#a?ette of tlje mniteu States, AND Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. SSJvf"' ' •/. V- ■ -I J3P-1 » . •* SC7" the f trice of tb* C&zette is Eiotfr } Dollars per annum residing in the city of Pbiladfpbia. All others,pay one Dollar addition*, for enclosing and di recting } end unle& \Some person in ibis city •will hfc.me an arable fort be subscription, it must 'bepaid src Months in Advance. %* No wilt be received for a shorter tent than six months. Dec«m' er / 1799 Philadelphia Academy. SAMUEL MAG AW, D. D. Re«ilor of St Paul'# church and formerly Vice- t'Dvoit of thy Uu'verfry of Pennsylvania, AND JAMES ABERCROMBIE, A.M Cue of the Affirm Ministers of Christ church an'l Sr. Petci's, INTEND TO OPtN, Cn Tuesday the ijii rfncr.t month, ( April J %n 3-cafiemp, consisr; kc or j. A NE: glifh 5,'!,.,0:. in winch wdi l>e taught Keadui-". Writing, Kn';V;fl; ftia:n:i:«r, Composition, Zlucution, anJ Xa iural Hiliory. id. A Mathtnst.cal School, in which will be taught Writing, Arithmetic, Mer cabtile Accounts, Geography ;:ntl the use of the Globes, Geometry and Trigonometry, thelf application to Mensuration, Sur veying, Navigation, Nautical Aflronomy, See. Alfa, the Principles bf Mechanics, Algebra and Fluxions. 3d. A CUffical Si hool, in which will I* taught thfc Latin and Greek Languages, in coivjun&ion with Chronology, Civil Hif tnvy, Rhetoric, and the lußitutes of Moral Sfetence. A Well grounded Soirviflion of the expe diency of the foregoing plan, has been our pnucpal inducement t« undertake it. When it is eotifitkH'd that this populous and fl;,u -»ifhtiWs Metropolis oenwips only one P'.'biic fciftitutioh efi an extenlive plan, and that niiHy of our youth are obliged to resort to other Strtes, to receive even a Gramuiar- Sthcwl Education, the Seminary now pro posed, will, v.e trust, be regarded as eminent ly tiftful. Aftusftd by thefs considerations, many gtmVemen, friettd* to Science, and to Liter ary EfiabllfhnlinU, have urged, with great ■warmth, the present undertaking, and ex cited the Tnoft Sattering expeditions of its fucctfs. Tjius ej;couW<l &V tint countenance and pTn'mifed aid tf fibrjifti fn'tfc, no Tefs tti!fi by j S fcr'm ffrfunfiotl that well-regulated Aca demies have a meft important influence I upon planners, lu'oiu, and principles ; \t will be our earned endeavor so to con deft this Seminary of Learning, as to sub serve tfhe (-rest InteiefU of Religion and TCarralitv, to promote decorum of Behavipur- of Tafia, Liberality of Senti, r»ont, nr.tl every other attribute of an ingt- Wioos tnintl, which, in conneftion with pood principles, avid found literature, coft flitwte the tWVingiiifhed o'rnamTts of the gentleman, smiths fcliolar. The building, engaged for this Academy, though affording exxullent accommodation, •will be relinquillicd for a ni*re central fi*.u atirfh, if fiich a change fJlouTd be found ne e'effary. A mafle'r of diflinguiflied abilities will be procured ta conduA the Mathematical De Frrfons delirousto beempioyedas tu'tors in tli'w Seminar)', are requeued to apply, \»kW*mt delay, to either of the fuSrtriV'r?, to wfropi slfo Parents wishing to fend their jCtrtldi-en, will pie#ft- to make application. SAMUEL MAG AW, No. 94. Arch Sreet. JAMES ABERCROMBIE, No. xoi Pine Street. Philad. March sB. Forty Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from tht,- Sublcriber, living in Saffafras Neck, Ccecil County, State of Ma ryland, on Friday the r4*h inft. a negro man nam ed PEi't-R, about twenty-five years cf age, toler able black, and left handed. He has been used to I* failing by water in the Chcfapeake Bay about twelve months, and is smart and aflive—He has been formerly used to farming and taking care of horses. His cloathing he took with him is un- JuiiWn.—lt i* expe&ed helias fhzped his course /cr'Philadelphia or CheOerToww, and th« above reward will be paid for-fecuring him in any geal win the United States, an : reasonable charges paiJ brought home, by JOHN FERGUSON. N. B- All mailers of vessels and all other pcrfonß arc forwarncd of harboring the said negro. Satfafras Neck, march 18. iaw6w Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Sprlrg Forge, in York County, a negro man, named ISAAC, other wise CUDJO, about il years «ld, the proparty of Robert Coleman; F.fq. He is about 5 feet 8 inches high, hm a blcroifb ip his eyes, more white in them than Common, by tratW a Fergetain; had od and took with him a drab coloured broad cloth coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons printed fancy eord, a iwar.fdown striped under acket; a rorurn hat ; one fiue and one coarse fliirt' one mqflin handkerchief, /prigged, two 9 ditto firiped border, a blua Persian under jacket and two peir cotton ftecVi'pgs. Whoever takes up fai4 negro and lodges him in aay jail in thU or any of the neighbouring states (hail have the above re-; ward or reasonable expences if brought banc. JOHN BRfEN. Bprinf Forge, ©Sober »3,1799. N. B. As said negro formerly lived in Chester county, it h probable be may return *ere. November 5 PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 9, iß&a. GLASS MANUFACTORY. TXiE PROPRIETORS Qf the Pittsburgh Glass IVorks, HAVING procured a fufikitnt r.utfiber of the molt approved European 01a!s M'artit- and having on hand a large ftoik of the best Materials, on which their workmen are now efßployed, have the p!e«furc of afluring the public, that window j»laf>of a fupeifor qua lity and of any fie, frorw 7 by 9, to 18 by 24 inches, careFblly packed in boxes confining 100 feet ea h, may be had at the lhorteft notice Gtafs of larger Ares for other pufpo'es, may affo be had, such as for coach glafles, clock faces, &c, Bottles of all kinds and of any q iantity may also be had, together with pocket Hafks, pickling jars, apothecary's flaop furniture, cr other bellow ware—the witole at leail 15 per cent. 1 >wer than articles of the fame quality brought from any of the sea ports of the United States A liberal illowar.ee will be made on sale of hrge quantities. Orders from merchants and others will fee attendee 1 , to on ap plication to JAMES O'HARA or GRAIO, o r at thf Store of Meflrs PRATHER andSMILIE, in Maiket-Strect, P ttiburgh. March 4» GRASS SEEDS. ftrd Clover. ") White do. Timothy. Si nfc. Foio. Trefoil Burnett. Lutern. Grafs. Orchard do. Rye <*o- Rape and Hemp. j ALkOj SHEET COPPER. IRONMONGERY, and PATENT PLOUGHS, which at-e said to be more durable than any heretofore invented, and iound oh experience to ditainifti the labour both of man acd beaft— FOB SALK Bv THOMAS HOWARD, No. 40 South Second Street, Philadelphia, February 13. tti&f.Bw. CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS OF OBLIGATIONS «r CERTIFICATES figii cd by the AsbfcriSer, 'or undivided Sliar«*4 or Lots on his purchase within ifte ckv ofWafhing ton, who have not yet applied (or and received their Deeds, ar« hereby not, Bed, that their several Titles will be c'uly completed to the order of thofc who in cotifomoi'y with rhe ternu of the fai:i Cer tificates, do make the Payments in full th-refor, either to Ttomai hi' Euen W Co. or to th ■ u'.»- fcribcr at Philadelphia, oa or at any time before the jrfl day of ,'.lay ntit. December ly BOONETON IRON WORKS. TO BE SOLD, OK IKASTD rdR ON F. YK AH THAT Valuable Estate, KKOWN by thr. name of the Booneton Iron Works, fitnrte in the county of Morris ia the tt&t* of New ]yf-y, confiding, ol a Forge with four fires, a k filing and Slitting Mill, a Grvftuuili with two Run of fieces, and Saw mill, all in good order and r.«w in use, together with an excellent, large, *>nd convergent house, with our-houfos of every kir.d ; among which are aa Ice house,, and stone milk house, With a remarkable fine tyring in it, a iaige Garden, and an cxcwHvnt tollc&ion.of Fruit. a lar£e Orchard, and 2500 a''.res of wood, pa*urs and arable land, and % number of -{lore* and workmen's house? Immediate pcfMfion will be given of houses ana {lores lutHcivnt far providing itock the prefect winter, and polfelSjn of the whole in the lpring. For terffcs enquire of David B Ogden at New ark, mr Peter Mackic in Wew-York, rnjv David Ford in Morris Town, or nietTn. J*cob aad Rich ard Faefoh on t be prepufes. J3nuar v f 1 Thirty Dstlars Reward. DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks on the night of the 14th ina —JOHN OSBORN, born in the town of Bedford, Welt Cheller cour.ty and (late f f New York, agft4 ti 8 and a quarter inches high, grey ey-s (Ipogqued) light hair, ruddy complexion, pock marked, by trade a Shoemaker. Eulilled by lieutenant Hey nolds in Stcj>h*n\i Town, near Albany the jjrn of June last Wad on and took with him a short round blue cloth coat with a red cape, a blus cloth coatee, a few white waistcoats, a long grey mixed cloth coat ana breeches, a pair of boots, a chocolate coloured great coat trimmed with Mack \ plufb, z. furr hat half worn, ar*d two filv<i watches, one a middle size, the other small. He may impofc himtelt 00 some family orgentleßian as ■» waiter, as he has a<&«d in that capacity Whoever apprehends said Deserter, and secures him in jail, fends him to Headquarters, or deliver# him so any of the Marine officers, or an r - ofticer of t-h# army of the United Stati* shall receive the above reward and all reasonable charges. Adjutant Marine Corps, January 16, WHEREAS, AN attachment was lately iflued out of the in ferior court of common pleas of the county of Essex, in the state of New Jersey, directed to the lheriff of the said county, againfl the rights, credits, monies and tflvils, goods and chattels, lauds and tenements ot John Ctevcj Symma at the fuitof William IVells, ill a plea of trespass on the cafe to his damage tlireethoufand dollars; — And vt'tercai, the laid flienff did, at the term of Jutie Uft patk, return to the said court that he had attached the'defendant by a certain bond given by Matthias Denman arid Samuel Meeker to the laid defendant, to the amount ofuear two thoufaud defers, and also bytfxty land warrants Now therefore, urilefs the said John Cleves Symmesfhall appear, give special bail, and receive a declaration at the suit of the plaintiff, judgment will be entered against him, and his propsrty herein attached, will be fcld agreeably to the ftatttte in such cafe mads and provided. Aaron Ogden, Q'erk, fc?c. Blizabeth-to wo, July 8,1799 (») Bt A. DICKINS Us J. OKMROD, i-'OK, publishing; The Pursuits of Literature, To which will be Annexed, A VINDICATION OF THE V.'OKK, TR A NSL AT 10 A r S Of all the Greek, Latin, ltftiia», and French pafligtf., quoted in the Prefaces, Vindie itidn and fcfotes- The Work will he print ed from the lift Loft don edition, pnM >yiii form a large o&avo volume of abc.ut 500 pages,including an in dcx whivh this edition will atone poflH*. N. Bi—lt is now in the Py?ss, and svitf be finished with all possible vpeed. % * Subscriptions wilt be received by A. Pjc kuu, Ma.Ji, North Second Street oppoCtc Clirift Gkurcb, au*l J. Ornwjd, Ho. 4', ClvcfwH-flretft, aiid by the piincipal Uinteil States. m'htf. march a 7, SEEDS. THE SUBSCRIBER* QfFt.R FOR SALS, |N the tmwlftup of Springs«ld, and bounty A of fturliiiKiofit about two hun dred acres each. The Woodland and Meadow, of which there is a lutftcffcnt quantity, is not inferior to any in the State. 1<» attraJi the satfce pe(fons residing within the county of Turlington, defivous of purchasing good land, 'tis only ricceirai) to mention th at rtlefe farms */£ jafts of that ex cellent of iloo acres lately owned by Samuel Rutins. The term* of file will bfc made convssitm to the purchaser and may be known by apply ing to the ftbfcribers. Those who may wiHi to view the land, will ple«fe to cat! on William or UVjei Shinn, the present oceupanhs. SAMURLHOtfGH, JOtffcPH McILW^INE, Attoraiej in fa ft for *s9hn HuiLus caJ fiutir Uul»us, Purlinjjton, New JcHcy, March n*dßeo. Uijitkd States, ? Pennsylvania District. ) Szmitel Biodgtt. NOTICE IS HEREBY ©IVEN, "J"* HAT a special «]ifcri<st court of the United Stares will be helden at the tity Hall in thi city of Philadelphia in and lor the Penr.fylvania diftnA, on ritefday tljjjC tld d3y of April infrant. at ten of the clfcck in the forenoon of the lame day, for the trial of an information filed by William Ravvle, I-ftjuirc, attorney of the Ufitted States in and for the f.jic dif riJl, airainft Being article# of foreign prowth or manufacture, imported from parts beyond fv,a and fuhjc& to the payment of duties impefed hy the law* of the U nited States and unladen and delivered at th e Por: oi Wfila olphia from the vessels in which they were refpe&ive!y imported contrary to the a& of Congrds in such cafe made and without a permit, &c.and fcizrd therefor, &«. LYING on the Uivor, county of Kur tl-unaberlai.d, ft*te of Virginia; containing about 1400 aervs—it*fituation is equal «o any o'her in the Northern Sick, icmarkKbJe tor every kind ol wildfowl, oyUers, fifti and crab, tviid none bet ter for health. It is about the fame diilance from Baltimore, Ab/xandria and Norfolk, ana not more than one days tail from cither. are three improved i>fantkt4o»s-*stith dwelling haufes v tbe one known by the nam.ij^'llwefjasil2odge,'former ly the refidenceT.f col. John Gordon, is an elegant two story brick house, with four rooms on a fl.«or, aud a passage sixteen feet wide The othtfr two arc commodious and convenient iy fitted, wi*h g">od andfuitable out houses, at one of which John Murphy, Esq. (now of W<ftmorc iand county) lived fevera' years; on this firm there is a good grift mill, with water fuflicieut to turn any number of flonM-j alfe con«eci<tit ftorohou fes and granaries on a public road, well fituatcd for a country store. On. each of those places there are fine apple and peach orchards. The greater proportion of the land is ot the firfl quality, aad near the half of tbe whole heavily timbered. Ihe terms may be known by applying to Wtn. P. Tebbi Baltimore, Fott&ec G. Tebbf, esq. of Richmond county, Virginia, or to Thomas Murga>tro)d and Sons, Philadelphia. J. S. LEWIS, FOR SALE, The Time of a Mulatto Girl, WHO has about eight year» to ferrc.hai been has been for many year? accultomefl care of children, and is a tolerable cook. PROPOSALS A SATIRICAL POIM IN FOUR DIALOGUES, with Not is. AND BY THE AUTHOR. tSALS. PHOi It fha!l be elegantly ex ecuted and bcd6liver edto the moderate pi ice of too dollars andfifty cents, ill boaid*. To others it will be raised. ADVERTISEMENT Twi very valuable Farms, . fit OAT ED 1 large theft of Sugar, 1 keg of ditto, 5 bagß of Coffee, 1 ditto ditto, 1 ditto ditto, ! h is} t b;g Pitnenio, 2 bar iris and } £ 0 {fj C I bag S . ' I small hex containing ;he apparatus of a hair dreffcr, 30 barrels S"uff and Sugar, 19 boxes .Sugar, and 1 box Sweetmeats, By order of tbe Court i IX CALDWELL, Clerk of the D.iftriA Court, April 7 FOR SAI.E, A. VALU ABLE Tlt ACT OF L A N D, rcb. S—IA5 —IA Enquire of tke Printer April 5. NICKLIN AND GRIFFITH HAVB FOR SAL& {mail chefls of Gin?hari>9, on board 4 diro of co!o"ed Muflinets, I thefhip 4 bales of St. Fernando Serges, Isiriior,in 4 ditto of Camblets, f the river 10 ditto of colored and white J irom Caftimeres, J Liverpool 14 trunks of printed Caßieoes, above are im small ajfi-rtcd farfagrs calculated either for the IVeJI India or borne trcdi. ,<e tons Lead, in pig»i si tons of dr; White Lead i n hhds. 17 ca(ks of fige dry Yellow Paint, 6 ditto of Mineral Black, x ditto of ditto White, io ditto of ColcOthar, 3 ditto of Purple Brown, lo cases English China Ware in setts, 36 calks of Nails aflbrted, 300 barrds pi kfed Salmon, 80 half daco ditto, So barrels Herring.*, 20 ditt- - * Shad, 10 ditto Mackarel, 1 cask* of Sorter in bottle#, ao puncheons Rum, 190 pipes of Brandy, 4th proof, 15 pipes old Madeira Wine, 27 qjartei chests Young UyfonTea, 13 boxes of Imperial dttto, EngliOi Gunpowder, HF Forged Copper Nails and Bolts, Sail Crtvii's, Empty Wine Bottles, G rk in facets, Green Coffee in hhds. 3iwtf. February 13 This Day Published) By J. Qrmuod, No. 41, Chefnut Street, (Prkc 25 Cents) THE Death of General Wajhington. A POEM. In imitation of tbe nianner of Offian, By Rev. John B. Linn, A. M. Minister of the First Presbyterian Cos gregation of Philadelphia. £j* Mr. Chaudron's Oratian will be pubttfbed on Monday morning. M».rch d. LANCASTER STAGES. THE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan caster line ©{Stage* DISPATCH, return their grateful thanks to' their friends the public in genera), fcr ihc past favors tUey have reccivfrd,and inform them that in addition to the regular Line, th<iy aro pi ovi-ied with GurrUgfs.fober and careful drivers, ro go through between the City and Borough in two c*ay 8. Those who prefer this mode of traveling can be accommodated at the Stage Office, sign o[ United States liagl®, Market ftrect, Philadelphia. Sluugb. Downing, \Sf Co. dim Nov % 30. THE PartcHhip of JQH N HAINES & IVIL LI AM JONES, trading under the firm ef dissolved on the 24th of January <x(t. All persons tfpecially those imlul)ted to them, will to caR as early as polfible ou William Jontt, who is du'.y autborifeo to a/Vjuft their concerns. The btrfinefs will in future be conduced by William Jones, at- the former ft and No 13a Mar ket llreet, 2.4 door abovs* 4th, where he on hand 3nd mean? to keep a regular supply of the best apd ir.ol fad dies and bridles Pla ted fojfdltcy ardtftiref mounted whips, frtarnefs of all feinis and fire bucket*, with a gen era! afartwenc of every other artictc uiually at tachaj to that line of bufmefs. March li ACERTIHO ATE of ona of th= Bant of the United Stages No. 19110, in the name ot 1 ewis Peter Quinty-n, and a Certificate of two Sharesalthe said Bas.k, No 19119, in the name ol George James £arl of Cholxnon dely, w«*re iorwarded from New-York by the Chefterfield Brhfth Packet for Falmouth, wfeiCh was captured by the French, and the Certifitate6 101 l or deflroyed, and for which application u made at said liauk for the renewal thereof, of which ail pcrfocs concerned :>re tlefired to take uotiee. CLEMENT BIDDLE. dsm. February 1 TO BE SOLD. A COUISTRT SEAT. ABQIT r two miles ami a quarter Jrorti the Court tioufw, O'l the Ridge road, adjoining hnto ot Jeremiah Parker ; containing abiut thirty two-ac:cs, divided into f.vcrral lets, ai*d ill the hfghell flat- ot cultivation, fkereis an it a hand foine, well fiuifhcd brick hi-use, almost new, fifty feet front and twenty two feet deep, with »room* oil a floor, a I by 21 feet each, and an entry of eight feet befweeM ; three good chambers on the Tccond floor, and three garrets well finifhed and plaiftercd- In front of the building is a very good }<kt»ga. Adjoining the house is a large brick kitchen, 24 by »8 fic«t, two ftori«s high, with a neat chamber and garret, and a frame kitchen connoted with it, one story high, 16 by 18 feet, near which is- a pump of the bitt water for every use At a small ditlavce is the gardnerN house, of briek, two stories. high, with a garret, 16 by 10 feet* There are also a good barn, hay houfr, and a large shed for carriages, an excellent kitchen garden, with apple, 4 peach, pear, charfy and tree*, in full Waring ftratvberries aqd rafb-rtes, currants and artichokes. At the lowt r part of the land is a very fine fpruig of wfeter. The house is insured. Any perfan vitthing tcnrietr the prermf?e wre queftcd to apply at the oifice of this Gazette, agrii 3 oaw&t'tf 3 taw A Summer Retreat. A convenient and Gfintecl House, situated in TtCntoti, to be let or fold. Poffcffion will be gfrtn the xft of Jime ne*t. of the Printer. March diw tdW&f NOTICE. JOHN HAINES. WILLI MK JONES, 3t,aw3w NOTICE. cofiw. [Vot.vue. xvn. FOR LIVERPOOL. JHk D. C. TiLLIxcHfST., Master. PttrtAWELPffrA built, of JJvfc »*fc, 4a ce dar, will be,r«dy tortcme t*r fytpt ft We*i wharf in a few iij'% and ta.ftit locut of April. For frelglpi w to tiie captain (!»,bi>»rrt, «r to jEIt EM lAJH WARftfifc. ~ ism its FOB &*(.% ~ The following articles entitled td Orawb^slr* Cotton tyofo, fineH»l!lnd Shirting , Table Lincp> Ti. kiiiigt, Rjgt. fur PXpfrmi kers, Ruff! a, S if Cloth, KiVtW Duck, stub Linens ir, frunlts, White Lc*d, Df/ 'andfrjur.tf in rt'l, Red all 13arr Lead, LlI)p#o -Tin in Ijoxis, Lo) don rellstd Sal; Petre, New -Caflle GtiuJft.iiri-s, Koiiun T t a Cauniiit r9, flrg.'.m Girandoles, ten four ptmnd Wooi«ilrh .proof camion, dandle tartified with »]3p»ratu« and a quantity of three alii aioQ nmi.h ; 1 Schuylkill Pecmanent Bridge. L rOHE. PROPOSALS in writing Will be received until rhc J£th day of Aj>iii next, at the office us the Treafurcr of the Schuylkill .Permanent E>ridg« Company No. li Church alley, for a lapply of ten thoHfand parch of the best quality Free btone ? one half of which mult be of large dimensions', viz 7to tt faet long, to 3 feet wide in "tfti bed, $> to 18 inches deep—the remainder to beat the size which is generally called large foundation fy>ne, to be delivered at the V/cfl end of Higk fl.rcet, in luch quantities and at such times as fnaU be required. Price and time of payment to be exprrffed J OHN DORSEY, Secretary pro tew. A quantity of TERR ASS for mortar will be wanted. March 17 NOTICE. WHEREAS Mathew hwio did on the Bth day of July 1797 make an aifcgameut of hit estate ana effects, to us the fubferiber*, for the be nefit of such of his creditors, as should on or before the aoih of September, 1797, execute to l«im a full and final di'?harge—Now those c?f his creditor* who are entitled to a dividend under laid affign nient. are reqaefted to furrifti their accounts to Samuel Meeker, with interest ealculated up to the Bth day of July, 1757, as a divider.d will abfolutc* iy be ft ruck on the firft day of April next, and those who neglect te comply with this notice will thtre afror be excluded from the beuefit of the fame. Philip Nitklin Samuel Meeker Nath'l Lewis, by bis Ads. Aflignees. Pearsun Hunt | John M. Taylor ! Philadelphia, March 14 A LOT OF GROUND, CION FAINING fix acres and three quarters, at J the corner of the townfliip line road, and tht fame leading from the Falls Tavern to Germaq town. handsomely fitua'ed for building, and well watered. EEquire of the Printer. march if, TO HE LET THE LOT, At the north-east corner of Arch and Ninth streets. Now occupied by Mr. Benjamin Bulby, it a Board Yard. icr Enquire it No. 218 Arch tlreet. 1 Taxes of Lycoming County JOHN KLDD, Treafarer, BY JDire&ioA of the Comntijffiowrj of Lyca* mmg county, attend* at Philadelphia fa re eeWethe Taxes afleflsd upon undated Lands in that County, frryi the holders thereof, in thia City. Those who have filed with the Com miftoncre, statements of their Lands, are re qucfted to call upon him, to know tfee amouat of Taxes tucreon, and pay them ; otherwise, b«- lore his leaving the City, they will be put intQ the bauds of the Sheriff for colle&ion, agreea blv to the a£t for railing county rates and levies Tnof* who have not filed statements of thcii lands with the Commiflioners, and aredefirou» of having it done, to prevent sales without pre vifcus perfon&l Notice, roav file with the above , Treaturar, their lilts* Ratine the quantities re turned, number and dates of tlte warrants and names of the warrantees, under which they k»ld their lands. He will attend at Mr. Joseph Hardy'? No 98, Market street for this purpoft until the 18th instant. November 9_. A SUMMER RETREAT, TO Bl RENT&O, A NEAT AND CQNV£NIR.N.T HOUSE, ON the Fr?nkford Road, two miles from the City, with a good Stable .and Qarden. Pop feifion may be feadimmediately. For terms enquire of the Printer march 98. WAS LOST. "TTrHEREAS a Prcmifoy Note of IV. Broun* W gtr, dated July 16th. 1798 for the sum of £l3O sterling, payable to Mr Tlwmas Button 09 prder for value received «>f Thomas Flatb*r y Lon don, waslhujiiy after the said date left at the bar of the Penhfyl'vania Coffee Houfr, London, inclo sed in a parcel addreflVl to Mr. Patrick Bridgtto'wn % Weft Jeffey, North America, to be forwarded by the WilUaftt Per.n, Captain Jofiah, for Philacfcfe phia. Ihe said parcel and note have by some ac* cidoQt been n.ifcarried, and no iDt.eliig.ence -hat bevn oUtaine<t of it—lt is requested that any per son holding such note will give notice to the Prin ter of this paper; and on producing the sam« within two months alter th« insertion of thii ad* vtrtifement shall receive twenty-four dollars re* ward. N. B. No greater reward will be off.red, a? the note can lie of no use but to the bwncr. Bridg«town v March 17. (A. a.) . feoxw SUwiw. mwfim mfeth.tf 3 tawtf* di®t,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers