(Hajette °< <»• Unitcti .t Numufh 2350.] fr-y* The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Pbiladelpbio* All others pay tflc Dollar additional, for enclosing and di- W ct '"J> > and unless,sonte person in this city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. * # * No Subscription will be received for *i shorter term than six months. December i 1799 Philadelphia Academy. SAMUEL MAGAW, D. D. Red or of St Pan!'* church, and formerly Vice- Provost of the Uuiverfity of Pecufylvania, AND JAMES ABERCROMBIE, A.M. One of the Afliftant MiniQcr* ot Christ cbutih an<l St. Pctct's, INTU'C TO OPEN, On Tuesday ti>e 15 tb of next month, (April) Slit 3UaDemp, CONSISTING OF I, A N Englifli School, in which will be /~\ taught Reading, Writing, English Grammar, Composition, Elocution, and Na tural Hiltorj. 2d. A Mathematical School, in which will be taught Writing, Arithmetic, Mer eahtile Accounts, Geography and the use of the Globes, Geometry and Trigonometry, with their applitation to Mensuration, Sur veying, Navigation, Nautical Astronomy, kc.—All's, the Principles of Mechanics, Algebra and Fluxirns. 5<J. A CUffir.al School, in which will he taught the Latin and Greek Languages, in conjunction with Chronology, Civil Hif torv, Rhetoric, and the Inflitutes of Moral Science. A well grounded cor,vision of the expe diency of the foregoing plan, has been our principal inducement to undertake it. When it is «onfidered that this populous and flou rifhing Metropolis contains only one P-.'biic Institution on an extensive plan, and that many of our youth are obliged to resort to other States, to receive even a Grammar- School Education, the Seminary now pro posed, will, we trufl, be regarded as eminent ly uH-Tul. Adluated by these considerations, nuny gentlemen, friends to Science, and to Liter ary Establishments, have urged, with great warmth, the present undertaking, and ex cited the raoft flattering expectations of its success. Thus encouraged by the countenance and primifrd -<iJ -_f li'-.r+.l fucri, no'lrfs than by a firm persuasion that well-regulated Aca demies have a m»ft important influence « manners, hahits, and principles ; •1 y be our earnest endeavor so to con i ■ is Seminary of Learning, as to fub *..e the great Interests of Religion and vlorality, to promote Decorum ef Behaviour - '.orredlnefs of Taste, Liberality of Senti, flit, and every other attribute of an inge- uotis ttiind, which, in conniption with s jed principles, and found con ttkute the diftinguiflied ornaments of the gentleman, andthe scholar. The building, engaged for this Academy, hough affording excellent accommodation, will be relinquished for a m#>re central situ ation, if such a change should be found ne cett.ry. A matter of diflinguifhed abilities will be procured to condudl the Mathematical De partment. Perfops de (irons to beemployedas tutors in this Seminary, are requeftrd to apply, without delay, to either of the fuhfcribers, ■to /horn also Parents wishing to fend their children, will please to make application. SAMUEL MAG AW, Ne. 94 Arch Sreet. JAMES ABERC.ROMBIF,, Philad. March 28. Forty Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from the Subscriber, living iu Saflafras Neck, Ccecil County, State of Mi. rytand, on Friday the 14th iuft. a negro man nam ed PEi'tß, about twenty-five years of age, coler abie black, and left handed. He has been used to failing by water in the Chesapeake Bay about twelve months, and is smart and aiftive—He has been formerly used to farming and taking care of horses. His cloathing he took with him is un- , Jtnown.—lt is expeited he hat Ihaped his courfc for Philadelphia or Chefler Town, and the above ' re ward will be paid for fecaring him in any g»al I in the United States, an : rcafoaable charges paid P if brought home, by JOHN FERGUSON. N. B. All masters of veffcls and all other persons are forwarned of harboring the said negro. Safiafras Neck, march 18. jawfiw Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York County, a negro man, named ISAAC, other wise CI7DJO, about 21 years wld, the property of Robert Coleman; F.fq. Kb is ab»ut 5 left 8 inches high, ha* a blemiih in his eyes, more white in them than common, by trade a Ferge man; had on and took with bim a drab coloured broad cloth almcft new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons printed fancy cord, a Iwacfdown'ftripud under, ticket; a rorum hat; one fine and «ne coarse shirt' one muslin handkerchief, sprigged, two ditto striped border, a blue Persian under jacket and twopsir cotton flocking*. Whoever takes up said negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any f the ncigabouring Aatci (hall have tke above r«- ward or reasonable expcnces if brought bemt. JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, 0(90ber*3,i799. N. B. As said negro formarly lived in Chester c >unty, it is probable be may return there. November s No. 101 Pine Street. FCjR LIVERPOOL. dar, will be re wharf in a fe< teenth of Apr to the captain t . So! THE SHIP AMIABLE, D. C. Tillinghast, Marl ,PHIA built, of live oak and c dv to receive her cargo at Wei days, and to fail about the { . For freight or pifiage apj un board, or to lEREMIAH WARDER. 10 aAs for sals, ; articles entitled to Drawbac The follow i Cotton Hole. fine Holland Shirting Line Table Linen, f. klings, Rags for Paper-lx kers, Ruifia 3 il Cloth, Ravens Duck, lr Linens in tiunki London White Lead, V and ground is oil Redan 1 Barr Lead, I.oikl Tin in hoxss, LO'don refiued Salt Pctre, Ne- Cattle Gtinrtftnns, Roman Tea Cannilfc, elegant Oandol s, ten four ponnd Woolwi proof v.annon, d itle fortified with apparaf complca-, asd ; quantity of three and nr pound (hot. march .31. J l , Schuylkill 'ejrmanent Bridge}, : TONE. PROPOSALS in riting will be receivedjitil the 15th day April next, at the ofljfiof th« Treasurer ot tht chuyikill Permanent Company No. If Curch alley, for a fapjl of teV thinfantf perch the bell quality Free jite, ore hnlf ofwvhicJ* 'iu(l be of large dimtijhs, viz 7to n feet los ji to 3 feet wide iKlic bed, 9to 18 irchesj^p—»the remain Jer tc of the size which isgen.iily called large-foun ioir flone, to be deliverilut the Weft ead rf igh Greet, in such quanth. and at such times aliall be required. Price id time of payment be frxpreffed- JOHN DORSI", Secretary pro t&. A qHantity of for mortar -it be wanted. March 17 NCICE. ALL psrfons indebi to the estate of J HH RHOADS, late this city, deceaK art requested to make immitt paymenta» l:ofe having accounts agamfhe faiiic, to brinjliein in, duly attested, for paient to RACHEL RHQDS Administr,rix• March 26. LANCASTx THE Proprietors of A'hiladslphia and an callfr linf M St,t K «| PATCH, teturtheir grateful thank - to their |idsani the piifc in general, for th' - . past favalcy have inform them that in addty-, to th« rcrHla.iae, th«y are pioviicd with ci ? e» Jobtr anif-ciul driers, to gf- through x-eii the Cf Jnd BorcHgh ii? two days. TljKvho prefertlinoik of traveling can be accimdated at triage Ofiicc, sign of United StatLgl,, MarkdtircJ:, Philadelphia. ) Slough, Downing, unvsoody Nev. 30. 2 f-§ CITY OF WitoGTI THE FOS&oiiS : OF OBLIGATIONS «r C ri! ; fill ed by the ftibl'crihei, or Lots on his put chjfe within' cify ofitjftiin L ' ton. who have t:ot yet appl f, r .i ;; }-cri»; ! their Deeds, ire hereby notift rhat th* ft-ve: ji Titles wi Ihe .Hily completed |, e ord«ofthoi? who in conformity with the l» ~f the'id Cer tificates, do mr.ke tho Payma • n lultaerelor, either to Thames M'B.uen ts*. , )T tc* 1 he fcriber ?.t Piii'.adslpWia, on of any tjii before the 31ft day of .-/lay n«xt. tit I BlJgi !. * ■ BOONETON IROISTc^S.'). December >7 TO BE SOL\ i OR LEASED FOR ONP. Yt(_ir AT Valuable Estate KNOWN by the name of tkAXi 1 i ron Worki, fitnatgin the county LI, lie the llat« of New-Jcrfry, confiding otVj with four fires, a Rolling and Slitting ( jft m j|| with two Run of ftane«, anil Saw .li ;i good order and new in use, together w it) icellent, large, md convenient house, of every kind ; among which are as I f e , iIl( j (lone milk house, with a remarkabfl faring in it, a large Garden, and an exc«lUot ftioti 0 f Fruit, a large Orckard, and 250 c |,i wood, pa>.ure and arable land, and a gs. er of (lores and workmen's hoafes. Immec ofli ffioß will be given of houses and ftor® ie n t for providing (lock the present winter ofTeffion of che'whole in the ipring. For terms enquire of David B. o|jt New ark, mr Peter Mackie in Ncw-Yof) XJavid Ford in Morris Town, or messrs. J«)d Rich ard Pacfch on tbe premises. Januarv l-j Thirty Dollars Re-i DESERTED J FROM the Marine Barracks on thj i t f, L . Mth inft—JOHN OSBORN.Iin t h c town ot Bc.ilord, Well Cheftcr con y d ate of New-York, aged iz years, 9 m< 1 ; f cet 8 and a quarter inches high, grey ey« qued) light hair, ruddy complexion, pock*: t j > by a Shoemaker. Hultded by Lie|i'c Key nolds in Stephen's Town, rear Albany: t |, 0 f June last. Had on and took with) i flj ort round blse cloth coat with a redt'oj fcj ue cloth coatee, a few white waiftcoa'sj g Te y mixed cloth coat ana breeches, a pairo t» a ch»cola!e coloured great coat trimmfi v ,| a ' c k hair plush, 1 furr hat half worn, aft ttlver watches, one a middle size, the othltfnl He may iaipole himfelf on fotne family ft gl rtan at a waiter, as he kas a&ad in tha ciL Wluner apprehend* said Deserter, aa in jail, fends him to Headquarters, «icli»,j nl Co any. of the Marine officers, or an/ die J army of tbe United yStates stall t!* )ve reward ami all reabnab I e charges. | J. 9. LfcVll k Adjutant MkiUe §,j. P iaMar? (6. AKb Philadelphia Daily L P PHI L A D FACTS Submittal it public cojideration, as additional evidence/ of the efficacy of Dr. HAMILTON'S MEDICINES, Moll Disorders Rfl • JOHN HOOV'fe, Rope-ma>cr. South Second ftrect. between Mai- anef"piirifti?G streets, Philadel phia, Voluntarily »s follow! j namely, that his wife, Marl Hoo&r, wai so severely afili&H with violent *ery dlngemofly (iiuared, the confequcnceofjjcold tfttrlyiag in, u to be con fined to her bed Ujr. fcveral weeks, and was at length 'educed to the nfremaining a cripplefor life; totßruhfttnaing the moil refpefhble medical advice waj followed, and e»cry probable re medy attempted.! wlervfeeing several cafesof cures performed by Hptnllton*! EflTence and Extraft of Muflard, they ptotufed from Mr. Birch, No. 17, South Second' ftrjet. The firft application en abled her to walkiacrrfs the room, and the use of cnc bottle rcftored hrf to Her ulual Hate of health and ftrengih. J j i 3«\»2W DANGEROUS COLtt. DAVID GjI,RERT, Toyman, No. 46, South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, voluntarily miketh oath, as follows ; napely, that aboHt eighi months ago, he caught a fold, which rcfifltd every remedy he could think tl/and produced the raoii alarming ef fefls ; he cou.i procure no reft for inceffint couch ing, nor bre. ihe.wiihout great pain and difficulty, and was fii.jllylo exhausted, as to be scarcely able to walkabout, »ihich left his tiieads little hopes of his recovery, though the prefcttptions of a resectable physician were constantly attended to. In this liruati on hearing of jhe cdicaCy of Hamilton's Elixir, a bot tle was prorufed from Mr. Birch, No. 17, South Se cond street ; ine firft dose of whiclKaftordcd the most furprifingrclkf, and gave him more ease than he had enjoyed durng the w hole of the above period, aud beiorcthe extents of one bottle weie taken, he was perfe&ly cuifd, his ftrcngth and appetite recoveicd, and noi a tynptom of his former diftreQing com plaints lemoned. mwln The abo* parriculars the said David Gilbert wifh es[to b« m ie public, as a tcfiimony of his gratitude, and for the benefit of mankind. DAVID GILBERT. Sworn anri fubferibed before me the aath day of Mircty 1800. TO PARENTS Who maj have Children tvitb the Hooping Cougb, t' STAGES This diliovery is of the fiift magnitude, as it af fords irantdiste relief, ch ck« the progrcfi, and in a short time entirely removes the most cruel diforderto which children are liable—The Elixir 13 so perfe&ly agreeable, and the dtf« to smell, that no difficuHv arifei in taking it. A '' *1 Adjuster of Mr. Ewing Wiley, No. 109, Cedar ilreet, Fijladelphia, was dreadfully afflififed with wormi, iofomuch (hat her life was with great reason dcfpairei! of; her complexion la Jed and grew pale and fallow ; here)es funkenj her appetite was 1011, and fuccredcd by a painful and constant ficknels at the ftomieh; which general wailing and debility was accompanied with every appearance of a dangerous fever. Fioin this deplorable fitujtion (he was reliev ed, and jellored to a itateof perfect health and strength in a fewdavs, by the use of Hamilton's Worm Des troying Lozenges, which expelled a great uumber of large poqred worms, from fit to nine ar twelve inch es in lergth ; one ot which being a moil extraordina ry thickopfs, (ftippofed from half an inch to sir inch in diameter) was opened and found to contain a quan tity of ydung one* The above is communicated by Mr. Wiley, believ ing its perufa! may be ufelul to many, by extending the knowledge of a medicine which merits universal attention: But this testimony is ordy a corroboration ot the evidence of moru than urt v thousand perfonsof all ages, who bave, within twenty months paft.'bten cured by this medicine, with the utmofl ease amifafety, of various complaints, irifing from worms and from obllrufiions or foulnels in the flo. mach add bowels. Is icpmmended as an invaluable medicine, for the fpepy relief arid permanent cure of the vatinus comoliinis which rcfult Irom dilftpated pleasures, ju venile iidifi ret ions, residence in climate< unfavourable to the tor.flitbtroo; the immoderate use of tea, fre quent intoxication, or any oiher dellruflive intemper ance; the uuikillulor excessive use of mercury ; the [tculiarto females at acertata period of life ; bad lyings in. &c. And is proved by long and extenfivc axperieo' . ij> beabfoluiely unpaialelled in the cure of nerv.-Jij dif orders,conlumpiiona. lownels of lyirits. lofsof appe tite, impurity of .he blood, hyllerical afTe£)ion s . in ward Weaknrlles, violent cramps m rtte stomach and back, iudigeltion, nulancho'y, gout in the stomach, pains in the limb<, rrhxations, involuntary emiflfmns, seminal weaknefTes, obflinate gleets, flour aibus (or whilesjimpotency, barrennrfj,&c This medicine is oerfe&ly different in its qualities and operatian from those hot and irritating d»ugs fa frequently proposed for similar purposes, and which only recommend themfclves by the dangerous rapidi ty of their tffefts, and which, acting as a temporary but violentftimuus on the nervous lyftem, infallibly produce greater evils than those they arc intended to remove. The principal oDcration of this remedy is in ihc rtomjch, restoring thedigeftive powers, and fending from that organ new health, and vigour into every part of the system. Itenriches and purifies the blood with out inlamiog it; brace, without stimulating too vi- Olent!| the nervous fyrtem; strengthens the secretory vessels and the general habit; brings back the raufcu lar fibres to their natural and healthy tooe; and ref toresfhat nutrition which immoderate evacuations, have dcflroycd, and whofelofs had thrown the whole frameinto langor and debility. of the in the Vi {late Thd Reftorativc is abfolute'y above all recommen mrndation, in removing those weaknesses and infir mitiesiwitb which many females areaffl&ad, the con fequerjcei oMiffici.lt and painful labours, or of inju- treatment therein. Thf mod obstinate seminal gleets ; and the mo ft dillreftng cases of flour *lbus k» females fails particu larly under the province of this fpeedily yield (o its benign operation, and are radicallycured, by purifying the acrimonious humors, restoring a proper decree of tension to the relaxed fibre*, and ftrengihenmg the weakened organs. In cafe* of extremity where the long prevalence and obstinacy of dtfeafe hat $ general im-- povertfhtnent of the system, Ability of the, wholt frame, and a wading of the flefti, which oonpa-f ant orcordialfcoald repair, a prrfevaence in thej this medicine bat performed the mod »Honi(h» re». »- use o| ingc( lA, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 7, ,80c. |HE CURE OF > which the human body is liable. UMATISM. JOHN HOOVER, ifcribed to the May of March, : Ebjniezer Fergufon, Efq one of (he le Ptace for Philadelphia county. Sworn and fii 1800, befoi Jufticci of ! JOHN Alderman. WORMS. jjr- Hamilton's Grand Restorative The grand rrftorative is prcjwi-eH in pills as welUs 11 a fluid form, which aflifh eonSdernbly in produ cinga gradual ind Jafiing Their virtues remain unimpaiied for j ears in any climate. Dr. Ifabn's true and genuine GERMAN CORN PL A IST ER, And infallible remedy for corns, speedily remov ing them root and branch, without giving pain. The genuine Persian Laotian, So celebrate! among the fafliisnablc throughout Europe, is sn invaluable cohuetic, perfeilly inno cent and fafe, fre« from corroiive and repellant minerals fthe basis of 1 other lotions) and of unpa raileled efficacy if. preventing and removing utanc- blemiftjes of the face and (kin of every kind, particularly freckles, pimples, pits aftur small pot, inflammatoryrednefs.fturfs, tetters ringworm?,fun burns, prickly heat, premature wrinkles, See. The Per Can Lotion operates mildly, without impeding that natural, iufsnfible perspiration, which is essen tial to health, yet its nre fpeedyand perma neut, rendering the (kin delicately foft md fme»rh, improving the complexion and refloring the bloom of yo«thj never failing to render an ordinary countenance beautiful, and an handsome one more so. _ The Damask Lip Salve Is recommended (particularly to the hdiss) as an el«gant and plea Cant preparation for chopped and fore lip j and every blemilh and inconvenience oc csfionetl by colds, fevers, See. speedily restoring a beatitifr' rosy celour and delicate foftnefi to the lips. The Restorative Poivder for the Teeth and Gum r.. This raoft excellent preparation comfort 6 and ftreDgtfejns the gums, j.referves the enamel from decay, and cleanffs and whitens the teeth, abfarb iiis? all that aerimmonious slime s»d foulncfs,which i'uff.*red to accumulate never fails to injure and fiually ruin thsm. Sovereign Ointmeat for tie Itcb. Warranted an infallible and immediate cure at once using; biting the mot speedy, effectual and pieafant remedy ever offered to the public, and far the fatisfasion of the tinorous, the proprietor maketh oath, that this ointment does net «on:ain a single particle of mercury or any other pernicious ingredient in its composition, and may be used with the most perfeik fafety by pregnant women, and on infants newly tori;. Price 3-4ths of a dol lar each box. Patent Indian Vegetable Specific, For the cure ol Vensr«al complaints of every dc fcription: An extensive trial of near four yeats, has proved the Vegetable Specific to be effectual in expelling the venereal virus, however deeply rooted in tha conftitutior. and has restored health to many who have been bronght to the brink of the grave by the improper administration of mer cury. V.''Jiin tM» period upwards of eight llioufand patients have experienced its falutiry effects. With the medicine i*given, a description of the fympcoms which obtain m every flage of the disease with copious direflious for their treatment, so as to kccompiifh a perfeft curs in the (horteft time, and with the least inconvemsnce yoffible. Infallible ague and fev-r drops. A long eulogium on the virtue #t this medicine i» uvneceffary, as the money will be returned if the patient is not relieved, it never having failed in riajiy thousand cafet, not one in a hundred has had oceaCon to tike more than a bbttle and uuni bers not half a bottle. Dr. Rain's celebrated Anti-Bilious Pills. Whichhdve been uniformly fuccefsful in the cure cf bilious and malignant fevers, and in ail difor deis of the head, llomach and bowels. GoiulancTi Geniuine Lotion—Curcb's Cough Drops—Anderson's Pill's, iSc. £5" T:ike notice, the above valuable medicines, are fold in Philadelphia by William Youug Birch, flationer. No. 17, south fccond ftrect, and by no one elfc in the city. Likewise ohfVtve that the signature of Lee and Co. (the general agents for the United States) it parted on the outside of each without which they can Hot be genuine. Purchalrrs by the dozen or groce will receive a liberal allowance by applying to Lee and Co. Sal- timbre March 18 NOTICE. A CERTIFICATE of on« Share of th; Bar.k of the United States, No. 49110, in the name ol I.ewis Peter Qnirtyn, and a Certificate of two Shares«fthe said Bat,k. No 19119. in the name ol George James Cheimondely, Earl of Cholraon dely, were forwarded from New-York by the Challerfield British Packet for Falmouth, which was captured by the French, and the Certificates 101 lor dellroyed, and for which application is made at said bank for the renewal thereof, of which all persons concerned are desired to take notiee. CLEMENT BIDDLE. February n This Day Published, By J. Ormrod, No. 41, Chefnut Street, (Price 25 Cents) THE Death of General Wajhington. A POEM. In imitation of the manner of OiTian. By Rev..John B. Linn, A.M. Minister of the First Presbyterian Congregation of Philadelphia. •fc £5" Mr. Chaudron's Oratinn will be publilhed' on Monday morning. M*rch • d. Three Cents Reward. RUN away from the Subscriber on the evening of ths 28th inft. a bound Servant GIRL, named Elizabeth HowcVel, had oil ami-took wit), hcrjthree different changes of garment and money, pro .id, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any p;-r son apprehending her (hall be estitled to t(ie above reward—So cof>» or charges will be paid. N: 6, She had a years and fame months to , , DANT&I HTZPATRICK, Oolten Townrtiip. Jaly. ip. augoft $ ' H ■**. I TE R S Of Richard Folwell, in Philadelphia, •on subscribing to IUI JOURNALS OF CONGRESS, ' From the commencement i Of the American War, in 1774, to the present time, INCLUDING Tie/Reports of Meads of Departments', o' Committees, and other Official and Pri vaie Papers of that Body, now first per mitted to be made public. work will be printed on a fine paper, ani a aew neat tipe, in large oflave. F.av,h volume wiH contain above too parei. neatly bound and lettered. Uniformity in fese.psper, and binding, w»JI be obterwed throughout the work ; so thw, while the u ilcnbers become possessed of a valuable retorii »« ornament may be added to their libraries. The price to fabferibers will be % dolls. 7J ««j pc: volusie, in boards, and 3 dolls, whole bound , out, as the pablilher does not intend to print man roorethaa the number fuol'cribed for, a coiifid«r3- (criW ° n the Pr!C<! bC ex P cdtd to nuf'-fuby Each volume will contain aWt one third left ° Li'» r "' > an 'i" original edition ; but, as the publnner is not yet enabled to determine the extent o the Private Journals, which he may be allowed to make public, he cannot afoertain th» number of volumes which »itUomprife the wot)-. Payment i to be mside on deliver rc* eneb 'jtlume. ' Subscribers will hive it at thar option, either to iß.ifcribe for the whole of the Journals, up to the present time, or to thou only of the Old Congrels' prior to the organization of the Federal Govern, ment. IN all countries, tha proceedings in the com mencement of their governments, are 101 l in duek nefs and obfeurity, owing to a carelefsneft, in the fucceedin» generation, to prcf.rve the public re cords, and the attention of the nation,in thofertrdo ages, being callvd off from their domestic concerns! to engage in ware and conquest. Of what infinite vjlue would the laws of Alfred he, had tfcey been tranfniittud to onr days? Time, that de.'iroys every thing, enhances the value of Well authct.t:. cated public records, and renders them aimed in estimable. It i* hoped, that Americans will, there, fore, chearfully contribute their afiifiancein tranf. mining to posterity the labours of their anceftore —founders of the Columbian nation. *»* The work will certainly be advanced with expedition and promptitude. The following wist (how the fuppart it has already acquired: " Philadelphia, Juhf 15, 1798, • To the Honorable the Senate and House of Rep. refentatives of the United States. The MEMORIAt, ef the 3ubfcribers,C itizens, &c. of Philadelphia, " 1 R'/prßfullyJ>. eiuethf That having, in onr refpeflive avocations, frequent occafionstb recur to she Journals of Con.' grefs, jrc experience inconvenience by the fcarc-i ---ty of them : That we underhand that Richar4 Folwell, printer, of Philadelphia, has had it in contemplation to print that public record; and that he hath obtained partial countenance from ma ny individuals; but that he has delayed profera ting the work, in expectation of encouragement fro® government, that may adequately indemnify him. We, therefore, refpe&fnlly solicit, as the publication is necelfary to be difTeminated among public bodies, that Cengrefs will, in theirwifdom render him such additional encouragement, to that which he has obtained from private individuals, as to enable kim to proceed wtth the work.so that your Memorialijls may be enabled to purcbaieco 'pies of that record for themselves. Thomas M Kean, John O.Coxe,Charles Heatly, Saoifom Levy,"P. Rofs, Wm. More Smith, John Read jun. William Tilghman,John F.Mifflin, Jo seph B. M'Keafi, John Beckly.W. Sergeant, John Thompson, Jared Ingerfoll, Jasper Moylan,William Rawle, J. Thomas, William Levis, James Gibfon, M.Ktppele, Moles Levy, Robert Porter, George Davit, John Hallowell, James ©ldden, Waller Franklin, James Milnor, John C. Wells John L. Leib, Alexander I. Dallas, Joseph Reed, Thomas Willing, Samuel M Fox, John Niios,Rot>ert Wala Robert H, Dunkin, John £wing,Jun.EdwardPen nington, Hilary Baker, William Nichols, William Young, Robert Campbell Septimus, Claypoele James Crukfhank, Mathew Carey, Henry K. Hel rnuth, Peter Ds Haven, John Duulap, Kdward Shoemaker, John R. Smith, William Hall, David C. Claypoole, Thomas Armstrong, Samuel H. Smith. m&«4w " True copy from the original Memorial, pre ferred to the Houfeof Representatives of the United Statas, on Monday, the 18th «f June ,7 9 8: - WILLIAM LAMBERT, for " JONATHAN W.CONDY, Cierk." " RESOL-W.D by the Senate and House of Rep Gongrefs aflert.bled,That the Secretary of tsieSenats and the Clerk of the House of Representatives, be authoriied and direited, to fubferibe, on such term as they may ducm eligible, for theufe of the Senate and Hou£c of Representatives, for four hundred Copies of the Journals of Congress, which a,e pio» posed to be published by Richard FolweH and such nimber of copies of deficient volumes of the seta now in print,as may be necessary to complete the fame. 4c JONATHAN DAYTON, djm, Speaker of the House of Reprefentasine: President ef the Senate pre tempore* Approved, March id, 1799. mav io A SUMMER RETREAT. v « 70 B£ RENTED, A NEAT AND COIivEJIIENt ON the Fr?nkford Read, two miles from the City, with a good Stable and Garden. Pof ielnon may be fcadimmedjately. For terms enquire ol the Printer. »*■ match aB, At the north-east corner of Arch and Ninth streets, Now occupied by Mr. Benjamin Busby, as a Board Yard. gO® Enquire at No. 318 Ar< . ,iW j£-i>' - 1 " - ..... *- - ffo'.tr#rs XVll. JAMES ROSS, JOHN ADAMS* Xs' President of the United States. HOUSE, TO £B LETi ,T If E LOT, -#> -4. . - V v " . * rawtf diet. street. ytaivtf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers