui'e has meat to eaf g
which the world knows nut 01. Seated in
my wicker chair, I prefer a. truiqvul cigar to
a_ i oijy rev: llrr. and with a frw and
prtperson n«v tuble, pass as rational evenings
..s 1 hyd s he honor to tr.tfe
Coqi'KTIUA, or 11 u citv bidl.
Oi late,men haver grown as gVeparicu', as
fiicep, and it is a fort of axiom
th?t there is no enjoynitfnt, except in a
Bur the fa ft is, ivp arc /ao
r'-t tiTIK'S, ai'ii ill'id tf:f j- IKy us
\*irv, or u.,- <: {••Miny oi ir.iul.ih oiF.plw
r-e:.t;,' tWn<- l.rrr-i, wlk 1; r.ui.i ptofii.
w>!y :{'ti : it* ■J-'. OiJ k: ]) t ;v,uacU
vilcs to c<>■ 111 »j? \v;th vivr own hearts. <]>
gui bras, aud br Tiii!. This ndvice is &;
good in Philadelphia, as in Jtrufaltm. .
I never read twer ty pages in La-vat**,
even n the abridged edition of his book, but
I have 11 y whims, V hci) 1 pet it the hi)in„u
face. sl'f talks lonic where of a
" forehead, Tt.iijnausly lew,", and I always
feel fufpici»us, even of sparkling eyes, if a
very puny and snub nose fi'.lly appear un
derneath. The befl physiognomy is where
there is most interest and expression. The
latent diamond may oe found among meaner
pebbles ; the glitter of genius is often seen
amid the murkiefl features. Many counte
nances, when at reft, are like a good land
scape objured by the shadows of twilight.
Sech faces, when -lighted up by the glow of
fentiinem, or the (torch of fancy, are like the
plery, in fon.e at' the pi&ures of the Italian
school, or like the bright visage of the firft
cffriftiai's Martyr, whefe "face was, as it
Were, as the face of an angel."