Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 09, 1800, Image 2

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    ■X# ;
W' And be sat dovon by a well. JJota tbe
priest C'f Mldhn bad seven daughters : and
ibey came and drew water, andJi'-led the
troughs to ni/ater tbeirjother's Jhck. And
tie sbspberds came and drove tbem <Kvay :
but Moses stood upwul helped tbem, and
vtatcrtd lbsir flock."
; ■ "
IN thejurenik- divsof Motes, that pro
fji-t, hiving unfortunately interfered in a
Iquarnl between in Egyptian and a Jew,
"went in* 1 Vjlont try exile. Provoked at the
aflaffination of 4 fubjee\, tt*» reigning mo
narch fooght to'flay Most s, -who fled from
Ins wrath into th_ land of Midian. Here he
took \)p his reftdeWee in the vicinity of a
/veil, and led a fort of hermit's life," un
knowing and unknown." By a glance at the
1l ift• sry of pastoral ages, it Hill be feeii, that
the tail: of drawing water, either for houfc
bold purpufes, or for the ale of the fold, ge
nerally devolved upon women. The (impli
cit)', the it) dole nee, cr the rudervrfs of the
patr ivc'-.s, caused them to forget that the
obvious d(! inaticn rf the fofter sex was
for lighter labour ; and that men, as the
natural guardians of females, should ever
relcue their fair war Is from ignominious
thraldom. Bit the prirft of Midian, with
all his learning, was, it fc ms, clownish and
inattentive in this refpeffc, For he futifers his
whole family,Of girls to 11 draw water, ami
fill*He tron »!)•? to wat",r his flocks." In
thefdays, res rv,cirs and citterns attradled
almost as great crowds, as Bath in Eng
land, and Lebanon {brings here have, in
times more modem. Indeed wells Were a
kind of haunt ; and at their margin were to
be found pilgrims and jjatriarchs, shepherds '
and herdsmen, blushing beauties and clam >-
rous boors, all eager to a'lay their own j
third, or that of the animals, lowing and
bleating around. In such a profnifcuous \
crowd, GrofiV'f-, and Incivility would al
ways mingle, indued predominate, an 1 not
only def : cate ears, but even graceful forms
would fa me times he wounded. The da ugh- ;
tc s of the Egyptian clergyman did, not re
pair to the well of Midian, without exptffure
to the attacks of brutality. Certain shep
herds of the country, 44 fellows of the baser
fort," in all probability, Midianitifh demo
crats, influenced by the wonted-churl i Griefs ;
of such characters, came and drove these un- j
offending females away. Perceiving this :
harfhne'a, and, in a spirit of gallantry, re»
fcnting'ic, Moses quitted his feat and his
meditations, and civilly helped the insulted
maidms, and relieved them from the labour
of watering their flocks. ThU is a pVafing of primcsval politeness ?and demon- j
ftrates that even in the Gmpleft stages of fo
cie-,y, the man of feeling and judgment will
Cver support the rights ofwotrrtn. j
The f x have a paramount claim on our
proteftion, ten.iernefs and good breeding.
Years cannot cause my dim to survey
thefair cardefsty, or with indifference. I can
fiill feel the feniment of the courtly DrV
" Old t* I am, fortaJie*' love unfit,
- ht power of beauty I p-mcmher yet "
Once, in the absurd misapprehension of
youth, I t oUj»ht the eharafler of a wo
man hater worth imitating ; ar.d even at
tempted to h rl a female lance at the cham
pions of the daughters of Eve. But time
bas tauh' me the impolicy and bafmefs of
such 3 warfare. I have not only made a
true.-, but concluded a firm and iafl.'ng peace
wiih th>- ladies. I {'Tide myfelf that they
ftil] admit an o!d fellow to their to lets, and
that they will not refufe a dwpped fin,
though prelented to them by a grey headed
gal:art. If I hear the pleasing rustle of (ilk
against my. study Hairs, I make fhift to hide
try crutcn,. and, at the expense of my gou
ty lin bs, cheerfully resign my obsolete arm
chair to the occupancy of the fair sex. I
am a very Moses to resent any ill treatment
they may receive ; and did modern ladies
watch.atid water flieep, like the seven ftiep
herdefles of Mi.Man, I am sure I should
" right merrily" fill the bucket.
Thi" gallantry of the attentive Moses was
not unrequited. It procured him an invi
tation to the house of the clergy .nan, whose
daughters had been thus protested by the
shield of civility. The fruits of good breed
ing were the gratitude of a venerable priest,
and the hand of Z pporah, his daughter.
Thus it may be learned by every young
man, eager for a pli»fant paflage through
life, that attention to women honours both
the giver and receiver. Nothing is to be
gained by rudeness to the sex. By cemplai
fanee to them much may be acquired. He
who is U' iverfally decried by women, is
rar ly very popular in trale society. Nature
jnt-.nded that the fezes should live in amity.
Let'the good underftonding continue. If
we treat our female friends with cnurtefy,
with tendernefj ; if we listen to their voice
with attention, how at their approach, and
sigh at their dtp .rture, we (hall be liberally
remunerated Selfifhnefs alone will difta e
such polite; ess. Woman, naturally frank,
generous and sensitive, will hasten to dif
ch3rge the obligation. On him who is thus
watchful to plirafe her, she will smile with
radiance, she will frooothHs pillow, •' sing,
like Hotlpur's Confer! thefongti at pleases"
him, and " b nd his aching head with /low
The apf O'fitment of GourgßXEps Moß
nrr, E±(l. ns Senator of the United States,
is .il'ke £ atel'ul to the worfliippir of Geniu ,
and the advocates of ancient ) rinciples.—
Such talents, quickened by bis energy will,
in this " ex gent moment," be of primary
use to his country.
•. Mr. Harper, from the Committee
Ways and Means, prelented a bill to autbo"
.rile tbe sale and conveyance of lands in cer*
t&in cases, by the marlhalls of the United
States, aitd to confirm former Wei—•which
was coitimitted to a committee of the whole
The report of the Committer of W«y»
.nod Means, to whom was referred the-amend
menu of the Senate to the bill for cflablifh*
injt a general (lamp office, was taken up and
agreed -to-»-Whereupon,
Rest-'ved, That this house do disagree to
the 2d 3 1, and 4th amendments, and aik a
conference on the fame.
Three managers were appointed for that
Mr. Harrifon, from the committee to
whom was referred the petition of a number
ofths ancient inhabitants »f the Illinois
Country, made a report, recommending the
agreement of the house to a bill therewith
submitted, in addition to the art intituled
an aft for granting lands to the inhabitants
and settlers of St. Vincents, in the Illinois
country, in the N. W. Territory, and for
confirming them n their pofleflion—which
was read a 8' tl and feconi t ms and commit
ted to a cojiimittre of the whole house, and
made the order rf the d;iv for to-morrow.
Mr. Harper Ciid, he was inftrurted by
the Committee of Ways and Means, to move
that the house do come to the following re
felutiou, viz.
Resolved, That the Committee'of W>y<
aod. Mrjni have leave to prepure and report
a bill or bills, for authorising the cominiflion
erp under the art to provide for the valuation
of lands or dwelling houses, and the enume
ration of slaves within the United States, in
those Rates whereof the valuations have not
yet been rompleated and returned, torevife.
vary and adjufl the valuation of unseated
lands, in the several afleflment diftrirts and
luh-divifions, within their refpertive states ;
so as that the relative valuations of different
trarts of such lands in the f,;ine fub-diviiion,
b: not varied or asserted.
And alf > for enabling the fnrveyors of the
revenue under the laid art, to add to the lifts
of valuations within theirdiftriets refpertive
ly, all such lands rr dwelling houlis therein,
as ihill from time to time appear to have
been omitted, uy the aflVffors or otherwise,
in receiving, making or returning filch lilts.
And also for authoriling the laid Purvey
ors to era fe from the fiid lifls, all lands and
dwelling houles wherefiom the perfuns inter
eftsd in the laid lifts refpertively fliall have
been ejerted in due courie of law, or upon
the title whereto there fhntl have been a
decision in due courfo of law against such
The refutation vras agreed to, and Mr.
Harper accordingly brought in a bill to pro
vide for equalizing the valuation of
land?—wliich was 2nd second
time, and committed for to-morrow.
Mr. I). Fo(Kt from the Committee of
Claims, to whom was referred the petition
of Jufiah Jones, who sited for <t p.-nfion,
made a report, that the prayer of the peti
tioner ought not to be granted, and thit he
have lrav to withdraw his papers.
The Houfe'concurred.
A message wag received from the Senate,
notifying that they have agreed to the aon
ference reqnefted by this House.
A mefldge was received from the President
of the United States, by Mr. Shaw, his
secretary, informing the House, that the
Prtfident did, on the sth inft. approve and
sign the following aft", vi*.
An aft to*ilfw a .'raw-back of duties 00
goods exported to New Orleans, and therein
to amend the aft e< titu'ed an ad to regu
late the colleftion of dunes on imports and
tonnage—and an aft to di charge Robert
Sturgeon from his imprisonment.
The house refolvtd itfelf into a commit
tee of the whole on the bill to autliorife the
President of the United Sta es to accept for
the United States, a ccfijofl of jurifdiftion
of terri ory, lying wft of Pennsylvania,
commonly called the Weft rn Reserve of
Connefticut—Mr. Morris in the chair when
Mr. Cooper moved to amend the bill by
striking out that part which goes to concili
ate and adjust the right of Pennfylva ia to
some of ibe land in qutftion —and thereby to
defeat the bill.
Meflrs Miifhall and Gallatin opposed
thiam.tion, which was negatived—ayes 25.
Mr. Elmendorf then moved to (tiike uut !
that part of the firft feftion which provides i
for the acceptance of the cefKon of a juris- '
diftion of (oil by the United States from
the State of Con n .efticut—and to amend the
bill so as to accept the ccffio i of jutifdiftion
only. After some debate Mr. Gallatin cal
led for a division of the quellion.
Mr. Marfhalltben entered into a lengthy
difcu'lion in favour of the bill, and againlt
striking cut.
The committee then rose, and the house
Gouverneur Morris, Esq. is appointed a
Senator >o repefent this State in the Senare
of the United States, in the room o' jamex
Wafon, Esq. resigned. In the Se at -, G-
V'orris, Esq. had if votes, General Peer
Ganfcvooit, 11 «-In the AflVmbly, G- Mor
ris, Efq- had 54 votn, Gen. Peter Ganfe
®oor:, 48. —Majority for Mr. Morris, to.
A numerous and refptftable meeting of
lederalifts, in the city of New York, have
resolved (o support Samuel Joßes, Efqiiite,
(late comptroller of this State) Selagh
Strong and Samuel Haight, Efqrs. as iie
nators for the southern d ill rift, at the eufu
itg eltftion.
Tuisbat, April 8.
ALBANY, April 4.
General Brooks i» nominated a* a candi
date for a feat in-the national hoofe of re
preventatives by a large arid refpidtabie
meetiog of (edcralitls in Dutchefs county.
Extract of a letter from St. Bartholomew,
dated February 16, ton gentleman in t bis
•' The admission of French Planter# who
h»v< pr perty at Martinique, bat were afc
sent for fume time, becomes very difficult
since the arrival of Vi&or Hugues at C y
rtine. Ycfterday we received here the cer
tain tidings that this buld and enterpnzirig
man has taken pnfi. ffion of D> marara ; and
it i« apprehended [hat he wpnt flop there,
but ihai he is likely to carry his views on
some o'her paint, having a conGderable
force under his command."
NEW-VORK, April 8.
The captain of the- sloop Gen. Greene,
arrived laft evening in 13 days from
inf. rms us a French fchoon
eron her paflagefrom Guadaloupeto France
arrived there a days before he faileJ, hat
ing «n board the French general I.avaux—
She Wat captured by the Briti(h privateer
Slip Experiment, belonging to that port.
A large Spanilh' (hip, prize to the Ex
pcriniest, has alio arrived at Bermuda.
Captain B:ll arrived here last evening, in
the schooner Americana, informs that on
the 21 ft of March, off Gi a^a l° u P e . h* f e 'l
in with the United Slates frigat* John A
dams, ihe captain of which informed him,
that the United States sloop of war Merri
mack, had b»en taken by a French ftiip or
war, off Cayenne.
Law of the United States.
Bp Statfjontp*
Sixth Curtgrefs of the United States,
At the First Scffion, begun and held
at the City of Philadelphia, in the
State of I'ennfylvania, on Man.
day, the second of December,
one thoufcnd seven hundred
and ninety nine.
7"c extend the Privilege of pranhiag Letters
and Packages to Martha Washington.
BE it enacted by the Senate .and House
of of the United States
aj America, in Congress assembled, Tliat
all Letters and Packages, to arid from
Martha Wiilhmgtoa, relist of the late Ge
neral George fliull be received
and conveyed, by poll, free of portage, for
and during her life.
Speaker ef the House of Representatives>
Vice-President cf ibe United States and
President of the Senate,
Approved, \prii 3d. 1800.
President oj the United States•
70 bbls. Halifax Heiring,
Halifax Shad, in barrels,
Ijo bbls. Mackarel—■ Salmon Fat and
in tierces, bbls. and half bbls. V in good
70 bbls. Bay of Fundy Shad J order.
A few quantel of Cod Fish,
Spermaceti and common Oil,
20 bbls. (Burlington) Pork,
Spa ni 111 Indigo,
Very good Vinegar by tl.f pips, barrel
or gallon—A cilk of Vcinfoii Hams—l
bale ox Cotton Candle Wick, and 18 kegs
of Hogs Lard.
App'y to
No. 96, Race, the corner of Third Street,
4tb mo. %ih April a6t
3 '9 H'gb Street,
GEORGE DAVIS ha* just received from Dub
lin, via New York, a very large Parcel of
Law Books, all of the latest editions, which ren
ders his aflortnunt he believes r the molt ex ten five
and valuible or the conti, eflt. They will be
opened this day, and ready for fate at any time af
The fubferihers to that important work, IVent
*vortb's Syjiem of Pleading are informed that it is
now arrived, and will be delivered en application.
Blank Declarations fettled nijd approved by the
most diftinguifced Law characters, to be had of
G. D
March 11,
DIVIDENDS fort'je Lttterof Marque schoon
er Rebotrufe. and L'ivi», th • former
captured the sth of Augufl 1 all off >st Bartholo
mews the I rtcr the fame month cfF St
Croix, will be paio at the houf of Lewis Albar
tus, in Front (hr«t, below the Drawbridge, on
TUESDAY the 15th inlt.
apri! j"
io be Rented,
AND immediate poflclTion given, if required,
a new two Brkk Hou e and Kitchen,
about 14 miles fiots Philadelphia, on the great
road to >Jewtowa. Eaqutre cf the Pointer
march a; d:f.
To Merchants.
4 /rtnfcHANTS Account* tlegaMly opened,
JVI Books neatly and correaly pulled, with
various pthtr kindi of writing, bv a person
thorouehiy acquainted with accouou.
Gentlem«n exteolively concerned, may find
it to rheir intrreft to put business m thw line
into hi. hand., as the f" lit It confidence may be
reposed in him and ample ion g'ver,.
Addrtft J line to B. A. and Jeare it witn the
printer hereof
Pl.iia(!elph»», March 19.
A nd I or sale a;
VV. YotJNG, J. c J. Crukshavk. axd
Sacred to the memory of
Late Frcfideiit of the United States, and
Commander in Chief of the Armies of the
United States.
.Adapted to the lid February 1800.
By Richard Also?.
march jS.
Is removed to Ao* 141 Soxtb fi/ont
Near the D r 3Wbridgc.
Apri! 1
At their Store N'. 5 Cbcsnut Street, have
FOR liALf,
The following Articles, viz.
Fir It quality Russia Hcmp #
Russia Duck
Brandy in pipes, firft and foutcfc proof
Made i a W iee in pipts and i.alf
Claret in cases
Winter and Summer pr< fTei, Spermaceti Oil
Spermaceri Candels, and
Hyson Tea, latefc importation
Ma|ch 14;
In the ship Daniel M*Phenon master*
frevi Canton, an sissjrtmcnt <f
Black and coloured Lutestrings
Black Sittins
Black Scnchatts
Black and coloured Sewing Silks
Nankeens, Fans, &c.
Jiso on band,
Bifuls, Sec. ■■ 1 arid
India Bar,daunts.
No. rB, Sou:h Front Street.
April 7,
Imported in the ship Jean, Daniel M k .Pber~
Son commander, from Canton,
NANKEENS, white and yellow, hlue and colored Luteftringi
Black and colored Sattfn*
Mazarine Mue do.
Sat-iri Stripe
Dove c jlored Shawls
Black and colored Taffctias
Carton Long Cloth
Imperial; Hyson, Young ")TEAS of the firft
Hyfou and Souchong J quality*
April 3
Imparted ia tie ship New Jerfcy, from Can•
ton, and for sale by Archibald McCutl,
No. IS7 South Second Street,
Whit* 3rd Yellow Nankeens,
Imperial,, Young-Hyson, Hyson <kin,
Bohea and Soucheng Teas*
Black Sattinsand Luteltrings, Hair Ribbon,
Caflri, and Rheubaub in chests,
Sugar in boxes and bags.
A small aflortment of China ware, and a few
Hilda Prime Jamaica Sugeis.
April 4,
Theodore Bliss, Cemmander, from Ik n gal
An aflortmenr of Piece Goods
Sugars of the firft quality,
And »oo qr. chclis el fupcrior quality
Hyson Teas,
Willings If Francis, and
Thomas I? Jokn Clifford.
March T7
nrHE Creditors of the late house of Ir<win &
* Rryfon, of Lexington, Kentucky, are
hereby informed, that a dividend of such mo
nies of that sum, as have been received by the
lubfi rtker, will he made cn the twentieth day
of Apr.l next among thof<* Creditor® who fhail
have btforc that time furnifhed their accounts
pr< pexly attcfie j to
THE Members of the Philadelphia Contri
hutio;.fliip for the Insurance of jjHoules
•from lints by fire, are tyctcby notified, that an
win be iield at the Court Houfc in
ti g'.i Street, outh< j4th infiant, betweeen the
hours ot two and five in tke afternoon, in order
to c oofe rwclve di.eclora and a treasurer, for
the enluin#r year
dti ?
by order of the Dirc&ork,
CALiill CARMAI.T, Clerk.
Philsdeluljia, 4th month, ffaf
Ceufifting of
For Sale by
Just Arrived,
Acting affignce
For importing '-(be following periodical p u j.
•I. The British Critick ; - '•*.
2. The Anti-Jacobin Review and
Magazine j
3. The Gen&eman's Magazine-' •
4. l.e Mercure Britanique. or TK»
British Mercury.
Briti/b Critick « a regular Bevi fw of
1 all the works puMihed in Great Britain •
it i conrtudHd with greariunpariiiluyiad ah £ j
lity, and of tV?e liutncr. o« ■jublicatiws et tk»
kind which do now appear, and which have
appeared tn Orrat Britain; j t i 8 utiverfallv
allowed to be the heft.
[ Price 50 CtnisJ
The Anti-Jacobin Review a «.d "Magazine 15
38 ps title feec.s to indicate, rathe* rnorr con*
fined, as to the nature of it* fubj«M S) but it
c ertainly is not less calculated tor ext\nfiveutu
liry. This work is fliyi&iti into 4depart
ments: 1 Original A KtWw of
t'h? other Reviews- 3 Occasional ElTays,
and verse—and 4th, A 'Mn^ihly'S'ißMnVy of
and Pnlitics Every fix months nhas
3 fupplemer.t, containing a revuw of fur«ipt\
works, not-forgetting thole a» America I'he
Ann■ Jacohin ctwalfs Irfs «>n-fubje»sls wJ»ich arc
merely literary a*td si ier lift , m
which have a mora imrned ate jiiSuence $n so»
cicfy. Wirfc a hold and matterl'v hjnd, if cor
redo the Muiidering* of rynr, intrl.
raft* of iiiifrcpre'
cffthe rvafk of hypoiTify
juon <-f the church and thf fla
enemies of neither, whether qp<.. or
and, (corning the pufilhnimout.defcnfivjp, up*
on which tlie friends of truti have too long
avftrd, ir carries en a cni*tini» and 'vi£or,;ua
often five w irfare agaioft aijin hy, irnmorality,
and irreliffiou, and thus (eftabiiihe« by its unu
form conduct, its right to the title it ha& ai'«
[ Price 50 Cents.
. 7he Gentlctnmi t MugasJne t a work ftampetj
with the approbation oi ihree score years, con*
ftfts chiefly, of communications from autiqaa
ries and cultivators, and of original essays. in
vcrfe and profr- written by the most learned an 4
ingenious men in the kingdom, and embracing
by (urns, almoit tvery fuUjedl iuierefiing to
man. Tie mifcellai.eou* pirt or the work i*
followed by a feleciion of aurhentick foreign
nnd domeftick inte!ligei*ce. including official re«
ports, state-papers, and an at>ftra6l of the pro*
teediogs in parliament ; next comes.a veryco*
pious obituary, being not merely alift of d«aths t
but a valuable /cries of biography ; to which ie
added, a Meteorological Diary and Table* a
Bi!l of Mortality for JU'ndoa and its environs,
a tal-le of the average prices of command of the
ftotlts, t revcrydayin the month 1 .So that
this work roiift ever be an entertaining-' and
ufeful companion, not only to those whp are
of the learned profelEons, commonly so called,
Ijui t<-> the merchant, the faimer, and, in fbort»
to every man, whatever may be the fubjetft Qf
his itufly, or the objett of his pursuit-
[Price 40 Cento*]
Le Mtrcure Mritanr.ique* or, Briti# Mere*,
rj ;by MonGeur Mallet Du Pan.—This work,
of which one number is puhlilhed every fart*
night, in French and in, Engl ft, commenced in
August 1798, and is continued with cncreafing
spirit awd celebi ity. It is both bijldricala'nrt CfU
t'tcal; it contains a fammary, and is the r?po>
fiiory, of" aU rfce ifl&p.irtaut avems, cfUbljfhed
falls and public instruments, which relate to the
prrfeni ajra ; it investigates point# of ia&, of
politic?, and national rights; it exteivlf itsTview
over all the nations of Europe, examines the
conduct and discloses the motives of ttye}r res»
peiiive courts ;'it is in Thorta brief ancl com'pra
henfive history of thenmrs, equally remarkable
for the eli/gance of its ftylr, tfc.c profundity of
its rcmaiks, 3nd the ibundnef; of its
[Price 50 CVms.]
These four work* eemprife r*q-y thing tifeful
in the periodical way. Gentlemen may sub
scribe ftT all, or/or cither, ot them. The firft
order is intended tp be fcnr cff on the tft of
May next; the successive numbers will be r*.
ceived at New York in two sinnthi upon an
average after, tht-ir publication in London j so
that thole which are subscribed for os or before
the ill of May, will be received in September |
alter which they will wjih very little irregula,
rity, come to hand once a mcntb, the importer
having made such ar rangemcntt as cannot fail
of lecuring punftuality oa the part of hU cor.
£s° Subfcriptiojis will be received from any
part of America, by J. W. Ffnno, Philadel
phia. No advance i» required. The prices ari
but four cent» a number higher than in Loadca.
April 3.
3Ufe ana Character
FieM-Ma. ftul General in the fervicecf His lmp«r{<
a! Majesty, the Emperor of aN the KuQiai,
The History of his Campaigns.
Translated from the German of Frederick
To which is add*d,
A concise and comprehensive History of
His Italian Campaign.
By William Cobbett.
With an elegant Print-Portrait of that re
nowned Warrior.
[Price 1 1-4 Dollars.]
Portrait of Marshal Suworow,
Gentlemen desirous of pofTefling a capital
ness, executed in the fir 11 style, of this iUuftriovt
Christian Chieftain, may be furnilhed with ( arti
cular proof at thi» office, price one
February it.
' 1 i riam-
fptm th e
.. *