tfrctign Jritelligeita. ' LONDON, January 18. A letterTrom Coble 11 tz f.iys, tl he new form ofa'fe- of state's office fpr India affairs ; Mr j]uriver.>rrient of France ; but it is probably the only means to gain time.— lodllliatt the French councils, .and weaken their efforts on the real theatre of the war, it is perfectly politic in Great-Bri tain to threaten an invasion In Britanny; and, by way" of diversion, even to carry it into effeft—The port of Brett itJituated in a Peniafula, the iftbmcs of which, from LT>rtriit to St. Brieux, .isnot more than 50 geographical miles over Could a fqret ■Qe landed, iVfficient to occupy this Penisl'u ia, even for a few days, the French fleet tMuft either come out, afld ri(k an engage ment, or be burCif'in their own harbor.— But lay the opponents ofall continental ex peditions, this attempt would be Equally un prolperous as all those we have ever been engaged in. Granted ; —and yet it might be perfe&ly proper to undertake it—For if it obliges the French to keep, at home an ar my, suppose of 50,0 c© men, wbo would otherwise be fighting at the frontiers ; even the apprehension of failing in it ought not to deter us from undertaking it—Poll'efifcd of the undisputed empire of the fca, we fhotild, on the contrary, endeavor to con vert the'land force we maintain to the gene ral advantage of the common «aufe.—That an iaimenfe eflablilhment of between two and three hundred thousand men, be fide 3 the Ruffian auxiliaries, (hould be solely kept up far the purp«f« of home defence, now that eur fleets alone are equal to the task of re pelling ineafion, is inconQflerrt with com mon sense.—Either, therefore, the army mud be reduced, or what is more el igible perhaps, employed effectually to the annoy ance of the common enemy,-and that too, in the mod vital and vulnerable quarter ; for the Chouan country cuts Brest entirely of from the reft of France., MUNICH, January J It is now certain, that 110,000 Ruffian troops art to proceed to the Rhine. Th« Ruffian army under the command of Su worow, which is at prrfent in Bohemia, will enter the Bavarian tirritory on the-id of February. VIENNA, January IC. The state of our military force has been published in the gazettes. They amounted on the ift of January, to 3JJ.00 ) fighting men, of which more than 30,000 nre ca valry." This will Hill be augmented by the recruits. PARIS, January 26 A decree of the Cenfiils has given the Generals of the army of the Well power of life and death over the inhabitants of the countries where the constitution i» ,fuf p-nded. FRENCH REPUBLIC. 5 be First Consul to tie Army of the West. Paris, 15 NivoP-.—-Jan. j. soi Disas, w The government has taken measures to enlighten tfie inhabitants so long milled in the western department*. Their claimi were heard before their lenience was pro nounced. Their complaints .were attended to, beca'ufe their griefs were jufhfiablr. Bu-t the niafs of the well disposed inhabitants have laid down their arms. There are now hut robbers, emigrants and hirelings of ; E d, Frenchmen hired by £—d ! 1 his could not be done but by men without forelight, without heart, and without honor. March against them ; you wijl not be called upon to fliew any great exertion of valour. The army is Composed of more than lixty thou land brave men—Let ine learn ftlortly that the chiefs of the rebels have lived. Let the generals Ihew the example by their acti vity. Glory is only to be acquired by fa tigues. If it could be acquired by residence in great towns, or in good quarters, every man wouldbein polleffion of it. Soiditrs, whatever rank you occupy in the army, you "fliall always be accompanied by the gratitude ef the nation. Te be worthy of it, you tnuft brave the intemperance of the fcafons, the frofl, the foow, the excessive cold of the' nights. You mud surprise your enemy at -break of day and exterminate those wretches, who are the difhorinr of the French name. Make s brnf hut brilliant campaign. Ee inexorable to the brigandi, but oblcrve a severe discipline. " BUONAPARTE." A capital situation for a Board Yard, 70 LET, FOR the vending of Lumber, or Plaifter of Paris, a Counting Houl'e and Lot» in High above Ninth ftrett. The litustion it the best in the city for either of the above purposes, the lot extending from Mukei to Filbert flreot, and having a large front on each (tract. Apply at No 37. South Third Street. April * FOR CHARLESTON, SOUtH-CASOLINA Daogst, jun. Master, WILL fail in fix days. For freight or paiTage apply .to the matter ©u board'at Walnut Street Whar', or to ABRAHAM VAN BEUREN, No. j09,50. Front flreet. FOR SALE, ON BOARB said brig, too boxe'Baftr>n Chocolate 5 pipes ,'lolhnd Gin S hhds. and 3 barrels N.England Rum t cafe* Essence of Spruce Wrapping Paper, He. ■larch »9- iati (hall have before that time l'urniihed their accounts prnpcrly attc fteu to WILSON HUNT. Msrrh lj A COUNTRY SEAT. f 3teod ; FOR SALE, | r j HAT handforat Country Seat, belonging to I I the eftare of Zantzijiger, decealed ; ' ft;uated on Schuylkill, near Gray'® Ferry, coatain ing about a I acre* ot land, on which is ere&ed, a | laTg*, commodious brick houfc, three rooms on a floor, with a largo piazza. A good barn, coack houfc, &c. and a pump ot excellent water. The buildings are nearly new, and in good condition There i» alio oA the prer*ife9 a noted Rock, called whifiji is one of die deft landings anu tithing places on the river, i'he garden is large 1 and rcry prntiui&ive, a* i* the temaindcr of the ■ land which lays high, and commands a beautiful view of both rivers, the city and the neighbour hood* I Pofleflion can be had immediately. j A further defcripti«>n is tteemed it is expected'the premitls wilt be viewed previous ■ to a I Ale, and the price, terms ot payment, 3c c. will be made known by HENRY ZANTZINGHR, Administrator to said estate, No. jfl/, Market street. N. B.—ln cafe the abave property if not difpo . fid of at private sale, it will then be fold at the J Merchant'* Cof&e Houfc, on Saturday the a6ih inft. at 7 o'clock in the evening. J aprilj THE HEALTH OFFICE Is removed- to Ofo. 141 South From Street, , Nraflhe P'lTliridge. April J. '' diw 4pS NOTICE. Afliog aflignee dtao mw& PROPOSALS BY WILLIAM COBBETT, For importiog the following periodical pub- licatinns 1. The British Critick; 2. The Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine j .3. The Gentleman's Magazine.; 4. I.e Mercure Britapique, or The British Mercury. THE hritifh Critick is a regular Review of all the works puSlifbcd in Great Britain ; it is conduced with great impartiality and abi lity, and of tfce numtrous publications of the kind which do now appe-r, and which hare appeared in Great Britain; it is uuiverfally allowed to be the best. [Price 50 Cents.] The Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine is as its title seems to indicate, rather more con fined, as to the nature of its fubjetfs, but it certainly is not less calculated for cxtenfive uti lity. This work is divided into four depart ments: i Original Criticism—2 A Review of the other Reviews- 3 Orcafional E flays, in prose and verse—and 4th, A Monthly Summary of HP'ory and Politics Every fix months it has a supplement, containing a review of foreign works, not forgetting those of America. The Anti-Jacobin dwells Irfs on fubjtlts which are merely literary a«id fcientifir, thaii on those whidi have a more immediate influence on so civfy. With a bold and mafierly hand, it cor rects the blunderings of cwor, traces the intri cate windings of mifrepreTentation, and strips off the naafk 0} hypocrily. The avowed cham pion of the church and the slate, it fpare9 ;be enemies of neither, jrhethcr open or fec;et; ands fccrning the punilanimous defenfive, up on which the friends of truth have too long ailed, it carries on a continual and vigorous offenfive warfare against anarchy, immorality, and irreligion, and thus |eftabl»flies by its uni form condudt, its right to the title it his as- fumed. [Price 50 Cents.'] 7be 'Gentleman*s Magazine, a work flapped with the approbation of three score years, con fi(|* chiefly, of communications from amiq'ii ries and cultivator?, and of original eflays, in verse and prof? written by the moll tearnrd and ingenious men in the kingdom, and embracing by (urns, almost every fubjeCl interesting to man. The miscellaneous part or the work is followed by a fele&ion of authentick foreign and d«e, a Bill of Mortality fifr L-ridon and its environs, a taVilc of the average prices of corn, and of the iiocks, f r every day in the month : So that work must ever he entertaining and ufeful comp»nioo, not only to those who are of the learned profefiions, commonly so called, but t© the merchant, the farmer, and, in short, to fvery man, whatever may be the fubjefl of his itudy, or the objed\ of his purltoit [Price 40 Cer.ts.] Le Mrrcure Br'tamnque, or, Britijh Mercu ry ;by Munfieur Mallei lJu Pin.— [ his work, of which one number is publirtird every fcTi night, in FretKh and in EngffH, tommcnceti'in Auguit 1798, and i- continued with tncrrafing fplrit esd celebrity. It is b> th hijtaricatand cri tical; it contains a fnmmary, and 13 the r*po fitory, of all the important events, tftuhlilhed farts and public infiruments, which relate to the present era ; it invclligarcs points of fait, of politics, and national rights; it extends its view over ill the nations of Europe, examines the conduf! and discloses the motives of their ref pedlive courts; it it in (hurt a brief and compre hensive history of the times, equally remarkable ,for the elogance of its style, the profundity of its remarks, and the foundncf; of its principles. [Price 50 Cents.] These four works comprise every thingVfeful in the periodical wiv. Gentlemen may tub fcribe for all, or for either, of them. The firft order is intended to be feist off on the id of May nest; the fuccelfive numbers will be re ceived at New York in two months upon an average after, their publication in London t so that those which are iubferibed for on or before the ill of May, wiij be received in September ; after which they will wiih very little irregula rity, come to hand once a month, the importer having made fiich arrangements as cannot fail of lecuring punfluality on the part of his cor respondents g? SuUfrriptions will he received from any part of America, by J W, Ffnmo, Philadel phia. No advance 'S required. The prices are but four cents a number higher than in London. Afrit 3. FOR St. THOMAS'S, THE SHIP Thomas Chalklcy, F Thomas Kenny. Majief M Saili faft and c*pr^iet No. ir; (nj.polite the Sugar Ho«fe) Chrill Church alley. N. B— None but pcrfpn! of grtittel »ddref» and asirity need apply. *ptil» 3* Wafca* a*» uKtftffrif • fur/s to* idis ■ ■■ ftiiid ctatMj-1 aper>, to the pro pped plan ofpi*cur»ng ah accurate Map ofNew- Jeffey, immediatsly after their appointment tr_nf*' mitted printed copies of the plan to various persons in the leveral' comities of this, Hate, an -J in the cities of New- York and Philadelphia, an# fii!ce that tim», through the medium of the puHic prkitly have rctpiefted the gentlemen CfrtrUfted with those papers, to return the number of fnhferincrs .by,; them rcfpetfiively to Jamic* Salter, Vfij. at Trenton, on or before the 6'h day.of fetru-.r/" lail. The number of lurfcriptioHs trceived.not*- am. unting to two thousand, the commifijooer* . did not conceive themfelves-authorised to f:.r a uay. for the meeting of the company; nevertheless be ing ef opinion from r«fpe?fable information, that the a&ual fuWcriptions are nearly, if not fully, adequate to the complete organization of the com* pany, if they crrtild be afceriained by regular re turns, *and- being convinced that a trifling degree of exertion, on t.-e part of ,thcVerfons Iwidir.g t-fce fu'fcriprion lifts, would enable them to'carr.y rkc intention of tji* fubforibm into effeil, they have by the unanimous advice and coftfeet of the fob* /cr-btrs, whom they have been able to coniulr y fixe J on the i4th day of May ntxt, t «*iag the ad . day of the fitting: of die fupre'ue court, for a jaat9t* 4 ing of the fid»fcnber« at it o'clock in the forenoon,/./, at the S'ate; Fl;>uf« in I'rentou, lor the purpofie of cle&trg Trullees-and a Treasurer, jf the (lum bar of -fabfcrrptioßt (boutd be luflicicnt, or m i,uy event to determine on th« measures neeeflVy to fe curc the.attainment of an objeA so ufeful to the state. . From the unjfterfal approbation exhibit/d by their at tiie commencement of this under'akmjc, it W2« to he exptr&ed jliat the sub- 1 fcriprions returned would paveenftfrcd its mime-' . diate fxreution, and the cqnimiffioners are purfua- a ded if proper attention is paid to the procuring of ful:fcnption», to their pvrf&ual return at the time fixed for the meering. and to the attendance of the fubfcfibors,cither in ptrfor or by proxy, that *• lartht-r delay will take pace in cojninancir.g the operation? of the company, in time for thai r exe cution during the courle of the enfying fummcr. I&'II.MAM PJE:\RbON, ") M V ; KRLE'AING, [ Cafiiteri. TH / ASM POTTER,} Trenton, March%%, 1800. N. B. Subfcipti->n capers are left with the fol lowing (among other) gentlemen, ia their respec tive counties, to whom those perform deilrouj of promoting the objcdl of the company aic r»qucfted toafply.* .-iJ Wm. Campfioid, Esq. - Morris- Gorfhoxn Dunn, Esq. * Middlesex Artis Sragrave, Esq. Salem. Silas Dickerfon, Elq. Sussex George Burgin, Ffq. Cumberland, Wm M'Eorsin, Esq. Somerjet. -* William Lloyd, Eiq. Monmouth. Joseph Haßkinfon.Efq Hmterdon. Pcrer Ward, Efij. Bergen. . Charlc* Clark, Efq The above gentlemen, with all others holding fubfeription p cptr-, r c particularly requeued to forward the original fubfeription papers, to James Salter, Esq. Trcal'urer 011 or before the 14th day , of May next. Ma*-ch 16, WAS LOST. WHEREAS a Promiflary Note of IV. Broun* ger, dated July 16th, 1798 for the furti of £l3O sterling, payable to Mr Tl/omas Button or*-* order so» value received *f 'Thomas Flatber, Lon don, wasfhortly after the said date left at the bar of the Pennsylvania Coffee House, London, inclo sed in a parcel addrefled to Mr. Patrick Bridgetoiun, Weft North America, to be*forwarded br the William Perm, Captain JoGah, for Philade!- Q phia. The said parcel and note have by fume b eiijenr be#o onifcarricd. and up intelligence Li® l etn obtained of it—lt is requested that any pe. - full holding iach note will give notice to the Prin ter of this paper ; Jr.d on j roducing the fame within two month* alter the irtfertion of this ad-» vsrfifcment (hall receive twenty-four dollars rt- ward. N. B. No greater reward will b<* offered, as tfirt note can be o( oo use but to the owner. Bridgetown, March xj. (A. a.) ADVERTISEMENT. THE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR SALE, Two very valuable Farms, SITUATID IN the township of Spruigfictd, and county of Burlington, containing about two hun dred acres each. The Woodland and Meadow', of which, there it a fufficient quantity, it not inferior to any in the State. To attraift the natice of persons residing within the county of Burlington, desirous of purchallng good laitd, 'til only necefTary to mention that these fa:res are parta of that cellent traift of noo acres lately owned by» Samuel Bullus. The terms of sale will be made conveniant to the purchaffr and may be known by apply ing ta the fabferibers. Thqfe who may wifli to vicrw the land, will plesfe to calf on William or Ifracl Shinn, the present occupants. SAMUEL HOUGH, JOSEPH McILWAINE, Attorniu in fail fir Jib* HuHut and Rutb ■BttUuti Burlington, New Jertey, March il, lßeo. MU-VJ Essex. 5 Col*? dim