A NEW MUSICAL UEPOSIT ORY lb lIOV ui'CKSD At Chalk's Circulating Library, No. 75 Kdrtb Tb WHERE xxx bc hld ' cU thf MuU compofinir the lorjjs &c. UttW fold tt the Repository in Seu f h Second Streot. I o which, in a few days, will be added, feme FIANO I"OK. I T.S of a very fupsrior tone and qaaiiry, Flute*, File*, Violin*. be£ Reman Violin Strings and «*«7 other article in the musical line, wkick wiil be fold id prime ordtir, and o* the moll reifoiAbfc termis. Subfcriprior* received fnr rhe Mvjical Journal for the Piano Forte, and the Flute or Violin, the firft fix numbers of which are already pubiito-d, and may be purchafcd together or fcparately by non-fubferibers. March 6,1800 from Manufactory, 4 quautivr or WINDOW GLASS, Of different sizes, rort sMR By ISAAC HARVEY, J»v. N. H. A»yfite»r '«> <*•■>< tMV be wiweJeul lirui thin 18 bv !»."» bf ,,ld mwfo&t iv on hci. eoKiendi ind utemkm given tolmwsrd nil »nv ordrrilhat mav be left for that jHirfl-e No. 9, South Water-A.cet, ai above. jtfly » WAR DEPARTMENT, PROPOSALS WILL be ree-'ved at Ats Office until *"'C fevenlb day of April next for rutting out cloathing for the Army of the United S'ate#.— The propofa's inuft fpetify the price required for cutting out tacfc of the fetera! articles, to wit, H rfeman'scloaks, regimental coats, vtil. and overalls. PROPOSALS willalf >b« received until the fevrnth day of Apri, next fir the delivery of five thtfufand hat» and twenty tliotfand (h:rts. The hats to be made of good wool to be well ma nufaflure.l. full cocked, hound with narrow black bin, » g, the fan «r hind part tight inch es bread, fides and co'tiers fix inche.abroad. The Oiirti t be of linen equal in qua'itv with the pattern article, ind to be an well made as he fa id pattern. One half of the hats and flwU to be deliver- rn or before the *irfl day 0+ J'jne next* a! 1 tii* remainder eiror before tli» 6:ft day ot July iifXT. Pattern* oftlie federal articles iniyb* seen the Military Stores Wept by John Harris,on the wharf between Arch and ftlM ftrtreis. Mc. HENRY, Secretary c 1 War. dt? A. Mitch 7 WATER-OFFICE. C~nt-e sj';ure, Fehia'j J. i3oo. IK cnr.-,)i!:i:-cs wuh t'w iiu'Hiittions ot the Comi-nttrc' for watering tfif city,and with ivV own inrl'r, stions tveiy poflibfe ad-nit t;.i;oc tmtl iiifxrn. ition lus brer, given to thol't citizens who have visited tilt- Works during ibi irprcgrcfs. The Elaine, are now arrived, and are immediately w be put up, and it is hop-d that it will be tbougnt rea 'fo,-.able and jaft, both to the Public, and to thr Contraftor f.jr the Engines, that the workmen fliculd not be interrtipttd. Asa very few months will fully gratify the c.u ritfity of the hy tlicin the Engines in full operation, a t.-mporary ex- Ju'floii of all vi liters from the Elaine Louies <3Uinat appear improper# B. H. LATROBE, Engineer. February 13. dtf. THE UNDE RSIGKHD, HIS Swedish Majefly's Consul General, and au thorized to trani-fi tfce Consular Bofinefii. for hii Ma jelly the King of D'yiniaak iu the United State; of America, redding at Philadelphia, Hereby gives publtc Notice, That in obedience to recent iitilrudions received fto-n his government, it is the duty of all Mailers sf Swcdilfc and Danilh vessels, before their failing from any port in the laid States, to call upon him cr *he Vice Coalul in ortltr to he granted such CetiiScjtes for their Cargoes, which the exigency of the fate of thr Neutral Commerce and the fe ver I Uteres of the Belligerent Power!, rend.r it.difpcriably necessary, and, that any Matter of veffe.ij belonging to the refpcAive nations, or na vifjthij ar.der the p'otedion of their in emitting to tike such certificates, will personally IMnd relpoafible for the consequences. RICHARD SODERSTROM Phil»d*lpM*, iß»hDeceniier, 1799- VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. TOIL SALE, Abeut 25 acres of Land, LAYING en the ea.l fide of the Falls Road.— On the Eatt it is bounded by property belong i»g ro Mr. Tench Francis, f«n —on the south, by a road »f two perches, and on the north by a lane, which separates it from Mr. M'Call. It is propo sed to divide this land into 3 equal parts in order to (ait the purebafers. Also, 31' acres, situated on the weft fide of Gere antown road, adjoining Mafters's estate, being part of the property of the lata Samual Miffiin. For terms apply to Samuel MifHia, corner o' Market and nth iireets. January »4- dtf. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. RAN AWAY on Saturday evening the tjth July instant, frsin Colebrook Furnace, Lancafler county, a Negro Man named Cato, he is about 40 years of age, five sett fix or se ven inches high, tolarable black, with a down tU look, fqointf, he ira cunning artf'nl fellow, a great liar, and very fonij .cf fircng liqoor, has been brought up to the farming bufinels, it very handy at any kind ot labwing work j he to«k with him a runib€r of clothing, amongfi were, one liiit plain Nankeen ; (fume tmn,y). It is expeiSedh« has fllaped hiscourfe for Philadelphia rr New York. The above reward will be paid fnrfe eotino him in any g»ol in the United Slates, with reafomble charges if brought home. SAMUEL JACOBS, Co!rbr«ek Furnact, Jdly 16, »;99-" (O i", dim PRATT fcf KINTZING, No 95, North W«ter-ftrcet, HAVE OH HAND THE FOLLOWING I ENTITLED to drawback which they rJer for _j {i.l* at moderate price* so* cash, or the usual credit ; iirm a credit of 11 or 18 month upon Mortgage' on Real property, in or near the City of Philauclphia, fatisfaAory Ucurity bote* ai.'ibftleaTick- 13 pipes ©id Port Wine lenburghs aj '•OIM fttmbfcn al -60 do. do. Hemp- 'orted. en liner.*. tco boxes Hamburgh 56 do. do. Oana- Window Glass 3by brig<. 10, &c. 50 do Pattcrkorne* 1 chest alTortcd Looking 15 do. Bielfitld Linen*. Gluffes. 11 do Creas and Crcas Stw»! lar?e elegant do. a la Morlair. 1 S°° Demijohn. Brown Rolls. 50 kegs Pearl Barl y. Do. Htffians. A few tons ft oil linm- Polifn Rolls. (lose. Bed Ticks. ao Vdltw Ochre. Siamois. A few hMs. Rofm. Arabias. 40 toi.s Kuffia Hemp. Empty Bags. So bhds. Hu£# BriiUcs. nil Cloth* 2 hhtis Dutvh Glue Shoes and Slippers. ao calks Nails assorted and upper Leather. jd.'to aod. Quills and Saa'ing Wax. J 6 calks Ironmongery. A t ackuge Gold andSil- $ calks lices* v*r Watches. Gei man Steel. A few cheflgToys. 6hlids. Coffee mills. Skites and Pent iVs. Blocking Twine, Tapes, 70 hhds H-vanua Mo Stone Pickling Pots, d Street, lalfes Fe'-iuary 15 March 6, 1800, THE OWNERS OE Ur.feated Lands in Wel'.moreUno county. PennfylvanU, arc hrrchy notified' 'har an (cfi the Tjxm due on [aid hrrls for 1798, arc pah! into the hands ®» Jc&a £/f treafuier of said c'ou ! ity, on or before the -Cth of April next, they will be advertised for sale, as the law ditcCU JAMES M'OHEW, ") HENRY ALLSHOUSE, J. Comm'rs. JEREMIAH MUKUY, J Vanuary 18. d 3 w TREASURY DEPARTMENT. 1 PIM'.I.iC NOTICE IS KEItEBY OIVSN, I Pi.r'uant to l^ v e a& of CWftrffi palled on the i(I day of JuW) one thoi'fand, foen hur drrd ani n »ety fix, entitled 41 an aft regular ' ing flic of* land sppiupriatcd for mill | tary fervicca, a-nd for the foei<*y of United ! Brethren for the gospel among 1 the Heathen and the a/St fupplemeHtary k> tl»e said recited®!# jj*iTtdt»n the tecond day of • Myfcb, osttjuuiand fcven hundred aod tyniiu "t< ivii, I. THAT the trail of L.\rvv' hrrein attvr d?- feribed* namely* u beginning at die North Weft c. racr of the levee rangts of townftiips* and running thence fifty miles ciue 'muli, along the ueftrm boundary er th« raid raigc3 ; thence *lt>e Weic to the Main lira-: ~ 1/ tl:«c Scioto n ve' ; thence up the Mam Brarch of the fairt ri ver to t'ie piste where the h>di»i> boundary line cruCrs the fajne ;—thenee aio%.ibe iaid boun dary line to the Tufcaroras branch of the Muf kii guui riverat thecr..(Gng place above Fort Law rence ; thenr.c deum the fai l river, to the point where a line run itur weft from tlie place of beginning, will intert'eft the fa»d river; thence along the line so run to th® place of be- uinntpp hasbeeu divided ir.fo tuwnihips of five mile, fijuare, and fra*lrona.l,paitj of town- Ijlips ; and 'hat plats and furViys of the said tounlhips and fraAional parts of townftjips are deposited in the offices of the of the Treafory and Surveyor General, for the infpec ticn of a!! perfoßs concerned. 11. The holders of such warrants as have been or (hall be granted ft* military lirvicesperform ed during the late war, are required to present the fame to the Repifter of the Treasury, at fonie time prior to the twelfth diy of February in the year, one thousand eight hundred, for the purpose of beiiiß rejiftered ; No registry will however be made of any ess quaiit ty ;ha» a quarter towr.fhip, or four thousand acres. Nintb. Propofsls to fiipply all rations that 111* mav bo; required at Hackenlae, at Kl'^-abcth- Th« priority of lotai-ion of the warrants which tnwn> at New-Brunfwick, it at may be presented and FCffi(Ure.y all rations recited, faffed on thi second day of March, 1759, that may be requirtd at port land in the Dil declared to be torevrr harre4. trifl of M-iine. G)< uceflfr, Cope AltfK S;letn, Give* under my hand at Philadelphia, th<* Marblehead, Boston. atU*bridge» and at any day and year above mentioned*. other place or places where troops are or may be OLIVER WOLCOTT. . flationed, marched or recruited within the ii- Sec. of the Treasury• mitsof the ftjic of MaOachufetts. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. «ut,,n" May lqtb, 1799. | fort, pla«e or placi-s. where troops are ormay be I"HE proprietors: / certificates ifliied for fob- station.d, marched or recruited within the States fcripfmns to the Loan bearing interest at ° New Hampftiire and Vermont eight per centum per annum, are notified, that! The rations to be fupplie*!. is to consist of the at atiy lime after payment lhall have been made following articles, viz. elghteeu ounces cf bread or of the ?th ir.flalr.ient, which will become due flour, or when neither jaa be obtained, of one during the firft ten days of the month rf July I" 11 ' ol ri «. «t one and a ha.f pcuad ot fitted or en I n ill g, Certificate, of Funded St.-ck may at 1 boul ' e , d '" dian meal ' on j P°" n , ft of their option he chined at the Treasury or Loan ' bnf ' c or °" c J*?* * «'t w Offices, relpeaively, tor the amount of the four I "P?.f ° firft inftalm.nis, or one moiefy of the f»ms ex-i nlta j" .' ' , . f -r . . . r . r • k . •% . XT every huodrrd rations; loan at the rate ol totir pre!T«lin the fubfe. iption certificate :-N'ce.- [ agd „ lhc „. e of . lld iad , tificates of Funded Stock wi , however belflucd f fo J h M- »nted at the Treasury cr Loan Office, menn- Half* gil) per ration, and vine eq«nce of the foregoing arrangement, will be M r> ' c cf (wo " Jrts for £Vcry ~u nJrcd noorled and diftindily marVed 10 as to denote, raUfISS. The propolals will fpecifv cfi« pric/: of that a moetv of the flock has been ifttretj.' t^e (cvf-ai eoni"oi.'"nt parts of the ratit'f, a* wsll OLIVER WOLCOTT, u those „f fobftittttn or ak«rnatW»s for parts Secretly of tie Treasury, thereof. GOODS, Jkc &c unseated lands. March ' 1 ih x -*799 WAR DEPARTMENT, Notice is hereby given, 'IPHAT fspante propof-li will ke received L at the uKUe of the Secretary ot th; De partment of War, until the expiration of the »?th of July next eiifumg. foi ll* fnpph"'* a'' rations, which may be r«*quirtd for thv.- ufc of the United States, from the lit d*y oi o:iob atl rations that may oe required, at any place or p'aee>, or the catt fide of the Mississippi river, below the mouth of the river Ohio to the louthern boundary of ihe (late of Kentucky and within the laid Hate ; at Knoxvi'le i at all ports and places withiw the ftite «f Tenntffee ; at South Weft Point: at Tellicoß'ock Ho-ife; at St .Sevens. or other fort or post on the rivers Mobilie or Tombigby, and any place of places within ihe Cherokee bounda ries ; belt. w the louthern boundary of the ttafe of 1 enneffer and wiih:n the boundary of the United States. Third Propofats to supply all rations that maybe rrqti'ircd, at Point Petrfc ; at Colcraine, at Savannah, and at any other place or places where troop* are or may he ftationcd, marched or recruited wi.hin the Hate of Georgia; at all fort* or j'tations on Oconnec and Alatama ha, and at ai) otbrr places in the Creek nation, within the limits of the Untted States, where tr-ops a e o. may be stationed. Fourth Propofalsto supply all rations that may De required at Fort Johnfton, at Fori PmcL* ney, at Charlttfon, or at any oiher place or place- v. Here troops arc or may be Rationed, marched *«r recruited liv U*e ftatg of South-Ca* fatu&f rolina Fifth. Proposals 10 fupiily all rations that may be required at the Fcit at Wilmington, Caoi f. r; :i Beacon ill-ndi Ocr acock 5 at Ch jfrludf ; a; Pay««c*ilte t at 8»!:ft ury, of at any otbfr pUc« orj»Uc«s w-K«re iroops arc &r roav be : marched or ;n the ftitr of North-Cam'iili-l- Sixth. J-ro oQIs to supply all niiois that may I't* at Nyi o ■ <■' at Kcmpl'viilc, at Charlcttc-vi'ic-; at Winchester a: Staunton, a' Uichmot.d, at Alexandria, st L . ;bu-;, r,t : -J:r: kf/crr at Cirtcrfviilt, • t v. . r a 1 iny oiher pkict or places Vfhere lAonpt arc or Biiy be Cationcc., marched orreciniteri, in the ftaic of Vi. ginia. &*>>cntb. P'opnl'ais to Auyir ail rations that lit ay l;e requirr (5 at Fort to' Henry, at Balti ji.ore, at •: Di!ajiolic, at I*r toWn, a' canard to .vi>, "it at 3!id6nfbXJ^f> at George tow n, at Eaftown, at the Head of l£lk, mil at »wv other .p'ace or places, where lro;-p« arc or mnv be !? >t ©net, marched Of ra »:i i.i e«l within the mars't the state ot M*ry laixl. JH.:ghth. Pr poli's to supply all rations that may be required at Fort Miffii?)* it Phiiadef* phia, at Darby, at Lancaftrr, at Wilkdbarre, at Reading, a 1 Mriftol, at Ycrk town, at Carlisle, at Lewiflown (M flin county) at Bedford, at Grccr.fburg, it Wellington, at £aOown,-;at Wilmington, at Christiana, at Dover, or at any o her place or pla. es where troops are < r may be Rationed, n>ar.r.ed or recruited within the limits of the Mate* or PentfylvaTiia and De laware, except the posts within the slate orPecn fylvania, enumerated in the firlt proposals a foreiai': • The ration* are tat- fwuiOi •«!>» '"A quanti ties at that rhcrc flwll it all tV-i.tfar'h* the term of the propoUJ contrail bt I'uJfci.n: for the ton fu motion of the tfo«p« at M cJi 'imaekiase, D« troit, mod Olwt»!U an the wef tern watrti, far at lead tkrir months In advanc, ot good indwholrfomr | ru«iCoi.s. if the f.-.mc fca 1 be required. It il alf» to be permitted to all »nd evci yoi tit: commandants <■l fortified ptac a, or or ports to call lor at Oafon« when the fan: can betT.nfported, or jt a:iy t m - in the cafe < f nrifei.- cr, >«ch of l!He jineifiont in ».,Tanc«, a» rhr A'trre'inn of the cowman lane IhaUbc deem •llie'w'r It i«-oVeu#dtr ood that th- en t-ulor i»to beat rheeiptiice and rifle of-ITuii g th> fupplic t-» 'he troopvaaJ at all 1 ffj.-. fu.'ai'V d. the d predati-n* of an cue ry, ar ny the tae n 01 the troope of the United Statct, Ihall he ,»ai 'or it the pria? cf t h e article eairur dor dell"ya oA tin drpofirions of two or more perlo.i. .f ere ' tabl. chata.Sk r« and the .trti&a'a fa lomnnflionrd officer, afcrtaming the cireuniHw c » us the left, un-i the amount of the articles, Ur which cotup.fr fation (ball he ciaimed. March »i, ifc9. The j>rivile*a i* to be nndcrrtood t« bercfrrvri to thf United 3?ate»ol raqoiri g. th.ic 1.0 •« ot il c foppWtfs which may he furr.iP.ied unc always require*! at -*\J of the fixed poftsoa ffce Sea-K ardor In lan sri» tieri, not excei mo >th* J A Sacrctjry of U'ar, tawr2< July March 14 GEORGE DAVIS has just received from Dub lin, via New York, a very large Parcel ol Law Book*, all of the latest editions, which ren dw*rs his afl'ortmeot he believes the mofc eitenfive and valuable on the continent. They will be opened this day, and ready for fate at any time af terwards. The fubferibers to that important work, Wert worth's Syjlem of PI a ding arc informed that it is now arrived, and jriU be delivered on application. Blank Declarations fettled and approved by the mole diuinguilhtd Law charalUrs, to be had ef O. D. March 11, TO BE SOLD, A COUNTRT SEAT, ABOUT two milet and a garter from the C%urt Hotffw, on the Ridge :oad, adjoining lands ot Jeremiah Parker ; containing about thirty two-acrcs, divided into f.veral lots, iii.the highest fia'e of Cultivation. There is on it a hand fame, well fiuifhed brick house, altndff new, fifty feet front and twenty two feet deep, with * reuni on a floor, 21 by 22 feet each, and an entry of eight fct Let wees ; three goc4 chambers ©« th» fecondflocr, and three garrrts well fimftled and plaitUfed- In front of the building is a "very good piazza. Adjoining the house is a lat'ge brick kitchen, 24 by »8 feet, two fiori*. high, uith a neat clumber and garret, and a frame kitchen connected with it, one ft(»ry high, 16 by 18 feet near which is a pump of the bed water for every use. At a small ditanec is the gardnet 4 ? house, o* brick, two ftoriep high, with a garret, 16 by »0 feet; T here are a!fo a good barn, hay houO , and a large fbed sos carriages, an excellent kitchen garden, with apple, peach, pear, chilfy ar.d plumb free 4 , in full beating ftrawbern'c* and raw ries. currants and At the lowrr part o( the Jand is a very fine spring of water. Tin house is infurcd. Any pcrfon vrKhir.g to view the nremifr* is re quested to apply at the office of thi* Gazette. April 3 ***** rf Valuable Properly for Suit, !« Chefmt, near Sixth street, dire&ly oppofirc \ LOTofground,about 11 feet front is Cfeef jf\ rut street atf3 73 f«et in depth, whereon is a good frame bouse, now in the tci urc of Sanuel Setige fubjeA to a ground rent of acs. peratanum. The, advAntapeaua fituatios of this property re quires no continents, for it muftbekuown, there are few in this city to equal it, an unecceptionable tide will be made to the purchafcr. Apply to No. 198, Chefnut fl. next door to the premises march / tu.thfa'tf United States, 7 ft Pennsylvania District. J BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, ti< me diief>ed, iffiiedout of the circuit court of the United States, in and for the nia DtftriO, of the middle ci.cuit, will lie fold by public vendue at the city tavern, in Second street, in the city of Philadelphia on Satur day the ilh'tj'iy of April next, at 7 o'clock ir. the evening, ali that certain tract or parcel »l land, fitua'te, lying and being cn the river or creek called Lackawaxei, in the county of Wayne, containing 8000 acres and up'.vard?; on which are erected a riKfluage, (labies and lawmill, with the appurtenances. —The fian.ea of the original warrantees of the fa:d itact or parcel of land were as follows. Mcdecai Roberts, Siop.be/ 3-fcdcra, 7acba> lerris^ Till, Thomas iPiggins, George Mfirton, Gorge Streetcn, Friend Stream, yobn Olipbant, Friz»d jr.d taien inexecution ast'ie pnjtertjr of Robert I.ttt!« Hooper, decealeil. JOHN HALL, Marshal. N. I? A reafinablccrcdit will be given Marshal's Oflfic,.', Pliiliilelphi.i, March 17. * Theft two trafts do rot tent,tin the full quantity of the or igncl *Wi:rravts ; part of t Levi n conveyed aiuav, 7o al' persons •aba cion unseated Lends in \Ffanktin County, State of Pcnnyfaaira : THAT they conic forward and pay their wlpedlive T-iys, (as there is a number of rears'now diif) to PATRICK CAMP BELL, Esq. Trestorer for said Caunty—lf tbev do r.tit, we wiU bt obliged to proceed to inafce sale of them agreeably to law. Commissioner's off.ee, ? Cbemiersturgb, j*.?.ck, Edii'K'd 'i'c-hl-.r, Jan e ? *i*bo >;?psor. , Joseph Wbitebesdy Patrick C j tin oily y Thames Gr-jjjy ? 0 WHfiam Halbert. S NOTICE. ;ameslrvin, "1 4 o'is Hallidat, i.Cora'rs» N'AT.IAN M'ppVEJ^J To Merchants. M' EtICHANTS Accounts elegantly opened. Books neatly and corrtflly ported, with variout other kind* of writing, by a person thoroughly acquainted with account!. Orntbmen extenfirely concerned, may find it to iheir, iatereft to put business in thit line into hit hands, at the fnHefl confidence may be reposed m him and ample fatiifaflion given. Addrcf* a line to B. A. and leave it with the printer hereof F'uUdelphii, March *9 THE PAWTNKHSHIP C * . PETKR FOSTER V Co, l Of Dvck CkEt a*, IN ibe state of D(lawan% being this day dif fulvcl, all per ion 4 having demands against said psrtncrfhip will app'y to ;he fnbt'cribrr, and fin h a* are indchtid to .'aid concern will plcafe to make payment t» PETER FOSTER. Duck Creek, April i. aawiw. PHEPublicar cautioned apaipfl rereivinfrthl * S«i!»fcribcr« Note in favor of, ami ir. for his w;tp, bu.t her ral hufoir.d :stk (TK.ll fiob, who he! rips to her n: a Iter. It is probable they are -n tlit neighbourhood oi a- Icm ju the jerfte-., ssth-y were there ;h Otf o- her l? 2. and by. information, Peter lut. bu:!t himfclf an honfe to live in, between itum Bridgfc and Gold Town; it is likely they may hive changed their names dr.ii may have paffVsj as Vettfr ran write a middling hand ; (T m pro- Sable Nanny has anotherchi'd, as ;t v 2s thought she was in a pregnant state when (he went away. 't he noted Ferrv mar. Charles, \» ho calU hint felf Chares Rodney ; he «rnt ofi *»n the 18th of February last, he is a dark rtjulatto, 2bout f.ve fee; eurht or nine inche* high, about forty years eld, o>O|V, in hit (boulders when he walk s ? kit on his. herd very perceivable —he took 4 with him a f.nali hay marc about 4. or t, yta:s year l old, her in nc trimmed and bob tail'd ; : his unknown, as lie carried off a va- I rictv of cloths ; it is probable he has changed i his name, as ho is a very artful, fcnfible fehow, j he can read tolerably well; it is likely he may hire himfelf to drive a wrggon, being well ac j quainted with that business, driving so" the ar -1 my during the war ; he also perhaps may have : apafs. The above reward will be given for the aforc faid two negroes, viz. Nanny and Charles, if taken out of the state, or twenty dollars Nanpy and child, if taken in this slate, & »ode. Charles if taken in this slate andfecured in jaiV so as I m»y yjet them -.gain. If brought home all reafotiable charges stall be paid by me. cot j A Miroh j. PMNTKD BY J. HP. FTNNO. 3tawtf CAUTION. SAMUEL MIFFLIN. miL's of it. fQZ SAL& jtawtf. JOHN QUIMBY. \