jrsreign intelligence* LONDON, January 14. It wis yeftcrtlay evening that the answer of our cabinet to tiie letter of the republican ninifter Talleyrand, was lint to the foreign raimftrrs resident at ®ur court, l'his anfwer,and in general all the eorrefpondence relating to the dispatches of the new French government, in their propositions for enter ing into a nffgociation, are the objeft of the message -which' his mijefty has this diy to communicate to the Parliament.—The con sideration of it will be deferred to Monday, in order to give tinge for printing and exa mining it previous to the discussion. Every thing announces that the debates will be long and animated, as well trom the nature of the fubjefl as the character of the fpeater. It lecn)* certain, that Mr. Fox, raffed from his political death, will preftnt himfelf in Parliament at the head of the opposition phalanx, and that party will vehemently ar raign the meafurcs of Our cebinet. We stall 110:, by premature observations, antici pite that the answer to the letter of citizen Talleyrand refers in general to the former note in reply to the letter of Buonapirte, with fonie veiy (liort observations on the fubjett of aggreflion so frequently and falki. dioufly difcuffrd. The letter of BriiTot to his affjeiates irtcont- flibly proves that the aggreflion was on the part of the enemy : and as t® the other eoinpl tints of Talley, rand, they are only recriminations which de lerve no farther answer* A Paris paper of the 14th, that is to fry, oxe day later than these of Friday last, was received in town yesterday. This paper, like the former observes an extreme degree of reserve on the proceedings-os the graml consul in regard to a peace. It confines it fclf to a puie and simple recital of the cor. refpondence between the two governments, without any comment whatever. The eon clufion which might be drawn from this re serve, againit tbe freedom of the French press, is done away, by the irony with "which the grand consul is treated in a letter contained in the fame paper; and the free donS with whi:h it censures the contpofition of the different branches of the government and the Legislature. It mtift be allowed that if the file nee obferwd on political affairs abroad is a proof of the reftriftions on the press, the freedom with which tilt consular proceedings at home are spoken, equally proves that tbe r:ftraint is not general. The intelligence from Germany, brought by this Gazette, confirms all that we learn- t from the preceding ones, refpeiling the • ♦-etUblifhment of harmdny between the two isnpsrial courts, the arrival of numerous ix iuforcemmts to the Austrian army of the Rhine, the success of the army in Suabia, the fpsedy march into Bohemia of the Ruf fian corps aiTcmbltd on the frontiers of Gal litia. By the reinforcements which Austria is fendincj to the Neckar and the Mein. it should feein as if the campaign was tc opin with the liege of Mayrnce ; and it was fe is at least what the Prague, H idclberg and Gai/tiea agreed i ■ tilting, a* well as the German Mercury i'> Srt.bia. They now agree in Sating the cbnt'ary According to these Gazettes, the Ruffians will be ic pay of Great Britain, and are only waiting for their whole eqnip mtnvi.i order to return to Suab/a. Letters f'om Vienna, received at Augf burgh 011 the 11th, alture us that the Triple AjtraJe of /Vuftria, Russia, and of England, has beet again finned in London ; and in the firft article of thi» treaty, the 3 courts enter into a reciprocal engagement to pu(h die war with more vigaur than ever. The A'Jgdiurg letters differ only in one clrcum ftar.ee relative to the Ruffians—They slate that part of that army will repair to Fran conio. It is certain that there is at this mom: nt a great number of Ruffian office s in Vienna, at'd that the ci devant Comte de Viomenil, general of cavalry in the Ruf fian ferViee, who had received orders at Riga to fuccted general Korfakow, and who since that period nad repaired to Prague, is about to quit that city to go to England, where he will succeed General Herman in the com mand of the Ruffian troops who aie ou the coaft9 -of that island. The Irilh Mail of Sunday, (fays the Lon don - Chronicle of January 3 i ) brought let ters from Dublin of Wednesday last, which confirm us in the hopes we had entertained, that the mafure of an Union will experience very little further interruption. Sunday also a mefTtnger arrived from Bublin, giving to m nifters an account of the proceeding of the Trifh Parliament on •the opening of the ftflion. On Wcdnefday the L*»td Lieutenant went in Rate to the House of Lords, opened the fcflion with a speech from the throne; a debate took plate on the motion for (he address, and an amendment was moved. Sir Lawrence Par son» was the mover of the fpecific proposi tion againtl the Union, Hy which the sense of tie house was'tobe taken at once on the important queition, when the minifteiial parly wife ii«2r4« to •ctjourA. lb: debate wu long ito Spirited. At eight o'clock in the morning Mr. Grattan, who at twelrc •'clock on the preceding night hid been eleded to rtprefeftt the Borough of Wicklow. took hit feat in the Houle, and begged leave to deliver his opinion, and to be allowed to [peak htting, on account*of the fatigue he had undergone, and *f hit indifpoQticn. He accordingly spoke at considerable length against the mcafure of th« U'ion, with hit usual elequencc. He waianfwere l by Mr. Corry, and at eleven o'clock in the foreocon a dm'Gon took place, ■when the numbers for the motion were 96 •—the numbers against it 138, so that the mini Aerial majority in favour of the measure of an Ui ion was 42 —There were writsmov ed for thirty feats, which have been vacated for different reafoni, through ministerial perfualion, so as to give them the means to fccure so many additional votes as soon as the new eleAion (hall take place. This will make the majority io favour of the Union in the lower house seVenty two, a majority quite decisive on the quelli n, as it will con firm the wavering, and occafioa deferlion even from the opposite ph.il.r x. At the time the last accounts left Dub lin every thing was perfeftly quiet. The minds of the Anti Unionists were much de puffed. January ji. Addre t moved iy tie Duh cf Bedford. The following is the amendment moved by the Duke of Bedford in the House of Lords on Tuesday last, instead of the ad dress moved by Lord Grenville : That an address be presented to his Ma jesty ; To return onrmoft bubble thanks for his condescension and goodness in having been graciously pleased to communicate to us the correlpondence between the mioifter of fo reign affairs is Fr nee and his Majesty's principal secretary of state for foreign af fairs ; and raoft humbly to represent to his Majesty that, on the Bth of December, 1795, his Majesty was graciouflv pleased to acquaint this house, that he had been indu ced, by the order of things in France, to meet any difpoG'.ion for negociation on the part of the enemy with in earnest defi e to give it the failed and speediest tffed. '1 hat, in purfnanee of this • disposition, hit Majesty directed an overture to be made in his name, by his Mmifter in Switzerland in the fpri*g of tbe year 1796. That on the rejeftion of that overture hit Majesty gavtf the mod solemn assurance, in a note dated April to, 17961 that when ever his enemies'lhoulj mauifeft more paci fic frntiraents, his Majesty wsuid at all times be eager to concur in then, by lending himfelf, in concert with his alliei, to all such meafutes as (hould be best calculated to re-eftablifti general tranquility on condi tions just, honourable, and permatieni. That bis Majesty hat since enter d into two negoeiations for peace with the French republic at Paris in the Autumn cf the year 1796, and at Lisle in the Sutnmei of the following year 1797. That his Majesty has repeated and fo letnnly declared, that the rupture of both those nrgociations u as solely to be afcribrd to the determination of the French govern ment to rejcS all means of peace, and to pursue, at .all hazards, their hollile designs agsinft the prosperity and fafety of these kingdoms. That, on the failure of ti'-at, "he looked with anxioua expedition to the moment when the government of France fiiould (hew a difpofitioa and spirit at all correfpon ding to hit own 5" and that "he then renewed before all Europe the solemn de claration that he wat yet ready to conclude peace en the fame moderate and equitable pi inciples and terma which he had before proposed." " That we, hit Majefty'* mcft dutiful and loyal fcbj«£h, Lords Spirtual and Tem poral in Parliament assembled, impressed wih the julticeof these fentimenu, and e qually anxious for the re-eftablifliment of tranquility, and for the preservation of the honour and dignity of hi* Majefty'* crown (of which we are, by the confUtutior, he reditary advifera,) cannot conceal our re gret at perceiving that his Majesty baa been advised to reject the firft foj a ge neral pacification on the part of the enemy ; and we beg leave mod humbly to implore hi* Majesty to give direiUons for the imme diate renewal, if pofiible, of a negociation for peace with the French Republic, most fervently befeechii g hi* Majesty to reciir to those principles ot moderation and equity so solemnly ai ory. Somtf a fieri that the Grand Vizier had hern defeated by Gen. Kteber, on the confines of Syria, and had loft his camp, p«rt of his baggage, and several thou fond prisoners. This news comes from Constantinople, but later Vienna accounts Sjrpear to doubt the intelligence. Trie Bred fleet appears on the point of failing. And the channel fleet is ordeied to rpfqme its station off that port immediately. sxfssirioir ( supposedJ for ecttt. PARIS, January 34. An official lrtt«r from Toulon, dated Jan. 6, fays, " Rear-Admiral Perree's squadron, of one 74 and 4 corvetts, is ready for sea. The (hips are Jaden with provisions and war like ftorej. ARMY OF ITALY. «. raOCf.AM*TION. Mojfena General m ihttfft the armui. 'VSoldiera af.tbe brave army of Italy, so refpeflahle for their fortiiae, and heretofore so celebrated for its triumphs, in accepting the inteiefta of my country, and yield to the wiftiej of a hero who honors me with his friendship and hit confidence. " I come to partake your fufferings, to foften to put an end to them. " I should long since have bee« ia the midll of 7011, if I had not teen particular ly occupied in providing far your ueceflities. Your privations (hall cease ; for that I have received the solemn promise of the Govern ment—and for myfelf, I have taken meas ures to secure you Supplies of every kind. " But whatever raav.ie the extent of yoir Sufferings, it wai not beyond the gen ■erofny and elevation of French folditra. How come it to pass that some companies have quitted their polls? You Suffer I So you think that the mother country does not coafider your Sacrifices f " Soldiers, What is to be done in order to recal vi£Wy to your standards ? I again repeat that your wants (hall be supplied. " We have the fame tnafs of glory to prt ferve or again to acquire, and our efforts ought to be ia common. I owe you all my eare, you owe me your confidence. On this I rely, as yov ought to depend upon n>». " Ought I, tr.y comrades, to hold ano ther l»»guage with you i It in right to speak of th< frrerity which I (hall (hew, if you fwtrvc from subordination and which conltitu'e your fo'e force? No; I rejV6l the %» Ihall havft before that time I'urnifhcd (heir accoui.ta properly Alteiled t< WILSON HUNT. Acting a*fiipnee. dtao March I r NOTICE THE Member* of the Philade-phi* Contri butiorfhip for the Iniur n-e «■* jjHoultf from loss by tire, are heie y notified, that an Eiechuyikiif, i\to an m kalf milea from the oourt hour?, It conta ns afc,oai IO acres of land, a beawifwi i;oulc aurter tha toth of fame month iff St Croix, will be paia a' the houfr of Lewis Albor tu«, in Front (frost, below the Drawbridge, on TUESD AY the IJthinft. April 3 AND immediate poflcirion given, if r'quired, a new two ftoty Brisk Hou c and Kitchen, about 14 miles f'oti Philadelphia, -in the great road t« Newtown Esquire of the i'rncx. march a 7 advertisement. THE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR SALS, Two very valuable Farms, iN the township of Spri;ig£eid, and county of Burlington* containing abtfut two l*ut#- dred acre* «-fech. The Woodtard ird Mtadow, of which there is ft f'jfficier.t quantity, :t cot inferior to ai:y in tat State. MASSENA. To attract the ft-1 ice of perior.g rc&ditjg withrn the couoty of Unrlngton, dcfiroun of purehaling good an 1, Ma oaij ncceflary to mention tb u ihcie fiuras tct parts of that ex cellent trail v.f i %oo teres lately owned by Samuel Bulluf. The terms of file wit! be made convenient t® the purchaser and may be known by apply ing ve the ffcbfcribert. Thole wh» may wifli to view the- land, will pieafe to ca'.l on William or Ifraei Shinnr, eke prelent occupants. SAMUEL HOUGH, JOSEPH McILWAINE, A Htm it i in fafi for 'Juln BuUus and Rmtb Built, t, Burlington, Ntw Jcrlty, March i2fjßao, Unitkd States, ? jj. Pennsjivcr.ia District. J NOTICE IS HEREBY SIVEN, 'J'H AT a fprcial diftrifi court of the Unite J Stat«« will be helden at the City Hall io ttn cny of Philadelphia in and for the Pennsylvania diftritft, on r Ucf'l»y the «d day of April inftaat at un of the clock in the forenoon of the fame day, for the trial of an information filed by William Rawle, Esquire, attorney of the United S.atci iu aad for the said a^ainft I !»rge eheft of Sugar, 1 keg of ditto, J bagt of Coffee, 1 ditto ditto, I ditto ditto, ! 5,""} <"»«••■ I bag Pimento, sb.rvfc.mad? Coff 1 bag S I final I box containing the apparatus of a hair drefler, 30 barrels Snuff and Sugar, 19 boxes Sugar, at.d I box Sweetmeats, cr, ror •fffmf micles of foreign prowth or manufailurrt, imported from pares beyond f:a and fubjed totfie j»ymeot of duties impefed by the lawv of the U nittd States and uaiaden and delivered at the Port -»f olphia from the vrffels in which they lr- juck cafe made and without « permit, £-. c and f i*ed rhtrrcfor, &c. April 7, IMPORTED, CHINA SILKS, Also on band. INDIA MUSLINS, viz- Gazzeenas Gurrahi CofTas B.iftals, scc. and India Bandannas. For Sale by ROBERT SMITH W Co. No. 58, South Front Street. THE CARGO coxs/sriuc OF An assortment of Piece Goods. FOR ST. THOMAS'S, MOORE WHARTON, No. m Seutb Water street. itt PRIZE-MONEY ! To be Rented, CITCATCO Bj order of the Court, D. CALDWEIXj Clerk of the Dftnx&Cuiift. J- » t'-f* -A '"v'lifi'/i ' A T the requejt of Ms Scholanhu poftpore \ A. ts.Myt btcu on Tuesday the ift of April VO a future day. N. U.—'Mr F. begs lti*e to remind hit Scholar* uld the public in -geiural, that after .the tft q/ ffiWjjye .fcij §cho«l ta HatmoHy Court- Day» of Tuition for rhepre* Pent week, Thursday and Saturday at the usual hours. inarch ji mwf 1 m T0 Merchants. MERCHANTS Accounts elegantly opened, Books neatly and corre£lly potted, with various other kinds of writing, by .a person thoroughly acquainted with accounts. Gentlemen exienlively concerned, may find It to 1 heir im.rcft to put buQnefs in thi<* line into his hands, as the fulleft confidence may be reposed in him and ample fat.isfaAion given. Addreft a line to B. A. an Commrs. THOMAS M PO-TfcER.-) Titzvrox, MarchM, 1800. N-. B. papers are left with the fol io Wmg-farr.crig o'her) g-ruleiften, in their refpee rive counties, to whom those per Tons dcfiroui ef promoting the objc&of the company are r»que(led to apply.- Wm. CampfieM, Esq. Mwrw Gerfhom Dunn, Esq. Middlesex Artis Seagrare, Esq. Salem. Silas Dickerfun 1 Eif. Sutter George Burgin, Esq. Cumberland t Wa M'Eowen, F.fq. Somcrfet. William Lloyd, Esq. Monmouth. Jofe£h Hankinfon, Esq. Hanterdon, Peter Ward, Esq. Rcrgcm, Charles Clark, Esq. Ekck• The abore gentlemen, with all othen iifafcription piptrt, are pirticolarlr reqacfted W fcrward the original fubfcriptioD paper!, to Jima I Salter, Esq. Treafurtr on or before (he t