Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 05, 1800, Image 1

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    Df tj)t United States, AND Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
A'vnim 1549-1
The price of ibis Gazette is Eight
Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia. AU others pay
one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di
recting ; and unless%sonte person in this city
witi become answerable for the subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Advance.
%* No Subscription will be received for
•a shorter te r m then six months.
Decern Vr 1 J799
Philadelphia Academy.
Reitor of St Paul's church, ami tormfiiy Vice
tr'vo-f: ol t!.j Uu.vcrj v ol Peiißtylvjnia,
One of the Afliftam Miniftcr* o' Ch ift chuicti
»v. I'eier's,
IMtND to open,
On Tuesday the tstb of next month, f April J
AN Erß'nfh School, in which will he
tauih: Rratlin~, Writing, Envlifli
(tij.r.Ki'.i'*, E!.x.utio:i, and N'a-
2d. A School, iw wl.icfc
will be taught Writing, -Arithmetic, Mer
cahtile-Accounts, Geography ancj the life of
the Globes, Geometry and Trigonometry,
with their application to Mensuration, Sur
veying, Naviiwion, Kautic'af Alironomy,
kc Also, the Principles of Mechanics,*
Algebra and Flirxians.
3!. ACI iffical School, in which will he
taught the Liilin and Greek Languages, in
Conjiin&ion with Chronology, Civil Hip
tory, Khetoric, and the Inllitutes of Motal
A well grounded conviction of the ex e
dinicy of the foregoing plan, has been owr
principal inducement tw undertake it. When
tt is Cortfidcred that this populous and flou
rtlhing Metropolis contains only one Prbiic
Ipllitutioti on an extrnTive plan, and that
many of our youth are obliged to resort to
other States, to neeeiv* even a Grammar-
Schoo) Education, tke Seminary now pro
fjrfed, wilt, we trtft, bf'ttgsrded as eminent
ly ufrful.
Aftsated by these considerations, many
gentlemen, friends :o Science, and to Liter
ary Eftafcli foments, have urged, with great
warmth, the present undertaking, and ex
cited the most fianering expectations of its
Thi>s *rK"pumcfd by the countenance and
yromifed aid of liberal men, no l(ft than } v
« firm tint well-regulated Acit
lfave a moTl Important ififlui-nte
■UpoU TnifTinrrs, habits, and principles ;
h will be our eaniflt endeavor To to con-
AtlA this Seminary of Learning, as to ftib*
fetve the great Irvtcrefls of Relifjiou and
Morality, to promote Decorum of Behaviotrr«
CmreOtiefs ft' Tiflc, Liberality of Senti,
mr.nt, and every otrier irttribute of an Inge
nuous mind, wliidh, in connexion with
good principles, and found literature, con
stitute the cliflinguiflied ornaments of the
andtbe scholar.
The building, for this Academy,
though nflfurdinp; excellent accommodation,
■will be pelinquiftied for a me>re central situ
ation, if Cuch a change {liould be found ne-
A master of diftingoiflied abilities will be
procured to conriucl the Mathematical De
Pertons defiroiis to beemployed is TUTORS
in this Seminary,' :ire requeued to apply,
without delay, to either of the fubfirribtrs,
to whom alio Parents to fend their
childwn, -will plrsfi to make application.
No. 94 Arcb Snet.
No, 101 Pine Street.
Philad. March 28.
Forty Dollars Reward.
RANf AW A V from the Subscriber, living in
Saffufras N«ck, Cecal i'ounty, State ol Ma
inland, r.n Friday the 14th iuft. a nc»rn man nam
ed PET I tt, about twesty-five yens - sage, toler
able black, and Iclt banded. He hasbeen used to
failing l»y water in the Chtfapcake Bay about
twelve lnortUl, and is {mart and aftive—He has
been formerly nfcd to farming and taking care r>l
hcrfes. His cloitl ing he toot with him is un
known. It is tspciicd he has lhaped his course
ir I hibdelphiaer ChdierTow*. and the atore
reward will be paid for securing him in any gea!
in the IJr.ite4 State* an re»io».abk chaiges pai<;
if brought fcom.:, by
N. B All mafterrof vrffrli and all i.tber perfuhs
are forwained of harboring the said negro.
Saffafras Neck, march 18. sawftw
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RaN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York;y,a negromac, named ISAAC, other
wise CUDjO. about 41
of Robert Ccletrinj tfq. He is aheut ,5 feet 8
incites high, ha- a blcmiflt io h» eyes, more write
in them than eommott, hy trade a Fctge man had
on and ttck with him a drth coloured broad clot*-.
coat,'mlmofk new, a l'ailor* jacket and pantaloons
tainted fancy cord, a lwaofdawn striped under
-Ticket*; a roruru hat; one fine and one -eoarfe
shirs one mufim haiidltercr.ief, twq
ditto flriped border, a blue Persian uodcr jacket
•trd two ptir cotto» (lockings. Whoever takes up
faii negro and lodges him in any jail in thii or any
of the neigabonritkg flatcs (hall have the above re
ward or reasonable expences if brought home.
Spring Fbrge, Oa«ber 13,1799.
N. B. As said negro formerly lived in Chefler
-ouoty, it ia probable be may utsrn Act*.
November s
THE snip
D- C. Ma:t,.r.
PHILADELPHIA built, of live oak and ce
dar, will be ready to receive her carjjo at Weft's
wharf in a few days, a«d to fail ab >ut ihe sis
teenth of April. For freight or pa Cage .appfy
to the captain on board, «r to
The following articles entitled to Drawback
Cotton Hose, fine Holland Shirting: Linen,
TlMe Lifwn, Ti. kli»«g¥, Rags for Paper ma
kers, Kullia S il Cloth, Ravens Duck, lrifls
Linens in trunks, London White Lead, t*?y
and ground in oil, Redan Barr Lead, London
Tin in hoxss, Loudon refined Salr Pctre, N'ew-
Castle GNOdOortea, Roman Tea Catwi'»crs,
tlegant Girandoles, ten four ponnd Woolwich
pi oof cannon, double ratified with apparatus
co* nlea r , and a qvaniiry of three and iiine
pi-end Ihot.
march jj
Schuylkill Permanent Bridge.
PROPOSALS in writing wit! be received until
the 1-5 ih d«y of April next, at the office o f
fti« Treasurer of the Schuylkill Permanent Bridge
Company No. I ? Church alley, for a supply of
teK thowfatid perch of tke kft quality Free
one half of which mud be of large dimsnfioi;*,
viz 7to Ii feet long, to 3 feet wide iu the
bed, 9 to 18 inches deep—the remainder to be of
the Czi. which is generally called large foundation
(lone, to be delivered at the ".Veil end of ttiph
(IrcPt, in such quantities and at such times a3 (hall
be required. Price and time of payment to be
JOHN DORSET, Secretary pro tern
A quantity of TILK.R.ASS for mortar wfll be
March 17
ALL p«rfons indebted to the estate of JOHN
If HO JDS, late oi thi» city, deceased, ara
requested to make immediate payment ;~and thoje
having accounts agiinft the fame, to bring them
in, duly atteftcd, for payment to
RACHEL RHOADS Administratrix
March 26.
THE PreprietorE of the Philadelphia and 1 an.
caftcr line of Stagjs tilSPATCH.retuiji their
grateful thanks to their friends and the public in
general, for the part favors they have receivsd.and
inform them that in addition to ihc regular Line,
aid p-ovided with Carriage.,fober and careful
drivers, to go between the City and
Bo»»agh in two da) ». Those who prefer r'nUmwJc
of travelling can 'ir accommodated at the Stage
Office, fignrtf United States Market fireet,
Slough. Dovinhg, Dunwocdy if Co.
Nmi. go. »t—§
ed by the fiiWcriher, lor undivided Shire- or
Lots on hik purchase within the city of Wafting
ton. Who have rot yet applied lor and received
rhcir Deed?, are hereby Lotted, that their fcreral
Titles wi'l be <2uly completed'to the order of those
who in conformity with die terms of the said Cer
tificates, do majee the Payment# in lull therefor,
either to TJjvrttas Co or to the
fcriber at Philadelphia, on or ; r,t any time bejfare
the 31ft day of .vlay next.
December j7
Valuable Estate,
KNOWN by the name of the Booreton Iron
Work*, fitnuta in tie county of Morris in tbe
(tat« of New-Jrrfey, cons.sung of a Forge with
four fires, a Ro»lin# and Slitting Mill, a Grill iniil
with two Run of ftene*, and Saw mill, allingood
order and n«w ia use, together with an excellent,
larjje, .nd convenient lioufe, witfc out K(fwfcs of
every kind ; among which are an Ice hctrfe, and
stone milk house, with a remarkable fine fpring-ro
it, a large Garden, and an excellent tolltdioii of
Fruit, a large Onward, and 2500 acres of wood,
pa ♦ urc and arahk land, and a j»re;t tHimbfr of
(torts and workmen's hok»(. a Immediate poiu-Qion
will be j'iven of houses and Rores fn'ficiotit for
pioviJinp flock the prefect winter, and poffeflion
t-f the whole in the fpriag.
For terms «nquirr of David B Qgden at New
ark, *nr Peter Mackie in lfew-,York,.*nr." ijavid
Ford in Morris I'own, or mcflrs. Jacob audHich
ard Faei'ch on tile premises.
January H
Thfty Dollars licriu<:ra.
ITROM the Marine Barracks 011 the nijfht >( the
V 14th inft —JOHN OSBORN, born in the
towuot P.-Uord, Weft Che'ter county and state
of New-York, ag"J a» years, 9 months, j feel
8 and a qwter inches high, grey eyts (Jongqued)
ligkt ruddy complexion, pock marked, by
trade a shoemaker. Knlitled by Lieutenant Rev
nolds in Stephan'a Town, near Albany the »sth of
June faft Had on and took with him a fbort
round blue cloth coat with a red cape, a blue
cloth coatee, a few white waifteoa's, a long grev
mixed cto'h coat ano breeches, a psir oi hoots, a
checolate coloured great coat triniti-rd with; Hick
hair plalh, t Xurr hat half worn, and two silver
watches, one a .middle fixe, the other fimll. He
may iaipofe hiniltli on Come family or gentleman
as a waiter, «s he has acixt in that capacity
Whoever apprehend# said Defcrter, *ndf«cureshim
in jail, lends him to Headquarters, or delivers him
to any of the Marine officers, or an 7 officer of the
army of the United States fhail receive the tbovt
reward aadall charge*.
Adjutant Marine .Corps.
January 16.
Submitted ttpubhc co Jidtß-ition, at additional
evidences of tbt tfficacy of
Moll Difordtis to which the human body is
JOHN HOOVER, Rop»-maker, South Second
l)»ect. between M*ry and Lfa. iftur. ftreeu, Pniladel
phia, voluntarily maketb oath, as follow*: namely,
<liat hit wife, Mat y Hoover, v*a» so feveiely aflVt£fc v d
wiih vio'eot ihematiTms, v<?ry danjjkroufly fuyated,
the corrfeqticnce of a cold after lying in, as to be con
fined to her bed t<* several Weeks, arrrt was it length
reduced to the nactancholy tfpprtbcn&on ot reni-tning
a cripple for life; i;reinoll refpe&able
medical advice was followed, and every probable re
medy attempted. "When feeing federal cases of cures
performed by Hamilton's Jtffcncs and Eytralfc of
Mullard, were piocuud from Mr. fiircli, No.
■"], South Scrond ltrce?. The firft application en
abled hor to w«ik :hc rocm, and the ulcof e.ic
boitlc rcftorcd hci »u he: usual lute ol health and
Sworn and fubfciioed lo the 25th *!ay of March,
1800, before tbeocix- FergukM», of ;he
Justices ot 1 be Peace to 1 Pmiadelph.a county.
Fourth Street, Philadelphia, voluntarily msketh oath,
as.foilows ; namely, that about eight month* ago, he
caught afcvcre which icftfttd every remedy be
could think of, and p>oduce<l the alarming cf
lc£cs j he could procure no reft for incellant Cough
ing, nor breath-.- without great pain and difficulty,
and was finally so exnaufled, as to be i'carccly able to
walkabout, which left his friends little hopes of his
recovery, though the prffcripf}one of a refpeflable
phyiician'weie corrftamly attended to. lot bis fiiuati
on hearing of ih- efficacy of Hamilton's Elixir, a bot«
tie was procured from Mr. Birch, No- 17, South Se
cond ftrecc ; the firft dole of wbiclweffordcd the molt
furprifng relief, and gave*him more eafc than he had
enjoyed during tbc whqile of the above period, and
before »W content* of one bottle w«ie taken, he was
perfe£lly cured, his strength and appetite recovered,
and not a fy*npu)in of his former diftrefling com
plaints lemaimd.
I he above paiiiculirethe said David Gilbert wifh
esi to bo made public, as a tcflimony of hisgratuude,
and for the benefit of mankind.
Sworn and fubferibed before me the day of
Who may have Children afflictsd with the
This discovery is of firft magnitude, as it af
fords immediate relief, checks fUc prOgr«f», and in a
fhorttiine entirely removes the mpft cruel difoider 10
which children are liable—The Elixir is so perfc&iy
agreeable, and the dose so fraall, thu no difficulty
arises in taking it.
A daughter of Mr. Ewiog Wifty, No. 109, Cedar
ftrert, Philadelphia, wa* dreadfully &fft;tted with
worms, infomin-h mat Iter life was with great ieafon
defpsircd of; her complexion faded and grew pale
jnd fallow ; her eyes Itmken; her appetite was loft,
and fnccced-d -by a painful and cQdftam fickneisat
the ftnmach ; which general waiting«nd debility was
•cccmpanieo with every appearance of a dangerous
fever. From this deplotable fitu?tion (he was reliev
ed, and refiored toaitaieof peife& health and strength
in a fey days, by the use of Hamilton's Worm Def
troying'Lorengcs, which expelled a great uumbei of
large pointed worms, from fix to nine or tweive inch
es m length ; one of which being a m<-ft extraoiduia
ry thickness, (iuppofed • rdmh-ilf airi mch 10 an i.-rch
in diameter) was opened and fou«d to contain a quan
tity of young ones
The above isrommunicatcd hy Mr. Wiley, dS'tv
ing i's peruja''roay be ufelul to by extending,*
the knowledge of a njcdicioe which merits univerial
at'eniion : But this tettimony is on|y a corroborstipn
of the evidence of mork than virry thousand
.persons of eH a£cs, who bave, wihintwepty months
p-it > been curt# by ibis «r.rdic«nc, with the uyjipfi:
ca'e and fafe y, of various comt»lai"*<i. arifinjj from
wo rns and from o£>ftrir6li<»ns dr toalncfs to the Jlo
m«£ha»d bowels.
Samuel Blodget.
Is iccommended at an invaluable tfirdicinc, for
the fpcecVy relief atvel permane) it cure of the various
cpmi>iai<>'s which result I mm (h&paicd picaiurrs, ju
venile indiT reiionS, rc(H<;nrem r
to the constitution; the immoderate ufc of tea, fre
quent intoxication, or any deilru&ive intemper
ance; the unik'lftil or excessive use of nir-r 1 ary ; ihe
di leaks peculiar to aceruin pc-iod of lite;
bad lyings in, Ac.
And is piovcd by lonfi a«d : exteiifivc axperience to
be ahfoluicly uupaiateMed -ir. <he care of nervnus rfif
orders,cofilumptiorta. lowoofa of-fauitt, lAftof <«ppr
lite, imparity rt f the mopd, hysterical iff ftiogk. io
wa«d cramps in the stomach and
back, iudgeftion, melancho'y, gout in -{he flomach,
pains huhe limb , rtlaxatio'is. involuntaryemrfTious,
fcminal weakiwjilek, obi li »«*»<• fleets,' flo«r olbu* (or
whites). impoteney, barfennefa, &c
This medicine is perfv&ly diffcrcnf in its qualifies
and operatian from thpfe hot and iin:atiug,d|Ugs fn
frequently propnfed for similar purposes, and which
only recommend thomfrWcß bf the dangerois rapidi
ty of their cffe&s. <uid which, a&ing. as a tempo-wy
but violent flimn'm on the neivous ivftem, infallibly
produce greater evils than those they ate intended to
1 an-ve.
The prtnrioal ouciation of this r/uirdy is in .the
flomjeh, restoring the digeflive powers, and fending
from that organ new health »nd vigour into every part
of the fyfton. Itemizes and purjfies tlje with
out rtfflamlr'glt; brace, without (hmulatiity. too vi
olently the nervous If ftp en f ft-engthens the fecrctory
veffrlc and the grrenlhabit; brings back the muscu
lar fibres to their naiuial and healthy tone; and rel
tores that nutrition whifik immoderate evacuations,
have deftroycd r ,and whose !q?s nad thrown the whole
frame into langor and debility. f
The.Restorative i» ablolutc'y above all rccemmru
mrndation, in removing rbpfe weakneiTes and in; 1-
mities-with. which many females arcaftl £Ud, the 1.00-
fitjuences ofi-lifficLlt and painful labours, or of inju
dicious treatment therein.
Tbfe most obstinate fetninal gleets ; aud the most
diiirefling rales of flour albu&io females falls patticu
larly under the orovinee of this reftorativcj speedily
yield tO-itt benig-i operation, and are radically cured,
hv correcting-and purifying the acrimonious humors,
t'lloriiig a proper degree of tension to the scUscd
fibres, and fsrengthcuittg the weakened, organ*.
In rafet-of extieroity where the long prevalence
and obilinacy Ol difcafe has- brought on a general im
pGvcnfhment of the fvAem, exceflive debility of the
whole frame, and a waflingof thoflefti, which no nou*
rifhmeot ov cordial could repair, a perfevejepce in the
cfe of this medicine has performed the mOTaftonifb*
| ing cures*
March, i8o«.
Hooping Cougu,
Dr. Hanil'en's Grand Restorative
The grand refloraiive is prepared in pill* as well as
in a fluid form, which assists cofiderably ih produ
cmga gradual and Jailing effect Their virtues remain
unimpaired lot years in a©y climate.
Dr. Habn*& trlfe and genuine
Aed infallible remtt'jr for corns, speedily remov
ing th.*ra root and branch, without firing pain.
The genuine Persian Lution,
So celebrated among the faAiienabk throughout
Europe, is an invaluable coitneiic, perfe&ly inno
cent and fafe, fret from torrofive and fepglbut
mircrati (the basis of othrr fo'ions) and of unpa
ralleled efficacy ißprcvcuti- * and removing utawc
ous hlemifhcs of the face aad (kin of every kind,
particularly freckles, pimples, pits a'ur fro*H pox,
inflammatory rtdncfa, fturfs.tetter sxing worms, fun
Sums, prickly heat, ptcma'urc wrinkles, &c. The
JPcrfiau Lotion operates mildly, without impeding
ijir-t natural, infVnfiMe perspiration, which is cfTefl
tial to health, yet it* ess As a:c speedy and pernta
ncnt, rendering the fit in delicately loft and fn;--«o:h,
improving the complexion ?wd rellorintf the bloom
of youth; uever failing to render an ordinary
countenance beautiful) and an handfomc one more
The D&mash Lip Safve
I? recommended (particularly to the ladies) as ap.
elegant and plcafant preparation for chopped and
fore lipi and every blemiih and inconvenience oc
cafione \ by colds, fever*, &c. speedily a
beautiful rosy colour and delicate foftnefj to the
The Restorative Powder fpr the Teetb
and (Sums•
This most excellent preparation co!h r orts and
strengthen« the gums, t refer ves the enamel from
decay, and clcanfcs and the teeth, abforfe
injr all that acrimmoni«u»4^ c foulnefs .which
luff, red to accumulate Fever fails to injure and
finally ruin them.
Sovereign Ointment for the Itch.
Warranted an infallible and immediate cure at
once using; being the most speedy, effe&ual and
f leafait remedy ever offered to the public, and far
the fau»fa<slion of the tiuorous, the proprietor
maketh oath, that thia ointment does not eontain
a single particle of mercury or any other pernic-'ous
ingredient in its composition, anJ may be uied
with the moil perfetf fafety by pregnant women,
and on infants newly bori:. Price 3*4ths of a dol
lar each box.
Patent Indian Vegetable Specific,
For the cure ol Venereal complaints of every dc
fcription: An extenfivc trial ef neai four years,
has proved the Vegetable Specific to be effectual
in expelling the venereal virus, however deeply
-rooted in the co»ftitu:ion, and has reilored health
to many who have been brought to the brink of
the grave by the improper admiaiftration ol mer
Within this period upwards of eight thousand
patients have experienced its talutary effe&s.
With the medicine is given, a delcriptioo of the
fymp turns which obtajux m every ifage of the disease
with copious dire&icjosf'jr their treatment, so as t®
acpojnpliih curem the (horteft time, and
with the lcaii inconvcßiiince fofljble.
Infallible aguC and fever drops.
A lor-gr on the virtues this medicine
iiimneteflary, as rhe money will be returned if
the patient is not relieved, it n*ver having failed
in thouland cases, nut ooc in a } iitfdred has
had.nceafion to ukcjaqre, tt«an a bottle aad cum
bers noc half a bp:tle.
Dr. ffzbn's crlebu :-:d' Anti-Bilious PiVs»
Which Inve been uniformly fuccefslul in the cure
cf bri:«)U9 and malignant fevers, and in all disor
ders of the hwad, llpmach and bowels.
viand's Lot.ian—Curcb's Cough
I)r&p 4 indcrso,n's f ill's % (Jfc,
gf" Take noftce. the -Wtfc vaJwable melicines,
arc l/)Ui in Philadelphia by Yrnag Birch,
{, No. *7, foiuh fecund Areet, by no
one elfc in city. :*iscwifc ,obf.jve thaC l h e
of Lee and Co. (the genera! agents t»C
the Uiiited.Scate>) it pasted 011 the oufftde of each
without which fhey cart sot be genuine.
by the doz.n or groce will receive a
liberal allowance by ap« lyifcg to Lee and Co. Bal
March ?8,
A CERTIFICATE of on# Share the Bank
l\ of the United Sta'cSvNo *9l 10, in the name
oi i ewi-i l»eter <)uirtyn, and a Certificate ot two
Shares«f the faifl Bat.k, No 49119, In the name
of James ChelmonUely. Earl of Cholmon
dely, were lor waited from Njew York by the
C'hefterfield British Pack«t for Fal-nouth, wJ-ad<
was captured by the French, and the Certificates
IoA or deftrcyed. and for which application is
made at r.*r.k for the rcrvwai jhersof,pf which
ail pfcrfons concerned arc dcfired to take notiee.
February il
This liay Published,
By J. Orxrod, No. 41, Chcfiiut Street,
(Price tj Cents)
Death of General Wttfhington.
In imitation of th« manner of Oflian.
By Kcv. J. H« B. 1 inn, A.M.
Mlnifttr of thv.Firft Pic(bj,teri»o_Cofgrcgi cion
of Phi-addjiliia.
gpT Mr. Chauilron's Onttpn *i II Jbe. put) lifted
<j» 'Monday Qi«* oiftg-
Mfcfcb zs. 4.
Three Lents Reward,,
Ron a»*J from the fuMaihtr »'n tbe.cra*Dg
of th« »U1( iifl. a bumi Strut QHtl..
bumJ Slinfawh. Htwckcl,. hatl.oa*a<U<sk. mitW
htr|rbree different ch»ni;tr» ot jrarmetHJ34p>ootj
proud, bold tod impudcot, a notcd(y»r j, toy p»r-.
f©n »ppfch«idicg facr ftiAl l*<e ««titi£d tA'thc
rqwnmW-oo cefcw>rth»rf«s
N: B, She-had a years and feme months to Serve
Qolhen Towoftip, CM* fcoa»y,'J»ly.«9.
Of Richard Folweil, in Phtiadeipbia,
frofti the commencement
or ii>e American War, in iyj4, to
lie present tii'-e,
tie Reports of Heads of Departments, 0'
CoimtuiteeSy ard other Official and Pri
vate Papers of thnt Body, now first fter
mittcil to tc ni-de public.
THJi wu«k will be printed oh a fine p a P er »
a new w*t ape, in large o&avo.
fach Tolumr wib coatam above SOQ pages,
neatly bound add lettered.
Uniformity in fizr, paper,.and binding, will be
obkrved throujhofc: the work ; so th»t, whist the
fubferiber? bccopie pofleflVd of st va'.uaMe record,
au ci r,an?Kut may be added to their libraries.
Th§ prjcft to fubferibers will be 2 dolls. 75 cts.
"£e: volume, in Loardft, arid 3 dolls, whole bound ,
but, as the pwbblher does /)ot intend to print mafi
mofe than the number fubl'crfbtfd for, a confid«ra
ble nfe on the £ rice may be cfycAed to noh-fuby
Each volume will cMuxn about one third l|fs
of letter-prefvilnn the Original etiiticn ; hur, as tnc
piiblifber is riot yet en & bled to letermtD* the extant
of the Private Joarriafe, which he tn3"y"be
to make public, he cfpnoi afochaid th<» number of
volujnes whi:h wiHccxnjt rife the work.
£jF Payments to be r,u*de on dtiroery of e&cb
'volume. ,
Subscribers will htfve it at their option, eithff to
fubicriue for the whole of the Journals, up to the
preient time, or to these only of the 013 Conj*ref»'
pr*>r to ttei crgawzatitfn of the Federal Govern
IN all countries, tha proceeding* io com
mencement of their governments, art lot I in datk
r.cfi and obfeojity, owing to a carelef»aefs, in the
(ucceeding generation, to pref-rve" the public re
cords,and the attrition'of the nation,in theferuic
ages, off from thefr domestic concerns,
to engage in wars and conquest. Of what infinite
value would the laws of Alfred be, had they been
tranfmittsd to o*r days ? Time, that destroys
every thing, enhances the value of well authenti
cated public records, and renders them almost in
eftirnable. It i* hoped, that Americans will, there
fore, che&rfuliy contribute their afTittancein trarif
mitting to posterity the labours of their anceilOrt
—founders of the Columbian natioa.
* # * The work will certainly be advanced with
expedition and promptitude. The following w ill
(how thefupport it has already acquired:
" Philadelphia-, June 15, 179
•• To the Honorable the Senate and Houfis of Rep*
refentatives of th# Unkeu States.
(( The MEMORIAL of the Subl'crib«r»,Citixeas,
&c. of Philadelphia,
' 4 Refpe3fulljJle<weth,
" That having, in our reipe&ive avocations,
frequent occafiows to recur to the Journals of Con-,
grels, we experience inconvenience by the fcaroi
ty ef them : That we understand that Richard
Foiwell, printer, of Philadelphia, has had it in
contemplation to print that public record; afld
that he hath obtained partial countenance from ma
-11 y individuals,; but that he has delayed prefect*-
ting the work, in expe<slation of encouragement
frsm government, that may adequately indemnify
him. We, therefore, rdpe&tirily iolicit, as the
publication is n«ceffary to be difleminated among
public bodies, that Congrcfs will, in their wifdem
render him such additional encouragement, to that
which he has obtained from private individuals,
as to enable fcim to proceed v/fth the vrork,fo that
your MemariaUlts may be erablcd to purchaTe co
.pies of that record for themfclves.
>'i hotnas M Ivean, John I). Coxe,Charle*Heatly,
Sanifom Levy,T. Rofs, Wm. Moore Smith, John
Rea<j jun. William Tilghmap,John F. Mifflin, Jo
fephß. M'Kean.John Beckly,W. Sergeant, John
Thompfbn, Jared Ingerfoll, Jasper Moylan,William
Rawle, J. Thomas, William Levis, James Gibfon,
M. Kcppele, Moses Levy, Robert Porter, George
Davis, John Hallow ell, James Oldden, Walter
Franltl'in, Milnor, John C- We-lls John L.
I,eib, Alexander I. Dallas, Joseph Rtcfl,Thomas
Willing, Samuel M Fox, John Nixor,Robert W f altt
KohjertH.Dunkin,John Ewingjtn F.dwardPen
ningtpn, Hi!*rj Baker, William Nichols, William
fcow"g. R °kcrt Campbell Septimus, Claypoole
Jknres6t»i feank ' Mathew Carey, Henry K Hel
mut)*, Peter 13* Haven, John Duuiap, Edward
Shoemaker, John R. Smith, William Hall, David
C. Ctaypoole, Thomas Armstrong, Samuel H.
" True copy from flje original Memorial, pre*
fented to the House of Repr.-fentatires of the
Uaitcd States, on Monday, the i Bth ef Jur«
'79* >
° RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Rep
reftntatives of the United States of America in
-Gongrefs afTcmbled.That the Secretary of tLeSenate
and rhe Clsrk of the House of Reprefertatives, be
authoriic<i and direded, to fubferibe, on such term
ut they may daem eligible,tor the use of the Senate
and House of ReprvJ'entatives, for four hundred
Copies of the Journals ps Congrcfs, which a,e pro
polcd to be published by Richard FolweU and such
i.unber of copies of deficient voltupesof the sets
row in prinr,as may be necessary to complete the
Speaker aftb ' Httufe tjf Repre/entalives.
PrtsiJvnt t/ tie Senate fro tempore.
Approved, Mxrch 2d, ijiij.
mat so,
ON the Fr?nkford Road, two miles from the
City, with « £«od Stable and Garden. Pof
icffu>R be tad immediately. For terms enquire
of the I'riuTr.
At tbt nortb-east corner of Arch and
Ninth streets,
Nov. occupied by Mr. Brojaoin Busby, as
ijßoard Yard.
|C7* F.nqu re at H». ai« Arch street.
Manb if. 3tawtj".
■President »f tlx United ■ St sites*