A NEW MUSICAL REPOSITORY IS NOW OPENED At Chalk's Circulating Library, : 1 No. 75 North Third Street, WHERE may be had, all tbe h'ajbitnebh Music i compelling the songs &c lately iold at the < Repository in South Second Street To which, in a few days, will be added, feme PIANO FOR! Ei> of a very fuperier tone and quality, Flutes, I'ltes, Violins, best Roman Violin fringe, and every other article in the musical ljrte, which Vfill be fold in prime order, and pR \the moll reasonable terms. \ , Subfcriptiom received for Muf'cal Journal lor the Piano Forte, a-.id the FliXje or V'obn, trie firft fix numbers of which are already publtfhed, and may-te purchased together or Separately by nonfubferibers \ March 6, 1800 \ JUST REGEIVEn. V. >»» From the BOSTON A QUASVI WINDOW Of different FOJt SJ \ By ISAAC H-*J N. B. Any foe " r larger than » 8 i«.canbeha IV, on o-rferrd; and an ' .... .rd.rtthst may be le . No. g, South Water » S WAR DEPAP PROPOSE WJLL be received at 1 seventh day of April cioathirip lor the Army of t ' he prnpofals injift fpecify ffr cutting out each of the wit; Hoifeman'scloaks, r»c and oveialls. PROPOSALS will^ifob fevinth diy of April ntxt five thousand hats and twei: 1 he hats to be made of pood nufiflured, full cocked, be black binding, the fan ar hi « bread, fides and corner# I The Ihirts to be of linen eqi the pattern article, and to b he said pattern. One halt" of the hats and cn or before the firfl day 1 the remainder on or before t next. Patternt of tbe art the Military Stores kept by Jryce streets. wharf between Arch and R_r. Security will he required* Mr. HENRY, J A\j t' Secretary cf War, dtjA. " MiP'h 7 wax £R 1 office - -tre Square, Fekeuaty 5, 1800. -e with thf inftru {lone. iO kegs Yell»w Ochre. A few bbls. Rosin, 40 tons Rufiia Hemp. !So lihds. Hogs Brifties. 1 hhd3. Dutch Glue. 20 calks Nails afiorted from ,;d. to iod. 16 casks Ironmongery, g calks Hoes. Get man Steel. 6 hhds. Coffee mills. Blocking Twine, Tapes, Stone Pickling Pots, &c- &c. ;o boxes and bales Tick lenburghs 60 do en linns. 50 do. b>igs. / 50 do »5 do.Bielfiel^ re j s 1, do Cre^f| x a U slL. Saffians. I 9tioi Kftii*. Bed Ticks. Siamois. Arabias. "jnpty Bags, il Cloths, iocs and Slippers, lal and upper Leather, mils and Saaling Wax. package Gold and Sil ver Watches, few chests Toy«. ates and PentiU. > hhds Havanna Mo lalTes February Is. UNSEATED LANDS. THE OWNERS ~>F Unseated Lands in Weftmorelawd county, . J Peni fylvania, arc here y notified, that un fs the T?xm due on (aid lands for are P 3 '^ 1 ;to the hand* cf *Jcbn Brandon, Sfy. treasurer of lid county, on or before the aoth of April next, ley will be advertised for sale, as the law dirc zvit: THAT theiradl of Land herein after d»' scribed, namely," beginning at the North "Weft corner of the fcve|» ranges of townships, and ruening thence Illy mile* due south, along the western boundajy "I the said ranges thence due Well to the Mai" Branch of the Scioto ri ver ; thence lip the Main Branch of the said ri ver to the place vJierethe Indian boundary line crolTrs *he fame£-thence along.the laid boun dary line to the "iufcaroras branch of the Muf kingum river at (becrofling plice above Fort Lawrence; thence down the said river, to the point where a liif run due weft from the place of begiaaing, jpiU interleifl the said river ; J... so run to the place of be ginning hasten divided into townships of five miles square, and trait Tonal parts of town lhips ; and that plats and (ijrvfcys of the laid townships and fractional parts of townlhipa are deposited in the uffices of the Regifler of the Treasury and Surveyor General, for the infpec tioa of all perfoß- concerned. The holclars of foch warrants as have been or (hall begrinteti fqr military tervicesperform ed during the late war, are required to present the fame to the Register of the Treasury, at some time prior to the twelfth day of February in the ye'r, one thousand eight hundred, for tbt puipofe of being registered ; No registry will however be made of any !«fs quant'ty than a quarter townffiip, or four thuufand acres. The priority of location of tlx warrants which may be presented aiKl regifleredin manner afore faid, prior to the lath day of February in the year onethoufand eight hundred, will immediate ly after the said day, be determined by lot, in the mode drefcribed by th< a& firft recited. The holders of regtfered warrants, (hall on Monday the 17th day ofFebrwry, in the year 1800,1 n the order of which the priority ef locati on (hall be determined by lotas afcrcfaid, prion ally.or by th«ir agents, dcfignnte in writing at the office of tbt Register of the Treasury, the particu lar quarter townlhips elcilod by them refge&ively, and such of the said holders as (hall not defignatr their locations on the said day, (bail be postponed as locating such warrants to ail other ht/lders of regiftercd warrants. The holders of warrants for military service* fufficient to cover one or more quarter townships er trails of four thousand acres each ; (hall, at any time after Monday the 17th day wf February, *Boo and prior to the firftday ol January, 1802, be al lowed to register the said warrants in manner a forefaid, and forthwith to make locations therefor on any trail or tFa&s of land not before located. All warrants or claims for lands on account of military feryis*a, wJiich (ballnotbe rrgifler*d and located before Hie firft day of January, 1801, are by the supplementary ail of Congrels herein fcr f ore recited, paflcd on the second day of March, 1799, 'declared to be forever barred. Gives under my hand at Philadelphia, the day and year above mentioned. dtf TREASURY DEPARTMENT. May itjtky 1799. THE proprietors of certificates ifliied forfub fcriptiens to the Loan bearing interest at eight per centum per annum, are notified, that at any time after payment shall have been made of the sth instalment, which will become due during the firft ten days of the month ef July enfding, Certificates of Funded Stock may at their option be obtained at the Treasury or Loan Offices, refpeflively, for the amount of the four firft instalments, or o»emoiety of thefams ex prefiedin the fubfeription certificates:—N® cer tificates of Funded Stock will however be iflued for less than one hundred dollars. Such fubfeription certificates as may be pre ented at the Treasury or Loan Offices in con equence of the foregoing arrangement, will be niorfed and diftindtly marked so as to denate, that a noetv ef the flock has been iflued. OLIVER WOLCOT7, Secretary of tie Treasury. GOODS, do. Hemp- do. Ozb* OLIVER WOLCOTT. Sec. of the Treasury, WAR DEPARTMENT, March 11, 1800. Notice is hereby given, THAT separate >r»pofals will be received U the office of the Secretary of the De partment of War, until the expiration of the ijth of July nexteiifuing, for the supply id a ; l rations, which may be required for the use of the United States, irotn the ift day of os*>bei i , 1800, t" the 30th tlay of September, both dais inclusive, at the places and within the two diftrifls hereinafter firft mentioned ; and alto that separate propef»ls will be received at the Otid office untilthe expiration jfths 15th day of July next enfuiig, for the 1 ipply <>f all ratiixis which may be lequired as ai ore law/from the lit day of Januaiy;in the year 1801, to the 31ft daly of Decern!*) in the f'am = year, both days UclnCye, at thcplace and within the fev er.il Hates hereinafter mentioned, viz, FirJ. Propufals ti supply all rations, that may be required, at C.fwego ; at Niagara 1 at at Fort Franklin ; at aeuf; at Cincinnati ;at Piequt Town, and L 1 ramies flores; at Fort Wayne j at Fort Defhiee ; at any place below Fort Defiance, on the Miami river to Lake Erie ; at Port Knox, aid Ooatonon on the ri ver Wabaih ; at Maffiicf at any plat s or places on the river Mfffiffippi, abova the mouth of the river Ohio, ami upon tie lllonois river. Second. Propofalstc!fupply all rations that may oe required, at an)j place or p aces, on the east fideofthe Miffifiippiriver,bele", at the Head of Elk, and at afy other place or places, where troops are or may be Rationed, marched or rc crur ed within tlje limi:s ef the ftatc of Mary land. Eighth. Prcbofa!" to supply all rations that may be at Fort Mifflin, at Philadel phia, at Darby, at Lar.cafter, at WilkefbArre, at Heading, at Hriftoi, at York town, at Carlisle, at Lewiflown (Mifflin county) at Bedford, at Greer.fburg, at Wifhington, at Eaftown,gat VVilniingto', 3i Chrittiana, at Dover, or at any other placi or placts where troops are or may be ftatio'ied, marched or recruited within the limits of tht- ftatrs o! Pennsylvania and De laware, except the posts within the state of Penn sylvania, enumerated in the firll proposals a foresaid • Ninth. Proposals to supply all rations that may be required at Harkt-nfao, at Elizabsth town, at Nevs-Brunfwick, at Burlington, at Woodbury, at Trenton, aod at any ori.er place or places where troops are or may be llationtd, marched »r recruited within the limits of the state of Jerfcy. Tenth. Proposals td supply all rations that may be required at New Yurie, at Weft Point, at Fluftiing, at Haerlem, at Weft Chester, at Poughkeplic, at Konderlioak, at Stillwater, at Newberg, at Albany, at Conajol>arie, Jt Cler ry Valley, and it .iny other plate or plites where troops art or may be Rationed, mardied or recruited within the limits of the llatt of New-York, except the polls within the j'tld state enumerated in the firft proposals aforeft;d. Eleventh. Proposals to supply all rati as that may be required at Hartford, at Hebfc.n, at New London, r.t Brooklyn, at Wyndl&rr., at Litchfield, at Guilford, at New-H<.ven, at Fairfield, at at Middletown, ant at any other place or places where troops art or may be stationed, marched or recruited wifiiiii the limits oftheftare of Connedkicut. T". may be required at Portfmruth, at Exeter,i : Windsor, at Bennin jrson, at Rutland, or at Ml fort, place or places, where troops are or maylle ftationtd, marched or recruited within the Stilly of New Harapfhire acd Vermont The rations ti be supplied, is to consist of t t following articles, viz. eighteen ounces of bread f quart ol ncc, or one and a half pound of fifted r freSi beef, or one pound of salted beef, or thr c quarters of a pound of salted pork, and when fr< h meat i« ifTued, fait, at the rate of two quarts | r every hundred rations; soap at the rate of ff< r pounds, and candles at the rate of a pou.id «i:i( a half for every hundred rations the supply of rum, whiiky, or other rits at the rat« of half a gill per ra:ion, and )vin - gar at the rate o[ two quarts' for every hiSiiiir*! the several component parts ol the ration's-. wJI as those of lubflitvUei or alternatives for psf.3 A - - *" ~ Y J Vt- The rations are to be furmJhed in fucb quanti ties as that there (hall at all times, during the term of the proposed contrails be fufficient for the con sumption of the trosps at Michilimackieac, De troit, Niagara and Ofwego, for fit months in ad vance, and at each of the other posts an the wef tern waters, for at least three months in advance, of good andwholefome provifiona, if the fame fha!l be required. It is alfa to ba permitted to all and evctyofthe commandants ef fortified places, or or poftp, to call for at seasons when the fame can be transported, or at any t-ate in the cafe cf urgen cy, such fuppliee of like provisions in advanc*, as in thfdifcretion of the commandant IHall be deem ed proper. It is to be under ood that the cm traitor is to be at the expence and risk of iffuirg th* fuppliesto the troops, and at all lcffeft diftinguifhcd Law characters, to be had of d. March it. JOSEPH ANTHONY & Co. 't tbeir Store N® the kitchen is a copious and never failing fpiyig of most excellent running water. The of improvements and their con vetienic tt the city of Waftimgton must rentier this prqieiy a most defiiable aiquifition to any petfon vh| may wilh to carry on a tavern upon anlexte ifi*i frale. The immediate removal ot thjr of the United States must re- tc|it fill and complete custom. The term of fate are, one third in canz one irano day« the other third in 340 dayk, tib« T n , REIN TZFL. - £ T ' ufie " [March 8 J iawtiMay. DAN I February 'O BE SOLD, A COUNTRT SEAT\ ABOITT two miles and a quarter from the Court Houfu, on the Ridge road, adjoining lands ot Jtrciiiah Parker ; containing about thirty two-acres, diJided into f.veral lots, asd in the highett ftafe'ot cultivatien. There in on it a hat:d foroe, well r in barter for Coffee, THE FOLL9WINO »o Cases Crtas * la- Morlaix. 4 do. Do-vlaflcs 4 do. Rouans 4 do. Platillas Roy ales. to do. Cafleril'os or wl ite rolls of l» & half j ards. 8 do Checks and ftriptC. 3 do. Fine Elber feld Checks 4 do. Contils and Liiladors I do. Check (hirts. 16 do. Oil cloths lo do. Tapes of all numbers,plain, tu-il led, blue and while too Travellingcafesof different sizes. 4 cases cut flint De canters, pint& quart 3 cases gill tumblers 1 .cafe wine g : aflt-j 17 t boxes of Window Glals, 8 by 10 2 cases Sealing Wax With an extensive aflortment of Looking Glass Plates of the fcllowing sizes, 16-12- 17- ic T, 17-13, 18-14, 20-12, 22-13, 24, 14, 26-15, a,l£) 28-16, and a variety of other goods usually impo/ted from Hamburg. March 11. d6t—taw4w. Secretary of IVar lawtjjJuly TAKF?' tliis m?thod of oiice more ii'fnrir.ing the i-'ublic, that tiie partnership of Moles Chspline and Robert M'Clute, which was enter ad into for 'he ptrpoie of retailing Goods in the town of Weft Liberty and Commonwealth of Vir ginia, on the tenth day of August, 179 c, expired on the tenth day of August 1793, agreeable to th# term stipulated in their article of enpartnerfhip; 3taw4w February 12. IN the state of Delaware, being this day dif. solved, all persons having demands again!! said partnership will apply to the fubferibrr, and such as are indebted to l aid concern will pleaft to make piyment to PETER FOSTER. Duck Creek, April r. iawim. mwfm J "HE Public arcautionedagainft receiving the ' Subfcriben Note in favor of, -and indor sed by '1 hnqtat W. Francis, dated yefteriay, at 6c days arter date for eight hundred dollars. The note is in the hand writing of the Suhfcri ber, and at the bottom a memorandum by the indorlsr, to the credit of the drawer, Thomas W. Francis. This note together with a con trail betvcfceii Charles W.Uumfon, and Charlw Hale for buds in township, No. 4, is the jth range of Striker county, flare of New.Jersey, ■ and furtdry other paprrs contained hi a Pocket Book, were taken from the Subferiber* dtfk last everiny;. As the above can be «f no life to the pcrl'on v. ho has carried them off, ftihould they 1 be returned, n- questions (hall lie aflted. February 6 For property in the City, or within thirty miles of if, A PLANTATION or tradl of Land in Mifflin County and State of Pennfylva ia, within Itx miles of the river Juniata, con taining about 300 acres. There are about fifty acres cleared, ;urt of which is a rich bottom, watered by a constant fhream that is firing enough to work an oil or a grifl mill. Any per'on inclining t» deal for it, may obtain fur ther information by applying at the offic • of (his ga?e:te. N. 3. If fold, credit vritl be gives for part of the money. OiAober 17, 1799 AN elegant new FRAME HOUSE, twenty seven feet front by thirty-four in depth, with a commodious piazza and kitchen, to gether with a coath house and ftabla, situate in the flourishing village of Frankford. The house, which may be entered the firft of June next, will !jc finilhcj in the ncateft stile with many conveni ences, and will bs well adapted to a large genteel family who may with to reixde in the country du ring the fummei season. In exchange, it will be valued low. if a veflel «ffirr that may be suitable. Further particulars will be made known by ap« plication to February 14. FI'OM the United States Frigate Philadel phia, DAVID DF.VINE, by trade a Shoe, maker, born in Ireland, years of age, 5 fe«t 6 inches high, tight complexion and hair—alfa, WATSON LUDLOW, by trade a Shoe maker, born in New-Jerfcy, 33 years of age, 5 fert 10 inches high, dark hair and complexion Whoever will take up said Deserters and deli ver them on board thefaid frigate, Ihall receive ten dollars reward for each, and reasonable charges. March 11 Near the corner of Arch and Ninth streets. ALSO, To be Sold or Let, A number of excellent Pasture Lots, On the Wiffahickon road, absut half a mile from the city. %" Enquire at No. *8 North Fifth street. November 15, d6tlawtf JACOB SPERftY, & Co. GOODS, Entitled to Drawback: i cale Ladies' Shoes j cases fine Elberfel - Linens 4 do. Siamoifts 3 do. Silefiahankfj. x • do. Damaflc table linen aCTorted with napkins ! do. Moreas do. Flanders Bed Ticks, 6 4, 9-4 atid tO'4 : 4 do. Cot ten Bed Tiiks do, flock »®ps, ®love« , taiooire 1 do. Kid Gloved 2 do. Ribbons 3 do. Garnets and Pearls 4 ealks;alTorted Iron mongery 3 do. Scythes, lo hands. 4 do. Coffee 3 Cables of iif fa thorns each, 9 & io incki The Subscriber MOSES CHAPLINE. law6w. THE PARTNERSHIP OF PETER FOSTER &? Co. Of Duck Creek, CAUTION. SAMUEL MIFFLIN. TO BE SOLD FOR CASH, on KxrHA:;GKDj FOR SALE Or to be exchanged for a good Vessel, MOORE WHARTON. DESERTED, FOR SALE, SEVERAL VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, PRINTED BY J. W. FE, dtf. 3t»vinf. wo.