Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 08, 1800, Image 1

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    mutter states, Mails ddviHiser.
'* =3s**l
The price of this Uazette is Eight I
Dollars per annum to Subset iters residing
in-the city ef Philadelphia. M others pay
one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di
recting ; av.d unless tsome person in tbis city
witl income answerable for the subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Advance.
No Subscription will be received for
a shorter term than six months.
December r 1799.
Philadelphia Academy.
©f 8t Paul's church, and formerly Vice-
Frovoft us the Uuiverfity of Penafylvania,
Oce of the Afliftii't .M milters of Christ church
and Si. Peter'*.
Cr: TufS'.lay the next nontb, (April)
t. \ N EngtiOl School, in which will be
Xi taught Reading, Writing, F.nglifh
Grammar, Cnmpofition, Ehicution, and Na
tural Hillorj.
A Mathematical School, i* w'nicfc
will be taught Writing;, Arithmetic, Mer
cahtiie Accounts, Gcngrr.phy and the use of
the Globes, Geometry and Trigonometry,
with their application to Mensuration, Sur
veying, Navigation, Nautical Aflrrmomy,, the Principles of Mechanics,
Algebra and F!trei®ns.
jj. A Cl.ffical Schoel, in which will he
taught the Latin and Greek Languages, in
conjunct iqn with Chronology-,* Civil His
tory, Rhetoric, and the Institutes of Moral
A well grounded eonvi&ion of the expe
diency of the foregoing plan, has been our
(principal inducement to undertake it. When
it is considered that this populous and floti
rifiiing Metropolis contains only one Pi'biic
In-ftimtion en an extensive plan, and that
many of our youth are obliged to resort to
other ijmes, to receive even a Grammar-
School Education, the Seminary now pro
pofcd, will, we trust, he regarded as eminent
ly ufeful.
Actuated by theft considerations, many
gentle vnen. friencjs :o Science, and to. Liter
ary EfUWifliraent*, have urged, with great
warmth, the prefers undertaking, and ex
cited the most flattering expe&atioiu of it's
Thus epcourtgrd by the countenance and
promised aid of liberal men, no tefs than by
* &rm persuasion that well-regulated Aca
demies. Have a ni®ft important influence
upon, tnamitira, habits, and principles ;
it will be our Miwft endrovor i'o ro con
dufb this Seminary of Learning, as to fub
ftrve the. great Intarefls of Religion and
Morality, to promote Decorum if' Behaviou
r of Taste, Liberality of Senti,
mentj and'every other attribute of an inge
nunu.s mind; which, in connection with
gped.principles, and found literature, cob.
sit*iter t^a-ei* ft< r£ni she d ornaments of' the
yn-tleman, a-ndttie feholar.
The building, engaged for this Academy,
thougji affording excellent accommodation,
be; rejinqyiflied for a. re central fitu
afici*, if fueii a change should be found ne»
A;nr»fttr ofdiftinguifhed abilities will he
jjrcctned to condud the Mathematical De-
Vfrioy.s defyrvusta heempioyedas- tutors
ir> this Seminar)-, air reqtiefttd to apyty,
w-ithcut- delay, to either of the fthftribers,
to 'vhonvalfo Piretits wiftiing to fend their
children, w.UI plepfe to nsaVe application.
PJiiUll. Match. 18.
. 1, .J . II ■. - 1 ' 1
Forty Dollars Reward.
RAN AWAY from the Sublcriber, living in
Saffafras Neck, Coecil County, State of Ma
ryland, on Friday the 14th in(l. a negro man nam
ed PE I'm, about twenty-five yeatsofage, toler-
aljle black, and left handed. Ke has been uf«i to
ftiling by water in the Chcfaptake Bay ?l out
twelve months, and i« smart and a&ive—He has
'been formerly «fed to farming and taking care of
Jiurfes. His cloithing he took with him is un
known.—lt is enpefled he has shaped his course
for Philadelphia ur Chester Town, and the above
reward will be paid for feenring him in any g*»l
the. United States, anil reafosable chaigcs paid
if,brought home, by
N. B. All matters of vessels and all other persons
are forwarned of harboring; the said negro.
Saffafras.Neck, march;iß. iaw6w
Twenty Dollars Reward.
>N-AWAY from Spring Forg*, in York
XV Co»htv,a negro man, named ISAAC % other
'wKe C&DyO, aboqt 21 years «M, the property
of Robert Culetmt?; Esq. He* i* about 5 feet 8
inches high, haj a bltEjifb in. his eyes, wore wnite
in them than common, by trade a Feige man; had
: on and Cook with him a drab broad cloth
coat, almost flew, a sailors, pantaloons
printed cord, a lwanfdown flriped under
acket; a rorurn hat-j one fine and one coarse
£ shirt' one muoin handkerchief, fpriggcri, two
ditto striped border, a blue Persian under jacket
and two p*ir cotton flocking*. Whoever takes up
said negro and lodges him in a«jy. ja£ in this or any
of the neigabonring states (hall have the above re
ward or reasonable expesces if brought home.
Spring Forge, ©fleber 43,1799*
N. B. As said negro formarly lived in .Chcftor
eounty, it is probable he may return fthere.
November 5
Mi. 94 Arab Sreet,
No, tpi Pine Street.
AN attachment was lately iflued out of the in
ferior oourt of common pleas of the County
of Eflex, in the tlate of New Jersey, directed to
the fherilfof the laid eovney, against the rights,
credits, monies ami effeiU, goods and chattels,
lands and tenement* oi J*ha Cltves Symmes at the
Aiitof William Wellt, in a plea of trespass on ihe
cafe to his damage threethoufand dollars
And whereas, the said (herift'-itid, at the term of
June last pail, return to the said rourt that he 1 ad
attached the defendant by a certain bond given bv
Matthias Denman and Samuel Meeker to the said
dekedant, to the amount of near two thousand
dollars,and also by sixty land warrants ;
AW tbtrtjore, rnriefs the said- John Clrvfs
Syatmes (haliappear,give special hail, and receive
a declaration at the suit of the plaintiff, judgment
wili be entered against y him, and his property
herein attached, will be fold agreeably to the
ftatnte in such cafe made and prov : ded.
Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works y
HAVING procured a {efficient rumber of
the most approved European GUIs iVunu
fu&urers, ani having on hatfd a large ftotk of
the best Materials, on which their workmen arc
now employed, have the pleasure of assuring
the public, that window glafsof a fupeiior qua
lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 24
inches, carefully packed in boxes containing
100 feet ea b, may be had at the shortest notice.
Glass of larpcr fiees for other purposes, may
also be had, fiich as for piDures, coach glaffe*,
clock faces, Bcc. Bottles of all kinds and of any
quantity may also be had, together with pocket
fcafks, pickling jars, apothecary's (bop furniture,
otother hollow ware—the whole at teaft 25 per
cent, lower than articles of the fame quality
brought from any of the fei ports of the l/nired
State*. A liberal allowance wilt be made on
fait of large quantities. Order* from merchant's
and others will be pun<fluaily attended toon ap
plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC
CRAIG, or at r+e Store of Mcfirs. PRATHER
andSMILIE, in Ma)ket-Btr«'et, P ttfburgh,
March 4, tuthtf.
Red Clover.
White do.
£a.'pt Foin.
Herd Graf®,
Orchard do.
Rape andHtmp.
PATi.NT PLOUGHS, which are (aid to be more
durable than any heretofoie invented, and found
on experience to dirainith the labour both of man
and bta(l-*->
No. 40 South Second Street, Philadelphia.
Februsfy 13. tu&f.Bw.
ed by the Mfcriber, "or undivided Shares or
Lots on his purchase withiH the city of Wafting
ton, who have not ydt applied fdr and received
their Deed., are hereby notified, that their fevers!
Title« wi!l be duly completed to the ord.r rholc
who in conformity with the term, of the laid Cer
tificate., do make the Payment* in full therefor,
either to Thmnr M'Eucn 'r 1 Co. or to the "itb
fcrihrr M WiiUd.lphia, on or at ar.y time l.eferc
the Slftxiay of May neit.
December 17
Valutxbie Estate,
KNOWN by the ui: or the Booneton Irnn
Works, Gtn'ato in the county of Morris in the
<lat.> of New-Jtrfry, of a Forge with
four fires, a Relliug and Slitting Mill, a Grill mill
with two Run of ftene., and Sawmili, all in good'
order and n»u- in use, together with'ah excellent,
large, .aid convenient house, with cut-hnuffs of
every kind ; among arra* Ice beiifs, and'
stone milk house, with a remarkable fin. i'pring in
it, a large Garden, and an ew\,ll/nt smleflion of
Fruit, a large Orchard, and 2500 acres of »oorV
pa'ure and arahle land, and a pr.vt number , ['■
-Horn and workmen*! house* Immediate poflWEca!.
will he given of houses and (lores ftflicient fo
providing flock- the prefert winter, and jScdeflion
rjf the whole in fhelpring.
For terras inquire of I ravid B Og-den at New.
ark, mr Peter Mackie in Ncw-Yor.';, nr. Davii
Ford in Morris i'own, Jacob' and Bieh
ard Faffcli tie premises.
Januarv 11
Thirty Dollars Reware.
FROM the Marine Barracks on the night of th?
14th inft —JOHN OSBORN, born in the
town of Bedford, Weft Cheiler county and (late
of New York, aged it years, 9 months, 5 feet
8 and a quarter inches high,grey eyss (longqued)
light hair, ruddy c&mplexion, pock marked, hy
traie a Shoeraaker. Ehli.lcd hy I.ieutenaut Hey
noldi in Stephen's Town, near Alba»y the 3.5 th of
June lad Had on and took with him a short
round blue cloth coat with a red eape, a blue
cloth coatee, a lew white waistcoats, a long grey
mixed'clo'h coat ana breaches, a pair of bents, a
checolate coloured great coat trimmed with black
hair plufli, s fun- hat half worn, and two filwr
watches, one a middle size, the other final!. He
may impose himfel*' on some family or gentleman
as- a waiter, as he has ait«d in that capacity j
Wherever apprehends said Deserter, an.! facurcs'him
in jail, fends him to Headquarters, or delivers him
to any of the Marine officers, or an r o(licet 1 of th»
army of the United Stats.-stall receive the above
reward and all reafooablc charges.
Adjutant Marine Corps,
January 16.
Aaran Ogden, Clerk y Zsfc.
Blizibeth-town July 8,1799 (") i>Wi»m
Britilh Colonies in the Weft Indies,
By Bryan Edwards, Esq.
Of the Ifiand of Jamaica,
m. p. r. r. s. a s.
And Member 6f the American Philosophical
To ivhick will be arfifeJ,
(Published since the foregoing, by the fame aothor^
In regard to the Maroon Negroes in the
Island of Jamaica ;
With Observations on the disposition, charac
ter, manners and habits of life of ihe Maroons;
and a detail of the origin, progref* t and termi
nation of the late war between those people and
the white inhabitants.
An Historical View of Si, Dorningo } or
Hispttniola ;
Comprehending an account ef the former go-
V \ l *?^ French part of ihat tfland, its
political state, population, prody<flions, and
exports; a narrative of the calamities which
defolatpd the.iflijid ever lince the year 1789;
and 1 detflr! of the traftladlions of tfce B.itilh
army sn thit island to the end of tlje year 1794.
To be illustrated with a Jarge swofbeet genera!
MAP of the WEST INDIES, and ten other
Maps, a'J executed in the heft manner, v?z.—
of Jamaica, Burbadoei, Grenada, St. VinieKfs,
Dornir.'ji, ht, ChriftopherVj Nevis, Antigua,
t ' le r ?' n and a sheet Map of the Ifhnd
of Mi p«i.i\f>U. Ai.d to be embellished with
S F X D S.
The An Indian Cacique of of Cu
ba, addrefSng * Viumbo* concerning a f&!ure state.
.'otc—This print) ivit.b tiefourth andjixth, arc par
ticularly illujlrated. In the illufration of tie fourth it
ghte/i a very curious description of Columbus' s pcrfon and
manners, witß xobidb tfo print it said accurately t) cor
2d The Bread Frnit of Otahcite as produced in
tfcc Botanical Garden at Jamaica.
A Family of the Red in the [ilaud
of St. Vincent.
4tli Columbus and his two tans Diego and Fer
dinand, discoursing on tWeir di'eoverie* and jproif
pedks; from aR ancient Spanifti picture in the fof
feffion of Edward Home, Eiq. of Bevis Modrit,
near Southampton.
'sth The voyage at the fable Venus from An
gola to the Weft Indies.
6th A Negro Fefcival in Che o! St. Vin
cent*, from fife, fiom an original V.fawn
l»y AgoAinc Brunyas, in thepufTefljou ©rSir Wm.
r o'ttng, Bart,
7tl» ?lan «tri<i elevation of an improved SugaF
Mill, defigr.«d fcy fifiv/srd Woollery, Esq. of Ja
Samuel Blodgtt.
Bth Parkir.fon, a Qapfl'm' of Maroons,
as-taken from life.
It is proposed to print iy subscription,
(To be pnblißied in Weekly numbers)
Intercfting and ufeful Work.
The fnhfcrihiT therefore ciftrs theft prapofaU
to 'lie public. intending as foor. as three htttnlred
have fubfcrtSitif, te pubiifh the firft number, com
mencing it with the Gcneia'l Viawof the Ancient
State of the- Inhabitants, their origin, manners,
cuftocx, Uc. as well of Hifp-jniola, Cuba, Porto
Rico, &c. as of all the British Iflatrds; and he will
continue puhlilhiug a number weekly, till the
whole is finifhed—on the following terms, viz.
ill. It (hall br printed on a niiai to,
on a neat Types aii'l on iHe btfft Priming' Paper.
id. It fnallbepubliflrtdin fCirrrJbcrs wetly,
and is calculated to he compleated in. Fifty
Nr.mbcrs : Paclf Number to contain Twenly
fom- Pages of letter Press. The Price for each
Number to he-One Quarterns a DoHar, to be
Paid on.Delivery Should it exceed l'ifty
Numburs, the Remainder will he given grat : s.
3d. The Map* and- Prints will be delivered
with the Numbers to which they particularly
attach, free of any additional Price And a
Direflinn will be givetrvgainft what particular
Page each one it to be placed.
Til - fuhftribers Names, with the Title Pages,
&c. will be given with the lalt Numbers.
Note. Such Subfci ibrrs as do rot incline to
receivo the "Numbers as they are publilhed, will
have them carefully n serve.i for tl-.em on pay.
in* F-ui Dolla.s at the Time of fuWcribirg,
and the Remainder wheti the W. rk is finifhid.
To prevent ©ifappr.intrnitnt or Complaint, it
is row prtmi.'ed, that as tlierc will be hilt a
vary few Copies ftiuik ..ff more than may be
fuMcrihed for, thr Price . f them will beconii
derabiy railed after the Publication of the
Numbers which are to comnofe 1 tVe'firft Vo
Philadelphia, March 11, iB6O.
Suß!c»irTTo«»i«-rccdvtd by fiid Hu.-nfhrryl,
at No. 106; the fnuth fide 01 Market Street, Mci.
Vrifhard r.«d Oayirilon, at Rich Wend, Virginia.
Mr G. Hill. Baltimore, Mot; land. Mcflrs I ho
nn-1 and James Swords, New York. Mr. Ju no
White, Bolton ; and Mr. T C. Cufhfr.r, Salem
March 18'
IN mv I!»Tf.ftt'R OF AFKIC/i,
Ts now ill the Pteft ot James Humphreys,
AndAill be finiflied with all the expedition pcffi'ble
IT is in large aclavo, on a beautiful velluoi pa
per, a neat type, and wHI ke'illuftrated wirb a
larjje elegaet MAP of the route of Mr. Park thru'
I he prireto fuHfcribcri will be two-dollar* and
an halt for- it neatly bound and Jet-rer£d-.'
The Subfrribe > names to be printed in the be
ginning of the hock.
Noti.—lt will be receffary for those who wifli
t» be poffeffcd of the above celebrated wolk bn tbc
superior paper to fubferl- e for it soon, 31 there will
be bat a few copies printed more than whatf it ii
imagined w'»tl befubferibed for.
Subferiptionsare received by said HttmjXftys,
at No. 106, foiith s'e of market flrrec.
march 3.
For publishing in Weekly Numbers,
{civil and commercial)
In two volumes.
A NF.W EXHIMrjQ'N , >1
gallery of Paintings, &c. >"f "■'[ j
I ' >e of en every day.until the end jOfMay J jfi
at Mr. Savage's Rooms, No 70, South. Fourth'
Mr. Sdvjge refpe&ftilly informs the Ladies and
of Philadelphia, that a handsome cok z3Q3&±& "-*■ :: j- iii r' ■ r
leition of Paintings and Prints executed by fev«aL "
of the fir ft matters in Europe, together with Tome NF Vf J INF OF A P4T Q
original American Hinotical Partings taken fr.m VV V /
the nioft intereftirig fubje&s, a catalogue of which' X 0 7WSO /
wrlt bearlWcfrf to vUfcori By (he ttoneft =nd »,« j>lt,f jn » road-passing
° nf ' ,r,t>t " ■ brou(jh Frinkford, Bnllleton, Hewtown.
"aprili*' C) > lveE ' Pennington, Miliftone, Boundhrook, Union
' . 1 Ojrnp, Scotch Plains, Springfield and New*
This Day Published,
By,J. Ohmrod, No. 41, Chefinit Street,
Dzatb of General Witjhirtgton.
In imitation of thr manner of Ofliato.
By Rev. Jtfirtrß.BJmn, A.M.
f^'-? i 9 e , r ? f the First Congregation
of Philadelphia.
Mr -Chaudr'on'i Orati'sn will fce publiflied
on Monday morning.
March 15.
GEOROE DAVIS received from Dub
lin via New York, a very large Parcel of
Law Books, *ll of the latest edition*, which ren
d-.-r« his assortment he believes the most extensive
and valuable on the continent. They will be
opened this day, and ready for faleat any time af
The subscribers to that important work. Went
toertb't Syftrm of Plradihg, are informed that it is
now arrived, and will be delivered *n application.
Blapk Declarations fettled and approved by tte
most diftinguilhed Law charaficrs, to be had of
O. D.
March 11,
T'HE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lin
caller lint of Stag« BISPATCH, return their
grateful thank? to their frirndi and the public in
general, for the past favors they have rec«iv«d,aiid
ipforrn them that in addition to tht regular Line,
tlwy are provided with Carriages, sober and careful
driprs, to go through between the City and
Boro»ghiatwo days. Those who prefer this mode
of travailing can be accommodated at the Stage
Office, Qgn nl United States Eagl«, Market street.
Sldugb, Downing, Dunwoody is" C».
2 ,_j
A CERTIFICATE of on* Share *f the Bank
of the United States, No. 19110, in the name
ol l.ewii Peter Quintyn, anil a Certificate of two
Shales .1 the said Bank, No 591/9, in the name
of George Jasnes Chilir.ondely, £arl of Cholmon
dely, verc forwaided from Ncyy-York by the
Chaflci field British Packet for Falmouth, which
WM'ttJtto-red by the lYcr'cT., and the Certificate.'
101 lor defirtyed, aiid fur which application it
madcat liank for the renewal thereof, of which
ail pert'ons ileCrcd to take notie:.
February u
to .ell persons tjLb own unstated Lands in
frank!in County, State of Pern yhan 'ft;
'"pHAT th-y com: forward and pay their
icfpec'tivf Taxes, (as there is n number
of years row dtfs) ;o PATRICK CAMP
BELL, £3» Treafurcr for laid County If
tbey do not,' we wiil be obliged to proceed
to maki fate a? them agreeably to-law.
J-AWF.s Irvik. y
Jofrw HAninA'v, L Corn'rs.
Nathan M'DowEf,!
'CBifciitiibtier's office,
■Cbhvtierslkrql, Jtfh'. i{. 1800. } livr^m'.
Valuable Properly for Sale,
Vi Chef**!, near Sixth ftrcet, dicedUy opjjbfitc
Congress Hall.
A LOTofground, about »I feet front iit Chef
-11 nut.street aiia.73 feet in depth, wberern is a
goo J trame hoofe, now in the terure of Samuel
Setijfe fuhje(9 to a ghmndrcnt of jo». perairtium.
The, advantageous fituatioi? of this property
quires no corom.-nts, for it mi'ft be known, thrive A 1 QfIMMFP RCTDr A p
are few i*i this city to equal it, an unecceptionaMe UiViiVJ.r>lt i\£. 1 K.I.A X .
title will be B «It to the r u«hafer. Aoply to 70 B£ *™r*P,
! No. T9B Chdhtit ft. next door to th? prtmifes. li\JUo £L„
n.irch s tuthfatf rin^^ Road, tvvo miles from the
——. City, with <1 good Stab!# aud Garden. Pof-
TO BE SOLD. Teffion «)ay be bliin: For terms enquire
ABOUT two miles anil a quarter from the ' ■ - - - ' —
CuUrtHouf*. or the Riiigc road, adjoining J 70 BE SOLD t
of P-rktr ; thirty'j @ r Rented fori term ofYears,
two-acre*, divided into f.v.-ral lots, a«d in the j A LARGE
i* h \t | Tw ° story briCk house,
feet front and twenty two feet deep, with a tcoms J 1 thereunto belonging,
on * floor, at Vy a a feet each, and an entry of J QJ TUA I E in Duck. Creek, Croft Rojrii
eight f/ct Utweer . three ,-ood cumbers o 'k the J O Kent County, State of Dtlaware, fronting
fee'ond fiocr, arrd three ga>r*.'*rt!l fini!hed and J on'th'e Main Street; them are on the lower
ph.f'ered. In front o( the hiiildlns is a vt.-y good 1 Floor, five Rooms and an Entry, with a
yijai2a. Adjo.nmg thb house .V a tart* uick finifheri Room, up Stair,, a
kitchen, »♦ by 1 8 fa.., two 0ori« high, « ith a CeMsr under the wh ql» Building, a Brick kitch-
I rT? k *r f * ! ">• » i »«"** good Water, with a Stable, Car
il''*® onf "'"7 *'g h ' 16 h J 18 r « f . riaee House and Sheds, the whole Improvement,
near which is a pump of the belt water for every I • c r , " ,s
use A, a fmall,iiflice i. the garHner'. house, of ,n *° ff !"■ Sfat ' B , wdl M<cd
bri.fe.-two stories high with a garret, b, aq 4 Stnrc .or Tavern, the latter of which
fief There ire alfo'a good ar.d " I>«1»eW. OCt«pted for a number ot vests with
a large Ihei for carriages, an excellent Uitchea conl.-derable Tuceels, she fituatioh .it dry and
garden, wirh applfc, y-cach, pear," cherry and plumb tl,e Country around being very healthy atfd a
tree.', in full bearing, ftrawt erri-s and raftkries, P^V C confiderabie Trade, it will be well
currants and artirhpkes. At the Jojver part of worth tjje attention of iny person wishing te»
the land Is a yery feuc fating q{ water. Th« house purchase or re^r.
i* insured, For further particulars apply to the Sub-
Any person wjihing to view the prefnifts is re- fcriber at the &for£f}t4 P^e.
quested to apply at the offlga of Ch« Gaiette. JOHN CUMMINGS.
mvf&ftf January 8- i*wja> f
•■• •
« (Price if Centt)
319 High
x or ice.
(Voi. trig e .
ftarti froin the Green Tree, No- 50 Norli
Fourth Street, ar 8 o'clorlc every morning, and
arrives at New York early the next evening.
From New York it ft;irt« at 9 o'clock every
d»y ( Sundays excepted J and arrives at Pki.'a.
delphia, eafly the »ext evening.
Fare for passengers 5 dollars, way piflengera
6 cents per mile. Kacl) allowed r4lb
of baggage. One hundred and fifty weight bf
baggage to pay the fame as a pafienger.
All baggage to be »t the rifle of the ownst",
untefa and rectipud for Uy ihe clerk»
of the different efficcs. Rate of infurancc 00c
per cent.
*f Apply to JOHN M'CALLA, Uo.. S o
North Ftiunh Street, Philadelphia, »nd to
Courtland Street, N. E. curjifr of Greenwich
Street, New York.
January 3,
For Sale,
Tte Cargo of the ship Mclljr, captain Sua in,
Jrom Bciavh,
SUGAR in whole and half cannifters,
Ceribon Coffee,
Black Pepper,
Sapan Dye Wood,
Ebony, and
Thirty two bales of Cotton Yarft.
BURTHEN four thousand three
hundred barrels of Flour, mount* 1 £
wine pounders, with ftut and frnall arras comp!eat
sad is newly coppered to the bends with patent
copper. Apply to
M*fch 15.
Taxes of Lycoming Comity,
JOHN KIDD, Treafnrer,
BY Dire&ion of the CommiJJiontrs of Lyco*
ruing county, at ends at Phil ddelphia to re
ceive the Taxes aflefisd upon unfjatcd Lands in
that County, fram theholdars thereof, in this
City. Tfcofe who have filed with the Com
miflioners, Catemer.ts of their Lands, are re
queued to cat) upon liim, to know the amount
of Taxes thtreou, and pay them ; othervrjfe, be
fore hi? leaving the City, they will be put into
the hands of the Sheriff for co!le<slion, agree*
bly to the aS for raiGrg county rates and levies
Thof« who have not filed flateujents of :hsit
U*ds with the Commissioners, and aredefiroua
of having it dorr, to prevent sales without pre
*i»us perioral Notice, may file with the above
i'rea:ur»r, their lilts, Hating the quantities re
turned, Kumber.jnd dates of the warrants and
names of the warrantees, under which they
h 4il their lands. He will attend at Mr. Joseph
Hsrdy'p No 98, Market street f*.r this purpofc
until the ;Bth instant.
N'c.vcm'iT o
A capital situation for a Board Yard,
70 LILT,
FOR the ven<}i»g of Lumber, or Plaifter of
Paris, a Couniinp House and Lots in High
above Ninth (lrcet. The filiation is the best
in the cily for of tlie above purpofirs, the
lot extending from Market tn Filbert street, and
ha»ing'j Larpe front or each ftrcet. Apply at
NoSouth Third Street,
april >
And possession given on the iqtb of May.,
That iarjrF and commoJious
At tlieccrner of Vine Third flrfets, No.
87, (ni.w Mrs-Capron- Apply at
No- c 4 B, High ftre.'t-
march 31