Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 09, 1800, Image 3

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Jnftum et teiaacem propofiti virum,
Non cirium ardor prava jubcntium,
Son vukus iftftantis tyranni,
Mente quatit folida.
Moral Dispensary.
F®e fe ormioibus promittit folverc mct-tcs
Quas velir j aft alifis duras immittere curaa,
{•ifteie iquam fluviis. ct vertex a fidera retr6:
No&urnofque cicc mano*. Mugirc videbis
Sub pei'abu» terram, ct defcendere moptibus
cruoj». Via.
Grief and jay ay e subject to her to ill:
Ybt Jiwing streams Stand still and wonder.
By potent urt she stpps toe stars and drives
tbem frighted back. Trees lake the alarm*
and Scampering auit the bills; whilst the
!:;>iearth fobo) ir.g jw.Oning, bclloio'inv
iviih, sends forth ber nigbtij ghosts.
MUCH to the order of ra
tutff ha-, in aU ages. U*en allnbed to the
nugic agency or* To account for
iuchan imputation, without acknowledging
the fadt, appears feme what difficult. Whe
tlict} Prom their known influence over the
morrtl wovii!, that ovtfr the'natural lias, by
analogical deduiUor', bc«n derived ; whether,
from their acknowledged ability to excite
Cottim< x ti«ns among the afleClions and pas
sions of the heart, it has been concluded
that they poflefs like powers, over the ele
ments of the natural creation, admits of
doubt. Certain it is, that, from the earLiell
times, there has been a generation of won
der-working females, whoie pretentions to
otcult scienCe and supernatural power luv.e
procured them the notice, the admiration
and the moUf.Y of the credulous multitude.
I have been led to thcfo general remarks,
by unaccountable infatuation or enchant-
flnent which appears to be praiiifed upon the
inhabitants of this city, and, particularly,
tipon unmsrvied ladies, by one ot these fe
male lriaijiciifns, who is said to have set up
her eortinam, and opened a commerce with
other worlds, Ifl a certain mugic celt in Race
I am ilhable to ascertain the particular
tiode in which (he operates to produce in
tie mir.d that derangement of the ration-
al facilities, that insatiable curiosity, and
that wiftftf 1 anxiety to pry into the fecrt ts
Of futurity, by means of whicn (he nightly
tp her unhallowtd myftcries, such
jnoltitudes ef deluded mortals. It is believ-
Ed, that »hat, to vulgar eyes, appears a sim-
J>!e, harcnlefa paOk of carcU, is nothing less
than the oppnfelefs. oailuceus of Mercvry ;
by the latent energies of which (lie summons,
T tt her-will, a congregated throng of spec
tres, fprights, ostlers, ladies, waiting-maids
and ftattfmen, Ivho, with anflgUd hope and
fear, hang on ler lips to learn the awards of
Pate- She, Minos like, declares their lots :
Spells, philters, globes and fphtres of palmiflry ;
A ligi't in one hand the gipsy bears.
In th' other, a prophetic fitve and fljears."
TKili equipped, wife and mvfterious in her
«fpe£t aS the fag'aeious owl, and big with
futtine tieftiny, as bat by wanton boys blown
up, (he bursts with {Welling divination, and,
to the astonished crojvd, discloses ——
What ? That thole who marry will have
husbands, and tliofe who marry not, by
Jate's unalterable decrees, mult live old
maids, or else no maids at all. Such and To
marvelous is her matchltfs skill 1
A iiill stronger proof of lupernatural
agency, is the mighty charm, by which (he
blunts the edge of sensibility and holds here
female audience, urnibalhed, to hear what
she relates. Strange as it mult seem ! the
etrt of the modefl, virtuous and chad?,
■which, in other circumstances, would looner
be flopped forever than listen to the mod te
mote ami Con of an improper nature, here
become pleased r. ith unchaste and indecent
itifinuatiolis, apdev?n patient of downright
obfeehny. Ladies, who in th? free, unbi
iilTed exetcife of their rational faculties,
Voiild rather die like Lucretia, than live fuf
peited ef dilhonor, will here tamely submit
to_ hear their virtue questioned, in pre fence of
£he multitude,. and (mile at the imputation
ur prediction of thof; " deeds of darkness,"
which modtfiy will not name and charity re
fdfes to crrdit. " 'Tis pitiful, 'tis wonder
cus pitiful" to behold in what manner the
graces of mod. Hy and the charms of beauty
art here out-charmed, infatuated, and profli
tated at the flrfine bf all-potent magic.
All will allpw that great and numerous
£vils v penjitipus to private peace and public
if'manners, liece(Tan!y flow from tliforders
like thefev The persons will bear
me »itfcefs,. that, when once they have so
■ fat- indulged their curiosity as to make the
fjiperitner.t, ho-wever relolutely they may
have fortified their minds against the belief
of any miraculous skill in this pretended ex
pounder of the decrees of Heaven, there has
flill remained some traces of uncertainty.
Some trifling cirtumfHnce, to the— unac-
C'ouAfable, feme ambiguous, unmeaning hint,
»hich their own knowledge of f-lifts, affifled
by their own invention, could alone appro
priate to any a&nal event, makes room for
doiftt; »t kail, if not credulity, to keep pos
session of the initid. This alone is fufficient
h ta (Kfttirb the imagination, to awaken un
t»(t>Bab}e apprehensions or falfe grounded
ftfjHcjpqrJ, to unsettle' the serenity of the
. telbj(»*,»nd to {hake that calm and Heady
which rational people (hould moie
' Wnfideutly repose in their God than in the
trickc of a prefeffed conjurer.
I w&uld not fee thus serious, upon a ludi
crous fubjefit, were it not, unfortunately,
true, that many, in honed simplicity, have
gone so far. as, Hucffe<ft' v ' to believe, an
ignorant, ft!!y wofijan lias been able to rend
the veil-which the God df nature had kindly
drawii between us and futurity, lind, by dint
ot frivolous rites and unmeaning ceremonies,
to lay open to the view of mortals, tliofe se
crets which He had wifely intended,forever,
to have concraled from their fight. Such
ideas, and the conduft which results from
them, are not merely frivolous and ridicu
lous ; they are absolutely criminal and ipi
buch is the disorder: but what shall be
the remedy ? Reasoning cannot effed it :
tor, though reason is a u goodly.'pearl," it
has no beauty or value in the fight of thole
who direct their cfcs above it, into the re
gions of mystery and wonder ; and eVcii the
wholclome precepts of morality, seen through
these' mists ol ignorant cf»dirhtv, appear to
loft* their excellence arid lultre.
In a cafe thus-difficult, it is the part of* a
prudent physician to proceed with caution.
I lhall, therefore, adopt no final nleafurrs
'till farther investigation iliall have enabled
me to prelcribe with greater confidence of
fuccets. In the menn time, I would earnest
ly entreat every lady, wkofr difcietiop has
preserved to her the enfeioufnefs of spotless
manners, to abflain entirely from
this infectious place, and to resist, with for
titude, every beginning of io idle and mif
chievous-a curiosity. Do not,' my fair
iriends, expole your delicacy to the fcrutinv
and looie remarks of the unknown and pro
miscuous multitude's, who nightly-convene
there, for other purposes than t.hofe of Con
•iVting the fortune teller. Leave it to those
who have iufficsent cayfe to apprehend what
a lutitre "day may bring forth" to calm
their apprclieiifions, to prove their virtue or
prepare againtt dilgrace, by the alfiftance of
oracular refportfes. " Good name, in wo
men, is the immediate jewel of their fouls," for fame", U requireb more than
mortal testimony to gain belief, i: is but
reasonable that Aicli flioajd be liKiulged with
an opportunity of having- their virtue attest
ed by authority which cannot be doubted.
It is, therefore, rr.y advice, that for the pre
sent, no obstruCtion be thrown in the way
of th®fe who are aifpofed to visit the fortune
teller, and that i: be taken for grafted, that,
were it proper, they could give convincing'
proof of the propriety and uecellity of the
It is reported, tliat tliere arc certain of
the great council of our nation, whom it
delighttth to consult the iiiterefts of thei'
country, in this repository of occult fcielH* ;
and, is I would, by no means, be inftiunvn
tal in depriving government of any necefTary
or ufeful aid, I would recommend, that eve
ry such lariy a. before alluded to, Ihould
have the privilege of introducing one mem
ber of Cong.ets.
I would likewise requ (V the police of the
city, !inr.e they think ii proper that a public
office of This" kirfd "tl'rciuld be sept open so
the benefit of the citizews, that they w<3uld
increase the notoriety of it, ancl cause its
moral and political tendency to be more ful
ly undttftood, by •rdenr. the fallowing in
scription to be placed over tl door.
Of both Sexes,
At the Moderate price df twenty-jive cents
a Pair,
Dnflir Simple refpeflfully requests the
ladies not to mention him to the fortune
teller, left (he Humid peiTusdc them that
tliele malicious remarks have been made by.
Come one, who is ashamed' of his real na>ne,
and by discovering the author.. Iliould prove
tier own (kill, and destroy llie credit of this
From tie Shop of Mess, f.onw 'ct Spondee,
From the Shakkspears GALLExr.
He swears as -many oaths, is he fpraks
words ; one that sleeps in the contriving of
lewdnefs, and wakes to do it. Wine loves
he deeply J dice dearly ; and in women out
paramours the Tlirk. False of heart, light
of ear, and greedy of hand. Let him keep
his foot fron brothels, and his pen from
lenders'books, and defy the foul fiend.
This fellow picks up wit, as pigeons pease,
And utters it again, when Jov« doth pirafc.
He is wit's pedlar ! and retails Ins wares
At wakes and waflVis, meetings, markets, fairs.
For all that hord,
They'll tak# fuggtflien at a cat lap> milk ;
They'll tell the clock to any buQutfs that
W i (ay bcfiia the hour.
I am a (eilow ot the fliargeft inin'd in the
world; I delight ill masques and revels,
sometimes altogether. lam good at thele
kick (Law 3 as any man in Illy I am ex
cellent in a galliard, and, faith, I on cut
a caper- I can go to church in a minuet,
and come home in a coranto. My very
walk is a jig.
Kobefpierre and The People,
An intelligent and well informed French
gentleman lately in this city, fpeakirig of that
bloody tyrant Robefpierrc and having said,
" That he was not a man of ability. That
he was 110 orator, a very ungraceful speak
er, extremely ugly in his per Ton, and a poor
timid creature," was alked how it waspofji
ble that a man such 3s be had described could
for a moment, much leis f r a length of
time'govern so'"great, so intelligent a nation
as the French ; rule with an absolute sway
such a body a® the national convention, and
dispose as he did of theltves and fortunes of
the French people ai hitcaprice dictated ?
answered, the i-eifon is plain. He prondun
ce'd the words The people better than.any
man in FranceJ andfo sensible was he of
their'effeft, that in a difcoyrfe of fifteen
minute he would ufe'the words forty ti;ues."
Thus while that inhurtian and bloody
monfler was lending this same people by
scores from day to Jay to the guillotines, he
by the mere use of the magic words tin peo~
pie, and by prnfeffing great regard for their
rights and liberties, made, them believe he
was their only friend and prote6fpr.
It is confidently believed tha; a very
preat majority of,our»xclulive patriots, our
thorough going democrats and jattobins use
the words here with precisely the fame in-J'
tention and with full .41 much -real regard
for those righu-as Robespierre.
<toette flift.
Port of Philadelphia.
Ship Muhlinfels (arrived yesterday.) failed
from St. Croix 6th rult. Left their rive
brig. Rtbecca, M'Clintock, of PortlYnouth,
N. H.—had been taken by the French, and
retaken by the Brit; ft. Touched at Turk's
Island the 18th ult.—Remained there the
brig Adeona. Prefcott, of and from Porif-
HV'Uth, N. H.—failed from Turk's Island
with the following veifels : ihip indepen
dence* Lynch, ot' N. York for Alexandria;
brig Aligator, Ritige, nf and for Portfmout-h
N. H. Good Intent, Blunt, do ; Natlianid,
Webster, Newbury port. In lat. 35, o, N.
long. 73, 34, W. on the 2d April ipoke the
: ichr. Eagle, from Port Repub-
Ijcai''-.. ; ■
Schr. Thistle, Jones, of a»3 t\>r '.hit port
from J<iroeic:<, is lofl'at ami crew
laved by a Br.itifh frigate.
Ship Fam*, Jones. arrwed ytftcrJay fiOil
London. afters paflage of 63 days.
Ship Fame, Jonrs, failed from Londoh ]
Jth Febrjajy.—The following vessels were'
laying in the Thaiiies on the third
February .
Ship Kensington, Adamfon, Philadelptiie,
[to fail 20th Feb.
Belvidere, Rofs, do. just arrived
Aftive, M'E>ougal, do.
Roebuck, Rator, do.
Liberty, Corran, do.
Brig Hannah, Boggs, do. fail in 4 weeks
Shin Niagara, Pauldii.g, .N. York, to fail
' 24th Peb.
Tv b Friends, do. 2jth
Alliance. Chew, do. 2jth
Boyne, Brown, do. 25th
Brig Union, Leonard, do. for Alrxandria
Ship Galen, Seward, Bolton, to fail 20th
Diana,. Davis, do.
Minerva, Barber, do,
Sarah, Breck, do. do.
Brig Helen, Harsden, do. do.
Ship Birmingham, M Carty, Baltimore, to
[fail 20th Feb.
Hampton, Lee, do. do.
.".polio, Tburflan, do, do.
Halcyoti, Wife, - do. do.
Rebecca, Ruflel, Norfolk, tofailzjth.
Juno ; Lulu, do. do.
Ritfon, Willlon, City Point,- 30th
Well Indian, Chiftoni, Charleston.
TwoFrieadSfM Nealj Chariefton 25th
Maria, Ingles, do. do.
Eliza Webrtcr, Brown, d<?. do.
Beijttoiin. Malcolm, Sivar.oah
Hawk, Main, "do. do.
Brig Abiga'l, Hftchins, Portfmoutb
Mafia;"Burtsn, Charlellon
On the" 25th March, in lat. 21 oa N. 1
long. 60, 40. feil in with arid was engaged
by a low fchoontrr privateer of 14 guns, un
der French colours, with (.he bloody flag
additional.' The battle coiltiuucd the whole
of the 2j"th : night then came on, and at
dawn of day (zfitiY) it was again renewed,
but with some what more camion, as the
refpe&ful diltance they kept fuffi.iently
teflified. The enemy appearej difLlisfied
with the treatment they received ; however,
Judging a fulpenfion of hostilities would
relieve the fatigue and trouble they had un
dergone, chose to remarn quiet the whole
of the night of the z6th. Roofed fro n
ther lethargy, on the 27th the Fame was
again attacked, and again as gallantly de
fended by an expert need and brave captain
and crew, with the assistance of several gen
tlemen paflengers, who throughout the
whole of the engagement acquitted them
selves honourably, and behaved like men.—
The privateer men finding themfelelves com
pletely foiled in all their manoeuvres, either
to board or to disable, eventually hauled
down the bloody flag, and fntaked off, leav
ing the Americans as conquerors.
NetvYo*k± April 8.
Ship Hunter, Ceffin, St. Domingo 22
Brig Abigail, Matthews, Naveia,
Venus, Shaw, Antigua
Swallow, Hughes, St. Thomas
Hunter, . St. Übes 70
Schr. Maflachufetts, Mansfield, St.
Thomas, Sandfora, Tobago .20
Sloop Providence, Lewis, Cape-Francois 16
John, Ropes, do. 26
Ackcrly, Warner, Havanna 17
Gen. Greene, Slocum, Bermuda 13
Captain Shaw informs that the Federal
George of this port captured and re captu
red ; the fchr. Fox, of Hartford, do. by
the captain and one hand ; and the Hoop
Clarifla, of Providence, do. had arrived at
Ten days since the ship Hunter fell ip
with 30 fail of the homeward bound Ja
maica fleet, under the convoy of r. frigate-
Cspt. Hughes the 3d inft. was boarded
by the Cleopaua frigate, the Alia, of 64.
guns, then in co.—was informed, that the
body of admiral Vandeput was put in spirits
and sent to England. •
Capt Mansfield it lat. 30, was boarded
by the English (loop of war Pheafanf, and
waa informed, that they had fallen in with
a United States brig, with 3 French priva
teers in tow. The brig Bpeedwcll, Craw
ford, was captured by the Freuch the day
foe failed from St. Vincents.
Capt. Lewis in lat. 26, long. 72, was
boarded by the Alarm frigate and took from
on board J»er capt. Innes and crew of the
fchr. TKiftle, from Jamaica to Philadelphia,
which was upfct the 23d in a gale, and was
taken up the next day. James Lewis, who
was lick below, was drowned.
Cap*. Warner, the day after he failed,
was boarded by the U. S. brig Norfolk,
Baiobridge, the Warren then in co. The
Norfolk was to fail for this port the lft ef
April. Thufhip Hope, 91 days from Ihi
ladciphia, had arrived with a ICCO. bbls. of
flour damaged. Met the Orion ten leagues
from the Havannali from this port. Left
there 80 fail of American vefieis—the mar
ket glutted. In the Berry island harbour
was boarded by the Englilh brig Two Bro
thers of 14 gins, of New Providence ; the
captain of her in for mid that 011 a crtiife,
Thomas Gibfon, an Anieric n, wasdrown
ed ; and that on application to him or the
o™'ner, .his friends would receive the prize
money due him. -*
The (hip Eliza, ariived3t
Nevita, and the fi»ip Minerva, at Bermuda,
Turk 3 island.
T.b - l:jl meek of performing befori tie *
Tbis Evening, April. 9^
Will be prcunted, a celebrated-Drama, (in- fiVe
OirnonJ, Mr. Coc-pet—Aii ( cia, Mrs. Mcriy
til aft ift. A superb Gothic Hall, arch
ed roof, enriched with ancient sculpture.
Aft 2d. A Gran.d Armoury v with piles
of armour, arranged as in the tower of Lon
don ; Banners, &C. A Gothic Chamber
on the top of a tower, over tbe river Con
way, from a high window, over which Per
cey leaps, and is caught by filhermen below.
Aft 3d. A view of the rivi-r Conway at
fun set, and view of Conway Cattle at a dis
tance. A Gothic State Bed Chamber, or
namented with ancient portraits.
AS 4th. An oratory of aChapel, trans
parent windows illuminated, &c.
Aft sth. A distant view of Conway
Cattle by moon light. A Gloomy Subter
raneous Dungeon and Cavern, excavated
roof, 4cc.
Tp which will be added a Musical Ehtertrin-
The dnors.of tfie ThVatrewill open at a
quarter pa& J, and the tui'tafn rife at a Quatur
past fix.
*„* Mrs. Merry's Night will be on Men-
day next,
Last Pubiic Ball for ti>e present Season,
RESPECTFULLY informs kis Scholars ah
the Public in general, thai his lalt Publ»c
Ball will he on Saturday, April lath, at the
Uor»m in South Fourth Street. In whic'i will
he introduced an entire new fct of Cotili*sr*»,
orapvrfed by Mr. Francis, called
Les Delices D'Afnerique,
Ift The falhion,
ad, The Military,
id. The Bath ( Strathfpty
4th. The Wage ( Rtei
Composed entirely of the favourite Scotch
Itepss. Alio,
Two Netv Country Dances
For the pivfent Seaion, called
The Pbiladtlpbtu Medley
The Mi)be of the Medley is fele&ed from the
moll admired Country Dances.
An addition&l Band is engaged to play
the New Dances
(Jj- Children that are not Pupils cannot be
NB. Mr. F.'s days of tuition for the remain"
der of the season, will be on 'ftiefdays and
I hurfdiys, ar hi 3 academy Harmony Court.
April 9. cltS
"iPIIE Trustees appoinre 1 by the different
5 Pire Companies ro attend the Fire Aflo
ciation, are rcqueUed to meet at Carpenters'
Haji, 0:1 the nth ttiftant, at 7 o'clock in the
% April 9
[Cuba 13
! 3
A LL Pcrfonj-haVing claims agalnft Richard
L \ S. Footman, Surviving partner of the houfc
of Fo&iman Co. also thofc haviog claims
agaihfl (he effate of Richard S■ Fot,tman % <'e
tcafetl, ave defircd to exhibit their accounts,
well anthtnticarcil; an»i all li-ioft indebted to
the fa ill f;rm are tequefted to make immediate
payment to
[Vincents 28
Adminiflfator rd the cftate of R. S. Footman,
Frankford, April*). J* a s c f
VHE Creditors nf Ijuttc Painter are delired
* to render in their accounts to the fuh
fcri!»e.r. nor before the firil of May next, as
3 dividend viil th"n re niade; and all tuole
indebted (9 f-id f:rra ai* desired. to m»fce im
mediate payment or they w'il! be dealt with at
the law diiecU.
j'p ' il 5
ait" /caljctl;
ment called
Or, 2, 5, 3, 8,
The First of April,
NOf IC. E.
A STATED MEETING of the Fhfi fa)
Or Sunday School Society \ will be HfcM it
Mr; John Ety's. School a om, -b*ck of Hii
tfreibyteriait Church, th? "corner of Arch ah»l
Third Streets, at fe9en o'clock this evening.
$pT A* indivitlual
attention to the above ntuiikatioh U
uipril 9. U
At No. 35 t
ic« pieces gfcdae,
io'o' i words,'
Bco joinrrs tools,
140 fuddle tree's,
12 fire teuriers, brass tops,
100 brats con pa ills,
100 word do.
April 9.
i HE Contributors to the I'eunfylvania Hof
* picai are Retired to take notice, that the
Ele£h, 11 wriii l>e hcJii at the aid Holpiul on tiie
sth day of the sth monjh, 18 o, (be ij»>r tke l! -
copd cay of the vvetk,) t« be opened at 3 o'cloi k
in t/«c afternoon, tor the ih>ice <>f twelve Mu-/-
nagers and a Ti ealufer for tnu er.fuing year.
2y c rJer of a of M makers
IjW <.i 51 -
£ih. 8 mo. 1800
WILL he o. en crcry day until the end of May
at Mr. Savage's Room*} No 70, J>outh Fourth
Mr. Savage refpe&fiilly inform* the Ladies and
GcutlrnKK of FiuUritilphh, ihaf a h.indktfie col
lection of Painting* and Prints executed by Cevoral
of the fitft mallei's •») Europe, together witii some
original American Hiftorica! Paintings taken lr»m
the moftimereftine fuhjfifU, a catalogue ®f which
willbedeliv red to viOtors.
Admittance one fourth of a dollar—contact at
natepnee will be given.
April T.
TO be let that Country known by tj*^ v
name of Var eville, si *at< near" th? u£p*fif
ferry on the east fide of Schuylkill, two and an
bait miles from the Court Wufc , it conta ns ahout
IO acres of land, a beautiful house and garden,
with a large barn, coach house and f)&hle*
Plrafe to enquire at the office No, 96 Arch St.
Anril 4 d;r
To Merchants, Store-keepers and Trades-
men in general,
I FEEL peculiar pleasure in flaring, that you
hive so generously arid generally come for*
wa*"d and fubferibed for my work, that (not
withfianding all provisoes kcietotore i m«idi* by
me) the coins and m«nift. of as count of the prin
cipal maritime trading places in ttuj/ii
Denmark. Norway, Prujfla, Poland, Germany,
Flanders Spain, Portugal y Italy, infev
eTal -of the* ivindnoard and Wejl hidid
Ifiandty and many ports in the Eaji Indies —the
whole to be reduced to dollars sun I cents;'arid
thebfcfl mode of competing the exchange with
those plates explained ; alfi., a large sheet table
Of calculations at compound iatereft at 6 pet
cent. j,he tables used in banks for the determin
ation of the value of gold : the Interefi of
month from one to twelve months, on every exevption ) from one to two
thousand ; and a tabV of ali the poll in
the United Stares; besides much other general
ufefui information, fliall positively be aducd to
the work, entitled ' .
RQWLE c iT y s
Tables of' Difcdunt or Interest,
On every dollar ( -without dxcepfionj
Fturn ©nc to two thorfand ; on avery ten,
fifty, and svr hundred, to five thnitfand. from
one day to Sity foVr days ipclvfive, at fix pef
cent, with notes for f, and S per c«Ht, &c.
&c. &c.
I h» wort is dedicated, by. pcrmiflion.'to thp
Prilident and DireAors of. 3aijk of North
America, and received in ihrfirli [wtHv; diSy*
the patronage of Jomk d > ms, Pieiidem of
the United States j at I kcm a> jifpjrson,
Vice President of the Unittd ::utes and l ; refc,-
dent of tUc Senate; oft* -thirds of the Sena
tors and Members of the House of Representa
tives oftheUnited Statet; and of the Piefidents
and Direftors of the different Bank's unani
j.njpufly, &c. —a lift of the whole is printed and
• t<? the'
It is evident that the work will be no trumpe
ry catch-pensy-thing j for I do afiurethe pub
lic, that the price of it is reduced very near one
half, according to the usual rate at which books
fell ; and it i» my full determination to render
it, in p >int of sußjtCT AfjrTu, a valuable
With refpefl to the accuracy of the TaWes,
too much cannot be said, and t pledge myfelf
that a Plt£MloMof not lefsthanONe hoi-
Drkd dollars thai! be offered to the firft per
fun -who fliall inform me of a single error of ovtt
cent, according to the principle a fled upon.
To do away all doubts with refpedt to the e*-
pences of the undertaking, 1 de most solemnly
declare that they will amount to very near Foufc
thousand dollars, and perhaps more, in
depest of any remtineratiou for my own trouble
in the arduous business, and the great -eapence
already incurred for fp«t imens, propofa'.s, ad
vertisements, hand-bills, &c. &c.
I do therefore trull with confidence, that gen
tltiMen will continue to con e forward with
that public spirit Arl.-ge'nerofity which charac
reriz: the natirn, and support the work by fub
fcribisg to it without hefitsripn : athrrwilelt
cannot be publifhtd, :n<i I mull fit down-te M
flefl upon a ccNsiDFUASIs Less.
Andim, with profound r»fpe<Jl>
Gtntlemen, ; •<'
Your obedient humble lc?vatlt, .
Atcomptant, Bank North AmtricAi
Poftfcript.—Gentltmen are refpeflfully invi
ted to fee Specimens of the Tables, &c. exhibit*
ed at th« City-tavern, Hardy't Hotel, Fraacia'i
Hotel, the.Xhdifr, Queen, Dlidwoody's tavern,
the Frunkiitf Head aad at the George ; and
please be Xtferied to the other advertisements
which appear every day in some one of the
newspapers " . . .. .
SuS<u iters ire to pay nothing vntHtb/ioak
is dtlivrrtd rigor.>uQy conformable to
Copy right sct.vtd according to ac! of Coftt
march a?«