Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 04, 1800, Image 1

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    |&tatfS» ***> Philadelphia Daily
- *' * • •". *-■ *r 6
/fvhifk 1348.]
The (trice of this Gazette is Eight
Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay
one Dollar additienal, for enclosing and di
recting ; and unless,some person in this city
will become answerable for the subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Advcnce.
*«* No Subscription will be received for
a shorter term than six months.
DectmVr i J 799
LYINQ on the Votomac Rivur, county of Nor
thumberland, li ate oi Virginia ; containing
u jov ll4vO 3erc«—-its situation i tqualtoany o'her
in tlie N*»r:hern Neck, lemarknbie lor evtry kind
of widfowl, oyl#er% fifh and crab, and none bet
ter fr.rhea'i'hi lr isabcut the farce diliance from
Baltimore, Alexandria and Norfolk, ananotnure
tlun one days fail from either. Th*re are three
improved plantations with dwelling h*ufes, the
c n- known by the name ol Exeter former
ly the residence col John Gordon, is an dlegaiit
brick house, with four roorfii on a floor,
and a passage fix'ten wide
The othrr two art-commodious and convenient
ly fitted, wi h good and fuitahlc out houses, at one
vi vvi'ich J >h» Murphy, Esq. (now of Weftmore
iand.county) lived ft veral years;on this farm there
is a good gri.'l mill, with water fuflicicnt to turn
any number of stones ; al£*> convenient store hi u
las and granaries on a public road, well situated
for a country /lore. On each of those places there
arp fine apple and peach orchards. The greater
proportion of 'he laud ia of the firft quality, aud
rear the half of the whole heavily timbered. The
terms may beknev-nby applying to Wm. IJ.l J . Tebbs
Baltimore, Fcufnce G. Teljn*, cfq. of Richmond
county., Virginia, or to Thomas Murgatroyd and
Sons, Philadelphia.
Feb. 14.
, Vnitki> STATK*, ?
fynnsyvunia District, $
BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas to
me dire<Sted, liftied out of the DiftriA Court
oftheOnitcd Statis. in and for the Pennsylvania
Diftricfc, will be fold by public vendue, at the City
tavern, in Second flreet, in the city of Philadelphia,
011 Friday the 4th day ©f April next, at fix o'clock
io the I undivided third part of two oer
t<m* Messuage and Lots of Ground fituate,on the
south fide of Walnut ftreet,in said city, beginning
at the corner of John Wall** lot afnd extending
south wardly 7 9 feet 6 inches to ground of Miers
Fiflier, F.fq. thence well wardly 54 fact to a corner,
thence Southwardly a» feet 6 inches or thereabout
10 ground of David H Conyngham, thence weft
wardly 46 feet to an alley, thence acrofsfaid alley
33 feet to a corner, thence eaftwardly 46 feet,
thence northwardly to Walnut Ureet 47 * ca »
ikanee eaftvrar.tly 011 the ♦aid flreet 54 fe*t, to tlu
plate of beginning, fubjeil to a rent, charge of
thirty five founds p<*r annum, with the use ayd
privilege ©f the said. alley, running into Dock
f.reet; all those City L ots marked in the general
Plan No. 1537, 1738. 1539. 1540, 1541, on the
weft, fide of Third fireet Irani Schuylkill, between
Locust and Walnut streets ; 15371 containing in
breath frxty feet and in depth 247 feet 6 inches ;
the others being contiguous, contaia in breadth
250 feet and in depth 247 feet 6 inches; all thole
City Lots numbered 1393, 1394* J 395»
>397 and 1398,011 the north fide of Walnut flreet
let ween Filth and Sixth streets, from Schuylkill
being eath of them 66 fcet in iront and 235 feet
in depth. Also, all that mefiuage and tra& of
Land, partly in Lower Dubliu townfbip, Philadel
phia county,and partly in Montgomery county,
containing 19 i-» the fame more or leis.
Seized and taken, in execution as the property of
John E)onaldfon,Efq
JOHN HALL, Marshal.
Martial** Office, March 17, 1800 ' eotS.
Of the (Sty of Philadelphia, UIEReHANT,
ON the 9th day of Aug. 1 %{sgn?d all .his
tfcate, real, perfttfjal and mixed, to JOHN
—All perform indebted to the said Thotna* Haw.
thorn or to th« late honfe of Hawthorn and Kerr,
are desired to pay their rjrfpf<Hive balances to
February at
Forty Dollars Reward.
RAN AWAY from the Subscriber, living in
Safiafras Neck, Cceeil County, State of Ma
xylaud, on Friday the 14th inft. a negro man nam
ed JPE f'J BL, about twenty-five years of age, toler
able black, and left handed. He has been used to
Tailing by water in the Chesapeake Day about
twelve months, and is smart and a^live—He has
bicn formerly »fed to farming and taking carc of
horses* His doathiug he took with him is un
—lt is expeded he has (haped his course
for Philadelphia or Chester Town, and the above
' reward will be paid for fecaring him in any geal
in the United Sti-.tca, an.! reasonable charge* paid
if brought home, by
N. B All maftera of vcffiU .anti all other persons
are .'orwarned, of harboring the said negro.
SafTafras Neck, march 18. «aw6w
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from Spnng Forge, in York
Qotuty., a negro man, named ISAAC, other
wise CUD JO, about n year« #ld, the property
of Hobert Coleman; kfq. Hfi is ab«ut 5 feet 8
inches high, ha: a Uicmifh in eyes, uwte wnife
in them th?*n common, by (fade a Ferge man ; had
on and toqk with him a drab coloured broad cloth
coat, almofl new, a sailors- jacket and pantaloons
printed fancy cord, a <wanfßown firiped under
zcket; a rorura hat; one f:ne anl one coarse
shirt 4 one muslin handkerchief, sprigged, two
ditto ftripedbordu, a blue Persian under jacket
and two peir cotton (lockings. Whoever takes up
fai4 negro and lodges him in any jail in thie or any
of the neighbouring states (hall have tke above re
ward or reasonable expences if brought home.
Spring Forge, Odober 13,1799,
N. B. As said negro formarly lived in Chester
cfunr y, it is probable he may rctifrn that.
November 5
Acting Assignee.
3 taw 6 w
jfgTillihghast, Master.
PHILADELPHIA built, of live oak and ce
dar, will be ready to receive htr cargo at Weft's
vrharf in a few days, and to fail about the sis
teenth of April. For freight or pafTage apply
to the captain on board, or to
The following articles entitled to Drawback
Cotton Hose, fine Holland Shirting Linen,
Table Linen, Ticklings, Rags for Paper ma
ker9, Rufiia S il Cloth, Ravens Duck, Iri(h
Linens in trunks, London White Lead, Dry
and ground in oil, Red an \ Barr Lead, London
1 in in boxss, London refined Petre, Ne v-
Castle Grindstones, Roman Tea Canni'tcrs,
«legant G randoles. ten four ponnd Woolnieh
pr®v>f cannon, double fortified with apparatus
compleat, aad a quantity of three and nine
pound (hot.
march 31
Schuylkill Permanent Bridge.
PROPOSALS in writing will be received until
the 15th day of April next, at the office of
the Treafurcr of the Schuylkill Permanent Bridge
Company No. 1 1 Church alley, for a (apply of
ten thowland perch of the best quality Free Stone,
one hall of which mud be of large dimenlions,
viz 7to Ii feet long, to 3 feet wide in the
bed, 9 to 18 inches deep—the remainder to be of
the size generally called large foundation
(lone, to be delivered at the Weft end us Hij;h
flreet, in such quantities aud at such times as (hall
be required Price and time of payment to be
JOHN DORSEY, Secretary pro tcm
A quantity of TERR ASS for mortar will be
March 17
ALL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN
MHO ADS, late of this city, deceased, are
requeftedto make immediate payment; —and those
having accounts against the farae, to bring them
in, duly attested, for payment to
RACHEL RHOADS Administratrix■
March 26.
r Prwprietprs of the Philadelphia aud L an-
X carter line of Stages DISPATCH, their
grateful thanks to their frwndsAnd the public in
general* for the past favors ihcy l.ave rectiwd.ajw
inform them that In addition to the regnlat- Line,
thty are povided with Carriages, sober a»d careful
dri)|tiu, to go through between the City and
Borough in two da) s. Those who prefer this
of travalliug can be accommodated at fthe Stage
Office, sign of United States EagU, Market flreet.,
. Sloughy Downingy Dunwoody &C 9.
Nov. 30. «[ 2t—§
ed by the ftilfcriL>cr, .'or undivided Shares or
Lots or. hi. purdjafe within the city of Wafting
ton, who have not yet appliqd for and receiv-jd
their Deeds ate hereby not*6ed, that their fcveral
Titles wi.l be duly .completed to the order of thole
who in conforijiirr with termi of thp said Cer
tificates, do make the Payments in full therefor,
either to 'Thomas Af'Euen & Co. or to the
fcriber at Philadelphia, on or at any t»me before
the 31ft day of vlay next.
December 17
Valuaile Estate,
KNOWN by ti?e name of the Booneton Iron
Works, fitnate in the county of Morris ia the
flat* of New-Jcrf?y, confining ot a Forge with
four fires, a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill
with two Run of ftenes, aud Saw mill, ail in good
order and now in use, together with an excellent,
large, and convenient house, with out houses of
every kind ; among which are an Ice house, and
stone milk house, with a remarkable fine spring in
it, a large Garden, and an excellent tolle&ion of
Fruit, a large Orckard, and 1500 acres of wood,
paP.ure and arable land, and a great number of
stores and workmen'* houses Immediate pofleflion
will be given of houses and flores hifticicnt for
providing stock the present winter, aHd pofleflion
<»f the whole in the lpring.
For terms enquire of David B Ogden at New
ark, mr Peter Mackic in New-York, mr. David
Ford in Morris Town, or mefirs. Jacob andPich
ard Faefch on t&epremifcs.
Januarv n
Thirty Dollars Reviara.
FROM the Marine Barracks pruhe night of the
14th inft.—JOHN OSBOR'N, born in the
town of Bedford, Weft Chefler county and state
of New York, aged years, 9 months, 5 feet
8 and a quarter inches high, grey eyes (long qued)
lig!*t hair, ruddy complexion, pock marked, by
trade a Shoemaker. Eniifl,ed by Lieutenant key
nolds in Stcphun's Town, near Albany the 15th of
June last Had on and took with him a lhort
round blue cloth coat with a red cape, a blue
cloth coatee, a few white wai(lcoatß, a long grey
mixed clo*h coat ana breeches, a pair of boots, a
checolate coloured great ccat trimmed with black
hair plulh, £. fyr-- hat fcalf worn,, two silver
watches, one a Kiiddle lize, the other fmali. He
may impose himfcll on some family or gentleman
as a waiter, as he ha 9 a&ed in that capacity.-
Whoever apprehends said Defertcr, and fecurrs hizn
in jail, feods him to Headquarters, or delivers him
to any of the Marine officers, or. an / officer of th«
army of the United Stat-i (hail receive the above
reward aad all reasonable charges.
Adjutant Marine Gprps,
January 16.
Submitted h publtc coijiderafion, as additional
evidences of the efficacy of
Mod Disorders to which the human body is
JOHN HOOVER, Rope-maker, South Second
street. between Mary and Christian llreets, Philadel
phia, voluntarily makcth oatb, as follows: namely,
that his wife, Mary Hoover, was so fcvcrely affli&;d
with violent rhematifms, very dangerously situated,
the c>>nfrquer>ceof a cold after lying in, as to be con
fined to her bed for several weeks, and was at length
redjced to the melancholy apprehension cl iem fining
a ciipple for life ; tfie mod refpe&able
medical advice was aud every probable re
medy a tempted. feeing ievcral cale* of cures
peiformed by Eftence and Extiaft of
Muflaxj, they weie pictured Ifuni Mr. Birch, No.
17, South Second street. The -full application en
abled her to walk acrefi the room, and the ufeofene
bottle rcftored hei to h<y ftate of health and
John hoover.
Sworn and to the 45th *'jy cf March,
' 1800, bcfoic IjbeccECr Ferguson, Efq one of the
Juiliccj ot the Peace fur Philadelphia couniyi
DAVID GILBERT, Toyman, No. 4 6, South
Fourth Street, Philadcijpliia, voluntaiily nukeih oath,
us follows : namely, iH% about months ago, he
caught a feere cold, v/'fit.-h refilled every remedy he
could think of, and produced the most alarming cf
tefts j he could procure no reft for inceflant cough
ing, nor breathe wi h iut great pain and difficulty, 1
and was finally 1o exh J u:led, as to be fcaicely able to
walkabout, which Id;his friends |ittic hopes of his
rcrcvery, though the prescriptions of a resectable
phyfi:ra i were conftariiiv a-tended tp. In this ii.uati
on lira ring of t\tc tfficacv of Hamilton*# Elixir, a bot
tle wds procured trorr Mr. Birch, No 17, South Se
cond ftre;t ; the firfl dose of which afforded the most
furprifu.g relief, 4nd r ivc him more ease than he had
enjoyed during the v. i ole of the above period, and
before the co.items of one bottle v. eie taken, he was
perfcflly cured, his iferength and appeiiie recovered,
and no'- a symptom ot his former diftrefling com
plaints remained.
'1 he above par;icu rithe said David Gilbert wish-
be made public, »s a testimony of his gratitude,
and for the benefit 01 rnukind.
Sworn and before me the s 4th day of
March, ißoe.
Wh» may have Children arflictsd with the
This difcovcry is 'of the firft magnitude, as it af
ford* immediate u. f, clucks the progress, and in a
(h:ut time entirely rtJßoves the molt cruel diforderto
which -Jjr' Wn arc 1 «£ :» —The Elixir iafo perfectly
tye?*b-.e, and the dcte so imaii, that vb difficulty
a rife 3 in taking it.
A daughter of Mr. fcwing Wiley, No. 109. Cedar
street, Philadelphia, was dreadfully f»ffl.£ted with
worms, insomuch that her life was with great reason
defpairedof; her complexion faded and grew pale
and fallpw ; hci eyes sunken ; her appetite was loft,
and fuqcecded *by a painful and constant fickceis at
the stomach ; which general wailing and debility was
accompanied with every appearance of a dangeious
fever. From thi& dcplorabie ficuit on she was reliev
ed, and lettered to a aatc of perfect health and ftrcngth
in a few days, by the use of Hamilton's Worm Dcf
troying Lozeogcs,. which expelled a great uumbfci of
large pointed worms, from fix to nine or twelve inch
es in length ; one of whicH being a mod exnaoidina
ry thftknefs, (supposed 'roro half an inch 10 an inch
in diameter) was.Opened and found to contain a quan
tity of young ones
The above is communicated by Mr. Wiley, believ
ing i r s peru'alpiay be u'eful to many, by extending
the knowledge of a medicine whichmerits uiiivcrUl
at»rrition : But this teflimony is/Oaly a corroboration
of the evidence of mo« k thak nf it thousand
persons of ail ages, who have, wirhintv/en:v
past, been cured by this medicjne. with she urmoft
cafe and fafety, of valgus coinpU mi, from
worms and from übftru&ions or foulneis >in the sto
mach and bowels.
Samuel Biodget
Is :ecommendcd as an invaluable medicine, for
the speedy relief and permanent cure of the various,
complaints which reful.t Irpm d.fTipated pleasures. ju
venile indifcretions, in clirrptej unfavourable
to the coniljtution; the immoderate use of <;ea, fre
quent intoxication, or any other deftru&ive intemper
ance; the unfkilful or exccflive use of mercury ;
di r eafes pcculiarto females at a certain period of life;
bad lyings in, &c.
And is proved by long and extensive Experience to
be absolutely unparalelled in the cure of nervous dif
orders,confumptiona, lowne r s of spirits, lofsof appe
tite, impurity ofthe blood, hysterical afTc£tio«», in
waid weakneffes,violent cramps in the stomach and
back, indigeflion, melancholy, gout in the stomach,
pains m the limb., rela*atipi>s, involuntary emiflions,
fcminaJ weaknesses, obstinate gleets, fliur albus (or
whites) impotency, barreruirfs, Arc.
1 his medicine is.perfc&ly different in its qualities
and operatian from thole hot and irritating chugs so
frequently proposed for similar puroofes, and which
only recommend themselves by the dangeroas rapidi
ty of their cffe&s, and which, a&ing as a temporary
but violent ftimu'us on the nervous system, infallibly
produce greater evils than those they are intended to
The principal ooetation of this remedy w in the
fiomjeh, restoring the digeftivc powers, and fending
from that organ new health, and vigour into every part
of the system. It enriches and purifies the blood wirh
out mfliming it; brace, without (Simulating too vi
olently-the nervous fvftem: strengthens the secretory
vessels and the general Habit ; brings back the muscu
lar fibres to their natural and healthy tone ; and res*
tores that nutrition which immoderate evacuations,
have destroyed, and wbofelofs hadthrown the whole
frame into langor and debility.
The ReAorative is absolutely above all rccommcn
mend at ion, in removing thole weaknefles and infir*
mi ties with which many females areaffl dad, the con.
dicious treatment therein.^
The mod obstinate fcminal gleets ; and the racft
diOrelfing cases of flour albus in females falls particu
larly under the province of this reftorativc; Ipeedi'.y
yield to its benig., operation, and arc radically cured,
by cor retting and pnrifyingtfic acrim6nic>u» humors,
reflating a proper degree of tension to the relaxed
fibres, and ftrengtheoing the weaken«d organs.
Io cafcsjof, extremity ,the lon& prevalence
and obfiinacy of Hifeafe has brought on a im*
povertlhmeot of the system, exceflire debility ps
whole frame, a wafting ot the which no nou
rishment or c6rdul could repair, a in tl.f
life of this medicine nas performed (he most aftonilh*
ing cures-
JENNINGS, Alderman.
Dr. Hamilton's Grand Restorative
The grand rcftorative is prepared in piils as well as
in a fluid form, which a (lifts considerably in produ
cing a gradual and letting effeft. Their virtues remain
unimpaired for years in any climate.
Dr. Habn's true and genuine
And infallible remedy for corns, speedily remov
ing them root and branch, without giving pain.
Tbe genuine Persian Lotion,
So celebrated among the fa(hi«nable throughout
Furope, is an ir«V4luable cosmetic, pcrfe«stly inno
cent and fafe, free from corrosive and repellant
minerals (the bafta of other lotions) and of unpa
ralleled efficac/ iiajsrevcntir.g and removing utane
ous hleniilhcs. of the face and flcin 6f every kind,
particularly freckles, pimples, pit. afttr (mall pox,
inflammatory rednefsifcurfs,tetters, ring worms, fun
burns, prickly heat, premature wrinkles, &c. The
PerGan Lotion operates mildly, without impeding
that natural, infenfibie perspiration, v.hich i&cflen
tial to health, yet it? cff,&s are speedy and perma
nent, rendering the skin delicately foft rind fmoorh,
improving the complexion and rettdring the bloom
of yonth; never failing to render an ordinary
countenance beautiful, and an handl'ome one more
The Damask Lip Salve
I? recommended (particularly to the ladies) as a»
elegant and pleafaot preparation for chjpped and
fore lips and every blemifn and inconvenience cc
tafiorel by colds, fevers, See speedily reftof-ing a
beautiful rosy colour and delicate foftnef* to the
The Restorative Powder for the Teeth
and Gums,
This mod excellent preparation comforts and
strengthens the gums, prcferves the enamel from
decay, and ckanfes and whitens the teeth, abfarb
ing all that aenmmoniom flimc a«d foulncfs,which
luff-red to accumulate never tails to injure and
fiually ruin them.
Sovereign Ointment for the Itch,
Warranted an infallible and immediate cure at
once using; 'being the most speedy, effectual and
pleafast remedy ever offered to the public, and far
the f<rttsfa&ion of the timorous, the proprietor
maketh oath, that this ointment does net contain
a finale particle of mercury or any other pernicious
ingredient in its composition, aad may be used
with the most perfect fafety by pregnant women,
and on infants newly bori:. Price 3-4 th* of a dol
lar each box.
Patent Indian Vegetable Specific,
For the cure ol Venereal complaints of every dc
fcription: An extenfivc trial of near four years,
has proved the Vegetable Specific to be effe&ual
in expelling the venereal, however deeply
rooted in the eouftiturion, and has restored health
to many who brought to the brink of
tXe grave by the improper administration of mer
wary. • r-
Within this period upwards of eight thousand
patients have experienced its. salutary effe&s.
With the medicine is given, a description of the
fyrrtpron«s which obtain in every stage of the disease
with copious directionsfor their treatment, so as to
accomplish a perf<r£t cure in the fcorteft time, and
with the lead inconvenience poflible.
Infallible ague and fever drops,
A long culogium on the. virtues «f this medicine
ii u'sneceffary, as the money will be .returned if
the patient is not relieved, it r&ver having failed
in many tboufand cases, not one in a hundred has
had crc-tfion to take more than a bottle and num
ber. not half a bottle.
Dr. Habn's aUhrcad Anti-Bilious Pil's,
Whuhhdve been uniformly iuccefsful in the cure
©f bilious and malignant fever.*, and inalldifor
dirs of the head, ilomach and bowel*.
Gaivlchd's Gen'ntine Lotion—Curcb's Cough
Drofr— Anderson 1 s
Take notice. the abrve vllaable fne Hcinet,
are loldin Philadelphia by William Young Birch,
flationvr. No, 17, iouth frcond ltier.t, and by no
one tjfg in tVe city. Likcwife that the
Ggnature oi L'e" arid Co. (the general agents for
the United States} it f ufiyd on the outfidc ofceach
v/itho -t which tfcey ea"'-*6r he genuine.
Fmchafers by the doZ'-n or will receive a
libsrsi allowance by applying to Lee and Co. Eal-
At tbeir Store 'Ne. 5 Cbesrut Street, Iqve
FOR sale,
The following Articles, viz.
Fir ft quality Ruflla Hemp
Rtifiia Duck
Brandy in pipes, fiift and fourth proof
Madeira Wine in pipes and half pipes
Claret in cases
Winter and Summer prcfled, Spermaceti Oil
Spermaceti Candtls, and
Hyson Tea, latest importation
March 14.
A CERTIFICATE of on« Share *f the Bank
of the United Sta'es, No. £9120, in-the name
ot,l.ewis Peter Quirtyn, ami a Certificate of two
Shares«lrhe said Bark, No 29119, til the name
of George James Chr lmondely, Earl of Cholmon
dely, were forwaided from New York by the
Chefierfield British Packet lor Falmouth, which
vva9 captured by the French, and the Certificate®
101 l or destroyed, and for which application it
made at said Bank for the renewal thereof, of which
ail pcrfons concerned arc tlefired to takesaotiee.
February a I
WILL he open every day tiritft the'end of May
at Mr. Savage's Rooms, No 70, South Fourth
Mr. Savage refpe&fully isiforms the Ladies an 4
Gentlemen of Philadelphia, that'a hands. me col
lection of Paintings and Prints executed by levcral
®f the fir (I matters in Europe, together with some
original American Hiflorica! taken fr»m
the mod interfiling fuhjsdls, a catalogue ©f which
will be Wnfafid to vtitors.
Admittance ore foi rth cf atfoftar-—coriflant at
nateprce will be given.
aprii I
To New York,
By the ftorteft and rnaft pleasant road—pafiing
Shrouph Frankt'ord, Huftlcton, Newtown,
Pennington, Millftene, Bimndbrook, Union
Camp, Scotch Plains, Springfield and New*
starts from the Green Tree, No- 56 Nortfc
Fourth Street, at i o'clock every moraing, and
arrives at New York early the next evening.
From New York it starts at 9 o'clock every
day (Sundays sitcepted) and arrive; at Phila
delphia, early the next evening.
Far# for pafiengers 5 dollar*, way p<flVnf?ri
6 cents per mile. Eaih allowed 1416
of baggage. One bundled and fifty weight of
baggjge to pay the fame as a paflcnger.
All bagg«ge to be at the rife of the owr«f,
unlels insured and receipted for by the tlerk*
of the'different offices. 'Kite of infuranre One
per cent.
*§* Apply to JOHN' M'CALLA, No. «
N-trth Feurth Street, Philadelphia. tod *p
Courtland Street, N. E. corner of Greenwich
Street, New York.
January 3,
This Day Published\
By J. Ormsod, No. 41, Chefnut Street,
Death of General Wajhington.
In imitation of th« manner of Offian.
By Rev. John B. Liitk, A.M.
Minister of the First Trelbyterian Conrreration
of Philadelphia.
C? Mr. Chaudron's Qtarian will be pubiifhed
on Monday morning.
March 15. J.
And for falc at
Sacred to the memory of
Late President of the United States, and
Commander in Chief of the Armies of tht
United States.
Adapted to the lid February 1800.
Bv Richard Alsop.
march 16
Tht Pursuits oj Literature,
To which ivill be Annexed,
Of all the Greek, Latin, Italian, and French
partakes, quoted in the Prefaces,
Vindication and Notes.
TheWorkwill be print
ed from ;h<; last L®n
dptf edition, will
foim a targe, osavo
Tolumc of nbcu? sop
an in
difx which this edition
v ill alone poflcfs.
N, B.—lt is new in the Press, and will
be. finished with all possible speed,
\* Subfcription6 will be received by A- F>lc
kins, No. 25, North Second Street. oppofiteChrift
Church, and J. Ormrod, No. 41, Chefßut-firetft,
and by the principal Bookfcllers throughout the
United Slates.
march %y t
A Summer Retreat.
A convenient and Genteel House. Gtua f ed in
Trenton, to be let or fold. Poffeflion will
be given the id of June next. Enquire of the
March 25
laxfs of Lycoming County
JOHN KIDD, Treasurer,
BY cf the Comm\pioners of Lyco*
ming county, attends at Philadelphia t© re
acive the Taxes upon unfsated Lands in
that County, fr?>m the holders thereof,'in th s
City. Those wfco have filed with the Com
inifTioners, (tatements of their Lands, are re
queued to call upon feiir., to know the amount
ol Taxes therenr., and pay them ; otherwise,
fore his leaving the City, they will be put into
the hands of the Sheriff for colle&ion, agreca
hiy to.the 0$ for raising county rates -and levies
Tfi6f» who hive not filed statements of theii
lands with the Gt>miniflioners, and areclefiron®
of having it done, to prevent fates without ptv»
vivus personal Notioc, mav file with the-above
Treafurar, their lifts, ftaUFg the qu>Btiti*» ;»•
turned, number and dates of the warrant! ard
names of the warrantees, under which they
h*ld Their lands. He will attend at Mr. Jnftrph
H:rdyVNo. 98, Market street fct this purpose
rfc* wh instant.
- d3m,
[forcriUK XVII
(Price if Ccnt»)
It lhall be elegantly ex
ecuted and bedclive*-
edto fnbfcribers at the
mode rate price of iuo
dollars andffty cents, in
boaids. i'o others it
will be rkifed.